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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1921)
WHJE .FOOT? MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNIC, MEDFORD, 01? KG OX, MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1921 J si it 10. I, It j' 181 rK "f lot . i ! ' ll'lj ..- :1J Ill loi 1' li 10 ' JMedford Mail Tribune AN 1NDKPENDKNT NEWfiPAI'KR PUBLISHKD EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNT) AT BY THE i MEDFORD PRINTING CO. r- The Medford Sunday Sun la furnished ubnorft)ers desiring a seven day daity newspaper. Office Mail Tribune Building, 25-27-29 North .Fir street. Phone 75. A consolidation of the Democrat lc Times, the .Medford Mail, the Medford fTrlhune, The-Southern Oregonlan, The Ashland Tribune. ROBERT W. RUHU Editor. BUMPT15H 8. SMITH, ManaKer. UBBO&XPTIQV TEBMS: BT MAIL IN ADVANCE: Dslly, with Sunday Sun, year 7.S0 la)ly, with Kunday Sun. month 75 Dally, without Sunday Sun, year ... 6.&0 . Pally, without Sunday Sun, month Weekly Mall Tribune, one yt-ur...... 2 00 Bunday Sun. one year....: 2.00 BY CARRIER In Medford, Ashland. Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix, Talent! Daily, with Sunday Sun, month 7fi Dnlly, withojt Sunday Sun, month 6T l Dally, without Sunday Hun, year.. 7.M) Dally, with Sundtiy Sun, one year 8.110 ' All t'rrris by carrier caHh In advance. I'fficht! paper of the City of Medford. . '.Official paper of Jackson County. Hworn dallv averape circulation for nix months endinn Oct. J :0 8226 ' Entered as second-class matter ol Medford, Oregon, under the act of March 8, 1879. MEM HERS OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. y The Associated Press Is exclunively iJ entitled to the use for republication of 'y. nil news dispatches credited to it, or not Vk otherwise credited lit this panotvund also Cthe local news published herein. All rights of republication of special oil; dispatches herein are also reserved. Ye Smudge Pot Bj Arthur Perry ' About as smart n trick 113 0110 wilt coma' In contact with In thin life, wn n tho iirrost Sutmdiiy by u Helena, Mont. tsi iloloctlvo of a 100 year old nogio for !. J having a pint of whiskey. ''' ' 1. 1 . The usual spring cxpendlturo .. of wljud . 'for tho erection of n hotel at Crater Luko Is now lindorway. ' .. . '; l. . AehlaiKl Is liavlrtlt a "Clcnn-iip week" c this week. ; Washington, D. C, Had one f Jast Fi'lday.' , . ;.; ' , fei . '. ' ir( . There Is a shortage of 2nd. lutes In re. the'; Uj S.' army.'; Participants In tho er lute,WHr will recall 'the great suflc a iency prevailing Ip those stirring days. In . -"' ,' i '";' ' A' NASH RECRUIT Or Tom Want. Ad) '' ' Machinist-operator, with over ... fifteen years machine experience, (20- -eira In the printing trade) do ' Hli'eBjiqrmanent sit. ,' h m A 'shipload of Oregon prunes. .Is .go M Ing'tb famine stricken China, and they ot can'ti c4t .'en 1 with ciiopstlcks. SI1 '. Tho Sabbath puased without a dol n ugo,.' halting tho proposed drlvo for a M1' municipal ark. . ' lj '.'.i' ' ' . ' ' In. another week all tho empty lrt "j tlos will .bq full of oil samples. Mllk :o men and -druggists guard woll tho buck door. '...','. It .', . 111 H. i'NuU Is the superintendent of "'l-strocts ,t Grunts- Pass.' The nytcli is 1" lor HJckory. , , t- ,1 ; A 8IGHT T0 BEHOLD ' ! i (Klamath Herald) ,Oue sip-prlso sprung on our su premo officers avub tho . ladles' leiini that .took tho lust candldnto through the work, all dressed In whtto with rod Biishvs. Thlsjiavo ,tltO'. mon's team a. chance to dls fobo and get ready for tho (lance. wHIch followed rrom. 1 p. in. to 2 ,' a, m. - '. ' If'Europo goes to war again the U. 5vJ 8. sliould take iui actlvo, part in It, and devote its wealth pud might tinroserv'- ln edlyto keeping the original belllgOr- ents lit It till none are left.. Dlauionds am glittering 011 the digits of giils now scheduled to. visit a B jirenclier early In June, el ; . What has become of the Inluht oung man who ran for vleo pivsldent 111 on the democratic ticket? ke I 0 "Wllhiiuette Hoosters to Orunglssc" 10 (Hdllno Salem Statosuuiiil. I'lobiibly "i uftor less niiino In the hen houses. , u: A MUFFLED KNOCK '. (Albany Democrat) Tho gospel team -from Hoseburg cniiio at tho apiioiiiteil tlmo and , with, the Itlee Creek Sunday school filled the house to standing room. 1 Wo never heard such Blnglng anil music before. Since Mr. Iluuhcs. whiskers mwl nil "I Is In tho cabinet, more pride is taken "I lu (ha local growths. 11. - Tho battlecry Is: Irrigation without : Irritation. I ' . . j .AVhen tho legislature raised tho cost f of fishing, they started a new crop of 9l llolshevlkls. Boys Need Home Chester A. Lyon., founder of the 1Mb Brother Farm'' at Leusnon. Ore gon, In a letter to the Mall Tribune states (hat he bus several fine boys " his list at the .present lime whom he would like to place in good Christian 1 homes. Mr. Lyon also iidds. tlint when people rlte, to be sure and send at least threo' names of responsible I people ias reference. The ages of the boys range between 8 to .'.5 years. Some are for adoption. I Lota of old pareri 100 the bundle ' at thin office. jf '..;- - "','"" " ! THE PLUTE. TIIREK yi'iirs iijjo, in Kslcs Park, 1 ini't nn oil-woll miflioniiire, mid lii'u for him' wns just a hirk, witliihit a trouble or n can'.. His was the finest car in sijjlit, for his own use desiy;ni;d anil built, and wlu'ii lie went to roost at night, he doubtless had an ermine' iiilt. Naught was too luscious for his blood, he had the price, and then .some more; his royalties, ill ceaseless flood-rolled in, -like breakeis on the shore. Hut .yesterday I sat me down upon a San Diego bench, to watch the cojis patrol the town, and mark the.other l.enchiycn bench. A man who sot at my right hand rc- maiKeu, ion Know me not, alas!. Aim yet I've ulten seen you stand and watch me cut all kinds of grass. You've heard my priceless auto toot along the mountain gorges dark; for I'm the gay and fesiivcilute who brought high life to listen Park. Then life was lull and rich and sweet, but fortune is a fickle crone, and now 1 long for things to eat, and wish you'd slake me with a bone:" Thus gamblers go their giddy ways, today they're i;ich, l' 'i'W poor; great chances fill their busy days, but nothing's certain, nothing sure. The rainbow's end they always seek; no rainbow's end I want in mine; I'd ralher earn so much a week, and put (lie product down in brine. ' '.' Saving the World, By Rev. J. Randolph Sasnett. Ues. "If for us vhpc4u be It has been 11 tliie-lionored custdnr' 'u'galnHt us." ; " 1 ,; . tor our iiresldenis. upon taking thqfj I Dniy a casual survey of hlstovjr will oath of- office to kiss the Bible. This , tnvlnce tho honest student tlity: fJl Is done In .recognition of the sacred- lias always honored the, peoples who ncss and responsibility of the office, 1 riayd)ionored lilm.ji them 1s;,one tiling the duties of which they take up in j that tho history oC Israel teaches us It this Innugnral fcoiomony. Washington Is that national ' prosperity Is varluble established tho precedent, and each with nutlonal Integrity, and that a ria- succeeding president has honored It by pressing his lips to tho sacred book, often npen some particular passago. The verse selected for General Grant was Isa'nh 11:2-3, which is as folio: "And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wis dom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; , ' i' t "And ehall make him of quick -understanding in the fear of the 'Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, nelthc re prove after' the hearing of his , ears," ",' President McKInley at his first In auguration seloctod for himself the following: ' t . "Give me ew wisdom and know ledge that I may go out and come In before this people, for who can 1 Judge this thyt people that ,1b. jo . great." . Orover Cleveland at both his Inaug urations took tho oath of office with n' little red lilblo presented him by his mother when he was n boy. President Harding took the oath of office by kissing the same lliblo which was used at Washington's Ipauguru' lion, liy his own' selection the book was opened at the sixth chapter iff tho .prophecy of Mlcah', and the nation's chief executive-elect pressed his lips to the eighth verso a most nppropitato passage, which reads: "He hath shown thee O man, ' what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but ti do Justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God." This feature of tho Inaugural pro gram Is significant bocuuso recognition of Clod's sovereignty, and of the nation's doicndouec upon lllm. In It tW representative of an hundred and Ion millions 0 pK)le humbles himself beforo the tod ol' nations lliat liu might bo anointed for his grout task. Wo may well bollove Hint. Mr. Mai ding took the sacred oath of so high an office with sincere humility and a feel ing of utter dependence upon Oil' whoso wisdom pierces every difficulty., v"i "nn ximiii nun- i ii.iiiiiiih iiii-1 lematical President Lincoln said. "I am often driven to my knees by tho overwhelm ing conviction Unit there Is nowhere else to go." If the responsibility of preserving the union was Lincoln's. the task of saving the world Is llar- uiiigB. .over din a man come to the, high i-fflce of president of thb world's greatest naimn to lace such complicat ed jind delicate problems. Tho intir- national situation presents a series of lnosf.uerplexliig questions any 0110 of which would baffle tile wisest diplo mat, and be a supremo challenge to the combined wisdom of the world's ablest statesmen. The Japanese sltuntlnn, tho yet un solved .Mexican problem, disarmament, rulinn Independence, recognition of tho present Russian government, Ire land's demands, and continued agita tion In nn effort to bring nbiiut strain ed relations between the I nlted Stales: and Great llrltnln, and to-mention the i.'-uH'.ie im .Minims art- nut n tew or tlie problems that make It easy In Imagine President Harding dally seeking divine guidance and help j in tne place ot prayer, 1 can almost 1 hear him crying, with hands stretched toward heaven and In tones that woirtd remind one of Lincoln's supplications, "Who Is sufficient for these things." If Lincoln was driven to prayer, cer tainly the overwhelming enormity of the presidential rcsponslblllt in this world crisis would humlilo the most self-reliant man. Kortiinatelv. Mr. Harding's training uud character make the outreach of his mini) and heart toward God as natural ns ii was for him, when a boy. to flee to his moth er's arms, or seek counsel of his father. Now this recognition of divine sover eignty, and an attitude of iMitlonal de pendence upon tliid Is this nation's an chor. It Is 111 this I bill our seriirlly ingRhijmos Is Harding's -Task tlon's greatest security Is righteous ness. .That is the lesson of Micah from wIiobo prophecy -Mr. Harding chose that solemn inaugural text. The words of tho text are the clarion notes of a seer's call to the people of Judah and Israel to forsake their sins and return to God.. And as divine favor.- attended the chosen people of God so long as they walked with Him In Justice and mercy, so has Ills Providence been thrown about our people from the sailing of the Pilgrims to the present hour. Let us see.. The founders of the Pilgrim colony forsook their native land and turned their --.ces toward the new world with all the odds against thoni.' The overloaded ship in which they came would hardly be tised today! on an inlnnd lake of any size. Hut as uii conirouoo tne waters of the Kod Sea that, his poople might pass over Jn HnfotV so ' Tie liUntnri.thn Mnv.fl ntvnr and landed lis sturdy passengors In' tho New World to found a republic In which JustiCq and liberty would bo tho. Inherent rignt of every man. "The fury of tho son could not break that vessel, to pieces, nor could cold, hunger and "s e.iuruiinuie us passengers ..v.....u nwn; i-umuia tiuu uAwuu- tors of the'diiloe purpose to establish f-.S Who did General Grant say was at- -Where do we get the word "post a nation wV. ;ia there should dwell soldier, equal to SS'upoieon? . mortem"?. Ans. It comes from two righteousness. - , Again God's sovereignty was 'maul- rested in the dark days of the llevolu- lion. On this side tho American col-1 onlos. still In their swaddling clothes,1 while on the ot.r tho Giant among, nations. Our forces, with no monoy, I no ammunition, no guns, no ships, no trained soldiery, no experienced seii-i men, faced the mightiest nation of the! I'.nglnnd-had her trained war- rlors, a navy that was mistress of the'' Ans. He was elected -president of sous, money, guns, ammunition, and, Washington college, now Washington other great powers of the world ready and Loo uuiyeisity.J'Ho'hcId tho post to lek her up, nnd furnish all tho sup- tlon until his death" : ' -.. ' pllos she needed,. ,Jlut (ho constitution . 2 What Is limelight?" Ans. Lime wiis wrllten and a nation founded with light Is prodhced by a blowpipe flame Justice, mercy, and faith In God as tho . directed against a block of pure 'com cornerslones. And diviuo providence ! pressed quicklime. The lime when has attended us all along the way. 'warmed beforehand becomes brillliiht through' elvl(i"' war, 1 construction, ly. Incandescent. ,LltneHght was used moral efrAn, thoJ.J vicisBltmWs of a Jfireat urlconCllrt and every threat- viuiik mis, iiuiii iouay 1111 1110 worm nwnits our next move, feeling that the destiny of the race Is contingent upon our policies, it is well for us and the world In this our supreme crisis and .the world's that tho president. In the solemn lliaugurul oath, call our atten tion to the fact that the sovereign' God requires us to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with Him So our leader, ns a spokesman of God, calls capital in all its dealings 6 What sort of a garment is a pon wllh labor to do justly and lovo mercy j oho? Ans. It' Is a cnpe-llkc affair and Unit oppression may be banished from Is. an Important Ar'ticlo of male nttlre 011? land. Ho also calls labor to be In Chile and Argentine Republic. Pon- Kiimt'ii u.v. uiu same principles in all ori Its activities. This Is n call to forget) i,i ieun ,i i-.iiiim-e jinn an 01 our politi cal forces may work out our national' destiny with no other motives than Justice, mercy, and God's righteous will. It Is a -proclamation to all the world that In our International affairs wo will not seek undue ndvantace hut will render justice to nil, and mercy to those who will receive it. nui, supremely, u is a call to evory man and woman to walk with God. Here 1 would lav the emphasis For be It said again, the security of ciur nation lies in the Inlegrltv of our citizenship, anchor. rills is the nation's DIAMOND DYES DON'T STREAK, SPOT, FADE liny "Oiaiunnd .Dyes." no other kind, then perfect ' results are Runr nnieed. Each pai-kaau of "Diamond Dyes'' contain simple directions to dlaninnd-ilye ' worn, shnliby skirts, waists, dresses, roast, cloves, stock ings, swealeis. draiees. c-overings. everything, whether wool. silk, linen, cotton or mixed Roods, new. rich, fadeless colors. Minm-Ht has' Colo- t'ni'd. Adv. l;u 1 ''',- Conducted ! - thrrt is anyth'mq you want to know about Motion pictures, Virile to l.leanor uaie o mis newspaper, jrie jtwr iv- reet name and address til Case your I answer must b; sent ihrowih the mail. DOROTHY DALTON. C. II. D. Kvery lime I flnhh Hie 'nd nf pic! tire I like, I get a flood ' letters like yours, saying: "Please, lease! . Why the vnmplrlsh parts vhc'n you are so nvewl- ar.a. pice, innocent glrl?".i And as a result. I ean never piny -what f like host. '.' ' , iWhy -tlie vampire' parts?. .Because!.!; love- to act.-anil playwrlgbrs niirl 'nb$'' elist8 and sypnarlo writers,, seenii'i'o: have conspired always to Inw.e glyen' any part with draPrntic possibilities to a very hnd' woiniin:1 There is Cn nilllr, and Znn. ami T.ndy .Winder mere, and rnosC of the big star'e suc cesses, all of .tl.em women of far, far Ion much experience. In a ' way. It Is logical. V.'hen a sweet, ymins girl loses the man who has been bringing her . candy nnd lloWers. she Is disappointed; perhaps she cries a little If there Is no" some other nice young man to help her drown her troubles In an Ice nreiini soda. 'For'nn actress, to do more tlinn I'onk .disappointed or cry in set ' n part Is to play out of character and give an Inartislte performance. It takes a woman whose knowledge of life and love make her feel deeply enough about the situation ;to make It dramatic to p'-e tl-r optress lier opportunity. I don't like t ) play women with pasts, but ,1 lova to art, I -Who discovered tho X-ray? -Why has' yhro'JBtng the. Rubicon" come to be a.'prpverb with reference to, nriy decisive step? ' : 3 What fish, is able to leap' over vertical waterfalls six 'or eight feet high? .-. , . V " . 4 w nen .din Admiral Sampson de- BLiuy inti suiiiiisii ueei unuer uuvem : I , 7 v Hat holds bones -together? - ' Whgt stones stand first in tlie list 7 of precious stones? . . - . . , . 8 How fast does, light travel?, 9 How long does flood tide and ebb tide last? ' . .. ..v. ... 10 What Is tho length of tho term of a United States sojiator? . Answers tq Yesterday's Questions 1 What position was Robert E.-Lee given at the close of . tho Civil war. . on the stage as far back as 1837. -. 3 What famous singer was knbwir as me Swedish .Nigntingale : Ans. Jenny Llnd. I What is a synthetic diamond? Ans. It is nn artificial diamond. 5 How many ,lynchlngs wore thore in 1920? Ans. There wero sixty-one persons lynched in, 1920. Of these fifty-two were In tho' south and nine In tho north and west.' Of tho number lynched fifty-tlniee were negroes nnd eight were white. , rOUGHS Apply over throat and chest ' swallow small pieces of WICKS V- V A fo Rub Ota l7WMnJa Uxi Yearly The Family Sets the Price Wc render the service in accord with Ihelr every rtcstre and guarantee satisfaction to all. "Also Licensed Lady Embalmer ': WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors ' - ' ' ' ' ', . .. How Much Do You Know? i ! ; 1 by Eleanor Dale and the problem Is how to be dramntlc Ihnugh decent. "Guilty of live," the oicture I fin ished a little while ago,-nearly solved 1 lie problem. The girl in It goe "hrough experiences tragic enough to 're able to net them, but through (hem II sl e keeps enough goodness ' ani" strength of character to hold tlie sym lathy of most people. A part like this 1 like playing better thah the pp. adulterated vampire, but I llkp e-pi he vampire parts be'ter' than 'itms'e'oi 'lie girl whose whme range of emo 'Ions Is' expressed by. a smlle'and s pout both becoming.;1 i! , ': Another port I know I shall enjoy I hope to play this fnll on the stage and on the screen as wel. V Isaf translation of a French' play culled "Jlontmartre." Tho girl of the ai'tlsij quarter In Paris goes through all the experiences of love and ambition, and eomes very near to tragedy ; but she Is fine enough In the end to coim" through only scorched. In this, T hope to' repent my ex-, perlencc of "Aphrodite," playing the part on the stnge lit the evening and making the moving jitcture during ,the day. If I do this, I shall probably also repent. .my experience of twenty mln-1 utes' fresh air and exercise a day. It. jneans early -breakfast,, in my,'qar J Mjvtbe studio. Home at nve thirty, to it6 theater nt seven )0irlK nnl Home ,nt eleven In bed .tllMiie Jitudio VsOtk the following mornlng.xlaV nfterffn: and nionthiafter liionlh trBut It rwjl vnrrh while to he'-tVite'to seevmy- be worth self In the picture ngijlhers arc J seat ing me on jthe tflnge. ' ' . Probably ! I shall CtJeTjilIsaiipolntod, There is never a picture of myself I see that does not show me . I hun dred, things I have left iiii.'.enp and a hundred I ought not to have done. I want nil the time to Improve and Im prove. Perfection, is nn unnttalnalde goal, but I never stop the efl'ort ta ctt everything a little better, my act 'ng, my settings, my scenarios. I road almost hundreds of books end plays every year In nn elforl to ilnd. some thing snlriiHIo. and nut of a'l of thera, perhaps I lie! fViir.K Of ' the four, 1 select; and' then when I hae finished It after- months of eitort, yon Write to me nnd say.: ',"Oh Please! Why on earth did you 'play In that?" ',-'- ' ' U DOROTnY DALTON, chos are worn extensively by soldiers, especially cavalrymen. 7 Where Is Pompeii? Arm. Pom pell, an ancient Roman city,- is located at the foot of Mt. Vesuvius near the niouth of the Sarnus river. It wejs de stroyed 79 A. D. The city :.wiik;Uii- earthed by the Italian government, the work starting in 1860. '. 8 How is poplin made? Ans.' ) Pop lin is made by weaving a weft fit wors ted yarn into a warp of silk. Ofi ac count of the yarn being thicker , than tle silk, poplin has corded appear- . nnre Latin words, post meaning "after" and mors meaniiiE "death " i lu what sort or. an annual is a quaggo?' Ans. It 1s a striped animal similar to a . zebra. AT ITS BEST I pliment ever paid to I Scott'sEmulsionj imitation. Those who take cod-liver ,oil,at its best, ake, iSctott'd'EmuhiqnSr- I Sifctt Sown, Blomfild, N.J. ALSO V AKERS OF '" UHDID5 (Tablets or Granules) m IllVIUkU I IVI1 tai-a--MMHMiiial EARL FRUIT COMPANY of the, Northwest SELL Corona Dry Arsenate of Lead Rex Lime Sulphur Oil Solutions QUALITY AND PRICE RIGH1 . L. Iff. CAMPBELL District Manager HOW TO MAKE .BANK ACCOUNTS GROW . , IF the Government . should place a tax. ,on J OUTGO instead of 011 meo'inc, v6iildn't it j3 sthnulate SAVING? Whyf. eVeirYOU 'i would actually get down to brass taclcs then, if and make that "Nationalized".. afrrairt1''at Ig ; the . First National JUST JUMPAiS-D. f When considering a bank, just remembeii f j: we are Members of the Federal .Ke'serve ' 'System. ' ' '" '; J"; -;' I Uhe FIrst National Bank Mbford Marbles and aDDear 'each vear at . -1 - . . boys are playing ma; ycur usual treatment a nice selected bark tea, Cream of Tartar HEATH'S DRUG STORE The Sa'n Tqx Store ,.y;- r 109 East Main Street. , THE MEAT Meat Fish Oysters; ii ' Specials for Tuesday and Wednesday tl : Choice Beef Pot Roast, per pound .. . . 17Jc. Short ribs cf Beef, per pound . . . . 15c, Choice Shoulder Pork Roast, per pound 20c ; Hamburger Steak, per1 pound . .' . .... .20c Fresh Smelt, per pound .. . . .; . . . . j . . 8c 314 E. Main We Deliver : , Phone 273 Super-Giant Sprayer See This Sprayer at Work Near the Nat atorium TOMORROW ! Hubbard Brothers BE PHOTOGRAPHED ' THIS YEAR ON YOUR BIRTHDAY SWEM'S STUDIO Oregon i """"!. Sassafras Bark i :: the same. time. .The . -. j oles j are you taking of sassafras?. We have from Missouri. Senna arid Sulphur Tablets! Car, Truck and Tractor Repairing '- Wc stand buck of every Job ire 821 W.' TKVTIC ST. i,itoxB.wMV'vr; ' do.