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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1920)
PXTJT5 FOUR W7TOF0IIT1 MXTE TRTTITTST!. OT?i:fiO." RATFRTIAY. -MARCH 20, 1020. filEDFORD MAIL. I31BUNE AN INDKPENPF.NT NEWSPAPER PVIiLIKHHIj i:VKt:Y AFTKIISUIN K-XOKPT SL'NUAY PY TUB MEKI OP.D I'lNNTINO . Office, Mnil Tribunr- UuiMing, 2I-; North Kir Htnt:t. Phone 7.. A confo!Iil;iti'n of tho Item rcra tic TlmH. The Mfilfor-l Mnil. Tho MfUfor.i Tribune, the Hoithcrn On-Koiikm. Thu Aflhiaml Tribune. Th M-rtforl Smiii!;i Sun Is furnishM ubscritnr.s uY-sirinj; a Bevou-ilay daily newBpap'-r. ItOHKItT IM'IIT,. liter S. S. SMITH, .Uiia4ff. SUBSCRIPTION TEEMS: BY MAII, I N AliVANfK: Dallv, with Si.im1.iv Sum, yi-ar 0.f Dally, vit)i HiMi.lay Kun. month... .fi Daily, withmit Sutiilay Sun, yar.. Dally, without Snr:l;iy Sun. m-Milli ,.f- W ckly Mnil Tribune, fun; year .''J j Suntlav Stin. i':ii 1 '! BY 'A lil! I Kit In .MfMlfun). Ashh.n.!, ! Jarkpun villi-, f.'t-ntral Pumt, Phi" u: DhIIv, with Surulay Run, v.-ar $7..r.'; Daily, with K'jmlnv Sun. month (,', Dally, without Sun.iay t'ww, ywir.. C.'f'j Dally, without Sunday Sun, tnunUi ,r,0 Offlflnl paper of thn r:fty of M-lforl.. Official jjapcr of Jackson Comity. Kntrrcd ha R-Tond-clns matr nt Metlfonl, Ort'fc-on, under the act of Mych j p Bworn daily averm? clrculfitfrrn for six months ending April 191? 3. 074 memueil ok this associated pi:ksm. Full leaned 'Wire Service. Th Ahho clftte'l PreKH 1h xchiHivey enlltled to the UHfj for repuhllealloti of all neWM dJHpatehen rrediieil to It or nut oWwr Wlne credited in tlilH pap. r, and Hip local news puhliulied herein. All rlrhts of republication of hitUi1 dispute!. ub herein are also reserved. OBITUARY "TV 1KI I't'r lllr I'c.lirtll and l .! d till d- lasi time, IvSYl U ). in.. .Maivli 1!), li(2U in tin- senate chamber of 'ingress, AX'.-ish i l ili t "i i, I). ( '.. the I'caic Trcaly and 7 I'auiic -i'cti;tiit, (if acute ami pernicious political p.tlitic.s. Tlie 1'. T. and h. ( '. had lieen ill for some lime and death was not unexpected, although it will he a considrrahle shock to many friends hoth in this .-ounti v and ahroad. l!oth William Jennings Jinan and llerheit Hoover were called in consultation when the c.-isis arrived, hut their efforts were un availing. Owing to the peculiar character of the dis' i-a-e, and il.s exlreme virulence in American a Unis phere, an iniilest wilHic held at once, to extend until tin' ('residential election this fall. Voluntary wit "esses will assemhle in the sunny corners, and shady 1:' lies of every city, town and hamlet in America to give gal uit nous testimony on the cause of death. It is doiihtful if ajiy satisfactory coiielusioii will he reached, however, until the vote is coiinled if then. "'resident Wilson as tin a rest relat i ve of tile de- Ye Smudge Pot By Arthu Parry At (his time, when thn K;ini forces of Ot'fiiKtnv an iiiminL' :it unothcr var liv riMiisinlimr the 1 IhIii'ijiiIIitji fontt, the Crown l'i'ini-o. iim Kmiu'ror. it is lilting lo recall tin sljilcnicnt of (iclHTal Kur-li lluit (iiTiiianv was )!it whipper! and alo lo ri'rall tin' uiMMHnnanvinL' Mat Iroiu Sec. ol' War Nont Uakor In the 'jenenil cl't'ci't Itiai. the! ei-cat mitt (lisliii'uislu'd militarv leinifr lil nut laiou- what lie wa.i talkini; aiaitil. Oiu'ft niHtii a lime lliern was an antoi-l, wlin spi il ilmvn Ilclllicnt avi. witlioilt liis nni Crier opimi. illll's iilan In i'iv Carrnnza I'rnm tuxicn lias ti.z!i'il. The tiewhislier iiil olil reprnliale MmuM at least he huhpcihUmI. ('ulliirists aari anil hnrli may lint npprnVo ot' the sunshine, hut it takes awav I'.il llrnwn's excuse fur wearini; Kiiltecs. The ireneral pnhli. will not lii-liuM him thus arniveil unlil the hunting scasnu npens, which is fair warnine;. "The ailiuinislralinn has n clear record, " eiacuhilcd llic chnrniiin.-and olhnrwise useless private secrelar' if ilr. Wilson Thursday at Newark, I Js. .J. II does not seem poKsihle t'nr the reuinie In wander alont' eiuhl eurs wilhiiiit nccidcniallv dniuu .siiiuethinu' rililil. Jack Ienipscv. idiaiupiun licavv weinht of the wnrhl, facile,- trial for lllliTed evading' nf Ihe dral'l. now knnw'K what it nieaus nut lo have an influential I'a. Ill declaring for liiltl wines and lieer and Ihe presidency sinililtulii'ims Iv, Keiinlor I lilchciick hooks au' tiiun her of voles thai have no love Tor a democrat, hut hliud nhliorrcin-e lor inloleranei'. There was a well dc fined tendency recenllv lo rcMiilafe l on 11 thoroughly and the ri'milalnrs werolhose who needed rciilnl in llleinselves. hul their exiirherance has nlialed. There is also n w cl. defined hunch that unless the reform poppy, coekerv is cut off at I he hip-poekcls ill once, il will hi. unlawful tit stand in the shade, except on days in An viist. The Kockofellci ( ornnienccd resear mil side" of man. research work cai eiis-,edncss iile. l-'ouudal ion Ita lics on the "spin! More material I'..: he found on Ihi This day is Ihe lir-l day i lld tile virls will .'.nil lie their .summer hats, el celra. I' Minn w i-arni-. The yasnlino shurlau'e. and cone "illent inevitalile rise in price, may he due tn u.-in it in hnnlle.. lj ,.. lli'stlul Kcsulls lur Men Only n persun whn lias eyperienred 1liat uwful all niKai" couiTh unit sometimes follows inriueaa can stn lireelaio what a i;ood niulil's sleep cnii he. Mrs Annie liavlson. ns'i Myrlle SI., lleaeli, Caf, wrllcs: "The result ol' u.-ini; I'nley's llon.. mul Tar was a p'simi one for me.'" l-'oley's Honey and 'far cliecks harsti. rackiiiK nuiKhs: eases ii.r.y lircaih tllK; slops llcklitu; In; liners raw. Inhaled siirfai. uiih a :mth In;;, heallni: leeluiu. l or ulo li.v Aludforil I'llal lilaej'. Urn inn 1 1' I' $42I,iiiiii in r dlsiiHter.'. Hie Kl,: IT,.;,. li.'VillK liisllfS.-i : pr 11! yy Babies !fY Happy S J by causinit R'wl duTfMirtn tain noun no opiate. f ablr DiuiK-rtif t laenacu iur iwun At .ir IhihcI hv i-mi-nt. Cvx3 iin h.itrn.:l ny .ilcu!. ! ite- j ii ii hiu-st vi'k-. I rrtif. r iMvuliy icvtu I jr lectMtiK uuic. I if alt tlmu t cetised, is inclined to hlanie the K'epiililicjin parly, while reputed friends led hv Senator l;odtie, who orl:ed hard for a major operation to stive the patient's- life, place the tfiiilt entirely upon the Presi dent". There is a rowin impression anionu; impart ial ohservers, however, that, partian ernis of hoth the :iepuh!iean and Democratic species caused final dis solution, although 1 here tire "rumors that the partisan infection, which started at the White House, previous to the last congressional election, is really rcsponsihh; lor the immediate epidemic. .Deceased did not suffer durinn- the last hours,, in fact", had heen unconscious for several weeks, and even during the most violent application of emer gency orations, tailed to revive sufficient! v to recog nize its friends tit the hedside. The I. T and L. ('. .'eaves to mourn its loss in addition to the world, half sisters in h' ranee, Kni;land and Italy and a score of other countries hoth in Ihe west anil eastern hemis pheres. The residuary estale chiefly in political nou controverlilile honds is claimed hy hoth parlies. Bur ial will he held in t he Congressional archives this afternoon. The active pal! hearers tire Secretary Tu multy. IJudolph Forsier, executive clerk, and the con gressional janitor. The honorary pall hearers include. Senator Hitchcock, Senator ho'de, Senator Walsh. Senator l.ansdell and Senator 'Williams. The cere mony at; the yrave will he conducted hy Father Time, while a Senatorial quai'lette, composed of Senators Horak, h'eed, .Johnson and McCormick will render the (ierniiui Irish Oratorio " lalle!ujali!'' vl'it :. ' l.i. ii u - ' -X- . ij; VV, i UPS AND DOWNS A Id. niorl.ils have their ups and downs in ;d Ihe modern ,-dylcs; one day that wilt 'neath Foriune's I'-owns the next enjoy her smiles. I njiiuhol when I have an up, and when a down appears, I try to drink my hiller cup will I unmanly I ears. Some men put. up a yorireo us front when till Ihinjrs come their way; 1 hey hlitlicly tackle every sunt t heir curves are ejad anil .nay. They move wilh tin clastic step, the hfuff they make is (all; we say, "These men are full of pep, they're winners, one and all." We've only seen them when (lie ups have filled their money vals, and thev're as chipper as the pups that chase' the village -;l( s. Hut. wilh the dismal downs on deck. I hey show up cheap and, a mi. (hey invoke the name of I leek, and raise ;i plaintiff wail. And we. who wondered and admired when they pawed up the dirt, confess that i pie make us I ired who shrivel up when they're hurl. Sane people calmly lake their joys, and do not tear their ""owns, or make ;i woeful sohhinn- noise, when ups ""ivo wav lo d 'Wiis. it 13. H1HAKT mm cA-PAM- CTinrs ohlploada cf ohrc;IoRl3, Rreat qun.utit.lo8 of wool, lusbor, prlr.t pa per, flour, machinery, garr.oats and oauaod gjoda from Oroijcn. For Orogon prcduota aro so good their lama eitoada to tho far-arav Orient. A3sociatod IcduDtrles of Orssca i) (- f-W-T : . WW Starts The tay Right A cup cf Folger's Golden Gate ; A brisk walk . What jazz! VV ork is play Folger's Golden Gate is good coffee. Different in taste from other coffee and better. I f, V7 T l'. w..npn in Nofe the STagranq Vl O t l j j VACUUM PACKED Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 Nash Blk. - If You Are Looking for a Safe Investment YOU WILL BE INTERESTED IN THIS ORCHARD QF 100 Acres NET PROFIT 1919 CROP And the selling price is very low. We can sell this fine property at such an attrac tive price you will certainly be interested. wwi k s reri The iiEHLLff says "the mark protects you from imitations' "It pny-; mc lo jive tuy t-1 1 t;i c i w!i;il lliry n k for," says t retailer !io know-; what's v. !ml. "Winn they ask for 'Giant Powders' ' pi'' Hum GI.W'T Pnwdcrs tlu real (iianl, made hy '1 !u- viiant Powder Co., Cn. I don't tell theni thai '1 have the j-.:i:ie thing, only under another brand name," liH-atise it is not tni', "The fame 'Giant' on a ca.-e or a stick of powder is evidence that tin1 powder t made l.y tlie company ( that originated tiiant Powders. Kemember t Tits : Yon can't set Giant re sults when yon nc ordinary dynamites that look like Giant hnt aren't marked Giant." Look into the new. monrv-savir.c tr-tlciU 't rK-arins Untf. b!atin tree hp I-. tlitchrs. Ii'iultlrrs, vtc, 'Mic are j'l e! crii'Pii iti our i:p-(o-tlic-eim:te hook, " (tetter I'jrmintt nil (Iiant l-'aru; !' ilt-ri." A porttiinl will hrinn it lij; the lint nicil. THIS GIANT POWDER CO., CON. ''Kv-'rything fur .-f ,'" fit S.,i .n ..t iTik V i : . S.-n frwcif-. I'mhivI) (.vine: lk-mtf, t'" i.-i:ti. .lit I .-caii:- Spokane 238 STUMPING EUREKA Operators of coal properties tn Utah and Wyoming advise buying your winter supply now. TIib idea is spreading that the coal commission may award tho miners a further ad vance In wages, as well as to make ether concessions that 'will further materially Increase the cost of pro ducing. We enn now fill your orders with different sizes ot SPRING CANYON UTAH COAL Dry Wood of All Kinds on Hand WISEMAN & SCHEFFEL Phone 212 S31 So. Front St. Millinery and ; Blouses For exclusive styles and smartness sec the NEW SPRING LINES at the Vanity Shop Next Rialto Theater. -T - " - - - STAR TAXI PHONE 300 Cars for hire with or without Driver. JAMES LESLIE Nash Hotel Temporary Location Overland 4 Willys-Knight Republic Trucks McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co. Front Eud Crater Lake Oarage MEDFORD IRON WORKS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP Aliso agent for Fairbanks an4 Morse Engines. 17 South Rlvarslrft. TAXI Oodae Oar. stand corner Main and Bartlett. Phone 900. The .stranger's first im pression of our city is' gained from ouv hotels. The Hotel Holland Ts doing its part to help build a greater Medford A hotel depends greatly on the local support it receives. The Hotel Holland and Cafe will appreciate your patronage. Management of . Carl Y. Tengwald Alfalfa Seed $45.22 Per Cwt. Seed that tests 98.7 pure and contains 110 dodder. MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. 317 East Main Strati Stenography Multigraphiog Circular work of all kind Mailing Llsta Tunnell & Edwards 300-308 Liberty Building . Medford, Oregon. JOHN C.SIGNM OLIVER PLOWS HEIDER TRACTORS NkWWADEDKftG SAWS CULTIVATORS ft PLANTERS -SM1LLEY CUTTERS- IRON AGE GARDEN TOOLS GASOLINE ENGINES NEW PEORIA DRILLS -ORCHARD SPRAYERS ROCK ISLAND PLOWS Union Sales Stables t and VETERINARY HOSPITAL Horses bought, sold and exchanged Jn- D. S. Litts. Dr. G. A. Oitzcn, former government veteriuariau, 148 No. Riverside, ISJedfcrM Phones Office, 810; resi deuce? 776-1?, ; r r r ppv4?-y&sr'.u?i-!-j-''t.-'';'.y'.' ..t'g'