T 5 :V - - f PSGE TWO MEDF6RD MAIL TRIBUNE, .'MEDFORD,. . OREO OX, F R FDA Y, JANUA R Y 21, 1921 lis. J'IU J deal and Personal ,1 According to rumors there 'will be much building of new homes and al terations, i'and Improvements on old lines In Medford next spring and sum mer. A building permit has just been issued for the construction of a $3000 modern, dwelling-at 1000 West Elev-i tilth Btreet by K. G. Trowbridge. Geo. Ivetson Is the oontractor and work on the, now structure will be begun next Monday. It is expeoted that the work of constructing the new dining room addition to the Kike lodge .building will be begun early In the spring. ' Hutchison & 'Lumsden deliver No. J potatoes any place In the city at $1.75 pet 100. ' ' " . ' - 2C3 ' American Legion dancing assembly Sat Jan. 22. Premier Novelty orches tra.' You are Invited to attend. 25S " knights of Pythias informal dance at Castlo hall, Friday evening, Jan. aist. Good music, good crowd, ; good time. All knights and new candidates cordially. Invited.'' . -" - J 268 William Barber is laid up at his home .on Portland avenue by a broken leg, which he suffered by a fall from Mb bicycle while on his way home last Wednesday evening from the Nash barber shop. A real dance! Central Point! .To .night! Added attraction! Joe. Pardee, "neuter fm01ody," featuring the. lat OBfc. bntijo-'and saxopliouo . novelties!. Bujia miss this! 258 Seo Close about rebormg your cylin ders. Riverside Garage,. . ' -.SCO . Inland Superoyl and plain piston rlnjlB at RiverBldo Garage, i ( ,. f .'ZOO iflio Etna Mills,. Calif., basket 'ball toam, and accompanying visitors .from Ihrft, place, which plays the.h'tgh school toam tonight arrived in ,yio city last evening and are registered at the Hol land. In the party are Orris J,. Wilson, LobjB H. Haines, J., Harrison Howell, Furber Nutting, Itlchard Elle,., Win. .Qillgley, . Lawrence Bursell, Laurence D. Smith, Clyde Lewis and F. H. Dan- nuhbrlnk. iBomeniber the Community tlanco at liij .NntatoriiimSat night. ; 258" American Legion dancing assembly, Lbglon .hall, Sat., Jan. 22. : Splendid music. Good floor. ' Enjoyable time! You. are Invited. 258' Come in and Bpeud your money with, us and then. go in and see what Shorty has to offer. Geo. L, Trelchler Motor Co. ',: ; ; tf The condition of Mrs. E, D. Elwood wlio was operated on nt tho Sacred Heart .'hospital "Thursday morning,' is reported as favorable. : ' ' llomeruber our re-built tires cost you less than half and run just as far. We guarantee, our Work. "Exchange' Tiro CO.: '', '';? ; . ' ' 2M Try. -our. merchants lunch. The Shasta." ' , : fJlilWreh's iitarii'pod underwear in i, 2, 8 years sites, regular price 75c, all going at 40c while tb(jy lust. Handl craft Shop. 257 Toggery 'Bill Isaacs, premier steel' head 'fisherman of Medford and fur .nlshor of . sartorial splendor to the .youth, of southern Oregon, tarried in .ay; a few words on his fnvorlto topic lUoguo river fishing. "Tho Rogue' is, a 'sportsman's sircuni," said " Mr Jsaacs,, "arid Jt ,'. has. ahyays . grieved me to Bee It made the province of the commercial fisherman. As a sports man's stream, where the stout steel head takes the, fly. It Is known all over tho world. 1 contend that com- ,n'ierclal fishing Is but a minor Item when contrasted wUh.tho 'immense .valuo of 'such, a river lo the state of Oregon as an nugllu'g asset. And unless salmon fishing is discontinued in the Rogue by the commercial in . torests its glory will .'depart. It Is true that a large run '..of steolhcad 'warmed up the Roguo this summer bmv nothing llko the runs of oMier yers."-Tho Oiegonlan. , '. . : 8')io Salvation Army would iB some biHiy clothes for ono day -old, baby Anyone wno can supply kiuuo please. iBiihtl to Mrs. "Envoy! Sinclair,' .A iiplo Street Act quickly plea-io. Xlsofcl6th, lpg and food for relief work. Phone 351): . 2t,9 'jjnvost your Bovings In the' Jackson ' County liiril'tilng and Loan association. ,;rV " ' ' tr Jieniitiiu gowns,' oomblnntlonB' and children's dresses less 25 per cent. Handicraft Shop. 60 SZ&E5S ToCureaCold ' in One Day Take Grove's Laxative vQuimnG tablets Do. sure its Bromo Th genuine bean this signature . 30c. "'J. "E." Mason, the 'well known superi'n.- tendent of the Kiryand farm Is wean ing a bad cut under the right eye and a bruised forehead as the result, of re. celvlng a kick from a two year old colt whose feet he was trimming at the time. Although bleeding profusely he rushed thru the job and then hurried' to Medford where the cut was sewed up by a surgeon. Mr. Mason, at that, regards himself as fortunate tbat be got off so lightly. -Must move at once. An opportunity to rent a desirable house and will sell ail furniture (practically new) at very reasonable price if entire ' lot taken 322 S, Newtown St. corner Twelfth.322 Fancy potatoes-$1.75 per 100 doliv cred In town. .Hutchison & Lurasden ' 203 Majestic "4" at Buncom Saturday night. ' . . 259 A. J, Crosse is spending several days In Ashland on business connected with the Union Savlpgs & Building associa tion of Portland. Joe Pardee, "master of melody" and the. Premier Novelty orchestra! Cen tral Point!' Tonight. A real dance from start lo finish. 258 Good supper.. at Buncom Saturday night. ., 259 All . ribbons reduced. Handicraft Shop. .200 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hunsacker pf Jtoseburg are registered at the Med ford. Guests from Portland - at this hotel are JI.-R. Wight, Earl Randolph, H. Gladstone, ,E. . C. Wradoll, Beu Rypke, J. F. Wilde, J. L. Jones, and Win. McKondry. . . j Seat sale opens tomorrow, Saturday noon at twelve o'clock at the . Page theater for Leopold . Godowsky, world famous pianist, who . appears at. the Rage on Tuesday evening, January 25. Price of tickets-$2,00,..J1.50 and. $1.00. . . . 258 Community. dance at. the Natatorium Saturday night. ' 258? Bring your clean old rags to bis office, be per pound. 1 Freddy Anderson who will .probably be brought here for .a bout With Jess Ingram In the main event of ;the Feb rnary smoker of tho Medford boxing commission has. been jnqntlondd ns a possible oppoilont for Joo Benjamin before the Portland boxing commis sion, nt an early date. Freddy Is a popular body in this city, and a meet ing, with Ingram who Is .. gaining-in prestige dally would "be. a. first-class attraction. The fans would nlso like to seo Johnny Carlson hooked up with somebody his own size, "with some, ex perience to got a line on just how. goqd he Is. A number of Medford fans are planning on going to Gold Hill, Friday, Jan. 28, to see the Ingram. and Camp bell mutch. There will bo two other bouts, and a wrestling .match, under tho auspices of tho Gold Hill boxlug commission. " Scat sale' opens; tomorrow, Saturday noon at twelve o'clock at Mho,' Page thouter for 'Leopold'. Godowsky, world fuihous 'pianist, who appears ; at' the Page on Tuesday evening, January 25, Price of tickets $2.00, f 1.50 .ami $1.00. '' " 208 : nig dance, at Odd Fellows hall, Tal ent, Friday, Jan21.' ' ,250 ; Wilbur Ashpole spent Thursday in the Applcgnte district looking over the cuttle situation. He reports the' roads in the worst shape, pf the year. Big dance, lit the futatorlum Satur day night. 258' .Majestic "4" at' Talent' Friday night. ' ' 208 Owney -Roddy Is spending' a ..few days' In 'Grants 'Pass visiting with trieuda and attending to business. Special prices on popular makes of new tiros Jakon.in trade by,ns. See these before buying." Exchango' Tire Co. ' : , 2GI ' UnlesH someone who has good cotton raga-to he used to wipe presses, comes to our rescue, we might have -.to 'bus- pond business. We pay 6c per pound. Bring In your rags. 2o.s 'Among' tho Nash guests arc Clyde Johnson of Eureka,' Calif.,- R. S. Der dowskl of Seuttlo and L. J. Murphy of Sun, Francisco. Deloo-Llght Electricity . for every farm. Bedford F.lectrlc Co. ' Somo of our tires can be bought at half-price. Geo. I,, Trelchler Motor Co. ' tf L. J. Murphy was1 among the Ash-land-Visitors in the city Thursday and today. Miss Alto Naylor, the Goodwin Cor.' setlcre. ' Phono 548-J. ' 262 Good prizes nt Buncom Saturday night. 259 The Ellis lodge had a very large at tendance at their observance, of past, exalted rulers night last night and voted, after n full discussion of tho matter, to build n dining room addition of one story with basement., 25' by SO feet to their temple on the lot Imme diately ndjolning which tho ' lodge owns. Tho resolution ns passed pro-, vhlod Tor a structure not to exceed In cost $10,000, construction work to be gin whenever a building committee of seven lodge members to be appoint ed by the' exalted ruler, so decides. This committee will probably be ap pointed nt next Thursday night's ses- SlOU. ' 1 I I- : I , Lots of prlies at Talent Friday nght. Oregon Nursery Co.. largest in the northwest. All kinds of fruit and shndo trees, ornamental ; shrubbery etc. Seo or address' V. S. Abraham, aux South Grape St., Medford. 2S0 Miss Florence Pool, county homo demonstration agent, spent-Thursday in Grants Puss. We'll deliver a bate ot utraw to vour homo for 76c this week. Lot your hens scratch In-dry straw. Hubs' Mill. Phono 529. -- Hemstitching and tweoung. Handi craft Shop. i . Mrs. K C. Elliot and littlo daughter are visiting frieuds and relatives In Grants I'nsH this week. Lets go. Where? Talent! When? Friday-night' . 25S Itelco-Llglit farm light and power plants. Medford Klecirlc Co. : ' The'announceinent that the Amer ican Legion dancing .assemblies will be given In the future on Saturday evening rather than Friday has been received with satisfaction by the danc ing public. This change of date will make for a larger attendance due to the fact that so many out of town members come to Medford on Satur day rather than during the week. Gertrude Klrkpatrick, Spencer cor setiere. f Phone 146-R.' ' 1 ' ' ; :2S0 Those having unpaid accounts with Shortle Garuett would eonfer a great favor by calling at Geo. L. Treichler's' office and paying same. .Shortle needs tbe'money. , ' Wilfred Mllcsche is suffering from a slight attack of blood poisoning In his right hand. He was playing with his brother, when that strenuous ' young ster scratched him with his fingernails. Miksche thought nothing of it at the time but a slight Infection followed. which while not dangerous if cared for, Is highly painful. We save you znone on your dry cleaning, dyeing and repairing. City Cleaning " Wo ks, 401 South Riverside. Phone 44. tf Shoes at cost. $1:00 reduction on each pair of new shoes while they last at the Medford Shoe Hospital, 119 East Sixth St., Medford. tf Guests atf the Holland Include Mrs Lillian Dounell of Chicago, F. Struvc and family of Miles, la., Mrs. M. J. Muldoon of Butte, Mont., II. L.Hub bard of Spokane, A. E. Razle of Seattle, J. Hughes of Crescent Cltyiand Joe Epstein of San Francisco. Carl Jeschke, high grade watch and clock repairing,' 11 Fir street. Good oats at Talent Friday night. , Mrs. O. L. .Harmon received word Thursday' that her littlo granddaugh-. ter while playing In. a swing ,'iri her homo . In Iowa ' suffered an accident, the spring .of, the swing .breaking and penetrating the little tot's skull. A piece of the skull was removed and the child is recovering nicely. A sim ilar accident occurred In .Lewlstou. .Idaho last week; The swing was of the. jumping type. Mrs. Harmon re- sldos at ,610 West Tqnth street, this City.' ' ' .'"' . ; When, better automobiles are built, Bulck will build theni. ' . If Home made candy fresh evory day at Kandylaud, 2 doors east of Hi a Ho. ' 202; F. E. Merrick who rot timed from an! extended stay in North Dakota . last! week' reports business conditions . in1 that, highly uou-partlsun stat In. bud! shape.'. Mi'. Merrick says the farmersl hnve taken' something like a solemn' oath pot to sel uny of their wheat for! less, than $J per bushel, with the re sult that the wheat bins are full, and no sale. While waiting for the wheat to' go $3 per bushel tho farmers, are i investing .heavily, in Texas uud Okla homa oil stocks, in an effort to roou-: perate their finances, and as a result of theso two conditions a sort of Jer-' petunl turmoil is always existing. Mr. Merrick, expects to see Dakota straigh ten out next spring. There aro closei to 100 former residents' of North Da kota now living in the Roguo River vuuoy .wno. .may .he somewhat s,ur-i prised at, tho. mood of their homeland .Juiit rocoived a carload of Xancv no- totoes,$1.75 por hundred 'delivered In town.' Hutchison. & Lumsden. 263 When overhauling, your old bus put; now life In if by domandlug genuine American hammered piston rings, fac tory equipment on,the best cms. ..The misy corner Motor Co.. tf Gus Newbury and. P., J. Neff arrived home this forenoon from Salem where they , were on business, before the su preme court. , reul .dance! . Central . Point!. To night! Premier Novelty orchestra! Real music! . Heal floor! Real crowd! Let's, go! ' ' .' 25S Dr. Heine, oyo. car,, nose, throat, tf T ;';WIIHJURALGIA ' Use Soothing Musterole 'When those 6harp pains go shooting through your head, when your skull eecros as if it would split, just rubalittlo Musterole on your temples and neck. t draws out the Inflammation, soothes sway the pain,usuaiiygivingquick relief. ' i Musterole is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Many doctors and nurses f rankjy recommend Musterole for sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy.rheuma - tism, lumbago, pains and aches of the , back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, . bruises, chilblains, frosted feet colda of the chest (it often prevents pneu monia). , It is always dependable. TOO LATE Tl) CLASSIFY KOU SALE Turkeys tor breeding. J. C. Herring, Central Polut. 267 FOR SALE S room modern house ami 2 lots, two blocks from Washington school. .This property can be bought for, $2000 uud assume city .assess ments If tnkfii within the next .few days. This la unusually cheap pro perty. Inquire t". C. Pierce, 30 N. Central or phone 5171,. ' 2S9 WANTED Cleaning woman two mor nings each week. Phono X10-J. tf FOR SALE Two good work teams with harness. Tel. D91J-1. 2tH FOR SALE One 10-hu-h P. & O. gang plow. Tel. 691J-L ,. . 263 FOK SALE Home dryer, trnys, sul phur box, enrer. purer and slicer. Tel. 6SM-J-1. 263 Mr and Mrs; John Reter of Jackson ville spent Thursday in tho city attend ing to business matters. I'Seat sale opens tomorrow, Saturday noon at twelve o'clock' at . the Page i theater for Leopold Godowksy, world famous pianist, -who appears at .the Page on Tuesday evening, January 25, Price of tickets $2:00, $1.40 and 41.00. .... .i.v . ..258 Everything electrical. Medford Elec tric Co. i Phone 661. ' - k R. A.' Holmes, the Insurance Man. Insurance, and Bonds, plus Service. K. E. Hodgman,- state, highway engi neer for this district spent yesterday on business in the Grants Pass section. Just arrived, a, car load .of. No. .one white potatoes at $1.75 per hundred lbs. by the sack. Delivered to any part of the city. Warner,, Wortmun, & Gore. . . 263 , Buttons' made to.order, hemstitching and pecotlng. Handicraft Shop. '260 , Allan . Lamb Is at .Klamath ' Falls yjalting his brother, Charles Lumb. ' Roy Bebb of Ashland is visiting rela tives in Motffbrd' thls..week. ,". . ' . ',, Potatoes $1.75 per 100.' Hutchison & Lumsden. 203 'AohomV'vfi i Further. market changes have put -lown a good;many. articles dur ing ihe past week. We follow the, market and .you get.the.bene fit.' Herbert Hooyer said, "The bugger the market basket the big ger the bank account," ;u Bring a big basket. The bigger the bas ket, the more you save. Here aVe a'f ew regular, not special, .prices : Florida ,Grape Fruit, 'large 16c Black Figs, ISc'lb., 2 for . 25c Black Figs, 25 lb. box . . . $3.00 ' Wisconsin Brick Cheese, lb 48c Cream Gheesei ' lb. . . ., ... . . 36c Head Lettuce . . .... . . . . 10c Dromedary Dates . . . ... ,24c Asparagus Tips No. 1 can .32c Shrimp, No. 1 can-. ... ... .'25c .'Jap Ricei.lb.. , . . ... i ; .; . . '. : ,8c White Beans, lb. ... .... . 7c Knight's: Pickles, qt., for . . 44c .Knight's; Catsup, gallon . $1.75 Catsup, gallon . in .tin 69c Stuffed Olives . . . . , . , 23c Cod fishl ilb. brick ... . . .,20c Libbi's pple Butter . . . . .'20c Baker's Premium Chocolate, ;i 'per lb; iw. ' . ; . .... .55c Campbell's Soups ... . . . '. 13c iVe nyethe biggest , , ' . at prices roast bee:f 2-pound can . . . . .... .'. . BACON :12:POUND CAN1 Li.". 1 L i i'. ' . i . . CORNED BEEF COOKED , 6-POUND CAN . . POTATOEES (GOOD ONES) PER HUNDRED CREAMERY BUTTER . . .... . . ...... Try chopping on North Central ave. You will . .. YOU CAN ALWAYS SAVE AT THE il..ZX...::GATES & LYDIARD, Props. '1 ' : rpOLKS with ; the knack of doing ' ; 1 ' V.rET AND WARMER ' things get a head start each day by A p0Sf0 1 '- kxockovt- co.mkdyI ! ' . breakfasting on OmiPic' Rolled Oats." 1 1M1 : ' i g ; ' l:' The OLYMPIC Line Includes your . j ft 'ff&3JS . TOM '"' MOORE l' 1 1 ' 1 Vl . favorite cereal sanitarily milled, I 11 Sfi vJlIJSS "jgK&OT' 1 N . - packed, staled and wrapped. X-r2!S '"DUDS" IB I " ' - , ot most grocers --' assngiii n 1 1 maaaaaij . Mrs. Louis J. "Simpson: of Marshfield. wife, of the former candidate for gover- j nor is seriously . ill Mn the Stanford j hospital at San Francisco with chances ! for recovery reported even by the specialists In attendance. She passed through Medford over a. week ago en route to the California hospital in charge, of her husband (in the private railroad car of John M. Scott, general passenger pgent of the t Southern Pa cific j ailroad. ;, : -1 '. ' I We have a few freshly packed Spitz I Baldwins and Black Twigs ' which: we are offering at attractive prljces. Call i Oregon Growers Packing Corporation. Phone 128.' , - ' ; : . , 263 I Do not order -.calendars, from .travel j Ing representatives or out of town j firms.- We have a factory line of all I sizes and -kinds, of calendars, . wall pockets, cpt-ohts, etc.,' that.' we will show the .trade Jater iand. gave you money on the same. tf Wm. F. Isaacs arrived homo this forenoon, frppi his' Iltteeu days visit at, Seattle and Portland. ' 1 ''. Jf 7?piir:'jncfcbnt-'-does;;npt' handle Rogue River made brooms you can get them at the public market. 260 Jiffy Jell ....... . . . : .lie Rolled Oats, ;9 lh. sack . . . 54c Free Stone Peaches, No. ;2 can . 23c can .Apricots, Nos. 2.can . . Salmon, 15c, 2. for , Minnesota Sweet Corn California Peas, No. 2 can 14c Dried Peaches, 2 lbs. . ... 36c Lucky Strike, Camel or Ches terfield Cigarettes (carton of 10 packages) '. .. . . . . . . . $1.75 Crytal White Soap .... .. . . 7c ,2.2tPound bar imported Castile, pure Olive Oil Soap . . ...49c V Sunny Monday. Soap . . 7c Jello . , . , . . . . . 11c assortment of fine Teas and Coffees in, the city that will, afford you a big this slip your mind: Portland giiests'at the Holland aro A. L. Gage, J. P. Jenkins, L. W. Damon, C. G. Bunnell. A. R. Moorehouse, Jas. W. Pendegast and F. L. Belli. Also registered : at this hotel are Mr, and Mrs. Geo. S. Burton of Grants Puss. , .Yarns, suitable for slippers, tarns and striping scarfs, on sale at 30c por ball. Handicraft Shop. 2o0 Grape eider, fresh from the press at the Jackson County Creamery Bottling Dept. Phone 22-R. . Hemstitching -and pecotlng, 10 cents per yard. The Vanity Shop, new location, cor. East Main, and Bartlett. ' 265 Interest Is maintained In the ap pearance of Joe Pardee, "melody man" who will be featured with the Premier Novelty orchestra at the Central Point dance, tonight. This versatile young .musician, though specializing on. the tenor-banjo, plays also the saxophone, and cornet with the ease and abandon of, a veteran music-master. Big dance at Goldsby's.hall, Buncom, Saturday. Jan.. 22... ,259 '. Odd balls of . yarn Mn heather, silk mixed, worsted knitting and floss re duced to 30c. Handicraft Shop. 2G0 .26c .26c .29c 15c saving. . '30c $2.50 $1.05 ,$1.75 .,48c like it and dont let GROCETERIA -; Paget Sound Man Had i Afflictions Innumerable iTacomn, Wash., Juno 20, 1920. 'JI am' forty-nine years old. Until " 're cently I had been suffering from n dls uBreeable couch unci it run-down physical i-nnililton. I had no nppc tiie, wns constituted, tired, buiUiachn, no ambition and stomach' was int ba.il shape. ' " ; -. 1 ' ' ' . ? "I was formerly employed by tho Seaborn Sliiiibuildius conipuny. In. am now v.orklnB in a warehousiv Ono day 1 was itdvisud to taUe a. buttle of Viiml and within-two dayH It noticed an iiiiprovcmeiit and runv I feel and act like a new man." Sifcnptl' J. (!on-. roy, al" Vi ', iiroatlwny, T.u-oma.i Wiisli. Vinol Is a . tunic- of incompaiablo viijuo; fm' . junt ui i etiaos as ih-j above! t;et :i bottle today and pruvo it ,to..oumcir. i For 'HUlqj: at 'f iociford riicnaacy, Main at; Central. ; Adv. See It Today It'll ho Gone ToruoiTOW i THE MOST POPULAR'-1 PICTURE WE EVER - . .PLAYED! -. ''. THE BEST PICTURE IM.j SHE EVER MADE ! SUNDAY' ," J - , "THE BP,AJIDING."i IRON" ' PLAYING . One of tlie most note , worthy proganir, tite 'Pago has ever pre sented. anoXA Tersfmal Typewriter Told it up, tako it with you. type write anyw b. ere. $50.00, including carrying ease. ' JILIUXJRl) book 8TOKH ' TMr-tr'hntnra for Fn. Orncnn. Plumbing and Siovo Repair toil fitting, stoves rebnilt. 1'iompt service. li-iuoiinl)lo rtinrgps. Goqd oik S. j. t'.VSTIIJ-: PAGE i !-i i.i s. uoiiy. .i,nc oan AccK'lyno Wt-Mins;.