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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1920)
Flaming, Itching Skin Disea es Cause untold suffer ing that could be avoided Tin' mti'Htiun of your -kin depend euiirely iti'ii tin roiid i( ion of our blood. Hence when you are afflicted wiili what is commonly called a skin (lii-easo, you may be sure that Inn real trcuhle is wiih your ltloi.l, and must lie irented tlnoiiKh the blood. III' ou expert real rational relief. It is now pretty o-nerrtlly couvled mat a great majority 01 uie sunn ink - - - j that tho human family undergoes. s s s Js th(. m( Wlsfil(... comes through ignorance, and henco ; (nl v ,.rMll.(v fIM- diseases ,r Hit. could be avoided. skin Ih ciium- it Is Hie most This sounds like a broad slate-, (hoiouh blood remedy ever mont, and yet il is only too true. So , $ ,iscoveii'd. It feanlies out jf' many pouplo arc drawing tliroiiKh aM( ,.(.IIIOveM nil impurities life tho victim of some chronic ail-j t,.(m tl00,. nient that Ik either infHiindeiTtood orjj, ft mistreated, when intellinont. rational , JvilvmiJii- treatment would restore them their normal healthy condition. gj IHmmim- of the skin coinr ?j from beneath the stirtare, i; IHHIMl III! ,1 Will Ml- (11(1 111 II ( .Mr. Joe Katorkin, a leading furni t ti re dea ler of San Antonio, Texas, writes: "AM r six weeks of continued use of S. S. S. and bathing the af fe ted par Ix as directed by you, I wish to advise that I am wholly re lieved of the miserable disease which y re...- . .e.s una m ....... m- IH. fnr Illnr(. Ihau twelve years. 1 can highly reconnnond S. S. S. to an yum, and I wish to thank you for the personal advice given ' ime tn mv case, w i c i was nosllivciy 80 much continued Buffering flom j iicneliclal." down to their very notire And right hero lies tho f-erret of so-called skin diHeases. Simply b: cause tho disorder is manifested by irritation, itching and often a break ing out and inflammation of tho sur face of tho skin, the patient Is misled Into believing that tho entire trouble is confined to this local disorder. Hence tho mistake is made cf be lieving that the proper treatment is the application of local remedies to the affected parts. Very often the Itching and irritation are so severe, that you feel disposed to try almost anything for relief, and that, is why you rely upon local treatment of saLves, ointments, washes and such remedies. :liut those remedies- cannot possibly have any real curative effect upon tho tremble, because your disease comes from far below the surface. If you aro afflicted with eczema, tetter, erysipelas, ringworms, pim ples, acne, scaly eruptions, bails, irri tations of tho skin, or other similar disorders, you need not expect any real relief from local applications, and tho sooner yca discard their use, the sooner you will be on the road to recovery, provided you will rely upon the use ot S. S. S. This fine old blood remedy goes direct to the seat of (ho trouble, and by cleansing the blm.'d of all impur ilios and disease germs, it keeps the skin free from Infection, and restores it to its normal, healthy condition. Kor free expert medical advice re garding your own case, write fully to Chief Medical Adviser. 177 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta. (la. Adv. "SPRING DELIVERY" What does it mean to you? .Jusl. now (lie world is I'iti'r (o I'.-icti willi llic urciitcsl, sliorta.uv !' niolor cars it lias ever (iTii'iici"(l. Dealers have lieen unable to ai-riunulate any slock of cars for spring delivery. Jegardless of what car you finally decide to pur chase. don't wait; until spring. Place your order now and be near the top of the waiting list. HINES & SNIDER South Fir Street, Medford, Oregon. "Thi3 is a. Studebaker Year" irr-i vrvra fc jypi J I 1 ' ' THIS IS A DAY OF SPECIALISTS Vill i; CKI SCIIICTIOX Will receive the most .aietul n!i;nium or 'i t i ic I i: i;i:.!sti:i:i:ii rii ioi acists Willi years of experience and .ont'iie Ir.ilniiiK. who will fill your prcsrri it ion s. ionl il ically with tin, pares, .trills lilainablo. Ask your I'll) siiian to plume or bio -ur pr ...tii ions with us. I'tompt delivery. 11 " - " ' c v Temporary Location Overland 4 Willys-Knight Republic Trucks McCurdy-BoAvne Motor Co. Front End Crater Lake Garago WITH BEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE CELEBRATE CIVIC SUNDAY ASHLAND 28TH OF MARCH ASIM.AXK Mi.rHi 17 "Civic Sun i lo u-hiT in llic iiiunii'i);il ruin jiiiimi ln'i't' 'n inter auii'i's nt' w Ani'M-i'-iUi Cilv linrcjm. The ilntc will In'h -S. mid lucjtl Pittors will kw on "Civil If i'jhh'ntiMwss," "'llic Clmr''lnt:;iiis Itntv In Ilw C'tui inunilv." "Tin- K'I;it fitwt'in the Clnirch nihl Citv." ami nthiT '.npM'.-,. I'rinuirilv tn this Sii))lint!i uU--iTV.-illi'l' frith) the i-jvit st ami pntu I , I liri'ftui Chccn jidilnstMl llic loeal prictlimHl n the Christian hnrch ljit .MimkLiv ii f lcrntioii. and nil Tucs il;iv talked t: the l-'arenf-Teaeher ns snciiitinns at llawthnrne seiimd. On Friday nf IlrU week there will lie a meet iii-j- "lnr wnmen only" at eaii: paiur lieadntia rlers on the I'la.a. Fmir ten m.- id' women wmkers will id n dement t he nicu's efforts niton the oiM-nin-,' t tlte Iti intensified eaini;iiL'ii. on .Monday mnrninv;. iMar I. J'.t. Il has heen deeided to have the eamimiun liere follow the (die at Med lord, instead of occurrinii coiicident with it. So many oiierics have heen imt fortli rcLrardim.r the expenditure of the fnml which it is proposed to raise. thai work memhers have been called touetlier iii "rems and blank nues t ir ms will he placed in the hands of each, it beinir implied that direct ans wers will he forlhcomintr hoarinir o; tho expenditure nitetion. The initial cpios t it di will he. "What, in vnnr opin ion, could tlii! '(iniinereia I Cluh first undertake to promote your individual intcresLs" jjnd the seecdid. "What, in your opinion, should the Coininer cial Cluh tirt undertake tlmt would prove of the greatest heiiclit to the entire eomniunit v ' A happy mean hclween thee two extremes will af ford u solution of the expenditure prohlcia in dm1 season, hut in tin; mcuntimc the fund has to he raised first, hence the necessity of the li r forward movement which will he inau-u-n rated .March J, the replies to. and influence exerted by these duestiun- ait-res to exert an important bearinu afterwards. After April 1 the Citizen's Bank will have a new assistant in the per son of (J. H. Yeo, formerly local man ager of the dnokson County Abstract Co.. who succeeds to the position made vacant, by the resignation of II. S. I'nlmerlee. Major Ira Ii. I'.artle. known here through asocial ion with local fra ternal orders, is now located at Fori iltmehuca. Arizona, where his com mand, the Tenth Cavalry, is nut ml -liny the .Mexican bonier, antieipatinii trouble sooner or later. An honor bndtrc and certificate are awards of merit presented to Mr. S. Ii. M'eXair of this citv. loading Ked Cro-s worker, lor completing with credit certain courses of activities connected with the ureal relief organization. a voi name buiupnir renaissance '' hit Hilt. cucoiiiviL-cd bv the Knit! - THOROUGH WORK Hum Mfiirmil Clll.rn f'mi I'inil Troc flom from Kidney I'l-onlilos. If you suffer from Imckncho Krcni urinary disordora Any curable disease of Iho kidneys Tun a tested kidney remetly. Dunn's Kidney I'llls liave been leslnl by Ihousands. ' (iralel'ul people lostify. Lan you ask moro conviuriiiK proof of tneril ? Iiantel Klatun, (' St., .laeksonvilln ore., says: II is some years uko since I used's Killney I'lllK. lull I c not forget how much nood they ilid me. 1 sultered from weakness of the lililueyii anil i.llicr disdnlers that ru with kidney complaint. I allied till over. 1 began usinr, lloau's Kidney I'ills, and received benefit from Ibr very first, and soon they had mi1 straightened up ill good shape." il'rieo line, at all dealers. llou'l simply ask fur a kidney remedyget Doan's Kiiluey Pills the sumo that Mr. riaten had. 1'osteT-Milburn Co. Mfrs., Hutfalo. i.'. V. Adv The stranger's first im iressioii of our city is gained from our hotels. The Hotel Holland Is ilniiio its p;irt to help build a irtvater Meilfonl A hotel depends ere;itl on the local support it receives. The Hotel Holland and Cafe will appreciate your patronage. Management of Carl Y. Tengwald - HOME-MADE Candy is best for the children. Blue Label Karo makes the most delicious fudge-delicate and creamy; crisp taffy and brittle peanut candy; car amels and fondant. Writetodayfortheinteresting'64-pageCorn Products Ccok Book. It tells how to make Karo home-made goodies and is i-Kiifc,. Karo is pure and rich in food value; it is wholesome and health building. That s why it's the Great American Spread for sliced bread. P.S. Ask your grocer the price of Blue Label Karo by the dozen cant,. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY M... Vn.Ir 17 Battery Place m REX TAXI PHONE 96 Grt Anv Wherf. Anv Time FOSTER 4 INGRAM rowers SuduIv Co.. the. niniti eoriior- nlioit ol Hint cntiTiiriainsr cominu nily. No less tlmu n dozen nioder.i iiiinualows are under wnv. in nililitioii to a new hotel, the supniv company' extensive operalions thero sivintr an Impetus to these ami other improve incuts, l'rovost tiros., who Have heretofore done a lot of plumbim; nm! other eiinipment work in various pur linns of Siskivou countv. will install ,shluml help and material on the m'j of eniiipiiinsr these, liuildinns Willi plumbiu':. Mr.-. Joseph Tolev lias cone to Cor illis a housekeeper for her two ilauirhteiv. Kva aril Minr.w. both eon- eeeteil witli O. A. ('. Joe t'honte was a visitor here amid old familiar snrrounilimis enrlv in the week. Within a few iluvs lie will ns stime the duties, in lielialf of the Southern 1'acilie, of chief clerk ol the trnl'lie ileparlment of that sys tem's lilies, with hcailiniartcrs at :!!! llincklev ItiiiMinv. Seattle; Phis is a promotion in the service well merit ed Ihroimh faithful application of "safety first" incthoils. I.awsou Hilev. ex-service man. is now holdim: n line position with n lendinir San Francisco firm. mother, Mrs. M. K. Hilev. is u vcl eome visitor here, and conlcmplati'-remainiiiu- in Ashhitul permanenllv. Ur. ami Mrs. J. H. Webster are now relocated on their fruit nnd poiiltrv laneh near Phoenix. Genealogical lilniiks. aiiplicalile petitioners for inemliership in Hie I . A. K. Chapter alioul to be formed here, mav lie olilained liv applvmu' ! Mrs. Caroline Schueriuaii. -1-1 ''. street. Anyone over IK is eliihle I" inetnlier-liip. proviilitrr proof "f lin eal descent i. supplied. Mr. niiil Mrs. S. I'altcr-on are ir I'civin" a vi-it from their l;Mi'rli ". ( Mrs. Oscar l anstccl of Modi- Cal. Method.- ot u straiurcr in soliciting fund- o.-lei-ihlv in behalf of the Chri.-tian i-hurcli of tlii- citv. have been frowned upon hv the constituted re prcscntativcs of that dcmononm'ii -ticn. rfhc fmc new tloor in the nrmorv. lately retouched bv Medford n lan- ic-v in the redressing pnii'i'-. i" serve a double purpose, for m addi tion to company drill patrons of i promenade cincerl and Iul' socun ijaneiuL'' liui'tion w-ill ul;de over il polished surface on Wednesday even imr. March Jl. the date in the enter tainment calendar reserved exclu sively for the appearance here "1 the Oregon Aui irtiitui al Col'.eee build. I The A-hl.ilid school i!i-tli. t has I succeeded m tett'.ni: it- rc ili.c' . x car's siipi'l". , ai;i: j tt OOli Imm!- . 1'iirroti pi.-r' i lot. the pri-c I Mr. n ml N on Tlles.ia v ' land. ' Word fro.r 'he II. fl. Ka-t ' ilv is to the . - feci the' thev arc . : inrtalilv ioc.tcd at Modesto. ( i where the h.,nl of the holl-c has n line po-itl'.a , n the iconcv or.i. r de- . oarlll'.enl . 1 1 ;' at citv'- p. -t. '11 i. e. Mr. Ka.-tnian - v.i.-ant place in t'lc I'.a-t-crn Star's directory of Alpha Chan ter, ha- ''. :i tilled bv the appoint ment ot Mi-, lteriha Pent mi to the Po-ilion o! "Adah." fir-t and tore- I pom; .. the star in that erder. ! Vttite a i i. i.nv tin- sptinu nr." j j hea.ic.l lor inirthwestern ( ana.lian ; territory, principally Alberta. Witt; I Kha-on. who left tiie la-t ot j the week, were Mr. and Mr-. T. t. ', Chapman arsi Hob Burns. Ahi-n M- J (iee l- al-o .-iiippintr h.eisehold uood north. hi- family to follow later. Local cemeteries now have two . arctiil . r- Web- tcr Wert.' look after lb, A -l.biii.l plot, and M. !'. 1 'in i.iii ot Mountain View, Lot owners nre reminded thai II are ol j 'flic hitdi c. I of pre. ion- stones i-: u siihslatilial reward awaits the luekv same for the season annually lietiin-I exeiuplilicd bv llic lo-s n nllv on linder of the uuluckv horseshoe. April I and ends (Iclober 1. Ashland streets of a diamond horse-1 Hen llelsman will nifrcc box far- John Harris of llorubrook. is a new 1 shoe containing no less Ihau :i-l bril- ( lory activities with those of the Ash- t f CCSSWIM ill I 11C lOl I-,- Ol I, Ml 1 ,1 I MIC I - I 1 II. II I s. I, 111, II ,..-s ii.i - ... . . n - - -- . ... ;it ihe Ashland terminal -tuCon. Ivcrti-c.l. Il is needless lo add that, now of both properties ueare.'iitinu inn , or.l t':r. Wi'.liaiv.s I'.ro-.. n ot. furnished t!te entile leiin: sS.nn per nd. .. K. .1. Shinti rctnrncl om a brief trip t.. I'ort I -it ri ram al. A Blend of Choicest Wheats" W' Straight Hard "Wheat Flour serves certain re quirements. Flours made from Western wheats are also adapted to certain needs. p Most professional hakers mix Eastern Hard "iWheat Flours and Flours made of Western Wheats jo obtain perfect results. BLEND FLOUR is a scientific com hination of choicest Eastern Hard Wheat and. the choicest of Western Wheats, in proper proportions to bring out the finest qualities of both varieties. It's really a baker's flour for domestic purposes, pm You want results and the use of BLEND gives them. It's as good for cake and pastry as for bread. ' Fisher Flouring Mills Company Seatde Tacoma , . Portland Bellincham " ; Ml. Vernon 14 J 1