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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1920)
f rxnrc six 1 WEDFOHD MATT, TTUT5TJNTC, MFDrOTCD. OttF.flOX. MONDAY; PECEMP.KT? 27. 1020 TANLAC SALES REACH TREMENDOUS TOTAL Sales for Present Year Show Increase of Almost One Hundred Per Cent Over Last Year. 20,000,000 BOTTLES ARE SOLD IN SIX YEARS Celebrated Medicine H&s Become Sensation of Drug Trade All Over America and Canada. Best Peo ple of Country Indorse It. AllhutiKli pluc.'d Hule Hoimsthlntf ovor five yearn hko, the rlotmiml fur the cuh-briitfd nn-dirine, T nine, , lias IiitTt'iiKfd at a. ninnt phenomenal rain and annouiH'onH'nt lias Just bi'tn inadn by tin; niaiiiifaturei-H that th total snh'H will reach aiiiuximutHy yo.000.noU IxittU-H hy the end of the preKont year. To Hiiy that Tanlae now Iihh llics laixoHt Hale of any mcdieinu of Hh kind tit the world does not In-Kin to tell tho Ntnry. for no other inopan tloti Iihh ever cvnn approached the inarvelloiiH rworil that Iuih been made by Tanlae and It Ik now eoiiKcrva tlvely OHthiiated that tho HaliH by the end of the coming year will much thu . aHtonlKhlng total of 30,000,000 , bot tles,. Tuplne hm1m last yen'v nmotmted to 4,7!J,!NK hnttleH, oHtabliHhiiiK a new world Veeotd foe the Halo of'ju'oprie lary 'Diodieines up to that time. Thin rei jord now paleH into- liiHlKnlfleani-e lioVpovf, nn (U'dei'H reentvpd during the first nine montliH of the present year reaehed a total of (i.L'OO.OOO bottleH nhowtnV 'siW increase of nlnioHt 100 per cent , over tho curroHpondintf pe- liod of lhKt year. . Thu enorniouK and evei-inorealn.f popularity of Tanlae Ih the one r;'re:if. uut.MtandinK- proof of Hh merit. The ureal etst di uk firniN (f the roui.rly have voluntarily rorne forward a nd staled in piiin, cold fiKtireH the reccrd breaking aU- everywhere. ' No medi cine of )e,ss than superlative U;lI i ly could possibly attain such a huKc sales record, nor Kain as has Tanlae. the unUiLlIfied endorsement of llious amis of well-known men ami women from all parts of the country, who stand for the best In their communi ties. The Krcatest tent of any medicine is the "repeat" sales it enjoys. Tan lac's phenomenal record has been possible because of the fact that the men and women who buy one bottle invariably return for tho second and recommend it to others because II hits helped 1 hem. Tanlae; has been on the market now a little over five years. It has stood the acid test of time. It is known ami honored In every city, town, village and hamlet on the American continent from Key West. Klorlda, to t bo norl hern wilda of Canada where even the Indians and derful powers as a medicine, fur-traders have learned of Its won- Tanliic ' is composed of the most bene)' dial roots and herbs know it to the scientific world. Tho formula conforms with all National and State 1'ure Food and Health laws of both the ('idled States and Canada. Al though Tan lac's claims for super iority are abundantly sup purled by leading authorities, it is the people themselves who have made Tanlae what it is. Millions upon millions of the best people of the country havo used it and hav told millions of others what it lutH done, for them. That is why Tanlae has become tho real sensa tion of the drug: trade all over America. Tanlae Is sold In Mod ford by West Sldo J'harmacy, in Jacksonville hy J. W. Itoblnson, in Koguo River' by W. S. Cary. and hy leading drutrKisto in every town. Adv, The Household File Free with a 7 50c purchase HEATH'S DRUG STORE The San Tox Store TREE TANGLEFOOT AIDS IN CONTROLLING BLIGHT zm lieeiiinnit'mlt'il li,v PruT. K. C. Keiiiicr, anil I Vol". 0. 0. Ciilu mid li'ailinjr (irclinrdists. Pliny ymir tinier before January 1, mm save niuney. Phono 032 Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange THE UNIVERSAL CAR For the Whole Family A Ford Sedan . II 'rtie Kuril Si'ililll Ik I Iri'Hiill's eiilnfiirt rur. It II II , takes you everywhere, all winter, with us iiiiuh II l roitirnrt. as II" you were home by your own fireside. II That Is why Kuril eluseil rnr sules have Imreaseil II 1500 per rent eaeh month this year over the corro- t.MinHiiK month hist yi'iir. All the iH'anty of mi elcrlile, all the comfort of even li'lllieratiun ivgardless of w eat her eomlil Ions, II nith the Manly power, ileenilalilllY, anil economy II of thu Kuril chassis ami engine, at a price you can- not resist. ' I 5 C. E. GATES AUTO CO. Cor. Slvth ami Pacific lllKhway WITH MEDFCSD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADI The second Christinas rextlval con cert given Siiniluy evening at the Baptist church drew a largo and enthusiastic, audience, which filled thu house. In variety and execution It surpassed any previous concert given 1 y the choir. In addition to the anthems there were selections hy the male and ladies' quartet and solo work hy Mr. Walker, -Mr. Vawter and .Mrs. Newberry, all of which wore greatly enjoyed and highly commend ed ut the conclusion of the concert. The work of Mr. Walker as director and Prof. Halght as pianist were shown In a remarkable way. Itev. K. II. I. each gave a pointed and earn est address on "No Room in tho Inn." The speaker showed how Christ Is crowded out of the lives of men and of affairs of life today as well as when Christ was on earth. Announce ment was made of special New Year's sermons for next Sunday. Methodist Kpiscnpnl Tho Christmas musical service at Ibo First Methodist Episcopal church last evening was characterized hy u standard of excellence that was main tained thruout the program. A capacity audience was present for tho opening number. With the lights out, and a most beautiful star shedding its light upon tho audience from the upper part of the platform, tho ladies' chorus sang while yet In the choir room, "O Little Town of liethlehom." Tlio Iiglit8 were then turned on, and tho full vested choir camo in singing "Silent Nitrr.t" as a proces sional. This carol was the motive throughout tho cantata. The splendid choral organization was never better than In the rendi tion of that master-piece of Dudley Buck's, "The Coming of the King. Under the able direction of Mrs. May .Ionian MacDonough, with Miss Matie Vronian at tho piano, and 'Mrs. W. M. Van Scoyoe and Mr. liernard Koborts alternating at tho organ, this cantata was rendered in a manner that In spired the audience with the true spirit of Christmas. Christian Church. Sunday was a busy day at the Christian church commencing witli Sunday school at 9:45. when t ho pri mary department met in their new room in the basement. Tho I.oyal Daughters class will now occupy the room formerly occupied by the pri mary department. At tho close of tho Sunday school service, Itev. . K. Millard presented II. W. 1'aiil a signet ring given by the school as a token of their esteem and appreciation for his four years of sor vcie. ,1. II. Berrien has beon elected as superintendent for tho coming year. In tho evening a beautiful white Christmas was given. The choir ren dered a musical program, assisted by Mrs. Edna Isaacs, b. K. Millard. Mr. "V. II. lirnytun and .1. W. Kirkpatrli k. Tho church was decorated in green and white with white bells and stars being hsed with Christmas greens. A pageant "Tho Christmas l'llgrlm" was giveii by the Loyal Daughters class,'1 assisted by the juniors and interme diate department. l-'rlday evening will bo homecom ing and watch service. Every ono will come with well filled baskets. & 7 Constanc?Jalmadge 1 "Good Referericcs" n u A typical zypical Connlo Ta!madgo picture now playing at the Kialto re plete with thrills. She breaks into the maddening rush of Now York's uocial swim saves a sweet looking rah rah boy from night court, cruises the bounding main on a dream of a I yacht, starts from Connecticut to! New York In a bathing suit, and hits the big city in time to grab a million dollar meal ticket. . TAKE GHEER OF MS TO NEEDY Tlu- Tri-L chin tonk Mt nf Chrii;ini:iH to tho i-k and nhut-itiK ChrlHtiiiiis 'vp., thmti'h t li old fa iiiilifrV Christ iikih enrols. Uy KoinK aliout in ears, tlic S:uri-d Heart hos pital,, tho poor farm and several homes in different parts of town were reaehnd. ' Tho caroling was under the diroethxi nf Mrs.' fienevieve MeCorkl1. If the enrols brought as mueh joy U tljftsw who listened as they did -to those, yho sar.K. the club piiis will be Blad. Ileeause of unpaved streets and laek of time, not all of the honicn eould bo reached which were reported to the club. ' The TrI-L clnh will have no meet ing this week, but will start out with new enthusiasm the first week of tin new year. The Student club and all the other ciii reserve corps found pleasure In me Heei.u v iiriHllilHS Horvii-e W IlK II j iney pave, one corps ma tie a quiii and others gavo baskets of fo.tu and cliiinties. Now Showing RIALTO CM. 't s "Good References'' ' with CONSTANCE TALMADGE KIM KRIVKIt AV.AS LUIIK.IKSS (Conllnuod From rage One). she saw Ilia lights of tho DeWMtt car coming for a quarter of, a milo. She testified that its speed was 3.r miles nu hour, and that when It was within a short distance, sho screamed: "My (.iod, ho's not going to turn out," and ran down tho side of the car. "If I hail not," sho further tostiriod "I would lie where .Mrs. Jennings is." She also said that tho last words nf Mrs. Jennings were: "Why do they use such bright lights." Mrs. Kvans also testified that the headlights of tho DeWitt car were burning brightly, and that there wus plenty of room for a car to pass. I. uko Jennings, husband of the dead woman testified that lie was at tho wheel of his car, when the acci dent occurred, and that the first Inti mation ho received of the tragedy, was when Mrs. Kvans enino to hi in, and Bnld: ' "Nona has been killed." lie ran to her sldo, assisted in extri cating her from the wreckage, and rushed with all possible speed to Ash- laud. Ho was not questioned at great length. . Arthur Dressier. Roland Webster and Harold Kiddie, three boys en route to Ashland testified that they stopped their Kord 0 yards south of the first wreck, and went hack to Investigate. All testified that DeWitt win coining at "about 33 miles por hour," and that his headlights were burning undlmined. They helped to take Mrs. Jennings from the wreck. Mrs. Jennings was standing behind tho Kvans car chatting with Mrs. Kvans when the DeWitt car crashed Into It, with terrific force, and both limbs were mangled at tho knees. The leather coat sho wore at tho time was offered as evidence and it was badly torn. She died at i a. m.. opiates being administered hy Dr. K. 15. Swe deuburg of Ashland, who was also a witness explaining the cause of death. Mrs. Jeniii!igs,was a sister of Mil ton A. Miller, Internal revenue collec tor at Portland. Oregon, and well known in this city. She lived for many years at Cold Hill. The funeral services will he held from the Perl chapel Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, WORK TO SIM FIRST OF YEAR That long-talkod-of and long-hoped-for Jackson County . Young Men's Christian association will soon he a working reality. Cash Wood, the executive county secretary, has ar rived here from J'endleton, where he had been In charge of tho V. M. C. A. work in Umatilla county for some time past, and today opened up tho V. M. C. A. headquarters in the .Lib erty building. Kectctary Wood will form gymna sium classes among the busi ness men, both here and at Ashland, to meet twice a weuk betwean 5 and li p. beginning with the first of tho year. Tho Medford business men's class will meet at the Is'atat oriuin. ' A feature of the gym class work will be setting; up exercises for men In middle life, and the playing of vol ley ball over a net a game somewhat like tennis, but played without racquets. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine jward real food economy JT when you bc ff J gin to serve f g Del Monte J Beans. It's criminal to take a chance ( any substitute for "Itayer Tablets of Aspirin." , Unless you see the name "Ituyer" on package or oti tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin, pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions, "nke Aspirin only as ftold in the iSaycr package for Colds, Headache, Neu ralgia, J then mat ism, Kurachc, Tooth ache, Lutuhfego and for Pain. Jlandy tin boxes of twelve tables cost few cents. Druggists also soil -. larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Mayor Manufacture of iMonoace- i tlcftcidester nf Salicyli -acid. Adv. RIALTO It sparkles like a bottle of li. in an ocean of cold tea Sonic sparkle! A First National Attraction The stage Niieeess In l hlg acl.s of phenomenal hilarity! Begins Wednesday COMING WEDNESDAY "Twin Beds" . ' 1921 AND THRIFT INT limst fjiinilics llio new year iind ii morn rigid practii-e of thrift will start simultan eously. . . t Why not start with a clean financial slate yourself, and etiuip every member of the family with a "Nationalized''. Havings Ac count at the. VI KST NATIONAL BAN K ? : Liberal Interest on Savings. Zhe First National Bank Mddford Oregon - St 5p iLL COAL! COAL! COAL! EOSSEAU COAL CO. $8.00s $10.00, $12.00 per ton delivered. Orders taken at 25 W. Main. Phone 934 SYSHMTHKTIC SKItVICK Rendered In a Quiet Dignified manner at THE PERL FUNERAL HOME Your loved ono in taken Into tho Home wliero thore Is always some ono with them. Our Koaidonce Is on the Second Kloor. We are bieeiisod-IOnihalinors and are proparod to make shipment to any part of the United Slates or Foreign Countries. Wo will take complete charge of any Service and niaka all arrangements., I.nily Asslslnnt. I'liono 47. Corner of Sixth ami Onkilalo. - Ono lilork went of 1'iislofflcB.Y PAGE TONIGHT 8:30 CURTAIN. SEATS SELLING Company Orchestra. iKM ft0$m C-RT 0rrers Q'jie the Newest POSITIVELY THE N6.' 1 NEW YORK, CHICAGO, BOSTON AND PHILA DELPHIA COMPANY HA.RRy .. CORT and GEO.CSTOOPWTOV S MUSIC BV H&RRy ORLOB THE KMICKERBOCKER THEATRE. NEW YORK A.ND ILLIMOIS TMEATRE. CHICAGO. CAST With FRED WE.IDE.R, irv. his oriirval roc iKc "Flip" kotel clerk i.vo the: Fours emtsr tain bps. s DAINTIEST, DANCIEST CHOR.U5 EVF.R SEEN AM V WHERE Listen Lestep isa feasi of fun and v fnvolifv iha ha tnaflp mitcira rnmotd history, fris a veritable Casc2(le of Aj uior-a renciciTous musical tastival 0re5entcfjbvsmfigp.c.fJancer:anJfiin- for one entire year. "Listen Uster'is li the !asl word in musical enlerVammentf WOULD YOU PA 55 UP A OOLO Af,? U 1 B W JTvICES-Lower Floor, $2.50 and $2.00. Balcony, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 50c; plus 10 per cent War Tax.