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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1920)
BEDFORD WTTffl TKIBUflflv MEHTOmJ. OCT.r!ONT, TTEDSDXY, "NTXY If). 5920. L PORTLA'ND, May 19. The cross of the black star, one of the highest decorations of the Frnch govern ment was received yesterday by Col. George A. White, adjutant general of Oregon. With the decoration came a communication from the French gov ernment notifying him that the cross had been conferred by the president of the French republic on recommen dation of tho grand chancellor of the national order of the Legion of Hon or. In addition to the award of the decoration and citation, Colonel White receives the grade of Chevalier in the order of the Black Star, a branch of the Legion of Honor. "For distinguished service in the allied cause," the parchment roads. Colonel White went overseas with the first American contingent. JUNIOR CLASS FARCE PROVES A SCREAM The one-act farcial sketch present ed at the Liberty theater last night as part of the program at thut house and which wilbe given again tonight and Thursday night, was very enter taining, contained many laughs and demonstrated the acting ability of Herbert Clrey, George Jiausfield and Russell Sherwood, members of tho junior class of the high school, which shares in the proceeds of the theater for these three nights. The sketch which is based on the supposed high cost of living in 1950, is filled with delightful exaggeration, and depicts the troubles of a married man earning $ 100,000 a year and his wife, with the utmost economy try ing to make Loth ends meet. 10 ATLANTA, Ga., May 19. Georgia democrats will send two sets of dele gates to the San Francisco conven tion. After supporters of Senator Hoke Smith and Thomas E. Watson bad united their forces and thus gained control of the state convention delegates pledged to A. .Mitchell Pal mer last night elected a Palmer dele gation and announced they would contest for seats in the national con vention. Palmer obtained a plural ity of county votes in the recent state wide primary over Watson and Smith who finished In the order named. The Smith-Watson forces put the convention on record by resolutions as unalterably opposed to the League of Nations covenant and refusing to Another Royal Suggestion PIES and PASTRIES From the NEW ROYAL COOK BOOK CHEER' up'I There is no further reason for worrying about table va riety. The new Royal Cook Book gives new suggestions fbr every meal every day. The book is so full of sur prises there will never be another dull meal in the home. Here are a few sug gestions from the new Royal Cook Book. Plain Pastry This recipe is for one large pie with top and bottom crust 2 cups flour teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder cup shortening cold water Sift together flour, salt and bak ing powder; add shortening and rub in very lightly with tips of fingers (tho less it Is handled tho better the paste will be). Add cold water very slowly, enough to hold dough together (do not work or knead dough). Divide in halves: roll out one part thin on floured board and use for bottom crust. After plo Is filled roll out other part for top. Rich Pastry 2 cups pastry flour teaspoon Royal Baking Powder teaspoon salt cup shortening cold water Sift flour, baking powder and salt; add one-half shortening POWDER Absolutely Pure and rub In lightly with lingers; mid water slowly until of right conslstuncy to roll out. Divide in halves; roll out one half thin; put on In small pieces half re maining shortening; fold upper and lower edges in to center; fold sides In to center, fold sides to center again; roll out thin and put on pie plate. He peat with other half for tup crust. Apple Pie 1H cups flour 1M teaspoons Royal Baaing powdor teaspoon salt 1' tablespoons shortening A apples, or 1 quart sliced apples 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon milk Sift flour, baking powder and salt; add shortening and rub in, very lightly; add juBt enough cold water to hold dough to gether. Roll half out on floured board, lino bottom of pie plate; All In apples, which have been washed, pared and cut Into thin slices; sprinkle with sugar; fla vor with cinnamon or nutmeg; wot edges of crust with cold water; roll out remainder of pas try; cover pie, pressing edges tlMhtly together and bako In moderate oven 30 minutes. it Bake with Royal and he Sure 99 I FREE By all means get tho new Royal Cook Rook Just out. Contains those and 400 other delightful, helpful recipes. Free for the asking, wrlto TODAY to ... - - - -It OVAL IUKINO POWDER CO. lib I-niton St root ' Mow Voik City VOTE YES NO. 70 On the Ballot H. A. Canaday for District Attorney He stands "for a just and honest enforcement of the law." Ten years' law practice in Oregon. Paid Adv. EM AMERICA'S HOME SHOE POLISH Make Your Shoes Last Longer by Taking Good Care of Them Apply StUNOlA frequently. Ita wax and oils soften tot preserrs th leather and keep your shoes looking new. StMOlA and the SaiXOlA HOME SET make ehoe shining a matter of eeconds In home or office. BLACK TAN WHITE OXBIOOD, BROWN Always 10 let 'or Lonveniencp IB lis We're specialists in HIGH GRAOK IUIY CLKAXING bo you can have that dainty spring or summer gown cleaned RIGHT by having us do the work. We use the right materials and equipment and are genuinely skilled and expert in every detail of the work. Why not try us just call 244 and we do the rest. I Paint Time ffai iS3J BattiuivTfiu and yn mm U Uom U turi ac. mXi 't&sf C . It's here and we are ready to sup ply the paint that gives real satisfac tion. It is the well-known Dutch Boy White-Lead mixed to order with pure linseed oil, turpentine and tinting matter to meet surface, weather and color conditions. Your choice as to color can be matched exactly. Come in and talk with us. We are headquarters for first-class paint and painting materials. j Medford Fur. & Hdw. Co. Crater Lake Hardware Co. 1 Meilford. Orecon. endorse the administration of Presi- dent Wilson. They also adopted rOB- olulious advocating free press, free speech and asking repeal of all! espionage, sedition and conscription' laws passed during Die war. i The convention, in session until; long after midnight, was at times in: turmoil und at one time a free for all fight was in prospect. What Smart Women Wear The shops are showing squares and strips of beautiful, bright-lined Chi nese embroidery at most reasonable prices, and women are making a fad of picking these pieces up, and us ing them for all sorts of things. They are put into tho tops of hats. Hags and mules ure made of them. They are lovely as girdles and sashes on dark serge or silk dresses, as ends for pillows and as strips for picture frames. Some women buy them just to hang on the wall, either mounted under glass, or simply tucked ngainst a black velvet background where they make the most enchanting spots of color. ! 1 saw an unusual way of using one of these squares at an after-the-thea-tro supper lately. Two squares had been taken, the circular patterns in heir middles having been cut out and appliquod onto clolh-of-silver. Ono of tho circles was placed in the middlo of the cloth-nf-silver bodies. and tho other at tho bottom of a straight panel, which hung down the ront of tho skirt to iliu hem. You may see the Idea in the accompanying sketch. f you want aomttthing smart in a sports hut, try drop-stitch tricolette. About tiie cleverest.littlo hat 1 have seen recently was of pink tricolette embroidered in brown silk floss in a Irclo motif, with an embroidered wing at each side, j Tho only other trimming was a brpwn silk tassel caught to tho conterbf the crown and falling almost to the) shoulder. These little hats aro so erfcliuiiting with a 'sports sweater that to have one. Clove easily make one, to simple. Can't you old-blue with soft g rimming? tpery girl ought fingers could they are quite Qinagine one in fay angora wool Schedule Good Road Meetings Thursday. May 20. Enirle l'oint. Brownslioro. Luke Creek. Prospect. All nuii.ino-3 fn lie hold nfc ei'iht o'clock in the evoninnr. Speakers will, explain the proposed county road bonds nnd the stale 4 per cent bond limitation net. FOR SUPERINTENDENT To the Voters of Jackson County: I have lived in Jackson county since early girlhood, and graduated from both high school and State Nor mal school in this county. Except for the years spent in col lege I have taught almost constantly for twenty years. Four of these years were spent in an Alaska school where I was principal of the grades and of the four year high school. Othorwiso my work has been in Jackson county and In both rural and town schools four years in Ashland High school, four years In Phoenix High school, and at the latter place am engaged for noxt year at increased salary. I feel closely in touch with the school work and school needs of our county. I havq attended summer sessions at Berkeley, at O. A. C, and one in Behnke-Walker Business College, in order to grow in my work. If elected to the county suporinton dency of schools I shall endeavor to faithfully fulfill and execute the laws for our schools, and to recognize tho wishes of the people in regard to whatever is established for the bet terment of our schools. Jly aim Is to secure "equal oppor tunities for all tho children." SUSAANI3 W. HOMES. (Paid Adv.) 4 f . E. L. C0BURN Candidate for Republican Nomination FOR SECRETARY OF STATE Present Countv Clerk Josephine County. Adv. USE A McCormick J with the M ower Samson Iron Horse The Tractor that is made to use with any horse drawn tool Two men with the proper haying equipment can put up as much hay as five men without it Patton and Robinson, Inc. Everything for the Farm 112 So. Riverside Tel. 150 " Quality-lSie finest! . m Flavor the 'richest! S Economytl If Rnv ' lie greatest! (t The Quality Coffee of America Which ever uits your con venience, you will find the same Quality and Flavor in ONE, THREE or FIVE POUND Vaccum Packed Cans. You SAVE the most when you buy the larger sizes. Every Can Guaranteed X