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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1922)
faoe ETGirr MEDTOTID MAIL TRIBUNE, MFDFOTiD. ORKGON, WEDNESDAY, NOYEMBER 20. 1922 HE OF WITNESS CLAIMS m oriEELEY. Colo.. Nov. 2. J. A. llritfga, fornu-r school tcnchtr, tOH llfylng today -In tlio trial of foert J. Lowe, .accused slayer ot his slster-In- ta-, Edna Fern Bklnnor of Bloom injjton, 111., doctored ho heard "shrill piercing, and heart rondlnff Bcrcanm of an adult woman," in the Lowe house, on the iiioi'iilnu of July 2, the dny of the alleged eluylns. Mrlggs, regarded as ono of the mate's most Important witnesses, lived next door to tlio Lowo homo at that time. Screams of "Oh! Don't!" fol lowed a tcrriblo sharp doublt pierc ing cry, tho witness said. Then there was a short stifled scream, Briggs asserted, and "a se ries of low moans." ' llrlgga said ho looked through the Window at tho Lowo resldenco and saw, Lowo coming out of tho front door of tho placo and to tho front door" of his own house. He then heard hlq wlfo call the firo department, lipon Lowe's request, ho said. Turn ing back to the window ho saw smoko coming ' from tho kitchen and ran Willi-. bucket of water to tho rear door,- ho declared. The stato alleges that Lowo killed hNi sister-in-law and then set the house on firo to collect on an Insur ance policy he had sold her with him self as beneficiary. BOOTLEGGER'S BAIL INS F. $9,000,000 lily International News Service). SAN FRANCISCO. Nine million dollars In blal-uond money has been dunualted In the federal court in the )Mt evon months to secure release ot HpdnOOO allied bootleggers. Federal prohibition Agent Samuel F. Rutter revealed In statistics made public to day. At pitfsent more than $4,000,000 U on deposit, assuring the liberty ot persons whose cases have not coma (6, trial. Rutter cstlmatos that to permit 'this enormous amount of idlo capital' the bootlegging "profession" must have a capital of (35,000,000 or uiorn.' Hall In cacti case amounts from .Ul'OO to 5000. . - , , -seKator M'NARY aids V; THE FRUIT INDUSTRY In Senator MsNnry tho fruit In dustry of America has a real friend. Bertntor MiNary, while being a law- yef,. Is nevertheless a farmer work Ifrg on a largo scalo. Ho Is Interest vd In' n farm at Salem, Oregon, on Which, he ' raises largo quantities of cht-rrlis, filberts, prunes, walnuts and some general furm crops. During his spnre moments, while he lived at 8a-k-ifl, you could find him on thiH furm He Is a nntionul authority on filberts und gave his own personal attention to studies of pollination, pruning, etc Wh havo had no man In congress who has boon quicker to bring the fruit grower, relief. Wlro Bonator MoNary today and you get a response tomor row. . A year or two ago the Interna. tiotial Apple Shippers were trylnic to ffV through somo needed appropria tions In horticulture; the progress was very slow. They wired Senator MoNary niul got almost Immediate ac tion,- He lias helped get protective tariffs for the nut industry and fruit Industry, tariffs whlrh wore greatly needed owing to high freight rates aiTIl the high cost of production In this, country. He has been vcrv In fl'ientlal In getting through appro prlatlmtH in order Hint tho depart moot tot, agriculture could undertake Certain Investigations which were sorely needed by .the great horticul tural Industry. International Fruit Oi'owr' Magaslnc. Frehih Beauty Gives Kisses By Wholesale' i ' To Montreal Club i , i 1 1 . '.MONTREAL. (Hy I. N. S.) Cecllo Sorol, itaniotis French beauty and setrensi said recently sho did not havo enough klBses to go around. Uut whon members of tho Montreal Reform club clamored for embraces Ceclle hurled her anus around tho chairman, Dr. C. Horde, and Senator J. O. Cusgraln. (loth holMd themselves to osculations freely. Cecllo said: '.'"My, reception In Canada has been 6 hearty that my emotion forbids mo to t)pross my gratitude In fitting terms. I wish 1 could kiss all of you." Unt Cecllo showed nor heart was La tile right placo by waving kisses In all directions. . COLLIDE MAN PAYS HIS ! WAY PEDDLING. "SINKERS' CUCENK, Or. (Ry I. N. S.) "Thru til onlTfulty on a doughnut" intent 14 tfe name of a story based on the prvAj experience of Roland Orne, f rortiant. With two student helpers trrUn make hundreds of dozens of vuahaau each Saturday und disposes f,( ibtrm on the campus and diviidiI K -. Iietween snunry 1 anil June (4 ft ywr the "slnken shiek," ns he m It Hour B, mt6e ftn.QfiA dnughnuts, mnk At ttfritay "holey" day, as one ttmpty wit mtprenwd' It. , . See Our Special Line of TOYS 25c 50c $1.00 'i5 x-.)-j Xyus .... v ! ,!,'';y See Our Special Line of TOYS 25c 50c $1.00 Medford's Big Christmas Store Ready to Supply the Whole Family With Holiday Necessities 80 1 Department Stcres As usual this &tm& is ready early to supply jmw wantSn Lafge shocks of Chiristfiroa HoMdiy gootds now ora dii&py. Ocair tocks swre bmighfl in Izs'g quantities' nd mxld sttr a cloe mTm of prtoik 0 Stores Shop Early and -Get the Best of the : Selections Fisli KnitDrcss Tics 75 and Silk Hose, Phoenix and Buster Brown make, :, 7&to$l.l Wool Dress Hpsc 75 to $l.t Linen Handkerchiefs 30 to 5G Initial Handkerchiefs... 10 to 35 Christinas Sets, in fancy and Christmas boxes, nice assortment..... 5" to $2.(fl! Dvess Shirts.. $1.50 to $4-2 Silk Shirts 4.S0 to $8.50 All Wool Lounging' Robes, Oregon City make, at $12.60 BEADLEY ALL WOOL SWEATEES Makes a good warm gift. Priced $5.25, $5.60, $6 60, $7.00, $7.85 to $9.00 MEN'S GLOVES V Kid, Silk lined at ...$2.00 to $2.80 Men's Dress Fabric Gloves at ....$1.15 to $1.50 Men's Dress Suspenders.. 50 to $1.00 We have everything to wear for men at very reasonable prices. SHOES Ladies' Dress Pumps, Oxfords and Shoes. Large assortment to choose from. Satin Pumps, Military heel $4.95 to $6.30 Satin Pumps, Junior French heels at $6.15 Other new Dress Pumps $5.60 to $9.80 Oxfords in dark brown $-1.95 to $7.50 Dress Shoes ........$5.95 to $9.75 MEN'S DRESS SHOES All Solid Leather Dress Shoes in brown and btafk. Priced $-1.75, $-1.85 to $5.75 Barry Dress Shoes, for men who care to dress well. Priced $7.00, $7.85 to $8.40 Toy $ tar s&ti tfe Kiddies 7 my SmAHimfg Trmm " , Jmfvs &s6 Me fame 7y 8Kit Call vt aeu& San Tkvm Tvy smwA Cit4 Qutr Jhnms READY 70 WEJJft Ladies' Suits in Tricotine, Poriet Twill and Twill Cord, colors brown and navy. Priced from 9 17.JSI to JfSil.lli Ladies Coats, one line, in the heather mixtures and plain colors. Priced at 1......: ftil .tr, $2.0 and 15.CrO Ladies' Coats in Valore, Marino and Glorianna Cloth, some new models; others fur collars and fancv trimmed. Priced at $20.00, $25.CW, $30.0if and up to $95.00 Plush Coats. Priced from $2U00 to $50.00 Ladies' Silk Dresses in Crepe dc Chene, Canton Crepe and Satins. Priced from $10.50 to $37-50 Ladies' Wool Dresses in Twill and Tricotines and Twill Cord. Priced from $10.50 to $35.00 Ladies' Wool Skirts in both plaids and stripes, assorted colors. Priced from $3.40 to $15.00 Ladies' Sweaters a new line o slipons, just received. Big assoil- ment of colors and styles. Priced at $3.00 and $3-35 Ladies' Silk Petticoats. Priced from $2.45 to $5.25 Ladies' Waists in Pongees, Soisette. Priced at $2.75 and $3.35 Ladies' Tricolettc Blouses. Priced at $3.35 Ladies' Waists and Blouses Georgette and Crepe do Chene. Priced from $7-00 to $15.00 Ladies' Bungalow Aprons Large assortment of coloi's and stvles. Priced at 95. Others priced at $2.50 and $3.00 See our line of Baby things Dresses, Caps, Underwear, Hoods and Blankets. All very reasonably priced. . MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Suits all tho new patterns and styles. Suits of quality, at very low prices. . Men's all Wool, Blue Serge Suits. Priced at $23.80 to $33.00 , Fancv Patterns, all Wool Suits priced at....$25-00 to $58.75 Young Men's Suits Young men save money on your suit here. Priced $13.50,' $23.85, $25.00, $33.50 to $50.00 LADIES' THANKSGIVING HOSIERY Buster Brown Silk Hose in colors, brown, black, white at $100 Phoenix Silk Hosein brown, black, at $1.15 $1.50, $1.90 Phoenix Silk and Wool Hose, all new colors. Priced $1.25, $1.75 to $2.55 Best grade Lisle Hope, brown and black.' Priced at 50 T2 hh Mercerized DlmusV T3M and tT! 72 inch Linti;, plain and pttM j3&.S$ to Luncheon Flits Linen... :......j?5.3lto 6.i8l Jap Lunch Cloths...., to 0. Napkins, dozen JjH.JW All Linen Napkins, from, per dozen 6.l3fcto Bath Towels at 13.5, f, 7jt KiHlOj.fctl : per pair Barber Towels at, pair l&f Iluck Towels at, pair ....30, 35, 4Q and 5 Linen Towels at, per pair..... $1.00 BED SPREADS Fancy Line of Quality Bed Spreads 72x81 $1.75 80x5)0 : ...$3.75 80x90 extra heavy $6.80 86x94 .....$5.15 . 80x90 extra heavy $7.00 BLANKETS AND BATH ROBE BLANKETS Fancy assortment of Beacon Bath Robe Blank ets at : $4.55 Indian Blankets, Beacon brand at $4.20 Heavy Wool Finish Blankets, size 66x78 at $2.45 Wool Nap Blankets $3.75 to $4.20 Fancy Wool Blankets $8.20, $8.40 to $11.90 LADIES THANKSGIVING AND CHRIST MAS GLOVES 2-Button Kid Gloves $2-50 to $3.00 16-Button Kid Gloves : $4.20 Chamoisette and Suede 50 to $1.25 HOLIDAY HANDKERCHIEFS Fine line of Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Linen finished Lawns : 10 to 25 Pongee 1 ' :.. 28 Pure Linen ..........25 to $2.75 The Daylight Store for the Whole Family Medford's Big Christmas Shopper's Store li.i'li.iiinUiiil: ti '.iliii:ii;V 'li DON'T FORGET THE CHRISTMAS OPENING! IN MED FORD, FRIDAY, DEC. fST. IE