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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1921)
. i PAGE : RTX 1 MllS. W. V. IlAKKIt, of Slll wuukH', Oregon, who sttys ulie. litis been restored (41 wei-fi'ct lirnlllt by Tiiiiliu uftr having- tul-ft-rttl for tuciity years. Her stiilo incut Is remarkable. "For the lust twenty years I have Buffered from stomach trouble In Its worst form. I was in inlHcry nil the time. If I took a drink of coffee, or milk or even wiitor, It would cause bofchlnir nnd (ins. n fact, ahso lutely notlilut,' would digest in my Htomnch. I always hnd 11 n awful limning sensation In the nit of my Htomiich. I believe. I havo taken al most a wnRmi lond of soda for siorn nch trouble. J would have to take It night and day. flas would bloat mo tip; so badly I couldn't faHtcn my clothes. At times my heat would pal pitate and flutter ho badly 1 would nearly smother and I would have to Knsp for breath.' 'In fact, I thoiiKht I hnd hoart trouble. "I was very fond of cheese nnd the lnaBt bite would throw 1110 rlRht Into spasms. 1 was also very fond of onions, but they would upset mo ter ribly. , . "My whole system wqh out of shape nnd I was also bothered wllh rheuma tism nnd neuritis. Pains in my nnm nnd other Joints wore almost ;in bcnrahlc. I had to carry ono of my arms in a BlInsT and couldn't rls3 il up to to my head. My hnnds would hwoII U and for a long: time I was in just an awful condition. -. ' - "I told my -husband I guessed 1 Would, havo to give up and din, as the doctors' medicines nnd other things I took- didn't do mo any (rood..1 Then ho; got 'me nnm'o Taiilac and said I had to take If. Well, before I1 finished' ono boltle, 1 found the things 1 ' would cat. did . not but nor mo so much. I kept gradually getting bet ter and finally ufter taking five bot tles, my trouble was entirely relieved, l'ean now cat oniitns, chocso or any thing I want. In fact, 1 am in per fect health In every wayr My neuritis and rheumatism havo also loft me. 1 know that flvo dollars' worth of Tan-, laa has' dono mo nioro good' than a hundred dollars worth or other niodl ehiesi; 1 will. sing tho praise of Tanlac as, long as I live." The,' above remarkable " statement was niacin by Mrs. W. F. linker, whose address. Is Mllwuukio, Oregon, It. IV N. 2. ' Thnhic is sold In Medford by West Rldo rharmacy, In Jacksonville iby .1. W. Robinson, in Hoguo Itiver W. 8, Cary, and by leading druggists In every town. . Adv. OUR BUSINESS Is of Importance to you ;;' ' we ' umlei'Htiiml tho irtimnittou of INCOMI3 TAX llKTUIiNS thor- i YOU. nifty.Havo numoy nnd uvoltf com plk'Ullomi by coiiHultinK our In come lux iiKotiillHt. If you do lr porl'ut't Kurvlne, cumo to -I us as early ns convenient for prep aration of your return, Wilson Auditing Co. ; j I.lli:iiy mats. K. M. Wilson .!. ('. Cones, C. 1'. A. 1 ineonio Hpo-lullst Kindle Handle Shop Gifts Favors Candle Making ( CLASSES IN FREE HAND DRAWING Out door Nlictrliiii"; ami eoni- lm-rcial nit. Room 200 Phipps Bldg. CITY TRANSFER COMPANY - Smith Wilson, Proprietors , . Genoral Draying and Transferring CSlvo T.'s a Trial riiorio 205 or H-7ft4-W. orrieo Wil son t'lgar storo. iMcdrord, Oregon. YOU CAN GET. MOST ANY OLD THING AT MOST ANY OLD TIME AT DE VOE'S I,oU of old pnpert 100 the huiidle t bl0 oiflce, tf '"" I . Thomas Johns of Wutklns, a mining man of that section Is spending a few days In the city attending to business matters. Mr. Witham, that wonderful violinist of Montana, will be heard with the Majestic orchestra 'at Jacksonville tonito. 288 Try our merchants lunch. .The Shasta. . . Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere for NuHone. Phone G85-J. tf Oranges luc doz. or 3 doz. for 40c at Jones' Saturday. " ; 288 MIbb Tarbcll, who Is quarantined with the smallpox, , is doing as well as (ho course of the disease would permit, and no complications nie an ticipated. There is no other case of Ilia disease in the cfly, anil it Is a mystery where Miss Tarhell contract ed It. She visited at Medford two or throe weeks ago, though thoro are no- reports of the disease there. Grants I'ass Courier. "Spot" dances at .Jacksonville Frl, 288 Everything electrical. Medford Elec tric Co. Phone 661. Diamond restaurant will open again Saturday for business.' ' 287 Saturday only Oranges, while they last, 2 Hoi. for 25c. ' Warner, Wortmhn & CI010. . . 288 Oregon guests at the Holland Includo Mr. and Mrs. H. JJcff of Azalea and VV. II. Tull, K. K Hilmunds and D. J. Skidwoll of Portland. ' P.ettor buy a Chandler than wlBh yon had. . , tf 200 pair new shoes at cost. Second hand shoes and shoo repairing at the Modford Shoe Hospital, 119 East Sixth street, Medford. Orungos lGc Aim. or 3 doz. for- 40c at Jones' Saturday. - 288 Tho Diamond restaurant closed for two weeks to put on "a new spring dress" mid is now open for buslncsri rtkaln. Mrs. William Pates who has beon 111 nt her home on Geneva street "for seVcrnl weeks Is convalescing, rapidly. A cement sidewalk' Is being Installed at tho corner of Itivorslrlo nvonuo and Main' street In front of the Associated' Oil company service station. " This In the Inst of the wooden sldowalks re maining in the business district. When better automobiles are built,, Bulck K build them. . tf Just rocolved a shipment of 30x3 first-class non-skid tiros, while they last $1B.00. Modford Vulcanizing Works, '. : ! 299 Tho M. M. Department store has dt elded to operate tholr- own inllllnory department hereafter, have received a chic lino of the now spring styles arid havo them on display.1 Easter comes early this yoar and naturally the show ing of new bonnets and other west ahlos comes earlier. " Tho stylo show at Jacksonville vill not tako place tonight ns there wits a mlsnndorstniKilng In roenrd to the date. The Hub Coat & Suit Co. 288 Tho Oregon state board of dental examiners In tli'olr dental campaign along tho lln,es of the relationship of tho mouth and teeth to the general health havo secured tho services. of Dr. H. C. Pivott, U.H.D., of Portland, who Will visit the various cities end towns throughout the state to talk to tho student bodies and civic organizations In tho Interests of tho movement. Tho lectures will be Illustrated with storo op'ticon views showing different contll-' tions In mouth infections. Annthor prize waltz at Jacksonville, Friday night. Each of winning couple will ho presented with n fine pair of silk hnso by tho Hub Shoo Btoro of Medford. 28S Saturday only-Oniiigcs; -while thoy. last, 2 doz. for 25c. Winner, Wbrtnihii & '(lore. : 2S8 Community dance tomorrow night at tho Natatorlum. , Dancing will begin at II o'clock. Report of tho baskolball game on" bulletin board evory , fivo nilniites. A big tlmo assured. " 288 Mr. Thomas Swoni and Mr. (icorgf Codding arrlvod homo 011 this foro noon's train from their tour of Jose phine county with a theatrical aggre gation of haiufnttcrs. Mrs. D. O. Frederick has purchased tho Sanitary lleauty Shop and is now In charge. She guarantees first class service and will bo pleased to see nil old custumors as well ns othois desir ing this kind' of work. 290 Community diinco tomorrow night nt tho N'alntorluni. ' Duiiclug will begin at 9 o'clock. Iteport of tho basket ball gainu on bulletin hoard every five minutes. A big time assured. 2SS For crating, packing and storage call 333 Keizur Transfer. 312 Tho preliminary hearing of Harry Itbine, sausage maker At the Economy meat market, on tho charge of threat ening W. M. Erkstlne, iinother employe with a dangerous weapon, which was 'to (havo1 been hold this morning In Justice Taylor's court was continued until this 'afternoon 'because ot the Inability of -'County Prosecutor Moore or his assistant to be present. Attor ney 11. K. Manila will defend Rhine. llnskcthall bulletin board at tho com munity dance tomorrow night at the Natatorlum. Score announced every flvo minutes. A big time assured. Music up to the minute nnd hull and floor unexcelled. . 28S A letter was received Thursday from C, C. Cute, w ho Is in l.os Angeles with Mrs. Cute for the benefit of his health, stating that he is enjoying hfs rest and feeling better dally,, nnd that thoy would probably return home some lime next week. Tomorrow is the last day here of .Messrs. lie well and Wilkinson, Inter nal revenue department tield men who have spent the past week, or more in the city aiding citizens to make out their Income tax reports. Their tem porary otrico In tho federal building closes at ti p. m. Saturday. Kversharp leads nnd repairs. Med' ford I look smre. ;s9 MTCT)FOT?T MATTY TRIBUNE,'- The most careful drivers have-aeel dents. A $501)0 judgment ugainst you might rtiiu your future. Call Mi. Far re at 19 or information relative tbf Liability Insurance. It Is cheaper than you expect. Medford Land & Insur ance Agency, 220 W. Main street. 289 . Will pay Dodge car and some cash for Improved real -proiwrty In Medford Call 220 W. Main street. 290' Carl llowuian, accompanied by Mike Woniack, the expert miner, geologist and oilologist left toduy for the gold mine In the Dig Applogate section which Mr. Howman discovered and lo (cated last summor while on an outing expedition. They will spend several days at tho mine doing assessment work. Portland guests at tho Medford are Harrison Allen, L. V., Perkins, J. S. liarnos, W. M. Hudson, Harry S. Par sons, :B. 1''. Salnpolls, J. F. Muollenhorg, A. J. Andrews, T. N. ItbBslch, L. It. Erickson, E. Stone and D. D. ,PhIllIps. Another Orogoulati hero Is J. Jayes of Salem. . . . :" ' ' - . ' Watermaln Fountain Pons. Only kind 'guaranteed by dealer to give sat isfaction. Repairs whye you wait. Medford Hook Store. 289 Included In the Ashland delegation hore Thursday attending the scenic presorvatlop' convention ''were Dr., Ilertha Sawyer, C. E. Morton, F. H. Walker, A. C. Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. O. Winter, J. H. Fuller and I. 15. VluiiiK. . ,. , POllTIAND, Ore., Feb. 25. Deter mined to finish paving tho Pacific highway as rapidly as possible, tho state highway commission has order-, o'd C4 miles advertised. In addition, the commission lias ordered up a 12 mile 'section from Ontario to.u. point opposite Weiser,; Idlw, ion the oreT gun side. Tbe12-mUp. section of the Pacific highway from Grants i Pass north will, -e'adv:i'lBcd for paving If the present contractor will allow can cellation of his contract..' LUMPS OF ' , INDIGESTION .'-' -. "Pape's Diapepsin" at once fixes your Sour, Gassy, Acid Stornacli ....".."""'" Undigested food! tump's of pain; belching gas, acid? nnd sourneBS. When your stomnuh is nil upset, here is instant relief no uniting! .-i .' The moment yen ent a tablet or two of' Pnpe's Dinpopsin all the indigestion pnin ami dyspepsia distress caused, by acidity is relieved. . ' Yoiir disordered stomach will feel flne: nt Qnqc. ,- I'liesc ploiisa'nt, linrmlesa tablets ot loupe's Diapepsin neutralize the harmful ncids -in the stomuch, nnjl give alllioal Instant relief; besides they, cost so little at drug stores, .... NOTICE OF SALE. NOTIOM IS llioitionv OIV10N that by virtue of u warrant Issued to me by the. iiy nectt-oer 01 me city or Meuroru, cotniunndlliK me to proceed mid sell lit the manner provided by law for tho pay inent of a certain interest payment tie llmiuent tuid unpaid January I, 11)21, tbe- property deseribeil upon the consolidated non ciocsei ho ucnnquciu mill unpaia, 1 will seel1 at the front door of theiClty Hall on l'iont street at Hi corner of Sixth street, being the hulbllng in which ine i;iy ..otiucil uoios 1IH sessions no ginning at. the hour of 10 o'clock u. m on the :40th ilay of Mai'cb,' IH2I. all HlK'li pi-ooerly so ili'llUMUent and uniiald, fot the aiuouut of such delinquency to gelber wllh penalties accruing to date of sale ami for the costs of such sale duo mid dellmitlrnt upon such property us provuieu oy law. . .. The following Is a list of the Imnorve nenls and of nil lots and parcels of land upon which such interest Is dcltntiucitt with the amount of such Interest pay -' inent, and penalties, and costs duo ami unpaid uptm each lot or parcel of land and the name of (he owners as Ibe .samo appears upon the, consolidated lien dock el. (o-wlt: V. No. fi. .lackNpn County Hank and J 1' . Itetldy, lol 5. block. 19, Original Town site. Paving Interest; $7.22: penalty;. l. ,ii,.; t.osis,, " 'loiai, f No. fi, -Jnokson t'oitnty Hank and J !', Itedily, lot,' !ll,i block 111. i Original 'lowliHae, ?S'mUi .ci'tilral avenue, paving Interest, , $7.22:. penalty, .;'!., lOast lOlgiitli slieet, paving Interest. $14. S7; penalty, .V4'.' costs, .;io. Total, $2.43. No. 7. dlei'uldlne Thetss, lot 10 and north II feel of lot 11. block 2U. Original Tt.wiislte. Paving Interest. $1.17:- pen ally, i.titj. s costs, fjtu. Total, si. l3. No. !l. J. 1.. lT. lius. lots 7 and 8 block 2t, Original Townslli-. Paving Interest. :i.jii: penalty, .1. Alley Pavlnc Interest. $1.34: nenilltv. $.06 l.ol S. Alley. Paving Interest. $1.31: innally, $.0(1. Coals, .:'.0. Total, r,.7S, Nr. II. Tlidtnas McAudi'ew Instate t..,l I! t,ll, ' fl,'tll T.twt.ulf 'ln. Iiib inleri'St. $7.i;i; penalty, i.M. tests, .:ia. Total, No. 12. Annie M. Hoot, l.ol 7. block 22. Original Townslte. Kast l'irtli street Pavlni! Interest, IL'I.'.T, ; penally, 11.10 Sewer Interest, $.SS: penalty. f .45. North li'AnJou street. PavtniT Interest, -i.i,:i : 'penalty, s.2. costs, $.30. Tolal $30. IS. No. 13. Annie M. Knot. I.ot S. IdcM'K 22. OtlKlnal Townslte. Pavlnit Interest. $r,.(lS: enally. .2. Sewer Interest. $.97: eniilty, $.ll.i. Costs. $.30. Total $7.20. . . No. I.. Anna M. Monney. ' l.ot fi, block 24. Ot-iKlnat Townslte. Cnvlng- Inter est, 7.2i: penaltv, $.311. Sewer Interest $S.5: penulty, $.14. Coals, .30. Total $iarfi. No. 111. M. C. McDonald, I.ot 0. block 21, Original Townslte. Paving Inler est. $i;.U3: penalty. $.30. Costs, .S0 Total. ss.i;3. ' No. 17. I.aui-n Itwrentit. Lot 3. block 2ii. OtlKlnal Townslte. North D'AnJoli street. PavltiK Interest. $ 1 6. H3 : 1 pen alty. $S3. Sewer Interest, $.i".3: penally ?.l3. . Watermaln -Interest, $H. US:' pen. alty. $.31. .laekson street. Pavlnjt In terest, $;tll.r,4. lienaltv. $1.52. Costs $.311. Totnl. $58.00. No. 18. I.aura Lawrentu. I.ot s nmt north 20 feet of tot 7. block 2ft, Orlfflnal Townslte. . PsvlnR Interest. $12.01: penally. $.t:0. Sewer interest. $2.31: piuully. $.11. Costs. $.30. Total, l.i.42. N'o. la. l,aura I.awn-entii. Lot. 7. block :lli, ll-l;inal Townslte. I'avliiK Interest. $10 112: penalty, $.Fi3. Sewer Interest, $l.til; penally, $.0S, AVatt'i'inatn liller- est. $1,S0: peiinlty.-$.09. tew,r Oistrlet No. s, . Sewer tnterest. ..iu; iwiialty. $.03.' Costs. $."0. Total. $i:..l. o. -Ml. I. aura l.awrenta l.ol s. PloeK ::tt. 4 i-lr i nnl T.iwnsHe. Iving Inter est. $10,112; penaltv. ?.t3. Sewer Inter- sl. $l.l;l; peualtv. SOS. Watermaln Interest. $l.M): penalty, $.0. Costs, $.3J Total. $15.00. No. 21. I.. It. Parker. I.ot 3. block 2t!. Oi-liiltuil Townslte. PavltiK Interest. penally. .4. sewer 'inioresi, $1.15; penalty. $.05. Waterninliv Inter est. $t.2: peunlty, $.06. Costs, $30. To tal. SIMM. - No. 22. I.. It. Pnrker. Lot 4. block . orletnal Townslte. Pavllift Interest. S'.i.i'; penalty, $.IS, fewer Interest, MRT)FORT, ORECJON.' FRTHAY, FEliRUARf -2.V - 11.15: penally. I.OIV. Wat'erainuln In torxst, 11.22: penalty,' ?.6o. L'osis, .3U Total. 1 2.1)4. No. 23. I). T. I.awton. Unl t. block 40. OriKinal TownsKf. - Civlnir Inter im, (IW.9I: pMKlly. .64., tfow-r Inter est, 3. Ij: penalty, t.12. Costs, 30. To tut, 111..'. No. 24. D. T. Lawton. T-ot lrt, block 40. Original Townslte. Paving Inter est $10.31: pcnulty .;.. Costs, $.30. To tal. i 1. m. No. 24'A. J. I,. Holms. I,ol 4. block 4:t. Original Townail. Paving Itiler est, ::.27; penalty, S.16. Kewor Inter est, K.S3: jMinulty, .04. ('ostn. .i0. To- ini. 4.eo. No. 25. J. I,. Helms. Lot .1. block 4.1. original Townslte. Paving Inter. i-Kt. !27; penalty. t.lQ. Hewer Inter est. .s.'i; penalty, .ol. Costs,. . 10. To la). 4.Cl). . ; No. 26. .1. ..r Helms. I.nt C. 1lock VI, Origianl Townslte. Paving Inter- isl, s:i.-"J; penalty. 10 Hcwel Inter isl, (.83: penally. 1.01. Costs. 1.30. To lal. s No. 27. ' .1. I.. Helms. Let 7. block 43, Original Townslte. Paving Inter est. $3.27: penalty, $.16. Sewer Inti'r- est, $.S3; penalty, $.04. Costs. $.311. To tal. vh. No. 2S. .1. L. Helms. Lot 8, block 43. Original Townslte. Paving Inter est, $3.27: penally, $.lti. Sewer inter est, .k;i: penalty, $,04. Costs, $.30. -To' tat. $4.60. . " No. 211. W; T. Alealev. North to feel ol J.1, block II. Oi'lKlual TowiiMlle, Slvtb street. Paving Interest. $4.D; penaltv, $.24. Sewer Interest.1 $.78; .penalty, $.U4. Alley. Pnvlnif Interest, 15.211; penalty, $.2l. Costs, $.30, Total, $11.71. - . No. 30.' Porter J. Neff. South 25 feet cr lot J3, liloclt 44. Original Townslte. Paving Interest. $2.94; penAlty.. $.14. Costs, $.30. Total. $3.08. No. 31. W. P. Meulcv. That portion of lot 13. block 44. Original Townslte. situated between tho. south 2fi feet of said lot umjho liorth:tlo feet. of 'sabl lot. Described "lir Vol.. 91,' page Hll,...lneksoit County ; Itocords. : . ; Paving Interest. i.i: penalty, - f.Mi. costs, f.o. .To tal. $1.84. i ' 'I No, 32: W. P. MflttlfiV. , ;ortb 90 feel of lot 14,- block ....Original Townslte. luving Interest, $4.80: penalty, .24. Si wer Interest. $.78: nonnltv. ' $.01. Costs, $.30. Totnl, $0,10. No. 33. Porter J. Neff.' Houth 25 feet of lot 14. block 44, Original Town flite. , Paving Interest. $1.47: penalty, $.H7. Costs. $.30. Total. $1.81.- No. 34. V. P. Mealey. North. to feet rf lot 15, block 44. Origlnnl Townslte. Paving Interest.. $4:80:i penally... $.24. Sower Interest. $.78- : penalty, . $.04. cosis. $.:io. Total, No, 35.' Porter J. - Nefr. ' South 2: feet of '.lot I5,:blook 44. Original Town site. . Paving Interest, $1.47: penalty. $.ui. cosih. $.:to. 'I'olal. $1.S4. No. 30. Porler J. Neff. South' 50 feel of lot 10. block 14.' .Original Townslte.' Paving Interest, $7.63; penalty, $.38. rewor Interest, $1.09: penulty, $.05. watermaln tnterest, - $.50; penalty, $.03. Costa, $.30. Total, $9.98. -. No. 37. W. P. Moatey. North 90 feet of lot 16, block 4 4, Original Townslte. Sixth street. Paving rlnlerest, $4.80; pennlty, . $.24. . .Bewer Interest, $.78; penalty. ' $.01. ' Watermaln Interest. $.88; penally, $.01. Grape street. Pnv-: Ing Intercut. $13.73; penulty. $.69. COSIS, $.30. Total, $21.liU. ; ; no. 3S. l'orter J. Nerr. south 2', feet of lot 10. block 44. Origlnnl Town-1 site. Paving Interest, $1.47; penu-ity, $.07. Costs, $.30. Total. $1.84. No. 39. J. V. White. Lot- 15, block 45, Original Townslte. P.avfng .Inter est. $3.80: penalty. $.10. Costs, $.30. Tolul, $4,29. ' ' ." No. 40. -Paul t:. Hansen. l.ol blocs 49. Origlnnl Townslte. South Kir." Pav ing Interest, $8.25; penalty, .$.'4 1. Klev- ontb street. Paving Interest, $17.31: penalty. $.86.' .' Costs. t.SO. Total. $27.83. . , , ....,',.-, No. 41. Amy c. now. ,t,ot il, uiock: 49. OrlRlnal Townslte. Paving Inter-; est, $7.02; penalty, $.30. Costs, $.30. Tw tal, 7.T. " ' - ' No. 42. ,T. K Kelly. 'Lot 7. block T.2, Original Townslte.. r Paving Interest. $.: penally, ?.2o. .osts $.30. .Total, No! 13. ' Marv C: Ueslle. 'Lot 11. blrtck (i2. OrlRlnal Townslte. Paving Tnttlr est $9.42; penally, $.47. Sewer Inter est, $1.67; penalty, $.08. Costs, $.30. To tal. $11.94. .. .. No. 44. 'Mary C. Leslie. : Lp.t 12. block 62. Original Townslte. Paving tutor' est. $9.42: penalty, $.47. - Costs, $.30. To tal $10.19. . . " No. 45. J.' V. While. . Lot 7. block 63, Original Townslte- ' Pavhig Inter QSt, $9.42: peunlty, $.47. Sewer Inter est. $l.ll)i pellHlly, $.05. costs, $.30. To tal, 1L34.. '. . No. 46. J. V. White. Lot 8, block 53, Origlnnl - Townslte.- ---Paving Interest, $11.43: penalty, $.17. Costs, $.30. Total, $10.19.' . . , No. 47. J. F, White..' Lot 3, block H4, Original Townslte., Paving Interest, $1.73; pepalty, $.08. Costs, $.30.: Tdtal. $2.1 1. . '..-, -',.-. No. 48. J. K W'hllo. I.ot .4. block 51, Origlnnl. Townslte, alloy. Paving Interest, $1.73; pennlly. $.08. Lots 3 nnd 4. block 64. West Main street. . Paving 1 Interest, $7.52: penalty. $.37. Sewer Interest, '$.75; penally, $.04. Costs, $.30. Total, $11.58.. . No.- 49. l-'lrsl Presbvterlnn Church. Lots 8 nnd it. block 54, Origlnnl Towh nlle. West Man street. Paving Inter est, $11.05: penalty. $.30. .' Alley. Pn ItiB Interest. $1,871 penalty. $.00. Sew er Interest. $.110: penalty. $.05. Costs. $.30. .Total. $9.56. x , ' , : No. 60. First Presbyterian- church. Lot 9, block 61. Original Townslte, Al ley. Paving Interest. $ 1.87: pennlty, $.119. South Holly street, Paving Inter est, $26.40; penalty, $1,32. Sewer In terest, I. HO: pennlty, $.05. , Costs, $.30. Total, $30.93. No. 61.' First Presbyterian Church. Lot 10, block 51. Original Townslte. South Holly, l'nvlng Interest. $20.40: penaltv:' $1.32. Alley. Paving Intoresl, KI.S7: penalty, lt.09. Coats. 8.30. Total, $29. IIS. No. 52. First Presbvterlan Church. Lot II. block f4. Original Townslte. Paving Interest, $1.87: penalty. $.09. Sewer Interest, $.90;- penally, $.05. Costs. $.30. Total. $3.21.- No. 43. First Presbvterlan Church. Lot 12. block 61. Original Townslte, Paving Interest, $I.S7: penally. $.09. Hewer interest. $.90: penalty, $.05. Costs, $.30. Totnl,- $3.21. No. 61. First Presbyterian Church. Lot 13. block 64. Original Townslte. Pa-. Ing Interest, $1.87; penulty, $.09. Sewer Interest. $.lt; pennlty, $.05. Costs, $.30. Total, $3.21. No. 55. First Presbyterlun Church. Lot 14, block 54, Original Townslte. Paving tnterest, $1.50; penally, $.0S. Sewer Interest. $.71; v pennlty, $.04. Costs, $ 30. Totnl. $2.63. , . - No. SB. -:rfle K. tloff. The west r. feet of the north 111 feet of lot 7, block 55, Original Townsile. Frontage 5 feet on the soulh side 'of West Sixth street. Paving Interest. $.87: penalty, $.05. Costs. $.30. Total. $1.12. . No. 57. Kff le IS. OoftV The north 90J reel or lot s. OlOCK ;i., original lown slte. Frontnge 25 feet on the south sld? of Went Sixth street. Paving Interest. $4. .12; pennlty. $.21., Costs' $.30. Total $4.83. No. S8. Kffle-K. Ciofr. The north 90 f et of lot 9. block 55. Origlnnl Town site. Frontage 25 feet on the south sldf of West Sixth street. raving Inter est, $1.32: penalty, $.21. costs, $.30 Total. 91.83. No. J. I,. He mS. l,Ot 4. OIOOK . Original Townslte. Paving Inter t. $6 3: pennlty. $.32. Costs, $.30. To tal. .'. -No. 60. L. Charley.' I.ot 1.. block r.R Orltrhtul Townslte. Pavlnir Interest 7.27: pennlty, $.36. Costs. $.30. Totnl, No. 61. I,, cum ley. i.ot 2. diock , .Origlnnl Townslte. Paving luter I. $7.2,; penalty. $.3. Costs., $.50.. To tnl, $7.83. , No. 62. S. C. OoillOVC. Lot S. OlOCK S, . Original- Townslte. Paving Inter est. $8 91; penally. $.15. . Costs. $.30. To tal. Jlf.BS. No. 63. Josephine Porler. West 10 feet lot .. block 67, Original Townsile. Paving Interest, $1.24: penalty, $-i2. tls, $.30. Total. $1.76. . , No. 64. ..loseplnne I'After. l.ol l, niocK 6:7. Original Townslte, Paving Inter- si. $100; penally. $.52, coals, tin. Totnl. 1 1.42. . No. 65. Josephine Porter. Lot 7. block 67, Original Townslte. Paving Interest, $10.60; penalty. $.62. Costs. $.30. Total, $11.42. . no. sit. .losepnine porier. i.or s, block 67. Original Townsile. . Pnvlnl;--Interest. $10 60; pennliv. l.V'. Cocts, $.3n Total, $11 12, , I 'No. 67. ' 'Josephine Porter. .11 9. blis'k 67. Orlgflial Townsile. West Sixth street, raving Interest. $10.00: penul ty, $.52. North Ivy street. Paving In terest, 3.-,.32; penally,, $2.76. .' Costa, $.30. Total, $69 .50. No. 8. I' . J). Picket. Lot 10, block 67, Original Townslte. Paving Inter est. $27.66: penulty, $1.38. Costs, $.30. Total. $29.34. No. 69. K. 14. Pickel. lots Illf 11. .12. 13. and wst 10 feel 14, blocs: 67; Original Townslte. Pavlnit liiter'-st, $18.15: p altv. $.91. Costs, $.30. ToUil. $19.36. No. 70. Delia Clement. 'Lol -4, block 73. Original Townslte. Paving Inter est. 88.66: nenilltv. $.43. Sewer Inter est,' $1.05; penally. $.05. Waternnlln Interest, $1.20: penalty, $.06, Costs, $.30. Total, $1 1.71. . - " No, 80. Kmtt tiagnon. It 12. block 74. Original Townslte, South - Oakdale avenue. Paving liltereRt. 'S10.44: pen- arty. $.50. Kleventh ptreet. Paving Interest. . $14.31 : penalty, $.72., Costs $.30. Total, $26.27. No. 81. (I. L. Do Armohd. 1-ot 10 block 75, Original Towns!te. . Paving .Intereat. $7.13: . penalty, $.36. Costs. $3l. Total. $7,711. . No. 82. C. W. Stinger et si: Lot 111 block 78, Original Townslte. Paving Interest. $-1.67: penalty, $.08. coals, $.10. ' Total. $2.05. . : No. 83. C. W. HHnger et - ul. Lot, II block. 78. .Paving Interest. $1.67; pen- a iv. a OK. Cost s. $.30. Total. $2.0! No. 84.. Weeks & Orr. The west half of west half .of a trnct of land on West I ieconu street, niarseu am on ine niap of the Clly Af Medford. . described in vol. 82. Dace 621. Jackson County Hoc ords. Paving Intere.M, 57.85; penally, $.39. .-.Sewer Interest, $.0i: penalty, $.03. . Watermaln Interest. '$1.35; pen ally. $0.7.' Costs. 4.30. Total. $10.66. . '. No. 85. L. G. Porter. Part of a par cel of land on Genesee street, mnrked l on the map of. the Clly of Moiiroru. eV-scrllied In 'Vol; , 24.' page 543. Jackson County liecords. Frontage 100 feet on-. the west side of Oenessee .street. Pnv iliR Interest: $11,116: penalty, $.58. Sow er Interest, $2.94: poiinUy,. $.14.-Water-ihaln Inlerest. $3.68;, penalty, $.1S Costs. $.30. Total.' SJ0.4S. No. 80, Arthui: A... Madden.. ' Pareel -of land marked "DN" on tho man of the Oity of Medfonl. Frontage 50 fiwt on the. enst side, of South' Ivy street, described in I)eod..KcKlstor 96. .laekson county Itecords. . Pnvlng Intereftt. $7.44: penal ty. $.37. Hew'er Interest, $1.41; pennlty, .0V. t Costs. 8.30.. .Totai. S9.69. ; No, 87; Annie Si. .Root'. I A parcel of land inai-ked "AX," .'oh I be map. of rhe City ;of . .(cdford,. described In V't-I. .71.' page II-1. Jackson (,'otuny Records. U est ,nm. street. Paving Interest $n "S? tsrielty. $.61. . Sewer ilnterestii slM; penalty,,.,, $.12. Watermaio--lntcrvst, $1.71: pennlty, $.08. M-'er Interest,. $1.62: pennlty, $.). Orliuge slreel. I'nving Interest, ?I.8.7.; pen alty. $.01. COCts. $.3U.i .Tola . ;i.64. 1 No. 88. L. H. Amldon. 'A porcel of land on west Main street, mnrked "P.S." on the mnp of the 'City of Medford, de scribed In Vol'. Ill, pege 328, Jncknon County . Records. 7,'avlng Interest, $18.90; penalty, $.94. Watermaln In-, terest, $2.60; penalty, $.12. Costs, $.30. Tolnl $22.76. No. 89., S. T. Howard JCslate. 195 feet of a tract of land fronlint; 330 feet or the east side of Oakdale avenue, ilescrib ed in Vol.. 59, . page . 249-50,. Jackson County , Records. Paving Interest. $;:i.iii: penalty, $1.69. costs, $.30. to tal. $33.64,, . . . No. 90. M, I,. Alfofd, 75 feet of n tract 'of land fronting 330 feet-. on the east sine or bo-nth oakunie avenue, oe-. scribed In Vol. 69. page 249-50. , Jackson, Cctinty' 'Records. '. -Paving Interest, $'10,691 penalty, $.63.' Costs, $.30. To tkl. il 1.62. No. 91. , J. C. Tlnrnes. A- parcel - of land marke "All. on the mop of tie City of Modford. frontage 132.2 feet on. the east side of North Riverside avenue. described In ' Vol. 72. page ' 97 Jackson County Records; nlso cescribed. In as sessment No." 8, Ordinance 547. City Rec ords. 1 Paving Interest, $27.05: penalty." $1.36. . Walornmln Interest,. 52.10: pen alty. $.11. Costs. $.30.. Tolnl. $30.01.. No. 92. 8. K. WlillhHr.. 58 feet, of tho Oseiibruggo. tract via: a parcel of Innd particularly deseribeil In Assessment No. 3ji,- rf. Ordinance 368, recorded In Lein Docket No. 6.. page - 62. . City Records. Frontage ,58 feet on tho , cast ..side of. South- Riverside avenue. Paving Inter est, ii.52; penalty, J. 28. . Costs, $.30. To lal,. $0.10.. ,; ' , -.'.' No. 93. Roy A. Young. v 50 feet of I parcel of land on West '-Second street mnrked "AH" .on the 'man of. 'the City of .ie.ororo. t escrinea in vol.. do. page io, jacsson i:ouncj uecoros. saving in terest, $3.88; penalty, $.23. Total, $6,02. i NO. 94. Cla'rn J. Meeker. 1, Anderson-Toft Addition, terest, $9.19;,. penalty, $.46. terest, $.59 ; penalty, . $.03. Total. $10.57. ' '.'..' Costs, $.80. Ijlt 1. block llivlng in- . Sewer In Costs, $.30 No. 95. C. A. Meker. ' Lot 2. block 1 Anderson-Toft Addition. . Paying-Interi est. $10. 3: penalty. $.fti. sewer inter est, $.60; penalty. $.03. WatcrniaJn ' Interest, $ .04; penalty. $.03. ..Costs, $.30 Total, $12.19'. No. block terest, terest, Total. No. block terest. ttrest. 97. . Geraldlno i. Thelss. Lot 2, Realty .Addition, Paving In $1.4 1: nenaltv. .'.'!. Sewer In $.65; penulty, $.03. Costs, $.30. $5.50. 98. Geiuldlne Thelss. Lot 3 i. Heatty Addition. PnvWg In- $4.41: iwnally. .$.21. . Sewer In $.53; peunlty, $.03. Costs,, $.30. Total, $.',..'111. . 99. Gernldlne Thelss: Lob ? No. bioek terest, terest. 6. Heatty Aildltiotv. Pnving -In-84.41: "iiennlly. $.21. Sewer III- $.55; pennlty, $.03. Coats, 4.30. Total, $.fiO. 1O0.. Id jie ThfllSA. , J,.ot.-,l 7, ftentty -Addition. Pnvrrrir In No. Monk' terest, -In terest, '$.55 Stttfh't 'Costsv M0. ici fiwlii.. itbtS.'i, Hon. Paving In- -jieiiMiij i.i Total 85.60. 1 No. .Ucrttltll block Realty An terest.r$4I4Ir penalfSlW Total. , r.$ - qf sit'O' . io. eiviMitiurn um i. s-nis. , " j.ol ti. block i. Heatty Addition. -"""roving In terest. $4.41: penalty. $.21, Costs. $.30 Total. $4.92. . -T No. IDS.! -Oeraldlfic Thelss. I.ot 4, block 7, Hentty Addition. . Paving ln t. rest. $1.41; penalty, $.21. Costs, $.30. Total, 84.92. No. 104. Gernbltne- Thelss. Lot 1'. block 8. Realty Addition. Paving In terest, 85.98; penalty, $.29..- Costs, $.30, Totnl. $6.57.- - No. 105. '.--..Gernldlne Thelss. Lot 2. block 8. Beatly Addition. Pnving In terest. $10.03; pennlty, $.50. Sewer In terest. $1.96; penalty. J.10. Cosls. $.30 Total. $12.80. . No. 106. Gernldlne . Thelss. Lot 3. block 8. Hentty Addition. Paving In terest, $10.03; pennllv, $.50. Sewer Interest, tl.oo: pennlty, $.05. Costs, $.3il. .Total, $11.97. - No. 107. Frank II. Radovan. Lot 1, block 12. Realty Addition, paving In terest, $5.49: pennlty. $.27. Wntertnnln Interesl. $.64: penalty, $.03. , Costs, $.30. Total, $6.43. ' No. 108. Frank H. Itndovnn. Lot 2, block 12. Realty Addition. Paving-i-tln- terest, $5.96; penalty, $.30. Watermaln Interest, $.64: pehalty, $.03. cqsts, $.30. Total,. $7.53.- 1 No. laH. Frank -H. Radovan. I.ot 3. block 12. Realty Addition. Pavlngj-ln-terest, $6.2.1: Wiitcrmoln Interest, $.01; penalty, $.03. Cosls, $.30, Total. $8.51. No. T10. -Frank H; Radovan. I Kit 2, block 13. rteattv. Addition. . Paving In terest. 86.23; penalty, $.31. Watermaln Inlerest, $ 61: penalty, $.03. . Costs, $.30,' Totnl, $8.61. ... No. 111. I). T. I.awton. South 45 fot of lot 2. block 17. Heatty Addition. Part of 105 foot . frontnge on west, side of Reatlv street, described In Vol. 82. page 320. .laekson County Records. - Paving Interest,' $7.00: penalty, $.35.. Sewer Interest. $1.46; . penalty. $.07. Water main, $t.iii: penalty. $.117. Total. $.11.71. . No. 112. R. ,V. Clancy. I Conrov-Clancy Addition, terest. $9.19: penally. $.46. Costs. $.30. Xot 5. block Paving In . Sewer In- terest, tl.SS : penally. $.0?. Watermoln Interest. $2.o9: ietlalty. $1.1. Cocts. $.30. Allev. Sewer Inten'st. 8.llS: penaltv. $.15. Costs. $ 3. Total, $1415. No. 113. It. W. Clancy. Lot 6. block I. Conroy-Clancv Addition. Pavlng--!!!-teresl, $':i; pennlty, $.46. . Sewer In terest. $1.38: penalty. $.07. Watenunin Interest. $2.63: penalty. $.13. Alley. Sewer Inlerest, $3.08:. penalty. $.15. Costs, $.30. Total. $14 35. No. 11.,. tieraldlne Tneiss. Lot 2, nlocH 1. Cottaga Additlmi. Psvtng Interest. $70.52; penalty. $3.50. Sewer Interest. $10.91; pennllv. $.50, Costs, $30. -Totai. $;6 73. . ' . ... fin, 116, John l; Root. Lot 1, block 1021 t Crowell :Aili1lllon. West Main street.. Having Inlerest,. $12.55;. penalty, $.03. Sewer Interest. $1.46: penally. $07. Wulennalii Interest, $1.90; penalty. $.10. North peach: paving Inlerest, $16.70; peunlty. $.83. Watermaln In terest, $2.06 penalty, $.10. Costs, $.30. Total, $37.10. ' , No. 117. John M. Hoot, east one-half lot 2. block 1. Crowell Addition. Paving Interest, $7.03; penalty. $.35. Sewer Interest, $.73; neliulry, $:03. Water main Interest. $.05; penalty, $..". Costs. $.30. Total, $9 44.., No. 11R. Iielb.-rl Febl, ' Lot 19, block 4. Crowell Addition. Paving interest. f..29; penalty, ' S.8I. Sewer Interest. $.92; penalty, $.05. ' Watermaln -Inter-esl. $.6: .penalty, $.04. Costs, $.30. To tal. $8.69. " NO. 119.J J. .L... Helms ', West. 27 feet luts 6' anil 7.. block 1. Fslrmount Addi tion. "Paving rlnterest, $16.5; denally. $.83. Rewer Interest. $.71: penaltv $.03. Watermaln Interest. $.35; pen :iltv. fl.02. Lot 7. Sewer Interest! SI 46 penalty. '- $.07. Watermaln Interest. i. 13: .penalty, $.06. Costs, $.30. Total, $'-0.53. . ; . ' No. 124. J. I.. Demer. Lot It.' block 6.' Full-mount Adilltlo'i. Pnving Inter est. $7.57: ienaltv. $.37. Sewer Inler est. $ 93: penalty.' $.05. Walernialn In terest. 1.27; penalty, $.06. Costs. $.30 Total. 110.55. ... . ' No. 125. It. H. liennett. ' Lht 14; block I. Addition; F.ast Washington street. Pnving Interest, 85.88; penalty. t.SS. Sewer Inlerest, $.09; . , neniilty $.03. ' -Howard ' street. SeWer Interest J..41: pennltv, $.02. Costs, $.30. Total, 17.58. . No. 126.' Will Sllnson. . Lot 23. block. 2. - l'Viiltdalo Aildil on. Pnvlii" Inter est. . 88. 4"3; ' penalty. $.42. Watermaln Inlerest. 1.47: penally, $.07, Costs, 18.30. Total. $10.69. . cio. int. . will ntinson. j,oi l. oiiich 2. Frllitdale Addition: Slierman street. Paving Interest. $8.43: penally. . .2 Sewers Interest. $4.66; penaltv, $:23. VVntermnin Interest. $.78; penalty, 8.04. Htniik street.-. .- AValermaln Interest, $.7o: penalty, $.03, Costs, $.30. Total. $15.59: . . , , No. 128. R. L; and Osa Medley, l.ol 1., block 5,, Fruitdale Addition.. Paving interest. $io.:ir,: penalty. $.50. sewer -"-'Interest. $2.95: penalty, $:i5. Water- mam Interest.' $2.24: pennlty, $12. Costs. $ .30. Total.- $16.62, - ' No. 129. Geo. W. Howard. : .Lot 12 block 6. Fruitdale Addition. Sewer In terest.. $2.96; penalty, $.13. Costs, $.30. Total, s 1.411. . No. ISO. First MeUiodlst church. "Port of lot .mnrked ','CAV in block 2. Galo-way Addition with a. frontage of 200 fe the south side of West Main street and 100 feel 'On the " east side of Mistletoe street and 83 feet on the west side of Lnure street, described In Vol. 40.- once 379... Jackson . Count-y i Records. :'W'est .Main : street. - Pnving Interest, $39.60 penally, $1.98. Sewer Interest. $2.19; tienn-uy, ,u. vvatermaln Interest 86.23: pennltv, $.26. -Mistletoe street Pnving Inttrest, $16.10: penalty. $.81. watermaln Interest, $l(.60rr penalty, .$.08. Laurel street, Paving Interest, 11.92; penalty, $.00. Costs, $.30. Total, $S0.9S. No. 131. .1. R. Woodford. South SOU feet lot 6. block 3. Helms Addition. Paving Interest. $4.66: penally, $.23. Watornialn Interest. $.57; penalty,' $.03 Costs, $.30. Total, $5.79. - No. 132. J. R. Woodford. Lot 7, block 3. Helms - Addition. Pnving In terest. $8,Sl.:penaity.. $.44. Watornialn Interest. $lT07; nonalty, $.05., Costs, If. 00. ; 10I.SI, 9 III. 'O. . No. 133.' Cadjlle L. Andrews Estate. Lot . 1, block 2; Humphrey-Andrews Ad dition, Roosevelt nvenue. Paving In terest.. $1 1.04 : pennlty. $.S5. Watermaln Interest. $.88: -pennlty. .-$.04. Minne sota avenue. -Paving Interest. $23.85: penally, i.zu. hewer interesl. 1.97 penalty. $.04. Costs. $.30. Total. $38.77. No. 131.. R. H. Toft. Lot 3. block. 2, Imperial .Addition. 1 Sew-ier Interest,' ? i.i:u;..penniiy. .-j.nt,,, ynlermatn inter est, $1.87: penally, : $.07. Costs, $.30, J.OIHI, B-.-IU. No. I34ii. R. II. Toft. Lot .5. block 6. imperial Addition.. Hewer Interest, $.8.8;, penalty, $.04. Watermaln inter est, $ 88: penalty. $.04. Costs, $.30.. To tsli $2.06.,, : - ' ; .. ,'.-., i . fro'. .'1.16. . It. !-!.. Tofti Lo't'7. Mock 6', Imperial . lAddltlon-. , Paving Interest. e.5S; . penalty, ,, $.28. . . Sewef-Intorest. $.8.8: - itcnally,' 04. Waterninln Inlerest,- $1.27: penalty,' $.06. Costs, $.30. 'To. nil, an.i i. . - - . - No. 136. Joe Hannah, Jr., Lot 9, block 6, "Imperial Addition. l'nvlng Interest. $4.20: penalty: $.21. Watermaln Iptori out, $.69: penalty, $.02.-: Costs, $.30. '" To tal, $5.42. ' " No. 137. Amelia 'Toft.. Lot 5, block 7, Imperial Addition. Sewer Interest, $1105; penalty, $.05. . '-Costs, $.30. Total, $1.40. - No. 138. Ti, .It. Toft. ' Lot 1, block 10, Imperial Addition, Paving Interesr. $r..S7: penalty.. $.28. . Sewer Interest, $.88; penalty, $,0-. , Watermaln intttr ,est, $1,611; penalty, $.07., Costs, $.30. .To thl? $8:04.. , -. -. ' -. No. 133. ' .R, UrToft. Lot 2, block 10, Imperial Addition. Pnving Interest, $6:67:' 'penalty,' $.28., Sewer Interest, $.88; penalty, $.04. Watermaln Inter est, $1.60; penalty, $.07. Costs, $.30. To tal, $8.64. Jo. .140. Tt.'H. Toft. Lot 3. block 10, Imperial Addition. Paving Intre- si. .i..; penalty. $.28. sewer inter est. $.88; penally. $.04. Watermaln In terest, tl.SO; ephnlty, $.07. Costa, $.30. Tolnl. $8.61. ' No. .1)1.. . It; II. Toff. Lot 4, block m Imperial Addition. Paving Interest, $5.67; penally. $.28. Sewer Inlerest, $.88; pennlty, $.04 Walernialn Inter est, $1.50; penalty, $.07. Costs, $.30. To tal. $8.64. ' : No. 142.;-It. II.-Toft. Lot 6. "block 10. Iniporlal. Addition, ' Vancouver avenue. Paving Interest, t?5,57;, penalty, $.28. Wateriualn Interest, $1.50; penalty. $.0-7. ICast llleventli street. Sewer lu tyjest, $2.20: pennlty,' $.11. .Walernialn Interest, $2.12: penalty, $.11. Costs. $.30. Total. $12.26, No.- 113. 'It. H. Toft. Lot .7. block 10, Imperial Addition, Kast Kleventh street. Sewer Interest, $2.20; pennlty, 4. It. Watermain Interest, $1.80;' penalty, .09. Willamette avenue. Watermaln Interest.' $1.85: penalty. $.09. coal it, $.30. Total. $6.14. -t 'No. 411, R. II. Tofl. The first 60 foot strip of land. In block 12. Imperial Addi tion. ' beginning opposite the west line of Ashland avenue, desoilied in Vol. 82, page 626 .laekson County Records. Sew er Interest, $.82: ponalty, $.04. Costs, 8.30. Totnl, 81.16. No. 14a. II. H. . Toft. Second 50 fool strip of-land In block 12,. Imperial Ad dton, beginning " opposto the west lno out Asniano avenue, ilescrlbed In Vol 82, pnge 626 Jackson County Records. Newer interest, S.S2: penaltv. 8.04 Costs, $.30. Tital, $1.16. . No. 146. H. 11. Toft. Third 50 fool strip of Innd In block 12. Imperial Ad dition beginning opposite Hie west line oi Asniano avenue, ilesciilied In Vol. 82. page 626. Jackson County Records, rfewer Interest. . $.82; pennlty, t.04. Costs, $.20. Total.' $1.16. ' No. 147. F. H. Dressier. Lot 6, block l.T..- imperial -Add. t on. . Sewer Inler est. $1.97; penalty, $.10. Watermaln interest, ji.rit: . penalty, ' $.07. i Costs, t..iii. i oiai, ,i.n. , No. 148. F. U.' Dressier. Lot 7. block 13.- lmnei-lnl - Atldttlon. - Sewer .liitoroat $1.97; penalty.' $.10. WateVmalll In terest. Sl.,6: .nenaltv. 1.08. Cosls. 1.30. Total. 84.21. ; , To. .140. Kllxabelh I). Rrown ' I.nt 1 block 1.' .laekson Addition,. Mvrtle street. Pdvlng Interesl. , $19.17; penaltv. $.98. Sewer Interest. $1.02; nenaltv. $.05. Enst Mnin street. Paving Interest. ,..,. i-iiuiit, newel interest, J. 17; penalty, $.06. Costs. $.30. Total, 30.61. ... .. No. 150. W. M. Brlsbln. ' Lot 11: bloke Renuaii . Aiirittion.' paving Interest. $2.43: penally. $.13. Costs. $.30. Total. $2.85. . . .No. 161. n. F. Or ffin. Lot 13. block 3,- Kendall- Addltliin.r.- Paving Interest. $6.1(7: penally. $.34. Watermaln Inter est. $.67: pennlty, $.03.- Costs. $.30. To tal. $8.21. No. 152. Ads M. " Klnvri. Lot 2. block 7, Kendall Addition.. 'Paving In teresl. :i:i5: penalty. $.27. Costs. $.30. Total. $6.02. No. l.-,3. liarrlett P.. Rundlett. Lot 2. block 1. King Addition. Pa.lng luter- st, $12.61; iienally. $.63. Bewer Inter est. $1.41;-penalty. "$.07. Watermnln interest. ' $1.2.,: penally. t.0. 1 Costs. $J0. Total, $16.36. , No. 154. I. N. - Skldmore. Lot II. Lewis Addition. PavlnR-lnterert. $5.80; penalty. $.29. Sewer Interest. $.79: pen alty, $.01. Watermaln Interest, $.69: penally. $.04. Costs. $.30. Tolal. $7.95. .No. I nr.. 1. N. Skidmore. Lot 12. block I, Lewis Addition. Paving linleresl,1 Kewer Interest, Woternialn Inti'i-. est, $.31: pennlty mi. 6.r,8. $.02., Costs, $.30. To- No. l.iB. It. J. c onroy. i.ot j. uioek 6. Hertford Helgbts Adillllon. Sewer Interest, $2.29; elluity, .ll. watermaln Interest, . $.13. Costs, $. 30. Total, $5.09. ', NO. 157. Davis & Miller. Lot 3. block 7, Medford Heights Addition. Paving Interest. $7.57; enally. $.37.. ; Hewer In terest. $1.16: enalty, $.08.- Watermaln Interest, $1.61: enalty, $.07, Coals, $.30. Tolal, $1 1.07. .... No. 158. . A. II. Miller. Fast one-half lot 4. block 7. Medford Heights Addition. Paving Inlerest, $4.32; enalty, $.21. Srwer Inlerest, $.59: enalty, $.03. Walernialn Interest. $.77; enalty, $.03. Cosls. $.30. Total. $6.25. No. 159. Davis & Mnler. West one half lot 4. block 7. Medrord Heights Ad illllon. Paving Interest.' 53.78; enaltv, $ 18. Sewer Interest. $.69; enally, $ 03. Watermaln Interest. $.77; ,cna!y, $.03. Costs. $.30. : Tolal. $5. 6S. No. 160. A. H. Miller.- Lot 5. block 7, Medford Heights Addition. Paving In terest. 8K.71: enalty, $.43. Sewer In terest, $1.17: enalty. $.06. Watermaln Interest. $1.63; cnaJty, $.07. Costs, $.30. Tolul. $12.27. No. 161. James G- Smith F.slale. All of block 8. Medford Heights. Addition. Sewer Intereilt, . $3.82: enalty, $.19. Costs. $.30. Total, $4.31. ": .', No. 162. Junies G. Smith Hsta.10. All of block 9. iWedford lhlght,s , Addition, F.:ist ' Mnlh street. Pnvng Interest. $5.67: poiltiit)', . $.27. Scwof Interest. $S.S0; penalU-. $'44. Walormalni Inter est,, $12.16; penalty. $.61. Vancouver street. , Paving interest. $71. 3S; Pen Blt". M.ST." -Costs. $.30. , Trtol., 8103.09. No. 163. Hargrove Mcfibwnn. Lot 11, Morcy AddlOOn: raving -Tiitorest, $22.28; penally, $1.11. Watermaln-r-In-terest. "92.80:" penalty, $.13. Costs, $.30. Total, $26.42. .:..-"' ' , " 1 No. 101. W. G.-Steel., lot 1)3, block 1. Newtown Addition.' ; Iivlng Interest. $0.35: penalty.' $.3J.. Hower-lnlerest, 60: penalty. $.04.. Costs. $.30. 'Total, $7.69. " . .- ' No. 165. ;" Rlobard Sherwood.-, 'lot 11. block 1, Newtown Addition: .' Paying Interesl, $8.81; 'penalty, $,43. " Ifewert Interest,' $2.76;. penalty, ; $.14." : Water niiiin Interest, 8.84; penalty. $.04. Cots. $.30. Tota,t. tJS.'ll. ," ''". i No. 160. " W. I. Browh FstatC. Ld ,10, block -s;: Nowlown- Addition. . Newtown siree.t. Pavlng-liiterast, $19.37;' pepal ty .06. Sewer-Miiterest, $il.i5; pena'lty, $.13. Wntermaln Interesl, .'$1.1,4: penalty,- $.06. - Wear'" Fourteenth- street. Sower-'Interest, $3.19; penslty, -$.10. Costs, $.30. Tolnl, $27.80. . ' ., No. 167. ,R. F. Torba. : I.nt T7,' b1o"ek 2, Newtown" Addition.", Sewer Interest, 8.97; pennltv, $.06. Watermnln Inter est. . $-.1.05; penalty, $.03. . qosts, . $.30. Total, $2.!12. " : ' -' ,' ' .'. ' No. 168. May Wolcott. Lot. 5, block 1. Oak Grove Addition. Sewer. Inter est, $1.62; penalty; $.08. Costs, .30i To tal. $2.00. " , " !, ',;;' . . No. 169. May Wolcott. Lot 5. Mock 1. Oak drove Sub-dlvlslon; . Paving Interest, , $10.38! penaltv. $.5). Hewer Interest, $.89: penalty, $.05. Watcrrrlnln Inlerest. $t.06: penalty, $.05. Costs, $..T0. Totnl, $13.23. No. 170. R. H. Toft. . Lot 9. block 6, Opk Grovo Sub-dlvlsln. Hewot In'lor- esl, $1.2; penalty. $.08., Inlerest, $1.68: penalty. Wntcrmaln . $.08. Costs, $.30. Tolal, $:i.7. ' NoN. 171., J. B.'. Piatt- Lot A. block 5.. Olson Addition. ; Pavlnff rlnf4rtist, $6.32; penalty $.31;' Sewer Iplcrost. $.77; penally,, $.03. Watei'maln Intor est, $.58: pcnillty, $!03, i Costs,' $.30.' To tal. 88.34. '-. ; No. 172. J. 'R Piatt.l ' Lot .5, bloclc 5.. -Olson -: Ailtll Hon. ' . Paving" ilnterest. $11.32; penalty, ' $,3l.,'' SeWer Interest, $.77; penalty. $.03'.' Watermaln 'Inter oat, $.5$:, penally, $.03. , Costs. $.30. To tal. $8.34? : . ." . ' ' . No. 173. .Mill 8trortnf.AI.ot i block 3, Park Addition. . pavlngi Interest. $5.09; " penalty, "$.2.'i. ' Sewer Inlerest. $.20:. penalty; $.01; . Cosls, $.30. Total. -No, '171. nbhti.F.-WHItd. . f?ouli''.ias feet lot 1. block 8.1 Park Addition. Laurel street,. 'PavingI.ntcrest.1 $18.42: -penally. $.92. ..West Klovi'iith strectPavliiK 'interest-, $7.07 ::-penhIty; $.-35' sower tntoVost. $2,18: '-penalty; f $.1 l.TCosts, $.30. Total,. 1(29. 3i!. ,i , ;.,.. . -; !vS. ' , No. '175.' John- F. --WHlto. South. -160 toil lot 2.'.block S. .Pilrk Addition. Pav- ilng Interest; 7.t)7; penalty, $.45. Cots, No. 176. John IV While. 'South' M feet, lot 3, block 8, Park-Addition.' Pav ing Interest $7.0"; penalty, $.36. Cosls. $.30. Total. $7.72. ': ' ' , '. ' No. 177.. John F... White. ' South 166 feet lot 4," block -8, Park Addition. Pav ing Interest. $7.07; penally, $.35:' Costs, $.30. , Total, $7.72. .:""!', No., . 178. St. Anthony' tpc' --Lot-.'S. block 3, Queen Anne- Addition.- Sewor Interest, $3.11; penalty, .$.16, .Watermaln Interest, $1.69; penalty, $.08. Costs, $.30. Total, $5.34. 1 . No. 170. St. Anthony Inc. Lot: .4. block .3.- Qu'eeri Anno Addition. . Sewer Inlerest. $3.11; penalty, $.16. Wtitor maln Interest, 'r 41.69:- penalty;-' $.08. Costa, $.30. Total, $5.31. . . . ' No. 180." St, Anthony Inc. Lot 6. block 3. Queen Anne-Addition. , Sewer Interest, $3.11: penalty,' $.16.' Water main Interest. $1.69: penalty,' $.08. Costs, $.30. Total, $5-1. - No. 181. St. '. Anthony Inc" - Lot 7. block 3,-Queen Anne Addition: "SewcY Inlerest. $3.11: pennlty, $.16. Water main Interest,. $1.60: .pcnallyi .$,08. Costs, $.30. Tolnl, $5.84. . No. 182. St. Anthony Inc. Lot 12, blork-3, Queen Anne Addition. Pnvlnc; Inlerest, $7.75: penaltv, $.38. Sewer Interest, t3.ll; penalty, $.18. Water mnln Interest, $1.69; penalty,. $.0S. Costs, $.30. Totnl, S13.47.- , , - . No. 183, St. Anthony Inc. Lot 13, block 3, :Que'etl Aime Addition. Paivlug' Illtert'St. 87.75: pennllv, $.38. S-Wer Interest. $3:11; penalty, $.16. Wnter tnnln Interest. $1.69: penaltv, , $.08. Costs, $.30. Total, $13.47. No. is4. St. Anthony Inc. Lot 15, block 3; Queen Anne Addition. Paving Interest, $7.7.T: penalty, $.38. " Newer Interest, $3.11'.; pennlty, $.16. Water mnln Interest. . $1.69: penalty, $.03. Costs. $.;ln. , Tptal! $13.47. , 1 . -. No. 185. ', St. 5 Anthony Inc. i Lot 10, block 3," Queen : Anne Addition Paving Inlerest, $7.i5 penalty, $.38. Sewer Interest, $.1.11; penally, $.16.. Wolrr maln Interest. $1.69: ponnlly, $0S. Costs, $.80. Total, $13.47: No. '180. ' DaVlS ; & Miller. Lot 4, block 10. Queen Anne Addition. Pav ing Interest, $6.52; penally, $.33, Hew er Interest, $2.55; penalty, $.12. Wator maln Interest, ' $1.38;- penalty,.' $.06. i-osis,' loiai. Sll.zn. "No. 187. Uavls-'A Miller, block 10. Queen Anne Addition Interest, $6:52; pennlty. $.33. Interest.- $2.55';, penalty. .$.12. Lot 5, Paving Sewer Water- main Tnterest. . $1.3,8: penally. $.06. uosis. r.-ni. lotni, $li.26.M - " No." 188. ' Laura Lawrents. .Iird.-S, block 7., Ross .Addition. Paving Inler est. $0.90; pennllv, $.35. Hewer Inter est, $1.27; penalty.. $.06.' Wntermaln Interest. ' $1.58; penalty, $.06.: Costs. $.30. Total. $10.51. H. No. 189. w. V.. Fancher; Lot 3. 'block 1. Summit Addltloh. Pilvltig Interest, $1.63; penalty. $.23. Sewer Inlerest, t.61: penalty. $. 03: Waelrmnln Inter est. $.56: penalty, $.03. Costs, ,1.30. To tnl. $6.39. - -'. ' ; " ? No. 190. Mrs. Roso ' P.obbltis; North 96 feet lot 3, block 1. Short's Addition. Paving Inlerest, 417. 3r: penaltv. $.87. ' Wntermaln Interont. $1.40;. penally, $.061 .Cost!!. $.30. Total, 820.02. . No. 191. C. W. Hnrrisnn. Lot 4. block . 2 Sunnyslde Addition. Sewer Interest, $1.06;. penalty, $.05. Costs. $.80. Totai, $1.41. No. 192.. John -J. Ruchter. Lot' 5, Mock 2, Tut tie's Sub-dlvlslon. Paving ' Interest, $15.27: penally, $.76..- - Costs, $.30. Total, $16.33. No. 193. Leon f). I.aWton. Lot II. block 1. Whitman Park Addition. Sewer Interest. $1.04: penalty, $.05. Water main Interesl. $1.78; penaltv, $.09. Cists. $.30. Total. $3.26. No. 191.,. L. K. llean. Lot 6. block 2. WHdWood .- Addition. Paving Interest. 89.00; penalty, $.43. Sewer Interest. 121: penaltv.' $.06. Costs, $.50. Totnl, $11.02. AN i A"T THE SAID TIMK ANH PLACK the several lots nnd parcels of land hereinabove described will lie sold to satisfy the-'-atd Interest payment, pertnltiej and costs due upon each lot or parcel of land. , -. Said sale will be continued from flay to day until all of said property Is sold. MARV A. HASWKLL. , City Treasurer of the City of Modford, Oregon. Palo of public-1 inn of ibis notice, l-Vb. 2.-., 1921. . - . $1.85: . penally, $.21 $.79; penally, I Ol. . 1'