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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1920)
BEDFORD WTHi THIBUMB, STEITF011D, OHKCIOX. TUESDAY, MAY 25. 1920. 1! PRINCIPAL MIL E ian a. Summer Excursion Fares to Beach and Mountain Resorts Commencing Siiturday, May 29th. Season and Week-end tickets GO WHERE THE OCEAN ROARS or UP IN THE MOUNTAINS WHERE THE AIR IS PURE AND THE SCENERY INSPIRES FARES ON APPLICATION For particulars inquire of Local Agent Southern Pacific Lines ' JOIINM. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. Have Your Clothes Made in Medford CLOTHES MAKE THE MEN! AND MEN MAKE THE CLOTHES .' "Well-dressed men and women' are always more successful in life. It is the appearance which gives them a certain prestige. This is a well-known fact. Good clothes today are worth money, 'and all-wool suit's, made up in the latest styles, individually de signed for your own taste, trimmed with the best trimmings which money can buy, are worth from $47.50 up. Made at F.J.HUBER LADIES' AND GENT'S TAILOR, ' 113 West Main. mmmmmmjm I ORIENTAL t L- (7 " ART GOODS kjM - CURIOS OTfijP: DRY GOODS 1 lwfeV CHINAWARE A a(!' BASKETS AND TOYS r Kdak Finishlnns' Best Work' Lowest -4v5to . Postal card photos, $1.25 dozen, Ei AjjcfA ;. additional, 60c dozen. Costumes fur- ,, ,' rr.;' nished free. Japanese Art Store itjpy f.i-';,y 34 N. Central Medford MONDAY. MAY 31 Memorial Dnv will be observed Sionhiv, Mav 31. as a tribute to t!ie j veterans of tlio Civil War, who died i or were killed durinir the stniEirlc or I who have since answered the final summons. The eeneral observanee of Memorial Dnv is a fittinsr tribute to those countless thousands, who answered our country's call, and the custom of stcwiii'' fragrant flowers on the graves of known and unknown deud of the Civil War as well as the craves of those who cave their lives on our battle fields or in hospitals since that time. It shows the rever ence of the American people for the men who fouaht and died for the love of country and for love of home. The exercises will be held iointlv bv the G. A. R.. . R. C, and American Let! ion. Memorial exercises on Decoration liny Mondnv, Mav 31, will be as fol lows: 0. A. R.. W. R. C.nnd American Legion will meet at cemetery nt 10 :30 a. m. to pav their annual tribute of respect to their dead comrades, clos ing with tho salute to the dead by Company D of Medford. Afternoon exercises will be held nt the Page Theatre at 2:30 p. in. The procession will form in the fol lowing order nt the park and move nt 2 p. in., as follows: Marshall, Floyd Hart: band, Com pany D, G. A. li., W. H. C American Legion, Boy Scouts, speakers in autos. civic organizations, citizens. Line of march will be to the bridge where flowers will be strewn on the waters for tho sailors and marines who gave their lives for their coun try. Salute for the dead by Co. D., then to the Page theatre. Order of exercises : i Assembly Call Band Prayer Rev. Millard Rending of Orders Adj. J. Ii. Davis Lincoln's Gettysburg Addross Com. Geo. Codding Quartette Rending Mrs. McKennov Solo ifiss Adele Brault Decorating Monument of Unknown Dead. Address Rev. Sasnett Roll of Honor. Star Spangled Banner, s . Benediction A cordial invitation is extended to nil military and civic organizations and all citizens to join in the oxer ciscs and n special invitation to nil old soldiers of the Civil War, regard. less of which side of the dispute they espoused, to loin with us. Cars will bo on the street in front of G. A. R. to take members of G. A R. and W. It. C. and firing sauad to cemetery at 10 a. in. IS PHOKXIX. May 21 Tho high school student body elected officers as follows: Roland I'arlcss, treas urer: Mildred Wood, secretary, Vane Wilder, president. The library contains l.'i31 volumes, 104 new books added this year. There were no graduates this year. Mr. Milam advised those who wore utile to graduate to take another vear. He is of the opinion that the students hould attend high school five years unless they can go awav to college. The high school is the only college a great many pupils ever attend, hence make it as practical as pos sible. . Tho school closed last Friday. The school play was put on Thursday evening: the nsseaihlv room was full and "The Prince of Liars" certainly mado a bit judging from the wuv the audience enjoyed it, and what is being said about it. Miss Frater, the much loved high school teacher, trained the students, and great is the honor she is receiving. At the close Mr. Frame read the following resolutions passed bv the school directors of School Dis trict No. 4, Jackson county, Oregon, nt their meeting held May 20, 1020. ''Whereas, tho past year has been a trying one in many respects, for bot bleachers and patrons, "And, whereas, after many of the teachers had contracted with this board lor the vear iust ended, tiiev were offered positions elsewhere wilh larger salaries, "And, whereas, although the school sessions were interrupted and the school was closed for three week1"., yet the different grades and high school have completed their work without prolonging the school term into the warm weather, "And, whereas, the vear iust com pletcd has been most successful and harmonious, nnd the ends) accom plishcd most gratifying. "Therefore, he it resolved, that the directors of School District No. 4 Jackson eountv. Oregon, express their appreciation .of the efforts of l'rin cipal Milam and the teachers asso ciated with him, for the commendable work done and for the lovaltv and splendid spirit manifested under the most trying circumstances, "And, be it further resolved, that these resolutions bo rend to the nrin cipul and teachers by the chairman and that they he made a part of the records of said District No. 4." Friday the high school pupils nnd teachers spent the dny on Wagner Creek or. rt delightful picnic. Tho school board of Phoenix, Mr. Wo'.t man, chairman; Mr. Stevens and Mr. Fiame, are tho directors. Those men deserve much credit for the way in which they conduct the school af fairs. , IrPtf- ' MARATHON RUNNING kMfWBI- DANGEROUS PRACTICE NEW BURKE PICTURE AT THE LIBERTY TODAY Fifth and North Riverside Telephone 11 The Dow Hospital Graduate Nurses Only .Special Attention to X-Ray Cases. HAS THE BOTTOM DROPPED OUT? Cups and Saucers, each : 15) Window Shades G9c Bio Reduction on 2-ln. Post Iron Beds. Get our prices on Silk Fibre Mattresses and Coil Springs. Phone 9 Mordoff & Woolf 22-24-26 South Fir NEW SCHEDULE INTERURBAN AUTO CO. Adopted Monday, March 29. i ASHLAND MEDFORD Pally except BnndaT. "' Leave Hedfotd 7:15, 8:00, 8:4S, :, '10:16 11:00 a. tn, 13:00 noon; 12:46, 1:0, 1:16, 1:00, 8:45, 4:80, 6:16, 0:00, 7:00 p. m. i.8:46 p. m. Saturday onlv; 0:30 p. m. dally; 0:60 p. m. Saturday only. Lean Aehland 7:15, 8:00, 8:46, :S0, ;i0:16, 11:00 a. m.; 12:00 noon; 18:46, 1:80 t:16, 8:00, 8:46, 4:0, 6:15, 6:00, 7:00 p. hi.; fl:46 p. m. Saturday only; 0:80 p. a. dally; AS:16 midnight. Saturday only. v- Sunday Only 0:00, 10:00, 11:00 a. m.; li noon; 1:00, t:00 8:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:30, :80 p. m. :00 10:00, 11:00 a. in.: 11 noon; 1:00, 4:00, 8:00, 4:00, 6:00, 0:80, 0:80 p. m. jrajtiaf room iabuad. East Sidt Fturmicy, JACKSONVILLE MEDFORD Dally except Sunday. Leave Hertford 8:00, 0:80, 10:80 a. ra.; 11:00 noon; 1:30. 8:00, 4:30, 6:80 p. ra Saturday only 7:80 p. m.; 0:30 p. m. daily Saturday only 10:30 p. rru Hjttiiriiav Only Leave Jackaonville 7: JO. 8:30, 10:00, 11:80 a, m.j 1:00, 1:00, 8:46, 6:00 7:00 p. m. Bat urday only, 8:00 p. m. Sunday Only Leave Medtord s :00, 10:30 a. in.; 11:00 noon; x:su, e:uu, o:3u, v:ao iu:o p. m. Leave Jjckaonvillt 10:00, 11:80 a. m. 1:80. 8:30, 6:00, 7:00, 060 p. m. Office arid vraltlnf room No. 6, South Front, Naali Hotel building. Jacksonville waiting Boom at Keter'a Coo fertlonety. i'liMc I0, ed,ford., Oto, Hillie Burke in a lieht romantic comedy picture called "Wanted A Husband"' is the attraction nt hc Liberty Theatre, ulavinc now nnd in cluding Thursday. It contains many of the reasons for this pretty star's popularity as a eomnicdienno of rnre charm. If vou like good wholesome com edy, here is tho film for you. Billij Burke is her usual sparkling self and does such startlins things as take a showcrbath and box with her trainer to add to the gaietv. Admirers of Al St. John, the stren uous comedian, have ti treat in store for them in "Ship Ahoy!" his latent This is an excellent novel film com edy, the story ot which was written bv Sir. SI. John himself, nnd it is packed with laughs from start to finish. Hiicky Finn nt IMallo Maybe, It's been so long ago since you met me and pap and the rest of our family, that you've forgotten me. But I thought you'd be glad to know that I'm coming to Medford tomorrow. Yep! Ain't you glad? Me an' Tom Sawyer and pap (he's no account) and the "duke" and the "king" will be with mo the whole bunch of us just lika you read about us in Mark Twain's book about me "Huckleberry Finn." Only, now we've come to life In a big moving picture You'll see us living the greatest story over written by dear old Mark Twain Come to 800 me at the Rlalto the ater this week. Try to get there afternoons, 'cause I think there's goin' to bo big crowds and there won't be enough seats for all who want to see my picture. See you tomorrow at 2 p. o'clock at the Rlalto! Bring your chlldron they know me, too. Yours for a good time, HUCKLEBERRY FINN1. Morse Is Set Free. NEW YORK. May 2.'). Indict ment sneainst Charles W. Morse and other defendants charged with illegal sale of the steamship John J. Mc- Cullougli. Were dismissed today bv Federal .Indue Hand nt the rco,iicst of Attorney General I'ulraer, PHILADELPHIA Marathon run- nine is a dangerous practice and will shorten tho life of un athlete bv seve ral years, according to Alfred Slirulib, famous conch of the Oxford-Cam bridge track tenm which enmc to this country to participate in the Uni versity of Pennsylvania rclav races. At a banquet in honor of his tenrrt. Shrubb urged Hint American youth- should not be encouraged to compelo in long-distance contests. Tho ef feet on tho muscles, heart and other organs, ho said, causes premature death. Doctor Cupid That love sometimes cures dis ease is a fact that hag been called to the attention of the public by a prominent physician. Love is not, however, the cure for all women. Many a woman .is nervous and irritable, feels dragged down and worn out for no reason that she can think of. DoctoV Pierce's Favorite Pre scription gives new life and new strength to weak, worn-out, run-down women. "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong and sick women well. It is now sold by all druggists in the United States in tablets as well as liquid form. , ff Roseeurg, Oregon "I suffered something terrible from an organic trouble. Could scarcely stand on my feet. My head and back ached so hard and I was weak and nervous. I had severe pains in my side and my limbs and feet ached. I was also troubled with constipation. I took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, Golden Medical Discovery, and Pleasant Pellets. These medicines cured me of all my ailments and I was well and strong." Mrs. W. D. Moore, 1246 N. Jackson Street Kit 33I1I IliatarfUtl bjattt e ma & trt t i I m fir it 6 Haa EH.'aciHij! a MM a Mart Mall I Camofoif told fivcrr- Br W pckafifm of 30 Ci&mtrtt forJOcenfs; Or trn pmekae ( 200 rtfMrrffen) in a tlanm Jn -pape r- covered carton W tronty recommend thia carton for thv home or ofico auppty or when you travel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. W-ntteivSfclAm, N. C Not premiums or coupons but 'clean cut. merit won for Camels! CAMELS leave no doubt in your mind as to how you stand on the choice of cigarettes 1 Camels quality and Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos settle that to your sat" isfaction ! And, you'll prefer this Camel blend to either kind smoked straight ! 1 l-rtlHR'-Ml.i't v Camels refreshing flavor alone is a rev elation, but their smooth mellow-mildness and satisfying body just cap the climax 1 And, they never tire your taste, no matter how liberally you go to them! And, you'll also learn what it means to smoke a ciga rette free from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor when you smoke Camels. You've certainly got a surprise waiting ifor you when you compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price. loillliliirim ..Iltataiiaui,, llllMI alUK iVftlEti tUIlavPlllltliiE For d son Farm Tractor More than 100,000 Fonlson tractors have been sold to farmers in the United States. They are helping those fanners do more and better work in less time anil at less cost, orth? Kast, South, West everywhere the Fordson has proven itself a money-maker and a jeal necessity to the farmer. Besides it solves the labor problem. These practical farmers have affirmed the economy the excep tionally low fuel and operating cost of the Fordson, its time, and labor-saving qualities and its ability to increase production. The Fordson was built to be the most economical tractor; It is com pact and devoid of excessive wcigth. And it is built of same strong' Vanadium steel as the Ford car. Winter or bad weather does does not hinder the Fordson s usefulness. Day or night twenty-four hours a day if you choose you can utilize the Fordson. Only so many Fordsons are al lotted this territory. Orders are being filled in rotation. Let us have yours now. Made by Henry Ford & Son and sold by C. E: GATES AUTO New Quarters, Sixth and Riverside. MEDFORD, OREGON. GOOD CLOTHES I Hake Them KLEIN The Tailor ISA Runt Mntn SI. STAR TAXI PHONE 300 Cars for hire with or without driver. JAMES LESLIE Nash Hntrl BEDFORD IRON W0RXJ FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP iliso avient for Fairbanks tux) Mori Enrinea. . 17 Smith Hlv.rt.lda 7ZL FOR SALE Used Packard Truck In excellent condition, suitable for hauling lumber, fully equipped, $2, 750.00. This is one of the best bargains offered by us in some time. 'Address PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY, .' Portland, Oregon. 7" y& 1