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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1920)
ITKTT, TRTTOWB. MTTOTORT), ORFiOV. TTITftsDAV. FEBBITAnY 2H. 1S30. PXOE POUT! MEDFORD MAIL, TRIBUNE AN INPKPKNnKNT NKWrAPKTl PXJiiLlKUKI) KVKKY AFTKKNOON KXCKPT KUNLtAY II V. TiJB Office Mall Tribune nullilinv. 25-27-29 North l-'lr siri. I'hone 7&. 1 A coniolldnilftn of th einooniMr TimPH. .The MMlfonl Mai). Tim Medfnrrt Tribune, thp Southern OreKnlari. The Anhland Tribune. The MlfonI Kumlny Hun Is furnlshrd Bubnoribera deairlns a Beven-day daily newspaper.' . JtOHEHT Kdltor S. H. SMITH, Munavr, SUBKCJUTTIOH TERMS: BT M All IN A I VANf IK: Pally, with Humltiy Hun, yrnr fC.OO l)ly, with Humliiy Kuti, month fif iXilly, without Kundny Hun, ynr.. 6,'HJ l)ally, without Hund:iy Sun, month .Mi Weekly Mull Trlhiin, nn year l.r.'i Hundnv Hun. rmn ynr l.r.O BY CAitRIKIl In Mfdford. Ashland, JnrV:soiivHl. fVntral 1'oint, I'liomiix: r filly, with Sunday Hun, year iMlly, with Kundny Sun, month ... .Bri Dally, without Sunday J-Tiin, yi-nr.. 8 00 I-mtly. without Sunduy Sun, mouth .r0 Offlrlnl pnpT of the City of Mfdford, Official paper of .Taek "nn County, 'Kntnd as nororid-HiiHH matter at Mod ford, Oregon, under the act of March 8, 1879. Bwrrrn dally avprnj cfrculatlmi for nix montlis endlnff April 1919 3,07 MICMHEK OF THK AHKOCIATKD WtlCHH. i Full Ioasrd Wire Scrvlre. Th Aano Clated Pr'RS in pxnhinivHy entitled to thfl MR for republication of all iipwh dlspathn rredt''d to It or not other wise orndltrd In this pfip'T, and also thn local hwh published herein. All right ft of republication of special dispulclien herein are also rpHerved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthw Pm Replying to the Riiinl of democrats (Who nook IiIh scalp Hon. Chuiulicrlnlii tromarkod: "I Klvo u damn," ThiH h lhe highest I'l'l, and fur In exross of the riml valuation. It Ib surprising that sCmehody 1ooh hot Rtnrt u garugu in tliiH mail's tuwo. In photon intended to Hofleu the heart, for tho starving Armonlnns. Hyrlnna and others who urn not get tlnB their meals regular, the liuve VVbod, not thu Hill (Sates typo or hu man should I") pictured. 'J 'Among tho terrors of Iho ap proaching campaign Is tho probabil ity that ono or tho olher party will aelcct u nomine whoso admirers Junt can't koop from throwing a hysterical fit every-tlmo hla linmn In mentioned, ua wan tho ease in tho last ono. f'Vogotarian Unnks Orow" (3F Chronicle). TIiIr Ih -iluo to tho or dinary Bleak beltiK ho tough that a Well ' developed nthlote huft oxtrome difficulty In Juhlilng a fork Into the Knivy. The bOHt hooves nro shipped to- Europe Tho family cow, whono clnyB of usefulness tiro over, Ib sluln for homo chowlng. i 1 Secretary or War iXoot Bukor was onco mentioned Tor soo.rotnry of slalj), and Noot Bitro would put the flnlsh lng touchDH on a recurd hi-eiialng llazlo. ' - : The wIho candidate will Add to lint, ot iiialiricallL'Ma,. that of riilu mnker, and catch tho nntl-lrrlgiition yotii. 1 ' A eltlznn blow his noso with Biich Vigorous lilnsts Wed pm. In front of the Mod. Nat. repository, thnt several thought a frolghl train etiKlnetir wa endoavorliiK to wako up a rear brnko tnun. 1'orhapB you know somebody 1vho whon hu blows IiIb iko, tho ru RUlting blast Bhakes his frame llko a shot of Bqulrrat whiskey. ' Ono of IIiIh col'H most charming frlondR IB Mill Aiken, tho plumber, who for Rlx years has been cheerfully predicting that eomcbody would kill uh, and bus orictt rnutemplated doing It hlmseir, und, probably would, but for the law, and lack or time. , "Wanted Man and wife t(,i rook In country, phono 1112 afternoons. (Want Ad, Albany Herald I. The mouths or Iho cannibals water for the bumun barbecue. Coughcil Night nnd Day John Vognuo, Klborton, (In., wrltos: "Last fall, when my nolghborfl were down with lnNuen7.n, I took a aoverc cold and before 1 was aware of my condition I was down sick in bed. I coughed night and day and my throat a raw and sore. I got n bottle of ' Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and took eight small doses In two hours. My condition bogan to Itn orovo ond in a few days I was as well as ovor. In my opinion Foley's Is tho host cough modlclno mnilo." For sale by Modrord 1'harmacy. Ul'i ' MY BACK! RU3 LUMBAGO PAIN U Rub Backache away with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs Oil." ' When your back is sore nnd lame or lumbago, semtien or rhrumatiim has you stiffened up, don't suffer! Cot small trial bottle of old. honest "St. Wobs Oil" nt any drug store, pour a Utile in your band und rub it right on your aching hack, and by tho im ou count fifty, the soreness and lame acss is gone. Don t stay crippled! 1 his soothinn penetruting oil needs to be used onl Slice. It takes the rain right out am: Olids the misery. It is magical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn't bun tho skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, scintn a bckche or rheumatism so promptly t ficver disappoints! THE TRUE MR. WILSON. T 7 XII nut of trii men arc ideal i.sts. 1 i Yhcv inav idcalizf' alorif dilTtTMit lines, but tliev aio i'lcalisiH, nevcrthe- less. The ,'i'ealefct idealist we ever knew prided liiniself Hios niiet insly I!mii his rreedoin I'iviih all seiitiinenlal rot. How he delested this jioetie tiiukIi. He was a jiraetieal man. Hut in tho Imek of Ins head there was the prettiest little ideal you ever saw, of what his money was froin to bring when he retired from aetive life and spent his winters in .Honolulu, or perhaps he ehanged it recently to Cuba. It was merely an ideal a dream something that would never, by any ehaneo, come true. All of which is presented merely in self-defense. Mil liard as we have striven to view President. Wilson as lie. actually is, and not as he is painted either by his wor shippers or enemies, we find we have been a victim a mild victim perhaps of ihi-j prevailing malady. For a short time past, we explained the ejection of Sec retary Lansing not. as a demonstration of the President's' arrogant and autocratic temper, but. as a by-product of his many years in the academic atmosphere of pedagogic inffllibilily. Now we find we were wrong, it. seems President Wil son is a man of ungovernable temper.. He can brook no contradiction, or opposition. He has no warmth of feel ing for anything in tin; concrete, only in the abstract. Tk truly loves humanity, but ho abhors a crowd. lie is a highly developed intellectual machine, who to gain a point, will sacrifice his best friend, etc. . That is not Colonel Harvey's opinfon. That is, in the i'ou;!i, the opinion of David Lawrence, as expressed and implied in three articles in the Portland Journal! As a matter of fact we should have put, two or three exclamation points there. For there is something truly un precedentedliterally astounding, unheard of, never before imagined. J 'avid Lawrence has been the Wilsonian Hoswoll. For 15 years he has been associated with Woodrow Wilson and he has probably written more favorable, more convincing, and more fair-minded Wilson propaganda than any other writ, r in this country. And yet in the Wilson-Lansing controversy, he clearlv places all the blame, upon the President, more than tha't ho paiiils the President, as a type of Migrate that bites tho hand that feeds him, who returned Lansing's lovaltv, self -effacement, and unfailing consideration, for example, with brutid rudeness, pitiless contempt and finallv humiliating dismissal. ' ' Jt is an unfailing quality of the disease that tho ideal created does not die easily. Our conception of President Wilson as a man, we confess, still persists in spite of this overwhelming testimony of a Wilsonian export, printed in a newspaper that has always suffered acutely from Wil sonphilitis. But we must admit that those, three articles are documents in evidence. The malady wo fear must eventual! v vield before them. Tribune's Daily Health Hint Ily Harriet Iloewlg. OfM't be afi-nlil of canned goods. Tho boKt products of our fnrina und fisheries go Into cans, and I heir pack. Ing Ih bo Hclontirie that theru Is very litllo danger or InjKry to our health when we eat them. Did yon know that tho packers keep nil their goods tor tho hotter part ot u year or more lioforo putting them on tho market, to prevent any spoiled goods from being sold? Spoiling of food is the result or growth of the little plants known to us all by this tlmo as germs, or huc torlu, or bacilli, or microbes, Theso words are not all alike to tho scien tist; but ono will do us well as amth. or for ordinary use. Ilurd boiling kills tho organisms, and it Ik those that have escaped killing that grow after a time nnd produce gas. When you see a can thai bulges at tho ends. Its contents uro fermenting with the growth of theso bacteria, and tho can is culled a "sweil" In tho trade. Such can ! should be sent back to the dealer, for II Is not fit to use. There nro potty ways In all pro fessions, and there Btlll exists the pucker who punctures the end or a swell, lets the gas out and Heals the hole. When you see a drop of solder on Iho end or a cai put It down Tor a doctored swell and 'refuse It. Hut you will find that the standard brands do not include such the good packerB do not resort to pettv rraud. I'se good grades or canned goods J nil you uro inclined and rest us sured that they contain rood that has beon packed right off tho treo or out of tho water or tho earth, and contain the very best that Is on tho mnrket. IOniERS friend 3tOT BffAnmiJ Rrcumiott CO. twfr so. Artvu. C When two Wives Meet Secretly, every wife is fiercely ambitious for her hus-bund-his success, Appearance, strength - his stand ing among his fellow men. Be worthy of that wife of yours. Keep healthy I Strength, appearance, success depend on health. Living habits today ore largely artificial -indoor sedentary. To be healthy, we must regard Nature's laws. And one of the first of her laws is "Avoid Constipation. Keep the poisons of intestinal matter moving out of your body." By nn entirely new principle Nujol will keep the poisonous wnste moving out of the body. Every other form of treatment either irritates or forces the system. Nujol works on the waste matter inrtead of on the system. Nujol prevents constipation, by keeping the food wttste soft, thus helping Nature establish easy, thor ough bowel evacuation at regular intervals - the healthiest habit in the world. It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take try it. Nii-H. soM bv tlltiiomi.Uiti rlcl bottle, ,Milv br mini Nujol tm.i- mftik Unit Nu.l;,t itr.. StatuUnl Oil C-,. (Nr .si) Hn,tw,y. New Yottt. tvt btHil.kl "Thlit, Fret ,if l4ngir " A AVh MctlioJ of Treating nn Oii ConiW.n'nf Just out-JAe fleu) ' " Be sure to czh your ' X' Maphin he Green 1- VH$dt mrJfM& " V " " V' Can. Itisguaran- S AMrlrW " ' teed to please you 3 tlfMS ' or your grocer re- IMWh Wv XWW.' turns your money. if " WMdl I E ' mm MrY? VERYBOD Y knows Maple Syrup is a raro Wii & MM Ed article-hard to find and still harder to be (Srfim, , B! I'llftli'! " of. Pure maple syrup, what there is or it. Si P' If r is sold at extremely high prices. - J fcH-" "Z -2&ifP T S'iW Naturally, one turns to Karo Maple Flavor lwa.;,!!! ! ' with its flavor of the purest maple sugar. It SSiiiukmat 3lii ha" appetizing tang of pure maple syrup lPft'yi H WfbW but is so reasonably priced that you can serve 1T ' ' wlw (rait rSPf ffw ' it at every meaL " ' ' f. FWZSl -gjffe U8t comPare thja. flavor and price of Karo Vtmffami W Maple Flavor with other maple syrups ! ! " mWk&jfM CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY ',' i imr '-mm n Battery Place . . ". . . .. New York Cafe Holland ! Roses Special Club Breakfasts i Xo. 1 !K5c No. rj .Lie (1 Egg ..Breakfast Steak IIara Toast Hot Cakes Cotfoe Coffee No. 2 fWo No. 0 85c (1) Egg (1) Pork Chop Bacon , (2) corn Cakos Hot Cakei Coffee Coffco No. 3 iKSc Tl'- (3) Wheat Cakes Country Sausage Stripped Bacon orBuckwheat Cako9 Ham Coffee Coffee No. 4 83c No- 350 Fried Mush with Plain Omelotte Bacon Wheat Cakes Coffee Coffee I Will do so much better if a suitable fertilizer Is used this spring- Our special rertilizer Tor this typo 1 of bush will do wonders for you. Buy your supply nnd apply It right now. MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. 517 East otfaln Rtrt OrtDElt UY NUJIUUR I' - -fasfss. II - - -- --hi- 'ii Union Sales Stables and VETERINARY HOSPITAL Horses luiuulit, sulil and exelinnjied by I). S. Litis. Dr. Ci. A. (iit.on, formov government veterinarian. Jacksonville Medford IXTKlil-Itn.W AUTOCAIt CO. Schedule from Jan. 10. 1020, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Medford: 7:10 a. m 8:00 a. m., 9:00 n. m., 10:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m., 12:00 noon, 1:30 p. m., 2:30 p. m., 3:30 p. m., 4:30 p. m., 5:30 p. m., Sat. only 7:30 p. m., 9:30 p.m., !Snt. only 10:30 p. m. I Leave Jacksonville: 7:3fl a. m., I S: 30 a. m., 9:30 a. in., 10:30 a. m., 1 11:30 a. m., 1:00 p. ru., 2:00 p. m., 3:00 p. m., 4:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m., 7:00 p. m., Sat. only 8:00 p. m.. Sat. ouly U:30 p. m. Snmlny Only Leave Medford: 9:00 a. ro.. 10:30 a. m., 12:00 noon, 2:30 p. m., 4:00 p. m., 5:30 p. m., 7:00 p. m., 9:30 p. m., 10:30 p. in. Leavo Jacksonville: 9:30 a. m., 11:30 a. m., 2:00 p. m., 3:30 p. m., i:00 p. m., G:30 p. m., 7:30 p. m., 9:50 p. m, ' Office nnd waiting room No. 5 8. Front, Xash Hotel Building. Jackson ville waiting room at Rotor's Confec tionery. INTERl'HHAN AfTOCUi CO. , Scbednlo (mm OctoTwr 1, lUltt. . Oslly (Kxrrpt Sunilny) REGULATE YOUR RECEIPTS . AND DISBURSEMENTS THERE'S no better way to do that than by' liaviiiR- one of those First National "nation alized" bank accounts. Simply making up your mind that you will watch the "corners" is not enough. Von must have the way atid means to guard iucoining money and guide outgoing money. Our Membership in the Federal Reserve System is not the LEAST of the advantages in banking here. Oft Vhe First National BaniC Mbdforp Oregon 148 No. Riverside, Medford Phones Office, donee. 77(-R. SIO; vesi- Stenograph Multigraphing Circular work o( all kinds .Mailing Lists Tunnell & Edwards 300-30S Liberty Building Medford, Oregon. Inre Medfonl 7:10 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:25 a.m. 9:10 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:40 a m. 11:30 a m. 12:45 p.m. 1:25 p.m. 2:10 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:45 p.m. , 4:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:40 p.m. Snt only 9:30 p.m. Sat. ouly 10:30 p.m. i.ero Ashland 7:10 a.m. 7:55 a ra. 9:00 8,. ill. 9:25 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 11:00 a m. 12:00 m. i:00 p.m. 1:25 p.m. 2:10 p.m. 3:00 p.m '4:00 p.m. k'.'Va p.m. t.30 p.m. 6:40 p m. 8:40 p.m. Bat. only 9:3u p.m 12:15 p.m. Telephone It N. Riverside, Apple and E. Fifth 8trteU The Dow Hospital Special attention given to surgical and obatretical cases. No extra charge for graduate nurses services. , ,i Tho most important person in this hospital is the patient. MEDFORD ORXGrOX midnight Sat. onl; 8VXDAY OX1.V tre Metlford L eavo Ashland 10:00 a m 9:00 a.m 11:00a. m 11:00am 1:00 p.m 1:00 p mi 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. S:00p.m 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. (:30 p.m, 1:30 p.m. Car. stand comer Main ani 'office and waiting room No. r souto 900. I Front. Nash Hotel Building. Phone 309. TAXI Dodae Car. sta Bartlett. Phone .. J. D. OELANEY Automobiles, -Tractor, Farm Implement, Factory! Household and Store parts "Welded. Re-enforced and Guaranteed. All Metals, all Shapes, all Sizes. THE VULCAN -WELDING WORKS 39 South Front Street. ' '.; Dry Slab and Fir Wood Mill Blocks and Coal Valley Fuel Co. Office Phone 7G RHiif T38 J" For Spring Canyon Utah Coal " AND ..: Dr. Wood .HONE242 WISEMAN V SCHEPFEL ; 631 S. Front Bt , . J T ".. " -. -4 ,;-.-r-: .lit -