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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1920)
rains ixron Medford Mail tribune priiLIKHR KVKKY AFTRHN( X'N EXCKPT SUNDAY BY THK MEDFORD Pi"NTlNv3 Office, Mall Tribune Building, 26-27-2K North Fir street. Phone o. A consolidation of the Democratic Tlmoa. The M-.lfnru Mail. The Mulinrd Tribune, the Southern orogoman. me Ashlaud Tribune. - The Metirorri Sunday Hun Is furnished subscribers tit-siring a seven-day dully newspaper. HOBICIiT RtJIlL, Kdltor H. a. SMITH, Manager. SUBSCRIPTION TERM St BY MAIL IS ADVANCi:: Dally, with Sunday Sun, year fl.OO uauy. with tunrmy huh. niontn.... Daily, without Sunday Sun, year.. G.0t Dally, without huiuuiy hun, month .-') Weekly Mail Tribun', one year l.ff Sundav Sun, one year l.TiO BY CAHltlKK In Mud fort, Ashland, Jacksonville, Out ml Point, Photnlx: Dally, with Sunday Sun, year ?7.MI Dally, with Sunday Sun, month ... .61 Dally, without Sunday Sun, y.-ar . 6 I'O Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .60 Official paper of the f'tly of Medfurd. Official paper of Jack Hon County. Entered ns HfPond-clfi:H matter Hi Medford, Oregon, under the not of March B. 1879. Sworn daily average cireiilnlffni for six tnontliH ending April IDIlt 3,074 MEMBEIt OF Till; ASSOCIATED PICESS. Pull Leaned Wire Service. The Asso ciated PreHB Is pxchmlvHy entitled to the use for republication of all ik-wh dispatches credited to It or not other wise credited In thin paper, and rIho Ilie local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein nro also reserved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthu Faro Hill Ikuiich llfis resumed sinking bliss solos, so tho glitd spring is Intro. During present turmoil, (so called J, tliuro has linun a cessation of tho pre-war pastlnio of cussing .lohii D. KockcfellMw. i 3n San Krancisco a liuslmud. age 8-1, has secured a dlvoree from his wlfo ago S2, oil Ihe grounds that slii' lias an "affinity." The "affinity" is a gay soul of 77 years. Tho proposed injection of tho pn,1 hlbltion Ishuo into the coming cam paign will liven tip what otherwise would 'he a very dull Benson, from all indications. It will give Ihoso who desiro to drown themselves in booze, and those who zoah.nsly strive to priv. vont Its use, even to saving the lives of babies, a chance to testify. Tho multiplicity of buttons in the backs of the dresses of the women servo a purpose. They take up the Black in tho back, prevent wrinkling, and while idle mo working. Ho! Ho! Prof. Harden of Harvard declares In tho book "American lllrd I..ife," that sparrers have no si.'ng, which Is somethliiK that every livinK soul, who Bleeps near a tree, knew. However, the sparrers do not know they cannot sins. Also, no candidate Tor tho presi dency is Hutting from the housetops, "Humanity First." You will be surprised to know that J. L. Ilatchett of L'nttiigc tlroTe. near ly cut off a foot which an axu last Saturday. Some auto owners vaunol enjoy alitolng because every llino the engine chuKS tile Klootny thought nriscs that another nickel has been squandered, that walking could have saved. A romantic ueiiuaiutniico presentee Ills fancy with a typewriter Ninas, and now receives Idlers Ihe size ot young ika'cIs. This is very pleasing,, but he has no lime for any oilier reading. Ilenaril of $10.1111 1 will pay u reward of $10.00 for ' nny information loading to the loca tion of my brother, John K. Ilruuk. : THOMAS UUll.NK, ; 300 Hedriing, Calif., Ilox 2 2B The Tie That Binds Our Policyholders To Oregon Life 1 Liberal low )ivomium policies. (No fine-print restrictions.) 2 Insurance, in force from date of application if insurable. (A point to bo remembered.) 3 Wo have never disputed or com promised a flnim. Always paid in full on the day proofs of death were presented. 4 All assets except II. S. liberty Konds invested in Oregon, thereby upbuilding your iwn state. Oregonlifc Home Office ronnnrr I-'IKh noil A. B. CORNELL, , District Manager, Medford, Oregon. WHY MR. WILSON FAILED A M UCH 1W.TSSEI) lKok at j.rescmt is "Enmoiuic Consequences of tilt! Pcaci'" In- .Ma.vnard Keynes, rcprfsoiiliitivc of t he British Treasury at the Pari peace eonfereiiee. Mr. Keynes is an eeonoinie expert of international standing, and as liis hook shows, a man of keen psycholo gical insight and liiifh literary fjifts. W'e don't presume to dispute Ihe conclusions of. such a person, the, peace may lie as vicious and unworkahle as he maintains, and Presi dent AVilson's defeat may have heen as complete and dc prcdiitf as he describes, hut there is one iortion of the hook which w feel the autlior does not sufficiently dwel1 H)Oii in ins conclusions, and in the reviews we have seen, the significance of this portion is not to our mind suffic iently emphasized,. ilns extract dwells upon procedure. W'e quote as follows: -'.'iii'oiuise was inovii able, and very difficult. Hosides he was soon marie to appear to ho taking the (lerinan part anil laid himself open to the suggestion do which he was foolishly and unfortunately sensitive) of being "pro-German." After a display of much principle and dignity in the early days of the council of ten, lie discovered that there were certain very important points in Ihe pri.'gram of his French, Itritlsh or Italian colleagues, as tho case might be, of which he was incapable of securing I ho' surrender by the methods of secret diplomacy. What then was he to do in the last resort V lie could let the conference drag on an endless length by the exercise of sheer obstinacy. He could break it up and return to America in a rage with nothing settled. Or he could attempt an appeal to the world f.'ver the heads of the conference. These wen? wretched allernativs, against eaeli of which great deal could be said. They politician. Tile president's mistaken policy over the congressional election had weakened his personal position in his i.'wn count ry, and it was by no means certain that the American public would support him in a position of int ransigeaney. It would meal, a campaign in which the issues would be clouded by every sort of personal and party consideration, and who could say if right would triumph in a struggle which would certainly not lie decided on its merits. Itesides, any open rupture with his colleagues would certainly bring upon his head the blind passions of "anli-Oernian" resent ment with which Ihe public of all all would not lie cool enough to treat ttie or of the right goveraanco of Europe. The cry would simply be that for various sinister and selfish reasons, Ihe president wished "to let the Hun off." The almest unanimous voice of the French and British press could lie anl icipatod. 'I'll us If he threw down Ilie gauge publicly he might be de feated. AMI IF 1114 WF.KF, DIII'KA'I'I.O, WOl'ld) NOT THK KIX.lli I'lO.ACK 1110 I'M l WOKSKTMAX IF IIF WFKFTO ItlOT.MX II IS I'HF.STKJF AMI I'MIK.UOH 'I'O MAKU IT AS (JOOI) AS 'I'll IC I.I.MITI.Nti CONDITIONS Oh' I'lll'll'I'.W I'OUTICS WOl'l.l) Alil.OW HIM? Illlt above all, if he were delealed, would lie not lose the League of iNalioiis? And was not this, after all, by far the most important issue for the future happiness of the world? The treaty would be altered and softened by time. Much in it which now seemed so vital would bee o trifling, and much thai was im- practicuhlo wi.'illd for Unit very reason never happen. Hut tho league, even in an imperfect hirm, was permanent: it was Ihe first commencement or a new principle of the government of the world, truth and justice in inter national relations could. not bo established ill a few months, they must be born in due course by tho slow gestation of the league. Therein, it seems to us, will lie the judgment of his tory upon Hie President's course at Paris. His fatal mis take was not made at Paris, if. was made at home. When Mr. Wilson appealed lothe country upon a narrow partian hasis. when hi! neglected to make the expedition to Paris out! representative of America, instead. of a mere person-! ally conducted Wilsonian tour, lie. rivaled an ohstaele for himself which no suhsequeiit change in tactics could over come. Put once in Paris, alone, without his own country unit ed behind him as a representative commission would have united it, President, Wilson, it seems to us, adopted t lie only course 1 hat lay open to him. I le played for hitf stakes and accordinir, to Mr. Keynes he lost. .Hut. he lost, we think the autlior should admit, in fighting for the higher stakes and in Ihe heller cause. I-) short. President Wilson was not defeated in Paris, lie prohably did as well there as mortal man could. He defeated himself before he sailed. COMMUNICATIONS (The !MnH-TrilMimv wHcomrs mm. niunlml inns un any mi h (ret of n'ti fr it 1 lntn-4-sl bill is in no way icsponsi- nio tor the nciiI iiiimlM 4'risM'l. Only in (wcopt foiuil rases will ronimuiifrn I ions or over UOO words In- piinlod. All romtminfrnt ions in list, he signet) hy the writer's nntiir, which may ii pit n tho writer's request ho with held.) Where 1M.I lit (.( !('.' To (he edilor: All I njiy ntiw, hy Jovo! It's bully IhukIi. don't ou know: it's nnlliint: Icsh Ihun Irs mu- ji'stie. to hilt' a Kimcslion like llial as a heading lo your last editorial. " 1 'resident should tvnliiiii " suv now: what has Vo.dy done to yon'; I nolle" also, in said editorial on nay: "A vast majority of rluht-tnind- d people take I it t lo stock hi political lap-trap on either side. They hesi- Insurance Company nt'Fi.niso, .llarrlfton. Portland, Ore. it. M, STltONG, Aut. Mr. WEDFOTtD ITKTL TRTBTTTTE, the cause of the President's never to compromise on the essential. aro also very risky especially for a ed countries were still inspired. T hey issue as cite ot international morality late to believe President Wilson I would sacrifice his treaty and Ioukuo you (.'t a touch of the "flu"? Since when have yon learned that "a vast majority of rinhl-ntiiuled people'' recoRiiize any "clap-trap" as promul gated by Wood row or his supporters? This is so sudden: a remarkable ex ample of flip-flop just before the opening of the ruiupaiin. !id l,;iw rence do that by bis remarkable pen pi. lure of the real Wilsi.'a as be lias learned him In his fifteen years of close association? i guess so. and I don't blame you except for the fact J I hat your inlal nation was not demol ished long ago, as you followed the course of his auti.'rntic highness in his aviation stunt into ihe realms of idealism. You ought to have taken a l u in hie. howi'ver, when he came to earth long enough to tell the people how they must vote, in order that he might win. 'In your suggestion that soineln.'dy ought to put him wise, yon say "there are some good local democrn Is who are said to have, if not Ihe ear of the president, at least the ear of one or two of bis legal advisers." Ih'n't you know that if there is one thing more than all others that Woodrow will not ; tolerate, it is a legal adviser, or in I fact any adviser'.' I am glad to see j you ready to accept ratification with 'the Lodge reservations at last. Hone ! hack on Wt.od ! Hut "Ihey'r all a jdoin n." t n. WATSON. Cold Hill, Ore., Mar. t. 1!L'0. I tiiav erMis Life i To lite KMiior; ! L.te real. ! Lite i cine-!. And I tie i;rave I- md the :.t. j IMM thou art i To thist reluincth ; j Wiw not -pel. en to the soul, i r when our honorable niavor re out vied ami ol tried hornU in onU r : to obtain a small nimmnl of whiskey 'not lining no one anv uooil, to li-Jit ; al jitn-cd en ' of int hicnii and I pNciiiiionia ami in ueh ue prohahh j -ave several live-, lint to Ihe ili-tr.-" ot manv the rcnue-t was lliiowt; into the waste basket ami several live-; will slip into eternity on account of Ml'-- humanity of our law ami their ' interpreters. K I Attention, W ihnIummi oT Ilie W oi hl ) Members requested to meet at pn- pcrty recently purchased, corner 1'iHh and tlrupe, next Sunday morn 1 ing at s :? lo clean up property and put it in shape tor lodge homo, nring your rake, shovel or hoe m.' as to he able to take part in the work. 'JIM WETTFORD, OREO'OX, FRTDAY, MAKCII 5. 1920,. "Kct the first tltno in fifteen years I can sit down and eat a big beefsteak supper ami go to bud afterwards and sleep like a log all night long." fa id (Jeorge Kunderron, a well-known min er living at llilG Smith St., Peoria, III. "This Tanlae has overcome a mighty bad case of stomach trouble and rheumatism for me," he contin ued. "My legs ached and pained so bad I couldn't sleep at night and my hands were so drawn I couldn't use my pick half the time. Kverything I ate bb.'.itcd mo up with gas for hours afterwards and I would have the worst cramps in my stomach you ever heard of. Sometimes a cramping spell would hit me when I was In the mine at work and I would have to run out and lie down until it passed off. 1 finally got in such bad shape I had to quit my Job and for three months I was not able to hit a lick cf work. "I saw in the paper where Tanlac had relieved our Stale Mine Inspector of troubles just liku mine, so 1 de cided to try It, too, and sir, it was simply amazing tho way Tanlac put mo n my feet. 1 haven't a trace of rheumatism or stomach trouble now and actually believe I am stronger Ihan I ever was in my life. You would think s- too, if you could see the tons of coal I pile up every day and 1 am making more money than 1 over did. Tanlae is certainly a real medicine anil 1 hoist it every chance 1 have." j , Tanlae is sold Inj Medford by West Side Pharmacy, aiuj by leading drug gists in every tiwn., Adv. StOl'X KAI.LS. S. !.. .Mar. .'. -Semite Hiram Johnson of California, enroute from Yankton lo Watertown. S. I)., hail the novullv of heini: in a train wreck today J jr hen the !real Northern (rain on iliiih lie was rul ing, was si ruck lit ju 'hieauo ami North western train at I avis. thirl miles south of Sioiixi Kalis. No one was reported iniuiiij. A bniiimire ear w$si derailed. Sen ator Johnson, wliild 4 m : i ti somewhat delayed hy Ihe wiTi.'U. will be nhlc lo reach Walertowli in time to de liver nil address lly'V toniuht, Three Corn Killer "GetB-It" Stops Pain Immediately and Corns Go Quick. The way to handle corns In tha tried and proved "(.etB-It" way the way that m 11 linn ha vet found o.ulrk-flt, easiest, aufest and uioit A few drops of "Cptfl-Tf knnrku the hurt out of nny corn nt once nnd unon loosens it co It lifts riRht off without anv f.-nling. Oh. what comfort! How grand to walk and dance and tump without a bIpkIo twttiKe! Why not? Orts-Tt." the never falling, cuar nnteed monev-tmrk corn remover, roM but a trlile nt any drutr storot jlf'd by K. Lawrence A t'o.. Chicago. Stdd In Med lord and recommend ed as the world's best corn remedy by Leon It. Ilasklns, .Medford Phar macy, Strang's Irug Store, Heath's Drug Store. 'West Side Pharmacy. E Toko tablets without fear, if thoy are marked with the "Bayer Cross." To crt genuine "It.iyer Tublets of Aspirin" you tiiut lonk lor the s.iiety "H.iver Cross" on c.uh p.ick;ige anil on each tablet. The "It.iyer ("rx" iininn true, world Tunou Aspirin, prescribed by physician for over eihte.'n ve.trs, and proved safe by million for I'nM. Me:idahc. Kar nehe. Teotlt.ic'ie. Neurj'ii, Lumbago, Nettriti. and for P.iin in general. Fro per and 5.ife direotion-i are in each tin broken "Haver" paokaue. Handy tin bovns of 1 tablets cost but a few rent. Pniit also sell Inrper "Haver" parkaers. Aspirin the trade mark of Haver Mnnufaetur of Iobo nccticacidester of S-aUi. vIUaciL The BANK OF ABSOLUTE SAFETY The Medford National Bank J LIKE CAESAR'S WIFE j . aim to koci) this j We will not betray your confidence, We will protect your interests e i We will merit your friendship. ; Along these lines we ; Hank ; YOUR BANK Resources $1,250,000 w. s. c. ! OBSTINATE COUGHS When resistance is lowered and you come down with a cold that runs into an obstinate cough, your trouble is more than surface deep. You need an easily absorbed tonic-nutrient, mixed with your blood to nourish and enable you to get a fresh hold on strength. For nearly fifty years Scott's has been helping break up colds by building up strength. Try It! . The excliwi ve prude of cod-Hver oil used In Seolt, EmuMon Is the (nttl-us S. Process," mode in Norway nnl nMnied in our own American Jiburuturicr.. It Is a cnanintce of purity anU palatabillty uusurpadtvd. SrnM ft Tlown. BloomOld. ?. J. 1-19 Charter No. y:i6. Reserve District No. 12. JlKI'OliT OK roNIHTIO.V OK THK Medford National Bank At Medford, in the Stitte of Oregcn, at the lose of business on Kol. 2S, 1920 KI-SOIICCKS 1. a Loans and discounts, including rediscounts (except those shown in b and c) $5SX,375.32 c Customers' liability account of acceptances of this liauk purchased or discounted by it fi,!IOC.2."i Total loans .: f 59.",a71.B7 iivorurarts, unseiured . I . S. .UC1 lllllCTU sccucllics ouiKMl: a Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. Iii.iids par value) $100,000.00 (1 Pledged as collateral for State or othor de- ' posits or bills payable : 75,000.00 :e. Bonds pyne(J unpledged 74,7."0.O0 ' K Premium on II. S. bonds SOO.OO li War SavlnKs Certificates and Thrift ' ' Stamps uctually owned IIO.S51.ilO . Total U. S. Covcrnment securities... 2 S 1 , 101.90 . inrr oonos, securlot1s1 etc: ... b Homla (oth(!r than II. S. bonds) pledged to . ' secure pcylal savings deposits 3,000.00 c Donds and securities (other than U. S. so-', curities) pledged as collateral for Stato or other deposits (postal excluded) or bills payable) 1,1,000.1)0 c" Securities, other than U. S. bonds (not in- , eluding stocks), owned and unpledged.... 4,41 LSI Total bonds, securities, etc., S. Stock of Federal lieserve Dank (50 per cent of sub- scripticn) : 3, 7.10. 00 !l. Valuo of banking house, owned and unincumbered 4:i,S00.00 10. Furniture and fixtures .1,000.00 11. lical estate owned other than hanging house 1 1), 300. no 12. Lawful reservo with Federal Heserve Hank riri.S73.70 I I. Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks.. 1S9, 173. 23 15. .Net amounts duo from banks, bankers, and trust com panies in tho United States I other than included in Items 12, 13, or 14) 3, 199. SI! 111. Kxchanges for clearing house 8,010. 10 Total of Items 13, I I, 1 li, and 17 $2no,0S3.l." IS. Checks on banks located cutside of city or town of re porting bank and other cash items ,1, 551. 22 19. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer 5,000.00 20. Interest earned but not collected approximate on iNotes and Uills Receivable 'not past due S.174.S7 Total . . 1,1 Mill. ITIIS Cnpila! stock paid in t 100. 000. nil Ul-llU fund '. 25,0(111.110 a Undivided profits $ 2", 754. 09 li l.e.-.s current expenses. Interest, and taxes paid S,353.tS 12,400.11 Interest and dlsi ount collec ted or credited in advanco of maturity and not earned (appru'xiniatc) 2.003.75 Circulating notes outstanding 100,000.0(1 Certified cheeks outstanding 12.112 Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding 7.39S.37 Total or Hems 20, 30, 3 !. 32 and X'. 7. 110. 00 lleliiaud 1ckisII.s (other (ban bank 0posi(.s) subject to Itr.M'rvr (deposits payable within 30 days) : Individiialtdcposits subject to check Hi", 304. 07 Certificates of deposit duo in less than 30 days (other than for iiicney borrowed! 33,433.40 State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this bank 55,212.44 Totai of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, Items 31. 35. 3tl. 37. 3S. and 30 $550, 000. 01 Time deposits siili.iot to Itrsorve. (payable after 30 days, or subject to 3'0 days or more notice, and postal sav ings) : .Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 25(1,017. 71 Postal savings deposits 1,(02.2S Oilier lime deposils 142,403.00 Total of time deposits subject to Kescrve, Hems in, 4 1. 42. and 13 $303.4 S3. (15 Hills pavable with Federal Heserve Hank 55,noo.oo 10. Total ., State of Oregcn, County of .lavkson, ss: I, .lohn S. Orth. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief. .lOHIN S. OliTIl, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn lo before me this 4th day of March, l!)2n. C. M. ItOHEKTS, Notary Public. Alv commission expires Sept. 25. 1020. Correct Attest: .1. A. Perry. F. F.. Merrick. W. II. (lore. Directors. Doc Danielson Experienced Automobile Mechanic Auto Repair Shop 113 North Central Phone 131-R lunik's gitod iiaiiiL' above invite you to make this 3,2S'J.17 other than IT. S 21. 111. SI $ 1,251,90.! 1 '.2 ,90X.ll BETTER THAN CALOMEL Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the sub stitute for calomel are a mild but sure laxative, and their effect on the liver is almost instantaneous. These littleplive colored tablets are the result of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat liverand bowel complaints with calomel. The pleasant little tablets do the good that calomel does, but have no bad after effects. They don't injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel. Ihey take hold of the trouble and quickly correct it. Why cure the liver at the expense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plavs havoc with the gums. . So do strong liquids. It is best not to take calomel. Let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take its place. Headaches, "dullness" and that lazy feelins come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets when you feel "logy"and heavy. I ney ciear tiouueu uram and perk up spirits, ivcanaioc. d25c f. . I THE BUDDING- StASON IS AT KMiD - AND OVJK. urCne LUMBER'S IN DEMAND ! tun- mill lii Jacksonville is running full capacity and tlio mill In South east .Medford will bo ready for opera- lion soon. Wo employ homo labor and iiso home-crown tinilier. l'atron. izo homo Industry und help maintain a pay-roll for Medford. GAGNON LUMBER AND BOX FACTORY City Office llil S. Viv I'liono 839 GRAM USED SAGE. TEA TO DARKEN HAIR She mixed Sulphur with it Restore Color, Gloss, Youthfulness. to Common pardon ease browed Into a heavy tea -with sulphur added, will turn cray, streaked and faded hatr beautifully dark and luxuriant Juat a few applications will prove a revela tion if your hair is fading, streaked or pray. Mixing the Sag Tea and Sul phur recipe at home, though, is trou blesum6. An easier way is to get a bottle of Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Compound at any, drug store all ready for use. This is tho old-time recipe Improved by tho addition of other in- gradients. - t While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appenranco and attractive ness.' By darkening; your hair with. Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because it does it so naturally, so evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared, and, after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant I 'his preparation Is a delightful toilet requisite and is not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of dis ease. (JIM CHUNG China Herb Store Herb cure for earache, headache, catarrh, diphtheria, sore throat, lung trouble, kidney trouble stom ach trouble, heart trouble, chlllB and (ever, cramps, coughs, poor circula tion, carbuncles, tumors, cracked breast, cures all kinds of goiters. NO OPERATIONS. Medtord, Oregon, Jan. 13, 1917. This is to cortlt? that 1, the under signed, had very severe stomach trouble and had been bothered tor several years and last August was no expected to live, and hearing of GJm Chung (whoso Herb Store is at 214 South Front street, Medford), I de cided to get herbs for mv stomach trouble, and 1 started to feeling bet ter as soon as 1 used them and today am a woll man and can heartily rec ommend anyone afflicted as I was t see Gim Chung and try his Herbs, (Signed) W. B. JOHNSON. "Witnesses: Wm. Lewis, Eagle Point. W. L. Childreth, Eagle Point. M. A. Anderson, JMedford. S. II. Holmes, Eagle Point. C. E. Moore, Eagle Point. J. V. Mclntyre, Eagle Point. Goo. Von der Hellen, Eagle Point. Thos. E. Nichols. Eagle Point. LET "DANDERINE" BEAUTIFY HAIR Girls ! Have a mass of long, . thick, gleamy hair "Pamlmne nave your hair and !ouhie its bc.iuty. You can have lota of lonp, thick, stronff, lustrous hair. lVn't let it stay lifelrss, thin, straggly or fatlinjT. Bring back iU color, vigor and vitulitv. lift a 3.-.-ccnt bottle of delightful 'Mt.nkrineM nt any drug or toilet counter to freshen your nealn; check dandruff and f.illin hiin ' Vonr hair needs tliii stimu lating tonic, then its life, color, bright-m-ss ;inJ abundance will return lluiryl 1 0