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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1921)
I; PAGE -TWO AfEDFoftp atAtt tiubune, medford,-bnfafe, satuhday. February ia 1921 ocal and "JPf)-Qfmfllone on egBS' ;wnlcni'areistll! being J. Ksl o( lMl sold there at 25 cents a dozen. .A.nunv Prof. Arthur L. Peck, head of the landscaping department of the O. A. i C, mot with the county fair associa tion directors and a number o! otne (: directly Interested in the county fair project, at the chamber of commerce ' this afternoon outlining his plans for the general makeup of the buildings ' and plan of the grounds and Its vur ions features. ,The professor visited ' and studied the site of the new fair grounds Friday afternoon. He will re t turn to Corvallis tonight but is expect t ed to spend much time here when cun- j structlon work Is started on the Dig project. .,, :? . . ;. , . J. Alfalfa teed, tests 99.92; no dodder. 1 Phone 902. Elinor Hanley Bush, ,820 East Main, j ' ;310 1 Beglunlng the first of March we will start a Retail milk route. Our price will be 12V4c per. quart. -. Hoover Dulry. I Phone 452-Y. , , -tr t Quarter ; section fruit and ; stock I ranch ,in upper Sams Valley. for sale. 1 A five acre bearing peach orchard, four) never-falling surlnes. Mineral and oil rights go with the place. . Fenced J with .Page woven wire fence. Easy terms at 7 per cent. Might trade tor j good house or small place near Med- i rord. u. t;. Koenisn, zs N. Kiversiue, Medtord. - ' - 288' The record crowd of the season, so 1 far will attend the basket ball game J between Medford and Rosoburg high ! teams tonight at the Natatorium, in- , eluding, quite .a, number of-Jloseburg , footers already here and others ''whi j will ;arrive by auto, this afternoon. , i Dance at Savage. Creek hall on Sat i nrday .. evening, .February .19, 1921, Music by No'llson's orchestra. Tickets, ; Including supper, $2,00. ;283 . If you want some print paper in i rolls, to fit in your . paper racks or to use without the racks, better see us nt once and Bave money. . tf T. H. Spooner of Chicago arrived In the city.. this morning on a business 1 visit and Is, a, guest ot the Holland. Among other guests at: this lioter'aie G. W.i Orlffiu. of Seattle.,: j. JJochi of San Francisco, II. E. .Wilcox of. Eugene and T. W. Gorman 'of. Portland, i ;. y Hear Mr.,W4tham with his violin at the Natatorium dancing parly, tonight. ; Always added attractions at these par ties. Dancing will begin at 9 o'clock. Free danplng until, 9:30. ,'.-. Insurance of. all kinds, , Lindas, 236 East Main. ', .V,t. Ford truck , with cab and good body for sale cheap. New tires. Seely V. Hall Motor Co. . -. ! tt All bift a .fow ,of the reserved seats for the first, night ot the.ElkB minstrel show have been. sold, and niuny for the second night;,, ljp to.,l.nt night the sale of tickets amounted, to JV700. , v A real celebration nt the Nututprium comptunjly'. iiMrtyi tonight. in.,luiiiQr,.o.t tne vr nuliifr oaBHOtDai teams. ..Every bod' in Invited to attend this party which, will, be the big event of tlie day. A splendid time oyon .Hio yon cunnot dance Dancing begins, at 9 o clock. .;) . . '.r. : :,' '. .:'.. 283 Ve j save- you .mono; . on .your , dry cleanlhg, dyeing and , repairing. , City Cleaning Wo, ks,.,401 . South Riverside Phone 4(4. . ,,,, . .-.;' Whin overhauling your old bus put now lfe In, It kby demanding genuine American uammerod piston rings, fac tory equipment on the best cars. The Busy Corner Motor Co. tf Thel annual, meeting of the Jackson County. Health. RBsoqtatlon hogim this afternoon in the public library. Attend the community dancing party tonight and celebrate in honor of the winning baskotball (eanis. A, special Invitation to every ono. You do,, not have tp dance In order to havo a good tlnin. The Imperial orchestra with Mr. witDitm anu nis vipnn win, ue nearu in 283 Tri.j our uerch'auts lunch. ' Tbo shaijfl , "'I'-'i i-r .ri Mrk'. Paul ..Hanson,, coraotlore for . JHp'itiev..ri'anm8 v. uincK,.pnsior of the; HIOBScd'HSacramont Catholic lmrtBh, has left, Uie city for Medtorrt wherfel ho will remain for several iiiorttlw near .his former physician, Br James: , C Hayes. . During Father Black's , absence" , the Rev.. Eugcue J JJiirliO, : C.S.C,, presldeut .of, Columbia university, will aid the pastornto .of lllessed SnoramenL Portland-Journal R.,A. Holmes, tbo insurance Man Insurance, and Bonds,, plus Service. ' Dclco-Llght farm light, and , powe plants, Modford Eloctrlc Co. ,' '. Mr. AVItbam from Mont, will ben id, tonight at tho Natatorium danc ing party, a splendid feature, an added attrm-tlon to the Imperial orchestra ' ' ' 28J ll Ib uhdeiHtood ' that . George A Mansfield will not bo homo for several Tt'eekH. yut from his furm.buronu organ. Iziitlpn work, throughout the state. He (ilH'iit'.'this week In Clackamas county in -this cause. Eyeri'thlng electrical. Medford Eloe- trio Co. , Phone CGI. ' 'N'.'-H. ' Newcomb for pinning mill blocks :vnd Man2nnlta wood. Pboue ii:tl. ' '. - ; ;- 286 '. WJlen l' :, valyo gets cranky In your inoiqr- oo you nuvo 10 go to a guragc nhd liave the whole head. of your en (tltfo inkeii off to get ' or can you take out tho offcndliig valve, grind It, leplaco It most anywhere on the road without draining, tho motor or renew- liig, the '.cylinder gasket aud without shop'1 tools?, You. can If you have a Htllck. SIx tor tills has been an uttrao tlva; feature of this car for yeurs. . 2S:i ' The.. regnllir Jitonthly, home comlns of (he ; Ladles' Aid of the Methodist onurcn win ue nem i uosuuy nuoinoou at J!fl0. The. Oakdale circlo, will have charge ,of the , entertainment, for the Afternoon-Which follows the business inee'tftiK. A Inrge ntlciidnnce Blred. ,';':'' Delicate shades In new spring yarns ' For, the (li st time in weeks the nub' I lie market .was, today a little shy on 1 meflts. . ARnpninllv nf ltppf Tint it Wflfi ber of groceries ran out of eggs be cause of the big demand for them to day and replenished their supply at the market. Hetter buy a , Chandler than wish you had. ' tf 200 pair new shoes at cost. Second band shoes and shoe repairing at the Med for-; Shoe Hospital, 119 East Sixth street, Medford. Dig free fashion show by The Hub store of Medford at I. O. O. F. hall Central Point, Thursday night from 8 to 9. ,. 287' Oregonians registered dt the Med ford include the members of the Rose burg high basket ball team, R. E. Geory of Klamath Falls, Ral. Andre of Eugene, Arthur L. Peck of Corvallis and the: following from Portland: . F. W. Gates, Frank 8. Toney, G. H. Suth erland, J. H. Renner, . D. A. Ellod E. R. Balslger, Cecil L. Schryer, J. E, Brown,- E. P. Geary, Gus Bland, Helen S. Hartley and Mr. and Mrs. E. H Hammaht and baby. Just received a shipment of 30x3 first-class non-skid tires,. while they last f 15.00. Medford Vulcanizing Works. ; . . . ; 299' If your . clothes are cot becoming to you,-, you bad better be. coming to us Pantorlum Dye .Works. - i. tf Big dance at Central Point after the show Thursday, night. i .- 287' -Misses ii. Marshal .and P. Flock of Montague are among the northern California, visitors in the city. After. all is said. and done you will still continue to save at the Groceteria. tf Tires 30x3, 112.50; 30x3V4, $15.75. No war tax added. -Guaranteed 5000 mles. New shipment,, no' , bankrupt stock. Nordwlck Tire and Supply Co., S. iFront,- Medford. , '-, i i .'.'286 Majestic "A" at Central point Thurs, night. ... 287 Concerning the .new assistant county agent ' the, Ashland Tidings .says; "President Kerr of (th6 6. A.'C. has an nounced the appointment of .:;C. Hpllbaugh ,.of ,Ashand as. assistant county agent , in Jackson county.;', Mr. Holibaugh . Is the. well known stock man or jhe t;;alley :Vle,w d.latrlct, .and this appointment Is well merited In v'le,w of the' work he has done for the good of agriculture In the county, and no, win, renuer valuable assistance to Mr. Cate, the . county agent, ,n this iWork.V, Mr. Holibaugh states that he will, continue bis farming operations as, usunl, and still specialize in the breed ing of purebred Jersev cattle, and Per cheron iiOBes, and, expects to. add quite a little, St. Majves breedlng,.to; (Jer sey herd this year,"- .'; !:' BroomB made by the Rogue River Brppm ..Works are t,he best ,f or ; the money. , Insist on home made brooms, Hutto'ns.jiiade Jq or.der.; ,. Haudfcraft,! Sliop. ,-. ; . , ; -, , -. 287 ','Spot" dapces . nt Central Point T-.ursday night. .' . , ' :. 287 The, cold weather of the past week was lweicomed by (ho orcavdlsts who had hocome somewhat apprehensive lost the continued spell of mlld'.weath- er might hasten the rise of sap In fruit trees. Hemstitching and plcotfiig 10 cents per yard. Tho Vanity. Hat Shop; Cor. E. Main and Bartlett. ' tf (Jrnpe cider,' fresh from the press at the Jackson County Creamery Bottling Dept Phone 22-R. MIbs Bertha Davis of the Home Eco nomics -department of the O. 'A. C, who lias begun a tour of Inspection of vocational schools of tho state Is ex pectod Boon In Jackson county. Big dunce! Gold Hill! Tonltel Pre mier Novelty orchoBlfa! Let's go! 283 . .After all Is snld and done you will still continue to save a the Groceteria. " . -. ..-'': If Beginning the 1st of March, we will start a retail milk, route. , Our milk will come fresh from the cows and not pastiirlzed. 12Wc per quart. Hoover Dairy Co. .Phone 452-Y. ' The, Oregon senate, this .week con firmed .the appointment of Senator H. Von,,der HuUen of Wellen by. Governor Olcott for. reappointment as member of tho board of regents, of ifie .O.iA,-C. tor a nine year, term. ueico-L,ignt Electricity .lor .evory (arm. Aiedford Electric Co. .Personal attention , to overdue ac counts. Lindas, 235 East Main. . Big dunce!. Gold' Hill! ,Tonlto! 2S3 Don't buy , fans or calendars from traveling men representing out ot town firms, as the money goes away from home. o have a fine line of both wi.l sell them cheaper than anyone else and will bo around with samples In plenty of time for fans and calen dars. 285 Minnie Gallatin of Yrcka Is a guest at tho Holjiind who arrived n the city Friday. . , Hemstitching. .and .plcotlng. Handi craft Shop. . 2S7 Clarence' Pierce Is agent for three good fire insurance companies. Hotter let' him 'write your, business. ' Phone 10S or.6l7-L.: ' 283 After all is said and done you will still continue to save at )hp .Groceteria. , , . . . . ii Mining men here aro Interested In the. following telegram from Grants Pass to Portland newspapers Friday: Actual discovery of platinum In quartz taken locally has been made, ncv cording to a report of, local nssaycrs, though tho valuable, metal was not found In fabulous quantity. .The quntti was taken from the Esterly mines of Josephine county. . Samples have been sent to. the United Status experiment station at Reno, Nov., for tests. . Ex ports say platinum has never bofore been . found In quartz except in the Ural niauutulns In Hussia." , : 'Income tax return!, prepared, Lindas 236 East Main. Wanted--Singing canaries. Box D, Guests from the county ogIsterl ut the Medford last night were Mr. and Mrs., II. Von Hovenberg of Sams Val ley,, ,,Mrs. R. M. Clemens of , tho Klrt land. farm, and E. W. Carlton of Table Rock. .Invest. your, savings In the. Jackson County Building and Loan .association. tf . List ypur, farm .and . timber with the Medford Land & Insurance Agency, 220 West Main street. .. Hpge tire sale now going on at the Busy Corner-!-Federal tires at greatly reduced, prices, and all new and guaranteed stock. 291 Crater Lake Chapter of tho' Daugh ters of the American Revolution will celebrate Washington's birthday with a 1:00 o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. C. C. McCurdy, 1207, West Main street Tuesday, February 22. New spring and summer liqe of Pa cific Package goods received; models on display. at Jhe Handicraft Shop. 287 Just received the. advance styles in spring millinery. , Lottie M. Howard, 109 North Central. ; ,284 Electric vibrators repaired by Pierce 110 N., Central, 1'The Glass. House." 284 Ralph Terrill arrived, home this, mor ning from a several days business Visit in Portland. , " Have your phonograph greased and graphtted. .It will run better. i?ee Pierce, 116 N. Central or phone 926-L. - . , . . 284 After all. Is said and done you will still continue to save at the Groceteria. '. . .. -- v.- " .' ,.: .. tf Do protected against loss by fire by letting Clarence Pierce write your in- surauce riiODe oit-li. zsa The Kolb i& . Dilli company which- plays at the Page lomorrow night will arrive In the city from Redding,' Calif., late Sunday afternoon. '' Pierce is a "small-motor expert. 110 N. Central, "The Glass House." 284 .Special coaching In Gregg and speed typing by expert , Instructor irom Healds. Ifedford Business College. 287 Slightly used choice pianos at bar gains:. Vpse.r& , Son, Jvers & .Pond, Ludwlg and M.' Scluilz. Palmer's, Piano House,-2.14 East. Malir. .' 289 Leon Lnwton of the California-Ore gon 'Power company office; force nt Klamath Falls irf - Medford,, pn . a short business visit. !. '.''. First showing straw and, satin .pat tern .hats, for spring. Tho VauityShpp, cor; East Main and JJartieU. -. : . '??5 KodttK tinisning.,,i.lap Art- swre. tE" See the Mason solid , tires, and get special prices atExchartge: Tire Co. ( ,;;,-. ..' ... 288 At the next' meeting of the Southern Oregon Poultry association, which ,wlll be ,held ,in Ashland, Siturday, Fob. 38, one of tlje.(natable . features ,wlll be It- lecturer from Portland. The Ashland. chamber of commerce will furnish a l.uqch atMioon for all who attend. A large delegation Is expected from Mod- ford and the north end of. tlve .tounty.. Huge tlre.snie now at, the Busy. Qorper-rFodoral tlyos at greatly reduced prices, and all of it nev and guaranteed stock. 291 After all Is Bald and done you will still continue to save at the Groceteria: 20, men w'an'tpd for .tonight .icl . to.- morrow alternoqn Elks. club. ;, 283 Miss Helen S.. Hartley, acting super- Intondent of public, health. nursing In tho state arrived here Friday and, pre sided at the annual meeting, of the Jackson County. Health ' association hed In the library this afternoon. . Experienced dressmaking work dpno by, the hour. Location, .Flower. Shop, Sparta Bldg. ; Phone 606. , . , 284 Huge tire Bale now going oh at' the Busy Cornor Federal tiros nt groatly reduced price's, and all oMt'-ucw. and, guaranteed stock. "'. 291 Horse-Shoo tires and tubes, are guar anteed to give mileage.aud satisfac tion. .Exchange Tiro Co. 288. Mrs., C. ll.,Lnuikln and Mrs. C. ,F. Koehler pf .Ashland attended thd meet ing hero Thursday of the officers of the Southern Oregon Presbytery., - . i When better automobiles are built, Bulck will build them. - tf Always for lower prices. Dig reduc tion in sterling silver flatware. - See -teddy's window. v ' ' .283 .Among guests at tho Nash hotel bid C. A. Hurt and D. N.- Bisbce of SeuMlofc J. HEverett of .Whlttler, Calif., and imuck liiuner anu t,eqn Kvnns ot koso- burg. . , ,. .. , . ... ... . hen y'ou want your'money's worth remember our stock of rebuilt tires. Exchnngo Tire Co. . .288 THE PART THE WOMEN, pLAY ., i ' ' TIIK vonH'u ,of. Oregon have inucli tT do with lioiue prospt'rity. : they,' do 00 of the Imyinjj;, and it is for thorn-to say whet her , Oregon's. payrolls shall prosper or whether Ihe -money will he spent for products, made elsewhere. ..,,. (live prefereuee to -Medford anil Oregon niadoi got(ls Hi's. Housewife and increase the, size, of that. ."Nationalized'' account at ';llJiejJ,,Wt vKiittoxa, j ' . ; Shoflnsr National An enjoyable' luncheon Was tendered! the liiein tiers of th RnRphiire hluh basket ball -teamjjarty' at the Hotel Medford this noon by the members of the Medford high team and entertain ment committee of the local ' high schools which, was attended' by 70. per sons.; ' . Take a look! '. 0S.00. suits at $45.00. Klelu the Ta,pr. 128.E. Main, upstairs. 287 You will find the .Geo. L. Trelchler Motor Co. In their ,new quarters,. 16 South Fir St. ; ' 283 Sanitary -, satisfaction ladies' anil men's suits sponged and pressed 75c. Wo call. Apparel, Cleaners & Hattors. 103 North Central., ."hone 223. 283 Clinton Cook of Applegate and John Maboney ot Grants Pass, are visitors ip the city." . ' '. , $65.00 suits at $45.00. It will pay you to .climb my stairway. -Klein, the Tailor, 128 E. Main, upstairs. . 287 Our entire. stock of fine auto .robes at cost some bargains believe me. The Busy Corner Motor Co. 281 The, Premier, Novelty orchestra will go to Gold Hill tonight to provide the music .for.,a big dance in that city, .to Which a number of Medford ..yoipig. people plan, to motor-after the '.basket, ball game here. ., ....'.''. Huge,' tire sale. now. going ,pn at the Busjr Coiner--Federal tires at greatly rediiijcd .prjeos, 'and all, of. it new' and guaranteed, ptocji. 'ii j '.'" ' - 291? A.detachmcntjOl sixty sailors being transferred '. trfixn ,'tlie o'ld . arnjored, cruiser Seattle passed, thru -the city on train. 18 ,this ifbrenQon'fromBremertpn onrmrte to tym Diego to join the U.S. i S. Charleston. The boys made things rather lively around. -the depot .plat form during the , train stop. Among the young, nav men' were several Jap-, anesje.1': ',-,.',''.': '- ' '" ' -. .' Up,lh quality, down, in price. "Klelhi the JraiIor,-128 E; Main, upstaln:' 2S7 iili:iuueu;:ujuuu$ -me meoiora .uuesit, j are V. Thalhelmer of jialtlihore, M., & Levy,'of Senttlo, Mr.'.and Mrs. A.' J.J Singer of Lake ' Crescent; .Wn., -and;' Mr. and Mrs. P.. Fraser Martlh.'GeOrgo ; L. Ploe and : Jesse Kahik of Sdn Frpn-i CISCO.'. ',:.;: '.'.. -h I Everything electrical, Medford Elee-' trlc.Co. "thohe 66i. ' ? .'," j AdjutahtGeneral George AiWldte In; a itstier ;mis ween .- to uepreseniaiive. Ben Sheldon ' cnirM 'jiittentlon to the fact thatjCompany ;D. pt Medford show ed a ga'lii.ciMrl nien lh drUl attendahc during the month' ot; January; ' : : 'Do not. order icaienqars. from trayet lng representatives or out: of town '4rm8., ; We; have a factory line of, all uses -and if lnds,. of .palendars, wall pocket's,; eui-yuts, etc., ', that "we will show the trade later and save ybi' inoney on. the same. '.'. . , O , Among ;those who ' attended the ABhjand-Rosebiirfe ;'bl(fke:tball - game, Inst, night from' Medford -; were Paul YpungliVV.Ilbut' Dfinlan'ana.pick Mol linett. .,.', .-.i. .--.'.'.:'.., ,'. .. ; -, . Overjioop cans pf govarnment bacon have;-bBBn;acan--rtld2twEek by the, Grocertorfar,ifjettor: get what you want before it's all gone. tf ' Always for lower prices. Big reduc tion; in sterling sllveA flatware. See Rdddy's w)ndow.J'..; X 1 .- 283 i ! . HIs.Trouble s All Gone ', ! .'.'Iyns', affeotcd svltlpalns all oMpr my back dhd kidneys,'1' wtHtes Charles McAllister,-1 Clark Ave.,: Kearney, N. J;'JAfter three or four doses of Foley Kldlioy Pills I becamo all right and my paitt. Is all gone." : Foley; Kidney Pills VeOove backache, '' urinary Irregular lfToB," rheuiuatic pniris, stiff Joints, swpllpn muscles and other symptoms ofbkidney tronbld. It . Is a splendid medlcln,, prompt in nctlon.-and always helps. Contains no habit forming drugs. ..Sold everywhere... Adv. j., . (The Salvation lArmy ' Commundunt Oldenberg will speak nt the Salvation Army hall, Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 19 and 20. ' Commnn dant Oldenberg is a man of wonderful experience , and-he Is a wonderful speaker. Ho will talk on army work. ityou.wnut tb knovy.what we are'doing epino. and hear.! ,. ., .. , ;, ; .i En.yoy and .Mrs. Sinclair In charge. -: .:.' .'.'':. . .'2S4 CXJKONA Personal . Typewriter Fold Jt up. take It with you, type write any w h ere, $50.00, Includlag carrying caw. AliiDFXJlU) HOOK BTOKH TltiitrthntnrK for Pn. Ornnn. .; ftE.p-pi,QpPED TWO-FISTED HE "11 . . REVIVAL SERVICES . Being iponducted in - ' ; " , v,; THE FIRST METypblSTLEPISqdPAL CHURCH ;.: ; ;", Services, every "night at 730 -through' next-week. .You'll ''on-time", to get a seat. Don't if orget! -Service - tpnight. ( . 3 .- . :'-: ':v; ,','-:: TOMORROW ' '' : ''-'. '-'--' RE;f:A;s;SiM,l Address to the Bible School on "What a Child Can do to Help God'' u hif:-. 11 a.,m.";;-j. "The Spirit Filled lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHHHIIlllllllllH GRAND "'4' '. REV. P. K. tEA(!n : l'listor ; ;i'-; - . ':' To OUR ShOQAm ''.'''. -' ).....;., -- . i , . ,; J I - f T ? T T $ t T f T T T T f 'EVERY AMERICAN FAMILY IN A HOME OF oavCuVii.xiu.Mf. cannot uc unless necessary, any morfc UijUllUvb. ctart toduy ucss. . .' .' ., '. . ' N, JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Highest Quality Jowelry Repairing, Diamond 8etUng, Watch Repairing. Satletacuon Assured in ' quality and price. Mall ns year wants. . MARTIN J. REDDY I BE PHOTOGRAPHED : THIS YEAR ' ' ON YOUR BIRTHDAY SWEM'S STUDIO ATJTO PAINT SHOP Automobiles Painted and .Revarnislied " 221 North Fir. L. Q. SPRINKLE, Prop.' ' Pbftns 777 Lota ot old papers 10c tho bundle j Going Strong ! t CAMPAIGN GAINS IN MOMENTUM J r tV SPLENDID AUDIENCES5 Y ; . ' va ' ,':'.' :r ; ' ' Interest-Arousing, Soul-.Grjjjping, Destiny- -.' SeJtHng Addresses by a - ' :'w V at tljeA j ' , j Jr ourtii-- and JtSartlett -. ;.W311, speak at. the following - i ,- 300 p. m. - ! '. '-ftMenOnly 'Samson and the Lady Barber ought to hear this . "j . JHot Shts ai sinS! Y ,V-: Life" SACRED CONCERT A stiyiig and ni cd )romaui of music. which will jilease and debghtjpu. ?.'-'.;.'.V-' ';' ': ! ' BE ON TIME 7:30 P.;m! AT ' ' ;i : First baptist Church i , (N. Ocntial and Fifth: Streets) . j , H .00 a.m.' . T m "THE MAN WITH AiYISI.01f',.: ": (Conic ram or shine) ,, " ; ';' ",; ' " t 3 :00 , P. M. B. y . P. XJ. Conference. 3 ON i'- :: 'v-'-'V ' ,. I'ontcil. io limn .should place ins family, ill incited liouse,-.,it , than (liu. should ji-ess lu8-.,wife..ud.'.hi'dwiB im RENTED ha saving 4r. one, ;g -for. one. iTo help people own .'; '.. 30. N.. Central Ave. WILIi . ' ' ' : VOU. ..... Dojt Yourself l ': - '-' '. " : and feel you nro XOT St'RB, or will Jroiflct US lireimro your 1 IXCOMK.TAX KITTCUXS -' ; - '-, ; ;. ' f : : ,', - and have the feeling of sallh-f.-io- ' tion that your report la properly 1 prepared and submitted with all ' of- the, necessary- schedules.- We urge preparation ot report . SOW ' . - I . A word to the wlee' Is sufficient ' Wilson Auditing Co. . Uberty llhlR. p. S. ATrKXTlOX! . The Klks' -Minstrel Feh 21-22! The big laugh of the year! . - MAN ,, ,.; ';:'.:'- I -: I'.A ; -: ... , . : c .. !'-..- fi.) setyicesll ,,,, !' '-!c. i.u -fcli.ti M.K aili 'ti ' ' J. i 4;ll jia:'.' III! -Jill 111, l'fl-11' Every man and boy over 1 2 ; !:' IIS TlNii (i-y: ('i.'il.'!';. i 1 Y " .' :- .' ..J. il'JYl on their own hwne js ouc busi- -. -VV Slf' '.i . , ' : ; A. 1 ..REFINED SERVICE ; -at a saving0 j vWe are in a position to ; give., the lowest- possible ; .rates obtainable. v-; Every item of modern fun eral service is iven our most careful attention, also the assistance .of a Licensed Lady i . Embalmer : . without extra charge Weeks -Conger Cp. K t'Jk..' j y.iii.. it I'M 90 3V HI handicraft. Shpj),- OCT Mall Tribune, : . . M this oince, 11 1