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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1921)
T f MEDFOTJD MAW TRIBUNE. MEDFOrtD. OREGON,' "WEDNESDAY, ' MARCH 1(1. 1021. p:tit six OHIO SOCIETY TO oifsedndBs Take Laxative .. tablets 30c Be sure you get j The genuine tears this signature Car, Truck and Tractor Repairing Wo stand buck or every Job we do. , 8i!l W. TENTH- ST. - rnoxK itHo-w n. 'I 1 1 1 LJ..I I I, I I I 5 e '. , ,. i'liimljini J'ixliirf'S Wo-eari'y (i full line of lMiuuuiiig Fixtures, Fittings and Supplies. Ideal Areola Heating Plants i Mueller Pipeless Furnaces ' Westcb Tankless Water Pressure ' : ' System . Modern Plumbing & - Heating Co. Pliou;C20 Sparta Bid". $arl fruit Company of the Northwest SELL 7 Gorona Dry . : ; Arsenate of Lead Rex Lime Sulphur Oil Solutions QUALITY AND PRICE EIGHT . ,L. M. CAMPBELL !. j District Manager . iTruck .'t' i'U..,o,u We' make a specialty of all m a fl ViV" ' v khid.s of Bodies foi .Truck.1?, Labs and Delivery A agons. 'f All Work Guaranteed Ivcineiiibei', we cany a big stock of A uto Springs. Billings' ' Carriage & Auto . Works : . GIM CHUNG : China Ilerti Store Herb cure for earaen. tieaflache, cat arrh, dlptherla, aore threat, lung troutila kidney trouble, stomauh trouluc. htart trouble, chills and fever, crampa, couKhn. liuor qircuiauon, cat-iiunf lea, minora . cracked breast, cures all klnda of ffoltera NO OPKKATIONS. Mndford. Oro-on. Jim. IS, 1917. Tbla In to enrtlfv tlml 1. Ilin iiii.lor.lvn. &. iiad Very aevero stomach trouble ana bad beeti bothered for ivral yi-ura and laat August wan not pxptled to llvu, and licuTliiff of Olin ('butts (whose Hrb Mtora H at 211 Koillli Front alr.'itl, licd ford). t -decldeil 10 net herha for Ihy atotnnch trouble, and 1 st.-iricd to feeling oetu-r hi aooii an 1 ukchi uiern unu lotlay am a Wall man ami can heartily reiom ment anyono afflicted as 1 waa to ae Qlm Chung and try itin jiorba. , (Signed) W U JOHNSON. , Wllneaaea: - . CJrn. il-tcvfitt. Rnele rnlnt. W. l CblMretli, F.hh- rolnt. M. Al AndfTaon, Meilford. ' H. Jlolmee, .fC) rolnl. Ci K.; ! Moore, liaKle Tolnt ' Jl ale In tyre. Kaifl" I'olnt. ' Oto. Von der Helen. KHale Pidnl. i TJo. 0. Nloboiat UimU foluL E FEBRUARY, 1922 ASHLAND, i Mar. J6.-7 Medford will entertain the Ohio association next year, consequently practically all the officials, elected here at the reunion last Saturday are residents of that city and vicinity. The , president Is Wll- HamM.,yiiian; vice-president," Mid. J. C. Wood; secretary, . Maud Anderson; treasurer, J. M. C'anaday. The date of the next annual reunion will he Febru ary 1!), and thereby hangs u tale, his torically at least. Kor years there has been a discussion over the specific period marking Ohio's admission Into the union as a state. To settle a moot ed question, the matter was referred direct to President Harding, than whom none is better qualified to de termine Iho controversy. The result was that an autograph lettiy was re ceived from the president, statins that on Feb. Ill, 3 801!, congress declared that OJiio had adopted a constitution and had been admitted as a state Into the union. Various other authorities, even encyclopedias, chronicle that ad mission day occurs early In March The reunion here was an Ideal one in every respect, both as regards atten dunce, the substantial dinner, and the Interesting program which occjipied the social hours. 1'lrst Company was Inspected on .Monday evening, In accordance with plans outlined sdnietimo since. Every thing as to discipline, status of equip ment, etc., was in first-class order, tho morale of the command being deemed excellent. Officers of the com pnny wore hosts lo tho official visitors and a number of leading citizens at a dining event, at Hotel Austin pieced lug tho formal Inspection routine. rile auto camps in the parks have been overhauled ns to equipment and cleaning up process, and tllo. result is that both units of tho recreation cen- tors are now In trim for the summer cumpnlgn. First Company's cabaret, owing to a multiplicity of social engagements has been postponed until Friday ovening, April 8. This delay is no disappoint ment In particular to the. soldltir hoys, Inasmuch as It allows them additional time for preparations in staging a big function which will assume tho pro portions of a pageant. Tho Oregon Ileekcopers association moots In Cortland, March 17. Several apiarists of this city, would be eligible to attend, but for the circumstance IhaUthoIr big colonies of Italian bees ire native drones anil workers of the (loldnn West, located over the Califor nia lino In Siskiyou county, and can not ho Imported lifts side of the Inter slate boundary without infractions of tho alfalfa honey act. Tho position of stenographer and I11 suranco committee clerk In the) Cali fornia slato senate Is being filled by Mrs. Casslus Miller, former resident hero, who heretofore has been employ ed in a Bimllar capacity by tho high way commission of that state.' Ono of Mrs. (lenova Allen's proper ties on Nob Hill Heights litis been sold to A. 13. Kerby, of Kliimath county, who will move here as a newcomer. A local unit of tho World Wide Guild has just been Instituted here till dor llnptlsf auspices. Mrs. F. It. Leach, wlfo of tho Medford pastor, assisted in tho orgunlzntion, the membership being representatives of the ytmilgoi' oluinent of the denominational follow ing. Mrs. S. A. l'otors, Jr., Is presi dent; Mrs. IOmI hot- lnman, secretary; Miss Marie (iilmoro, treasurer. The guild meets the first Friday In each month at tho homo of its president. tho assessment levied in tho wny ol dues being a dime. Tho official doslg nation of this new order is i romantic one, foreign as to noinenclfttmo, a translation Into tho vernacular Imply ing it "Sun Crown." . Tho local high school will Incorpor ate both track and baseball events into Its curriculum of spring sports, ar rangements for which are already tin dor way. Tho Dunn and Van Sunt families tiro eccivlng a visit from u near relative, Mrs. Otllla Caldwell, of Los Angeles Tho Kpworlh League Instltuto will A cases Quickly When You Apply a Little Musterole. And Musterolo won't blister like the old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just spread it on with your fingers. It penetrates to the sore spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion and draws out the soreness and pain. Musterole is a clean, white oint ment made with oil of mustard. It is fine (or quick relief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis,croup, still neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, pains and aches of the back 01 joinls,sprains,sorcmusclcs,bruiscs,chib Wains, frosted feet, colds on the chest. Nothing like Musterole for croupy chil dren. Keep it handy for instart esc. BLOUSH The hinu'so'Is of bicjro colored Georgette with navy satin ribbon for trimmings that wtuvo through tho pleats at tho front In tin unikujal manner. For iho bags the top one U of brown chiffon velvet,-', head be one of the summer school attrac tions on a his scale the approaching season, tho dates being August 1-7 in clusive. A Salvation Army drive is approach ing, the dates set being May 1-10. It will be the annual appeal In behalf of the "Homo Service" department of the Army. Oregon's quota is J90.000, while the coujity und district apportion ments will be made known In due sea son. A "personally conducted" tour to Alaska, early in June, is being ar ranged by airs. A. M. Broughton of this city. I-nrs El bison leaves this weok for tho grain zone of. Alberta,, to join his brother Hoss, who with his fumlly left for tho north early In the month. Tho First National bank has re ceived another acquisition to Its clcn Icul force, Miss Luiclle Cllmoro being employed as bookkeeper.., , . Ilev. J. Conuty, of, tho , Catholic church, will lecture-, on "Liberty", at tho Lyric theatre, Thursday, ovening, March 17.. A ihiisictll program will be an accompaniment of his address. Tho Mothodist church bus organized a Uible Study class, membership lim ited to 100, outgrowth of tho recent rovlyal moyemenf. Its prime object Is training for leadership anil evangelis tic work. It riieets on Friday evening) weekly, . The Masonic calendar this week in cludes a conclave, of Malta comnian ilcry on Wednesday evening, with work In tho order of tho' temple. Siski you chapter will meet on Thursdny ovening. On Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock, Ashland -lodge No. 23 will be gin a session extending intqthc night noui s, n trio or candidates to be work ed to a flnislt.throiigh the third degree. lunch being served at 0::!0 after which labor will bo resumed .to a fare-you- well. 1 Formal notices aro being posted re- gnl'diug extermination of ground squir rels, in this and adjacent territory tho necessary "pizeu" dopo may bo seered at the Fruit & Produco asso ciation; in the Valley View section nt Lowe's ranch'; at Talent, Ilrown's store will he tho dispensary. Claude C, Cate, county caterer, cautions citl zons that now is tho tlmo to cutch the squirrel varmints. . ' . ' All matters Incident to tho Red Cross campaign of somotlnio ago have been closed up. and n full report 11S to returns from this city, also the bul lying districts of (tellovicw and Talent Incorporated in ,tho -Ashland drive have -been submitted by Mrs. Alice Poll, chalrmun of tho campaign move ment, ns instituted from these uead. qunrters. , U. S. SEA CAPTAIN SAVES JAPANESE, GIVEN 6 GOBLETS TOKIO. The act of Captain Z. it. Murray of tho American steamer Puw lott In rescuing last your thirteen Jap anese fishermen, shipwrecked five hundred miles north oast of Yokohama. which was officially recognized by the Japanese government, has hud u se quence, rollglous in nature. Captain Murray carried the sailors lo Portland, Oregon, r.nd v.hon they returned later to the-r -.lome village nenr Sends! they never tired oLtolling of tho wonders of the big American city they had seen nor of the, kindness of the commander und his erew who had saved, their lives. During tho trip they had learned something of the re ligion of the people or the United Stales and of Captain Murray and us a result there sprung up a general de mand for more Information about Cap tain Murray's Cod." .'Services, It Is reixirted. nre being hold regularly now In the little town by the Uev. Koba- vashl, a I.aplKt minister of Shlngnma. Captain Murray was told this side of the story yesterday by secretaries of tho Y. M. C. A. Japan's 'official recognition of Cap tain Murray's kindness took the form of the presentation bf six engraved sil ver goblets by the governor of Mlyngl prefecture, in northern Japan. There was an accompanying letter of thanks from -Conn Cchida, the foreign min ister. . ? ... ........ - AXI1 BAGS trimmed, even to the draw strings. A somewhat more practical b:-.g for every day uso Is shown below. I: of auedo double and clipn.-d together near tha tasrtl . AS HOTEL PORTERS . CONSTANTINOPLE.-"-Itusfilans of noblo blood and high rank are fight ing tho wolt irom tho doorstop In the uiittorms. of porters and iiiesauniiej-s in Constantinople, center of tho crum bled empire's, refugees. Home ' are Hiimll shopkeepers and many who knew cburt lire In -: 1'otrograd ari wnitorH and waitresses. - - Wrangel's remnant of an' army is disintegrating and many commanders are drifting Into the c-iiy where they poi-ltet their- prldo and taeklo th hardest problem of their life the mere getting of enough to enf. uenerniii and' admirals have sold their-decorations at a little dally auc tion in the 'courtyard of the Mosque Aghadja.mi In Stambbul where women of CMiurt circles dispose of furs, jew els nhd. their last bits of finery. Admiral Dlckert, decorated with tho Ornnd Cross of tho Legion of Honor, was glad to get a place ns hall porter' in the JYcnch hospital. Prince Cioubitscn, once rich and pow erful In the government of Orel, Is nelllng sausages in tt store io tbu Pera quarter. . . ' . General ' MIolashovsky, formerly commander of tho Czarina's "Lancers, In a parcel carrier. ,. A son of former Premier Stunner Is a bootblack. Four Hussion generals are making their, living by catching and selling fish. Dozen's of aviators anil officers are waiters. . " Ono Russian officer is chauffeur for the American military attache here. Others are rtpek laborers and stablemen. , f . . . . Many titled .Russian .women ' are nelllng flowers and newspapers, Prin cess Hhahot'ukoi, and;idozcns of others arc .. wait tresses. 1 Countess Vera Tol stoy Is teaching English. Their former greatness does not seem to count when there nre thous ands In the same plight and they are starting lll'o over again, earning .their own living. N. W. SHINGLE If N PROTEST RATES SEATTLE. Mar. IK. Testimony in- tonded to show, that truns-contlnental rallways'are chnrgrhg discriminatory rates on shingles as-compared . with lumber shipments from west coast points, to. the east, was Introduced by shingle mnnufa;:turers. operating In Oregon, Washington and British .Co lumbia nt a hearing t-fore W. A. Dlsque, special exaimnpr for the in- tor-state commerce commission here yesterday.' Representatives of plain tiff compnnls asserted that the. rail roads In the east and south have plac ed shingle and 'lumber shipments on an., equality. . . , 1. 1 REPORT MANY CASES OF s Says we must keep feet dry ; avoid exposure and eat less meat.' '. Stay off the damp ground, avoid ex posure, keep fect dry, eat less meat, drink lots of water and above all take a spoonful of salts occasionally to keep down uric acid. Rheumatism is caused by poisonous toxin, Called uric acid, which is gene rated in the bowels and absotbed into the blood. It is the (unction of the kidneys to filter this ayd from the blood and cast it out in the urine. The pores of the skin arc also a nH-ans of freeing the blood of. this impurity. In damp and chilly, cold weather the skin pores are closed, thus forcing the kid neys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fail to eliminate this uric acid which -keeps accumulating and circulating through . the . system, eventually settling in the Joints and muscles causing stiffness soreness and pain callod rheumatism. At the first twi ige of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts ; put a thblespoonfut in a glass of water and drink before breakfast each morning for a week. This is said to eliminate uric acid by stitnu- lating the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding the blood of these impur ities. J ad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lit Hi and is used with excellent results by thou sands of folks who are subject to rheu matism. Here yoi have a . pleasant,' effervescent lithia-water drink ' which overcomes uric acid and is-bcncli6aJ to your kidneys at well, IIS ASHLAND MEEIMG PlSHfei; ASHLAND, Alar. 18. The annual meeting of the Ohio association of the Rogue River vailey held Saturday, March 12, at Chautauqua Pioneer hall, will long be remembered by the Buck eyes and their families as the largest delegation held in many years, Medford, Central Point, Gold Hill and surrounding valley points were represented. One hundred native born Obloans and their families . were seuted at the first table, whete a de licious chicken dinner was served. At the conclusion of dinner an excellent program was thoroughly enjoyed 'by all present. ' . ' President J. J. Cambers presided at this meeting, und made an interesting ovening address, in which he read a letter from President Warren G. Hard ing, addressed to the president of the Ohio association in. regard to Admis sion day., President Harming stated that on February. 19, 1803, congress declared that Ohio hud -adopted a con stitution and bad become a state of the union. Musical . selections followed, con sisting of Instrumental music by Or. B. A. Woodrf, and family, and a vocn! duet by Mrs. E. Smith and-Miss An derson;. . .!."-, ' . The president then Introduced At torney H. A. Canaday of Medford as the speaker of the -day. The latter delivered an . eloquent and scholarly address and paid a grand tribute to Old Ohio. : -Another instrumental solo by Misb -NoiU(e, Ileaytr followed, and Mrs. Ed White rend a poem written by Mr. White., while a selection wfilen by Mrs. Yockey, a native Oliiban,' was read by Miss Mitchell. These tvere followed by remarks by E. K. Hall, liuch number was heartily applauded by the interested audience. GRANDMA USED SAGE 'TEA 10 DARKEN 111 She mixed Sulphur with it to Restore Color, Gloss, ' Youthf ulness. -' Common garden sage brewed into a heavy, tea with sulphur added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just a fow applications will prove a revela tion if your hair is fading, streaked or gray. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul phur recipe at homo, though. Is trou blesome. An easier way-is to get a bottle of Wyoth's Sage and Sulphur Compound at any drug store all ready for use. - .This Is the old-time recipe Improved by tho addition of other In gredients. ' While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not; sinful, we all - desire to retain our youthful appoarance arid attractive ness. By darkening your hair with Wyoth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can toll, because It. docs It so naturally, so evenly. . Yon Just dampoii a sponge or soft, brush with it and- draw tnts tnrough your: nalr. taking one small strand at a tlmc(; by.mornlng all gray hairs .have '.-disappeared, and, after another application or. two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant - '' ?hls preparation is a' delightful toilet requisite and Is not Intended for the euro, mitigation or prevention of dis ecse. . i ' v. ; Medford Iron Works Tractor, Truck, Spray Outfit, and . Gas Unglnc Repairing a Specialty ' 1 GENERAL FOUNDRY -. AND MACHINE' SItOP a ' . . . ? f T ? T J r r T t t r f t t t T t T ? y y y ? v. H ft 1 iviaK -. ' ! I, . . . . , . ; v. . . .v.. j - .- - .,; .. a Place to Be Proud of It doesn't make so much difference what kind of a dwelling or. building you live in, you'll find itit bright, cheery and comfy look ing if it is wired for. ' . ' .-' : .' . Electric Lighting, Cooking and Heating ' It' will add warmth and hospitality to your rooms. They will make your home, the kind of a place you have always wanted, (jail up your electrical contractor arid have your home wired now. i t!. California -Oregon Power Company "Phone 168. . 216 West Main Street, Medford, Or i . ' ; - ' LETTING: CONDITIONS DOWN EASY 'DO you know what would have undoubtedly happened in this after-war readjustment of conditions if there hadn't been a FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM to' smooth out the rough places along the financial road ? If you DO know, then you will better appre ciate the First National's Membership in ' that System. ; '.' ' , "Nationalized" Accounts-, ' - Ufie FIRST NATIONAL BAM' . MEaFORp 5p '.-:;:. :-v";- The' -. Geo. LTreichler Motor Co. .... . ... .... : ,... ;U ! '.-: r,)t.:,i ' .-. .- v .. .., . it ' -i'.5ii;. '.yni ft.' typf' Have some good used ears ' , " . podge Brothers, one Hudson Speedster,' . ' .-- , o 1"'' ; two Olds, one Ford. Touring, one Maxwell Delivery, one Ford Truck, one Olds Truck. . .-- " For sale,' all in good condition and prices are reasonable. ".: - ... .' .m . ; ' Come in and look them over IMPROVED QUICK KODAK SERVICE- ,, .. ... -V , ... .I'-.-.'!;,--';--;'- ;- V- " . " Bring your films in before 10 a. nr., and we, will develop, print and have them ready for you at 5 o'clock the same day. ., 'bur films re bundled by experts in tlie deveiopliig rooms. ; Tile prints are mnde on the gi-.ule of paper Hint will yh-ld the Vei'y best picture, i We use three dll'l'erent ilegrei's of contrast and If at till pos sible, .lo imiki n goctl print from uneftatlve,' we will ninko It. - I'rtrits'nro dried (Hid slriilglitelied, priieticaliy Ironed,' In bur eectrlc dryer ami will always lie flat.' The brilliance of the prliit Is also. lielgliteiKHl by this Improved drying, pioeess., . WE PAY TOE rOSTAGK ON MAIIi ORDERS SWEM'S STUDIO ' " 'A.r ' ! . ''.- ! :: - .! k . i . 4 217. East Main .J. . , .. -j. - , WITH MtDFGXD TRADE Id MEDFORD MAD a LJ ' . J ' e i our nome 1 1 BSI OREGON ; iviil 'I'l., ,.- .'. 111', ,r.-W; r'i' i 'r '- ' 1: ''' " : . "'' " ).' fc! -,'')--bits .::i-". '.'..vii'l A I .:l ' - '; - '' y T f: f I, r T y y- t f. ? y r- y t ift-J oil ,0 '(ii