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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1920)
PAGE TWO wr:nTORr mm ttctptxntr mfpford, okf.oox. frtday. mapctt 12. 1920. IocdBrieB nhe second baskothall contest be tween the teams of tin; Mfflfoni and Ashland hiKh kcIhajIh will l- playi.-U tonight at the AshliimJ hi pymnasinni. The Mod ford nthW'U'H ari: in Komi condition and exlrmHy aiixiiw.s to fit age a coin c-bank and overwhelm Ashland In ordr to wipe out the fitaln of the defeat administered iy Anhland at Salem last week. A large crowd of Medford supporters will at tend the game-, which is expected to be closely ccntstod. Ashland playH a return game hen tomorrow ninlu at the Naiatorlum. The ganio will Blurt at 7: SO. Tho .Mod ford hiIi line-up Is as follows: "Irish" "ole inan, f; J. Smith, f; l.ukft I. was, r; JiUBKell Sherwood, k; and Kftchit Payne, g. Agnes Nielson Skurtvedt tonkin. :;(! Hot tamalfc. nnu cnli: roncarne at DoVoe's. Uig aue Central I-Niint, I-'riday March 12th. l,uuijHpach orchestra The College club will meet at fi 1 1; Belmont street with Mim C'oltndl to morrow afternoon. UI danco Central Point, Friday, March 3 2th. LuunHpach cn-hestra. a 00 Pianos to rent at 1'alrncr's. li.'M East Main Htreet. 301 Agnes Nlelson Skartvedt. Samuel T. Klchnrdawi during th past week sold his home at '.','.1 North Orange Htreet to Dr. Frank Roberts who taken pOHHession on April 1st when Mr. Jtiehardsou and family will be given possession of Mayor i'.. K. dates' homo which he purchased BOino time ago, and the mayor and family will occupy their new home Ai Queen Anne street. You ought to insure your auto with Redden & Canadny, VI N. Cen tral. Phono 720. Agnes Nlelson Skartvedt. Cakes, French pastry and cream puffs at the Bhasta. The state fish and game commis sion has Just announced that the wutera of tho north fork of the Upper Rogue river and the tributaries there of east of what is known uh the iXa tural bridge, havo been opened to fishing for trout, salmon and other fish, as the necessity for the closed season In those waters no lunger ex ists. J.Iat that are right In style and price, at tho M. M, Dept. Store. 301 Jlavo you Been the used car bar gains that wo are offering. McCurdy Upwne Motor Co; " ', i Oct the habit!' Buy shares now tn thB 'Building and Loan. . tf llrs. (ieorgo W. Barker and daiinh tw or Butte Falls, arrived in the efoyi Fridays and are guests at , I, lie MfiUford. ,r' i i J , ( ; Hasklns for health. 1 It. I. ReC eggs at lit 'oq'b, jMrs. -Baul. Hansen, corsetlero for NU$onev,,Phonq 585-J. h 3jhe offices o'f the American' Ie ginu Weekly are being removed to Gat! V.-4.1d street, New York ulty. and pending Us mmovul to, (New York th,i)ubllcntlou of the legion maga zine will be suspended until the March 19th Issue. The American Le tt Ion Weekly Is thu official publica tion of the legion, and every member of the organization Is 011 (he mailing list. It was formerly published in Washington, 1). C. Agnes Nlelson Skartvedt tonight. 1 have pened a (in shop at Kails Second-hand store and will do all kinds of repairing. Stovus of all kinds, smokestacks, eve troughs, etc. :toi Prices cut to the bottom at tho big salo. C. K. Gales Auto Co. tr Mrs, Murk Montgomery is in Rose- burg for a few days vlslwith friends Plcotlng is tho neatest and quick est finish for rufflon. Handicraft Shop. . 2!H1 Shipment received of latest spring and summer styles In millinery (it the iionnet Nook. j :iou Try our merchants' lunch. Tho Shasta. tf The Hotel ModTord and the Hotel Holland have enjoyed a rushing pa tronage for several days due to the unusual amount of Incoming and pussing thru travel for this time of year. Both hoslelries were filled U.' capacity last night and this niornlnu and had to turn late arriving guests way. All the new models tn mllilnery at Deuel's all this ween, 3 on Mnchlnos rented nnd repaired. Singer Shop, phone 2ir-R. a 111 made over. General repairing. Douglas, J01 South Central. Phone tnr-j. 3 in (Mrs. K. H. Jefferson of Klamath Fulls and formerly oT Medford. has Just returned home from a lengthy visit with her sister at Portland. For the best Insurance see Holme thu Insurance Man. Tho famous Shasta tamales on sale now. Shasta. Agnes Nielson Skartvedt tonight. Mrs. C. M. I.oomis went to Medford' this ufternoon for a .short visit and will go from there to Klamath Falls. Mr. Doomls will leave tomorrow fi.r .Medford. where he will remain - tirnnts Pass Courier. Furniture and household good: carefully packed and (rated. Doug las 101 South Central. Phone 1; 1 3 t !t Hemstitching and pocotlng. The Vanity Shop. Only a trace of rain fell last night much to tile disappointment of the fanners and orchard is ts. Evidently j the copious showers predicted t his week for Oregon and California have passed this part of the valley by. But there is yet hop-, for the prediction for U-Tiight and Saturday Is for prob aldc rain. Save from $3 to 910 on a tire at the big Kale. C. K. Gates Auto Co. tt Automobile, tract 01, truck and im plement parts welded good as new. Vulcan Welding Works. New linens for table runners, dress er scarfs, luncheon cloths and nap kins. Handicraft Shop. UuO Agnes Nielson Skartvedt tonight. 3 00 Among Oregonians registered at ihe Medford yesterday and this fore noon are M. II. Goldsmith of Oregon City, W. V. Dudley or The Dalles, C V. l,fAjfdny of Fort Klamath, F. C. ! Iloffrrm of Kugeiie. H.-rhert Nunn. .1. ('. Mel, end and W. S. ayes of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nunn of Gold Hill. and the following from Portland: Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Crandall. A. L. Junes, G. K, Johnson, C. K. Clodfei ter, II. 1!. Iteiikinan, Karl F. Metcalfe, .1. Vidgoff and M. f viiiHun. Shoe repairing simp. . J'istos has remcved his shoe repairing shop IrM.n t Uivlh .1 . 1 ' ' "'V ('eutral, bet wen marble works and f will be rev Japanese restaurant. Let us do your repairing. All work will receive prompt attention. We have all kinds of b'uther. 303 Orres, tho ladies' tailor, will be atjjti noiei Moimnu every i nursuay. r mo . ..r. woolens, latest stylus always. tf nclud"d uev. .losepn i rovaio is in me -ny Holland are LMrs. Con, from Butte Falls and is a guest at thejumi children of Denver. !Iol,il,l,i- ICotv of Hartford, Conn. It took hard work to build the ' Ji(; (jf Washingtun, D. t iruax store, i nero a reason, wny y 3 00 For Sale New and second-hand machines. Singer Shop, J 1 West Main Phono 2 la-It. Slti Just arrived. Car of famous Utah coal. Valley Fuel Co. Sergeant William P. Shearburn, member of the army of occupation in Germany, arrived home Friday, Mar. He arrived at Camp Dix recently. Sergeant Shearburn has three years to serve In the army before obtaining his discharge reserve. Guaranteed springs for all cars. Scene From "My Sunshine Lady" at the Page Theatre March 15th uenza 'imij ? ft M&w , M v Hff.mfln'o Wizard CII a Reliable, Antlsaptlc Preventive Dur:ns influcn::a epidemics spraf the nu-e and throat several times a day with one part Wizard Oil and parts water, using an atomizer. It you haven't an atomizer, gargle the throat nnd snufi the mixture up the nose. This treatment sets up an antiseptic wall of defense agkinai "Flu" genV.s. Chest colds and sore throat lead to grip. Stup them at once with Wizard Oil before they can develop into dannerou-s influenza. Get it from dm prists for 30c. If not, return the bottle anj get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick head arher JuM try Wizard Liver Whips, pltatant liitlu pink'pilU, 30c at drug gist. Guaranteed. title. mush-n! i led at thr iMonday night, .March I Mi 1 I oiiH'dy oddity Page l heat I - th. (Jf fairy- like tx'riHtruction, hut nuidcrii in its liappily drawn mixture of personal- ailfnlly novi-J in ilK pretty pre- svir h ; come Mini i.-aid maid ' repn di v-i t i tig i loudly Hit: n of the roni.uinc tairv themciand will dotihtb'ft afford local pa il fine organization of musical I irons of the play one of tlte most en dy inlerprctors and a chorus joyable evenings they have hail in a can both sing and dance and is long while. to justii'y as much as earthly j -Musical lovers will be interested in ens might their .selection t'orlilto following, selected from the list renting "sun-goddesses," thislof popular tunes abounding in the Was Twen:v-one. "When the Whis tle lilew for Home Sweet Homo," "1 Miss Vou, Honey, 'lued I 'Do," "Love Needs tppoMt inn," "M yst ie. Magi Man," "Men; Man", "dixieland Is Calling Vou." "Cupid's Swe'ets," ni rLainnierit lias struck 'seore: keynote of pcpular favor ' 1 itlitt,' 'Sun "The Sunshine Songs 1 Lady," "In When I ian "What's tin iVIghi at l he thing to Mak- I'se of Lovin' iiiviera"' and a I Met m e Nuv-;i "A Any- iinong the guests at the The Jackson county farm bureau .Smallhaii; i delegation which will attend the inter-coiini y conference on proposed eooperutive ;itthf .shipping tomorrow at Montague, inciuib-s C C. Cale, Kc land Klaharty, Miles Can trail and U. M. Lowe. Agnes Nielson Shurlvedi tonight. :fno Lance will be held at tho Castle! hall. Knights of IMtiiias, on Friday! evening, March Hi. All knights undj their families urged hi attend. IJ'H) I . I'. Itro . Ila M I a. i;lu- Colo. I. A. ..A. .. senkamp of Laramie, Wyo., mid K. (I. Ityron-Iirinkmau anif L. menihal of Kan I'rancisco, Agnes Nielson Skart vedt t onighi . :;htj Iteal dance! Medford Nat . Sat. night. Iteal music.' . Superb floor! Wonderful time! Kveryhody's going! At. their hMge meeting last uiejit the local Llks (ronliiiued tlii; decjsiou arrived at at last week's meeting to pu re uu so me tor aujoinniK tie ciun The M"edford MI Times, the student publicntion of the hfgh schtol has a last increasing circulation including exchange list with the leading high schools, universities and col leges not only of Oregon but in 1 " other states. Two large fdze cans of o!id pack pumpkins 27c. Warner, Wormian A; tlore. no.'! 'Nice line medium priced spring and summer millinery just received at the Itonnet Xook. SOU Cold in Head? Attend to it now. Put Turpo, the only Turpentine (in I nieni , tn the nos trils, also on forehead, no. e, til roal and chest. Kub in well. II Millinery : iind ; ; Blouses Fur exclusive sty ley and smart Hess see the NEW SPRING LINES at the , -, . Vanity Shop Next Rialto Theater. house on the north on whirh to erect Hillings Carriage &. Auto WorkH. tf Sac coffee ut the Truax Store. .100 AgncH Nlelson Hkurtvedt tonight. "h C. Dillurd, engineer of the Talent irrigation project, was in -!aloin recently where he went . to renter with Percy Cupper, stale engi neer, with regard to the further de velopment of the Talent Irrigation dlHtrlct," ituys the Anhland Tiding. "Thin district comprises ftuuo acres. Ilnndu in the sum of $::,', (Ml 0 have been certified, while the remaining $;!7.'.,imh of the total Ishuo is now before -tho Irrigation pecurlttoH com mission for 'approval, t According tor Mr. 'IHHard's statement, this )roject IncludeH Koine t,"t the richest laud in southern Oregon much of which will he reclaimed and made -productive thru Irrigation." UroomH Gfio while they last at Truax Btoro. . 300 Toilet paper, roll 5c, at Truax Store. 300 (1. M. Klein, ono of the chief mem bers of the Klein & Simpson Fruit and Produce Co., which Is one of the largest buyers and shippers of fruits in California, and Donald Simpson. son of the other leading member of Ihe company, arrived here last night from Los Angeles It; look over the eiierul fruit situation and confer with Moso Itarkdull, t ho vompauy's local representative. llecauso the eoin pany'u business here has grown to such proportions as to require addi tional help In handling it, i.Mr. Simp son will remain in Medlord and will he joined by his family In a week or two'. It is rumored that the company will build a large fruit warehouse here. Messrs. Klein and Simpson are at the Medford. Seo I). It. Wood & Co., Km. 209 Liberty Uldg., for flro lucurance. tf Hemstitching lOe per yard, thread furnished. Singer Shop, 115 W. Alain., ;t lii A new medley fox-trot arranged by, "Chick" Vanco of the Imperial or- i-hest ru torlum dance Sat urdav night. It was played for the first time last Wednesday night and met with much approval. .Mr. Vance tho still In high school, shows remarkable ability us a musician and has already several compt.miions to his credit. We write fire Insurance. Hedden & Canada)-, :il! N. Central. Phono 720 New Idea Patterns. Truo to size. Cheaper. Medford Hook Store. 300 Colin Mrtuttwh and Uobert Pringle of the Old Chanuet mine In Josephine ci.uuty, arrived in the city Friday on dmrt business visit. Follow the crowds! Ileal dance! Sat. Medford Nat. Imperial ,'i-plece orchestra! Admission free! 301 Laundry soaps ec the bar at Truax Store. 3eo an additional building lor club pur poses. On and attor January 12 the Ilinea & Snider garuge will be upon day and night. tt Y;ur spring suit best woolens, reasonable prices. Kleiu the Tailor, Kast Main, upstairs.. . 3Vi ). (!. Hoggs is .fastj con va b'schig from his iccent serious flu and pneu monia illness, biit Is sllll Very we;ik and it,, will lie two weeks yet Indole he will return to business duties, JJe has been aulo riding several times but is not aide lo walk down towju Agnes Nielson HMarLVedt. Tho: ltoguo HIver Valley Canning Co. will now contract for TJ30 sea son'a'.pack of to'inatoos, beans, ber ries and all kinds of fruits. t Henry Har-eke and L. ,A. libble were overnight visitors in the Ity from 'Clranls Pass. Closing out sale of new and ueM sewing machines at bargain prices ut Ihe old Singer stand. C. A. Chapman, 'IM.-i South Central. Orres, tailors for men nnd women. High grade only. Ashland, Ore. Con Leever of Central Point, was here last ulyM to enjoy the Lll meeting. Hnrgains always at the Truax Store, lllack, white and oxblood, 1! In I shoo polish, this week only, at Truax Store lor 1 1c. 300 Tho famous Shasta tamales on salo now. Shasta, The walls and ceiling of the Hotel Holland h.'bby and balls are being given a new coat of kalsouiine by a force of painters. Nico lino medium priced spring and summer millinery just received at the itonnet Nook. 300' Flannel Cerlrudes and em in oid- j ered baby jackets. Handicraft Shop.; 3001 Jrs. Carlow expect to attend the meeting of Ihe Southern Oregon Or leopathie society at Ashland on Sun day afternoon. rabh-ts and scratch pads made of will be featured at the Nata- news print, for school and office use for salti at Ibis office. 1 f Shipment received of latest ;prini'. and summer styles in millinery, at the Itonnet Nock. 300 t T T v v It Is High Time to Be Thinking of Easter Blouses f y r r T T f . T T T t I t X I here never was a Vumai .lisl'aetion Hie .M. M. Store enlii'elv hv hand, einbroidrrei l.e-frillcd. n i "II surelv wlio had ein.iili Idolises at Faster time, has provided most unusual assortments and set willi i'ilmv laees; olliers are of ss it von make earlv select ions ol and 11 ; soiik !UZ(; chilTons or De pleased ll von make earlv se ec urns o Dnses or :m I 'vices 97.50 910.00 $12.50 5?1 5.00 $1 8.00 925.00 t all may select to their etitive are made of .sheer ceovax'tte and crepes, tucked and er wear now. "Mm Pi if I ma Y',XSI,,J.;;'. iii Help Your Digestion When nrid-distrossed, relieve Ihe indigestion with Ki-MQIDS DiBxulrc esBily on tongue as plrusar.t to tske as candy. Ket-p your btomuih swim?!, try Kt-mo:t)s MADE CY OCOTT ft BOWNE MAKERS CF SCOTTS EMULSION . WEEKS & ORE UNDERTAKERS Day l'lionr 7 NiKlit I'lmnes I". W. WtH'ks, A. K. it, -TJ.;!. TOMORROW'S THE BIG DAY Take "Gtscarcts" Tonight for Liver and Bowels and Wake Up Clear, Rosy, Fit! No Shake Up! ? T T Y T ? Y Y Y Y t T T Y Y 't 'T Y Y t SPRING LINGERE Handsome garments, emhroi derei! hy deft tinsel's. This lingerie is cliaraclert.ed hy a charming sim licii - whicli never loses its appeal. iwn work and Yalencennes lace Dr; add to die lieauly of 1 liese dainly ol'IVrin.ys exc eediny'l v moderate a number of , and all are as lo mark- Teddy Bears l ies, ere li able silks ... Night Gowns fabrics and Mrs -Dainty 1, de chines ..$2.50 Soft, si inirerie I'ab and wash to $10.00 eer. colloi: e silks; manv $2.50 to $10.00 ( 'harming SI vies in SILK BAGS At $2.50 (o $9.50 The ii. -west designs and frames in all and colors wilh those in black. biMwn. t.niie and navy pivd.-iiiiual in.u'. All are of hih ipialiiy and come with proper in side fin iniis. SPORT COATS ARE SUPREME Here's a Snappy Group at $19.50 lo $15.00 I'olo cloth, jersey, silverlolie and velour, mostly in short and 1hrce-iuarter length swatter mannish lines. Dine, tan, rcen and .H'ray cuniniend themselves. One modish velour coat st rikes a new nole,1 with a chic little tain lo match. WE HAVE CONCENTRATED ON SUITS Some have the new box coat effect, others show the smart rip ple .jacket. I'hnbroidery, military braid, lucks, pleats, n-ws of. but tons, are used in new and altrac t ive wa vs. Attractively New and Dainty SPRING WASH FABRICS In Unlimited Variety Await Your Critical Inspection . For Fancy White Dress and Waist Voiles Plaid, Stripe' and'- Fig ure styles, in :!C. and . 38-inch widths, yard 75c For Fancy Voiles Silk and Cot bm ( Yepes Flower and Figure' si vies in pretty dark colors, yard : $1.25 $35.00 $15.00 $50.00 $G5 BUY YOUR CHILDREN'S SHOES H GINGHAMS Very elaborate showing of French ( iinghams now in this store. Plaids in a blending of colors that is new. Fancy stripes, small checks and plain styles, yard 45- X of CuooRrHs an.l rnjor tho iucvU 'ntht lfiXBtivnttiartic you t iHTH'iu'rilT I'awarrt m've urip1. Feel :ratitl tomorrow ! Bp rtlloiont ! tt.,.. utu(. U...L- lub.Min i-nn. MipatKl. Ht-mo've tin Ijvit un.l howvl H-rifm'r.l T 1'anrarrt.i n.-vr- nrip su-.-n pitiwon which kpftiiiitf vour heat! or nu'unvfniftur onp hko Sjiltf, Oil. 11- vour toninie coatftl, vnur ttnatli Imtl ami tnil or harsh I ill. .wnr.i oa . J r i i . . ii i.i.i.. '1-1 .. ... ..). . I.. ab .Ml vour Mlniiiai-ii Knur. uv uoi kci buuui , nim.-. a7 nw u. jv.. ..r. Store Closes at 5 P. M. Saturdays at 8:30 P. M. . ' HritfiiriB ERE AND SAVE MONEY, $2.29 to $3.93 - - v Agents for MffCall Patterns. T Y Y Y Y Y i Y ' Y ; f Y Y ,Y Y Y "Y Y Y- f. vt ' Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y "Y Y Y Y Y T T :Y "Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ;Y Y Y $ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y