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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1921)
P3TQE TWO ' MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON'7 FRTDAY, JANUARY " 7, 1921 Tocal and Personal t : Tramps or men out of work and j fpnda who for a time arrived In Med- l rord at tne rate or a uozen a nay on j freight trains this winter have become , very- scarce, and only two men of this ' class have applied at the police sta- i lion for lodging for a week or more 1 past. The reason Is that most of these I men were enroute south, and recently ' the special police ot the Southern Pa- : rifle have been stopping all men trav- ' elliiB on freight trains at Kosehurg. V Those-who had 'money to pay their, ! fare were compelled to take passen- i ger trains to the south, and those.who had no money were forced to take . freight trains back to Portland, kine band' of 15 'men rounded' up at Rose ! burg receptly had over $50 betweeu ! them. ) ' ", I . M. M. Dept. store's great clearance ; sale open tomorrow morning. ; 246' Now your 1921 portrait. No resolu tion will give you and others greater Joy In years to come than a good photo- graph. Later you will appreciate the photographic mlley-tones which we make for -you. Main and Central, South No. 204, Muckey, . 249 Are you still forgetting to write it 1921 Instead of 1920, or have you now gotten onto the hang of the thing. Tohreak up i cc!d quickly use . Mount, Pitt Cold Tablets 25c at the Jlcdford Pharmacy, Prescription Drug gists, Main and Central streets. 251 Prosecuting Attorney Rawles Moore rented a-siifte of.offlces the first of the year on tho third floor of the Medford National 'Bank "building, and will move to liiem from tho present offices which he-has Jointly occupied with Porter tfv-Nerf, just as soon as they can h' fJtJctCup.fpr his tenancy. Out those, soft paper tablets at this Wffled at 15c per pound. , . ..If Has your stove shown Blgns of fail lug or coll sprung a leak? Stoves and coils rebuilt and repaired. Prompt servico, reasonable . charges. Phone 9S9. 109 South Holly. 219 ; Pique carriage robes and pillows to match all reduced. Handicraft 'Shop. O ..' .. - :. -251 For -that hacking cough try a bottle of White Pine with Spruce Balsam. Medford Pharmacy, Prescription Drug gists, Central and Main streets. 251 The Liberty theater has been closed Indefinitely by tho Geo; A. Hunt com pany. The jomnlnliig chapters of that great continued western' photopluy, "Ruth'ot the Hoc 1; leu," featuring Kuthl Rowland, will be shown at the Page theatre every Sunday and Monday be ginning with, next Sunday along with the othor usual Puge attractions.'. -i'- January clearance salo at EnderB. v - , . 247, Mrs. Hanoy, hemstitching, pecot, buttons covered. M. F. & H. bldg, ' 204' We deliver anything without delay Phone us your wnnts. Medford Phar macy, phone, JO,, , , 25 - The College club will meet with Mrs, Henry Nordwlck, No. 100 South Ivy . street, Saturday afternoon, Jan. 8th. ' Among poultry feeds you will always find Kerr's egg mash and Golden Rod egg mash a,t the top: Buy them Farm Bureau Co-operative Exchange, Uelco-LIght Electricity , for every farm; Redford Electric Co; - It will pay you to buy Fisher's feeds ceo prices auvertised in tins issue. ' '. - 246 Aurolla Anna Ukcs of Barry, , III and 0. A. Z. Harris of Washington D. C, are registered at the Holland, as are also I I. W. Johnson of Spoknne, and P, M. J-ln.ll and C. D. Rogers of ' San Francisco. , s Buy this week at EnderB, Ashland '.,. -v , 247' - 'Another 'shipment of soft shollod walnuts at 25c per lb. at Wnrncr, wortman (& Gore s. ; 250" It will pay you to buy Fisher's feeds See prices advertised in this lssuo. . ' io Lovers of sky sccuery were enrap .tured this morning with tliat presented In. the vulley with the sun shining thru peculiar low lying clouds. 'Butter. Roll Dread at your grocer. .'.. ' 246 v.Thqr and JCdon electric washing ma- chines. .-Terms. ' People's Electric Store., , .... . ;, , 1 2 IS 'Do not orilor calcnanrs from travel Ing xeprosentatlves or out ot town firms. We have u factory line of all sizes land .kinds of caloudurs, wall pockets, cut-outs, etc., that we will how tho trade later mid save you Money, on the same. u Dr. Halstoad In Mechauo-Therapy tho gorm of nil manipulative and ud- Jiiativo treatment. Phlpps Hhlg. 25 j Much coulrovertiy has arisen among nilulug men relative to the law Just passed by congress and which has boon signed by the president as to the RXiiet Btutus of the bill In regard to ItH terms ns to iisseasinent work. A wire fro rit' Congressman W. C. Ilawley states that the bill provides that lime for doing mining nssesBinent work foi 120 Is extended to include July 1 lirai. That Is, the 1920 assessment work can bo done during tho first six luonths of 1921, and must lie done by July 1. 1921. The assessment work for 1921 must niso be done durluf 1921 locators are not roqulrrd to file notice iff ' acceptance. Grants Pais Courier. 4 Pure eastern Tnickwheat In five and iilhe-poiind sacks at Warner, Wortman & Ooro'j). i 2 jo .-A. Mod and family' were shopping nl Epdcrs clearance sale at Ashland to ! dy " 247 - Dr. Hohert W. Stearns Is sufficent ly recovered from his recent opcra 'tlon to resume the practice of rucd ' ilelne. 246 ' " The anneal Btockholders ipeeting of I'amiars and KrultKrowprs hank will h held at Its hanking rooms, jHiuiuiy Kl, 11121, :it 2 o'clock p. 111. F. B. Wuhl, cashier,' 4 10 A new advertising curtain for the Page theater arrived in the city this morning from Portland, and will be welcomed by that theater's patrons who had looked upon the old curtain q oftpn In years pant that they knew every advertisement on It by heart. -25 per cent off on all' ribbons, large and varied line at Triiaic store sale Jan. 15, tJ 22. 251 One of ho jolllest social times of the New Year was a gathering of valley friends at Enders clearance sale at Ashland. - 247 Carl Jeschke, high grade watch and clock repairing, 11 Fir street, Clean rags wanted at Medford Print ing Co. - Generally fair weather is the predic tion for Saturday's weather. Two hundredths more of an Inch of rain fell last night and this morning. Butter Itoll Bread ot your grocer, 246 Enders big store donated $1000 to the public this week by saving 65 men $15 each on a new suit of clothes. Thli offer is still good. 247 The succeeding chapters of "Ruth of the Rockies" will be shown every Sunday and Monday at the Page the atre beginning tomorrow. 246' GueBts from Seattle at the Medford are H. S. Dyer; J. F. Connolly, P. R Rogers, C. E. Hedges, 11. M. Clanfleld and R. P. Sbeane. Among the other guests are Emery H. Averill of N. Y, W. M. Shepard ot San Francisco and O. Korshberg of Berkeley. Clearance sale of children's stamped underwear. Handicraft Shop. 25J, Upholstering, packing and crating of all kinds, mattress making and reno vating, chair repairing. Call at 101 Central or phone 51G-J. 257 Buy your girlie a hat for 25c at Euders, Ashland. 247' Creamery butter fifty cents a pound. Economy Grocerterja. tf . County courts are authorized by law to provide necessary office equipment for Justices of the peace, but this i entirely optional with the court, ac cording to an opinion prepared by At torney General Van Winkle. Hemstitching and pecotlng. Hand! craft Shop. Buy goods at wholesale cost at Enders. 247' For salo 100 pair of good second hand shoes. New ohoes at cost, toduy and Saturday. Medford Shoo Hospital 119 East Blxtb. 247 Harry II. Rosenberg arrived home yesterday from Portland n "Milch city lie hail spent the past two weeks, BrooniB niado by the Rogno River Jiroom, Works, are the host for the money. Insist on home-made brooms ' ' '?!. ; - .- '' 248' nig stock machine thread four spools 25c at Truax store sale Jan. 15 to 22 251 The famous Van Itnalto glove silk umlorwoar now on sula at the Vanity Shop, new location cor. E. Main and Bartlett. , 201 Brmsr-yonr pump problems to-A; L, Vroman, 113 8. Front street. 33 years practical' experience. Agent for. the V. K. Automatic Electric Pumping out fit.- A slo -for every -need. Call and see them. 251 George-A. Hunt find Fred Ryan, who has "charge of the moving picture equipment of all the Hunt company theaters spent .today In Grants Pass looking over the new picture equip meiit of tho company's new theater In that city. ' Now that your stock Inventory is over It is lme to take inventory of your Insurance. If yon are not ade quately protected call C. L. Go phone 41. ' 24 We save you. mone? on your dry cleaning, dyeing and repairing. City Cleaning Wo Its, 401 South. Riverside Phone 4(4. tf The V. K., the best nutomntlo pump ing outfit made. See them at Vroman's 113 South Front Btreet. ' 251 Oregoiiluns at the Medford include J. T. Brumbaugh, Mrs. Jessie D. Me- Comb of CorVallls, A. R. Carol of Salem, C. F. Silver of Klamnth FuIIb, J. L. Paynler of Ivan and the follow ing from Portland: L. T. Hudson, L. G. Crnnkhito, Henry Harlan, J. A. Sehnel- dor, H, E. Case, H. L. Llnd and S. S. Friable. Everything In Truax store for sale during the week Jan. 15 to 22.' Walk right In, you are welcome. 251 See Close about reboring your cylln ders. Riverside Gnmge. 260' Big coffee cups for the "old man," Truax store sale Jun. 15 to 22. 251' Prices on our gloves cut to the quick Busy Corner Motor Co. ' 261" Roland G. Bench, loenl secretary of the United States civil service com mission received a telegram from the Headquarters of tho commission at Washington, D. C, yesterday after noon Instructing him to go to Ager. Calif., to hold a civil service examina tion today for candidates to fill the vacancy in tho Ager postmastershlp. It Is not known here when or how the office became vacant. Mr. Bench took the first train last night for Ager. A oaderful values Jn bended, em liroldered and luce trimmed blouses U 33 1-3 per cent discount. The Vanity Shop, now location, cor. East Main and JlarUott. 247 Miss Alia Naylor, tho Goodwin Cor. letlero. Phone t,i 8-J. ' 261 lemstltchlng und pecotlng. 10 aeuts per yard. The Vanity Shop, now location, cor. East Main and Dnrtlett. 265 Genuine reduction sale nt tho Truax store commencing Snturdny morning, laiiuury 15, mid continues to Saturday night, Jun. 22. 251 Paul Gulley of Ashland was a visi tor in the city Thursday. Euders at Ashland sail shoes at pre war prices. 247 Bring your pumping problems to the People's Electric Store. 248 Prices are on the upward trend. Now a tho time to buy, utleiid the Triiitx. store sale; 7 days, Jan. 15 to 22. 1 251 Heli-e-I.lght farm llrht and . power plants. Medford Electric Co. Mrs. Fred Hopkins was expected tot arrive home this afternoon from San Francisco to which .city she went toi see her son Fred tall for South Amor - iott nn a ITfiitri Mlalest ej-lllsnr. . ; r -Dr.. Heine, eye, ear, nose, throat, tf "M, SI, Dept. store's reat clearance sale open tomorrow morning. '"2-16 Splendid line of dishes received too late for the holiday trade and wlllTbe on sale At reduced prices Jan. 15 to 22, at Truax Store. 251 The directors of the Grants Pass Irrigation district have announced that construction work upon the $500,000 irrigation dam being built across Rogue river would be suspended tem porarily. This action was taken on ac count of the litcenBant rains qnd the prospect of tbelr continuation. Wlth, lowering of the river so that work could proceed for any length of time without bejng hindered by high water. construction will be resumed. Sscre- tary Allen said that, despite delays, tlie farmers will receive water through the ditches as soon as the Irrigation season opens. f ir i v The Wise family shops at Enders. Ashland. 247' Premier dancing party!-. Ashland armory! Sat. Excellent music! Splen did floor! Fine crowd! A dance "worth while"! . . 246 Ladles' winter hats at one-halt their cost at (he Truax store sale, Jan, 15 to -f .-, . : .;. . 251 Jerry Jerome, looking like a million aire ar.q reeling n a two-cent piece. arrived home this morning on train 13 from his two weeks visit at Seattle, Jumped into the Rockefeller convey ance, at the depot and hurried ovdr to a restauranb for his usual Medford breakfast of coffee and doughnuts. All millinery and blouses i 33 1-3 per cent discount Tho Vanity Shop, new location, '' Cor.,E Main and Bartlett. ' 247 M. M. Dept.; store's great clearance sale opon tomorrow morning. 240 Ladles' velvet hats. at one dollar at the Trtinx store, Jan. 15 to 22. 231 Jack Anderson- and J. M. Rosa- of Portland are among the guests at the Nash. ... - . . ('..'' Everything eleotrlcnl. Medford Elec tric Co, Phone 601. . , . .-. Children's Btainped underwear ln-1, 2, 3 years sizes, regular price 75c, all going nt 40c while they last. Handi craft Shop. 257 Outing flannel, 45c value at 25c at Truax store, Jan. 16 to 22. -251 It was reported this forenoon that a heavy snowfall was experienced In Ashland soon after 8 a. In. today, and that an Inch or: more of snow had fallen. A freight train -which arrived hore' from Ashland about 9:25 a. ni. today was covered with snow.- : Wo have secured tho services of a' first class auto washer and polisher. Olve him a tryont. Open until 12 at night, Hlttson Motors. 248 Grape cider, freBh -from the press at the Jackson County Creamery Bottling Dept. Phone 22-11, . j . M. M. Dept. store's great clearance sale open tomorrow "morning. - . 246 To correct a false impression that seems to exist regarding the American Legion dancing assemblies, tfie mem bens wish io announce that these-parties are not limited to Legion members but are open to everyone.' They-are give nevery Friday' tn the Legion hall. Dancing will begin-at 9 p. m.' tonlteht and c6ntlnue till. 12 p. m.. music being provided by till Premier orchestra.'.-:.. K. A. Holmes, the Insurance Man.' Insurance, and Bonds, pins Service. Price no object on all holiday goods. toys, dolls, games, etc., nt Truax store sale, Jan. 15 to 22.' ' . 261 Premier, dancing party! ' Ashland nrihory! But. Interurban car leaves Nash 8:45 p. m. Returns 12:16! Let's SO!' ' ' : -;'; -.: ..'.' ilC Mr. and Mrs. James Grieve and sen Heston pf Prospect, who -are taking' an extended vacation ami who' had been spendiug the week, in Medford. ! left here this morning for a two weeks visit nt Portland, from where they will visit Soattlo and other const points. Mr. Grieve says that the report thnt he has sold out at Prospect ds erroneous, and Uint on their roturn'froni the vaca tion jaunt: he will at once begin .to' enlnrge and otherwise Improve the hotel at Prospect, in preparation for a larger business tills next summer and rail. . . r - . Big line of gloves at reduced nricos. I max store, Jan. 15. to 22. . 251 Enders at Ashland are selllmr 35 suits at 119.95. J4.7 M. M. Dept. store's groat clearance inle open tomorrow morning. 246 Oregon guest at the Holland ore E. iJing of Pendleton, Jny Soltzman of Salem, E. B. Fitts, A. E. Krandt nnd Lassie Lane of CorvaJlis, and C. It. Peake, Carl N. Steblncer. J. D. Mlckle .,,,.1 n i !..-. .. .. ... . V Jirs. Paul Hansen, coraetiore for Nullone. . Phone 6S5J. . -. tf Good laundry soap, white and brawn at 5c tho bar at Tniax store sale Jan. u to J. .i . ft;, - f. 51 Stuiuiied Gertnidea lu outing flannel. scuijoea and hemstitched, regular 11.50, on sale at 126.. Handicraft Shop. . 2Ri . ine annual roll call of the Elks lodgo last night was an enjoyable and argeiy attended affair with a number of entertainment stunts. A feature of he session was the usual ceremony In uonur of half a dozen recoutly wedded Our special bulk coffee at 30c per lb. during salo at our store. The Truax, an. 15 to 22. - 5i M. M. Dept. stoie's great clearance sulc open tomorrow morning. ''246 Those wishing to rent water from the Canal comnanv next season hould make written application nt once for the amount needed. No ap plications received after March 15 921 will be considered. Phone 321-X for your wood. l-in Pine llmlis, dry, $4.23. Fine neuter wuod, also 16-iu. hardwood. ' Good and dry. Oak aud laurel $3.25 per lor. Order one day In adraiite. p. I. Simpson of Brownsboro and! T. E. Clark of Derby were among the county visitors In the city Thursday laud today., New shoes and shoe repairing, rea sonablo prices at the Medford Shoe Hospital, 119 E, Sixth 'Street.: r '" M. MV!Dept. store's great clearance sale' open tomorrow mornlhg. " " 246 ' We have a new up to date line of lighting .fixtures. People's Eleqtrlc Store., , i ..: . , -. 248 " Toilet soap 5c the bar or six for 25c at Truax store sale Jan. 15 to 22. 251 Ajfter havine been without a fir de partment for about six years, Gold Hill has completed a fire protection organ ization. At an informal banquet In the new city hall quarters officers were Installed and practice work was laid out for 1921, Intended to reduce-what are considered excessive insurance rates. New equipment, construction of a new fire station on the south Side of the town, Installation of an effective fire alarm system and -recommendations to the council for fire prevention ordinances affecting the erection of buildings and removal of unsightly ones closed the most enthusiastic pub lic meeting held In Gold Hill In years. Inland Superoyl and plain' piston rings at Riverside Garage. , 260 - Try our merchants lunch. 'The Shasta. '. . . ' . Children's stamped combinations in 2 ar.d'4 years,' regular $L0O, going at : 65c: Handicraft Shop. ' 251' Invest your savings In the Jackson County Building and Loan association. ' '" Toilet paper 5c the roll or six for 2flc at'Truax store, Jun. 15 to 22. 251, Several parties of Medford dance enthusiasts expect toyittend the arm ory dancing party at Ashland tomor-. row night. , . ,. Dinner .served at the Presbyterian church,: Saturday noon, . 50c a plate, ' x . . i- .', : .i, .- 246 M. M. Dept. store's great clearance Bale open tomorrow morning. 246 Everything electrical. Medford Elec tric Co. Phone 661. . One hundred ladles' :hats and velvet shapes are offered at 41 , each Enders big clearance sale; . j -; 247 Jlroken -Jots of dishes below cost at Truax store, Jan. 15 to 22, ) I 251 William Rice, who has been visiting his parents, Mr.-' and Mrs. W. C, Rice, far three weeks, left this forenoon for Milton, Ore., where he Is attending Co. lumbia, Jr., college, . Smoke Crater, Lake cigars, made in Medford. Phone 900-M. 254 Dollar brooms'for 76c. Truax store, Jan. 16 to 28. : . . 251' Happy Boh, best' shoe cobbler n town at Kldd's Shoo Store, 223 East Main, l.-jm Hot Tamnlos nt DeVoe'B.' ; tf The Golden Link class of the Baptist church . will .hold a-very ;, important short business session Sunday morn ing nni) it is hoped that aii members wllhbe' preBent. '-Tlie class has also planned to take care'-of the babies at the cottage so that the mothers who wish to do so' may stay" for chrirch. DlnneV served Saturday for the Farm Bureau people at ..the Presbyterian cnurcn, at soc per plate. 246 .-.The, -time -of the regular monthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliary ot tne American Legion has been changed from the second Monday to the third Tuesday of each month. The January meeting will he held. Tuesday, Jan. 18 at 7:30 p. m. at the Legion hall. It Is Important 'that there be a large atten dance as the election of officers for the ensuing year will take place at this time,. Following the business meeting Red Cross sewing will be continued and a Joint social Bosslon with tho American Legion will be enjoyed. Good ok wood for sale; Phone 462-R. ' ' 247 Young Hyson Tea" 36c the lb. while It lasts at Truax store sale, Jap. 15 to 2 -v - ' 251 BRAND NEW PHbw TODAY " - The The greatest NflGEP ' -'!- "w.w.m.iry..vvrMwvir. x.A:wti ..;.. y,i,iWM,Mr.A..v.-'vrn ' ' ' ''!' ' mi DENVER, Colo.. Jan; 7. In his mes- Usage to the Colorado legislature in joint assembly here today, .Governor Oliver H. Shoup criticised Jhe direct primary law as "too unwieldy and too expensive to-be continued,"' and rec ommended a. return to-flie party con vention system unless an Improved law jean "be drafted. The governor made many .recommendations for leg islation to be enacted by the legisla ture during its present session. Unless you see, the nameayer" on tablets, you are not gettingfgenuirie 'Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Say "Paer"J SAFETY FIRST! Accept only, an "unbroken package" of , genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin;" which contains proper, direc tions for Headache, EaracheToothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu matism Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American I Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets coat but a few cents Larger packages. '" Aiiilrin Is iho trada murk of Bayer vanufactupi ft aonoact-tK'acMotcr ft Sullcyucaeia I Hundreds, pf Medf ordites Have ! Sees It,.,.. I J . Have You? Go Today. ' ' s I . SENSATIONAL. PICTURE OF 'jg THE.DANGERS,THRILLS'i-V " AND EXCITEMENT (T , ' Xl W VS, 'A'RIOTjTOF - Women Are Reasonable .- .- , , There's no Use in Talking . Woman's Game" , 1i Starring Elaine Hammergtein Will Entertain You to a Queen's Taste,' and . Queens Have Everything v . : ADDED ATTRACTIONS . ' , ''.". . , Mutt and Jeff Comedy '; ':-'' ' . ' and Fox News,' Showing World's Latest Efents ' , The New Page Wurlitzer Organ STARTS SUNDAY drama of a century, "Madame X" WASHINGTON, Ji.. 7. Evidence as to coal prices paid in 1920 by the war department has been transmitted to, the department jf Justice with'a recouimeudaion for action. Chairman Calder of the senate committee on reconstruction informed the senate to day: ' ' '-"'.'" TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Turkeys for breeding. J. C. Herring. Central'Poliit. 28,7 WANTED Work as janitor or. on farm by experienced young man. Box 783, Medford. ; . ' 247 WANTED Loan five hundred dollars, two years, real estate security, ten percent. Box 84; Mail Tribune. 247 iatorday W0W Compare; These With Big Sale Men's O'alls . 98c Men's Coat Sweaters . 98c Men's Khaki Pants' . . $1,98 Men's Work Shirts V , 75c Black and Tan -Sox : L . 10c Men's Kover alls . . . $3.60 Wool Mackinaw at . . . $7.50 Men's New ' :1 Suits . $17,50 Men s-vyoric) High Top Shoes: , at . . . $4.00 'i- In? Our 2nd Hand Dept. Sideboards Rockers v Library Tables es Typewriter Table OjfficeTabl Beds andfSjprings AND SOmW REAL ESTATE Lot 75x100, with two houses. Rents for $40 month; 1 block from. City Park, Price $2850, Terms. v.. . - ; -. f-i 6-room 'house, .lot and barn, 3 blocks from post office. Rents for $25 month. Price $1250. T?m8- r ir; And3 other places. Ask about them. 1918 Ford with Camping Outfit Will Wilson Phone 467; ' 32 No. Front St.-;