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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1922)
1IW2 r Medford Mail thidunk! AN JNDtOI'KNKRNT KFIWCP.U'KR rt,'iiwni;t rcvfciiv Arri'.uMxix KXBi'PT Sl.-NtAV WY Till", .MiaX-OIlD KMl.N'TINll Ol. ' Th !Milird KunAiy Kua i.i furnished subscribers ,4i'lrlnt a-seven , day d!)y newspaper, .... - Off ir Mall Tribune llundtng. 2S-J7-: Nortli K'T atreet. Phone A cnsoll.liTttn- of the Iienioerailc Timea. thv klodftrM Mall. Ihe Medtord Tribune, the futhfH Oregonlan, Ashland Trlbuur. Ttiei KOUKfiT W.Kl'HI. aVUMPTBK S. SM1TU. Pdltnr. Manager. ftraaeaxrcioft tiimh BT MAHi In AJe: n. , . iallv. with Sunday "Mil. -L?r -'; lally, ivllh Himday Sun, mJU... j'ally, without Hun.lny tim. 'er 1 (? Daily, without Nunday !un. monte Weekly Mail Tribune, one year..... 'I, Rumla Sun. one Venr 2. BT CAllltlKK-"-In Medford.' AhlHd. Jacksonville, Central ' Point, . Phoenix, Talent: Dally, Willi Bundnv Suit, month..- ,..5 Dollv, without HuiKtay Xnn. momh Dail'v. without Similar Kim. year.. i.f Daily. Willi Sunday Sun, ma year 8.H All terms by carrier, cash In mum. official paper of the citv of Medfoti t pa,r of Jackaon County. Sworn dalty avernp clrciilnli!-" for K niuiiina eiKiini: . wi., i?.i Kntered a iwhh'. cinaa matter at MeilfonU Oreon, under Hie act of March MEM BE US OF TDK ASSOCIATED rm:ss. The Aaoolateil 1-reaa la excliiaively entitled to the uae for ri'rl'liili',n of all m-w Uapatcli. cj-oililed to It. or not otherwise oriVited In thi twpor, and aiao the Imal news published lioreln. All rislita of repuVlloailon f sin-cial dlvrtehi'a herein ;ire also rrved. Yc Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. Yes, MillireiiU th public is disu;iiit ed with tho carrvios ons ct perfumel honeyboys, anl- dainty beautiea. aud gosh! hnw they hate to read the color ful details! The sad story of Katcoe Arbtickle l ancient bUtory, out noisy and hiah m'leed lawyers toil on for his ultimate skinificatkm.. Ho", for the days when there was nothing more thrlllins than a plodding hired man cloning witu the pretiy schoolina'am from the wicked city. O! AY CAN YOU SEE THE PINK ELEPHANTS , " (Chico Enterprise)' Leo Plunkett was brought here last'" Ft Hay from West Point rn a charge of insanity. It is stated that the Imbibing of "white mule", at Sheep R3nch was the cause of his downfall. He was committed tt? the Stockton State Hospital. killing a cold with moonshine is all the voeue. .but Ereat care should be exercised lest a double murder occur. The French . have .made deductinns front their' war debt to the I S. The I deductions are for trench rent, and deliberate scuffing up of the grass at Chateau Thierry. UnleAs two little girls and a little boy quit acting like Ireland; by fight ing among themselves, they will get their' names, published, herein, and they will not be warned anymohr. . RIGORS OF SOCIETY (Sandy News) : The Ladies '" Club was enter tained last Thursday by Mrs, Gil bert Eri. The following ladies brared the storm. The Portland; young man of a weal thy, family, one. Hubert Berry, who went crazy alter the police accidental ly captured him for hitting an old man over the head with a beer bottle for J3, is stil crazy. He,' had been: arrested at Pendleton for burglary. His insan- ity returned, and he broke jail. The stern judge sentenced him for the first 'crime Jo. a sea voyase, and suhscpient paroles, etc., leave the Impression that the authorities are determined to thwart Mr. Berry's efforts to languish in a'cell. MR. NORDYKE GETS BUSY " (Albany, Democrat) J. M. Nerdyke, one of the directors of the school, was at the schoolli'juse Tuesday morning and helped repair a stove pipe. ' J. M. Nordyke was an Albany visitor j Sunday. . Clara Wade and Dorothy W'iebeig of Albany were guests at the home of J. M. Nordyke Saturday. and Sunday. J.'M. Nordyke was a. Corvallis visi tor Monday.' J.'M.' Nordyke made a trip to Albany Saturday night. A bll-tliday party was held - at the holmeof 'Mr. and, Mrs. .1. M. Nordyke Saturday , in ; honor of their eldest dat)gh'jer, 'Pearl. ' Twelve guests were present, y . J.',,M.' Nordyke got a new calf Mon day ,fro:n Bob Lindsay.' William .Jennings - Hryan still pos sesses the Wind persistency of a gim let, and the running ability of a Rus sian snldier In war. He is going to be a candidate for senator from Florida. Indications, indicate that some more citizens . will sjon -enler un undevel oped field of business, and start a garage.- The weather will soon be fit to plant a jitney line to a point where nobody ever goes. Arrests for bootlegging are fulling off., ;it has nit been determined yet whether this ii due to increased slick lioss on the, part of the bootleggers, or because the keoneyed UopB are getting bo they can hear a yell for help, as well as an alley -gurgle. All old-world monkeys, with one ex ception, have tho mime number, of tooth iim iiuin, HARDING AND THE H ATT, is mi txiH'(mivo luxury. llnrilinyr. whatever his'1:iults In hi ml dross, sit the closin'of the Washington oont'civneti. ii will ho, ohsorvi'd thnt'tlie President riuvfully avoiils tiny poiuteil vrfcrrnri's tlmt might offotul the s'onsihilitios of liis irnlrri'ssor. llo world-sliNttci'iiisr spiritual ilLsoovory, lie does not liony t hat similar efforts', ha voMieon nindo in tho inst. All ho dors claim is that-here, for the1'irt time, sivmetltinsr, actual toward a re- ji'uotioii in arms htmlieon noooiuplislird. ami without oroatiiiv' a suor- (voiiinioiit, jroj;ms litis 1 en niado, toward orgatii.injr tho world ..'or pence instead of war. A lioinoly kindtinoss Dervmles everything tho l'ros'ulnt says. t'oj hi nod with an HinplV supply of common souse, it Tonus Air. lltmluin's joust striking and most .valuable rlumiotorist?i e i With Senator-hotlo the reaot ions' arc dc?ioVdIy different. hatred of ' Kx-Pi-osidont ilson that t orv art ion and ovory uttoranoo. MT. Sonstor lxulsio iuw promises to atUpt tho uttitiulo toward tho ashilton .OonforoilOO, M lnoil Prosidoilt Wi 111, so' Huft.rt IUWttt'I.V ssis'Vtloptod toward the Paris oonforonoo. ' Aeoordin'.to ri'Hirts froin-Washinotoii, whoii any iinpoil,'ot:i.n m lli.i nriiw n.'irli'V nl.-liK :rc liiutod. tho .MiUssaollllsotVs soiiator so'S rod. 11 will brook no .su's:ostioiis. ho t'ooopts the trossiny: of the i.jiIy on the other foot. 't" and There is a iioneral impression today that the llariliifv prou'iain will pass tho senate, lint overly optimistic partisans should not fots :vt that a similar impression prevailed, tho day Wilson's heau'tio was latified in 1'aris. Opposition to any world agreement is hound to vrow as the days pass by. lh'osident Hardin? had very little to d with the aotual formation of the program, but his spirit toward it will havu a srroat ileal o do with its final fate. Just so far as ns the I.odsro attitude fails to prevail, will the opposition to tho new i j-i raniiemeut in the Pacifie. and the new agreement for arms rodue tiou, dwindle down to its proper plane of ineffectiveness. Quill Only a Hays. in the movies is it possible to olear the atiuosphta-e with The throe U's of the old Hapaoity. The maddest woman on earth is the one who buys a perfect love of a hat and sees its mate on a woman she doesn't like. The evil that men do lives after by the opposition party. Just because a four-power treaty j that it is a'cpiadvran:le. The budget system. will help, of course, t eods is less budget and more system. Hays' experience teaches us that land to get into the movies, after all. Learn one new thing every day. tiie baby's dress will keep the floors Still it's easier to get a square peg in a round hole than to got a square deal iu a sphere of influence. The world survives in spite of a brokeu heart, but statvsuiea art warned probably wou't survive a broken back.. That Florida man named: Hell who was arrested for bootlegging seems to clinch the argument that it doesn't pav to tfive a dog a bad name,! . f- , - , i , ; RippITngRhqmGS THE HOTHEADS. w H LA150U at tin- daily grind, each in his wonted fashion; and some continue mild and kind, and some are in a pas sion. Some workmen cannot fix a chair, or ply 'a saw or chisel, but -they begin to sweat and swear and language sizzle... They grumble like a house a fife, both in and out -of season ; tliey 're in a chronic state of ire that has no cause or reason. And one such, delegate will spoil the ardor of the many, and kill the pep of those' who toil at loom or spinning jenny. The hothead is a total Joss and none admire his capers; we're not astonished when the boss gives hiin his walking papers. How different the quiet gent! No stormy wrath delays him;' he calmly sfives to earn the cent that his employer pays him. Sidestepping noise and fuss anil strife, he draws his weekly money, and gives a nickel to his wife to make her days more sunny. Whate'er the tool that he may ply, a cork screw or a spanner, lie wields it with a beaming eye, in niost. effic ient manner. Then comes the boss, some pleasant day, and says, "J. Keuben Smirkcr, we add nine kopecks to your pay, for you're a dandy worker. Your influence is mighty fine, you do no use less wailing; you keep the other boys in line, and liarniony.'s prevailing." : 'HIT THE LINE HARDER WHEN. BUSINESS 'Fl DKVIL'S "When the I.AKK, X. inar hini ry l-'eli. huiiiii'ss 'slows up, turn on a Utile into-i; utentii. Strike hinder mill oftoni r ami you'll got the nriler. That'i iiy ailvico to all lui'i-i hauls. " Fred I". Mann, who i-taifh l the inei-oliandiHing world Wy liiiildlng up 1 0 PACIFIC TREATY. It is t luxury in which lYoMilont. may ho. dors uAt imhilyjo. is posit ivrlv maLiutiaut. Otjors By a strango irony of fato, llltU'O- will oonsidor no'ooinprnmisi's. llo the tlottiiii; of tho "i" tliotum. his attitiulo prevails and just so fai Points diplomatio sehool are Haiti, Iiavairo and them; the rood is often repealed has four sides, it Jo?sn't follow itut whut the country it isn't neeessarv to kill a 1ms- A little floor oil sprinkled on shining. a $i;rii,0(iO retail husiin-MM iu s oiin- I try town of IMKI p(.,p! doesn't lie (if. Iho . ilell iiise w-jiiom lieve in the philosophy w ho i;uit sei at rhlng !- tire Kfarco. "If business allows nny liidli'iitimi of fulling off, 'we put on noire pros sure, We may i tit ilmvi in evei '-'do- JL SB T ml - 1 il TELLS RETAILERS fpuiliucttl. hut ,,,n'i , mi ill vin- oiluiiisliiir one foul In fact, w spend inor.v ( 0 iiu. people itim.v wlmi wo linvc, 'AO'I lli . I'lan , ll.lH W II 1. I'll HUOOOHMlUlly, t.MI," ( )W Hlll'.UJHfvillv , Illy HllllWIII't TXlUlll U.lkOllV III. I1 l.lljilnsllv ! IViiiiii il 1'rom aiiylnu Itm liU lYlonda In IVvl 'm (4ilu K- nun In mm, Willi II Sl.tiOO Nl,l. lf M'.M-Vl't, K lnn'trhl "ou llinv" (in I fl'.' "i Imi'iuw imI li'.iHi I'l l, futlii'i- ilt i ay Hie ixirVtts. Mr. Minn ! tiii'i,t id,. IiuhIiikm!. rtliit li toiliiy. is (In- n::irvi'l ,.f Aini i'liaii r,. lull .1 null'. "ILiW tCil ytui iIm il " is (ho uili'ic iin, iint I'lViuiuiKlv i t In tho' Iiiiko Ninth Iknkulim, wlui Ik am feel fivo Imhca .tall ii ml aUinlllv luilll.. "Wo. huvo u on siviy i' m'vii1.v ....ivau B!'i aiiiuiiiK nsi of ...miu . ua- iiniieiv, nut we nnv a atiirv tit at i)-v 1 1 IVvlls IjiKo that U iumI its imioiI u MiirM' l Klohl's, only iml an liU. Yo ,'liave illi-t, 1'imiln l.i.nlnm Into our town, lnt thoy nro in (ali'lv uood rsin- mM of thc.tltnr. Ami we h:i Ki'toied ami KravoloO iIiim yotir. i WViW I'll H I' !.... ,, .11, , I lu I, ..I.... - "M" . ' ,'h MoM if tho nioi .liiintn. when llii'V l'Uti'Htin:ninl'.h over. MiMm-nri, ; "ii inoir .luvoriiiiiK niM'i"' UHailoiiK. ' Thlita n mistake. I wolil.l .iio.. ...i oV,.;,,, .,; v.n n ,. h,.t,.iiai.m ... l"ri' lsia of m,.iii, hut don't lo- lllii'u the tulvoitlMititf if oil Want to your luiaim ss." lllllilltatll llattlin . L, o. Ilouv. Mow tho lolailvra ol North. I1.1U0I.1 wtiVi d , win- out llj.- I'lti in. ill ordor huiisra. atul lio tl.ii v are am i vatf ully ineeiliiK this trail,, , oinpotltinu, la r, luleil i,y Mr. Mann. ' We'Vo put a doiK In tin tinyhow," he iloilaroa wiih ii nuiiIo. llo ha.i tlm frame ami spirit -m' tho flKliter. ami holoie tho si life la .ini it 1 proluililo that the mail order i-muvriiH ii'iopot Oik with twin mar PoMla Uik. Mill know that thoro has lai'ii u IIkIiI in I'rouroaa. , ' Ills sun mid- hiH lrot lo r tiro n.s,i- iaii-d with .Mr. Mann 111 tho luituoa at IVvll'a l.nke. ll. la a Shriller, jt Kutarj.u! uml mi I. Ik ua w.ll tin ti t liaiu r iiioniln'r of tho Ani'letil uml lli'iiiirablo Oidi'i- of opliniiMta ami I'l'll-oloKlstS. "We inn tiauiilly e what we wmil. if no Hum It l.-i.l larmstly and IntvlMtCttit ly for it." In ! I assert. "And don't foi Kot that It J I to ail vert iso." I Court News (Furnished by the Jaikaon County Abstract Co.) Circuit Court Kdilh Jones vs. t'duard J. Jones. Dismissed. John ('ot)Iolgh vs. Samuel liulmes. Motion, proof of puliiicatkin. 11. F. Wagner vs. I. A.'Snydor. For money. Pag & Dressier Co. vs. II. C. .Hea der ct al. For acroiintlng. H. H. Ileeson vs. Norman ('. Keates ct al. Tax foreclosure. K. II. Ileeson vs. I.oxluKton Itealty Co. Tax foreclosure. It II. I lee son vs. John JI. Hrown. Tax freck-suro. K. H. Ileoson tj Lutiia S. Ilecdy ot al. Tax foreclosure. W". C. Foster v. Fran-is J. Snaulil- Ing et al. Summons. W, 0. Foster v. Wiu. C. Owen et al. Summons. W. c. Foster vs. Alameda Trust ('.. et al. Summons. W. C. Foster vs. Ijoulso Linn et al. Summons. j i.i,. rosier m. .Aioer, r, ouuou et ai. Miiumons. W. C. Foster vs. Martin t'ivestail et aL Summons. W. C. Fpater vs. .Mary K. Cngglns IWrry et aL Suiiiiiioiih. W. C. Foster vs. Mury Kllen Wilson et al. Summons. W. C. Foster. vs. Jeff D. Thorpe .t al. Summons. . Frank U. Poole vs. Rata C. Poole. Motion and order dismissing. 1 Western Finance Corp. vs. . W. O. Mclynald... Qcd'.T. Clara Dodge vs. Josephus M. Dodge. Siinmions. H. ('. Knapp vs. Tliomns Herriolt. Transcript-of JtnlKiuent. Dullwk. Meifimiile .Agoncy vs. Then. J. Fish. Order ilismlHsing. Kditli Jones. s. Kdw, J. Jones. Re lease of -attachment; ' State vs. Krncst Wolgamott. t'nder taking. Probate Curt- Hoslu HiiH iw. Oath, order. F. Y, Allen. Vouchers, order. Urneat fthliter. Nntles. Kst. i:t. Fst: Real Estate Transfers Wm. 11. Penter et tu to (1. 11. Hillings, pt. I.Ik, ii, Ashland... t 10 G. II. Hillings et ux to Win. H. Penter et ux. pt. blk II. Ash land : 10 Norman C McQnoi 1 ot ux O. Thompson, land In s2, :$, 8, H. i w Lottie L. Pelton i t al :to F. 3, tD. J. C. Fieenian et ux, l't.2i W lot 21, blk. '15", K, it. Add. lo Ash land C. C. (lammoii et u to ICuijene H. Willis et ux, lot 20, WV4 lot 21, blk. "II," It. K. Add to.Asli land .; J. f Krei;man et ux to . C. (iam mon, et ux, lot 2D, W'x lot 21, blk. "II," K. K. Add. ti Ashland Sheriff to Otis O. lielnian, S'4 of SV 'of NW sec. tp. 3, 8. It. 1 ri i , 900 10 10 1300 City of Ashland Pi i. McDonald, l.1(i acres la sec, io tp..09,.S.. H. 1 K ; 1 ',. H. Wyaut et ux to . Harry K. Ward et ux, lots 7 und 8, blk. "(1," II. H. Add. t Ashland - 1030 F. I). KlHinunn et ux to K C. lilli- ot t, .t. D. I j. C. 17, tp. 3 8., It. 4 W Charles Heschele ot ux to C. II. (illsiin et ux, IuIk 31 anil 32, bll(. "J" It. U. Arid, to Ashland . Ciiy of 'Moil foul to - flem- K. 'larretl, et ux, ih-od to 54x120 In block ; I, Fruliilale Add. to, Medford , ? 4000 10 fiOO HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? i. Whoa illil I lie in liiin.'il Ku Ulux Ulan illo? !. Wlmt Ii til" niiiort tlim uf I'oiuniii ? :!., Wliy l II Innnio 'l I limn una Iiiiiik"? . lili II Ii I In- i lili' ii'iiiiiii'iii Tin null I'l'Mlt y, lliii'Mti.l or Yulo " i Wh:it illil (lioiKO St.'iiltoiiHiiu ili I'okUIon IiiiiIiIIiiu I lio Mint u ml lout Niiiiiii i.i.'i.iii.mvoT ,'liavlim rnoaiiy lau'itoi. will, ilm-wui-u il, Inn mo Iho. flvo oluaaoa of . ,, .... M'l'li'lnuloa? II...., ..I lu ..II .1 I. ,.,.! ,,y , rvil,,.u, ,.,,., , 'til? S. tin Is our a iiilias.viitur in Hoi- Ulicr,? :. flow ninny till li lias an I, -I'haiil '.' I 111. I'lutii what Is ii I ti ml ii il in mailt' ',' nsii-i-H to Vi'siorilaj'a tuostlous: I. What Is wunIi loaltior? Ana. Chiiluoia leather. la tho time liilweeti new uioona Kii'iilii' or losa than the i ulenilui' uioutlr Ana. I.eaa. :l. What, illy Is tho eapllal of lilalio? Ana. Ilolao. I. Win.' Is fnpe 'er.lo?' Ana. It la in the wralri uinost point of Afiini, j. What Is an osiriy? Ana, KIrIi Iiii w k. . Who liirauie lu'enlileiit when iiimiolil wa killed? Ana. I'lioatea A. Arthur. T. On w hat luiily of water is lal voalon? Ans. tin f of ,li Uo. !. What does the expreaslon. "small ptiuiikina'' mean? Ans. o( tin eoUNt-iitit-tti-e. '.. It n ItKltt Koea out when l..v. tied Into a well, uhut lines that nu llify? .'lis. I'oul air. nl. seme or oMuen. j 111. lit n i rluiinal eiiso n hu prose, . rulea? Ana. Tint statij or ii-oorio iiieiit. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Bf A. 0. Aiming the n ited arrival Wfilne;, j day tit tint Smmyslilo were Mr. ami' Mrs. James (iileve and am I lemon. ' They wore n the retuin tilp finni I'nrtland and Astoria where they hud been ciiiiiliinllK business with pleasure Th-y traveled in their own car and, v.hen they came in after the (list meeting James reiuarkej that they had Just come from I'ortl.itul and that he was almost starved, that Im had been gaunttntt up In iitiil"lpatnn of a good square meal at the Sunnyfld", nd as ho made the remark I mituiuliy lun my eye over the I'linietise ftiitue, at least i;io His uvortluiaiiso, and men tally measured his girt and dut-ldoil thst It would require, at tlmt time at least, a sixty Inch belt to encircle that bread basket and woiidore.1 how long It would have to bo If lu was not gnunted up. He 1 elated bis experience on the road and speaks In glowing 1 terms of tho great Pacific highway jthst is n w nlnmst completed from the 1 northern n .the southern line of our great state. As It Is It Is not complet ed as )ef. although the most of It Is and hard surfaced, with the exception of a few places, lint he does not think thai the ciKiliing along the route will cniivpnre with our hotels in southern Oreifoti the reader will bear in mind that the hostess of the Prospect hotel Is recognized as one of the beat rooks In the state. They did not have any time li spend visiting as they were homewanl bound and the nearer they got to their destination the more eagot they were to get home. Hut they pro mised to come again when James was not so gaunt. Fred Pettygrow was also a diner at the Suunysii!.! at the same time mid owing to. He fact that he. was here afoot concluded, to remain, avernlght. Thomas F. McCnbe also was here for dinner and so was (ieorge Albert. .Mr. Albert Is a very lmisirtant factor In his line of btisineas as he has a small motor car that In; runs on the track of the IV& K. and, by that iiienns renders good service to the people nac'K in tm mils who wish to come out Of lire out here and whih ti go to their homes tn liultn Falls or beyond. When ho came out he took Mrs. Ilnel iiiiiireiu 11 no tier limuicr In-law up with hlui to their homes in Unite Falls. They bad been stopping at the Hunnyslde for a week waiting for the weather to lia-derate, as there was aiul still Is considerable, unuvt along the tiack. ' ' .Mrs. Jnttie Watkins of Central Point, was out the middle of the week ro visit her sisler-ln-law, Mrs. N. K. Watkins and daughter Anna. 11. I). Monson and K. J. Tio una were hero for dinner Thursday. Tl' v arejn the employ of Foster and Kiel iter, successors to Ktiim & Co.. Ij tit - advertising business.. Mr, II m 11. nmler the old company, wp a' tint as general superintendent nr. it a e i n to be occupying.'1 tun. sa-ne . p sill n under the present company. Iiu ri 'Id extends from the Calif irn'a an l" Ore gon line to beyond Jtoseiniri. Mrs. C. U. Karrar tf I -iim r. nek. came out on the L:il; ( .('( singe Friday morning and tio'i ('Inner nt the Hunnyslde. ' , Friday morning when the men who are working on the V, & K. H. It. went to work thoy were In'nined that their services were not ro'iuired as there CHERRO Hard Wheat FLOUR Th'rty-three years of learning how, Ki taught u how, to serve you now. Guaranteed. At Your Qrocw I WHS Ml tlllll'll BHUW I'll Illil lllll'U Unit . thoy nmilit not fun Iho ni'ii no oar-to niiivii llin tlim rrttiii woro tlioy wiu'e iliiliunloil ululiK llui tnii'lt in. whoro thoy won' nooiloit, a tlioy bomm 1 1 Hoattrr. Mr. V. 0, Sinllli wotil In Join , tilii family nut mi thw Mrator l.ako IllKllttliy llllrlllt olKllt nillns out. Mllll I Sain Ookoi' imn'inoil ii Joh HMlltlim nt.ivo wihhI aiul othora wriil ii) thi'li I lioinoa. hut. wlioa I li bimvv mo'toil off unit tlui f-iroir.HM ilorliloil lit u i to wui li i In tlio nil 'in ii n ho ri m il (ImI ho wiih nluii'1 n'vortil iiiiia, i an i 'nun uiui mii im oi a tluil ui n ro not only 1 11 tliu niilroiid but, to 11 grout extont with nil Minis of work, and whore mmi am itiippmlinM mi their day s wages to keep up cxpciiae. pay ing hoiiid, ami then luive ti lay orf every row tlnya It wnrks 11 great hard ship un them, tilt the other hand It la hard on tlui railroad owners or con tiurtois ua thoy are nln 1 toaluit 011 ttii'lr jolia, but it nppnara us though tho employers at e. doing I heir heal, and Impc are eatoitatiirnl that there will he a I'luitmo fur the butter soon. Fred Ft lilegar who owns a twenty acre oichard jiiat east of our town, eamn In Thursday night for supper and tied, ttv Is rli'iuilnit H his eich tint uud gelling nudy t"i' the aprlug wm V. ! Uiwienqtt. I41.V of Wvltnlln one of nut: iieaieiiius nod u'omlalnK, young limit eiUled l-Vldav 11 lu tit for aups'r. ltov. II. li. King, the Hand iv si'luail I'vanKollst who is looking after the Intercuts of the American Sunday SclnHd 1'nlnn culled on your correspon dent this Suttirday nmrulmt ami told me tluil Key, F. A. I'helpa of Tali ut , would conduct aerilcea bete tmuorrow. 1 am glud to learn Hint our Utile towu Is attiio'tlng attention In that direc tion.. T01l.1v C. M Nulwli'k, the rallnunt nntr.n l ir on Ihu llutto Palls et"ii nlon uf the P. & I-.' railroad. wa lierc fur dinner and t.-lls me that ho la get ting tils t ails, mai-hlnorv uud t' liius all ready to go to work on hla rniitrui't ta a few d.iva We ills 1 hint Jului hut lor and 1-'. W. Held who lutvo been em ployed on the Job enliirKlnK the Fish Lake liltdi Co canal ti take wator up the valley above Meilfnid and they re ul 1 Iml the coittlnii 111a shownra of lain and snow luleiferc gieully with the work lis the kiouihI la a 1 a fl that thei have ilifdeiilty In tuilltiK the dirt away from the k.i-uiu ahoiels. Korrlin i u i Kon -h.i I in ed nr. males. s nt tho I '11U I si I v of ill one re lilt fly pro , - tiia Ii offspring and no MOTHER! CLEAN v CHILD'S BOWELS WITH ! t I CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP -...-a........ Kirn a stik Unto ol "( tihf. ,'Wihl Inns thf 1 Inn 1 1 if Si nip fnntv" II the totllle 14 f u.lti-d its! lea, 1 tos, tV rni!i or it lour c'ii! I full of cold, or tm nln:, jjiiii 11 teiuMtillill to rlcnixe the liirr niul lsnnl. Inn few h,,tti yon ru see for 1 nut si if bmv I leu outflilv il uU all the 1 "ti-l 1 'nit urn pui'oii, niir In!:" and waste mil of the Loui'li, uul ymi ii,1e u well, playful i-'iild ny:i in. Milium, of mot In' rs ki-ep "t alifnrni4 V iff Si rup'" liandy. They know a tea- spisillflll loday ani-ea ao-k iluld tie uunroiv. Ak your drnj.'jfit' for genuine "I nlifortun fig Syrup" uliiili haa direr tii.ns d ir ! aloes mill children uf all ug' printed on bottle. Mother! mi must ay ''California" o: you niny get an jmi. tatioti iij; si rup. Day or Night WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors CHAS. MILLER Auto Itailbilor, Kcmler, tunning lWiard , and llodjr Itepnlrlng. Sols during. Oppoalte, Kepot, PhuMe U '...l Vofi WOOD! All kinds o(,ooiti i l-lit p.lii's; dry mill blorks. Order IVompllv I lileil MEDFORD FUEL CO. Cor. I Ir ami i )ilr, I'luuic 212 SPRAYING TVI'l'S SllltlliUF.ItY I. urge or anmll Orchard Jobs. Moilern Kiulpinnnl. Phone 10(1 for Con I nut Itntea. ; INCOME TAX '.'OMK IN', NOW Is tho appeal we mikn to-, fin r clients. You will .thus avoid" (lie rush of the final days of the period when our time Is taken up day and night lo (1KT ItlCTCUNH IN ON JIM I?.' Our lifflcieut Service "lives niiiney for others t'tiil !t will do co. for yon, WILSON AUDITING CO. I, I bet I. v Ittillilliitl. M'nlford Cheap Fuel We have no special prices or cut I'I.Ion, but lie ' have Hie bos), anil ilieapcHt fuel In, Hie city, ami nil nnilcr our large sheds. Pine $:l.oo per tier.t HnnloVio.l HU.'n; , other I111I In pfopoi lion, lry as a. bono, iliisl our regular prices, VALLEY FUEL CO. PHONE. 70 RHEUMATISM OVERCOME IN "If I Could Speak Person ally to Everyone "Who Ha? Rheumatism and Stomach Trouble I; Would, Tell Them to Take, Tanlac," Declares Seattle Citizen. Own Health Restored. "If I loiiid aiusik lo rwiilioily par aontiily who has 1 lieuinai Ism nod stuiiiin h Irotililo I would 1 II llo la to take 1'ii 11 In . for I lime ul'd II my self and have ueier lolioil iiiiytblnx like It," said lleiluan lluilsili. Mil West Hlxly-flrsi , HI., Mrll.', Wash,, Well-kliuwii liiuilsiiipu tiirilinr, "l.hutdly fier have evi 11 u inlnut I'f rhuupiiillniii iiiiji', aliliotiKh thkM trmibli) hud lo.uln. nij, lit., minoi u.,' for iiiiiny Kara before I u.ia fiiitu tlitto euouKll to find I'll 1 1 1 . 1 uml K"! relief. ".Mm 11 than that, It lias put stopini'h In sin Ii Kooil order thai I lii'tilog more iiijoyiiii'iit mil of minis than In yeaia, In fuel, I toy 111 my it in foi ling flue In every way." Tun 1 110 nod Tnnlno Vegetaldo I'lIU r aold by the Weat Hide Pharmacy, and by Icudlni druaglats evniywhere. Adv. SPECIAL '.ANNOUNCEMENT To HOME OWNERS AND BUILDERS Wo are now in a position to offer The Mueller Con vector The most successful pipele?s furnace made On Very Liberal Terms If you are figuring on a fur nace for next fall; let us in stall it now and have it paid for uy then. Many local references. The Modern Plumbing & Heating Co. There's Never Been a Peach Borer in Our Nursery In some sections the peurh mot borer Infests a large percentane of the petu-h roots In iho nurseries. In souni southern loi-uUile the dreaded Nematinm or eel worm Is a serious moiiiirn ti penrh roots, In tho nineteen years we've lieen growing trees nt Tpppenlsli. no one) bus ever discovered a borer or Nema tode, In nny of our trees The planter Is entitled to absolute protection from all such risks, llo gets It when he buys our trees. 't use heulthy, vigorous peach pits, and bud on the resultant noodllng, our ponchos, prunes, plums, apricots, etc. You can't find 'better rooted trees than, we produce, on our clean, new Yukluia ItescrvaltoAaotl. Then our own growing of apple and pear seedlings are used for our own Htork. Wo grow the entire Ireo mi our own froMhvrlesn soil from the . odd m root to the finished, budded nr grafted tree, one or two years old. Thut's the way to Insure antlKfac- Ion . Our customers' appreciation Is found lu ati liicreaNeitkhusliiuss every year. Wo want your business, lint we won't, book your order If we can't pleiiKO you, Your money would do us no good. There are some things worth more thiyi money, Ask us about the Wright Ited Koine lientity which la Home lleauty lu al: particulars as lo tree, bloom, henr Injc, rlpenliiK. keeping and shlpplne:. hut with a brilliant red coat, WAHIIINtiTON M ltSKIlV X. ToplH'iilsh, Wash. . , II. II. KI'l ltl.lNfi, Halesinan: Moilfonl, llo QIM CHUNO China Herb Store Herb eura for earsctm, nnadach, et trrh, dlplherln, sore throat, hum trotihi. kidney trouMs, alomacli troufue, naart trouble, chills and fever, cramps, onuahe, poor o 1 renin lion. carhttnres, tiimura. cracked hreuat, curss al) kinds of aoltafs. NO OPHIIIATIONH. Meilford, Oregon. Jan. 1, 1I7. This la to certify that I,- tna under lldied, hud very aevere atomaoii Iruubl and had bssu bothered for several yaurs and lnat Ausuat was . not espeotad to live, and hearing 'of lm Ihiing (whoa Herti alore la al 114 Ks.otn I ront street, kli'ilfonl 1, I diielded 'n ael herds for my atoniaeh triiulila, and I sinned to ftallnv butter us aimn as J used (iirtn and today 101 a well man and can heartily leonm 'ii end nnyonn afflicted as I whs to sue 'Jim Cluing and try hla lUrt.a (Hlmiad) iff, II. JOHNSON. Wl meases: Wm. Lawla, Kagla point. W. f,. Chlldrelh, Kagle Point. M, A. Amlnraon, Medfnrd, K 11. Ilolniaa, KskIo Point. C, M. Moorn, ISiikU Point. J. V, Molntyra, Kiigle Point. . Geo. Von dar llallen, Maple Point Tha SI NieeiMS SVela. UaIm. A SHORT TIME Under cover, .1.00 per Unr niul up. Prompt Delivery. 1120 N. CMNXItAri AVOOI) CO, v Phono (VU-K I CARLTON,