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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1920)
HGUFUKU 5TSTE TRTBTT5TH. MRU FORD. OTJEGONf. TUESDAY. :PKTTJ 57. "192(1. Medford Mail, tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PI'hLIBHED KVEKT AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY BY THE MEDFORD PRINTING CO Office, Mall Tribune kVllldlng, J5-17-I8 norio fir sireei. rnone . A USELESS MEASURE A consolidation of the Democratic Time. The Medford Mall. The Medford Tribune, the Bout burn Oregonlan. The Aahl&nd Tribune. Tb Medford Sunday Bun m furnlihed fUDfcnwri aeairing & even-oay OAiiy ROBERT RUHT, Editor 8. 8. SMITH, Manager. 0TJSSCKXPTZO TEKXSl rt MAIL IN ADVANCE: Dally, with Sunday Hun, year 13.00 , Dally, with Sunday Sun, month .65 t Dally, without Sunday Sun, year- 5.00 1 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month 60 Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 1.50 Bunaay nun, one year l.ou 8T CARRIER In Medford, Ashland, , Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix: Dally, with Sunday Sun, year $7.50 : Dally, with Bund&y Sun, month .65 vuiir. witnout Hun-Jay Hun. year- fl. Dally, without Bunday Sun, month .50 Offlolal paper of the City of Medford. urxiciaj paper or jacttaon county. Entered aa second-clans matter at Medford. Oregon, under the act of March worn dally average circulation for ' elx months ending April 1919 8,074 - MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Full Leased Wire Service. The Asso ciated Press Is exclusively entitled to ma use lor repuuir lauon or an news ol float ones credited to It or not nther. Wise credited In this paper, and also the local news puDiisiiea herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches narvm tire aiao rnicrvea Ye Smudge Pot Br Artkw Vwrrj ' (Margaret Anglln's presentation ot The Woman , of Bronze", Monday night wag highly emotional, and for a wonder no plain citizen and taxpay er lustily -hlew his nose, during a tense and dramatic climax. Men who are kicking about the high -price of duds, forget that the 25 hand-me-downs did not have three and four automatic opening and closing pleats up the back. This Is the time of tho year when the days are too nlco to work, and the nights too nice to Bleep. Just as there Is one class of henn ery cooks who use carrots Indiscrim inately In soup, there is - another school who ubo tomatoes tho sume way. ' No one can understand where High Johnson gets his votes, but ho gets 'em. i '" '.The present crop of profiteers are bad enough. Heaven knows, but tho nation should be thankful that none of the profiteering geniuses of Ore gon are on tho job. If the United States was the Willamotto vnlloy, the trade would get some real prlcos. Things are coming to a protty pass when a federal official can't oolong to -the Reds without being investi gated by a republican congress. "Atty. p. Codding has started the development of a mustache, modelod after the style worn by plrutos in the 16th century, and tho present crop ot brlstleB indicates a bumper yield. The drive for funds for aid to tuberculosis victims among tho poor died early, it not offering the chanco tor an ocean trip that packing relig ion to the FIJI Islumlors does. ; The Salem corr. of tho Oregonlan growing rapturous o'er blosBom time marvels thut man has created noth ing to equal nature Mini has never been able to build anything that acts II ko himself. , Hlflh School Safe Robbed MISSOULA. Mont., April 17. Tlio Rnt'o in the otTieo of the Missoula llilfll school was blown open lust ni-Jlt mid almost $.'iU0 in eusli nml Liberty bonds whs taken, lteuistered thrift Htnnips were untouched. Advises Ordinary Buttermilk for Wrinkles and Enlarged Pores Till Good Ixtoklng Young Woman ITm Old Time lt-i'lw of Hotter Milk lYoiii in n Now W'uy A t'.M, Jntlo MiiMsugr- with Finders Retiring All Tlint Is JNeccswiry Tho old-time appllca 1 1 o n o I Buttermilk and Cream to whiten and preserve the skin and remove harsh little wrin kles and ugly allow ness Is grandmn t h e r ' recipe and wom en tbroug h o u t the country are aguin using H to en sure a beautiful complexion and now-white hunds nnd arms. Duftermllk, however, Is nol always obtainable, but a specialist hus ut last perfected a method of conccn tratlng buttermilk and combining It with a perfect cream, whleli you can buy In small quantities ready to use at any first class drug store by sim ply asking for "Howard's" Uuttor mllk Cream. There Is no secret about It nor Is there any doubt about the result It I just common ordinary DiittermiiK In the form of a wonderful cream, gently massaged with the finger tips around the corners ot the eyes and mouth. Howard -Bios. Chemical Co., Buffalo, jr. T.r ' Adv. TTHE AMENDMENT to make the president of the state senate, governor, in ease of the disability or death of the ehiet executive, is a hair-baked measure, which should be deleated. If any change is made in the present arrangement, it should be a real change, a change designed to simplity rather than complicate, to retard political manipulation rather than encourage it. Making the president of the senate the governor's suc cessor, would make this ollice more ot a political football than it is now, would materially impair the efficiency of the higher branch ot the legislature, and tend to increase rather than decrease the delects already apparent. e tavor and have iavoral the creation of a lieutenant governor, a custom practiced in many other states, with reasonable success. Jiut the people have not been educat ed to the need and will have none of it. So its initiation at the present time is a waste of time. But the proposed amendment is worse than a waste of time. It is a step, with potentialities of positive harm. J f the governor is to represent the people, and be elected by them, his successor should come as near as possible in the same category. Ilie people vote lor tlie present vice governor" when they'vote for secretary of state, and they know tins when they cast a ballot. But the people of the state, as a whole, have nothing to do with the election of state senators. Under thus provis ion they would have nothing to do with the governor's suc cessor. The choice would rest entirely with the dominant machine in the upper house. One who knows anything about the conditions m Sa lem, knows what a pernicious political scramble the pas sage of this amendment would produce. The political di vision in the senate, caused by the appointive power of the presiding; olhcer, is deplorable enough now. But with the gubernatorial possibility thrown in, it might well be come scandalous. This successor to the governor measure should be smothered never to be revived. It hasn't a solitary, virtue to commend it. Hoover Wins Oregonian Poll PORTLAND, April 28. The Oregonian began on April 21st to take straw votes In the city of 1'ortland, on the republican candldutes'for pres ident. A tabulation of these straw votes, which were printed in the Oregonian April 21, 22 and 23 follows: t4 -3 Candidate. Spalding Bids 02 33 S 7 JO ! Ooernecher ftlfg 3S 7 72 11 0 9 Publu; .Market 28 34 21 19 13 15 Wilcox Building 21 20 2 4 0 S Police Dept 20 1C el' 9 0 23 Post Office 1 6 2 0- 0 0 Fleischnerl Mayer ,14 8 IS id o 3 City Hall . 52 23 11 10 1 12 Lewis Building 20 12 4 G 0 S Misc. Women Employes 5 1 4 0 0 0 Smith-Watson Co 5 1 6 0 0 0 Total 272 171 209 81 11 81 Total Votes, 828. Hoover 33 per cent. Scattering: Taft, 34; Hughes, 23; Pershing, 17; Coolidge, 2; Har ding, u. Total. 81. RipplingRhijTiiGs 4rW3lt Mason nil A OUR DAY. 1KN0W not what tomorrow's dawn may bring alon-; my way; perhaps by then I may be gone from this cheap' ball of clay. .This day, however, is my own, the day that's now on deck; and I will chase the shining bone with bells around my neck. I'll do a dozen help ful stunts before the night arrives; assist some weak, despairing runts, and brighten up their lives. I've played a lot of knavish tricks for which I should atone, and ikiw I should my record fix, for this day is my own. I cannot bank on any day that hasn't yet had birth; before it comes and slides away I may fall off the earth.. But in this writing I am sound and full of vim and pej, I'm full of life, I cave around with high and buoyant step. Tomorrow they may measure me for monumental stone; today I'm busy as a bee, for this day is my own. So while I am a dweller here, you'll find me on my job; today I'll dry the widow's tear, and can the orphan's sob. Sonora Which Seeks Independence Tim stnle of Konorn. which is re-' Arizona into Mexico is very sliuht for ii.iite.l In have withdrawn from the the first 'JIM) miles or more. Had thev republic of Mexico, is Iho most Amen- not Bcnrchcd your trunk at the cus mi n ioirwiti ill Mexien. aeeorilinir to a l"iu house and mnvlie churned vou bulletin of the National lleoirruphie ; lutv on that new camera, vou midit c;iv i not have realized that vou liml cross- "llere iii Sonoru the American cd u frontier. It is only after you ideal has taken particularly deep unit the hiiili. rolling irrnssv runue-, r.,..t " .vrltes l'rederiek Siimiii'h in a f northern Sniiorn and strike tin communication lo the soeietv. , Vuiui valley below (iuuvmas that a "M',.Yienw from other states call wjurld reveals itsell. Here tin ih..s unlives 'the Yankees of hriuht, colorful life of the vast coastal lese Mexico' because of their thrift, ad vancement nnd close relations wilii the Americans. I'raeticnllv all fami lies of the merchant and rnncliinu classes send their children to schools in the rniteil States. x "These voiim;slers, retiiriiinir to i uncommon sil-iu to Mexico, are ..mud of their KiiL'lish -hcil'or stand on her and theif Yankee slum;, lhcv wear AmeriOan-inade clothes, dance till the popular 'steps.' nnd display an under -standing of American ideals which can onlv make of them more fiiendlv ami helpful commercial neighbors in the vears to come. ''L'vcn now the nveniL-e home in northwest Mexico is largely furnish ed with American wares the Yanhcc sewitnr machine, the piano, urapho phone, kitchen ranee, brass bed, am! babv carriage arc everywhere. And from I'nele Sam's factories our Mexi can neighbors net most of their readv madc clothini:. their shoes, hats. Ve hicles, fnrmimr implements, canned foods, nnd sport ine uoods. "At Nacoari. Sonora. a YanktC minim; company has built a free club and social center for its Mexican cm ploves: there arc baths, pool tables, ti library of Spanish and Knitli-h books, and current periodicals. "Strikes have never disturbed tV enmp. Its American lnatiauers tire required to learn the laumiaue of the country, to study the psychology of the people, and lo respect their cus toms and traditions. When one of this company's native ethrineers sacri ficed his life in mi explosion to i v many tellow workmen, the company named tho town plaza in his honor nnd built n monument to his nicmorv. "Thc-ehnntre in plant tind niiinii! life and industries as vou puss from plains hcuins. "Manv of the sume forage irrass that cover the creat Arizona ranires arc also found in Sonora nnd Siualoii. The beans of the mcsouite tree an likewise very fattcninir, and it is no 'ee u hind leus and reach for the hither twins of t!ii succulent bush. "One odd class of prospectors makes a cood living hunt mir but caves. In the hill countries of Siuii loa anil Sonora the Mexican bill breeds bv the thousands, and ninkes its hollies in caves nmorn; rocky cliffs. Here deposits of lmuiiio . small fortunes sometimes beinu- real ized troin the save o. one cave's de posits. "To locale n bat cave these euano Imnters work much us do the back woods bee tree hunters in Missouri. Thev seek out a likely cliff, wait till dusk, nml watch for bats. Soon liv close observation, thev can locate the cave entrance from which the bats emeriic. This bat is small, with flat head nnd broad cars, and irivcs off a musky odor.' Could Not Itivsln to Tell All "I could not tell you all the bene fits I had from the use of Foley's Honey and Tar." writes Miss Kosc Florke, 209 Hawkins Avo., N. Urad dock. Pa. "I had a cold In my chest and fearing It would causo pneumo nia I tried Foley's Honey and Tar and It was not long till 1 felt relieved. I hope others suffering from severe colds will try it." Many such letters have been written about this time tried, rollahlo family medicine for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, The Bank of Absolute Safety The Medford National Bank 0. U. HOMESEEKER . All tho Executive Ollirers of this liiuik arc pioueors nml native sons of Southern Oit'on. They know a'l the Rood pofnt.s, and the other point of tho I.ogue Kivcr Valley, ami will help Investors and Homo Seetfers to avoid inistake.s. 'Wo want you to prosfjer among us, for we want your friendship and your business; ami invite you to make our Hank - YOUR BANK . The Bank That Prospers EH Judge the efficiency of your motor by its flexibilitiy. Be cause it is all-refinery gaso line and has a continuous chain of boiling points,"Red Crown" gives instant re sponse, quick "pick-up". smooth acceleration, steady, dependable power and long mileage. It is made to meet the requirements of your en gine. Look for the "Red Crown" sign before you fill. BTANOARO OIL COLPANY (California) : i i k y ns-r iw j villi ill! iSilifl Rill J Prevent Waste of Gasoline Eliminate every waste such as un necessary idling of the motor and Demand for gasoline is cr'owf ni far. er than the supply. Knowing the tacts, help conserve gasoline. Use what you must; waste none. fie Gasoline of nality W. E. Walker, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Medford FEED Save nioiiev on chicken feed by 'Inlying from us. Scratch Food $4.50 Egg Producer 3.65 Developing Mash 5.00 Wheat 4.50 Oyster Shell 2.C0 MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. I7 F.l! Main 9tr MLDFORD IkON WOKKP rOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOr iliso aj-ent (or Fnirbanki nJ Mnr ! , Eniriniw . , i 17 South tlvtrsldt. Operators of coal properties In Utah and Wyoming advise buying your winter supply now. Tho Idea ie spreading thut 'the coal commission Jiay award the minors a further ad vance In wages, as well as to make athcr concessions that will further materially Increase the cost of pro ducing. We can now till your orders will different sizes of SPRING CANYON UTAH COAL Dry Wood of All Kinds on ; Hand WISEMAN & SCHEFFEL Hione 212 Ml So. Front St GOOP CTOTHKS I Mnke Tliera Your W ord is Law We think even' article we put up for sale is A-No. 1 in quality. But, if for any reason it fails, we urge that you bring it at once to our attention. If it doesn't tneet your standards, it won't meet ours. And incidenlly it's a whop ping big concern that backs the tires we sell, and both make pood. '1 hat's why we sell l'ircbtone. HINES & SNIDER WE SKI.I. County Clerk I announce my candidacy for re nomination for County Clerk on the republican ticket subject to the decis ion of the people at the coming pri. tnarles, and hope my record In this office the first term is such that I am entitled to your support this year Adv. CHAUNCEY FLORET. ' tToonty Assessor. I hereby announce my candidacy for the re-nomlnation to the office of County Assessor for Jackson coun. ty, by the Republican party at the primary election May 21st, 1920. Adv. J. B. COLEMAN, ' M -Mi School Superintendent I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for County School Superintendent on the repub lican ticket. G. W. QODWARD. Adr. I hereby announce myBolf as candi date for County School Superinten dent, on the republican ticket, at the primary election, May 2 iBt. I am for progressive education, tho education that prepares for life, and tor giving I the rural schools the very best ad vantages possible. I favor more nor mal schools for Oregon. Adv. A. -I. HANBY. TIKIOS "World's Greatest Divine Healer' (Xon-Secta W;t.n) I herewith announce myself as can didate for nomination, on the republi can ticket, for County School Super intendent. SUSAN.NE W. HOMES. County Coroner I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on the republican ticket for the office of County Cor oner. If elected I promise econom ical management of the Coroner's of fice JOHN A. PERL. Adv. County Treasurer I hereby announce myself as a can didate on the republican ticket for tho nomination for the office ot County Treasurer, promising to ad minister the duties of the offico on an efficient business basis. Adv. A. C. WALKER. I hereby announce myself as can didate for nomination ' for County Treasurer on the republican ticket. I am an experienced business man. -Adv. W. D. WIELCK. I hereby announce my candidacy on the republican ticket for County Treasurer, subject to the primary, .May 21. E. P. CHANDLER, Rogue River. (Adv.) KLEIN 128 East Main St, The Tailor and Health Evangelist Hotel Nash One week, April 25 to May 2nd. Heal ine' 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m daily. This is your one great oppor tunlty. Hee him If possible. He opened his lectures at Moose Hall last night to a good sized and in tensely appreciative audience, and many made engagements to meet him for healing today, and some to take him out in outos to See those who were unable to be brought to him Hear him tonight at liooso Hall 7:15 o'clock. Admission free. POLITICAL CARDS. District Attorney. I hereby announce mvself n pan. dldate for the office of Prosecuting Attorney for Jackaon countv nmm on the republican ticket, niit.le.-i tii the wish of the voters at the coming primary election. If nnH elected I will see that the laws are justly and honestly- enforced. Re spectfully yours, Adv. H. A CAttinAV Bellevlnu that agement of the office of District At torney has shown m thoroughly qualified, and that I can serve the people of Jackson cnuntv. in that capacity best, I announce my candi- aacy ror re-election on the republican ticket at the May primaries. Adv. o. M. ROnRPTB I hereby announce, mv Mnittf!... for nomination on the republican ticket for the office of Prosecuting Attorney. If elected 1 nlerlpA mvnatr to an Impartial enforcement of the law- F. P. FARRELL. Adv. Sheriff I hereby announce mv mnM... for re-nomlnatlon for tho nirir. sheriff on the republican ticket, sub ject io tne May prlmarlos. I feel that my record as a public official during the first term cntltlea mo re-nomlnatlon and re-election. Adv. c. E. TERRIt.I. I nerebv annnunpA mraair a Ilcan candidate for sheriff nr county, at the May primaries. Sev eral years experience In this line of wors, including last six months of 1919 In the tax coliectlnn ,.., ment. thoroughly qualifies me to ad minister the dutl a of tho ntri. efficient manner. Adv. JOHN R wtuid I have decided to mnkA thn M for the democrats sheriff at tho May primaries. 1 will stand on my record of a little over a year in the sheriffs office, nrior in my entering the service. Adv, . RALPH JKS'ivm County Commissioner I Am a candidate for the nom!n& Hon for county commissioner on the republican ticket, subject to the pri mary of May 21. I have lived In Jackson county a number of years, understand the needs of tho county nnd if chosen will promise an eco nomical, efficient business adminis tration. I have always been a good roads booster. A. E. KINNEY. ; Adv. I announce my candidacy for the office of County Commissioner on the republican tlckot, subject to the will ot the voters at tho primaries. May 21, 1920. If elected I promise an economical, fair and impartial ad ministration of the duties or the of fice. I have always beon for good roads. (Adv.) COURT HALL. Upon tho solicitation of friends I have consented to become a candi date for County Commissioner, sub ject to May primaries. I am a good roads enthusiast and think business methods can provall in county af fairs. VICTOR BURSELL. Ady. ,. R. F. D. 2, Medford. Reprosenthtlvo V I am a candidate for re-notnlnntlnn for joint rpnrennntfitlvo nf : nnnirlfla and Jackson counties, nn f ho rnnuhli. can ticket, at the primary, May 21. i am lor good roads and have helped frame the present good roads legisla tion. If nominated nnH eWtpri T nrn- miso to devote my energies to the prosecution of those Interests of the district I represent and the state ot Oregon. (Adv.) W. II. GORE. RAWLES MOOltB for ; democratic Nomination District Attorney May Primary, 1920. I Vf-,,eaft.-u.- V fJ t Til ""vii wi.uiwigi i nit SAN FRANCISCO (9ose ioTheatres dna Shopping Dsfrcf. A newly beautified Heltl .V.'ant " ttwaita iKs viiitoi to San Fmi citeol Nrw fuTTUihiRif of unatuat knn and comfort... lobby deuinrd to provrJa the Mmotphere of (usurious home and new Dininc Raom, considered one of the moit interesting in America all coMnbute to youf welfare! h it the only hotel jr.m running Ice Wafer in every room. I PLAN &1 nnovv-D-jH (J 7 VVB JAME5 Old papers for building flr'and house cleaning, 10c bundle,