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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1920)
PXGE TWO STEDFORTJ limn TRIBUNE, frrKDFOTvD, OTtTttON. TUESDAY. MATK'TT 0. 1020. IocdBieB Tho Parent-Teacher counc'il offi cers request the patrons and jtari-ntH of the public nchools .10 utienil to night's mooting of the board of wln cation at the high school liuililitiK at which the teachers situation will bi cllseuwiod. The meetliiK begins at 7:30 o'clock. Hot tamalb. ana cnm roncarne at DeVoe's. Bun Welch, auto repairer and unfc lallst on Chevrolet car work, who has beeD located on North Riverside, has moved to temporary quarters at North drape street. Hill (Mr. and Mrs. 1'rcd W. Weeks ar rived homo today from their brief honeymoon stay at Portland. Key gurdlng their visit there a Portland newspaper says: "Kred W. Weeks makes his living at undertaking, hut his most recent undertaking is bis greatest, he declares. With .Mrs. Weeks, Fred W. spent the week-end at the Oregon, receiving the congrat ulations of his friends upon his entry into the blissful wedded state. Weeks, whose borne is at .Medfoid, is well known in southern Oregon." Pianos to rent ut Palmer's. 234 East Main street. 301 The Medtord Printing company has the De Luxe. Multiplex cash books and other ruled hooks, loose leaf sys tem, also Inventory sheets. If you need these or any other blank books or bills to fit any binder see this office and patronize home Industries. tl There was born Tuesday at Port land to 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark of Medford, a 7 'A ptund buby daughter, ltolh mother and child are doing well. Yarns In all colors for embroidery blouses. Ten cents per skein. Handi craft Shop. SOU IMusic lovers attention! Look up tho Page theatre ad. i!!i7 Volney Dixon arrived homo today from a selling trip thru eastern Ore gon ill tho Interests of the Page Fence company. New linens for table runners, dress er scarfs, luncheon cloths and nap kins. Handicraft Shop. 300 .Machines rented and repaired. Singer Shop, phone 2 J5-U. 310 Included among the guests at the Holland aro Mr. and .Mrs. (.'. .V. (lard nor of New York City, Albert A. Kuln and family of Kvorson, Wash., and E. A. Cary of Yakima, Wash. Indies' nnd children's now spring hats at Truux Store. 300 Brunswick phonographs on easy terms at Halo's Piano House. . tf Tho Woman's Assotelntlon of the Presbyterian church mot this after noon. At this meeting the annual election of officers was held. Tho Presbyterian (luild girls will meet at the club house tonight. . Flannel Gertrudes and embroid ered baby jackets. Handicraft Shop. :ioii Agnes Nlelson Start vedt, star con tralto soloist of the tuitions Seattle Temple chorus at' tho Pngo Friday night. 297 At the meeting of tho class of 11)20 of the Scottish Kite Masons during the 'big Masonic doings at Kugene lust Saturday two Medford men were chosen to office William (I. Tall was elected vice president nnd lies Newbury historian. Judge John S. Coke of Mursbfleld, was elected pres ident. Kodak finishing, first-class work, low charges. Jap Art Store 291' You ought to insuro your unto with Redden & Canaday, 32 N. Cen tral. Phono 720. O. M. Ksterly, tho Josephine coun ty mining man is hore from Waldo, having arrived Monday. Cakes, French pastry and cream puffs at tho Shasta. The circuit court session for Jose phine county opened at drains Pass Monday with Judge Calkins on the bench. No cases of Importance will come up at the present session. McCurdy-Ilowne Motor Co., Over land 4 and Republic truck ugents. have taken a temporary location in the Crater Lake Carage. tf Regular communication of Reames chapter O. I:. S., Wednesday evening, March 10th, Also Initiation and social. 297 San Francisco people stopping at the Medfi-rd are Mary Shipley, Zita Zollet, lieth Milton, O. A. Wood and tleorgo 11. Crimm. Bargains always at the Tmax Store. Illack, white and oxblood, 2 in 1 shoo polish, this week culy, at Truax Store for 1 lc. .'100 The famous .Shasta tamales on sale now. Shasta. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hanla and Mrs. Zana. of Ashland, were among the l Medford visitors Monday. Mr. lianta 1 has charge of the Medford papers in Ashland. Orros, tnllors for men and women. High grade only. Ashland, Ore. .Now is tlie time to b(ost home in dustry, dig down tho valuable hills and mould them into gold dollars. You 'can buy Cold Hill Portland ce ment at tho Medford Cement lirick & iilock Works, cor. Fir and Tenth streets. Phono :; ; r-.1 . 2!i7 c. I). Morgan this week reported the impossible as having happened at his home a short distance from Cold Hill. The old time wish c'f poultry men of getting hens to lay two eggs in one day was fulfilled In the 'Mor gan hennery when one of his hens left two eggs in the nest fasened to golher. Tho eggs were soft shelled and both complete eggs wen; thus contained in one shell, but were con nected by only a thread of lining tis sue. TIil the eggs were smaller than the average, both were of sufficient sizo to be salable eggs. Cold Kill News. The Rogue River Valley Canning Co. will now contract for 11)20 sea son's pack of tomatoes, beans, ber ries and all kinds of fruits. tf On and after January 12 the Hlnes & Snider garage will he open day and night. tf i.MIss Florence Pool, the homo dem onstration agent, spent today in Ash land at a meeting of the women of that city to make dress fo'rms. A real dance! Medford Nat. Wed. Imperial orchestra! 2HK'' Yo'ur spring suit best wuoiens, reasonable prices. Klein tho Tailor, lOnst .Main, upstairs. 3 Hi The young ladies' class of the Methodist Sunday school taught by Mrs. Leonard will hold their monthly business meeting at tho church this evening at 7 o'clock. All members ure urged to be present. Laundry soups 6c tho bar at Truax Storo. 300 Wo writo flro insurance. Redden & Canaday, 32 N. Central. Phone 720 O. M. Roberts, district attorney for Jackson county, who makes his home at Medford, Is in tho city, calling en legal acquaintances. Ho Is here to bu taken over the sands Into the Mystic Shrine. Kugene tluurd. Hemstitching 10c. per yard, thread furnished. Singer Shop, 115 W. Main. 31(1 Now Idea Patterns. Truo to sizo. Cheaper. Modlord Hook Store. 300 At a large campus party spe'usored by tho Sigma Alpha KphIou of the V. of O. at. Kugene last Saturday afternoon In the list of new initiates of the fraternity present appear the names of two Medford young lady students, Misses Cenevieve Spriggs and Laura (lutes. Urootus tnic while they last at Truax Store. 300 Toilet paper, roll uc, at Truax Storo. 300 Tho class in the extended home service course, which haB been meet ing at the Red Cross headquarters, will hold an open meeting on Wed nesday, March !0th, at H p. in.' The survey of community conditions is completed and Miss Howler, the Red Cross social service worker, will give a suinmury of the findings c-f that work. All Interested in the subject, and in the future work of the Red Cross ure cordially Invited. Tho meeting will be held iu the rest room of Red Cross headquarters. The condition of Mrs. Walter Rowue who has been seriously ill at the Sacred Heart hospital, is reported as much improved today. See I). H. Wood & Co., Rm. 209 Liberty Blilg., for fire Inturance. tf 'Real moonlight waltzes! Real moonlight fox-trots. .Medford Nat. Wed. Everybody's goitig! 2Hs Ceorge F.lwood of La Verne, Calif., and Ceorge J. Parker of Copper, are business visitors in the city and guests at the Nash. (iuaranteed springs for all cars. Hillings Carriage & Auto Works, tl ISiic coffee at tho Truax Store. 300 Hun 'McFarland is spending the week iu Medford where he Is con nected with the Rogue River Valley Canal company, which is construct ing about -10 miles of irrigation canals there. (Irants Pass Courier. Tablets and scratch puds made of news print, for school and office use lor sale at this office. tf It took hard work to build the Truax Store. There h a reason. Why? 3U0 'Mrr. and Mrs. W. F. Miller have moved to Medford and have leased I In? residence ut 1 " ltoso avenue. Mr. Miller Is representing the Hlnke Mc Fail Paper Co., and makes his head quarters in Medford. For Sale New and second-hand machines. Singer Shop, 115 West Main. Phone 2l!i-lt. 2111 Just arrived. Car of famous Utah coal. Valley Fuel Co. .Among Oregon residents registered at tho uMedfoi'd are (1. M. Ksterly of Waldo, A. It. Tuyli.v of Roseburg, C. I). Thompson of Crants Pass, and the following from Portland: l. F. (Iriff, II. V. Jeffries, .1. A. Ockwig, A. A. Frederick, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Van Wle, K. M. Pugh, It. ti. Brady and R. K. Romaiue. Hemstitching and pecotlng. The Vanity Shop. Furniture and household goods carefully packed and crated. Doug las 101 South Central. Phono (iin-J. 31!) It bus been learned that In the recent salary raises granted by tho hoard of education for next year till tho priivcipuls of ithu grade school buildings were grantud the sumo com pensation, $1S2() a year instead .T $11120, as related in Monday's Mail Tribune, except Miss Ferguson of Roosevelt school who was given a little less. R. I. Red eggs at Dt Zoo's. Ones, tho ladies' tailor, will be at Hotel Holland ovory Thursday, Fine woolens, latest styles always. tf 'C. W. Ager of Jacksonville, who hud been attending school in Port land for several months, returned home lust Saturday. For tho best Insurance see Holmes the InRtirunce Man. Tho fatuous Snasta tamales on sale now. Shasta. Only .01 of an inch of rain fell yes terday anil last night up to S u. in. today. More rain fell during today hut not much, consisting mostly of a slight drizzle. The prediction fur to night and Wednesday Is for rain. Furnlturo upholstering, mattresses mndo over. (ieneral repairing. Douglas, lot South Control, Phone liir.-J. 319 Picoting Is the neatest and quick est finish for rull'les. Handicraft Shop. auti In the southern Oregcn town where' a man named Gates is mayor, Tim-, otby-is chief of police ami Pickel is, health officer, (1. T. Collins pays bis taxes. With that much information to identify the place of- Collins' resi dence It was a simplo mutter to find Medford standing boldly out on Hie map. In the same town the man who runs the pnnlic market is named Run yard. Collins was a guest at the Ben son hotel over the week-end. Port laud Journal. Prlce3 cut to tho bottom at the big sale. C H. Gates Auto Co. ' tf Hasklns tor hoalth. i.Mr. and Airs. Fred Pelouze arrived in the city yesterday from Kagle Point for a stay of a duy or two. They are at the Medford. Try our merchants' lunch. Tho Shasta. tf "Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Cunningham left this morning for Prospect,-Jackson county, having received word of tlie death there last night of their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lillian Cun ningham, wife of Floyd Cunningham, Pine drove rancher," says the Klam ath Falls Herald. ".Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cunningham and their three-month-old baby went to Prospect two weeks ugo lu visit Mrs. Cunniughum's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nyo. Mrs. Cunningham contracted tho in llucnza and developed pucumoniu later. She was 2 1 years old and had been married only a year and four months." Carl Jeschke, high grade watch and clock repairing. 9 Fir street. Oregonlans stopping at tho Med lord include Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kim ball anil Mrs. O. L. Lawrence of Kla math Falls, C. 11. Watson of Cold Hill and James llryson of Central Point. Save from $3 to $10 on a tire at the big Bale. C. E. Gates Auto Co. tt County Judge Ceorge A. Curdner has returned home from attendance. at the Shriners ceremonies at Eu gene. Mr. and Mrs. James Owens who- went to Kugene for tho same purpose will leave that city where they have been visiting friends for home tonight. Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetiere for Nil Bono. Phono SS5-J. It Is expected that many Elks will witness tonight's bowling contest be taween tlie teams of the Elks lodge and company ill, which will be played on the lodge alleys. Have you seen tho used car bar gains that wo aro offering. McCurdy- Bowno Motor Co. At the Medford are registered Homer Drake oil (New York, Theo. Cook or St. Paul and Harold II. Ilim elbocli, A. L. Gove anil C. II. Code of Seattle. For eye, oar, nose, throat soo Dr. Heine, Liberty Bldg. Glasses fitted. J. F. jlittson unloaded a car load of Allen autos today. Get the habit! Buy shares now In tho Bulliling and Loan. tf DECLARED SANE BY STATE PHYSICIANS MONTKSA'XO, Wash., Mar. 1. Loreu Hoberts, die of ten alleged J. V. on trial here for the murder of- Warren O. Grimm, Ontralla Ar mistice day parado victim, for whom a plea of insanity ban been entered, in normally rational in the opinion of his two jailors, according to thuir testimony ut tho trial today. .1. It. Cocper and Hoy inmon, under whose observance Huberts has been since his Incarceration in the (!ray. Harbor county jail, testified today, in effect, that the prisoner behaved about tho same as did other prisoners with the ex.eption that lie was not very talkative. When he does talk, they naid his conversation is rational. Mis appetite has been good hi jail, they testified. Neither f tho jailers had ever heard Hoberts speak of Van derveer, defense counsel, as lieiiiK "('olonel Hrlee Uisque" recent head of spruce production iu t he north west. Defense testimony had alluded to such u purported delusion. Several alienists were present to day to take the stand and testily uh to Hubert's mental condition. In the opiniMis of Dr. William House, Portland, and Dr. 10. Jt. Alil nian, lIo(uiam, Hoberts Is sane. These physicians, who have examined Hoberts iu the jail here and who have observed him in tho courtroom, testl lied today as to their observations. .LI Pneumonia uften follows u Neglected Cold KILL THE COLD! u six's ' CASCARAbfQUININI BROMIDE Standard cold remedy for 20 years in tablet torm ale, sure, no opiates brcaki up a cold in 24 nours relieves grip in j aays. Money back if it fails. The Centime uox lias a rcra tcp w 1 1 n Air. inn picture. At All Drug Stores 1 . n fi XMTO For Liver and Bowels Dr. Carter's K.&B. Tea A Mild, Gentle Vegetable Laxative and Healthful Driuk. , For the stomach, liver and bowels nnd to purity the blood, there's nothing more reliable. Give it to the little ones when they get feverish and can't eat. They like it nnd it does them lots of good WEEKS & ORR UNDERTAKERS Hay riinuc XlKlit I'lioiH's V. W. Wwk.s, asv-i-i -. 10. Oi l-, 2-J7-.I-H. Millinery All the newest and smartest Spring Models now on display. We shall take pleasure in having you call and see Iheni. The Vanity Shop Next Rialto Theater. AVArflllNtJTOX, -Mar. 'J- J.ui Ti tus, (if Ban Francisco, wroti1 I'n-si-ilent Wilson tcJay as-kini! lliat his nomination as a ini'inlier of t li- nliip piiiK board In; wis hilrawn in view the clrcuiiisluni.os Unit havit aris"ii ill connection with hoanl's fu'l sup ply. Mr. Titus lccalii'i! Unit tin' lioanl considered prices in tlie recent bids fur fuel oil too hiKli and -'l' lu-' been an oil producer for many years "and therefore, vitally interested iu the price of i.'il." "I'nder these circumstances." he tail, "it would not only emlianass ino to become a member tif the board but may readily be the cause of em barrassmellt to, as well as criticism of. the board itself." Old papers for building fires and hnnsfl cleaning. 10o bundle. Hand SapoliCK Tleanses Invigorates Softens the Skin DR. RIGKERT eyes sonfNTrnoAtriT rESTKIV. AN'1 CLASSES . PROPERLY FITTED no nitura USFJI Broken Insc Accurately Duplicated Suite 1-a over May Co. 308 E. Main. Unstalra REX TAXI PHONE 96 Go Anv Where, Any Time FOSTER & INGRAM Anti-Uric Can you doulit' the statciiK-nl id' a- person wlid is pi'otiiini'iit in the fiiiiiiiiiuiit v where he lives? .Mr. .I.J. ( irooin, Clerk of the Superior in Judge Ciiniii's Department in San Francisco, says Ant i-lTnc cured him of rheumatism. "Write to him ami ask him about' it. Anti-Uric is guaran teed to give results or money will lie returned. 'For sale at HEATH'S DRUG STORE Tlii particular people are all pleas-' i-rt with Lhe .service wo are rendering. W'a call for ami deliver all goods in every way. If not u customer now try our' service. Pantorium Dye Works Sassafras Bark Xow is the time to thin your blood with sassafras tea. See our windows for all the old-fashioned Spring Tonics. HeatJfo's Drug' SLore The San Tox Store Temporary Location Overland 4 Willys-Knight Republic Trucks McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co. Front End Crater Lake Garage v t ? ? T t f r f ? ? r y ? t f T r T t t f T r r y y y t t - Immediate Delivery of 1 racks We will have two carloads of Ford one-ton Trucks within a few days 1 1T ,1 1 ijxkjik, a ui vx nuua in ucu;i&uii uuiny man an otner manes comDin Part of these are sold, so .a: t J i I t Tl 1 T t 'X' bined let us have your order at once if you want early delivery H Gates Auto Co . V V V V V V V. V V v f f y t y i y f t t t y y y y y