Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 26, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Medfobd Mail tbibuxe
EXtri.-.-T hL'NL-Ar sr the
Tc Ktfvf4 i?ur.i7 u i'-"1'1, Take two a'-trt-jwxrn, for example. a few 3.ontz.s aao an set-,
tni0et. jrew Lal both iejrs broken, because they were bow a. ;m spoilt o;
o: xjJ -int-sr, &?i::g. ii-JT-; ;St in a hosnilal aod emerged with straightened liriibs. Great re-i
wtui ' ' ' . - - -
POBKKT V.. KJ.'HU fMiiw.
crv r U : i i' i;frL A
flf'Cal' te '-f '
Of.".;'. fr i
kti ver.
!fc4I-nS, Or ton. lUA-r lt.e i'.l of Marm
Tt'l'l4 Tj-m '. exrlu-lve!
niitiM to wAiuia r
11 oi !::''efe trl'--) 'I.
th !KI e Par,l."-1 r.e.i-i.
Alt tn.f.-l,n f nftl
- n iw haltiLS iKe- ah -rf:;al nocK
ltg of Burojeano Awrlaa rniltig
ldrtiral dltgue:. pnicu!arly la Po
UtuJ. lfier orer V&.Mi Jevr are
it)Oj! transportation. ' 30 la) reK
ular feeJin, and alio bill, and
of tin flock would be agitating a new
nJ lancy form of gorernnient.
Taut will oe do derangement of the !
tolr jiem neit Friday when Mr.
Hrdlng goe in, ad Mr. hiu goes
out,- a firmly beUered in rotkbound
GOP. circles.
'- ' ' i(Alby Democrat)
(Mr.. Henry Quigley waj hurt
, Friday trening by a cow. iir.
Aig!,ry was out to the barn and
Mwe Bf tie cciwi booked another
oL atid-knocked her agalnut Mrs.
iiilglT nd hurt ber n"M c"1"
H to tleed quite freely. In a short
. fltue tHe' blood nettled around ber
, eye lucking them locjk badly.
:.' Ilriwetner for the Sabbath. In-
stead ol going to church, there will be
earneiti endeayor throughout the val
ley to rug the bind wiieeln off any and J
all tneUT Teblc!e.
- "
. Jt l getting o a young lady from
the valley can return from outbern;
California, wltuout becoming bonum'
frlendc of all the leading movie (
queem.' Fornierty It 'wan common to.
meet a camera cleaner, and recount
Th-ld affair with Norma Talmadge.
(Pendleton East Oregonlan)
' Will the iiartle who stole wheel
from Ford car yesterday morning
' 'pleaae call' at Perklna and Am
. mons Garage 'and they can have
4he other three-rr-Joe Bushman.
EnKllnh Investigator In Armenia
report that famine In dlsapijearlug and
the people are caitlng off their gloom,
thanks to heavy shipments of Amer
ican food. This Is good news. Armenia
will soon.b6.(Uiltojs"ait a war asalnst
those who have, been consistently de-
14 1!!!!!.' 'MZi.-?..
Tbe!rjiing lady at the picture show
who y tiled off one sin for comfort.
is seotnl to the fV wlrtioolfBifT b h
shoes ne a'" ort bl V rhtloniij
'.: 1 .j ! i.
It ha l)ecn alntost a-week lnj4
local merchant has been ruthlessly
booked by a transient forger.
The Scenic Preservation Society
also wants to see to it; that the pic
ttlresque lodging house at Crater Lake
is not remodeled, or any Improvements
made to tempt the 4nurlt to stay any
longer than he absolutely has to.
(Salem Capital Journal)
B. Stauffor will sell his ersonal
property at public auction at the
farm near here I'hursday and will
move to Hubbard Bisjn after the
sale. Mr. Slaullor decided lo
abandon the farm after Mrs. Hluuf
fer's health began to fall.
On and after March Int. Insurance
rales will be increased In the business
district, owing to the danger of -in
taaeoua combustion annum auto me
chanlcs who clean an eng ne by rolllriK
thcmselves over It.
''Japs Mcnnce Isle of Yap" ( H-llliu
SF'Esanilner) Ixok out for the grand
rush hack to the Multerland.
"F. Human the Mt Angel tailor was
In -Salem on business Tuesday," the
SUrerton oorr. to the Salem Statesman
j i 1 nBi- automobiles are b
Snick win build them.
. Ye Smudge Pot
Just received a shipment of "0x3of age, In the Independent Republic of
first-class non-skid tires, while thujan Marino, which Is the smallest
, last $15.00. jfedford Vulcanlzliiepubllc In the world. Surrounded hy
Works. , 2D'taly, which respects Its autonomy.
Hasketlmll bulletin, board at the cotthjs republic rears lis thirty-eight
hiunlty danco tonight at the Nalnt(Hquare miles of territory to n point
ltim. Score announced every five m 2500 feel above sca-levcl. lis founder,
utes. A big time assured. Music "
lo the minute and hall and floor i m . ,
excelled. -I
BKAUTY is not skin deep. It
at kajft aon-ie women.
jjoieirifir au'I r.-iany jjhotosrrajjhft with sj:;&1 lay-outs in the Sunday
Uut rjovr it n.ioore.' one of the Mraiabt I' - i stiff, ami Dottte 1
Tiptoes can 't 'ianee as well a she il b- for'-. j
A v.-ar or wj a;o ar;oth-r aeire-is even j;jore e:-lebratel. antio'iiiee! i
'l' " i'-' "To iie of too loueh fat U tji'l," she ik-eiare.i. j
Win-r-uixjfi h- flew to tile s-a -shore, su'wlde J 0:1 a diet of skinirnejj
jniik ami Ymif a!er. j."f-d. waiked, 'waiij. and with her weight re-!
dieed : i p-turn-d to the Mau'e with au aIiao.-t girlish figure, j
.Ajjain rre:-.t fj'.:'tii! j)hotOi.'ra;hs by the million. J
J;iit .'ji'v t!:- other dav he colli
parr.o-'l out rv t.'.e sta-je earjetiter, ana now ) m aeu.e tear iroraj
deatii !y h-art ij- iJoetors are telling her impairment of thej
heart. v;; direct !v doe t-j her ktremions reducing meisure. . ; atid wliereni"ti. the
than skin de. j i-i ilem'.iiitrat'd. It ii a!v rli ii!ri1rat'-d that the
:iie and oii'y reliable beauty doctor i vinn health. That U to say you
can't heat Nati:re. Of course there is-a happy luniinia, beauty is de-
hirabl-. JjTid eer.aii rul- of living are conducive ther-to. but breakini
l j-. arid stai'Viiiii leeli.-s. arc not ayioui; (hi In.
I Clariee incline U plnmpiier.,. ( lariee probably has a i.-rvous
system that dimands upholstery: if Ootty has bow le's. well, ..r
hapx bow Icfn are art!-!ieal!y inorganic, but j are frackles and
straight hair, and yet thousands of attractive beinjs Siirmount thcm.1
! the wis- coiir.-c to pursue js take what Nature ha given and
lnakc the best of it. No matter biv hpi-essing the olitributjon,
t'od health and it'hkJ nature, can win what is most desirable in life,
regardless of the handicap. i
Of course, ihe above only refers lo a tr'v-s. No worncii, not quali
fied for the stas;e, would think of breaking lcjs or .starvatiou, to ;rat
ify sucli an abviiis!y vain and superficial ambition! '
EI'JlIT airmen lately have been slain while rushing; mail aerrss
the wa.' te ; to me such labors neem in vain ; oh. why XIvk evcr
lastinif haste? Eieht men are dead and in their jrraves. youriii
chaps cut off befcre thtir prime, since some official saphead
raves tllat mail must (o in record time. The letters that the air
men took, when stricken out of life by fate, would have been jtist
as food, (adzook. if they had been a fortnight late. The most of
them were doubtless duns, announcing retribution sore, unless- in
debted Inns of funs' coughed up at Johnson s Cold Uriel: Store.
A lot of'prict; lists and the like composed the deail men's treas
ured mail ; a comic strip of l'cte and Mike, and hltie sky promises
of kale. I have a large and haunting hitilch that makes one fact
exceeding clear: There was no letter in the bunch that could not
wait at least a year. Eight men are dead and gone to waste, their
brave hearts stilled for evermore, because of this indecent haste
that fills the world wilh fur and gore. The old time methods were
the atulf, and all this maudlin haste is bum; our litters travel
fast enough they always jolt ns when they come.
Lilliput Nations of Europ.
WASHINGTON. I). C What Is the
smallest country In the world?
"That depends upon the angle from
which you view the question. There-
are small principalities tucked under
the wings ol sheltering governments,
republics which owe part of their
suzerainty to a bishop, and grand
duchies." says a bulletin Ironi the
Washington, I). C. headquarters of the
National Geographic society.
"Monaco, with Its eight square miles
of territory, perched three hundred
feet above the Mediterraneiui In the
heart of the Riviera, is the smallest
principality. It is the best know n and ,
the most visited, for It contains the
world noted lure of Monte Carlo.
From Hercules to Fortuna
, "Tim liuie country has a checkered J
and Interesting history. Its beginning j
dates to the days of Kercnlei. almost
IMM) years before the of Christ,
ilow paiu'loxlcal that this hero w-ho
accomplished well-night iiisumountnh!
obstacles by sheer physical labor
should have been even the traditional
founder of a state whose whole rov
enue Is Lbtalucd from games of
chance. -
"Thcodorle the Great seems to have
been the only one of the great Kuro
pean conquerors who gavu the little
country any respite from wars which
continuously haiassed it. And his
charm as a mun may have been the
Influcnee which gave the people he
conquered their tolerance for those
who risk their all on a gamble, for It
Is said of him 'that he had tin; most
delightful manners at dice. 'If Theo
dore loses, he laughs; he Is modest und
reticent If he wins!'
"Modern figures show that the In
lustrics and trade of Monaco are un
imiKirtunt In comparison to lis rev
enue from thu gaming tables. During
1913 there were nearly two million
visitors in the principality for its 23,
ooo spulation to take care of.
'Tulll Hill the prince of the country
was an absolute ruler, but In that year
he gave his subjects a constitution
which provides for a national council
elected by the poople.
San Marino Smallest Republic
".Monaco has a close second in dl
mlnutlveness, and a rival In the claim
gors to the heart anJ soul of wwrii,
r-sed in the middle of an act. v-as,
I'ainfal truth that beaut v is morel
San Marino, came from Arbe In the
fourth century to aid .the oppressei
Christians build the stone walls of
the city of Klmlnl. Horn of his desire
for peace, 8)lltudc and simplicity of
living, these qualities have become
thoroughly Inculcated in its national
character and for generations hav
been reflected In Its history. The ven
erablc saint taimht his people that war
should be resorted to only for self
defense. "San Marino Is governed by a great
council of sixty members - v.-ho art-
elected by popular rote. Two of these
members are appointed every six
months to act as regents, and iu such
capacity exercise the executive jywer.
ho tranquil Is the Utile republic that
It scarcely needs a illce force an
atmosphere In contrast to that created
hy the frenzied and feverish players
who sit at the tables In Monaco
Where Smuggling Was National
A l.llllput republic under the Joint
suf-cralnty of Fiance and ihe Spanish
illshop of I rgel Is Andorra. Its 191
square miles of valley almost ten thou
sand feet above the level of the sea are
tucked away In the heart of the Pyre
nees mountains. It Is governed by a
council of twenty-four members elect
eJ by the heads of families in its six
parishes. This council nominates a
first syndicate which presides over Its
meetings and forms the country's exec
utive department.
"It Is said that this little portion ol
Spuln which is set down In the midst
of French territory winks an eye at
smuggling. In fact. It Is claimed thai
during the recent war Its chief occupa
tion was gelling things across the bor
der Into Fruuce without duty. The In
habitants discussed the practice'' as
freely as they would the weather. But
when It is advisable for an Andorra!)
to keep Ins own counsel he ran do It.
for a proverb in the Pyrenees Is 'Tell a
thing to an Andorran and It Is lost.'
A State the Sire of the District of
"Another principality that Jumped
into public attention during the world
war was Liechtenstein, whose sixty
five square miles of territory arq sur
rounded by Switzerland and Austria
It declared Its complete Indnjiendence
from the latter In November, ISIS
This little country in the midst of a
war-torn Ktimic is peacefully inclined
It has not bad an army since IMiS.
"There" are two other diminutive
isdltlcal entitles In Kuroe which still
have a place ou the map the Grand
Balloons, From Dew to Gas
tiire of tiree aival aerc-tiCJ, tad lie
ln!rtaUojiid iaterest is tielr saie re- ;
turn froal tbe frorea Ca2i-aa north.
recall nnsseroas historic :te;-t of
" ?i to f-ji!iil for oa earth the
e?es-oId feehns liat be wciid hare
wigj soise Aa-," says a L trtxa
tie headqeirters of the NataaJ Geo
graphic idcieiy io D. C.
""Thes Aeicai, biriiea ho get
their nos and ears nifel by tte cold
yerforaed to inch feat ts did rjirda-'
!u. rto. h'jziw IhoujsaDCs of years ago'
in the age of oj ihj, JVw &ear enjegh ,
to tbe sun to meli the sai on his'
w.'aga. Lsedcju' txper.ent and the
attempted flight of a certain Ujonli
called Elmems. why. JchQ V.'iikias one
of the founders of the Royal society in '
Ecgiasd telU us, fiew for a dLr.anc-e .
of more than an eighth of a rrUe froai
a town in Spain, are sufficient, etl- j
denoe. however, V) arxrord to aviation i
the t alm for bein.4 ti e oider (J the '
flying arts. " 1 ,i 1
"baHbonlBg though lss romantic In .
itJ appeal aad -rleide-Jly more com--.
rroLplace and placid Hjuking in 113 ap-'
learance may jrhapfi he considered
the John the Kayltt oi trAix arts as
taey are practiced toiayi'aji Its pr-e'
gre;-:s h3-a been steadily on the upgrade
since K"ger Bacon, baeic la the thir
teenth etntusy. profjoun'led the theory!
that a ho'l'.w globe of very thin metal
filled with 'ethereal air or liquid fire
would float upward on the a'tcrrephere. !
Morning Dew Sugrjested as Filler
"From that day priests, philo.-vopbers
and scientrsta' pat forward tj.e - idea
mat a light tpbere cou! be male to
rise and float-to -the up:er atmosphere.
Alaiost- every 'oncelva.' !e thlris was
suggested for filling these barfo-ons.
One of the mos't aajusing a.-i the mor
ning dew.'-siBce that sub-lane-, accord
ing to their snpposltiOEs. was shed by
the -stars during the night 2nd would
be drawn-back tT heaven in the day
by the heat of the sun. I
"As the result of watching the
clouds tie brothers Joseph and
Jacques Monrsolfier. ff Annonav,
France, la lTSS, invented the first real
balloon. They concluded that If the
vapor of; the clouds !could hang sus
pended In' the' upper air a large bag
filled with such a vapor might rise and
drift about as the clouds do. -'
Another Interesting story is told
about the "Montsolfler brothers' origin
ating the Idea. -They were watching
the smote-wreaths enrl upward from
their fire, when one of them began
wondering if tbe smoke c'mld not
carry other thiaes trn with It too. In
ihe enthusiasm of the moment they
made a small fire cn a little tin tray
and held a large pa-?r bag Over It. '
With itel'ght they watched the bag fill
out and try to rls".' A neighbor, at
widow lady, seeing the -smoke issuing
from their window 'hd 'fearing that
the', house was -on fiTe 'Wenf running'
into the roon. She' suggested that
u.ey .attach the tray to the bag, and
the Immeliate resctt 'was that the bag
rose to the mailing. "
It Fltw, But They Did Not Know Why
"Alter several private try-outs, they
duchy of Luxemburg, .with its 99S
square mllesf'of tcrVif-flFy between Bel
;ium, France, and ttye allied zvne of
iccuiiaiicn on the Ithine, and Turkey-n-F.urope,
whidh is now nolhipg more
ban the envir the weJt of t'on
itantinop'.e.' Another state for many
ear-i cla-sil aTion,; the 'snmllcst
wuntries' is .Mi ntnegro which is now
t part' of the Kingdom of tlio Serb.:,
Croats and Slovenes.' llefore the Hai
nan war Its "area was .3S51 square
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money
Cut oat this slip, enclose wilh 5c and
mail It lo Foley & Co, 2S.35 Sheffield
Vve., Chicago. 111., writing your name
ind address clearly. You will receive
.ujel,ufO,ji trial lockage. -containing
Foley's lliney and Tar Compound for
wiighs, colds and croup: Foley Kidney
Pills for pains In sides and back; rheu
natisin, hackaelje. kidney and Madder
iiihients:!and Foley Calhattic Tablets,
l wholesome and thoroughly cleansing
athariic tpr constlpution, biliousness,
headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold
everywhere. Adv.
Lots of old pai era 10a the bnndle
It this nf'lea
( TIIK M 1III,Y DOt'lOit
knew what- he was V lalkitit;
about. Ir wasn't oiedldni' that
Ihe overworked heusewu'c need
r d. ' It . was a n st from the
slavery of unthi tatcd house
keeping niethHl Vh:tt the
il.H-o.r ordei'-d if- to he found i.t
this she; and belongs in e'.ery .
People's Electric Store
H10NE 12
212 W. MAIN St
iasosEeed public ascnt of be Hoc b
on JriB , i" i r-ftry siieC-ators
gathered to see this sphere. 105 fee:
:n ctrcuiElereDce. wjuen tne inTeto.
iiilated with the hot air from bsrr-iEg
straw, rise high :n the air and Coal off
for I'ooa. one and a ha'.f miles. Ti,e
brothers believed for quite a wh;ie
that they hai hit upon Kae f-ui:a-'
quality in tbe Etraw which hid H-tinz
properties and did cot raitze until
later that their wonder hail tad rises
only Lecaurf of the iightcess of heated
air. Eat they cade the tailcon a
"roai this tiie forward the phys
icists 5n Friace aad elabere tx
ierioasiy liiis iniant invention whlcii
had siddeciy made its appearance in
their !t! itt. Subscriptions were taken
up lo further the project, the Roberts
trotters cccstrncted a baHooa, the
ncied scientist, Charles, conceived the
idea of filling It with hydrogen, "aid a
day for the ascent was set. The cruw-1
that gathered was great and curious
and so interfered with the oi-eryiions
that uie balloon had lo be moved to
another place, but tbe eager thocg.
not to he outdone, learned its where
abouts and were there to see the per
formance. The sphere lose 3oK feet
in the air amid the rain, which some
had thought would be an obstacle, to
Ihe wild enthusiasm of the spectators.
Repeated Experiment at Versailles
"In 1TS Joseph Montgolfler repeat
ed his ex;erimeat before the king.
qneen and court at Versailles. The
first living creatures to take a balloon
trip went up on that day. A sheep, a
duck and a cock soared majestically
into the air with the ornate balloon
and descended after eight minutes
about two tulles away. The only injury
suffered by any of them was a kick ou
the wing vhlch the Lheep gave the
cock. Later on in that same year the
gallant Pilatre de Kozler and tbe Mar
quis d'Arlander made the first trip
taken by persons in a 'free fire-ba'loon.
From that time 'sounding the skies
became a science. Lunardi startled
Great Britain with bis daring trips.
It is said that when he soared Into
vision the king ended a conference
w-ith his ministers and a court of jus
tice acquitted a criminal In order that
all persons present might watch him.
"The R-3-i, when it traveled 3130
miles in a little over ICS hours, cer
tainly put a crimp into world records
of ten years ago which at thet time
read, 'No balloon voyage has yet been
made cf a length comparable to the
breadth of the Atlantic' . Only two
flights exceeding one thousand miles
were then en record those of. John
Wise from St. .Lrfuis to Henderson.!
New York, and of Count Henry de la
Vaulx from Paris to Korostjcheff In
"Among the notable flights made in
balloons the 'daring attempt of Salo
mon Andree and two companions in
1S97 to each the Js'ortb-Volo sh4rild
have an honored place. They left
Suitzbergen at a point 600 miles, from
the Pole on July 11. The only records
concerning the explorers later than
that ace. messages picked up in two
floating buoys."
of the
? Corona Dry
Arsenate of Lead
Lime Sulphur
Oil Solutions
District Manager
: I -Make Them
12 East Man St.
You Can Afford to
Ride a Harley
Davidson Motorcycle
Automobiles Painted and
221 North Fir.
, Phon777
- ' .1 ffiTSHiS V
n - in n u
Ii'-YIV- Ory-go-i--':'- products promotes payrolls.
IV. -'Is incan 1 -rosperity. S matter what business
intent YOl' have, that directly affects VOLT
vr--':"are. - ' '
V-k vour merchant and grocer if it is made in 0re
'"u.: Ycu'il find the ifiiality, quantity and price at
. least ..! to goods niede(fitber places. ,
Then that '.r.atiooalized" account at the First Na
ti j!ju! will fiourish proportionately.
Heat Your Bungalow,
.Cottage, or Flat with
Hot Water
Cellar not rcz- .
iar- put in any
trr.aO hcuss witb
oiit disturbing
pre-seiit btating
arTing cantata, ua
111 r-.ody to uie
with Cz
'-K if 31
IDZAL-Aroxa RacEa
tor - Ectim f sc r-.i I
tKTZIK withoct Ct-iiTl.
Hot vs-cr jfctirat u
sc aa-j esxy rso
rcriZ trove co rc
btU U IQfXRl
12 S. Central
sm The Reks
j tery insulation.
i ft IT t n
Cfio First National Bank:
frp ft f A 1 Tbe Areola is pUced inHrvi ,
lJA4 m PiXGO ing rooin.parlor.orkitcten
j- . . rt 1 &-.'c J a 'a stove. It
Radiator-Boiler hfcSffeSS'
nrter irtn to roerkan Rdit43r in adjounns room. Th:
nsptcsi. Dos a ura Die, tnosc economical ncitiim piani. cn
rirer f t"u tiipMirtca- Doa't delay to&n4 outaUabcutit
Phone 659
Mcd'ortl. Oregon
Rendered In a Quiet .Dignified manner at
tour loed one Is taken Into the Home where there Is - always
some one with them. Our Residence is on the Second Floor.
We are Licensed Embalmers and are prepared to make shipment
to any .part of the United States or Foreign Countries. We will
take complete charge of any Service and make all arrangements.
Ijdj- Assitnc Phone 47. ! 1 '
.0rner of Sixth and Oakdale. One block west of Postofflce.
Why Our Welding i?ays
First, because exy-acetylcne weld
as we do it gives to a piece bf me
the same or greater strength than
originally had. Second, because ii
cheaper to mend the old than buy i
new, if you can get the same serv
out of it. Is this not logical?
Vulcan Welding Works
. Now located nt '
HI South 1-Vont.
V .-'
Who uses Willard Bat
teries with Threaded Rub
ber Insulation? - L
136 motor car and truck
Why? . ''
Because they know it is
far superior to wood or any '
other form of storage bat
tery insulation.
m Electric Shop .
SB 8th and Bartlett Sts. t
2 Phone 22-J J
H: mm;
m ' L Willard J
.i f- --' -
r '?r: j- a