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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1921)
' P-AOE FOUR MEDFORD MATL TRTBTJNK, MEDFORD, ORKfiOX. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1021 Medford Mail tribune AN 1NIK1JENIKNT NKWSI'APKIt PUUIISHBIt KVKItY AKTKKNOON KXCKi'T SUNItAY 1iY Tllli MttDKOIU) PRINTING CO, The Mfdford Sunday Sun Is furnished subscrihfrtt oesirinK a. seven any uaiiy lit-wh paper. Offico Mall Tribune Huilillng, jNorin i-ir siren, ninnu ;. A consolidation of the Ucmocnitic Times, tlie Mt-di'crnl Mail, Hie Mud ford Tribune, The Southern Orf-(,'oii!aii, 'l lie Ashland TrihuiiL'. ROHKIlT W. IIPUU Editor. flUMPTIOIt S. KM ITU, Manner. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: RY MAIL IN AI)VaN(!K: Dnlly, with .Sunday Hun, ynnr....,....7.r0 In lv. w 1 1 1 1 Sum av Hun. month Inily, without Sunday Sun, year.... 6.6' Daily, without iMimiav fun, momn Weeklv Mail Tribune, one year 2JW Sunduv Sun. tun.' y:tr... 2.00 BY CAUKJKlt In .M.dford. Ashland, Jacksonville, Central Point, Phounlx, j aii'iii. Daily, with Sunday Sun, month 7: 1iiIK- s'linilfiv Sun. month . Daily, wlihout Sunday Sun, year.. 7.f.o Dally, with Sumlav Sun. on! year S.f.O All tornis by carrier cash In advance. Official paper of tlio City af Aledford. uinciai jjiiper or jhi-kkou i.uumy. Ku-nrii Hnilv nvenien cirr"l'itlnn for nix niontlm ending (Jet. 322C Kntercd as Rfcond-claHfl matter Medford, Oregon, under the act of March 8, 8VU. MICMUIiHH OK THIS ASSOCIATED PKKHS. Tho Associated I'ress Is exclusively entitled to the uko for republication of all news tlispatcliiH credlieil to it. or not otlH-rwlKo credited In this paper, and alau the local newH published herein. All rlghtH of repuiilication of special Ye Smudge Pot . By Arthur Perry The height of reform is reached in UUli, where it Ib against tho law Ui smoko a cigarette, but proper to have as many wives as desired. Tho Espee should have a rule, that aftor tho engineer lias whistled 19 times for tho hind-end brakeman to como In, and lie still lingers, it will he all right to go off and lenvo him. Charles Evans Hughes has been named secretary of Blalo, and outside of his whiskors, parted in tho middle, is a sterling diplomat, porfoctly ablo to writo his own notes. It Is straugo that a man ot Kir. Hughes' brain should he so, fur down in tho whisker styles. A 80CIAL REMITTANCE (Salem Statesman) Thoso prosont woro Mr; and Mrs. O. C. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Hon Pado, Mr. and Mrs. I'orry Hubbard, Mr. anil Mrs. Lawrence Hlnisdoll. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Taylor, Mrs. Winnlo Drawn and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Townsend. Tho' convention for tho "Preserva tion of tho Scenic Wonders of Jackson County" has a laudable object, but the chief and only troublo with Jackson county and tho state, Is that tho scen ery Ib exactly llko tho Indians left it. RETURNING TO 1014. Thoro was a largo and enthnslnstic crowd ot citizens taking advantago of tha privileges ut tho Nash rest camp Sunday. As far as can bo learned Mrs. Hard ing was ablo to select her inaugural gowns without ally help from Moss Ponroso. This Is tho first thing the republican parly has been ablo to do In a long timo without tho distinguish ed citizen having finger In It. "Eat at tho Stag Care, Where No Tnlns are Spared." (Mnrshflold News). Tako a chaneo on account of admirable frankness. HOW ARE THEY, ANYWAY? (Albany Democrat) Rov. W'lllard Acheson, brother Of Mrs. J. W. Dtinlup. conducted services at tho United Presbyter ian church last Sunday night. Ho Is from Egypt and told of bis works. I.loyd-Oeorge, the llrltlsh premier In a speech last Friday stated that a war between tho U. S. and Japan "would be deplorable," but further down in bin remarks Intimated that (hero would bo no Bhortago of munitions, as the English plants were still on a war basis lis "far as equipment is concerned." Tho auto mechanics, or as they are called in police circles, automotive en gineers, have on clean koveralls today, and tho tiro regulations regarding lighting a match In tho same block with tlieiu, has been repealed. Messrs. Ashpolc and Illcliardson caught a forger Sat, night, and the original thought of calling the hardy sleuths Nick Carter, Individually and collectively, has occurred to every man In town. SAFETY FIRST! (Albany Democrat) H. C. Morgason Is remodliug his car for spring use at tho home of his daughter and his son, George Maxwell, This Is on Time week. Next week Is Tax pay lug or I'ainsln-tlH'l'oekelbook week. Tho world won tho freedom of the seas In the (Ireat Fracas, but that Is no excuse for the same being knee deep on tha Main Stem. A lady acquaintance has started out to get. u now spring hat, and It begins to look llko tho deal w ill be consum mated by fall. LKSS tliim three years ne;o Lloyd (iconic said the Turk must be swept from Kurope. Today hi; is lending tin; figlit for a modi fication of the Scvre Treaty, which will c the Sick Msm of Europe miollier lease on life. This change of front illustrates the complete transformation of the Kiifopeun .situation and the European spirit. The collapse of Kussia, with the promise of Constantinople, no longer binding, once more transformed the Dardanelles into an excuse for diplomatic scrambling; the revival of the imperialistic spirit following the war, automatically revived Turkey as an essential pawn in this game. It is not surprising, therefore, that with tho opening of the Lon don conference, an announcement of Turkish aggression against Greece should be made, and no one is surprised to find the beginning of a renpproachmcnt between King Constantino and his former im placable enemy, Venizclos. For Grecian aspirations are united against restoring Turkey to power, while French and British ambitions in the Xear East, now well developed, are unrealizable without it. The entire situation merely emphasizes ohce more the depressing reaction which is sweep ing Europe, and the fragility of the hope that tho war would usher in a better and more democratic order. Superficially, at least, the old balance of power theory would seem to be in existence again, and Ihe race for selfish advantage, protected by the smoke screen of diplomacy, appears to be running in high. I'll future looks dark. Another war is inconceivable, from the standpoint of realistic statesmanship, and yet no honest observer can deny, that. Europe as a whole, is returning to those prewar paths, which heretofore have only led to ruin and disaster. The straight party ballot is coming up again in the legislature whenever its proponents feel the opposition is .sufficiently exhausted to allow its passage over the Governor's veto. We don't see why the Democrats should so strenuously oppose this legislation. Nothing could more effectively drive Republicans out of the party, and align them permanently with a parly of protest. ' ' ' HT RbdidS fy Wel t Mason THE HARDEST TEST. 1TRY" to bear life's many ills with fortitude and grit; if I am pale around the gills, the fad I won't admit. I still attempt to smile anil sing when Iburdened down by care; the smile may be a ghastly thing, but still you'll find it there. I've smiled when joints seemed all afire with fierce rheumatic, pain ; I've smiled when agenls sold me stock in mines that didn't pay, and when I slid around a l;lock, upon a slippy day. I've, smiled beneath misfortune's whacks, and raised no doleful din; but when I pay my. income lax, I don't attempt a grin. There is a time to preach and dance, as wise apostles say, and there's a time to whoop and prance, and chortle and be gay; but he is in discretion lax, or else he's full of guile, who ponies up his income tax, and wears a cheer-up snjile. His smile may reach from ear to ear, it even may be twins, but none can feel he is sincere, that he means what he grins. "There's some fell purpose in his mirth," beholders will agree; "for no white man upon this earth can pay his tax with glee. The coin we (oiled so hard to get, in pain defying words, our Une.le Samuel will get and throw it lo tho birds. And so no man of purpose high, no man who earns the bones, can pay that tax without a sigh, without a brace of groans." . How Much Do You Know? 1 What causes Joss sticks to burn steadily? 2 When did duels become common and what caused them to become un popular in U. S. 3 -What are the most notable dwarf races of men? 4 What Important work does the earthworm do? 5 When were flags first carried in battle? 6 What is folklore? 7 How far can a flying fish fly? 8 What country is the most wester ly portion of Europe? 9 Of what tribe of Indians was Dlaek Hawk chief? . 10 How long is tho Gulf of Califor nia? Answers to Yesterday's Questions 1 What metal is fluid when not heated? Ans. Mercury heat expands mercury and cold contracts the metal, hence its use in thermometers. 2 What animal is reddish brown in summer and white In winter? Ans. Tho ermine. 3 What parts of the tongue are the most sensatlvc to taste? Ans. The Bides, tip and base. 1 What is gun cotton? Ans. It is an explosive substance made from dip ping cotton wool in a solution of nitric and sulphuric, acids. In tho pure state its explosion is too violent for liso in guns. 6 What is the work of tho white corpuscles In the blood? Ans. They rid tho blood of foreign matter, creep ing out of the blood vessels with the particles. They feed upon bacteria. 6 From what is starch for commer cial purposes made? Alls. From wheat, corn and potatoes. 7 What lnnguuge Is called the "po lite language"? Ans. The French SEVENTY-THREE YEARS OLD HAN GAINS 28 POUNDS "There is bound to be something unusual about a medicine that will make a man my atje gain twenty-eight pounds." declared I... Gray, 2S4 East 87th street, south, Portland, in relat ing his remarkable experience with Tanlae. "By taking Tanlae I have gotten rid of a case of rheumatism, which had troubled me more or less for forty years. I got so I couldn't walk a block, couldn't even get out of the yard. My whole system Beemed to be affected and for a long time I couldn't move my hands, wasn't even able to put on my shoes and I suffered so I could hardly keep from yelling out every time I tried to move. A pain would catch me in my back when 1 stooped over, and it hurt ter ribly when I straightened up. My muscles cramped and seemed like they were drawn in knots and my kidneys bothered me a great deal. "t had been told so many times that nothing could help me that I thought I would never be well again. Hut I finally decided to see what Tan lac would do for nie and I have im proved so much, some of my friends j hardly know me. Although I am now (5u lih j -mi w & uuu i- iuei mill uiu u a good many yearn, nnd this past sum mer I put in full time at my work, something I 'hadn't done in a hmg time." Tanlae is sold in Medford by "West Side Pharmacy, in Jacksonville by J. W. Itobinson, in Rogue. River by W. S. Cary, and by leading druggists in every town. Adv. LeeWatkins&Co. SELLS , language is called the polite language. Hay, Wheat, Oats, Rolled What English poet was given by Queen Elizabeth a grant of thirty mil lion acres of land in America? Ans. Sir Philip Sldnoy. Ho planned to visit America and explore the land but was killed beforo lie was able to make pre parations to depart. 9 How long has Huddhisni existed? Ans. Sinco tho sixth century Beforo Christ. 10 What Tinman god was it whose templo was open only In time of war? Ans. Janus who was supposed to guard tho gates of Home. January was named for this god. Tho green nioray Is the largest of eels and sometimes reaches a length of eleven feet. Barley, Scratch Feed, Shelled Corn, Cracked Corn, Corn Meal, Ground Oats, Mill run, Moremllk, and other dairy feeds. Grit, Oyster Shell and nil kinds of Poultry supplies. Beet pulp and other supplies. We have Fisher's Blend and Olympic Flour. Prices nro changeable, so furnished on application. Wo moot prices of competitors. Call and see us at 397 South Front, or 1'liono 2U0. Licensed CITY SCAVENGER All rofuso immediately removed on Bhort notice. Weekly visit in resi denco districts. ' Daily business dis trict. Phone 88 S. WHITSTCTT A .TKNNINGS. HAVANA, Feb. 21. Tests or tile re cently completed telegraph and tele phone cahlo botweou Havana and Key West have proved entirely satisfactory it Is declared by officials of tho Cuba Telephone and Telegraph company. Inauguration of the new service is ex pected in about three weeks. It iii planned to open the new sorvico by establishment of connection bo tweou tho national palace in Havana and tho White House in Washington, and President Mario G. Menocal, al most on tho vergo of retirement, will exchange greetings with Warren U. Harding, who will then uo tho Amer ican president. Tho potato yield in Scotland in VXM has been very successful. Jt Is estimat ed that more than 1.230,000 tons of potatoes were produced. $ Pure, Rich Blood Will Keep Your Body Vigorous and Healthy When impurities creep into your nlood tho first symptoms nro usu a'ly a loss of appetite, followed by a fjrailunl lessening of energy, tho bystvra becomes weaker day by clay, until you feel yourself on tho vergn of a breakdown. Nearly everybody needs a few bottles of S. S. S., tho great vege table bleed remedy, to cleanse out all impurities about twice a year. It is an excellent Idea to take this 'X-X-X-C-X-X-X-X-X-X- prccaution to keep the system, in a vigorous condition so as to mora easily resist disease to which every one is subject. S. S. S. is without nn equal as a Rcneral tonic and sys tem builder. - It improves the appe tite and srives new strength and vi tality to both old r-nd young-. Full information and valuable lit erature can be had by writing to Swift Specific Co., 15C Swift Lab oratory, Atlanta, Go. Get a Flashlight This Week 25 per cent off on all Flashlights, Batteries and Globes. A good line to select from. HEATH'S DRUG STORE The San Tox Store 109 East Main Street. A vnimc Afghan rai'elv sees his1 MEETING OF Southern Oregon Poultry Association mi Pioneer Hall, Ashland, Ore., Feb. 26. JMIOGIIAM I2::tl) 1. M. Luncheon. I::t0 l. ,M. ISusincKS Meeting. 2:00 1 M. Speaking by .Mr. F. If, Coekell of Portland on . . "Incubation and Baby Chicks." . Those in attendance will he guests ut the Ashland Chamber of Com merce at luncheon. , ... All Interested In I'oultry Husbandry are most cordially Invited. ill I S v. . , THE UNIVERSAL CAR , I I S The Ford Sedan I III I The Ford Sedan, with electric Marling nnd j III lighting system, demountable rims, wilh :i inch gill H ill! tires nil around, is the ideal family car because of I III I HI I its general utility and refined and rouiHetiihlc I HI I equipment. Finely upholstered, l'hile glass win- I S I I dmvs. An open ear in the spring, summer, and I III I early full. A closed car In inclement weather and IJ llll winter, lialii-proof, dust-proof. In the city or the fij HI I country, a family car. The low cost of operation N j I and maintenance is not the least of its charms. j ill "" " and look It OVW" III ' E. GATES AUTO 00 . III I , Cor. Stttli and rncifio HiiJhwfiy GRANTS PASS MEDFORD INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Dally and Sunday. LEAVE GRANTS PASS. 10:00 ft. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:50 p. m. Kffectlve October 23 LEAVE MEDFORD. , . 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. Cars atop at all Intermediate point. " Office and Waiting Rooms: Medford, 6 South Front, Nash Hotel Bldg. Phone 309. Grant! Pass: The Bonbonnler, Phone 1(0. We also operate atage line from Med tor d to Ashland, Phoenix. Talont, Central Point, JackaonTllle. THE PART THE WOMEN PLAY THE women of Oregon have much to do with home prosperity. They do 00 of! the buying, and it is for them to say whether Oregon's payrolls shall prosper- or whether the money will be spent for products made elsewhere. Give preference to Medford and Oregon made, goods Mrs. Housewife and increase the size of that "Nationalized" account at the First National. "Uhe FIrst National Bank: Mblsford Oregon a: Wc own and offer the unsold portion of 374,064 $43,500 City of Astoria, Ore. 6 Bonds DATED August 1, 1920. MATURE Serially. Prinripal and semi-annual Interest (Fob. 3, and Aug. 1) payable at the office of the City Treasurer, Astoria, Or., or through the offices of Freeman, Smith & Camp Co. Denomination ioUd Yield about Yield almut $1000 August 1, 1 922 G. 71 'c$3000 August 1, 192G 6.22 4000 August 1, 1921! 6.44 2000 August 1, 1928' 6.17 9000 August 1, 1924 6.32 6500 Apgust 1, 19H0 6.14 S500 August 1, 1925 6.27 6500 August 1, 1921 0.14 These bonds are u genuine obligation or the city. JII20 census, 11,027. Population, Legality approved by Teal, ?.IInor & Winfree, Portland, Or. Exempt from all federal income tax. Legal investment for Savings 'Banks and Trust funds and legal security for public funds in Oregon. Price 99 and accrued inter est for any matur ity, to yield about As Hliown above 6-14 to 6.71 Income Tax Exempt. "Wire orders "Collect." CaSli or Partial Pay ment Plan. Ask for circular M. T. Freeman, Smith & Camp Co. (round Floor MMIilCHMlCXS 1UIIDIXG FIFTH AXI STAHK PORTLAND, OREGON RELIABILITY Xo frit lure of ihe Hurdle Power Sprayer appeals stronger than Its re liability, the lK'inx on the job day after day. Your plann call for ho mueli work in a certain lime, some portion of your profits depend on It. i THE HARDIE A vera i yy 7Jm. a, tv; v:. vk. Is reliable. This comes from the use of only best materials worked tip Into a projRM'ly designed machine. If your present equipment Is worn out or not giving you effective rapid low cost spraying, you will be Interested In this miichlne. The saving of fruit and time, which its use provides, often amounts In u single season to its entire cost. It's to your advantage to Get a Hardie Itardle Spray ;uus are rapid and effecthe. Others may have tired you out, but you will like the llardle. Pull Hue of Hardie Sprayers, accessories, engine and pump repair parts In stock now. ) Oregon Growers' Packing Corporation Phone 12H. Distributors for Southern Oregon. Warehouse Xorth Central Medford SYMPATHETIC SERVICE Rendered In a Quiet Dignified manner at THE PERL FUNERAL HOME Your loved one Is taken Into the Home where there Is' alwaya aonie one with them. Our Residence Is on the Second Floor. We are Licensed Embalmers and are prepared to make shipment to any part of the United States or Foreign Countries. We will take complete charge of any Service and make all arrangements. I-ady Assistant. Phone 47. Corner of Slith and Onkdale. One block west of Postoffloe. 151 )ide before the day of the wedding- jl