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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1920)
rani? faun WRDFOKD ramrn TTUwrnm. mmYonr. gtit.ciov, rattttiday.'may'sj). mo. Medford Mail tsibune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED KVKKT AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY BY THB MEDFORD PRjNTINO CO. Offtoo. Mall Tribune fi-illdinn, It-17-19 norm fit rsireeu rnone vo, A consolidation of the Democratic Time. The Medford Mall, The Medfnrd Tribune, the Southern Oregoniaa.. The Ashland Tribune. The Medford Sunday Sun Is furnished subscribers desiring a seven-day dally ROBERT RUHI,, Editor 8. S. SMITH, Manager. BUBICaXPTXOK TEKMII T MAIL IN ADVANCE: Daily, with Sunday Bun, year.9l.00 Daily, with Sunday Bun. month..- .66 Dally, without Sunday Hun, year- f.00 Dally, without Sunday Hun, month .60 Tveeaiy man iricuDe, one yuar.-M j.du Sunday Sun, one year 1.60 BY CARRIER -In Medford, Ashland, Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix: Dally, with Sunday Sun, year..n.f 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, month. .66 Dally, without Sunday Hun, year- f.00 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .60 Official paper of the City of Medford, Official paper of Jackson County. Entared a second-class matter at Medford, Oregon, under the aot of Maroh worn dally average circulation for tx months ending April 1919 1.074 UHMB9R OF THH ASSOCIATED PItEHS. Full Leased Wire Service. The Asso ciated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other wise credited In this paper, and also the local news published herein. All rights f republication of spolsJ rein are aiso reserves. Ye Smudge Pot Hy Arthur lcrry A weak and emaciated democracy roceived a shot In tho arm Friday with the announcement that Mr, Jlc Adoo had $5,000,000 as a jackpot In his race lor the presidency. "Sensational .cut in Men's rants All Next Week." (Ad' SK Ilulletln) If the cut Is in the riBht place, it can't help being sensational. The shoe makers blame tlio public for tho high prices of shoes. They demand fancy stylos Instead of plow brognns. The modorn shoo will bare ly survive the shock of otio swift kick that reaches Its mark. Armenia, the downtrodden and the hunger stricken is flirting with the liolshoviks, on the theory that if you havo to suffer, It might as well be done right. ' Southern California produces some peculiar but Interesting citizens. Tho latest is a "love pirate", a slick cuss, who talked women out of their dia monds with speed and dlspnlch. The Los Angeles police found a trunkful of letters, which lod them to believe that:' 'ho is, or "was, engagod to Hi ladles. AID THE POSTAL CLERKS. Horotoforo the world has labored under the apprehension that a min strel show parudo was tho last word in covering space, with ft fow, but examination of a box of homo grown Btruwborrlds will demonstraet that everything is not packed like sar dines, i , 1 ... . . : The council ought to htro a speed cop,'- or change tho nnmo of tho burg to Podge City. I The forthcoming campaign will not be as weepy as the one in 19111; there will be none of the Sob stuff that characterized the last one. Otherwise, tho hysterics will bo tho same. , 1UW TUB WIXI lll.OWH . , (OniBon City EiiU'rprlso) .: II. has gone to liakor City, Or., on business and Mrs. Is upend ing tho time between friends In Portland Oak Grove. 8ho Feels Flno Now '. Actaos aid pains often Indicate kttlneys out of order. Your kldnoys surely noed help and quickly when your hands and feet uro swol len and you feel dull and sluggish, lose your appetite and your energy and tor in a puffy look under th T'j. Mrs. L. Gibson, 12th and Edi tion Bt., LaJnnta, Colo., writes: "My kldnys were giving me a great deal of trouble for soma time. I took Foley Kidney Fills and they helped ma right away. I feel flno now.' .For sals by Medford Pharmacy. AilV Stockholders Notice ..Xotlco Is hereby given that the annual meeting of tho stockholders of tho Homo Telephone & Telegraph company, of Southern Oregon, will bo hold at tho office of the company. 218 West Sixth Btroet, Medford, Ore Son, at 3 o'clock p. m., June 1, 1920 f YV. 11. ('.OHIO, 60 President. FRECKLES Don't Illdo Them Willi h ViHl; lie niovo Them With Otlilno Donblo . ' . . Ntreiiffth This preparation for tho removal ixf freckles is usually so successful in removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion that it Is sold under guarantee to refund tho money if it fails. . I)on't"hldo your freckles under a veil: got an ounce of Othlno and re- mdve them, liven the first few ap plications should show u wonderful improvement, some of tho lighter freckles vanishing entirely. Be sure to nsk thn druggist for tho dntiblo strength Otlilne; It is this that is sold on the money-buck guar antee. Adv. THE COST of living has increased over 100 per 'cent, while the wages of postal clerks have increased 40 per cent. The maximum salary of a clerk or carrier is .$:52 a week, which is bare subsistence for a man with a family. And yet no walk-outs have been reported in the Post Office department. The steel workers with their strikes and disorders have increased their wages 121 per cent since 1913, the letter camel's by sticking to their jobs through rain and shine doing their duty, have secured an increase during the same period ot a bare forty, per cent. ... Obviously a serious injustice has been done the federal postal employees, an injustice which the American people should proceed to rectify. There is now a bill before con gress putting into immediate effect a substantial mcreast- ot salaries throughout the postal service. 1 he Literary Di gest has taken the lead in securing popular support for this measure, and is urging its readers to write their con gressmen and senators to secure prompt action, hi response to this legitimate demand. We are glad to second the. motion. While there has been widespread criticism or Air. Jmrleson, there has been no criticism of the rank and file of the postal service. This army in blue has proceeded to perform the daily miracle of delivering the goods all the way up to o(X)0 miles tor. the paltry sum of two copper cents. They have enjoyed no bonuses, no old age pensions, no tree insurance, they have shown an amazing diffidence by not presenting their just demands until the very last mornet. Give these postal "service men" a square deal. That's all they ask. That is all the proposed legislation provides. A postal to any member of the Oregon delegation at Wash ington will help materially at the present time. Loyal and unconiDlaiiiinQ' service is rare enough these days. Show the postal men that you appreciate it, and are willing to d your share in maintaining it. SPECIAL CONVENTION SERVICE. SEVERAL of the metropolitan newspapers are sending their editors to the national conventions. But The Mail Tribune is not only sending its editor, but its proof reader, desk man, telegraph editor, managing editor, city editor and copy boy. This exceptional array of talent will be in a position to report the big blow outs from as many angles as one admission ticket will allow. In addition to the regular leased wire report, daily letters of a human inter est will be, sent, and brief special, wire bulletins covering the more important events as they occur. RipplingRhijmGs fy Walt Mason OPTIMISM. ...'.; , ARE yOU sad and weary hearted, are you full of prunes? Come and see my lyre get started, hear my cheer-up tunes. Do you think you've cornered sor row? I have griefs, as well; but I'm banking on tomor row; hear my blithesome yell. I have done a lot more weeping than I'll do again; .1 have sown and seen the reaping done by other men; I've had spuds and hoped to cook them ,grcens I wished to eat; but the sheriff came and took them, in the name of Pete. I have lost an aunt so stately that she beat Lenore; even yet I miss her greatly, but I weep no more. For our tears bring home no bacon, bring no fodder in; when we're stricken and forsaken, it is best to grin. Are you beaten down and broken, finding life too hard? Come and hear a" glad word spoken by a cornfed bard. Single sorrows soon are double if you weep and sigh nothing scares off Old Man Trouble like a courage high. First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Services are held every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject, Ancient and Modern Necromancy alias Hypnotism, Denounced. Sunday school at 11:45. All under the age of twenty are welcome. Wednesday evening meetings, at which testimonies ot Christian Set ence healing are given, at 8:00 church edifice, 212 North Oakdale The reading room, which is in the M. F. & H. bldg., is open from 1 to 5 dally except Sundays and holidays All authorized literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. Tho .public is . cordially invited to attend the services, and visit the reading room. Kirst Methodist KpUeopjil Church Fourth artd Uartlett. J. Randolph Sasnctt, minister. 9:45 a. in. Bible school. - Classes for all ages. 11a. m. Morning worship. Sermon 'Security of the World's Future." No evening service at the church on account of the high school bacca- laureate service at the Page. Morning unthem, "The King of Love" (Shelley). Soloist, Mrs. Pierce, Miss Anderson, Mr. MacDonough. Soprano solo, "The Planes of Peace" (Uarnard). Miss Anderson.. Flint Presbyterian Church Cor. Main and Holly Sis. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., Carl JBrommer, supt. Morning service at 11 a. m., ser mon, "The Forward Moving King dom." 'This congregation iwiteB with others in a union service at the Page theater for the baccalaureate sermon at 8 o'clock. The music for the mor ning will be, solo, selected, Miss Ruth Warner. The churches of Medford afford dl verslty and excellence of opportunity for worship on Sunday. Their doors are open-to you and your welcome everywhere is assured. William Vnwter, director of music. Mrs. II. K. .Marsh, organist. L. Myron Hoozcr, minister. SI, Mark's Uplicopul Cor. North. Oakdale and Fifth Sts. 8 a. m. Holy communion. 10 a. m, Sunday school. 11 B.Mn. .Morning prayer. Wm. D. Hamilton, vicar. Cntlioltc Church South Oakdale Avenuo. First mass Sunday at 8 a. m. Second muss nt 10:30 a. m. llenedlctlon nt 4:30 p. m. Rev. John Powers, rector. Central Point Church Sunday at tho (brick) church. 11 a. m. Memorial service. I.adies quartet will sing. 7:30 p. in. llilile reading on Satan. Sunday school and young people's meetings at tho usual hours. Decoration day exorcises on Mon day at 2:30 at Central Point hull. Address by liev. D. K. Millard, of Medford. K. 11. F.dgar, pastor. First ClirLstiuii Chuii ii Cor. Ninth anil Oakdale. Dell Fly .Millard, minister. Bible school 9:15 a. m. Classes for all ages. Preaching 1 1 a. ni. Subject: "Mon umental Institutions." Special music Lunch will be served and a program given. Flint Baptist Chuirh A church with a cordial welcome. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. Classes for all.' F. W, Hears, upt. 11 a. m. Morning service. Preach ing. Let thm bt a large utteadance. 7 p. in. B. Y. P. U. meeting.' All young people luvitod.' "-' 8 p. m. Tkore will be no renins service. 8 p. m. Prayer meeting service. Let there be n good attendunce. , Methodist Kpisropiil Church, South Dr. Jouett P. Bruy. pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Dr. Rob erts, supt. We have a Rood school. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. by Dr. J. K. Squires of San Francisco. Dr. Squires is field secretary of tho Sunday school board and will bring a mes sage of great Iniportunco to all school worker and non-workers as well. Services ut 8 p. m. We extend u cordial invitation to the stranger in the city to worship with. us. "You arc always welcome (Phoenix Church A special memorial service with sermon and music appropriate, in the morning at 11. Sunday school at 10 a. m., with graded classes for all. Christian Endeavor at 7:30 p. m. topic, "Being a Good Comrade." A brief sermon by . the pastor, at thlB meeting. At the1 memorial service in the morning, the following special music will bo rendered: Bass solo, H. W. Frame: "Jehovns Blndeth," from "The Magic Flute,' by Mozart. . Anthem "Awake, Thou That Sleep eth," by Caryl Florlo. .Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Frame and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Sheets. A hearty welcome at all our ser vices. , Monday, May 31. During tho-dayv (all men of the congregation Interested in beautify Ing the mnnse ure asked by the trus tees to meet there: M. J. Norris, chairman. ' " At 8 p. m., a spcclnl lecture at tho church, illustrated by stcreopticon slides, on "The Philippines," by Rev Paul Doltz, of tho famous Sllliman Institute. Kverybody invited. A sil ver offering taken. Joseph W. Angell, pastor. How's This? We offer Ono Hundred Doltari Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot ka cured by Haifa Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medtcfre has been taken by catarrh auiferers for the past thirty Ave years, and has become known as the moat reliable remedy (or Catarrh. Haifa Catarrh Uedlclne acta thru the Blood cm the Mucoua surface, expelling the Pol on from the Bleed and healing; the dli tjjased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will sac a groat Improvement In your general enlth Start taking Hull's Catarrh Mr1l I'ne at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonial, free. F. J. CHENKT & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druevisti. 76c Hlrhftit naltty ivwairy repairing Diamond Itlni, vaU rVtlrlft tUf action imni U . iftUr all prla. ICall na yat yaks. HAttrai 0. kby - FOR SALE! 8000 gallon water tank and nci-o-motor windmill with pump, 1st cIiins condition. A real buy. People's F.lec. trie Store... Kviiii.-I.utli. .ion's Church Fourth St. below Oakdule Ave. liev. Dr. W. H. Morenx-Oeser, Pastor. lies. T. IS WVst Fourth St. Trinity Festival. No service in this church tomor row. Tho pastor will hold morning service in ('.rants Pass. Cntechotical Instruction for confir mation every Saturday uflornoon at 2 oVlork. and you are Invited to worship with ! The ladles of tho congregation us. 7 p. in. Young people's society 0 Christian Kndeuvor. S p. m. I'nlon service In the Page theatre. Wednesday, June 2nd. Social gath ering and reception to new members. have arranged to hold a busket social this evening In tho parsonage. All members and friends of the congre gation uro cordially invited. Him Chimii of Christ, Scientist Hrauch of tho mother church, the CarWashing and .. Simonizing Work Is Guaranteed Charge for Merit and Price JIMMIE & TOM ; . . at" Valley Garage SEATTLE WOMAN GAIN OF THIRTY POUNDS "I have. not only gained thirty pounds in weight, but 1 am enjoying so much better health than 1 have in j years I feel just like a new person,"! said Mrs. Rosa Ferris. 444 Twenty- sixth Ave., North Seattle, Wash., re cently. Continuing, she said: "For the three years past I suf fered so much from stomach trouble and had become so badly run down, that 1 had given up hope of ever getting any better. My oppetlte was extremely poor, and I had to force down every mouthful I ate, and most of the time I could not even retain this. I would become so badly nau seated. The least little-thing I ate would sour, gas would form and press against my lungs so badly It was all I could do to get my breath, and I would have such intense cramping pains in my stomach they would nearly kill me. 1 was also badly constipated and had to, take some sort of laxative almost every day. My kidneys bothered m great deal and I suffered with pains across the Bmall of my back, and, In fact, had pains all through my body nearly all the time. My head ached so had nearly all tb time I thought it would burst wid open and at times I would become so dizzy I would have to grab hold of something to keep from falling, and 1 would feel just like I was going to faint and black spots would dance before my eyes I was bo nervous the least little thing would upset mo, and at night I was so restless I could get but little sleep as 1 would roll and toss from one side of the bed to' the other all night long, nnd in the morning I would feel so tired and exhausted it was all I could do to get out of bed. 1 lost weight so rapidly 1 soon became so weuk 1 could not do my housework, it being all I could do to get about at all. "I had seen so much about the good Tanlac was doing others, and too, as many of my friends had prais ed it so. highly I decided to try it Well, as I had given up all hope of ever finding anything that would help me, you can imagine my surprise when I began to get better as soon as I had taken only a few doses of Tan lac. My appetite Improved until It was soon better thnn It had ever been, nnd nothing I ate gave me a particle of trouble afterward. I con tinued taking it until I was soon rid of all my troubles. I am never both ered with pains in my stomnh or back, and, in fact, never have a pain of any kind. I never have tho head ache or those dizzy spells any more, and have regained my strength until I can do all my housework with case. I can truthfully say. 1 bolieve Tanlac saved my life and I expect to pralso it as long as I live." Tanlac is sold in Medford by West Side Pharmacy, and by leading drug gists in every town. Adv, Good Used Gars Terms Terms King 8 Lots of extras: good condition. .Runs and look like a new ear. Moon .1920 model; only vur. 2 months. Velie .1919 model; first class condition. Mitchell Touring Sure to please yon. luick Chassis Just right tor a bug. Our liberal prices together with our easy terms make it possible for you to own a good ear and enjoy these bright summer days. Motor Sales Co. M. F. & H. Bldg. 43 No. Central Phone 180 For Sale BalconyandStairs Now in Our Store Medford Book Store STAR TAXI PHONE 300 Cars for hire with or without driver. JAMES LESLIE Nash Hotel . Saie! Two new 1-ton O. M. C. Trucks. "i ; One new Samson Sieve Grip O. SL C. Tractor. model 30-x, 12-24 Hohse Power, with extension . rims. , ' One P & O 3-bottom 14-ineh plow. , ',- ., - j. One 14-28 P & O -Tandem Disc Harrow.'' One 3-bottom P & O Disc Plow used.. One orchard cultivator. j ' " " All These Implements at Less Than Cost. Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co. .Train ritraiinrn IIW BK II IS 4?KiSLTlo tc W S KIT cac. ' ?ed. 5-H.f JU J genuine WMjjp is most satisfactoryr The Giant Farm Powders Kureka Stumping and Giant Stumping loosen and pulverize the soil instead ol packing it: and throwing it high in the air. Western fruit growers have used hundreds, of tons of these Giant Powders (or blasting beds for trees. They nave preyed . that blasting with genuine Giant Powders provides free drainage, increases moisture-storage capacity and insures Vigorous growth and early bearing. "My .trees planted three years ago in beds blasted with Giant ; Powder are 75 to 100 per cent bigger and better than the trees that I planted in dug holes," writes H. II. Smith, Oregon City. You uu7iuo3 reading "Better Farmlne with Ciant Farm Powders." It de--scribes all the new and money-savine methods of blasting beds for trees, sub. - - soiline established croves and orchards, clearing land, ditching, etc. Write ' or it now. THE GIANT POWDER CO., CON. "Everything for Masting" 238 , First National Bank Bldg., S in FrandKco Drancb Ofticca : Denver, Portland, bait Lake City, Seattle, SpakaM STUMPING EUREKA Grater Lake Hardware Co. Distritoutora ' V' ' ' Medford, Orejo '' v frWB-BOasg to' RAZOR MBAM, : 1 WES SHKRSl Offron'l8'th'tstplaoiJ''ia'th hop14 for oomaercial growing 0f ro9i.' Emot at raja jnanafaoturad'hsra r ua.- Oregon' umaf ot ore rt o f 'oftrton'- jp r , Aitg em, rubber heels .stoves .trooau, taraitare.oough drops and other ooesso dltles auks their produots so food that vorld asks for Oregon-made.' iflfooUted'.Iaduatrles. of .Oregon