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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1920)
MfitVFOtin MATL TRTBUNTC, MFDFORD, OREOON", SATURDAY, JUNE 1920. ?A(1E FIVE t P Page-Dressier Co. I .Phone 282 Nash Block , Medford In this list of homes there are 1 many new listings. Look this over carefully. The past week has been very active, many homes being sold. 1 Small suburban home on Kings Highway. Five-room cottage, well aarage. Nearly one acre, all level. i Price $1500. 2. Two-storv house with modern conveniences. Close in location. This is very well built and in aood condi tion. ' Price $2500. Good terms. 3. Four-room modern bunaalow with sleeping porch. Nice garden. Lot 50x215. Price 1700.00. 4. Four-room modern cottage, nice fixtures, two sleeoino norches. cabinet kitchen. Lot 75x120. Price t $2200.00. 5. Five-room modern bungalow. Large lot. Shade trees, cement ' walks. Paving all paid. Price $3000. i B. Six-room modern bunaalow. maple floors, garaqe, cement walks. Price $3000. 7, Well built six-room bunaalow with, modern conveniences. Price $2100 plus street improvements. Reasonable terms. ' - 8. ' Modern hunqalow of five rooms lot 60x120. Very best of garden around. Several fruit trees. Price $2250. 9. Six-room Plastered, fire Price $3000. modern bunqalow. place, large rooms. 11. Six room, storv and a half house. This Is in east Medford. Price $2250. , ' - 12. ' Fvie-room bungalow, newlv painted and tinted. Garden. spot, strawberry patch. Very deep lot. Proce $2700. 13. Seven-room house, plastered, east front. Paving all paid. Price $3000.. ' 14. Modern six-room bungalow. East front. Large garage. Price tannn " 15. ' Modern five-room cottage. Stone foundation. Price $1600. 16. Five-room bunqalow cottage. Garage.' woodshed, sleeping porch. Nice lawn. Price $3150. 17. Nicely finished six-room mod ern bunqalow. East front, garage. Price $4150. This covers furniture. 18. Nine-room, two story house with modern conveniences.. Fine lawn and shrubbery. This is a fine cor ner lot. Price $4000. 19. Modern six-room bungalow on east side. Paving all paid. Prioe $3000. 20. ' Five-room modern cottage. Priced 1 500: All clear. 21 Five-room plastered house, newlv finished. Very large lot. Price $3000. ; 22. Five-room plastered house, with bath. Price $1200. 23. Modern bungalow In splendid condition. Good lawn, wood house, special water system for watering lawn. Price $2500. 24. Well finished eight-room mod ern home. Very fine garden soil. Shade and fruit trees. This is lo cated on the east side. Price $5000. 25. Seven-room modem bunga low. Hardwood floors. Three slcep ina rooms upstairs. Pavinq all paid. This is a very attractive home in a very desirable location. Price $5500. Paving all paid. 26. Modern six-room bungalow. Nice lawn and shade trees. Large porches. Price, completely furnish ed. $8,000. 27. Two-story, six-room modern house. . Lot one hundred feet'square. Large lawn and walks. Price $2750. 28. Five-room modern bunqalow, fireplace, ail newly finished Inside. Nlce lawn. Price $3300, covering tall street assessments. 29. Six-room modern bungalow. Price $2600. 30. Seven-room modern house. East front, nice lawn., shade trees. This is located in a good residential district. Price $2100. 31. Five-room modern bunaalow woodhouse. chicken house. Price $2100. . 32. Verv attractive modern five room bunaalow. Manv built in lea tures. Fireplace. East front. Fully furnished; Price $3500. 33. six-room moaern oungaicw, r i r-'. i . I... !il ! rireuraue, many uum, in icaimca. Cabinet kitchen. Paving 'all paid. Price $2700. 34. Modern up-to-tiate seven room bunaalow. Many huilt-in fea tures Well finished and in first class condition. Large lot. Price $3000. 35. Five-room modern cottap Everything clear. Price $1800. 36. Modern five-room cottage. South front, lawn, garden. All clear. Price $2000. . 37. Modern storv and a half bungalow. Woodhouse and aarage. Lawn, east front. Price $4000. '38. Modern five-room bungalow, all large rooms. Oak floors. wiMd for electric heat. All street assess ments clear. Price $4500. ' To accommodate those employed we are pleased to show properties evenings and Sundays. Phone or call and make appointment. Page-Dressier Co. THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE ANY KIND OF REAL ESTATE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Special, 1920 Chevro let, extra tire and license price $S50. Late J919 Oakland, license, extra tire. Price $1000, with terras. Seely V. Hall Motor Co. FOR SALE 1918 Davis Six automo bile, by owner. P. L. Freed, Rogue River, Ore., R. F. (p. 1. 6S FOR SALE 1918 seven passenger Buick. Will take Rood small car In exchange. 723 West Thirteenth street. lili WE HAVE JUST THE CAR here for you to make a bug out of. Power ful and low to the ground. Mc-Cnrdy-Bowne Motor Co. 65 CHEVROLET brought in July 1919 in excellent shape. McCurdy Bowne Motor Co. 65 WANTED To trade branc new six cylinder car for house and lot. City property. Clark & Childers. FOR SALE 1916 Dodge touring car, 'excellent condition, at a bargain. Phone 731-Y. FOR SALE Ford bug, fine mechan ical condition; some accessories, $375. Pickens Motor Co. WANTED Automobiles for repair by expert auto mechanic. Clark & Childers, opp. Nat. Phone 26. 336 FOR SALE Used Maxwell five-passenger car. Good condition. Price $4 00. Page Dressier- Co., Nash Block. ' ' WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 83 Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 Nash Block MEDFORD . 1. 40 acres with fair improve ments located In the best part of the Ross Lane district, price $14,000. ' 2. 240 acres, 80 acres in corn and grain. 70 acres in alfalfa. Water right fully paid. This will pro duce a very heavy crop of alfalfa this year. The price, $24,000. 3. Located on Pacific Highway, very attractive property consisting of 200 acres. One-half of this is in cultivation and under water. Price $25,000. ,' 4. 70 acres located west of Tal ent. Fine modern home.: Good barn. There are 45 acres in cultivation, 20 to 25 acres in alfalfa. Family or chard. Some wood land. Price $20.- ,, 5. 40 acres of produclna orchard. The property consists of 80 acres with water right. There will be a very good crop this year. $20,000. 6. 40 'acres all under water and in cultivation. This is verv fine land. and the water right is fully paid. A very desirable property. Price $7500. 7. . Located on Pacific Highway, 22 acres, of which 18 acres are fine bottom land. 6 acres bearing pears, 8 acres apples. Good five-room bung alow and barn. This would make a very nice home, and only one mile from Medford. Price $10,000. 8. Bcarina orchard of 40 acres. Very fine soil. This property can be irrigated. Fair improvements. Very fine crop setting. Price. $12,000; 9. On Pacific Highway. 20 acres of verv flood land, but not In crop (at the present time.. The adjoining property is held at $300 per acre. Wc can sell this for $150 per acre. 10. Verv desirable property of 20 acres, with 17 acres in alfalfa. Fine modern home, completely furnished Electric pumping system. Located near Highway. Good barn, chicken house. Price $13,000. i . II. Fine fruit and alfalfa ranch, onsistino of 22 acres. Nice home Fine crop for this year. Price $18, 000. 12. 20 acres located one mile from Phoenix. 17 acres in hearing orchard in first class condition. The soil is of the very best, and well drained. The Improvements consist of a mod ern 7-room home with full concrete basement, heatinq plant, private water system... lighting... system,.. In., fact everything is very complete. The grounds are beautifully terraced, concrete retaining walls, larqe quan tity of oak trees, roses and shrubbery. Fair sized barn. Well with a gas motor pumping plant. This is one of the most desirable orchard homes in the valley. Price $15,000. , To accommodate those employed, we are pleased to show properties evenings and Sundays. Phone or call and make appointment. Page-Dressier Co. THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE ANY KIND OF REAL ESTATE HELP WASTED FEMALE WANTED Girl or woman for gen eral hoiiso work. Phone 7.",0-X. 69 WANTED Young girl to assist in housework. No cooking. Phone 540. , 60 WANTED Woman or girl to do housework, three in family. A good homo. Phone 452-H. 69 WANTED Cook for family of two. No children. Rogue River Valley Canal Co. WANTED Girl to attend cigar stand Hotel Medford. WANTED Woman cook, G to 8 men to cook for. Apply Oregon Granite Co., 103 East Sixth street. 6." WANTED Waitresses at Rex Cafe. SIS per week. tf HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Thinners to begin work June 7th. . Phone 202 or 136-R. Court Hall. .. . WANTED; Truck driver at Valley Fuel Co. 66 WANTED Teamster. Phone 64. WANTED Ranch help. Phone Mira- vista Orchard 597-J-3. WANTED Boy thinners. Apply Bardwell Fruit Co. Phone 124. 66 WANTED All classes of construc tion men. $5.00 for common la bor, other wages in proportion. Steady work for a year. Rogue River Valley Canal Co. ' WANTED To hire steady ranch man. Phone 591-J-2. C. W. Isaacs. WANTED-Mon near Rogue River, going wages; reasonable board. Schell & Calvert, Contractors. WANTED Teams and men, Moon & Co.. near Port Orford, Curry coun ty. -Teams $10.00 per day; Cali fornia hay and grain, nay $j4.uu per ton, grain $72. Good men $5.00 per day; board $1.10; work road construction. Moon & Co. 70 WANTED Carpenter work, contract or by the day; estimates lurmsnea tree. Call Carpenter, phone 931. ' 67 Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 Nash Block East Main St.. Medford. Are You Looking for an Investment? THIS ONE IS. SAFE SOUND SURE , . ....J-IT-'S AN ..-V.-".;-:.'- APARTMENT- HOUSE THIRTY TWO-ROOM SUITES INCOME '. OVER $400 MONTHLY SEVEN BATH ROdMS ELECTRICITY AND GAS HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEM EVERY APARTMENT HAS A GAS RANGE THIS BUILDING ALONE COULD NOT BE . . CONSTRUCTED FOR . $25,000 THE LOT WILL BE WORTH . $10,000.00 WITHIN 24 MONTHS NOW PAYING 33 1-3 PER CENT GROSS ; FOR QUICK SALE THE PRICE $15,000.00 NOTE - Medford cannot care for the people here now, The coming year will prove extremely profitable for an apartment house of this Jana This offers a very attractive income. No waiting. No uncertainty. Very easy terms Page-Dressier Co, THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE ANY KIND OF REAL ESTATE WANTED A COUNTRY GENTLEMAN To buy 160 acres for $15,000, an Irrigated alfalfa, stock and fruit ranch. , It is ideally locate!, three-quarters mllo frorttage along paved Pacific Highway and Rogue river. In tho sconic canyon be tween Qold Hill and Grants Pass. JUST UOK FOR THE MOST I1KAUTIKUL HOMESITE, That Is 'It." House on knoll In TUIOVK OK MAGNIFICENT OAKS Land a fine loam, gently sloping to highway.' Eighty acres, nearly level, In cultivation. Ten acres In alfalfa. Ten- acres In,, pears. Balance in grain, i One hundred acres under new ditch with district water rights. Some timber. Good out rango. Good hunt ing, good fishing. When Irrigated this will make one of the best stock ranches In Jackson county, and worth $50,000. See us now, and buy at present prices. PRICK $15,000 GOOD TERMS. , ROGUE RIVER W. M, Holmes. Xh Uornor. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Will take car ot children w.hile the' mother works. Inquire 635 Palm street. , 69 WANTED Sheep to shear by expert sheep shearer. .Mr. Raby, Riverside Apartments. . . , 69 WANTED Married man wants steady work on farm or would like to rent one furnished. Can leave here in August. P. G. Deubev. Brothers, Oregon. 7-' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A set of Rook of Know ledge, must be little used.' Med ford Book Store. 6S WANTED Reliable person to caro for four year old girl for summer. Answer Box 61, Mail Tribune. 65 FOR SALE Cheap, threo light spring wagons good - as new. Walsh's place on Iloss Lane, two miles northwest of Medford. SS WANTED Washings, 35c per dozen. 337 West Holly street, coiner of Oak. 67 WANTED Carload or barley or oats, Rogue River Valley Canal Co. WANTED Parties to contract thin ning. Phone Mlravista Orchard. 597-J-3. WANTED To rent strictly modern 5 or 6 room, bungalow; must be first class, or t or 4 room apart ment. Phone ISO. WANTED Logging teams. Call L. W. Stausell, phone 685-R-4. WANTED Ten tons of grain hay. L. W. Stansell, phone C85-R-4. WANTED Good clean rags, ford Printing Co. Med- W ANTED -900 lawn mowers to sharpen on our new grinder. Lib erty Repair Shop. Phone 261-J. ' WANTED Carpet , weaving and cleaning. 201 South Riverside. Phone 356-J, Fluff Rug Factory. WANTEDHouae movm and re- pairing. Phone 488-M or 48R-X. tf TAKEN UP TAKEN UP And placed in pound, five bay horses, one black Shetland maro pony, one bay horse with 4 white feet having bell on, one bay horse with box brand' on right shoulder. Chief of Police. 6 TAKEN UP One. , brown , horse, branded A on right shoulder. One bay horse, very breecliy, no brand Owner can have samo by paying for this ad and damages.' Margrei ter Ranch, 3 'A miles south Jack sonville. , 6 s FOR RENT FURHISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for working wonion; reason able. Inquire 635 Palm street. 69 FOR RENT Front .room. Phone 041-H. , 67 FOR RENT TufnTsBeff" front bed; room In private home. Young man preferred. 520 South Central. Phone 936-1,. FOR RENT Two bedrooms, $2.00 a week. 334 Apple street. 1 blocks north of Dow Hospital. 66 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Six room house and four lots, barn and chicken house, $10 a month. 620 Hamilton. Phone 217-X.' ' 11 " 06 FOR RENT1 A five room modorn bungalow, furnished. South Oak dale. Phone 34 9-Y. 64 FOR RENT nOtrSEKEEFDJa ROOMS FOR RENT Modem housekeeping rooms, upstair. 345-Norlh Bart lott. ' . 68' FOR REJiT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Brick stores and brick rooming houses on West Main street. Best location. John F.. White. '''.."' 69 Brown & White - ' r ' i 5-room m6dorn bungalow, furnish ed, garage, wood shed, $2025.00. 6-room modern houBe, furnished, woodshed and store room, $2625.00. 5 rooms all modem conveniences, furnished, garage, etc., $2000.00. .' Some splendid modern bungalow homes, S and 6 rooms, priced from $2800.00 to $4200.00. A new strictly modern G-room bun galow with all built in features, all kinds ot outbuildings, 2 'As acres ground all In cultivation, and set to pear trees. This Is close in and very attractive, part cash and easy terms, $5'9u0.00. Brown & Whitel Holland Hotel Building LAND COMPANY Phone .129. .1. C. Rnrnei BUSINESS OP1-OKTUNITIES GOOD CHANCE to. get started in growing business for hustler with small capital. Can pay up out of proceeds. Present owner will help with work and ndvlce. See Gay lord, Medford Nat. 66 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Sly present home at 229 Annto street. Seven rooms and bath, neautlful lot with six large English walnut trees, ono large chestnut and one cherry tree, 1 1 choice rose bushes in parking. Large garden spot and chicken yard. Small house on back of lot that can be used for garage. Close to High school and only 214 blocks from .Main strict. FOR SALE Modern five room bun galow $2100. All assessments paid. Address A. L., care Tri bune. Ou FOR SALE Seven acres all in crop. Fine modern seven room house, elevated tank. Garage and wood shed. Central Point. For particu. lars see or phone J. W. Wakefield 69' FOR SALE Three room house, good lot. Terms. $350. Five room cottago on pavement, clear. 1700. Five room house, screen porch, on pavement. Clear. $2000. Six . room house on pavement, garage, clear. Terms. $2250. Seven room bouse on pavement. . Clear. 'Terms. $4.00. jj Five room modern bungalo . screen porch, pavement. Clear. $3250. Two story eight room house, fur nished very complete; good shade, scrcon porch, on pavement. $3750. C. S. Buttcrflold. 65 FOR SALE At a big bargain, lis acres ot land, 25 in cultivation, S acres in com, tho balance in wild oats and wheat: crop goes with piaco if taken before harvest. Good water. Close to school. Price $2600. See S. F. Coy on ranch at Eagle Point, or his agents, Brown & White. 49 FOIl SALE 13 ncre ranch, good nl- falfa ground, with house and barn Apply to ownor, Mrs. Kate Walton Routo 1. ...... 68 FOR SALE At a sacrifice five room . modorn bungalow, plastered, ce ment foundation., barn, garage woodshed, lot 50x163. Berries, fruit trees, good garden. Will give furniture to purchaser. Assess ments all pnid. Terms. 910 West Eleventh street. .66 FOR SALE 40 acre ranch in Sams Valley. Now modern bungalow large barn, 60-ton silo. The land is the best grain land and has fine crop this year. The buildings are worth the price, $4500. Fox & Tex, Central Point, Ore. 68 FOR SALE Here's your chance; 80 acre ranch, four miles from Hilt, taut., 15 acres grain, bearing orch ard, good five room house, barn etc. Fenced and cross-fenced; ;. plenty of . wood; stock-rangu; good water, $2000. $1100 cash, long time on balance. Reason for sell ing, have another ranch near vi rile me. William B. Norrls, Hilt Calif. 69 REAL ESTATE for lease and ex change. Gold Ray Realty Co. tf FOR SALE Who wants 120 acres of .-land near Rogue River. Price $10 . per acre. For particulars apply owner, L. E. Whiting, 1032 Ste- .... phens street, Portland, Ore. 65 FOR SALE Farm, 154 acres, on Ap- plegato, bIx miles above Murphy, Oregon, all under good wire fence, 100 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, easily cleared. Water right to Irrigate eight acres, good house and barn, 00-acres in wheat 20 acres In-corn, most all level -' lrihd: V4' mile to school house, dally R. F. D. mall; pumping plant :.can'be installed at reasonable cost , to irrigate 00 acres. Address or call on W. S. Bailey. Murphy, Ore. Route 1. 67 FOR SALE Four room cottago, lot 60x220. 1059 Court street. Sell .on monthly payment plan. See J W. Wakefield, Palm Block. FOR SALE Small fruit and chickeu ranch, cIobo in. Answer Box E. J., Mail Tribune. 66 FOR SALE Bungalow with five rooms, screen porch, built In fea tures, beam ceilings; . on paved street, all assessments paid In full Bennett Investment Company. UY RANCHES FROM OWNER, OoM Ray Realty Co. Save money. FOR SALE A business proposition haying a net Income of 24 per cent on Investment. Apartment houso with five three-room apartments, five single sleeping rooms, besides four rooms for owner's living rooms; steam heating plant; hot . and cold water thruout; garage room for five cars. Will soil com pletely furnished. Investigate this Bennett Investment company, 102 West Main street. PROCRASTINATION Is the THIEF of TIME YOU WILL AWAKE to the FACT you ARE too LATE ACT NOW . i $4000 buys fine modern home and five acrtes nine-year orchard, right u against Medford, one block from pav Ing. $4000 bays 160 acres, well im proved, Irrigation for 75 acres, crops machinery, stock all goes If sold a once. $4000 buys fine eight room mod orn'home, must bo seen to be appro elated. NOW SEE IS NOW FOR BARGAINS BIG A VI I MTTI.K HURD LAND & INVEST MENT CO. 411-13 M. F, II. Illdg., Medford, Ore, FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 'OR SALE First class cow. 4 King street. 66 FOR, SALE Two yearling heifers. one fresh, also calves, cheap. Har vey Rucker, Griffin Creek, li. R. 1 70 FOR SALE Team norses weight about 2100. Price $12."), or will trude for one large horse or good milk cow. Frank Scherrer, throe miles west of Phoenix, on Coleman creek, or address Medford, R. 4. Hox 30. 6 FOR SALE Brown mare nine years old, sound and true, weight L40 You take no chances. Here is n beauty. Phone 365-R-2. 67 FOIl SALE Two largo sows and 16 pigs. $6 0. Near F. -Houston, on Trull road. 68 OH SALE .Milch Ront and three kids. Prico $75.00. 113 South Laurel. 65 FOR SALE A few fresh milk cows, officially tested. Halt mile south of Medford on Adkins place, Schulz Bros. 66 FOR SALE A good seven year old work horso weighing 1500 pounds Call 830 Bennett street. Phone 263-L. 66 FOR SALE Four beautiful fresh cows, production six gallons eacii per day. Walsh's Place, on Ross ljine, two miles northwest ot Med ford. - 68 FOR SALE Cheap, two dandy sad dle horses, two driving and work horses. Walsh's place on Ross Lane, two miles northwest of Med ford. - 70 FOR SALE POCWK1 AND EGGS FOR SALE Flvo weeks old cock erels cheap; good breeding stock Sirs. F. II. Dressier. 6i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Alfalfa, grain, orchards, stock ranches and timber tracts; easy terms; some less . than as sessed vnliio. Gold Ruy Realty Co. owners.' 65" FOR LEASE OR SALE Sawmill and timber. Gold Ray Realty Co. I 65 'OR SALE Fine steel range with colls, washing machine, wringer. lawn mowor, pitcher pump nnd pipe. Phono 862-Y. 70 FOR SALE Refrlgorntor, threo porch chairs, garden plow. Call nt 737 West Jackson, .. 66 FOR SALE Hod (lavonport, good condition. Phono 532-J or 892-Mi FOR SALE Used clothes nnd all kinds ot stuff.. 203 South Front street. , 66 FOR SALE- Brunswick and records, practically new. Toledo range excellent condition. 715 West Jackson, telophono 887-Y. 66 FOR SALE 11 thousand shlnglos, hand shave, $8.00 por. 23 thou sand shakes, $15.00 per. Butte Falls. W. C. Schneider & Cobleigh 69 FOR SALE About 20 acres fine alfalfa hay In shock. Ross Lane Phone 788-J-l. 66 FOR SALE 50 gal. gasoline tank steel spring cot, drophead sewing machine good order. Some an tiqucs. Douglas, 101 South Cen tral. Phono 615-J. FOR SALE One 4000 gallon iron tank in good order, price $75.00 It. KelBon, 236 South . Central Phono 256-J. ... 66 FOR SALE CarpetB and rugs, oak hall seat and rack; quarter-sawed oak sideboard; combination book case and writing dosk, dining table, kitchen cabinet, child s Iron bed bedroom suite. Othor articles Phone 334-R. 806 West Main. 66 FOR SALE .3000 gallon tank, wind mill and pump; a peo ples Electric Store. FOR SALE $90 quarter sawed oak buffet for $u0. Quart and two- (iiiart Mason jars. Call 81a Ben nett avenue. No phone. 65 FOR SALE Clean a'.falfa In the field. Ernest Webb, Central, Point Phone 247. 67 FOR SALE Balcony and stairs. Will tit in any store. Also 40 running feet glass panel partition, Medford Book Store. . Ob FOR SALE Sana, rravel. sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phrae 912-J, Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple street. FARM LOANS PAY OFF YOUR OLD MORTGAGE on your farm or orchard by replac ing your loan with us on the ex tended payment plan at 6 Inter est. McCurdy Insurance Agency. - tf Brown & White Holland Hotel Building One acre, every Inch under cultiva tion, fruit, berries and garden, elty water, electricity, etc., a fine, well built plastered small house, and all kinds of outbuildings. Price Is $1500. 10 acres on the paved highway, good buildings, Irrigation, fruit, ber ries, ciover, alfalfa and grain all do well on this property. Price today is $5250. 25 acres, good 5 room .plastered bouse, good barn, etc., 10 acres la corn. Price $3200., 10 acres, mostly In boarlng fruit, nice 5 room modern bungalow home completely furnished, good barn, chicken houses, wood shed, . tank house, $3500. BROWN & WHITE HQLIfANp flOTEIi BUUppfQ ' LOST LOST Small boys- uiuo serge coat. near Washington school. Return to 236 South Oakdale. Mrs. Boyle. 65 MONEY TO LOAN- TO LOAN .1. u. Andrews loans money on real estate and buys mnrtguges and Liberty bonds. Phone 53-.M. 31 North Grape street. MISCELLANEOUS. JUST ARRIVED A largo shipment of wool socks; fleece twino for salo chenp. We ore also in tho market for both wool nnd niohnir. John son's. 45 South Front. Phone 302. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors. MURRAY PROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Cuthbert Bldg., Rooms 3 and 5, North Central Ave. Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING ' CO. Wo are operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys, ELIJAH II. HURD I.awyor, 411-15 M. F. & II. Bldg., Medford. PORTER J. NEKF Attornoy-at-law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnett- Corcy Building. O. C. BOGGS Real estate law and settlement of estates a specialty. Hlncksiiilthlng. MEDFORD BLACKSMITH 81IOP All kinds of auto blacksmtthlng. Springs guaranteed. Portland prices. 118 South Bartlett street. Phono 183-J. Building Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK : BLOCK WORKS specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir nnd Tenth streets. 25J Civil EnRlncor. CHARLES A. NUTTER Civil, mu nicipal and hydraulic engineer, 26 years practice. City surveys, plans nnd specifications for water and sewer systems. Sectional surveys, land appraising, timber cruising, drainage and irrigation. Ataping nnd blueprinting. Office and resi dence 826 South Central avenue. 80 i'i Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given to anything In Accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. M. F. & II. Building, Medford. Phone 157-R. ' Instruction in Music, FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ot piano and harmony, - Height Musia studio, 818 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phone 72. . Mineral Haths. MINERAL BATHS Dr.. Hawley, Chi ropractic Physician, First National Bank Building. Entrance, room 5, Ashland, Oregon. . ' ' ' - Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A, BURKLUND CHIROPRAC TIC SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS. ; Bt. Mark's Bldg, Tol. 454. , . " DR. J. J. Emmens PhyBlolRn and surgeon. Practice limited- to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sun piled. . Oculist and Aurist for S. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Co. ,Bldg. Phone 567. . DR. V. 0. CARLOW DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS , 416-41-7 Oar-aett-Corey Bldg.., Phone 904-L. Residence 26 9. Laurel Street., DR. McMORRlS M. DOW, Thyslclan and Surgeon Practice limited t6 surgery and hospital obstetrics. Special attention given to diseases of women. Offices 306-7 TA. F. & II. Bldg. Ros!dcnce,,tho Dow Hos. pltal. -i Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. 'Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, . etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Transfer EAD8 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Of fleet 2 North Front St. Phono 315. Prices right. Sorvico guar anteed. '-' Undertakers. POIIX A. PERL Undertaker Phone M 47 and 47-J-2. 28 South Bartlett. Lady assistant. Auto mobile Hearse Service. Auto Am bulance Service.' Coroner. ' Lodge. L O. O. F. Medford loa N9. !, Meets every Monday nlfht at 7:19, a T. Parker, N, O., W. U Miller, aeere tary. Rogue Rlrer Encampment Ho. t Hets M and 4th Frtdeya at 7:19 9. rn. gemnel Bateman. C. P L. O. How. ard. eoribe. Olive Rbekata loflje No. ll--Mta let afld Ird Tuesdays at I m. Nn nl Hull. N. U., Annie J, Bateuaa, keoretary. visitors oordlally Invites to all meetings, """ 1 1 '"