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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1921)
PATITC FTVE ID.UUUTtUrLt IN JAIMJN COUNTY AND MlntKN UKtliUN KtAD THE PlAIL iKIijUNt DAILY For a 30-cent Classified Ad a car was sold last week for $1,800. Figure that out The best and cheapest advertising medium in Southern Oregon is the Classified Ad Department of the Mail Tribune. MTDFOTCD MATTJ TRTT5TTNR, MTFOUD, OlfFOON". AIOXDAV. "NfATJOIT 11. 1f21 : Livestock PORTLAND, Ore.,. Mar. 14. Cattle , Blow; receipts 2572.-. Choice. ecrr $7.75 8.25; extreme $3.50;. med'um to choice $7.75(f! 7.75; fair to good $0.25 tji7; common to fair $5.25'ii 6.25; choice cows and heifers $6.25 fi 7; mo- ilititn to good $5.75 iff 6.25; fair to me- ilium $5.25 5.75; common to fair. $4.25 ' ! 5.25; ciinners $2S4-25; hulls $3.50; choice dairy calves $12.50 13.50; i inline light $11.50frl2.50; medium light $0.50 11.50; heavy calves $6?i' 7.50; best feeders $6.506 C.75 fair to good $5.75 0.75. Hogs 50c higher,. Receipts I (132. 1 Prime light $11.50 12; smooth heavy , V- pigs u.uu; leeuer pigs iui 1 1. 1 Stags, (subject to backing) $Ji lO, Sheep slow; receipts 2342. East of mountain lambs $8.50 9.25; valleys $8 8.50; heavy $.50 8; feeders $0 7.50; culls $4(i; ewes $1.5015; light yearlings $7 7.50; heavy $C.50M 7; wethers $5.50 06.50. Butter PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 14. Putter steady. Extra cubes 41 42c; cartons 49c; prints 4Sc; Butterfat, No. 1 churn ing cream, 45c f.o.h. Portland, under grades 43c. CHICAGO. Mar. 14. Considerable strength developed in the wheat mar ket today owing largely to word" of export buying tit the seaboard. Open ing quotations which varied from un changed figures to three cents higher with' March $1,59 to Jl.UUVt anil May $1.51 to $1,531,4 were followed by re actions from initial top figures. Corn, after opening unchanged to c higher, Including Muy at 69 to 69 c steadied with part of the extreme gain lost. Oats starting quarter off to c ad vance, May 42 to 43, hardened nil around before beginning to react. Provisions showed weakness as a re sult of free selling on the part of com mission houses. N. Y. Stocks . NEW YORK. Mar. 14. Liquida tion nnd short selling provoked addi tional impairment of values in the stock market today. Oils, ship pings find steels were ngain most vulnerable. Sales approximated (i 00, 000 shares. AlliH-Chalmers 34. 3 American Beet Sugar 40.8 American Can 2C.5 American Car & Foundry .... 122. American Hide & Leather pfd. 43.7 American International Corp. 40.7 American Looomottive 83. American Smelting & Ref'g. . . 37.5 American Sugar 00.7 American Sumatra Tobacco . . . 71). 2 American T. & T 102. American Woolen G4. Anaconda Copper 3 5.3 Atchison 7 9.7 Atl., ulf & W. Indies 34.8 Raldwin Locomotive 82.8 Baltimore & Ohio 31. Bethlehem Steel "B" 55. Canadian Pacific 111. Central Leather 37. Chandler Motors 72. Chesapeake & Ohio 56.5 C'hlcuKo, Mil. and St. Paul ... 23.8 Chicago, R. I. & Pac 23.7 Chlno Copper . . '. 20.2 Colorado Fuel & Iron 26.2 Corn Products . 00.6 Crucible Steel 83.7 Cuba Cane Sugar 21.G Erie 12. General Electric 130. General Motors 12.0 Goodrich Co 34.8 Great Northern pfd 71.2 Great Northern Ore. Ctfs 30. Illinois Central 85.5 Inspiration Copper 30. (i Int. Mer. Marine, pfd 48. International Paper 53. Kennecott Copper 1 (5 .2 Louisville & Nashville 98. Maxwell Motors 4.G Mexican Petroleum 14.3 Miami Copper 17. Middle States Oil 12. MidvaJo Steel 3 0. Missouri Pacific HI-7 New York Central 57.5 N. Y.. N. II. and Hartford 17. Norfolk & Western 94. Northern Pacific 70. 5 Oklahoma Prod. & Ret 3.3 Pan American Petroleum .... C7.2 J'annsylvania .- 30. People's Gas 3S. Pittsburg and West Va 25.2 Ray Consolidated Copper 11.7 Reading ! Rep. Iron & Steel 63.7 Royal Dutch, N. Y "2.0 Shell Trans. & Trad 40. (I Sinclair Con. Oil jjl.7 Southern Pacific 72. Southern Railway 19.(i Standard Oil of N. J. pfd D)7. Studebaker Corporation 5!l.7 Tennessee Copper 7.5 Texas Co. 40. Texas & Pacific 20. Tobacco Products 00. Transcontinental Oil 7.5 Tnlon Pacific 111.8 IT. S. Food Products 20.. V. 8. Retail Stores 50.3 V. S. 1ml. Alcohol (bid) 00. DIAMOND DYES DON'T STREAK, SPOT, FADE Buy "Diamond DyPs." no other Itlnd, then perfect results nre RUar anteed. Each packapo of "Diamond Dyes" contains simple directionn to diamond-dye worn, shabby skirts, waists, dresses, coast, gloves, stork Ings, sweaters, draperies, covering, everything, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, new, rich, fadeless colors. Druggist ban Colo-. Card. AUv, liii - C'nited States Rubber T'nited States Steel (I'tah Copper 47. 5 46. S iAVestiiiKhouse Kl.-elrie ... j Willy's Overlain! j American Zinc, Lead and i Unite and SuiK-rinr (bid) . - It'iil:t 1, 10.7 ;MOI1,allil ,..,.,. ,,V,; ISh.ittuek Arizona (l.idi U'uic oil i Invincible Oil I'lent-i-al Asphalt ROCK FRILLS Chester lag at tin Davis of Pi Ditswnrltt speet and is visit Vincent homes this week. L.' ' , 7 '"" ZXZVS done and visiting relativ es. (Jus and St Hurt DitHWorth, Lester Golden and Cllisur Davis were visit ing in the Lauielliurst district lion, day on business. Word was received a few days ago that Prank Ditswnith. who was ope rated on in Ashland two weeks ago, is very much better. Mr. llolleulieak. Sr., spent Satur day night at the evergreen ranch. -Mrs. S. S. Welch, who has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. Ingles of iTnlo. for some time returned to her home at Prospect 'Puesdav. E E Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temples A headache remedy without tho dan gers of "headache medicine." Relieves headache and that miserable feeling from colds or congestion. And it acts at once! Musterole is a clean, white oint ment made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Used only externally, and in no way can it affect stomach and heart, ' as some internal medicinc3 do. Excellent for sore throct, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, all- pains and aches of the bade or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Men with tractor for disc ing. Phono 685-J-3. WANTED Boys with bicycles to learn carrier routes. Mail Tribune. . WANTED Good ai around orchard man, tractor experience. Apply Mall Tribune-, Box W. 13. tf , Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Rosehurg, Oregon, February 24, 1921. Notice is hereby given that Ray Davis, of Eagle Point, Oregon, on Feb ruary 23, 1921. made Additional Horn stead Entry, Serial No. 013697, under the Act of April 28, 1904 and Act of June 9, 1916, for the NWU of SE of Sec. 33, Tp. 34 S., R. 1 E., W. M., as Additional to Homestead Entry, Serial No. 09083, patented, for the SW54 or SE'A of Sec. 33, Tp. 34 S., R. 1 E., W. M and that upon comple tion of publication of this notice and payment of commissions and purchase price of the land, final certificate and patent will issue for the land embraced in the additional entry. The purpose of this notice Is to allow all persons claiming the land adverse ly, or desiring to show It to be mineral In character, an opportunity to i lie ou- jectfon to the application with tne Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office at Rosehurg, Ore Eon. nnd to establish their Interest therein or the mineral character there of. W. H. CANON, Register. EAST SIDE HOME Five rooms, bath store room and woodhouse, large chicken house and yards. Large quantity of ber ries, cherry trees, shade trees. Water piped over the land for ir rigation. A REAL CITY FARM Size of Lot 118 ft. by 258 ft. Owner leaving city. Price for quick action $3700 Terms. Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 Nash Blk. Medford For Any Kind of Real Estate The Best Fire Insurance WHY? A BARGAIN IN LAND $30,000 RANCH FOR $7,500 Former owner spent purchnsInK anil developing tills ranch SSO.nno. We now offer It for $7.-iO!. 140 acres, nrnr paved highway. On good road, fine stream along pl.t i near good range, (an be Irrigated with little cvpenso, dO.acnv in cultivation, 10 acres 10 rear old lM-nrn balance airulfa und grain Ian. I. licautlfnl Rround.t for bui.dlng, ideal plnce for liome, $2000 cash. Balance terms.- I believe this to bo the best buy in land I have In 10 years I Imve lieeu In buslnc&g ROGUE RIVER LAND Nnsh IIoU'l Corner 1 1 ki.p v a .vn:i fkmalk WANTED Swith board gill. Hotel .Medford. Call la Person. Do not lihone. WANTED Lady to help' in tailor shop. Experienced heip preferred. Klein, the Tailor. 12S E. Main. 3U2 WANTED Girls for confectionery work, exiH?rience preferred but not necessary. C'rowson's. tl'' HET.P WATTm Male and Female CLERKS, (men, women, over 17) for Postal Mail Service. $120 monthly. Examinations March, April. Exper ience unnecessary. For free particu lars of instruction, write J. Leonard, (former Civil Service examiner). 75S Equitable llhlg., Washington, D. C. 304 WANTED Young married couple on small dairy farm. Good wages, straight time, good house, wood and milk furnished. Frank Van Dyke. Phone 403-Y. 302 WANTED Man and wife for ranch work. Must be experienced. Phone 591-J-2, between 12 and 1 o'clock or address llox SS, Mail Tribune. tl" WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Tly experienced tractor man, position at. once, liox C. ('.. Mail Tribune. ' 303 WANTED Plowing 452-L. ' to do. Phone 303 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Plowing to do with tractor. Phone 67-J-2. 302 WANTED To rent by experienced gardener, two to ten acres with house within a few 'miles of Medford P. O. Pox 959. 303 WANTED Partner for restaurant do ing a big business, or will sell. Call 108 Hush. Ashland. Ore. 303 WANTED To rent 6 or 7 room house; will take a year's lease, phone SS2-". 30' " WANTED PlowPig for Fordson trac tor. H. W. Newstrom, .23 Crater Lake Ave. 304 WANT to rent on April first 4 or room house. Might buy. State ren tal, price, location and give lull par ticulars. S. C. H.. Mail Tribune, jiu WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phone 4S8-M or 4SS-X. tf WANTED Several men and boys to know that you can buy any nine tor $2.00 pur week. Liberty snop, s. (lr.l!l. tf WANTED Shoe repairing while you wait at the "Model Boot Shop." zi S. Central Ave. Quick service, quality work. E. N. Blden. prop. FOR, KENT FUUNISIU3U ROOMS FOR RENT Rooms. Hot and water. Imperial, 30 N. Front. cold 303 FOR RENT Sleeping room, 316 S. Riverside. 302 FOR RENT Furnished rooms. $2.00 per week. Phone 936-R. 445 S. Front 303 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, bath any time; use of wash tub and Iron. Largo gar age; one block from library. No. 604 W. Tenth. Bungalow Bargain Beyond Dispute The best buy ever of fered in Medford Two-story, strictly modern and up-to-date. -Large living and din ing room, . veneer panel, ocam, ceiling, fine den, two large porches, many' built in features. Beautiful fire place, cabinet kit chen, set laundry tubs, one sleep ing room, first floor, three sleep ing rooms and bath, 2nd floor, fine garage, wood house, store room, paving and all assessments paid. Owner writes us To Sell It" That's the Reason It's Only $5500.00 Immediate Possession Page-Dressier Co. Nash Block Phone 282 Any Kind of Beal Estate The Best Fire Insurance CO. J. C. BARNES I'hone 7H-I-.I FOIt RENT norsEKKEPisa rooms FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, close in. Adults onlv. Phone 199-M. FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnish ed housekeeping rooms and bed rooms. 0 V. Jackson. 203 FOR RENT rARMS FOR RENT 140 acres diversified ranch on highway, 10 acres orchard, 25 acres under cultivation, good grass, timber, fenced. $2.00 per acre rent, llox 65, Mail Tribune. 305 TOR RENT OR SALE On easy tonus. two stock ranches, one of 120 and tho other 065. Box 256 Haglo Point. 305 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR KENT Two acres of land for to matoes. R. 2, Box 36. 306 FOR LEASE In best business section in Ashland, 349 E. Main St., sixteen rooms known lis the .Manx hotel. The furniture for sale reasonable, to re liable parly. Must give reference Call or address S. 11. Stoner, 349 E. Main St., Ashland, Oreg. Reason for selling poor health, must go to sea level. . 302 AUTOMOBILES FORS ALE 1920'Vord, selfst.irtcr, speedometer and shock absorbers. Tel 70 l-R. 303 FOR SALE Five passenger Reo, or will trade for light car. Address II. O. Bostwick, R. F. D. 1, Talent, Ore. 303 FOR SALE One 1920 Oakland six touting car, looks like new, extra equipment, bumper, lnotomctor, new spare tire, clock, etc. Owner must cell at sacrifice at once. Price $1100. Tumy Motor Co., 125 S. Front St. tf FOIt SALE Ford touring car. Perfect condition. Phone 441, call for Collier. FOR SALE Ford touting car $275. Ford truck with covered body, cab nnd windshield, practically new, $700. Patton & Robinson, Inc., 112 S. Riverside. FOR SALE The owner says we must sell 1920 Dort. $149 worth of extras. Cord tires. $1000. Come soon. It won't last long. Clark & Guilders. tf FOIt SAI -LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Jersey bull, two years old. Wm. J. Wallace, 6G Mt. Ave., Ashland, Oregon''. 303 FOR SALE Tea beautiful fresh cows, high testers; also,, cream separator, nnd good work horse. Walsh's place ono mile northeast of Medford, on Crater Lake Road. .. 313 FOR SALE Y'oung ifersey hull ready for service. Three year old colt. R. 11. Browne, 67-R-3.: 303 r Oil SALE Ten good milk cows. Phone 5-F-4 or Box C7, Englo Point, Oregon. 30 FOR SALE Six. heavy work horses suitable for logging and ranch work L. LouiIen Jacksonville. 302 FOR SALE Six fine young Duroc Jer sey sows breeding age. Also good well rotted horse manure, no straw. Tent, North Central, opposite box factory. 30 FOR SALE One soon unblemished work or driving horse. Color solid black, weight 1300 lbs. Phone 5!). Earl Tinny, 125 S. Front St. tr FOR SALE Two fine colts and two horses. Dr. Helms llui-n. tf FOR SALE Ten beautiful fresh milch cows, also good work horse. Walsh's place, ono mile northeast of Medford on Crater Lake Road. 303 FOR SALE Mount Crest Ranch of fers for sale four Shorthorn bulls, ready for service, your choice for $300. Two younger at $200, moBtly red. Apply James Stewart, Mount- crest Ranch. Hilt, Calif. . tf SAFETY FIRST! In buKfncHS, demands account ing methods which enable you at all times to know the truo situation concerning your IjuhI nesH progress. SYSTEM Is our business HookkeepinpT, income tax nnd other business difficulties satis factorily adjusted. Consult us. Aud:tirv tf Accourtir4 kYSTEMERVICElO- V Irvaurkrvce, atw lrvestnerts J M. P. SCIIMITT, Mgr. Phone 5S1 T.llwrty Bldg. Cole-8 for Sale 7-Pn.ssenfjri-j Finish, Equipment nnd .Motive Power like new. I'liono OOl-W, or full 121) N. Onkdnlc Ave., Medford. ALFALFA AND PEARS. 10 ncrc parl'y in full bearing pears nnd partly In n fino slnnil of nKalfa, nil fincnt soil; good liouso with modern conveniences, barn, rtc, close In to Medford, and with crop proMMTtN which nro general throughout the entire Itngnc River Valley, this season's crop ought to pay very closo to the price lit which thlH place can lie bought for n short time. Price is $5,000.00. immvv IIOI.I-.VXI) It SALE PIHI.TRY AND l-XJGS ! H)l! SALE Krauze turkey eggs $:i.ti'i per dozen. Also Progressive Ever bearing strawberry plants, $3.00 per hundred. .Mrs. J. W. Kelsoe, Cent nil Point. 305 VOR SALE Huff RociiS hatching, $1.75 a setting. S. Holly. Phone S10-J. eggs for Call 219 303 I'OR SALE Barred Rock eggs from best of layers, $1.00 a setting. Ex cellent Oregon rooster, $3.00. J. E. Gril'ble, Kenwood Ave. and W. Palm near W. end of Fourth St. 305 FOR SALE Egg Producer $3.40 cwt. Mill run $.165 sack 80 lbs. Rolled barley $1.60 sack. Scratch Food $3.00 cwt. Wo deliver. Call 260 or 529 Monarch Seed Co. tf WHITE LEGHORN BABY CillX Bt'mI to produce commercially profit nV)e bens. April delivery, $13 per h)Jlred. May and Juno delivery $1 per hundred. Full count guar anteed. Sales' Hatchery, Petaluma, Calif. 308 FOR 8AI.F - Barred Rock eggs, O. A. C. strain, 75c a setting. Phono 919-W. 302 FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs. O. A C. Besi hiving strain. Phouo 6S5 R-3. ' ,. 320 FOR SALE Rhorto Island Red eggs, $1.00 per setting. '. I. cockerels, $2.50 each. Choice V.r alo canaries $1.00. Phono S47-Y. FOR SALE White Leghorn chicks $15 to $18. Esgs 45.00 per hundred. R. I. Rod eggs, chicks and cockerels. Dressier Squnro 'Deal Hatchery. Phono 951-L. 315 FOR SALE Hatching eggs front my bred to lay White Leghorns. W. J. Warner. .0 .'. - tf FOR SALE O. A. C. Btrnln Barred Rock eggs for hatching. Phone 6-F-2. T. E. Pottenger. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Suburban ten usres, pour and chicken ranch, now bungalow. Forced to sell on account of owner's health. No agents' fees. , Call or ad dress B., 405 Realty St. 307 FOR SALE Nine ncres of land, S room house, barn and other build ings, 4!& miles from Central Point on good road, cheap. Will consider good car as part payment. Terms for part of balance Address II. Crandall, Cold Hill. 307 ?OIt SALE fl-room modern bungalow, partly furnished, $3750. 5-room modern cotlnge, $2000.. 7-room bungalow, $2250. On paved streets, have garages all assessments, taxes paid. Terms Address P. O. llox 951. 309 FOR SALE Cottage. 1107 Nluntlc, $1000. FOR SALE Twenty-two ncres fine soil one mile from Medford, eight ncres full bearing orchard, balance suitable for alfalfa. Five room mod ern bungalow, good barn and out buildings. Total prlco $7000. only $2500 cash required. Earl Tumy, 125 S. Front St. tr FOR SALE Cheap, nice bungalow. 5 rooms and bath, BcreenccVln sloeplng porch, large screened back porch, built-in features, on pavement, ce ment walks, good garden sjot, fruit and harries. See It at 518 Beatty St. 303 FOR SALE Ranch close In to Ash land, $150 an aero with Improve ments. Box 7, Mall Tribune. 302 FOR SALE (i-room plastered house, modern; largo lot: closo In on Oak dale. Price $3210, clear. Bennett Investment Co. tf FOR SALE Good ranches. See us befor3 buying. . J. 13. ,Andrews, 31 N. Grape J3t Phono 53-M. tf ' FOTTSALElBti' acres TinTbe'r' ill' Elk Creek district, or will trade for im proved valley property.. Phone 3G4-J ' " ' 304 FOR BALE LeaBu ana exchange real estate.- Gold Ray Realty Company. roil SALE - furnished acreage. 21G. -Housob unci., bungalows, or unfurnished; also C. S. Butterflold, phono MOXKV TO LOAN TO LOAN J. B. Andrews loans money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 53-M. 31 North Grape street. TAKBX I P TAKEN UP Ono long wool ruin, no marks, and ono small ewe, split in left ear. Chas. C. Sandorson, Beagle, Oregon. 303 JXJHT LOST Set hall-inch ropo pulley blocks. Finder please return to or notify California-Oregon Powor Co. 302 LOST Child's pink please phone 933. purse. Finder 302 MISCELLANEOUS WELL DRILLING People should drink puro water; my wells stand the state hoard of health test. J. M. .Dodge, 715 Cedar St. Phono 820-II. 305 & wnrrR HOTKIi COKNER ,,7m2jsEra FOIt SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Two electric incubators, 100 eggs each; also girls bicycle. Phone 463. 302" FOR SALE We still have a few cream separators and milking ma chines to dispose of at reduced juices. Also 2 Chevrolet and 1 Ford truck and one Ford roadster almost new. 3 platform scales. Several poultry feeding batteries. Poultry cooling racks and egg case fillers. Eldridge Dairy Products Co. 302 FOR SALE Loose grain and hay. Phone 50 R-2. alfalfa 3"7 FOR SALE Alfalfa, first and second cutting. Gold Range Ranch, 2 miles south on Highway. 309 FOR SALE Wheat $2.50 per hundred Talent Orchard Co.. Talent. 3n;i FOR SALE 5 h. p. cheap. Thos. Met Alamo gas engine . Applegato. 301 FOR SALE Oak dresser, oak chif fonier, enameled bed, steel springs and mattress. Finned oak buffet, china closet, set of 7 dining chairs, dandy oak morris chair, mahogany wriling desk, large coal heater, plush couch, sanitary steel davenport, oak rockers, Wheeler & Wilson drophead sewing machine, library table and stand, steel spring wringer, galvan ized wash tubs, wash board and elec tric vacuum cleaner. Call before 8 o'clock this evening or Tuesday be fore noon at 25 S. Orange. 302" FOR SALE Meyers pump, capacity 2UO0 gallons an hour, B ft. of 2-Inch pipe, anil a 30011 gallon galvanized tank. Mrs. Ellen lleuson, phone Sli-X. 30.7 FOR SALIO comlitlon. -Two seated hack Phone 201-W. In good 3iui ."Oil SALK First cutting all'all'ii. $18, ono mile out on King's Highway. Phono 2G-J-1. 30.". FOR SALE 200 locust posts, 7 anil 9 feet; -15 tiers of hardwood. Phone 355, Jacksonville. 303 FOR SALE Common alfalfa seed tests 91 percent, germination 99.9 percent pure, no dodder, $23 ewt. Grimm, 07e pound. Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR SALE Piano, selected by Herb Launspach for its fine tone, or will trade for a light car. Court Hall, tf FOR SALE 22 tons of choice bnled alfalfa, $20. Carl Ksch, 214 miles S. V. of Eagle Point. 302 FOR SALE Practically new Bruns wick phonograph nnd records at a reduction. 41 S. Holly. 302 FOR SALE Furniture for four room cottago consisting of beds, stoves, tables, chairs, etc. 121 Cottago St. i i. 302 FOR SALE White sewing W. J. Warner. machine, tf FOR SALE Three-Inch Mitchell wag on, good condition. Phone 25-R-2. 303 FOR SALE Slightly used alfalfa cul tivator. Hubbard Bros. tf 'Oil SALE Homo grown alfalfa seed 20c por lb. Corvallis test 99.70. J. tit. Hurley, R. R. No. 2, Medford. Phono 21-F-1G Jacksonville. 302 FOR SALE OR TRADE One-ton Fod- ' era! truck, new wood rack and J 921 ' license. Will tnko used car in trade, condition no object. 5G5 B St., Ash laud. Oro. . 302 FOR SALE Second-hand Vaughn drag saw. Hubbard Bros. tf FOR SALE Canary Park. birds. 512 S. FOR SALE Ono 5-borso Almo sta tlonary engine, liko new, $225. Ono 6-foot orchard disk, used one season, $50. Ono 8-foot orchard dlBk, used ono Boason, $75. One 10 Inch gang plow, just like new, $75. C, E. Gates Auto Co. . tl FOR SALE Sand, grnvol, sediment nnd dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phono 9I2-J, Samuel Bate man, 302 Maple St. FOR SALE Manure. Phono 452-Y. Hoover Dairy. tf FOR SALE One new Sampson trac tor at a vory low price; will take good team In on payment, balance cash and terms. Geo. L. Trelchler Motor Co., Medford, Ore. tf FOR SALE Hay at Three Oaks. J. Hnrt.ell. FOR SALE 200 pan new shoes at cost. Second-hand shoes and shoe repairing at the Medford Shoe Hos pital, 119 E. Sixth St., Medford. FOR EXCHANGE) "OR THAME 320 acres near mouth of big Butto creek, for Medford pro perty. Medford Land & Insurance Agency. tf FOR TRADE Seven passenger Cadil lac for light car. Court J4ull. tf FOR TRADE Two lots on Portland Ave. for light car. Kate Young. If BUSINESS DIItBCTOIir Chiropractic Physician JOUETT P. BRAY Straight Chiro practic, rooms 409-10 M. F. & II - building. 9 to 12 a. ni., 2 to 5 p. m.. dally except Thursday. Phone 5b0 Painting and Paperhnnging LEWIS & CASEY Painting, Paper hnnging, tinting. Estimates furnish ed free. Phono 189. 26 S. Grapo St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER Anything nioveu day or night. Service guaranteed. Fair treatment. 104 S. Fir. Phone: Oltlce 644 or res, 647-R 206, U BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Abstractors. MURRAY BROS. & VAN VORI8 Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, No. 22 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY' Incorporated 1904. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insurance. Architect O. E. TEETS Licensed SIsson, California. architect. 323 Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. We are operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plant In the Paciflo northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under written guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St, Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, , rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Hank Building. A. E. REAMES Corey Building. -Lawyer, Garnctt- O. C. HOGGS Renl estate law and settlement of estates a specialty. II. F. LINDAS Attorney, Oeneral Practice. Patents a specialty. Stew;irt Dldg. ... WINFIF.LD it. GAYLORD Lawyer. Room 7 Palm block, 107 East Main ' St., Medford. 0. A. CODDING Lawyer, National Bank Dldg. Medford Building Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK ft BLOCK WORKS specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. Chiropractor. DR. A. BURKLUND Chiropractor, Spinal .Adjustments. 2D4-205 Sparta Dldg., cor. Main and Riverside. Office phone 285. Dentist DR. V. R. KAUFMAN, Dentist Offlcs In Sparta Building. Offico hours J to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 285. Electric Service BATTERY & ELECTRIC CO. Factorj uistriuutorB tor uxido Batteries and Falrbanks-Morso light plants. Nal Bldg. Phone 116. . 814 Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. B. M. Wl Bon, C. P. A. Attention given U anything In Accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look Into oU simplified accounting method. LIU erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 167-R. Fidelity and Surety Bonds FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS- We execute all forms ot ' bond McCurdy Insurance Agency. ttf . Instruction In Music. ' FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of piano and harmony. Hnlght Must studio, 318 Gamett-Coroy Building Phone 72. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. BURSELL Splnologlst, PhJ slclon and surgeon. Spinal adjust inonts, general treatments and diag nosis. 309-10-11 M. F. & H. Bldg. Elevator to third floor. Phone 29. DR. J. J. EMMT5NS Physician antl surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scientif ically tested and glasses supplied, OcullBt and Aurlst for S. P. R. R. Co, M. F. & 11. Co. Bldg. Pnone 667.. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Phynclans. 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phone 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel St ' DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic- Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear, nose and throat. 801 Liberty building. Phone 496. DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Natural Painless Meth ods. Room 428 M. F. ft U. Bldg. Phone 9C5. JAMES C. HAYES Physician and Surgeon; office hours 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Sparta building; residence 1405 W. Main. Phones: Office 6G3, res. 492. "Specialty," Medical and Surgical Diagnosis. . tf Dr. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician ana Surgeon. Offices M. F. ft H. Bldg. Phone 1G5. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 1G5-J-2. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. Public Accountants ALAN BRACKINREED,' Room 9 F. E. HAYES, Room 10 Jackson County Bank Bldg. Accounts, fed eral tax returns, business counsel. Rug Weaving. MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 610-M. 706 Pine St. Tent and Awning Works MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING WORKS 328 N. Orane St. Phone 413-Y. bl. Burger, Prop, V