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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1920)
WBDFOmi WXTE TUIBUNHj 'OT?EflONT, TTTESTttY. P"RTT 2fl, 3920. Medford Mail tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PCJiLIBHED KVKltT AFTERNOON EXCEPT BUN DAT Br TUB MEDFORD PRNTINO CO Office, Mall Tribune KuUdln, 26-X7-S9 norta trir street fnone it. A consolidation of the Democratic Time. The Medford Mall, The Medford Tribune, the Southern Oregonlao, The Ash Una Tribune. ' The Medford Sunday Bun la furnished UDBcriDere desiring a aeven-aay aany newspaper. ROBERT RUHL, Editor S. S. SMITH, Manager. tTBICfeXPTXOH TE1HII BT MAIL IN ADVANCE: Dally, with Sunday Run, year.. 1 6. 00 . Dally, with Bunlay Sun, month .85 ' Dally, without Sunday Run, year 5.00 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .60 Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 1.G0 Sunday Sun, one year 1.60 BT CARRIER In Medford. Ashland, - Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix: Dally, with Sunday Sun, year 7.60 ' Dally, with Sunday Sun, month .66 Dally, without Sunday Kun, year 8.00 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .60 Official paper of tho Cfty of Medford. (.. uxriciai paper oi JacKson uouniy. Entered second-class matter Medford, Oregon, under the act of March Sworn dallv a vera ire circulation for uix roontns ending April ivm..B.U74 Ye Smudge Pot Hy xrtitmr fvrrg Despite the popularity i f overall as a means to reduce the II. C. of I;. it still lucks the effectiveness and fi nality of suicide. There nppenrs no other way to successfully beut it as lontc as man is after the dollar with lips drawn Unlit, and eves popped out. The snrprisinir feature of the first round of the Lit. Din. straw vote is that Noot Baker received 2 Hep. votes. They must have been consci entious objectors, discharged with ful) soldier honors and $00. Another division of railroad work ers (workers is right) have struck. Thev never strike out of each other's turn.' A pc(!ulinr feature of the Far East starvation situation is that it is always the Armonian never Hie Tut-kish children who are hungry. Candidates aro not as, thick ns they were in less prosperous dnys, but more of them are interested in (rocjd roads. . There is no better argument for mop stringent prohibition laws, than those worshipful ones who still be lieve in their hearts Hint Mr. Wilson could be elected again. The charming Mary Piekford states that tho publicity connected with her rapid fire divorce and m'nrriago does her, no hnrm. It is also doing the piquant star no good. : Jn .the midst of tho present tur moil the department of agriculture conies along with the buldfuced state ment that "there is not enough or Ranic matter in the soil." (The women and girls aro going to wear gingham as a protest against rising prices, and, gingham is exactly what they wanted to wear all the time. Adnm Ilellfiro is a tailor at Red Bluff, Cal. Tribune's Daily Health Hint THE INTER-CHUKCH MOVEMENT "XE OF the most promising signs of the times is tin V- luter-ehureli world movement. For thousands of peo ple here lies the hope, perhaps the hist hope, ot a bet ter day, of a return to wholesome living and elear thinking. founded upon the re-estabhshment ot a sound and rational spiritual basis. Nothing is dearer than that the old religious habit nave oeen lost as rar as tne vast majontv ol people an concerned. The old fashioned eonflii-t of creed and dogma is worn out. The people want something real, some spirit ual appeal that has an actual relation to the problems ol every day lit e. Now a well organized movement has been launched, par ticipated in by churches of different theological interpre tations, but united in the common aim of restoring the vi tality ot organized religion in tne lire ot all people. It is a tremendous work, and one to which the best energies of everv communitv mav well be directed. "Where statesmanship has failed, where politics has Collapsed, is it not possible, that religion, will succeed. It will not be a new religion. It will be as old as the Sermo on the Mount. But it will represent one tremendous change, the transfer of religion from a'neglected abstrac tion, to a vital and constructive force in every-day life. . The war prenared a fertile field for such endeavor. The millions of men in Europe were brought closer to the eter nal verities of life than ever before. A new spiritual life for them was born. It was a universal (lod to whom they prayed and it was a universal church from which they re quested aid. It would be too much to expect world church to emergi in a dav. Habit is strong, and in a certain sense ecclesias tical differentation is essential, for what appeals to one temperament may never appeal to another. But the inter-church world movement is a beginning, a step toward a genuine revival of old-fashioned religious taith, based upon a common aspiration tor better thing. It mav not succeed as well as its promoters anticipate. But it does hold out genuine promise: .And it is promise, the promise of a better world, a higher plane of human associa tion, for which the entire world yearns at the present time, and which must be attained it civilization, as we understand it, is to endure. lly Harriet ltoewlg. Don't not tho physic hnblt. The bowols should move regularly; but thin habit needs to bo ncquirod in childhood by being regularly attend ed to rather thnn fulsuly regulatod by cathartics. Wo are so npt to think that all our ills are duo to constlpa tlon-r-perhaps tho old-fashioned doc tors thought this tlinumelvci, and trained us to it. Certainly the moil era quack has mado good uso of the bollof. Tho more wo rely upon rnthnrties the more we lose tho natural elastic lty.of- the bowels. And there is no Immediate danger If the action is do laybd a day. Olvo thorn forty-eight hours before getting worried. In the meantime uso natural cathartics. " Horo aro a few. Hot or cold water night and morning, at halt glosB; a whole glass if It docs not "go agalnBt" you. Duttor, milk, souph, all fats and oils. Green veget ables. Molasses, honey, sugar, (there is a vory good reason for chil dren's craving for candy. So long ns the candy is ot good quality and the youngsters do not lose their appctltic for their regular meuls, candy Is good for them.) Bulky, socallcd Innutritions foods, such as coarso breadB ot all kinds, cereals, fruit skins, are a help In keeping the bowels on tho Job. They Stimulate tho Intestinal muscles and give bulk. Wo have acquired too re fined habits of eating, and our food Is apt to bo too concentrated. -And In the meantime do not full victim to tho habit of seeing yourself poisoned by autointoxication as soon as, you are a littlo Inconvenienced trust to nature. On the other hund do not let yourself go longer than two or throo days. It not only does its own damage; It breaks your good habit. ANTWERP, April 20. America's hockey team which is entered in the first big events of tho Olvmpio game' to be held here this spring and sum mer, arrived today. ' fy wait Mayon -ei Mi TOURISTS. THE STATESMEN and the scholars of war-torn Eu rope say, "We must have Yankee dollars to shoo the wolf away. Ho let. the. tourists travel, and blow in bucks and crowns, and tread our bloodstained gravel, and see our shattered towns. They give us all the wil lies, those Yankee tourist mobs, the rubbernecks and sillies, the schweinhunds and the swabs. But, we must have their boodle, and so we rise and wail, 'Hurrah for Yankee Doodle, and for the eagle's tail.' " The tour ists will be flocking for many years to come, to scenes that once were shocking, where shrapnel used to hum. Through regions grown historic the frowsy bunch will tread, and say, "Alas, poor Yorick!" above the hero's bed. "Where once some dauntless creature fought on. though shorn of hope, the dowdy old maid teacher will read her guidebook dope. Where soldiers used t hanker to gain the hero fame, some cornfed Kansas banker will ply his snapshot game. Where once the ar niies wallowed in mud and bloody foam, on soil that should be hallowed, the rubbernecks will roam. And if old Europe bleeds them, and stings them till they're blind, the while she pets and feeds them, I really will not mind. ncy. Later in lftdl a lighthouse was erected on this same spot. It is stiindini today and bears a tablet commemorating the lauding, though a larger and' much more pretentious structure has been built for lighting the shipping. 'Sail'ng further inland, thev touch ed a point at the entrance to the har bor they called 'Point Comfort,' he cause of the good channel and safe ani-linrage it afforded. When lalei similar places were found, the one first touched was dubbed 'Old,' and this name has clung to it ever since. It was here that JelTersoii Ilavis wit-, confined for a time at the close of the Civil War. 'Newport News, settled in 11121 bv 'Master Gookin out of Ireland' was named bv him in honor of his friend. Sir William Newce . A. nmiim nl! chronicler tells us that 'at Xewnort News the cotton trees in a veere so thicke ns one's arme and so high as a man: here anything that is plant ed duth prosper so well as in no place better.' Today this town .'on tains one of the largest drv docks in the world and ships much of the to- luet that once grew so abundanHv on trees that the chronicler mentions. .Noil oik. the largest citv on Hampton Itoads. has a history I hat latcs back farther even than that d' Jamestown. The first white Mien who vi.-ited the site constituted a small exploring party from Sir Wnltt r Kaluga's colony at Koanokc Island about l.'iSli. Almost a century later Portsmouth was settled. Since its infancy it has been famous for its navy vnril, the I rst one having been built bv the Kmrlish. Seven miles cast of N'ewport News lies the ancient l-.nro.ieh mid village of Hampton. When Smith and the colonists lund- 1 at ewp:rt Xews looking for a town stie. live Indians met them and inv ted them to their viilage, '!-f-ouirhtnn,' where Hampton now stands. ''Trori the davs of the colonists, luring the Revolution when Lord Dunsriiore, the lioval Governor of Virginia, v.'iis driven lo the safety of his gunboats, to the fight of the Mer riniae, and the Monitor in its waters luring the Civil War. and lo its ncti"e part in Ihe World War, the history f Hampton Roads has been fraughi with interest. The 'River Queen' r'd- ng at anchor on its smooth shining surface on February .1, 18(15. was the scene ot an intormal conlerence be tween Lincoln nncl Seward of the Union and Alexander II. Stephens,. Senator Robert M. T. Hunter and Assistant Secretary of War John A. Campbell of Ihe Confederacy, held to arrange a penen between the noith ind south. Thoueh the efforts of these men were of no avail, it wii--here that L'neoln .voiced his intended I luminous treatment of the con federate states in the statement that he would 'exercise the power of ex ecutive with tho utmost liberality. Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. With your (infers ! You cm lift oft any hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, anil tlie bard skin calluses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs little at nny drug store; imply a few drops upon the corn or cnlhis. Instantly it stops hurting, then shortly vou lift that bothersome corn or callus rfcht off, root ami all, without one bit of tmin or sore-. oeso. Truly) No humbugl u POLITICAL CAKI1S. . Oistrit-v Attorney. 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Prosecuting Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon, on the republican ticket, mibject to the-wish of the voters at the coming primary election. If nominated aud elected 1 will see thai tne laws are justly and boneU enforced. Re spectfully yours. Adv. H. A. CAN A DAT. Believing 'liai nij successful man agement of the office of District At torney bas shewn ni thoroughly qualified, and that 1 can serve the people of Jackson county,. In that capacity best, I announce my candi dacy for re-election on the ropubllcar. ticket at the May primaries. Adv. G. M. ROBERTS. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on the republican ticket for the office of Prosecuting Attorney. If elected 1 pledge myself to an impartial enforcement of the law. F. P. FAR.RELU Adv. Sheriff I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination for the office cf sheriff on tbo republican ticket, sub ject to the May primaries. I feel that my record as a public official during the first term entitles me to re-nomination and re-election. Adv. C. E. TEItRILL. GAIN WEIGHT AND STRENGTH Hampton Roads, Discovered by Smith Used by Pershing Hampton Roads, of vital impor tance in our war operations, hut nn luentioneil in that connection because of voluntary press censorship, aga'ii is a center of interest because of Ihe burning of Ihe Hotel Chamberlain. A bulletin of the National Geographic society gives the history of this re gion ns follows : " 'There is but one entrance bv sea into this country, and that is at Ihe month of a very goodly bav." Captain John Smith wrote in his 'Map of Vir ginia, wilh a description of the coun try," concerning Chesapeake Lav with its n 1 1 fin Li n t harbor, Hampton lioads, which he describes as 'hound ed on the south bv Florida, on the north bv New France, ami whos.' western limits nre unknown.' "A few hustling ports like New York and Huston might disagree with the redoubtable captain concerning the facilities their hurlior-i now offer, but certainly no harbor can claim a much more romantic h story not orh in colonial times, but in the World War as well. ''Hampton Roads has been the ren dezvous of the American iiavv ever since there was one. When, during the enrlv part of 1PI7, newspaper re port were saving that the fleet wa- swallowed up somewhere in the misls of the Atlantic,' it had secretly slid out of the harbor at Hampton lioads and w-iis renting ouictlv nt Yorl.towu a few miles up the bav, awnilinc orders from Washington. At a mo ment's notice these huge hattlcsliins could here signal to each oilier with their miiltiliueil Huge and strum oui to sen. Ihrough Ihe waters ot Hamp ton lioads thousands of men, Ions ot supplies, and cargoes of horses glided out during Ihe night lo play llicir purls'on fields of France. "'file harbor is a splendid sheet ol water olMI feet in width with a mini mum depth of ill) feet, safe from gales and large enough to t'loat n greal navy. It is formed hv the James. Nan-cmoiid and Kli.abclh rivers i thev pass into Chesapeaks liav. 'flic thriving cities of Norfolk, Newport Xews and l'ortsiuouUi give it commer cial importance. "'flic firM laud in this vicinity thii the sea-wearv Captain John Saiilh and his men caught sight of was tin eastern end of a sundv sp I of land, which thev named Cape Hetirv. Here thev opened the sealed orders of ll'.c London Company and learned that thev were to settle much farther in land, ltut, for a few davs, thev rest ed and explored tbo neighhoi nig waters. Thev erected a cross on this spot of llicir first binding, in grati- lludc for a safe enclitic- of their ionr- is ct the bottom of most digestive ills. I for indigestion afford pleas ing and prompt relief from the distress oi acid-dyspepsia, M.NIE BY SCOTT & HOW.'IE MAKERS OF SCOTTS EMULSION it. With Bitro-Phosphate $300 Guarantee. on iXEW YORK. If you are feeling run-down, weak, nervous, tlred-in-Ihe-morning. and generally ailing, these aro the symptoms that should warn you to tako care of your health. Four persons in every ten are needing more phosphorous in their bodies. . W hen you see thin and fret ful people; or those who are anae mic, pale, frail, oft despondent or lacking In energy, you may look for tho need of certain elements thai make for a strong constitution. Some poople. after relying upon preparations romposed chiefly of falls, sulnine, drastic drugs, iron, calomel, cod-liver oil, etc., wonder why they find no benefit. That is easily explained by the fact that such persons need the phosphoric element, which is a most potent essential to health, and contained In 1I1TUO-IMIOSl'llAT!-:. tho famous health preparation. Now obtainable every where. The rlnht thing for vou to do Is make a trial of IllTKO-I'HOSl'HATH beginning at once, it is not a patent medicine; the formula is prescribed by many physicians for the ailments and weaknesses mentioned above. Wilh every box of HITItO-PHOS-IMIATK. aro a few simple health rules and a ?:!uo guarantee. liny u box of IIITUO-I'llUSIMIATE. It is recommended by all good druggists everywhere. Adv. I hereby nnnfiince myself a repub lican candidate tor sheriff of Jacksou county, at the May primaries. Sev eral years experience in this line of work, Including last, six months of 1919 in the tax collection depart ment, thoroughly qualifies me to ad minister the dutl s of the office In ed efficient manner. Adv. JOHN B. WIMKfl. The BANK OF ABSOLUTE SAFETY The Medford National Bank . 0. U. HOMESEEKER H All tlio' Executive Officers of this Bank are pioneers mid native sons (if Southern Oregon. They know all the good points, and the other j points of the Kogue liiver Valley, and will help Investors and Homeseekers to avoid mistakes. We want you to prosper among us, for we S want your friendship and your business; and in- vitc you to make our Bank H YOUR BANK j The Bank That Prospers ' il!!)ili!!!iiil!li;i!!ii!;!ii;i:i!SI! County Clerk I announce my candidacy for re- nomlnatlon for County Clerk on the republican ticket subject to the decis ion of the people at the coming prl- marfVM, and hope my record In tblB office the first term Is such that 1 am entitled to your support this year Adv. CHAUNCE Y FLOKEY.' County Assessor. I hereby announce, my candidacy for the re-nomination to the office of County Assessor for Jackson coun ty, by the Republican party at the primary election May 21st, 192 0. Adv. J, 1). COLEMAN. SPECIAL-SiX SIMPLICITY, strength and accessibUity, combined with efficiency and economy pf operation, recommend the SPECIAL Six particularly to the man who constant ly uses a car and who must have one on which he can always depend. 50-H.P. detachable-head motor; intermediate transmission; 1 19dn. wheelbasc, giving maxi mum comfort for fire passengers. All Studebnlier Cars aro equipped with Cord 'fire another Stuuebaker precedent "This Is a Stutiebaker Year." HIKES & SNIDER South Fir Street Garage Open All Night " County Commissioner I am a candidate for the nomina tion for county commissioner on the ' republican ticket, subject to the pri-1 mary ot May 21. I havo .lived in I Jackson county a number of years, understand tho needs of tho county j and if chosen will promise an eco-1 nomical, efficient business admlnis-' tratlon. I have always been' a good roads booster. A. E. KINNEY. ' Adv. Stoves W anted We want o0 second hand stoves and ranges, also 100 IRON BEDS What have you to offer? Cash or Trade We buy whatever you have to sell. Hordoff&Woolf School Superintendent 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for Count? School Superintendent on the repub lican ticket. O. W. CODWARD. Adv I hereby announce myself as candi date for County School Superinten dent, on the republican ticket, at the primary election, May 21st. I am for progressive education, the education that prepares for life, aud for giving the rural schools the very best ad vantages possible. 1 favor more nor mal schools for Oregon. Adv. A. J. IIANBY! I herewith announce myself as can didate for nomination, on tho republi can ticket, for County School Super intendent. SL'SANNE W. HOMES. County Coroner I hereby nnnounce my candidacy for nomination on the republican ticket for the office of County Cor oner. If elected I promiso econoui ical management of the Coroner's of fice. JOHN A. PERL. Adv. County Tiensurer I hereby announce myself as a can didato on the republican ticket for tho nomination for the office of County Treasurer, promising to ad minister the duties ot the office on an efficient business basis. Adv. A. C. WALKER. I hereby announce myself as can- ' didate for nomination for County Treasurer on the republican ticket. j I am an experienced business man. Adv. -w. D. WELCH. I hereby announce my candidacy on the republican tu-kot for County Treasurer, subject to the primary. May 21. E. P. CHANni.KIt. Ko3uo River. I Adv.) I nnnounco my caniiidaev ' for the office of County Commissioner on tho : republican ticket, subject to the wiil of the voters at the primaries. May; 2 1, 1020. If elected I prornise an i economiciil, fair and impartial ad-' ministration of the duties of the of-! flee. I havo alwayB been for good ' roads. (Adv.) COUltT UAIJ. i Upon the solicitation of friends 1 j have consented to become a candi-; dale for County Commissioner; sub-1 ject to May primaries. I am u good! roads enthusiast and think -business ' methods eaa prevail in county af-i fairs. VICTOR DURSELL. Adv. It. 1". I). 2, Medford. The stranger's first im pression of our city id gained from our hotels. The Hotel Holland, Is doing its part to help build a greater Medford A hotel depends greatly on the local supxort it receives. The Hotel Holland and Cafe will appreciate your patronage. Management of Carl Y. Tengwald neprojientntlve I am a candidate for re-nomination for joint representative of Douglas and Jnekson counties, on the republi can ticket, at the primary, May 21. I am for good roads and have helped frame the present good roads legisla tion. If nomlnatod end elected I pro mise to devote my energies to tho prosocution of those Interests of the district I represent nnd tho state of Oregon. (Adv.) W. H. GORE. KAU LES mooke for Oemocratlc Nomination District Attorney Ma7 Primary. 1980. Licensed City Scavenger. -.. .-.S -e . Minnesota .. No. 13 Seed Corn We offer haud-picked and tipped local grown seed corn MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. 317 East Main StriarL An refuse luiiue.llatelv removed n short notice. Weekly visit in resi dence districts Pally business dit- Stenography Multigraphing Cfrcnlar work of all kind Mailing List. Tunncll & Edwards 806-30S I.lhertT Building Medford, Oregon.