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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1921)
' PXGE SIT STEDFOKD MAIL' TOTBUKE, fEDFORD, OKEfiON. SATURDAY. JANUARY 15, mi 2 BOOTLEGGERS FORFEIT BAIL I. 0FS250APIECE As wah (fonorally expeotrd none of the four bootU-KKcrH arrt-Htcd in a local hotel hiHt Wednesday night, Rhowed up for their preliminary hear ing at Jacksonville before J untie liagKhaw at 10 u. in., today and the Identity of John and Janica Doc is mill unknown to anyone but Sheriff Terrlll and County Prosecutor Moore. It is understood that these two men are not regarded as bootleggers by the officials, but merely came to Med ford with the other two men, Stewart and Hill, which names are regarded as fictitious, who are thought to be bootleggers. So strong Is the evidence agalnnt Btewart and Hill, who put up $500 cash bail for their appearance at to day's hearing, that when-they did not appear, Justice IiugHlmw declared this cash bail forfeited and It was at once turned over to County Treasurer Walker. Thus the county is $500 richer As to the eases of the two Does, one of whom Is a former lieu tenant colonel In the army and is a member of a prominent Pacific coaut family, and the other of whom Is also said to have a clean record, It seems that they got in touch with County Prosecutor Moore In Portland yester day rclatlvo to their Medford arrest. Anyhow, on recommendation of Prosecutor Moore, their cases were continued for several days by Justine Dagshaw, and it is understood they will come here for trial. Hence their cash bonds of $150 each, which they put up after their arrest, were not de clared forfeited. Occasional Rain WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. Weather predictions for the week beginning Monday are: Hocky mountain and plateau regions Generally fair and cold. Pacific states Generally fair in California and occasional rain in Washington and Oregon. Temperature bolow normal. PORTLAND, .Tan. 15. nloes of smelt were cut today by wholosalera six and seven cents a pound In antici pation of a heavy run in the Cowlitz river next week. PAGE MONDAY NIGHT cuutaix 8:o SUATS NOW Si:i,l,IN(i Floor $2.00 Ualcony SI. .10 $1.0(1 77c, 50c, Plus 10 Per Cent War Tax. If I ( YOU SAID T GIRLIE") n in .IT Id 50MESH0W V POLLY KNOW PReSENTS THE. NAUGHTY-NICE" FARCE nightie. N1GHIE "WITH BfiRRYiSTOBBS the Princess 7hATRc . NEW YOKK ' THE REAL TREAT. OF THE SEASON M n n nnrpnc'Kiniii PAGE Tomorrow I IT LD HILL Much interest has been manifested by local mining men In the fact that Tom Norris" Gold Itidge gold quartz mine which has always been a rather fair producer, and which he bonded a year ago to Lew Ross, the Navada mining engineer, C. C. Clark and a number of other Jiedfotd men, has been developed into a big winner. The mine, three miles south of Gold Hill, was first located by Mr. Norris in 1912. He took several thousand dollars worth uf ore out and worked it for several years, until he took, the con- I tract for transporting the mails be jtween the depot and postoffice In I Medford. J The men to whom he bonded a year ago have cut the lodge MO feet deep and mado cross cuts, until now there ,1b from $50,000 to $150,000 of free mill jing gold quartz in sight. Recent assays I made show the ore runs in value from $4400 to $0510 a ton. Now Mr. Nonis is kicking himself several times daily for having parted with this wealth producer for a $10, 000 bond. T NELSON,' Neb., Jan. 15. A mass meeting sponsored by American Le gion members and designed to combat activities of tho Non-l'aitlHan league has been called for tonight In Clay Center. This was announced follow ing a mass-meeting here at which a resolution "urging every farmer to Investigate fully before affiliating him self with the Non-Partisan lunguu", was adopted. - Delco-LIght Electricity " for every farm. Aicdford Electric Cq. YOU SOME ir'ff!lffiifl?!?Jt raj LEAVING TONIGHT Norma r. Talmadge IN "res or No" xl hm3 m y tun 1 nm Ji. .11. ji My MEDFORD LEGION STATE AID BILL At a mooting of tho American L-e-Blon, Medford Pont No. 15 last night, a readjuHted compensation bill for c-x-Horvice men was approved without a diHsenting vote, and a resolution adopted repudiating the action of the "Committee of Ten" of Portland for sending out a circular letter, without the sanction of the state organization. The move of the "insurgents" was characterized as a result of a political fight among the members of the Portland post. The post also descried the publication in many newspapers of articles setting forth that ex-serv-Ico men were divided on the question. After the meeting, telegrams were sent to the Jackson county delegation In tho state legislature requesting them to labor in behalf of a bonus. The same telegram was sent to Joint Uopi'esentative Hopkins of Iloseburg. N. Y. Stocks NEW YORK, Jan. 15. The stock market this week forfeited some ad vance registered In tho first' week of the new year, withdrawal of the short Interest in some of tho more volatile shnres causing irregular reactions. Industrial conditions as outlined by competent authorities dwelt on wage reductions and further curtailment of production but' the mercantile situa tion, especially1 a centers of distribu tion offered ground for encourage ment. Tile most hopeful development was the pronounced relaxation manifested by the money market. Foreign exchange cancelled some of its recent advance. NEW YOItK, Jan. 15 The week-end session of the slock market was dull but the list developed a firm tone nfter an imcertain opening. Further buying of Reading at an additional advance of tw'o points prompted the shorts to ex tend their recent covering movement. Steels, equipments, oils and shippings Ruined one to two points. The closing was strong. Sales approximated 300, 000 shares. Allls-Chalmers , 35.2 American lieet Sugar ... 45.5 American Ciui 27.3 American Car & Foundry.. 124.8 American Hide & Leather pfd 45 American International Corp 40 American Locomotive S3.6 American Smelting & Ilof'g 37.5 Ainorlcan Sugar 92.7 American Sumatra Tobacco 70.3 American T. & T 99.3 American Woolen ... 09 Anaconda Copper 37. U Atchison 83 All., Gulf & W. indies 72 Baldwin Locomotive .-. 91.7 Baltimore & Ohio 30.5 llethleliem Steel "II" 59.2 Canadian Pacific ....117.3 Central Leather ; 38.8 Chandler Motors - OS Chesapeake & Ohio 01 Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul 29.2 Chicago, It. I. & Pac 27.0 Chino Copper 22 Colorado Fuel & Iron 29 Corn Products 70.3 Cruciblo Steel 95.5 Culm Cano Sugar 22.5 Er'lo .. 14.3 General iMcctiic 123.2 General Motors 14.0 Goodrich Co 42 Great Northern pfd 7G.S Great Northern Ore Ctfs 29.5 Illinois Central 89 Inspiration Copper 34.4 Int. Mer. Marine ptd 54.2 International Paper ; 69.6 Kennccott Copper 19.8 Louisville & Nashville 102.2 Maxwell Motors 5.S Mexican Petroleum : 102 M'Hinl Copper 18 Middle States Oil 13.2 Midvalo Steel - 32 Missouri Pacific : 19.7 New York Central 73.7 N. Y, N. II. and Hartford 22.2 Norfolk & Western 102 Northern Pacific 84.. Oklahoma Prod. & Hef 3.7 Pun American Petroleum 75.7 Pennsylvania .'. 41.0 People's Gas 35 Pittsburg and West Va 31.2 Hay Consolidated Copper 13.2 Reading S9 Rep. Iron & Steel 09.0 Royal Dutch, N. Y 07.2 Shell Trans. & Trad 42.2 Sinclair Con. Oil 23.7 Southern Pacific 98.0 Southern Railway 23.S Standard Oil of N. J. pfd 10s Studebakcr Corporation ... 52 Tennessee Copper S.7 Texas Co. . 4t Texas & Pacific 1S.5 Tobacco Products 55.8 Transcontinental Oil 10 Union Pacific 120 1'. S. Food Products 23.2 l S. Retail Stores 65.5 V. S. Ind. Alcohol 68.5 I'nlted States Rubber 60.7 I'nlted States Steel S3 I'tah Copper 53.8 Westlnghouse Electric 44.0 Willys Overland 7.8 American Zinc, I,ead and Sin 8.8 Unite and Suiwrlor .- 12.7 jCala. Petroleum 29.2 Montana Power, bid 65.6 Ishattuck Arizona, bid 6.2 j Pure Oil 35 'Invincible Oil 22.7 What do you need most iu your juouiu; Big Farnum Feature Ends Showing Today mm sun ins iiiury ui itAas uuiuci j lire, i ne uasi oi ine iiuaues, in which William Farnum, the popular star plays the title role, will be seen for the last time today at the Rlalto theatre. The picture has proved so popular here that it has been shown to crowded houses throughout the run. j Mr. Farnum's work Is remarkable for! the risks he takes and the thrills he! puts over In the many tens.e situations, From Convent to Monte Carlo Star's Role "Passions Playground," adapted from the famous Monte Carlo story, "The Guests of Hercules," is the at traction in which Katherine MocDon aid, adjudged the most beautiful wom an In the world will be seen commenc ing tomorrow matinee at the Rialto theatre. Eastern critics pronounce it a triumph. We want to put our 'personal enilose ment upon a picture which we consider to be one of the most delightful com edies ever created. In our experience as exhibitors of photoplays, we have never seen a picture quite like this one so gay, so fresh, so clever, and so down-right funny! Tho name of tho picture is "Scratch My Hack" and it is as different as it sounds. Rupert Hughes wrote it down to the Inst title. It Is clean comedy. There Isn't a bedroom or a suggestive phrase In any of the seven reels it's packed too solidly with genuine rib tickling wit for that. See "Scratch My Hack" at the Page theatre Sunday and Tuesday only, ac count of "Nightie Night" Monday night. N.P. E TO HELP IDLE ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 15. Rather than have a tenth of their number thrown out of work the force of the Northern Pacific railroad in the St. Paul district has agreed to go on a four day basis, it became known here today. More than 2000 are said to. bo affect ed by the voluntary reduction. PORTLAND, Ore, Jan. 15. About 10,000 exrservice men are expected to march here tonight In a paraU.1, ac cording to plans announced by Chair man Walton of the parade.' commit tee, Tho parade Iri planned as a dem onstration in favor of a state bonus for ex-service inert, according to its promoters. HERE'S OUR NEW SHOW STARTING TOMORROW KATHERINE MacDONALD IN "Passion's Playground" A Romance of Monte Carlo "BIG SHOW' COMEDY Grace Brown at tho ORGAN PATHE NEWS RIALTO Last Times Today WILLIAM FARNUM . r WHAT DO YOU NEED MOST IN YOUR HOME WE WILL TELL YOU SUNDAY t Your opportunity will soon be here to rid your home of its most laborious task IT WILL BE UP -TO -YOU Farmers Attention THE WESTCO Tankless pressure water system is to the home what wireless telegraphy is to the commercial world.. Maximum pressure all the time, without the in cumbrance of a tank. Besides all other features. It has only one (1) moving part, needs no oil and lasts a life time. See this wonderful tankless pressure system now. Modern Plumbing & Heating Co. Sparta Bldg. Phone 620 Plumbing and Stove Repair J Coll fitting, stoves rebuilt. I'rompt service. Jteasunnhln charges. Good work S. H. CASTILE 101). 1 13 S. Holly. I'liono 030 Aectelyne Welding. With Medtord trade la Medford made Have You Thought ' About It? How many of your friends are eon nected directly or indirectly with some Oregon industry Do you ever consider them when you ;o to buy for your personal needs or business requirements? If factories are kept going ihcy keep men employed who spend their money here. What are you going to BUY OREGON PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES OF OREGON" TIME SERVICE ' f A reliable alarm clock gets you up on time. The Seth Thomas make. For the correct time call 414 Always Welcome a FAY E. DIAMOND SYMPATHETIC SEHVICE Rendered In a Quiet Dignified manner at THE PERL FUNERAL HOME: Your loved one is taken Into the Home where there la always aonie one with them. Our Residence is on the Second Floor. We are Licensed Embalmers and are prepared to make shipment to any part of the United States or Foreign Countries. We will take complete charge of any Service and make all arrangements. I,flly Assistant. Phone 47. Corner of Sixth and Oakdale. One block west of Postofflce. do about it? Jeweler