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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1920)
P3TH5 TW9 H.EDFOKT) MATL " TRIBUNE, 'MEDFOftD.". OREf)ONT, MONDAY, MAY 31, 1fl2A. wcd'Briefs Notwithstanding tlio Hatred ulenif Icance of Memorial day few f Iuks were flying from tho flag poles of the city before noon, and some of those were not at half mast, including the Washington school flag. On the roll of honor might be mentioned tho fed eral building, the Hotel Medford, the Unlrorslty club, the Klks club, the Standard Oil service station, and the Mail Tribune. The city government was the most conspicuous offender ' no flags flying from the poles In the city hall and in tho city park until late In. the forenoon after tho Amer ican Legion had called Mayor Gates attention to the lack of flags.. , American Legion members report in uniform City Park Monday ut 1:30 P. hi, . " During the gasoline.crlsis why not drlTO an Overland arid average 25 miles to the gallon of hub. ' 05 Delegations from the G. A. K., the W. It. C. and the American Legion post met at the cemetery at 10:80 p. m. .today and decorated tMe graves of depurted eoldleru with flowers and flaga. The tribute closed with the salute to tho dead fired by Company '.D- ' Coffee has arrived. 3 "lbs. J 1 . I ruu DIUIU. Ul j Salt for hay and stock. Good qual ity and nr(ce right. Karm Ilureati Exchange. ': ' A light frost is predicted for 'to night and fair weather for Tuesday. .wha$ wood would Willy try? He would oall up 70 and say: Send gome 'wood to Willy Wood,- of cotirso he would, because their wood is th cheapest wood that Willy Wood could . buy. Valley Fuel Co. fli We sell tires and accessories for less Save money by" paying cash at McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co. 65 Guests from a dlstnnce at the Hoi land are Lillian C. Griffin of Atlanta -Ga., Mrs- C. Hamilton of Labam Wash. i and JN. Brittaln of Seattle. Coffee week at Truax storo. M. J ,B. , Golden WeBt, Golden Star, Gol ' den Gate, Schilling's, Folger's Com- ' rarin Tlllmnn Randal's Aromatic brand, all at reduced prices, and three Ills, of our fine blend in hulk at ti. :. 04 - Dance at Trail Saturday, June 6. Music by Majestic drcheotra. 04 . Ben B. Forbes of Medford, assis tant In the public service department ".of the state public service commls jslon, has been promoted to official ireportod of the commission at a sal ary of $2000 per yoar, and W. P. Kills who has been connected with the commission for tho past six years '.as reporter and examiner, has been appointed secretary of the body, to (succeed Ed Wright, recently resigned. . Koai nomo maae sorgnuin ni Hutchison & Lumsdon. ' Your cash is worth more at lie Curdy-llowno's In Gates's old storo .as wo give a discount on tires and ac cessories for cash. .65 i . Tho city council will now its mm regular hiuuliuk ui uiu mwnui iu 'morrnw nlirlit. Three lbs. of our fine blend coffeo '1. Truax Storo. 04 Tho annual sonior reception will be held Tuosday evening, June 1st, at the natatorlum at 8:30. All alumni are cordially Invited to. attend, ' Mining men of this vicinity are iri- farnatnri In thn fnpt Hint ft dnill hllS boon consummated thru A. C. Stewart and sonio Seattle capitalists for the ; purchase of tho Cono Led go jnlno, three miles from Holland, In tho 'southern part of Josephine' 'county: Thin In mi nlii nrnnertv. having been worked from tho surfneo since 18(10. It is tho intontlon of tho purchasers 'to put modern equipment on the pro . perty, sink tho shatt ueopor anu ox tend tho 400-foot tunnel that Is. now on the property, with the Intontlon o cross-cutting tho main vein. Tho Cone Lodge Is right next to tho Bos- 'well mine, which Is a well known jro aucor. French paBtry and dainty confec tions made fresh daily at Rex Cafo. tf When gas le scarce you wont -worry If you have an Overland our average is zu nines to inu khiiwu. wa- Among Oregonlnns registered at the Medford yosterday "und this fore .noon are Mr. nnd Mrs. K. S. llall of iJalem, Georgo Sargent of Korhy and Cliff Wood, J. W. Hill, Kdward Jones, B. F. Shopherd and F. S. Songor of J'ortlund. . Jlnve Just Installed now electric Thor washer. Your washing done .promptly and efficiently. Mrs. Henry lturnctl.i. Talent. Ore. Box 113. 03 llemstlinhlni.. iin.-o::ng 10c per yard, thrend furnished. Expert op erator. Singor Shop, 10 South Fir i rant. CO , Willi all the stores and offices closed all day Medford was a very .quiet city, especially this forenoon, and few people wero seen on the streets. Kodak finishing. Good work, low est prices. Japanese Art Storo. ' ' Wo do hemstitching, plcoting. The Vanity Shop, next Rlulto theatre. ' The Elks picnic yosterday ut the Klks picnic grounds was not a huge success as far as the number attend ing and tho weather was concerned I.. .!..,. 1 ..1 .,ll..l,.,-a . I UBrJ KWIU auum n v .n.unn. .0 (he duy was enmy, ana ino wnui niai prevailed aionmmc river mow arounu uncomfortably the sand in which us kially the Klks bury all tho (mills or their brethren. Nevertheless those Present had a good time, and n mini ber of humorous stunts were pulled off In front of tho moving picture camera- . Q.nltnrv Beautv Shon. Garnott- Corey Dldg., rooms 406-407. Phone Jjll-R. General work. S4 Tru Blu cookies and crackers. Tho palace Grocery. '-I Medford, Ore. Many people went out of town Sat urday und Sunday to remain until to night or tomorrow morning. Fourteen tickets were sold at the depot Sunday morning for Gold Hill. Auto repairing M. J. Swing, with Hittson .Motors Auto Home, 2D South Front. All work guaranteed. tf The Boot Shop, Ashland, announces arrivals of whlto low shoes tor sum mer. Sport oxfords at $4.2!i and JTi.00.' Cloth pumps, military or French heels $6.50. Cloth oxfords $0.60 and $7.00. These in addition to all varieties pumps, ties and ox lords, brown or black. 01 The Oregon contingent of guests at the Holland registered Sunday and today included V. P. Johnson and son of Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson of Kerby, W. II. Chambers of Cleveland, Georgo A. Hyde and George U. Hood of Grants Pass, and the following from Port land: Mr. and Mrs. Bagnoy, Mr. and Mrs. Hemphill, J. E. Enyart and A. L, George. ,. Mill-run at the old price. Bardwel) Fruit Co. 02 V See Med for a Land A. Insurance Agency, successors to D. R. Wood & Co., Rm. 209 Liberty BIdg., for fire Insurance. ' tf Local autolstn are beginning ' to worry about the gasoline shortage situation. .'In. order to -prevent threatened gasoline shortage south ern California autoists have been placed on half rations. Orres, the ladles' tailor, will be at Hotel Holland every Thursday. Fine woolens, latest styles always. tf Roycroft leather, copper and Shef field plate for graduation gifts. Med ford Book Store. . . 00" Mrs. W. B. Waltermiro of PrOBpoct Is vlBitlng Mrs. Robert Reamed. She will return home Tuesday. For the Dest insurance see Holmes the Insurance Man. Do you want to save your curtains by washing and ironing them by the electric washer and lroner at Paul's Electric Store? We will do it or show you how. John T. Nollson of Iowa, former general manager of the flowden .min ing company, a defunct Arizona cor poration which operated the Bowden mine nonr Gold Hill nearly 20 years ago, has filed a suit In equity in the united States district court for Ore gon against tho city of Gold Hill for $25,000 with Interest from December 11102, and $4000 as attorney's fees. on a mortgage executed to the Bow den Mining company. The property involved includes the diverting works and canals - on Rogue river of both the city of Gold Hill and the Gold Hill Irrigation ' district. 'NgIIbou subse quent to his management of the con cern and the execution of tho mort gage, acquired the property Involved under an execution Issued out of the litute circuit court and Is endeavoring to foreclose the mortgage. Kodaks for graduation. Modford Book Storo. (10 Mrs. Paul Hanson, corsotlere for NuBone. Phone 58 5-J. Fishing Is rather poor Just now. hut nevertheless many Modford men woro out trying their luck Sunday and today at tho rlvor and other streams. Good fishing Ib expected In about two weeks whon all the snow water from the mountains hass pass ed off and the depth of the streams lias materially decreased. For eye, eat, nose, throat see Dr. Holne, Liberty Bldg. Olassos fitted. ' Your spring suit Dost woolens, reasonable prices. Klejn the Tailor, East Main, upstairs. Tho Fifth Oregon Infnntry of which Company D. of Medford is one of the units received last week from tho' United States government over $13,000 as pay for attending drills. Every man received from $22 to $31 nnd officers up to $200 for scrvlcos lor six months. It is expected that t,ho pay will bo more for the next six months. In, tho supply company, whore much extra work was dona' In distributing tho $500,000 worth of equipment, tho pay was as high as $07 to some of the non-commlsslouod officers and the inon received a mln iinunt of $32. Dolco-Llght Electricity for every rarm. .J. E. .Bartlett, Medford Hotel, Medford, Ore. Old phonographs ana records bought, sold and exchanged. Doug lass. 101 S. Central. Phono 615-J. At tho Medford are. the following guests from n distance: D. J. LeMonle of Jackson Mich., Mrs. Chns. C. Gil bort of Chicago. C. E. McDonald of Mobile, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. C. Wlnslow of Farmer City, 111., W. I). Llnnock of Newark, N. J., Jnmos G. llohn of Helena and R. C. Montgomery of Seattle, v Tablets and scratcl, pads made of news print, for school and office use for sale at this office. tf Singor Shop Quality counts. New nnd used machines sold or rentod. Expert repairing on all makes ma chines. Phone 215-R. 10 So. Fir. 00 60 Tim "Passing Show" company which appears at the Page tomorrow night In the local record breaking theatrical event of the year, will-arrive in the city on a special train to morrow afternoon from Chico, Calif. with three sleeping cars, a dining car and four 60-foot baggage cars. Carl Jeschke, high grade watch and cloc krepalrlng. 9 Fir Btreot. Why pay 26c for sugar whon you can buy home made sorghum for ISc at Hutchison ft Lumsdon. Fletcher Stout has resumed his du ties at tho West oido Pharmacy after a six weeks absence for tho benefit of his health. We are now hand:.iig Orchard Brand Spray materials, good quality, prices right. Farm Bureau Coopera tive Exchange. Phono 938. 69 Delco-Llght Electricity for every farm. J. E Bartlett, Medford Hotel, The baccalaureate service for the graduating clans of the high school at tho Page last night was much enjoyed by a largo audience. The program previously published was carried out, In tiie future, r. He-went by railroad and will' lie joined by his family In the near future. Altho Mr. Devaney has-been with us but a short time he has made u number of warm friends and Rev. J. R. Sasnett delivered the j hero who regret very- much to lose serdion. The senior class party will be held tomorrow night and the com mencement exercises Thursday night. Economize by using scratch pads tor use. Get them at this office, tf Ladles' and men's suits thoroughly cleaned, $1.50. City Cleaning & Dye ing Works, Phono 474. Awnings made to order and put up. All kinds of repairing. Douglas, 101 South Central. Phone 615-J. Orres, .tailors for men and women. High grade only. Ashland, Ore. , . About 280,000 ground squirrels are going to meet their fate this year southern Oregon, including Jack son county. Tempting looking grain, flavored with strychnin will do the work.. Ira N. Gabrlelson, assistant United States biologist In the coope atlve rodent control work, bases hli figures upon the number that were poisoned last year In the souther part of the state. Then 40.000 acres were poisoned, at an average of of seven squirrels to the acre. On some acres there were 200 squirrels and some acres there were 200 squi els found on two acres. Home made Rogue River brooms 75c at Hutchison & Lumsden. A complete line Tru Blu cakes and crackers at the Palace Grocery. iBroken forglngs and castingsall shapes, all metals, all sizes, welded, reinforced and guaranteed. Vulcan Welding Works, 39 South Front St, The Cbamser or. Commerce la clearing honse for commnnlty thought and action. Join Company D members are Interest cu In going to the annual National Guard camp at Camp Lewis with, full attendance. The attendance i National Guard troops from Oregon at the training term to be given in July must equal 80 per cent of each unit in order to draw federal pay This is. a very heavy federal percen tage, however, under the clrcum stances, and tho pay will probably come from the Oregon militia fund which will be not to exceed $2 a day for privates. The federal govern luent will supply the transportation tents, rutlons, instruction, otc. Houses for sale. Jackson County Building & Loan association. . We are not satisfied unless you are. City Cleaning and Dyeing works, 401 South Riverside. Phone 474. Lithla mineral water has great me dicinal value. Phone 51. Jackson County Crenmory; All kinds dry wood and mill blocks, phono 859 or 619-J. Ray Blackburn. Callfomlans .at the Medford are 11. E. Dunning of Los Angeles, V. M Conover, 8. P. Thompson and .1. W Sclioenfeld of Son Francisco, Lester March and L. W. Gardner of Horn brook, and T. A. Uoseborry of Duns- mulr. Pure homo made sorghum 18c at Hutchison & Lumsdon Home-made bread and pastry fresh dally at Rex Cafe. tf Havo you tried the Lithla mineral water? If not call the bottling de partment of tho Jackson County Creamery and get a sample free, Wanted Beer ana pop bottles nt DOVoe's, EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Bt A. C Rtfiflett. When I wote my lust letter for tho Mall Tribune and had reached what I thought was about the limit of the editor's patience on account of' its longth I just stopped and so will give in this some of the happenings of the day I wroto, Wednesday. . Mr. and Mrs. John Norrls, the fore man on the J. M. Wllfley orchard were business callers. Mr. and Mrs. Woods of San Fran cisco wero among tho diners at tho Sunnyslde nnd bo was V. L. Chil droth, and A. C. Mencce. G. Slubblefleld of Lake creek, was a business caller and want up home on the Lake creek stage. Wednesday evening C. H. Nntwlck ono of the contractors on the Crater Lnko highway, and son Carlylo came in from tho works, bringing with them Charley Pottigrew, one of the boys working on the road, to go to Medford to have his oyes treated. Ho said that ho thought it was soma of tho pumice dust that had settled in his cya. This Is the second ono who has come In from there troubled with the same complaint. Mrs. n. C. McGill and Mrs. George West and R. D. Patrick came in and spent the night and William Holmon enmo in and took supper. Mrs. Sic- Gill and Mrs. Wfcst remained a few days and Mrs. McGill returned to Medford Friday morning, but Mrs. West is here at this writing, Satur day. Mrs. Rebecca -Jonas who has been stopping with Mrs. W. H. Brown for tho nast tow months, startod for Merlin to keep houso for her son. Mrs. Jack Tungate and family of Butto Falls. Mrs. Jack Doubleday and H. B. Terrlll were passengers on the nutte Falls stage Thursday morning Mr. nnd Mrs. Gus Nichols of Lake Crock camo in Thursday morning and were Joined by his mother, Mrs. T. E. Nichols Bnd went to Medford. H. E. Devaney, who recently sold out his interest In the First State bunk of Eagle Point to 11. E. Camp bell, started for Idaho Thursday where ho expects to mako his home WEEKS & ORE UNDERTAKERS liar Pnone 327 Vloht PhiinM F. V. Works. A. S, Orr, 227-J-3. . jK him and his family. Mrs. .Ernest Dahack was a business caller Thursday shopping with our merchants. Judge George A. Gardner and County Commissioner Owens drove thru our town going toward -Medford. They had been out looking after our roads. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Shutt of Derby- drove in Thursday with their cream to meet the creamery trucks. Mr. .Maxwell who is living on rarm just north of Eagle Point, was doing business here also Thursday. Thursday noon T. E. Crownln of Medford, J. C. Spangler of Spokane and Harry Wallingworth of Seattle stopped hero for dinner. They. were on their way up to Fish lake with a truck load of tools, bedding, etc They said they were going up as far as they could with the truck and were going to repair and build the road so that they could go all the tray to the lake. .'The arrangement 1b to put on a force of men and build an other duhi and tap Four Mile lake, so as to furnish water sufficient for Irrl. gatlon purposes around Medford and vicinity. -Mr., Cronin and Mr. Wal lingworth were i here again Friday and said thaf they went as far as G w.. Frey s Thursday. and were on their way with another . load. I un derstand that the 'company intend to make a first class road up to the lake, and then It la but a short drive from there to Pelican Bay and Fort Klamath, and if that is done It will shorten the route to the Klamath country rory materially. J. D. A rues and family motored thru our town Thursday afternoon on their Way from Medford. Mr. Arnes is fhe foreman on the A. Cor bin Edgcll orchards. Fred Neil of Ashland who is inter ested with Kay Looseley of Fort Klamath In the cattle business, came In Thursday , evening and spent the night with us. Mrs. Watson and daughter of Trail and Mr. Austin, one of tho Butte Falls merchants, nnd three strangers came out on the Butte Falls stage Friday morning and Mrs. Watson and little daughter went homo on the Trail stage and the rest went omto Butte Falls. The members of the I. O. O. F. lodge and the Rebekuhs -had a special meeting Thursday night and another of their big feeds. There woro about 30 members present and a few vt tho visiting, members, among whom was Prof. A. J. -Han by nnd W. L. Millr, secretary of Medford lodge. J. B. Bichun, the cow tester for Jackson county, and L. D. Tucker of Brownsboro, were here for dinner Friday. Mr. Blcltan had boon to the Tucker dairy 'testing h'ls'cbwsi Messrs Ralph and L. D: Tucker have added to their herd and now are milking 30 cows and the creamery men from Medford are getting a largo supply of cream each .week, In fact he gets so much cream, eggs, etc., up Little Butte creek above here that he has to have a trailer attachment and then by the time he gathers up what the farmers and dairymen bring hero for him he has about all ho can piit on his truck and trailer, and as soon as the Eaglo Point-Brownsboro ditch is completed nnd tho thousands of acres of good hay land are brought into uso some enterprising company will erect a creamery here and snvo tho extra expense of having a truck como out from Medford. Harry Smith who Is caring for the C. H. Natwlck ranch while Mr. (N'at- wick is superintending the work on tho Crater Lake highway was also a dinor Friday. .Ml as Ethel Ewen and her half- brother, Mr. Pettygrew, passed thru here Frlduy evening, and so did Mrs. Stewart and son of Reese crock, and while Mrs. Stewart was in Ashpolo's hardware Btoro I was interviewing the boy and among. other questions 1 asked how they were going to gut along in the Sunday school now that the superintendent, Mrs. Watklns, was gone and he very quickly inform ed me that his mother was the super intendent, and l am assured that the Sunday school will got along all O.K. with Mrs. Stewart as the superinten dent, nnd the help of a few noble Christian women that they have n that neighborhood. , This Saturday morning as I was making my regular round gathering Items of news for tho readers of the Mall Tribune 1 met H. Hayse of Trail and ho gave me a piece of agate that he hall taken out of a ledge where be claims that he can get any quan tity for commrcial purposes. It Is situated about a mile from the mouth of Indian creek and if it proves to be of any value will be but a short distance from the Crater Luke highway and may become a leading Industry. The rock is very hard and clear. Gus Peck and Emniitt Klugle of Lake Creek were In town trading this morning. . John Greb and son were in town tills morning and report that they have completed their well going to a depth of 150 feet thru very hard rock and have an abundunt supply of w-ater. t C. F. O'Conner of Portland and L. C. Falkanhagen of Grants Pass, were here today for dinner. Mrs. Green, formerly of ' Eagle Point, but now of Los Angeles, Is here visiting her Bister, Mrs. Lloyd Pierce, and looking after her property here. ' C. H. Natwlck and son Carlyle and Roy Watklns came in today from the Crater Lake highway for a late dirv ner. They report the work progress ing finely on the road. School closed Friday, the 2lBt and the ' entertainment Saturday evening was greatly enjoyed by a good crowd.. Many of the numbers wero excep tionally good and won much praise for the teachers and pupils. I The marriage of Miss Jessie Fre denburg to -Mt. Pomeroy came as a surprise to our community. The bride has spent most of her life 1n Sams Valley where her friends join in congratulations. ' ' " The frost of .Monday and Tuesday mornings gave the gardens a sorry look. Those who had tried to reap the benoflt of an early garden were rather discouraged when viewing their tomato and bean crbpa. . 1 Some of our citizens attended the funeral of the little Jacklln baby In Gold Hill Monday. If many of us knew of the large crater on the sun thnt Is timed to us about every 26 days we might not. wonder and worry so much over these unusual cool days. It Is claim ed this sun crater will affect the sea sons for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman who lately returned from Portland where they attended the State Sunday School convention report, the atten dance was very good and more Inter est was prevalent than for some time. The Gold Hill high school students who returned to their homes here wero the Misses Fitzgerald, Ray Hoist and Miss Elsie Straus. Jesse Trosham who Is having all kinds of luck In tho logging camp at Glendale Is now home with a badly Injured foot. Mrs. W. C. Konney was called to Central Point Thursday by tho illness of her mother. ; , . Apple thinning going In gen eral among the orcha'rdists. Dick Straus and family and Mrs. D. T. Wilson nnd children wero among those who picnicked In the Ashland park Sunday. Preparations are being made for a children's day .'program. Miss Kathertne Ne'alon returned tp her home in Table Rock Sunday after closing her term of school here. A Mr. Hill of California was thru Blood Poisoning Hamlin's Wizard Oil a Saf First Alt! Treatment How often lockjaw and btood poi soning result irom the. neglect of a slight scratch or little cut I Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe and effective first ,.j9ttnfnt. It is' a oowerful anti- our community weunesuay lnquuius ! seoijc and should be applied imme- , Bcfjllt. -. T't . , I'ur the whereabouts of some of our ! jjately to wounds of this kind tO(pre- old residents but was unable to get satisfactory Information. Mr. Hull was a small youngsters when living here and consequently could give few details. Mr. King, tho Union missionary, who succeeded Mr. Griffen was visit ing, among our Sunday school mem bers.Friday. ... . The time is on now for agents to get their per cent allotted out of the tall crops and we are constantly greeting them from tho book agent to piano salesman. ,M. A. Sehulz made a hurried trip to' Dr. Chisholm's Saturday with his baby girl who had. eaten a small quantity of arsenate of lead. AVith quick medical aid the baby is out of danger. vent danger of infection. It is soothing and healing and quick ly drives out pain and inflammation in cases of sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Just as reliable, too, for stiff neck, (jore feet, cold sores, canker sores, earache and toothache. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back Ever constipated or have sick head ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink, pills, 30 cents. Guaranteed. MilDFOItD ISON WOKXa FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP itoao acent for Fairbanks and Mont Enrinea. It tonh Rluai-oliU A Suggestion For Your Commencement Gift ; ' 'The splendid Evcrsharp Pencil is the culmination of 400 years of pencil development. Here at last is a 7poncil "that is always sharp never sharpened, a pen cil with enough lead to write a quarter million words, a pencil that is as much a wonder of beauty and con struction as it is a marvel of writing. ; We show a nice line in Sterling and Gold. Heath's Drug Store ; . The San Tox Store FOR SrajOBRIURES Zemo, the Clean,' Antiseptic Liquid, Just What You Need. Is Net Greasy Don't worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using Zemo. Ob tained at any drug stare for 33c, or extra large bottle for $1.00. Zemo generally removes pimples, bbclchcad3, blotches, eczema and ring worm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and cysts a mere trifle for each application. It i3 always dependabls. The E. W. Roift Co.,'Cleve!anc!, O. ' ' For Sale BalconyandStairs Now in Our Store Medford Book Store V Two new 1-ton G. M. (X Trucks. '. ' One liew Samson Sieve! :Grip G. M. C. Tractor, model 30-x, 12-24 Ilohse Power, with extension rims. One P & O 3-bottom 14-inch plow. One 14-2S P & O Tandem Disc Harrow.. ' One 3-bottom P & O.Dise Plow used-. One orchard cultivator. : All These Implements at Less Than Cost. Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co. f v suffer the discomforts and embarrassments of a Goitre O. O. C. preparation for goitre has bene liied many, WhT pt rcvrrnl hundrrd dollar for an 0lK-i.iti,m to remove ft coiire whtn OAi C can In? obuim d lor such couuartiHv m a 1 1 c x po n d 1 1 u re ? O.G.C. wlirn properly applied bitoi satis l;iCliry results, or vour moiuty will b r.ijmdH O.C.C.issold direct, by nu.l ty, Wnte (or booklet. Address Dept.Z , O.aCi CHB.MICAL COMPANY SMttlr.W ash in sum K Films Developed Better Prints Made Clearer Prompt attention to Mail Orders SWEM'S STUDIO 217 East Main St. Medford MODERN EQUIPMENT and expert handling returns your apparel in A-l shape at least cost. Don't trnst to home-made efforts get best results hero. STAR TAXI PHONE 300 Cars for hire with or without driver. JAMES LESLIE ' Nash Hotel Dancing Academy MODERN INTERPRETATION CHARACTER Adult and Children's Classes : For information, call 5G6-J. MISS KATKRYN SWEM Fifth and North Riverside Telephone 11 The Dow Hospital Graduate Nurses Only ' Special Attention to X-Ray Cases. HAS THE BOTTOM DROPPED OUT? Cups and Saucers, each ' i ka Window Shades "VZZZ".'Z.T! 69? Blq Reduction on 2-in. Post Iron Bens. Get our prices on Silk Fibre Mattresses and Coil Sprinos. Mordoff & Woolf 22-24-26 South Fir Phone 9