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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1920)
MET)FOT?D MAIL TRIBUNE. rEDTOTlP. OT?EC!OX. FTiTDAY. TVTCfTMBET? 24. 1020 "PAOTC FTTR MUSIC FEATURES F L 1:$ (Lot mm 11.1 equal tc butter for shortening at about half the cost. '- ll . 1 better than lard and " compounds for. frying,-' A. "' preferred by thou sands to the finest olive oil for salads. AT ALL ; GEO CERS ..' Setting Representatives V ' JOHNSON-LIEBER COMPANY ' c Portland i Sunday events, Dec. 20th, the vested choir of the First MetliBdlBt KplBcopul church will close Its series' uf ml rent concertB with Dudley Buck's J Kreat Christmas cantata, "The Com- I lug of the King," for solo voices and chorus. Altho the two concerts given dui ing the past month were received with enthusiasm by the lare atid- iences present, the concluding con-' cert promises to surpass in excellence, all previous efforts. The Methndist choir has .a weH deserved reputation j for good music, well sung, and . It t timbers among it members some of. he best soloists in 'Med ford,- while i lit) music selected Is one of the most beautiful cantatas ever written.. The program for the eVening is as follows: ' Part I Plant) prelude, Cradle Song " Mendelssohn Miss Vromun Carol, O Little Town of I)ethleiem Ambrose Ladies' choir ' Processional,- Silent iXlgxlit......C.ruber Prayer Hymn 113, Angels from the Healms of Glory : Smart Scripture reading . Offertory, piano and organ, Nuz- " areth I................ ....Gounod N Miss Vromun, Mrs. Van Scoyoc Hymn 107, Joy to the World..Huiidel Part II Cantata, ' "The Coming-' of the King" , liy Dudley Buck Poci, piano and organ, Miss Vromun, Mrs. Van Scoyoc. l',rophecy, O Jerusalem, look , about thee, Mrs. Van Scoyoc. Advent, Awake! put on thy strength, Mrs. Van Scoyoc, Mrs. Sasnett uud v CJiorus. The Annunciation, The Annl Gabriel wus sent, Mrs. Sasnett. Hull thou! Mr, MacDonough. Across the Desert (The Caravan of the Magi), Messrs. Meeker, Brooks, . Vroman and Men's chorus. The Plains of Bethlehem, air.' Mac Donough, Ladies' chorus and full chorus. The Departure of the Shepherds, Mrs.' Anderson, Mr. Canuday and Men's chorus. The Virgin's Lullaby, Mrs.-Pierce. The Questioning-of -tho' Magi, Mr. VScougall, Men's chorus and Ladles' chorus. '. ' -. ' ; '" '. . ' ' " ' .Tho .Adoi'a,tion',fMiss Dew and Mon's Chorus; .V')" - '" V-. - "; Ade'sto Fliielea, chords. ' I Benediction. ' 'Miss Made Vroman, pianist; "Urs W. M. Van Scoyoc, organist; Mr. Ber nard Roberts, organist,; .'Mrs. May Jordan-MacDonough, director. Tho unnunl CiirlMmnn proKvam of -the thirst Mt'lliiiiliNt Kim'u"tl i-liurrli j will l Kiven tnnlKlil. Tim progi'lim will be liy the Sunilay Ht'hoo), und j promises' to be "f unusual merit, i 'White Christmus". is being obsorvt'd by this church, emphasis bt'lnic ulact'd; on Kivini? rattier ttiau receiving, lucli class will givean offering for some worthy cause. '-and there will be a; general offering for the sufferers of j Europe and'Ohlnn. An especially at-( tractive feame will be the large 11- j luminated Christinas i-teo on the luw'n.j Tills is a deconrtive feature, which i has attracted unusual attention. This tree will remain thrmiuhotil the sea son, and will be lighted whenever the church is open In the evening. The program for tonight will begin promptly at 7:30 ami is as folliAvii: Hymn, "O Little Town of Hetblebem" Congregation Prayer ltev. J..11. Sasnett SOhS, "Christ Was Once a Little Haby" i'l-lmary Department, Heading, "Away In a .Manger"..... Madge lvtiimiiun Dialogue, "What u Itoy Thinks" ... Quartettes. "Long, Long Ago." "Once Upon a Time." Elgin Small lioys. Scripture Kecltutioiy . . . 'Pour Junior Classes ' The 'omlng of tbe Wise Men." . . Dale Franklin, l'ltlwiii Thomcs and Jesse 'lressler Song, "Under tbe Star" fira-e Klnleyslde. "The Christmas Story" ,' Mrs. Millers Class Violin Solo Keith Colo Play, "The Christmus Queen" .... Mrs. Myers' Class. Chorus, "The I'lince of Peace" ,'. . Miyi. Canadays" Class. Bringing of (lifts to the Cross Hymn, "Long Years Ago." ' Congregation. ! !. 'V- .v-i-t -irrv-.'- ' ' '' ' ?i At thitipae Cliristmas'we are glad to offer our est wishc.3 f) -and Jiopiia-tV all' 0iu friends. --. l?t lYiayi.youtvVjirisinias-iitie uu.unii you tuuiu wtsii ii iu uc, !a WyM'Hftpprosperousand'conteiited. ' f,-i Thi3'is dur' wisli'foti'you. . , ' i , , ,..-, . - ; ii . ' For the 32nd' successive year Merry Christmas 4 ' -A i -, I Jackson County Bank rasraas'aiaBa'aEjaicrci' Under both State and National supervision COAL! COAL! COAL! ROSSEAU COAL CO." $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 per ton delivered. Orders takeii" at 25 W. Main. Phone 934 l'lrst lljiptlst Mr. AValker, the First BaptiBt choir director, gives assurance that the second Christmas festival concert next Sunday evening will equal and in some ways surpass the one given j.last Sunday. It will be a new pro gram with the exceptions of two or three numbers .which will he repeated by Bpccial request. Following will be the order of service: " Hymn, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" : Congregation Anthem, ' Trowbridge, '"It Shall Come to Pass'' Paulino McNeill and Mr. Walker, soloists. (Special re quest.) ' - . v' t Soprano solo, Shelley, "Christmas" Mrs.' Newberry Scripture lesson : ' .. Mnle quartet, Jlerbort, "Nearer My tlod to Thee", Messrs. , Hoover, iPSatt, Barr, Walker. Carol, Abbott, "Christmas", Girls' chorus and Mrs. Leach (Request. Prayer, pastor.','-' -' ; . Schnecker, - "Ye Righteous King" Miss Steiner and Mr. AVUlker. ' .' Anthem, Marshall,' "See the Dawn from Heaven", Ladies' chorus. :' Announcements and offertory. ' Bass solo, Bonheur, "The City Di vine", Mr. Walker. -.. Ladies quartet, Ambrose. "One Sweet ly Solemn Tho'nght", Miss Davis Mrs. Newberry, Mrs. Neff, Miss Steiner (Special request). ' Christmas talk, "No Room In the Inn Rev. F. R. Leach. - - ' " Qarol anthem', INeldllnger "The Birth day of a King", Mr. Vawter, soloist Benediction. . At the morning service the two carol anthems, "Onoe In Bethlehem of Jude'a'' "and "Sing Through Al'l Jerusalem", will he sung. '.', SVMI'ATIIKTIO SKRVICK , Rendered In a Quiet Dlgn'Tied manner at . . , .. THE PERL FUNERAL HOME Your loved one is' taken Into the Home where there Is always some one with them. Our Reside ice Is on the Second Flour. We are Licensed Embalmers and are prepared to make shipment to any part of the United Slates or Foreign .Countries. We will take complete charge of any Service and make all arrangements, t. IjiiH- Assistant. ' Plume 47. Corner of Sifli nnt Onkd.ilo. 'One bl(k nest uf INislofflie. Cut This Out U Im Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with tfc and mail it to Foley & Cf., 2S35 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly., You will receive In return a trial package containing Fqley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains in sides and back; rheumatism back ache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing ca thartic for constipation, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. YOU CAN GET MOST ANY OLD THING AT MOST ANY OLD TIME AT DE VOE'S ' ToCureaCold in One Day Taka Grave's Laxative Be sure its Bromo . . MM The genuine bean this signature i- 30c. , U. S. Army Gdods NEW AND RECLAIMED At Medford, Oregon 31 South Front St. : , We have a complete Jlno of U. S. Army 0. D. New Wool Blankets ..........$5.50 and up Shirts, New and Reclaimed, for ..$3.25 and up llnlncontB, Overcoats, Kelts, Coutu, Breeches, ITKlns, Shelter Jfnlf Tcntu Ponchoes, Slickers, Clips, and u com plete lino of Army Ci'oods. Complete Line of Canned Meats Reclaimed Army Shoes U. S. Army Store Company Spotless, sterile, ; clean wltcn we DRY CLEAN the garments. Master Dyers and Cleaners CHRISTMAS' 1920 '::'':fS3fe .-..1 IN BEAUTIFUL AND PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS WE SUGGEST i- THE FOLLOWING: FOR THE MEN: Fountniii pens nil slvles timl jiriccs. ViH'imin liiilllt'S Atisco CiiniiTits SitlVty Knzdi's Cilii'llc, Anlii sli'iip, ticiii,' Kvt'i'ili'.'iy, Dtii' 1 in in Duplex mill titlii'i's. Lc'itlicr (Itnnks In Hill Hooks, I'ockt'l 1 Snobs, t'lird (.'uses, t'U. Shiiviiit; nci'i'ssoi'it'.s in tSotip. Tnli's. nttvl liotions, Ktu., FOR THE LADY: 'White Ivory (Jomls In Mir rors, lirnslies, CoiiiIim, 'I'l'iiys, I 'n ft' nnd Powder Hoxes, ett:. MniiitMiro Sets nnd l!e(iiisites ' of nil 1 ti ids. I'erl'iinies In DjerKiss, llon lii'niils, I'liltner's, llntlniils, I'ivi't's, elfi, , . Toilet Witti'i's, DoiiK'xtic nnd imported All odors . mill prices. Fountain Pens (lold handed and plain. Anseo Cameras All sizes and prices. , Majiienring Uotpiisites In va- rioly. -. . ISox Stationery in Holiday . and plain designs. ' COME IN AND GIVE US THE "ONCE-OVER" .mW. XJMtl,,'? I' tin ,t'iMl,-:i; AyffTTT?rrT Courtesy Cor. Central and Main Sts. HARMACY Service ii $ in n ' work -does f The Gletrac Way Makes rarmmg ray v' fTheCIetrac replaces four - to - eight animals, saves their care and feed bills inore kinds of work, more days a year. It speeds up every farm job plowing, harrowing, fitting,1; fliarvesting, threshing, silo filling, road building, shelling; ji '1 : corn and sawing wood. Puts more acres un.4ex cultivation :'A, jand helps produce bigger crops - .' 4w . I ' .(Nothing stops the Cletrac It travels-easily on its broacI.v); -, tnetal. tracks over soft, rough or hilly ground goes any'-' . ) '" where, any time. Burns kerosene or distilldtir pcrfectly-r 'y:A- ''' land a boy can run it. ' : 'f' , iCome in and look the Cletrac over. 1 See for yourself its iSturdy construction. Let us show you what it will do for' - ' you on your pyn farm. , " " " " ' HUBBARD BROTHERS Licensed CITY SCAVENQIR All ,rtma ImioMtntety ramoTotl 01 hort nnilm WMklf Tlall In rt ivac dlatrlcta. ' Ua.Hr bailnaaa dl trlot. rnon WillTSKlT JKNNINGS The Medford Auto Paint Shop v (Regl.iteretl) . . General Motor Car lleflnlsliliifc H. Centrul & Javkauo, ' Phono 701 1 GOOD CLOTH ICS I Make Them KLEIN US Eaat Stein Bt, tarn TAILOH ;,7 ! l' Jj: