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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1921)
JfEDFOTlD lrSTTJ TRTBUNK, MEDFOTtD. OKKfJOX, SATURDAY, MARCH Jfl2f Hedford Mail Tribune BRAINS VERSUS FAITH. KTOIU FOTTTT AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY liY THE HEDFORD PRINTING CO. Th Med ford Sunday Kun Is furnished ubscrlbers desiring a uevea day daily newspaper. Offloe Mall Tribune Building, 26-27-29 North Kir street, i'hone 7t. A consolidation of the Democratic Times, the Med ford Mail, the Med ford Tribune, The Southern OreRonian, The Ashland Tribune, ROBERT W. Rt'HL, Editor. 8UMPTE R S. SMITH, ManuKr. TBflCBZPTZOir TEHMB: MAIL IV ADVANCE: Pally, with Sunday Sun, year 7.B0 Dally, with Sunday Sun, month .75 Dally, Without Sunday Sun, year ... 6.K0 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month Weekly Mail Tribune, one year 2.00 Bunday Sun. one year 2.00 BY CARRI ER I n M ed ford, A shland. Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix, Dally, with Sundny Pun, month 7R Dally, wlthojt Sunday Sun. month .AS Dally, without Sunday Hun. year.. 7.f.') Daily, with Sunday Sun, one year H.l0 All terms oy carrier canri m u.inu: Officlal paper of the City of Medford Official paper of JuckHon County. Dwuni uttiiy ii v -i nr Six months endiriK Oct. 3.i2G Vntiroil na uppnnrplnSA matter Ot Medford, Oregon, undr the act of March 8, 1B.. "MEMBERS OK THE ASSOCIATED The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the uhb fur republication of all news dispatches credited to it. or not otherwise credited in this paper, and also Clie local nuwn jiuui inn-n n. All riwhts of republication of special dispatches nerein are uiau 1 ,T"' ' Ye Smudge Pot Bj Arthur Perry -Nothlnpr - retards human nclivity llkelhy l'lu, wiiij h 1b liilHiiaiiicd, and Khould be culled the roost, on account of Its HnuerinK propensities. Once lii a human system, U flits from heel to head nnd ' wny- points, with wild abandon, and Is harder to corner than u, generally known bootleKycr. Messrs George Crot-1 untl Nooty Baker hnve been selected by Wood row Wilson to wrltu thu history nf his administrations. Now there is a couple of historians for you, and typi cal WIlBonlan Hclections. "What Is so pathetic as a woman nf 40 years, trying to hide tho inarch of time, behind a knee high skirt. i IS THKKK KITH? (Mai-Mbflcld Niwh) Wanted A Kuiitle mule for mino work; not over 14 hands; state price. Address .Imucs H. FluiimiKiin, Marsh field, Ore. The Jr. sen. will fool around with his fussing over tho distribution of federal pie, until the sr. sen. names the postmaster at Htunflcld, Ore. The only peroKi'tivo left him will be the right to send pup-.ptrhi seed to onn-tltuontti. Revelations In Utah, showing how citizens switched wives, demonstrates that tho untl-cigarette law, now in full forco and effect, was Just what they needed. The hallucination Unit n inciil,.in toTtrlHt hotel will be built at L'ruti'r lake by Portland capital contlnuoH to exist. A IIFAHT MONOPOLIST. (Kiigcnc ltcftlHtrr) "Dour MIhh Pubu TluTt! Is a younK man in our town whom wo Ki'catly ailiiilri'. ThiTi Is a continual (llHputo anions uh . which unci lio liken lint, as hi' treats uh nil the mime. He Ih very popular both IteeaiiHo or hiH kihhI lookH and hcautlful voli't'. 1'leiiHe toll uh how to find out whleh ono nf un he likes best. l-'our Unhnppy OlrlH." Sprlnir Ih here, and Mien Woniaek sprlllK a new mine a day on the world. 'Ufit before a lawyer ': Hays Home thtftfr mean about another lawyer, he employs flattery to soften the blow. Fnjp Instanee. the attorney for the ile fimae will say of tlie attorney for the plaintiff to the Jury: "Tho learned nnd skillful counsel for the plnlntlff tol)n you ceutlemeu, that ha wants to .he fair, but w hy, like a thief In the night, did he Hteal my client's hat. raUHiiiK him to miss his dinner, and his wife to file suit for divorce. Is being n anenk hcliiK . fair. 1 ask you. gentlemen of the Jury." In tho divorce suit of .lames Sllll Itlnn his JUIiO.OOO yacht plays a ride. It was named "Modesty." A more ap propriate name would havo been "Ornery." . If It rains tomorrow, the esteemed weatherman flKures he will be able to reach the .Mexican bonier by sundown. In another month all -Id owners In tho East will start West and -Id own em 111 the West will start Kast, equip ped with fH. three blankets and a frylnR pan. limine,- wrinkles will be removed at kitchens of relatives en route. fiermnny reports she has cone bid nhovikl. If such Is the case, the rest if the world should see to It. what ever the cost, that she t-tavs with It till cured. It Worked Wonderfully Have you noticed the number of per Hons coughing this Spring, paused by tin irritated condition in the ehest, bronchial tubes or throat? This rough ing Is banished by u few doses of Fo ley's Honey and Tar. Mrs. Anna Stein. 410 Western Ave.. Covington, Ky.. writes: "Your cough medicine worked wonderfully on our little son. Ho is Biibjoct to bronchitis. The first doses helped him." Good for nil sorts of roughs, colds, croup, whooping rough and grip coughs. Sold everywhere. Adv. Hfi. WELLS lias n cure fur the world's ills. Tn the current at- unlay Evening Post, lie presents the first installment, origi nally designed as a lecture to American audiences, lint recently iibim dond hecuiise of serious illness. In lirief Mr. Wells proposes u United States of Europe, as the only hope of saving European civilization. Recently returned from a visit to Kitssia, reinforced liy flying trips through (iermany, Kin land, and the Scandinavian countries, the well known British author, paints a disheartening picture of the social and economic collapse. The return of Europe to health and stability, in the writer's opin ion, is impossible, before the obstacles presented by national barriers are removed. Transput-tat inn, the free and unrestricted circulation of food, he deelan-s to be the necessary foundation of recovery, and until the various states of Europe join in a union similar to the union effected at the beginning of the Nineteenth century by the American states, this w ill be impossible. -Mr. Wells has a well established reputation as a prophet. lie un doubtedly possesses one of I he keenest minds in Europe. Nearly all of his pre-war prophecies from airplane warfare to social reactions have been fulfilled. Therefore, whatever lie says, enjoys a back ground of high personal prestige, which commands serious considera tion at the outset. rnfortiinately, however, Mr. Wells thus far ba-s offered prac tical plan for achieving what he declares is essential. With the allies occupying (iermany. with (. recce at war with Turkey, with eastern Europe a veritable hornet's nest of racial antagonisms, national hatreds and prejudices, to suggest a Workable constitution for a United States of Europe, appears at this distance to be a most absurd figment of an overworked imagination. Perhaps subsequent installments will throw some light on tin- mo dus operandi. I'ntil then the only conclusion for the reader who accepts Mr. Wells' premises is that Europe is doomed. The future, even to a casual observer, does look .dark, but the thought intrudes that perhaps even greater forces than Mr. Wells discerns are at work At any rale, this is Easter week. A greater miracle is being com memorated than is rcipiircl t ,i-ing new life to a civilization that seems to be dying. Mr. Wells is strong on brains, nerhans be w weal, on faith. We hooe so. ingRhumos by wait Mctfon A NEW DEAL. HE new administration administers in style, and all the busy 1 nation hangs out a hopeful smile. Upon our jaded shoul ders the burden lighter seems rnud only office holders are dream ing moiirnl'ul dreams. We're great on swapping horses if there's a trade in view, and everyone indorses whatever may be new. We like to see new faces around us, we confess, although great charms and graces the old ones may possess. New whiskers are supplanting the beards we long have seen, -new feet are gallivant ing, new brooms are sweeping clean. And we distribute folders to tell how glad we are. ami only office holders are looking black as tar. It's good no king is reigning in this star spangled land, W(''(l "" ""Plaining until we saw him canned; he'd find us growing cooler, he'd hear us kick and cuss; five years of any ndcr is quite enough for us. We're fond of making chan-os and old things are a bore; whatever new and strange is we wel' "' ' 'J no bricks or bonldrs at anv 'unknown guest; ami only office holders seem wearv and distressed How Much Do You Know? conquer 1 How long is a passport valid? 2 Who cx-eoiniuuuicuted lllenry Klghth? H -When did Napoleon Italy 7 4 Did tho Crusalders aid or check the power ot the Turks? 5 What is meant when It Is said that a figure is In "bas-relief?" 11 When were public schools first established In America? 7 Why was the llattle of Manilla n retnarkablo fight? Jlow many stars aro thero In the lllg Dipper? 9 What bears do not hibernate In the winter? 10 When was tho revised version ot tlio llililo brought out? Answers to Yesterday's Questions. 1 How many National cemeteries are there in thu Pulled Slates? Ans. There aro eighty-three National cemeteries In this country. They con tain ;t 7 S . ! r !1 bodies. 2 How many disputes between nations have been settled bV the per manent court or arbitration of The Hague.' Ans. Fifteen rases have been settled and two are pending. :i -Whin year of the Independence of the Pulled Slates begins .Inly 4, 1112 1? Ans. The one-hundred and forty-sixth year. 4 What are "Kinlier" days and how many of them arc there each year? Ans "Kmher" days are days of prayer and fasting. There are twelve "Kmher" days each year. a What Is the color of the Por-get-tne-nol ? Ans !t a blue. ti What are the most noted eases of Impeachment? Ans, Those of Judge Samuel Phase In 1 s 0 4 ; Presi dent Johnson in lstis In the Pnlted Stales and that of Wat-ten Hastings in Kngland. " What sort of flowers are 'Ever lasting'" flowers? Ans. They are a kind of flower that does not change color or appearance after dry ing. They are made Into wreaths hj the l-'rench and placed on graves. They are called "Immortelles." s How much rubber can be made from one galou of rubber juice? Ans. One gallon of rubber Juice makes two pounds of rubber. !i. When was knighthood estab lished In Kngland? Ans. Knight hood was established lu England us u feudal Institution by tho Norman kings. lu When and where was the first national convention of organized la bor in this country? Ans. it was hold in Louisville, Ky., in lstin. Twenty-five delegates were present at tho convention. COMMUNICATIONS .MKIH'OUH MI ST havk H!-n'n:u Arm i-ami'im; :uoim To Un Kililor: Th propositi l.y tho rity of tird ford to pm-chattft th I. K. tormina property for auto parking purpofu-s, may or may not bo a wise move ut tlJ timr, but i-citainly Medford must do Honu'thlriK to provide adequate and invitiiiK atTinii modat Ions for nn to tourists or t'ontinue to be the. subject of adverse criticism nnd romim-nt, sin-h as stio 1ms received during the past year. In recent conversation with a Medfordite who, with his family, toured a number of Nt.-itex in iu ! western half of the Tnited States last summer, it was stated ttiat Medtord lias a veritable "black eye" anioiiK auto tourists. Parties returning from their tout of the Pacific coast were regular KUide books of Information, especially as to parking accommodations. These parties were eagerly sought by west bound travelers as to places "worth while" and oampinK facilities. And one of the Keneral injuncltuns was to "beware of Medford, Oregon. Iter parking accommodations are of the very poorest .quality." Such "word of mouth" Information be inn scattered promiscuously i hr li mit the country will do and has done .Medford Incalculable harm. It has done a srent denl to nullify the good work of our conmumity in nrescntim: the advantages and attractions of this city and valley to the outside World and furthermore, it has meant and jill mean the tos ,if thousands ot dollars annually. It should be apparent to every citi zen who has the welfare of .Medfotil at heart that something must be done to remedy t he condit ion complained of. Ami a few thousand, yes. several thousand dollars, could not be used t better advantage. The outlay will come back many fold in a few years to come, for auto touring is a rapidly growing method of pleasure and rec reation, and even business travel And it will be an Invaluable ally in attaining the end for Medford which oiir citizens are so loyally and ener getically striving for. through the fa vorable advertising she will receive. A. It. WILLIAMS. .Med l oid, March j, RA VIE kill PIANO PLAYING 12 LESSONS liEOllXNERtf wlio have nevf-r taken any lessons be fore are taught t play all popular songs with full hannonv bass in 12 lessons. Taupht to play sueli pieoos as "AVALOX," "WHISPERING," 'JrXE,' "MAKOY," "15LUT.S," SACKED AND SEMI CLASSICAL MESH', One lesson a week, practiee one hour a day. You tire taught to read notes. IF VOL' ALREADY PLAY, no matter how far ad vanced you are, learn to alter time, add notes, intro duce runs, chimes, double bass, trick endings, jaz effects idudif 87 tjl f Ss j 119 rfiff!rft right, hand effects. HARMONY STUDENTS Learn chord determin ing, modulation, improvising, composing, memoriz ing, and to apply this hannonv to till pieces. If you live at Eagle Point, Ashland, Gold Hill, Cen tral Point, Grants Pass or Jacksonville, mail us your name and address ancj we will send a teacher to your home, explain this method and instruct yon. Waterman Piano School ROY J. WHITE, Mgr. Medford Studio 128 S. Holly St. Phone G00-R Three Instructors Roy J. White. Ellen D. White, Frank B. Clark. NEW FABRICS NEW STYLES NEW PRICES You can now have your clothes tailored-to-measure at very low prices. The mills have lowered the prices of woolens a ml wo linvc just re ceived the now spring pat terns. Every one is reason ably priced so that we can now make you a dependable suit to your measure as low as $40.00 We carry no ready-made clothes, we have no old styles to unload in 'the shape of sales. Every garment is tailored to your exact measure. Our iron-clad guarantee of fit, wear and shape-holding qualities goes with every garment. Let us show you the New Fabrics, the New Styles and the New Prices today. HUBER Ladies' and Men's Tailor The Family Sets the Price Wo render tlio sorviee in aoeord with fhelr every ileMre ami guarantee satisfaction to all. Also Licensed Lady Embalmer WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors Lots ot old pafera 10c the bundle I thU nf'l.-n tf Make V Oregon Your Hotel vVhkn i. PORTLAND roeei.Aii spacious i.oriiv At the Center of Everything Broadway at Stark St. Wo .siiREesI you write, plione or wre for Reservations . AKTIU'K II. MKVKHS, .Manager Truck Bodies We make a specialty of all kinds of Bodies for Trucks, Cabs and Delivery Wagons. All Work Guaranteed Remember, we carry a big stock of Aijto Springs. Billings' Carriage & Auto Works GRANTS PASS MEDFORD INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Kffet-flrn Oitotw 1 I.KAVK MKOmtU). 10:00 a. in. 1:00 p m. 4:10 p. m. Care atop at all Intermediate points. Office and Waiting Roomi: Medford, S South Front, Xaah Hotel Bldg. Toone 809. Oranti Faes: The Bonbonnler, Phone HO. We also operate '.age Unee from Medford to Aahland, Phoenix, Talttnt, Central Point, Jactuonrllie. Dally and Sunday. LEAVE) GRANTS TASS. 10:09 ft. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:10 p. m. IMfMwm Xfeiwt tin, ovJv &amk- Wk yr sy i i !' it i f' frM txi burglars and your own extravagance and you can GET it when you WANT it. Men of financial stability, businei ability, judgment and known integrity conduct our bank. No account is to SMALL for us to welcome; none too LARGE for us to handle. We invite. YOUR Banking Business. Jackson County Bank Established 18S8 . Member Federal Reserve t..i.6aaiiawaiaaiir; ii- -y ' 2MtiUI4Mi.,idmr '.&&iK.7fyt. III V.M . X i r:Kiir. . J'hu Wiai-A'TS iLSM3i iiiaiT-iiini jiriiiiini totiw J .w mfr 'vni-taM iimii mmmBiammiiiaammmimiaimmimmmJi Feed the Soil That Feeds You We have heard much lately about depleted farms that are not able to produce a sufficient crop to pay for the work. Did you ever stop to think that the same thing may happen to your farm? Bearing a crop is vork for the soil just a your daily duties are work for you. With out food you can not continue long to work. Unless you return nourishment to the soil, in time it, also, will cease to produce. Put lime or other stand ard fertilizer on your soil. In order to do this at the least possible cost, use a machine built for the purpose the Van Brunt Lime and Fertilizer Sower. This machine is a paying in vestment for every farmer whose land has been used continuously even for a few years. You can get one of them at our store. If you will just drop in at your first oppor tunity, we will tell you all about it. Hubbard Brothers Mai and Stirersid ..... , Fq 311 The Geo. L.Treichler Motor Co. Have some good used cars Dodge Brothers, one Hudson Speedster, two Olds, one Ford . Touring, one Maxwell Delivery, one Ford Truck, one Olds Truck. For sale, all in good condition and prices are reasonable. Come in and look them over AUTO PAINT SHOP Automobiles Painted and Revarnished 221 North Hr. L. G. SPRINKLE, Prop. - Phone 777 Plumbing and Heating j Quality Servlct I Wm. Hammett 42 S. Central Phone 659 rt s 'tf: ' s 'i U