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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1920)
KM)RP WXTTj TTTmnTHR. WTOTFOTID, OTCEGOX, "WEDNESDAY. MAY 19, 1920. Application for water rights have been filed with tho state engineer at Salem by Frank Randier of Jackson ville, water from SIcCormack, Wolf, Line and other gulches for the irri gation of a small tract in Jackson ,county. ' Old phonographs and records " bought, sold and exchanged. Doug lass, 101 S. Central. Phone 6 15-J. Houses tor sale. Jackson County .Building & Loan association. Delco-Llght Electricity for every farm. J. E. Bartlett, Medford Hotel. Sredford, Ore. Huck towels 35c this week. Truax Store. 51 William Kosky is a business visitor in tho city who is a guest at the Hol land. Among other guests at this hotel are H. G. Thompson and R. G. Bunnell of Portland, and J. S. Gill and E. Ryan of Dunsmuir. Flies are dangerous and a nuis ance. We make window screens and screen doors. Trowbridgo Cabinet Works. 57 If you have a good second-hand range or a refrigerator for sale, phone 892-M. 61 Fishermen roport that tho stool head and other big follows are not biting-very well and that fishing is poor except with small trout who are beginning to take flies and spinners An experience of more than eight yeara as deputy secretary of state thoroughly qualities Sam A. Kozer for secretary of stato. lie should bo nominated May 21, and elected In November. - Paid Adv. Cost plus 10.' 55 We need you; you need us. Join Legion this week. 51 r Isaac Van Dorn, pioneer of Jose phine county and former resident of .Medford, died at his home In the 'Booth Ferry district last Monday, llr. Van Dorn, who was about 90 yoars of age, crossed tho plains in an ox team. Ho was born in Indiana and later moved to Iowa. At the age of 22 ho sot out for tho west, crossing tho plains In 1852. He had been on his ranch for about 43 years, boing ono of tho oldest settlers in Josephino county. Ho lived in Med ford and other Jackson county points for a few years. ' Economize by nslng scratch pads for use. Get them at this office. If Your spring Bult nest woolens, reasonable prices. Klein the Tailor, East Main, upstairs. Mrs. M.' A. Coleman has returned from a visit at Portland and Prino-' vllle, Ore. She was accompanied home by hor sister, Mrs. E. M. Jlc Lemman. From here Mrs. McLem man will visit her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Stem at San Francisco. Tablets and scratch pads made of news print, for. school and office use for sale at this office.' tf Phone 474 nboutyour dry cleaning and dyeing. All work fully guaran teed. City Cloaning Works, 401 South Riverside. The Modern Plumbing and Heating Co. have opened quarters in the Sparta Bldg. Estimates furnished. See us for plumbing, heating and gas fitting. Phono 620. - 02 'Mrs. :H. Van Hoevenburg of Sams Valley who was operated upon nt tho Sacred Heart hospital this morning rocovcred well from the operation and her speedy recovery is oxpoctod. Vote for W. D. Welch for County Treasurer, a taxpayer and an exper ienced business man. Paid Adv.ol .Gingham, this week, 35c a yd.. Truax Store. ' 01 Auto repairing M. J. Swing, with Huttson Motors Auto Home, 29 South Front. All work guaranteed. tf Eastern states guests registered at the Medford include Mrs. F. 13. George of St. Louis, L. S. Sugsmith and H. S. Levenshol of New York city, and Max Braun of Milwaukee Sea Medford Land & Insurance Agency, successors to D. R. Wood & Co., Rm. 209 Liberty Bldg., for fire Insnrapce. tt After you eat always take InnfanUy relieve Heartburn. Bloated Cm? Feeling. Stopa indigestion, food aourinff, re peating, and all tho many miaerlea caused by Acid-Stomach , K ATONIC l the bet remedr. Ten of thoo . Bands wonderfully benefited. Positively ffunr anlaed to please or we will refund money. Call and set a bis box today. You wiU aea. Heath's Drua Store. Medford. Oreaon SPECIAL F ATONIC tarFQrTYQUR STOMACH'S SAKk) The Owner of One of the Finest Homes . SOUTH 0AKDALE AVE. Has asked us to force the sale of this home. He has permitted us id offer this fine property, not only for' less money than it could be built for at the present time, hut for muc hless than it cot with, cheap labor and material. It" has an East front: it has a large frontage and is a very larue lot: it has beautiful shade trees: it has splendid lawn: it has base ment and heatinq plant. This is a beautiful home for lanyon'e. In the center of one of Medford's best residence districts. This is a pood investment. This house will sell at an advance of $2,000 over present price before January. 1921. ' Call or phone. Make appointment for showlnp. Page-Dressier Co. See Us for the Best Fire Insurant. See us for Any Kind of Real , Estate. i J Every buddy get a buddy fur tho American Legion between May 17-22. 51 A new auto stage line between Grants Pass and Crescent City started operation this week under the name, Cadillac Auto Stage. Broken forglngs and castings, all shapes, all metals, all' sizes, welded, reinforced and guaranteed. Vulcan Welding Works, 39 South Front St. It pays to save and saves to pay. We will show you. Ilring your laun dry to Paul's Electric Store. For a few days visit with friends, Mrs. J. II. Chastain and Miss Edith Chastaln of Grants Pass arrived in the city yesterday. Delco-Light Electricity for every farm.- J. E Bartlett, Medford Hotel, Medford, Ore. For oyo, eai, nose, throat see Dr. Heine, Liberty Bldg. Glasses fitted. Prof. C. 1. Lewis and Robert Paul son, officers of the Oregon Growers Cooperative association, arrived in tho city this forenoon from Grants Pass whore they were conferring with fruit growers Tuesday, to attend this afternoon's meeting of tho local growers affiliated with that organi zation. A complete lino Tru Bill cakes and crackers at the Palace Grocory. 72 Lace remnants, 2 and 3 yds, 15c. Truax Store. " 51 French pastry and dainty confec tions made fresh daily at Rex Cafe, tf At its meeting on Juno 1 of the state highway commission bids will bo opened for tho construction of the overcrossing approaches on the Pa cific highway approximately three miles southeast of the Ashland de pot, which will requiro two-tenths of a milo grading and about 117,000 cubic yards of embankment. Pome on Lizzy, take Henry and go up to the Valley Fuel Co. and leave an order for a few cords of 4-toot body slab wood that they are deliver ing any placo in Medford for $4.75 per cord. You know they are reliable and you can depend upon them. 52 A few more fino rabbits for sale at 910 West Tenth street, Medford. 53 Silk, 27 in. wide, yd. 95c. Truax Store. 51 Cotton crepe, white and flesh col ors, yd. 45c. Truax Store. 61c Martha Patterson and Mrs. Flor ence Thurston' are Hotel Medford guests from Seattle. Hemstitching, pecotlng 10c por yard, thread furnished. Expert op orator. Singer Shop, 10 South Fir street. CO Wanted Beer and pop bottles nt DeVoe's. Vote for W. D. Welch for County Treasurer, a taxpayer and an exper ienced business man. Paid Adv.ol American , Legion membership week, May 17 to 22. .loin now. 51 Why suffer the discomforts and embarrassments of a Goitre? O. G. C, preparation (or goitre has bono : fitud many. Why pay several hundred dollars for an operation to remove a troitrc when O.G.C, can be obtained fnr such a comparatively small expenditure?, O.G.C. when properly applied pives satis factory results, or your money will be refunded. O.G.C. is sold direct, by mail only. Write for booklet. Address Dept.Z ., O.O.C CHEMICAL COMPANY -Seattle, Washington Brown & White 5-room modern bungalow, furnish od, garage, wood shod, $2625.00. 5-room modern house, furnished woodshed and store room, $2025.00 5 rooms all modern conveniences, furnished, garage, etc., $2000.00. Some splendid modern bungalow homes, 5 and 6 rooms, priced from S2S00.00 to $4200.00. A now strictly modern G-room bun galow with all built in features, all kinds of outbuildings, 2 V4 acres ground all in cultivation, and set to pear trees. This Is closo in and very attractive, part cash and easy terms, $5000.00. Brown & White Holland Hotel Building NOTICE on Nash Block Phone 282 Tho election booths for the pri mary next Friday will be open from S o'clock in the morning until S o'clock at night. Awnings made to order and put up. All kinds of repairing. Douglas, 101 South Central. Phone 615-J. J. E. Enyart arrived in the city Inst Tuesday afternoon with his new Buick roadster which ho just pur chased at Marshficld. He will leave the car here until ho goes .to San Francisco and back In n day or two, and on his return will drive It to Portland. ,1 ,),'" ' v E. V. Carter. Who is a candidate for represents five lrom this district, lias lived in Oregon for a irood many veiirs, has been dirertlv connected with the up Imililinir of the county mid stale, is recojrnized a" over the state as una of our progressive business men. lie has served in the legislature for two terms, and was speaker of the house for regular and special sessions. undcrtmids thoroughly the needs of the people and how to secure results ;:nd the people of I he country aro for tunate to be offered the services of; so able u man in the legislature. Miv Carter is also chnrnmn of the State Fish mid Ciiime C'oinniiss'ion. Hires Household Extract contains the actual juices of roots, barks, herbs and berries. It makes rootbeer as pure as it is sparkling and delicious. Bo sura you get this pMCkafe. It brings you tho denuns Hires Houmtthold iTxfracf. THE CHARLES E. HIRES COMPANY Philadelphia, Pa. Notice to Contractors Oregon Stnto Highway Const incl Ion Sealed bids will be received by the State Highway Commission of tho Stato of Oregon nt Room 520 Multno mah County Court House, Portland, Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 1st day of June, 1920, for tho follow ing: Ashlnnd Overcrossing Approaches, Pacific Highway. 0.2 miles of grad ing. Located approximately three miles southeast of tho railroad sta tion at Ashland. 17,000 cu. yds. of embankment. No bid will be considered unless ac companied by cash, bidders bond, or certified check for an amount equal to five (5) per cent of 'tho total amount bid. A satisfactory bond will bo re quired for the faithful performance of the contract In a sum equal to one half of the total amount bid. Proposal blanks and full informa tion for bidders may be obtained at the office of tho State Highway Engi neer, Capitol Building, Salem, Ore gon. Plans, specifications and form of contract may bo Inspected at the same place or may be obtainod upon the deposit of $5.00 for each set of plans and specifications. Plans and specifications aro also on file at Room 1301 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon. Plans may also be Inspected at the office of K. E. Hodgman, Division Engineer, at Medford. The right is reserved to roject any and all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for tho Stato of, Oregon. OREGOuV STATE HIGHWAY ' COMMISSION, ,' S. BENSON, Chairman. R. A. BOOTH, Commissioner. ED E. KIDDLE, Commissioner. Attest: HERBERT NUNN. State Highway Engineer. , Salem, Oregon, May 15, 1020. 1 y jf if 3 Real Bargains 9 acres of good black, level land on Pacific Highway. 4 acres In growing pears. Orchard and balance of placo In good alfalfa. House is a modorn plastered bungalow with nil city conveniences and no city taxes. 5 largo rooms, double floors, 2 porches, builtln closets, cupboards and book-case Windows all screened. Electric lights, bath and toilet. Hydrants for watering stock and chickens. Good barn and other out-bulldings. An Ideal country homo and a bargain $6000.00. 55 acres good rich alfalfa and grain land, all level. Good six room modern house, with plenty of shade. Electric lights. Large barn and outbuildings in best of condition. Some fruit. On the placo now is 32 acres alfalfa and 21 acres grain. 1 V4 miles from town. No better bargain in the valley. $250.00 per acre. 245 acre stock ranch on Crater Lake Highway, 200 acres under fence. Finest outside range In tho stato. Some alfalfa and about 30 acres In grain. Large modern 10 room ,ouse, good big barn and other buildings. About 175 acres of this ranch can be cultivated. $10,000.00. rA,i. FOX & TEX CENTRAL POINT, OREGON HEM WANTED Stale and Female YOl!N(l men, women, 17 upward de siring Itailwuy Mail Clerkships, $110 month, wrilo lor free partic ulars. Examinations June lti. J. Leonard (former (lovernment E.t aminer), 758 Kquituble Bldg., Washington, D. C. 50 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED .Man with some mechan ical experience. Apply Jackson County Creamery. WANTED Middle aged married man on ranch; must be a good milker; a good steady Job for right party. Telephone or call, Frederick Pelouze, Eaglo Point, Ore. 55 WANTED Orchard foreman; wages. Phono C I. good WANTED Man nt Medford Ice and Storage Co. WANTED Two carpenters. F. P. Suitor, 1101 West Ninth street, rhone 410-J. 50 WANTED Marrlci': man to work on ranch; wife to help with cooking. Phono II. Bingham, 587-J-3. WANTED Tennis and men, Moon & Co.. near Port Orfnrrl. Pnrrv pnnn- ty. Teams $10.00 per day; Cali fornia nay ana grain, nay $34. uo por ton, grain $72. Hood nen $5.00 por day; board $1.10; work road construction. Moon & Co. 70 WANTED Ranch help. W. Bingham, 597-J-3. Phono II WANTED Carpenter work, contract or by tho day; estimates furnished tree. Call Carpenter, phono 9111. 67 WANTED An apprentice over 10 yoars of ago to loam printing trade at Mail Tribune office. Young man with previous experience proforred Must have good grammur school education. Good wages with quar terly advancement. Apply to Sten. nett, foreman. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Woman or girl for house work in a good home. Throo in family. Phono 452-11. W1ANTED Cook for ranch. Phono Guy Conner 01. 51 WANTED Girl or woman for gener. al housework; Phono 750-X. 53 WANTED Woman to do kitchen work evenings. Crowson's. WANTED Waitresses at Rox Cafo $15 per week. tl WANTED BHSOELTjANEOUS WANTED Small showcase or wall case. Phone S41-R. 50 WANTED Two-Inch rotary or cen trifugal pump. Phone 12, People's Electric Store. WANTED Work for a two-ton truck Phone 574. 54 WANTED To ront strictly modern '5 or 6 room bungalow; must be first class, or 3 or 4 room apart ment. Phone ISO. W1 ANTED Corona typewriter. Phone 403-X-2. 60 WANTED Room and board for wid ower and children. Boy six, girl two and ono-hnlf years. Children cared for during day. Address 31 South Front street, Medford. 51 WANTED Laundry work, 35c per dozon. Ironing 30c per hour. 337 West Holly. 53 WANTED Second-hand Jackson fork. Route 1, Box 50, Talent. 63 WANTED To ront four or fivo room furnished modern house. No chil dren. Phone 162-R. WANTED Logging teams. Call L. W. Stansell, phone 6S5-R-4. WANTED Ten tons of grain hay.' L. W. Stansell, phone GS5-R-4. WANTED 3 14 or 3 Vi wagon. Phono 012-J. WANTED Good cloaa rags. Med ford Printing Co. WANTED 900 lawn mowers to sharpen on our now grinder. Lib erty Repair Shop. Phone 201-J. WANTED WIU pay top market prices for wool and mohair. See us before you sell. Medford Junk Co. Phone 2 8 3-J. WANTED Carpet weaving and cleaning. 201 South RiverBide. Phono 356-J. Fluff Rug Factory. WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. tf WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 83 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT llouso partly furnished. Cull at 30 North Riverside. 51 FOR RENT FVRMSHED ROOMS FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms. Inquire Mrs. M. J. Muth, 035 Palm street. 54 FOR RENT Furnishec: room. Phone 041-11. 50 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 3 1 1 North Bartlett. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 322 South Central. 50 FOR 8AL1 REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE Ten acres on highway, good buildings, berries, grain, gar- don all in. Irrigation. Address, Ten Acres, caro .Mail Tribune 53 FOR SALE Furnished bungalow nico bath, corner lot. closo In, all clear Answer Box 02, Mall Tri bune. 53 FOR SALE Closo in well improved suburban home. Phono 453-L. 54 FOR SALE Modern furnished or unfurnlshod bungalow. Girl's bl cyclo chenp. Phono 371-X. 64 FOR SALE Four room modorn house, plastered, two chicken houses, barn, woodshed and garage on 214 acres alfalfa land, all fencod and in good siiapel Placo located at 263 Mountain avenue, Ashland, or inquire 731 West Sec ond street, Medford. 53 FOR SALE Close In four room house. Closo In six room house. Fivo close In cast front lots. Eigh ty ncrcs foothill land. This prop erty sure to inerouBO in valuo. Easy terms of payment can bo arranged or will tako late model automobile ns first payment on any of these properties. 11. C. Stoddard, 120 Leidesdorff street, San Francisco, California. . 53 VOtt SALE Fivo room modorn bun galow, ono close and one screened porch, no assessments against pro perly. Call 375-W or 222. FOR SALE Invest for profit. We have a proposition that will pay big interost on tho investment. A 24-room houso with five three room upartmonts and fivo single sleeping rooms completely furnish ed besides four rooms nicely fur nishod for owner's apartments, hot and cold wator throughout; steam heating plant; garago room for fivo cars. At present bringing in n rental of $222.00 por month; oxpensos are light. Will sell com pletely furnished for $9000.00. Figuro this out yourself and see that it Is a good buy. Bennett In vestment Company, 102 West Main street. FOR SALE Six room modern house desirable location, two blocks from post office. Inquire 121 North Grape. bo FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Piano, dining sot, dres sers, sewing machino, etc. Also thoroughbred Whlto Wynndotto lions and cockerel. Call evenings, 1121 East Main street. Phono 740-W. 50 FOR SALE Man's bleyclo, good con dition, $15.00. 321 Benson. 62 FOR SALE Two tons barley hay. J. D. Henry, Phoenix. 52 FOR SALE Refrigerator, 200-pound capacity. Call between 8 and 12, at 11(15 West Main. 61 FOR SALE Flowers, old faRhionod columbine, mignonette, sweet peas. Phono 353-J. 51 FOR SALE OR TRADE truck. Phono 574. -A two-ton 54 FOR SALE Ecllpso rango, A No. 1 condition; burns wood or coal. Phono 328. 61 FOR SALE A few tons of alfalfa hay. Inquire of M. B. Glovor, Ross Lane. FOR SALE Threo horsepowor Fair banks More 'A typo engine Second hand. Apply Medford Iron Works, 17 South Rivcrsldo. 62 FOR SALE Improved glory tomato plants. 919 Wost Eleventh. 50 FOR SALI2' Piano cheap. Torms 312 King street. 51 considered FOR SALE Alfalfa. Want party .to cut same and pay bo much a ton. Phone 500-J-4. 50 FOR SALE rSana, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phone 912-J, Samuol Bntoman, 30:! Maple street. LOST LOST Tan rubber hip boot. Loft by rouds:do on upper Applognto. I.eavo at Paul's Electric Storu for reward. 5 1 The Economists toll us to DIVERSIFY and good Alfulfa Meadows and one of tho best BEARING ORCHARDS In tho foothill bolt combined on ono forty-acre tract enable us to offer Eighty Acres of bearing Apple .Orchard and a nlco acreage in yielding alfalfa for tho reasonable sum of ONLY $10,000 The improvements, are good, location could not be excelled, and the tract will bring in a good income. Our advlco would bo to GRAB IT! Rogue River Land Co. Since 1902 Office Hotel Nash Qprnjr FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE A few fresh milk cows. officially tested. Alfulfa hay. Half mile south of Medford on Adkins Place. Srhulz Bros. 5-1 FOR SALE Milch goat. Ninth street. FOR SALE Fresh young milk cow with heifer calf bred from real producers. Phono 452-U. C. 11. Howell. FOR SALE Ono Jersey, cow, fresh soon, one colt, one hog, rabbits and 2 acres wheat. T. Jaggers, Med ford, It. It. 2. 53 FOR SALE Good team. L. A. Rose, phone G-F-13, Phoenix. 57 FOR SALE Ilolsteln bull, horses and machinery. Harvey Ruckcr, iGriffin Creek. 51 FOR SALE Ono four year old sad dlo mare, well bred, prico right One mile north of Seven Oaks. W. 11. Penlnger. 50 FOR SALE At a bargain, black team 5 and 0 yoars old, weight 2S00. Inquire E. O. llavs, Eugle Point. 50 FOR SALE Two young fresh cows. Bert Staucliff, Phoenix. 50 FOR SALE Black work team Phono 452-Y. ' FOR SALE Iwcnty of tMO vory best milch cows. Theso cows can t be beat; come and seo for yoursolf. Walsh's place on Koss Lane, two miles northwest of Medford. 6u AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Ford touring car. Hub bard iliros. FOR SALE Practically now Ford car, 1920 model Willi sell' starter; also 'Unovroici in excellent condi tion. McCurdy-Bowno Motor Co., Sparta Bldg. FOR SALE Ono 1915 Maxwell tour- lug car, good running order, $13it or will tako good milk cow ns part paymont. A grout bargain. 706 South iNowtown street. 51 FOR SALE A Buick four touring car with Dolco self s tartar. Just overhauled and In good running order; good tires. Prico only $n00. Terms If desired. Tumy Motor Co., 12o South Front street. 62 FOR SALE Stiidebakor bug, Just overhauled. In first class shapo iChcap. On time. Clark & Childors, 127 North Itlvorsido, phono 20. FOR SALE 1920 Maxwell ling, fivo now tiros, wire whools; best me chanical shape. Prico reasonable Clark & Childors, 127 North River- Bide. Phono 20. WAINTED Automobiles for repair by export auto mechanic. Clark & Childers, opp. Nat. Phono 26. 336 FOR SALE UBed Maxwell flvo-pas scngor car. Good condition. Price $400. Page Drossier Co., Nash Block. FOR SALE See our prices on over hauled Ford cars, licenses paid liberal terms. McCurdy-Bcwne Motor Co. FOR SALE At a sacrifice, roomy five passenger car, new top, cord tires, runs and looks like new; self starter of course. McCurdy-Bowno Motor Co. New location Main and Rivcrsldo FOR SALE rOULTR AND EGGS FOR SALE Juno chicks 15c. Order ' mow. Mrs. F. H. Dressier, phone 777-L. , 53 FOR SALE One 100-chlck Cyphors broodor. $5.00; ono 125-egg Incu bntor, $12.00, worth $30.00; 12 soloctod O. A. C. cockorols ono year old, $1.50, worth $5.00. Gus Brom mer. Phono 5S9-J-2., bL -Ji . FOR SALE Eggs from my bred to lay Leghorns at reduced price for balance of the soason. W. J. War ner. MISCELLANEOUS JUST ARRIVED A large shipment of wool sacks; fleoco twine for sale cheap. We nro also in tho market for both wool and mohair. John Bon's, 45 South Front. Phone 302. FARM LOANS PAY OFF YOUR OLIj MORTQAOI! on your farm or orchard by replac ing your loan with us on the ex tended payment plan at 6 inter est. McCurdy Insurance Agoncy. t ESTRAYED ESTRAYED From Table Rock ranch: Jloreford bull, 4 yaers old, ' dehorned; both cars cropped closo; weighs about 1400 lbs. Branded with a cross trianglo on right stifle; any Information that will locato him will bo appreciated and rewarded. Phono 868-M, or write Tlox 1006, Medford. Brown & White Holland Hotel Building One ncro, every Inch under cultlva Hon, fruit, berries and garden, city water, electricity, otc, a fine, woll built plastered small houso, and all kinds of outbuildings. Prico Is $1500 10 ncres on tho paved highway, good buildings, Irrigation, fruit, bor- rles, clover, alfalfa and grain all do well on this property. Price today is $5250. 25 acres, good 5 room plastered house, good barn, otc, 10 acres in corn. Prico $3200. 10 acres, mostly in bearing frull, nlco 5 room modorn bungalow homo completely furnished, good barn, chlckon houses, wood , shod, tank house, $3500. BROWN & WHITE HOLLAND HOTEL BUILDING BUSINESS DIRECTOR. Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Cuthbert Bldg.. Rooms 3 and 5, North Central Ave. Anto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. W are operating the largest, oldest and boat-equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Use our spring! when others fall. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. O. C. HOGGS Attorney for State Land Board. W. B. PH1PP& Attorney at Law. 425-426 M. F. & 11. Bldg. OfflCB phono 372; residence phone S26-M. ELIJAH II. HURD Lawyer. J1S-H Garnett-Corey Bldg. PORTER .1. NEFF Attorney-at-law. rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnets Corey Building. O. C. HOGGS Real estate, law and settlement of estates a specialty. ItlacksniltliiiiR MEDFORD BLACKSMITH SHOP All kinds of auto blacksmithlng. Springs guaranteed. Portland prices. 118 South Bartlett street. Phono .183-J. 71 Building Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. 259 Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given to anything In Accounting and In come Tnx requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. M. F. & H. Building, Medford. Phone 157-R. Instruction In Muslo. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of piano and harmony. Halght Musi studio, 318 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phono 72. Mineral Baths MINERAL BATHS Dr. Hawloy, Ctah ropractlc Physician, First Nations) Bank building. Entrance, room 5, Ashland, Oregon. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. BURKLUND, ChlropractH physician, St. Mark's bulldingV acute and chronic cases, Oftica hours 10 a. m. to 12 m. 8 to 1 p. m. Telophones Office 454, roa. 7E0-J. i DR. J. J. EMMEN3 Physician an surgeon. Practice limited to eytj ear, nose and throat. Eyes sdoix tlflcally tested and glasses supi plied. Oculist and Aurlst for B. ft R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & H. G14 Bldg. Phono 667. DR. F. G. CARLOW DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OSTEOPATHIS PHYSICIANB 416-417 Garnott-Corey Bldg. Phone 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel Street DR. McMORRlB M. DOW, Physician and Surgeon practice limited to surgery and hospital obslerlca. Spoclal attention given to diseases of women. Offlcos 806-7 M. F. A H. Bldg. Residence, tho Dow Ho pital. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. baa tha best equipped printing office In Bouthorn Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf lodgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prlcos. 27 North Fir St. Transfer. EAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO'. Office 42 North Front St. Phone 815. Prices right. Service guar anteed. Undertaker JOHN A. PERL Undertaker Phone M 47 and 47-J-2. 18 Bouts. Uartlott. Lady assistant. Auto mobile Hoarse Service. Auto Am bulance Service. Coroner. Lodges. L O. O. F. Medford lodge No. (I, Meets every Monday night at 7:80. C, T. Parker, N. G., W. L. Miller, seer. tary. Kogue River Encampment No. 80- Meets 2d and 4th Fridays at 7:20 p. m. ttamuel Batemarf, C. P., 1 O. How ard, Kcrlbo. Ollvo Ithcknh lodge No. 18 Meet 1st and 3rd Tuosduya at 8 p. m, Nan nie Hull, N. G Annie J, Bateman, ocrotary. Visitors cordially Invited to all montlnsa. MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN J. B. Andrew loan money on real estate and buy mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 63-11. 81 North Grape street. WANTED 2-inch Centrifugal or ro tary pump. Phone 12. Foople's Electric Store. ias 5ps es- I !ef- 5a- ng ml 00 lot tin dn oh to t ns 1 n id - H B tjr . I K