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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1920)
HTEDFORD'ltrerii TRTBUNB. MITOTOKD. - OKIOGOX, TUESDAY,- APRIL (, M20. members of tlio Chamber vl Com merce will meet at the Hotel Holland cafe lor their first Civic Forum meet ing on Wednesday noon, April 7lh. The general chairman of the civic forum, Hen Sheldon, will preside and the subjects to bo presented are as follows: Road bond Issue, discussion to be led by V. II. Vawter, and Coun ty Fair Grounds, discussion to' lie led liy George Mansfield. The management of the Holland cafo havo been requosted to servo the luncheon In such a manner as to en able timpio opportunity for thn pres entation of tho subjects without tho necessity of the ' membors staying away from their business any more than the usual length of time devoted for thut purpose. Tho liinchei.'n will bo served promptly nt 12:10 and tho inditing will close at l:li. Thoro will bo no further notice to the members of this forum meeting and all are urged to attend as well us to bo on hand promptly. Heinember tho date, Wednesday, April 7, Holland cafe. F III C MAW PIMIQ, U.O. Ilttl I HUH IJ AT RIALTO TODAY. Census Returns WASHINGTON, April 6. Popula tion statistics nnnounced today by I he census bureau Included: Vinllia, Okla., 961, Increase U70 or 2 1 .5 per cenj.. Logan. Utah, !M:!9, increase 1917 or 2."i.5 per cent. Grand Junction, Colo., S0G5, In crease 911 i r 11.7 per cent. Albany, Ga., ;i,."io.", Increase HUG.) or 4 1.1 per cent. Carilck, Pa., IO.'iOI, lncreaso H1S7' or 7 1 .7 per cent. SKATTI-K, Aluil . Hcli-nations were arrivint.' today to nltcnd the oiicnim; meetinir liimorrow of tlie Sa attle session of the International Min iiiir convention. Tho first delegation reuistercd from Nelson. 11. C. Offi cers of the convention said thev ex pected 11)11 to nltcnd. .MiuiiiL' men from Snokiiiic nmi I'licur d'Alene were expected to ar rive before noon toilav. Frank A. Vnndcrliii. New York banker, lias wired acceptance of an invitation to sneak. Herbert Hoover, who was in vited to address the convention, has telegraphed that he cannot accept. Notice There will bo u dance at Knights of Pythias hall, Thursday evening, April Sth. All brother Knights invit ed and urged to attend. 14 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO TO of the baseball season. PLAY BALL IN JAPAN (.'"' without -sutfenn: Thev won 2, : a defeat. trict nrc meetinir here today to pro fit flemnr-ds for hivticr wnges. - 1 CHICAGO. April . The Uniyr sitv of Cliicairo liascliall team will stall tonight on its third trip Julian. Previous trips were mad HIHI and lill"). I am i , HOME. April (i l'ietro Maseaeni 1 Giiicnino Puccini, tho lamo'is to .... i . . i ... ii ..I u i w c ecieu 10 urn !;..., ......i,. Iw.l'nrr. the re-openin'.' of i" 'parliament, says the (iiroiuile d'llulia. (i. Hailroud 8 mtsm Bss. IAWJ Jtrs -aM' 1 , 'Best in the Long Run THE INNER TUBE is the pneumatic of your tire for the only practical way of making a tire pneumatic is to equip it with an inner tube. The tube is there to hold the air it serves no other purpose. Goodrich Red Inner Tubes hold the air because they are scientifically constructed. 77 fit the tires. Try one on your car,' 9 F1C. .'" . , i ! ' . ) I. ().. Ann: The Maroon teams inviiur'i j "" :n iiw, T1hi1o switching dis- Ur uliirti.. lit f IP rnil' V"!" ' - . Jniiiin previous 'Get the GenuineJvJfft I lgjnEveryCake Chief l'liarnmcists' mate V. T. Cir der and Water Tender C. P. Hon drcuun from the nuvv rccrnitinit of fice at Portland are in Medford for Ihe balance of this week. Thev have headniiartcrs at the Holland Hotel. The object of their visit will be to talk with those who desire to leant of Ihe exceptional opportunity the p"nc! time nuvv offers to learn a trade in Ihe' navv schools and to travel on Uncle Sam's new war ships to nil parts of the world. The members of this party are especially well informed and will answer anv onestions rouardimr dis charge papers, insurance policies, and the present and future status of men of the naval reserve, who are now on the inactive list.. The iil'C of enlistment is from 18 to :t." years and those enter nir the service can enlist for two, three or four years. Yonnir men arc riven a chance to select anv one of the 7o trade schools und will be niven fr mi six to sixteen months trnininir. before bein'r renuired to to to sea. As n special added attraction the navy film "fiivin-f the World the Once Over." or "The Wonders of I!io de Jancrio" will lie shown nt the Itinlto theatre today. This lilm is scenic and shows the natural wonders of the world as. seen by the American "bluejacket." tbrtMMJl T8 111 TUBES rTheK E Goodrich Rubber Company t Jlkron, Oh J fakers of the Cont Tne WALLACE REID. STAR AT THE LIBERTY TODAY Here is certainly one of the hie motion picture coinedv hits of '.he current season that opened this after noon at the Liberty theatre for a three-dav run. The breezy personality of Wallace lieid has acimired a name for dispensintr a wholesome, zeslful kind of fun thai means dcliuht I ill cnti'i'la'iiiiient. "Hawthorne of the U. S. A." was n sniiislitnir success as a slairo plav; l)ous;las Kairhanhs starred ill il on the New York stiurc It packs chuckles and liucdis every minute, moves swiftly has u dice love si rain, and has been excellent lv screened hv n more than eapa'iU' cast, includiiiir Lilu l-ce, Harrison Ford. Tally ' jntrshiill, Kdwin Slov ens, Theodore Hoberts, Clarence llur lon, liobert Urowcr, fluv Oliver, Until Ijenick, Frank lionner. W'q have an idea you'll like it bet ter than anv of Wullie's pictures. On the sumo prouram there s a Sennett coinedv about a bonrclin1: house with all the Sennelt favorites, iiKdiidine- Pen Turpin. Louise r'azen ilA and Teddy in an anumm: hedlain of fun ! Hill I 'urn il ill at Itialto Tho program nt tho HiaKo theatre conimencing tomorrow will feature Wiilllam Farnum In a new photi.'plny. "Wolves of tho Night," In which the "Samson of the screen" will bo seen In what advance report says is one of tho finest portrayals of his career. Tho story, as outlined In advance no tices received here, certainly contains all the elements of great dramatic action. 122 IWUC ' " . MV,v;-iia ..tfIL V'J V ltwf-ltJ:llrvl-,-:HI3ILT iastj The part that fine steels play in a MAXWELL There is a definite 7:cason for the brilliant performance of a Maxwell car. " ' Lift the bonnet and you see the simplest of engines. Examine clutch and gears, and you see supreme simplicity. The definite reason for Maxwell performance and endurance i3 , the fine steels, those steels built to Maxwell's own formulas, that combine quality and rare strength, that defy time and the repairman. This is the story of the Maxwell, the real cause for brilliant performance and long endurance. These steels do not burden the engine. They make its tasks easier. They flatten out a hill for the engine. The combination of light weight and great strength rtbe ideal of Maxwell construction is thus achieved. And to obtain that rare combination' of strength with quality means costly steels. So you will find that, pound for pound, the steels in a Maxwell equal those in any car built. ' " That is why the rise of Maxwell has been so marked; why nearly 400,000 have been built ; why 100,000 are being constructed this year; why these will fill but 60 of the demand. A. W. Walker Auto Co. Medford, Oregon MMWIVUiVUiliqiJ Can You Afford to "Play" a "Long Shot"? If not, we have no message for you. If you CAN, BUY SHARES in Vulcan Oil & Gas Company NO BONDS NO PREFERRED STOCK NO DEBTS NO PAID OFFICERS. holds leases on geologically proven land only. is a boni-fide oil-ccal-gas development company. ' protects its stockholders with many scattered leases. ' is about ready to put down its first test hole. is authorized by the Oregon corporation department to offer stock to Oregon investors, is organized and managed by MEDFORD business men. offers investors a real ground-floor opportunity. Because only a limited block of stock is to be sold. Because every dollar invested goes into actual drilling! Because it is offered at 12y2 a share for QUICK ACTION! Because the price is bound to go up,as the drill goes down! Because preliminary work is done We're ready to go! Because OIL is the greatest opportunity today is offered to investors of Oregon now for the first time. , it is for sale at I2ys cents a share minimum blocks 100 shares par value $1.00. REMEMBER every dollar's worth of stock owned by the incorporators is DEPOSIT ED in ESCROW with Oregon's Corporation Commissioner to GUARANTEE an absolutely fair deal to every investor! REMEMBER too, only a LIMITED block is offered at this price and it is GOING FAST FOR PROSPECTUS CALL OR WRITE, VULCAN OIL & GAS COMPANY, SIXTH AND CENTRAL AVE., MEDFORD rIII,ii IP JIIIIJ