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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1920)
WTmroTiT) flxrn TRrnim. vrrvnFORrj. orfoon". wfdxfsday. fkhrftary 2'. 192a BLACKSTONE THE IHEUMATISM'S PAINS - SHIP ROBBERY RUBBED AWAY PITTA RTX From Portland Oivkohuiii, !-Vh. l"th. "This Js what I cull raising tins douce," remarket! i liar-Its tuu the clfiver magician who cntfrtaiii'Ml with a mystical program in 1 h- inunicijial auditorium Sunday ni-'ht. He Just in the act of (miunIui; a two-spot of spades tn einert;' iiom a pa-k of curds resting in n ki;A tumhhr. It was only one of tin- many hits t ; jng KliiiB ho performed wit h ihe d-cli. Hluckstone is a most lilu.h!: ma gician, lie furnrses just tin; ;sort. of old-fiiHhionf:d loKt-nhunain that was In vogue iii) or :iu years a no, enter taining parlor manic, with elaborate fiold and Khhnniery equipment and BOARD, REPORT FOR YEAR 4 7A lacquered cahinets. Tho best part of it nil is that there is not a flaw there is nothing cheap and thorn is net hi 11 k approaching tho mystic about the rIiow. Tho magician himself is lively and snappy, tho performance does not drag with Ions explanations of some expose of tho mystic world. Illackstone's equipment is elabor ate. Ho lias a largo company of as sistants( gorgeously costumed, wlir. nid him in currying out his illusions. Thero is a great golden ball with which he defies tho laws of gravity; there is a map that produces flags of nll nations and ends by giving up a Jivo turkey from down around the neighborhood of Constant Inoplo. Thero is a missing watch that if L found insido of three boxes. There MB n tiny rabbit Hint turns into a box oV candy for a little girl and there is ' it juch-ln-lhe-box thai, (urns out to bo 'illaclfstoue himself. When 11 commit tee ami a sizable One nt that went up on the stage lo Investigate u supposedly hypnotized, young woman suspended from noth ing hi mid-air they wero surprised by j finding tho figure nothing nw.'n; than; a piece of drapery. This same com- mfttee sampled sonic of tho mugie-, lan's card tricks and, finding them solves tricked by bits of pasteboard In their own hands, went away laugh ing because they had been so easily fooled. No wonder the audience liked Blackstoue. Itlackstone will be at the Pago theatre Thursday night. El MEXICO CITY, l'Vh. Hclmols churches and other public meeting places have heeu closed indefinitely hevauso of in I hi en .a. Kst i mates nt the number of cu.shs here run as huh as soverul hundred thousand but there have been comparatively few deaths. SALTS IF KIDNEYS OR BLADDER BOTHER H&ralM to flush Kidneys and neutral izo irritating acidsSplendid for sy atom. The annual meeting of the .lack MHi County Public Health usriociatiui was held in the public library in Ah'd-1 ford on J'riday, i'eb. I'O. In ipite of the fa t that the weather conditions were unfavorable, and thai all sec tions of the county are mure or less suffering from sickness in various for nit-:, a thoroly representative a 1 most pn re. sive, and a most earne.u I group of men and women came to the( meeting. j Twenty-four citizens showed by 1 their presence at this meeting', t hat the public health of Jackson county I , - "V, 1 meant something to them. There 1 ,,a '"-"uvuie. ..... .11 ri'Djin i'(n I!cv ! Honville. .Mrd. I- mv.r I ho "lialiy" was rcaily to kick ami "sliow Ms tccili" if tlmro was any inirTl'eioiice with its normal ktowiIi. Then ruini! tin; clcclion of the offi cers for tin: new year. Tho names of 1 he new officers of the Jackson Coun ty I'ulilic Health association are Kivcn hijow, anil also a very few statistics to Kive a glimpse of what progress has lieen made in liie past year. Officers Klccteil Names i.'f officers for the year he KinnliiK Koli, liian: I'resiilenl, .Mrs. Win. f'arless, J'liooniN. Vice presliienl .Mrs. Tou Velio, j were several most helpful members or uie 1 on u 1 y iieann association wno were unable to attend this meeting owing t.- the fart that illness in their respect ive families made it impera tive for them to remain at home. I'nfortnnntely not a physician was present, but thai fact was easily acc ounted for, for even the most optim Cammons, Jack- M. Sheets, Phoenix, Ore Vila) Kt.-Kisfics Between the months of and includ ing February. 1 !M it to February 110 over Hoe calls were made in lite inter est of public health in Jackson coun ty. Uoughly classified as bedside iii,0 that physicians in the I nursing, instructive visiting nursing. 1st i r county are working day and night. The best demonstration of the fact that most of the physicians in the county aro at heart (if not shewn hy their presence) real members of the Jackson County Health association in that no physician has refused to ren der his professional services, when asked to do so by tho county nurse or by those agencies ( Ued CrossJ which are closely associated with the ccunty public health work. .Mi's. Meurs, chairman of the nurse committee gave a report of the year a work from the angle of that special committee. KeHrt,s Are Jtcad Following .Mrs. Al ear's report, in the following order, reports were made by the county nurse, the trea surer of the County Health associa tion, the retiring president, Mis. Perozzi and a foreword from Miss Allen, the state advisory, who was Hie first representative of the public; health nursing service in Jackson! county. .Miss Allen referred to the! growth of county public health work in Jackson county as similar to the struggles of a delicnto child at birth. to grow into a sturdy childhood, cared for and encouraged hy tho love oT its parents. Miss Allen indicated that the present condition of public sentiment, towards tho work of the county public health associations in Oregon, and particularly in Jackson county, was one of real interest Ibiil, having survived its second sum- ind school work, we have the follow ing figures: Uedside calls, or service calif Feb. lal'. f,; April, -I; August, ."; October, actual nursing i!tl!i, It; March May, a; July, li ; 'I ; Xovomber, ' ; December, 2a; January, 11)20 ti.1. Instructive calls Feb. 1 911. .1 1 ; March, .VJ; April, 70: Ma't ,'.2; July, 8; August, October, ."7; Novem ber, 7; December 7; January, 1920, tl. A'isits to homes where tuberculosis patients live Feb. liil:), 2; March, 'J; April, ."; May, 11; June 5; July, !; August, 12; October, X; November ."1; December 10; January, X. School reports (physical Inspec tions) schools visited Feb. 1 III !), 21; March, 22; April 32; May, 20; July, 2; October, 2i: November, 11; December 17; January, 1920, . Figures are cold, inanimate things, and public, health nurses generally despise them. They have a value for the filing cabinet, however, and most assuredly have a real value in build ing up a strong public .'leaith nursing service thruo'ut the Cnited States. Orecnn i nnlv nnu :i U'a keninir tn her! need of public health "lurses. Coos county has four punrc health nurses. The last la years have shown the pro gress in this work SOOO nurses tire at present actually In the field of public health work, and the demand Is for r.0 000. if every citizen of Jackson county is only willing "to bo shown" the work must grow. III KXOS AiltKS. Belief that a widespread inteniiUioual organiza tion is at work stealing merchandise ( steamships is expressed ili a re port of the Tinted States chamber of commerce in Argentina. The cham ber investigated the loss of valuable merchandise by pilfering from ships plying to this port and found "that the same characteristics are visible in thefts of merchandise from Italy, Spain, and Kngland as from the I'nit ed Stales." The investigation was made at the request of the allied chamber of com merce which asked all the members to make similar investigations. "The increase in pilferage during the past few months had been ularm ing." says the report. "An effort was made to deduce from tiie evidence re ceived the value of the goods stolon, but this was impossible altho in gen eral terms it would seem to run into hundreds of thousands of dollars gold. "One curious feature developed which was that pilferage occurs with frequency in articles sent by parcels post, for which there is no recourse if no value has been declared. "Tho thefts have all the character istics'of systemat ized robbery by peo- U.S.A.ANO SIBERIA NKW VOiiK. Feb. 2.',. Trade he tweeii the I'nited States and Siberia, ; which bade lair to run into the mil- lions has been suspended as a result ' .of the capture of Vladivostok by ld-' jcial revolutionaries. j Local business interests announced j i today they had requested the slate, 'department to inquire liit-i the pc-i-i bility of getting thousands of dollars j worth of furs which were in Vladivo- jstok awaiting shipment to the I'nited j I States and also as to when it would ! be safe to send lo Vladivostok sev Jeral steamships which left San Fran i cisco' for that destination early thi year but were diverted to Japan. The j vessels had large quantities of goods i destined for Siberia, mainly texiib's. Deep Seated Di-ease Is Caused hy ierms in the Blood. j pie who know the merchandise and ) also know the peculiarities of the j shippers. It would seem, moreover j that a widespread International or ganization was at work for the same characteristics are visible in thefts ot merchandise from Italy, France. ! Spain, and Fngiand as from the. L'nil- ! ed States. The Seely V. Hall Automobile com pany report tho sule this week of three Federal trucks. "Some Men Don't Know It Yet says the Good Judge This class of tobacco gives a man a lot more satisfaction than he ever gets out of ordin ary tobacco. Smaller chew the good taste lasts and lasts. You don't need a fresh chew so often. Any man who uses the Real To bacco Chew will tell you that. Pat Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Kheuniatism is a sturdy foe, and it never uses gentle methods with its victims. So if you are afflicted with 1 he disease, you may as well realize from the first that yo.i have a real fiht on your hands and that you cannot win unle.-s you can u.-e the very best methods known. If the disease was confined to the surface, t here might be some logi" in expecting relief from its eluLhes by local applications applied to the surface. Hut you will soon learn that a disease that can cause so much pain and suffering is deep sealed and has its source far below the Hiirfaee of the skin. The pains may be .slight at first, and that is where the victim of rheumatism is often deceived. He does not feel that the first little iwinges of pain amount to much, and hence they are not prompt ly heeded. Itut they gradually in crease in severity until it has your entire system in it's relentless grip The pains that seemed so slight at lirst become intensely severe and seem to take delight in your suffer ings. Of course thero has been case.? where some slight relief was exper ienced from the use of liniments and other lo.-al applications, but there has never yet been a case that was actually cured by such treatment, and temporary relief is very far from comforting to a constant sufferer. The only sensible treatment from j which you can expect real results is j a remedy that goes deep down into j the blood supply, and kills the germs i that cau.-o the disease. These tiny , germs multiply by the millions and scatter by means of the blood circu ; laiiou thruout the entire system. J Whether they attack the muscles, ; the joints, limbs or other parts of the body, they are still in Iho blood, and I will continue to spread their tortur ing pains until eliminated thoroughly from the blood. S. S. S. is a wonderful blood rem edy, and is ho logical treatment for rheumatism, because it promptly per meates the entire blood supply and 'searches out and kills the disease j germs. You can take S. S. S. with the as.Miranco that you are not ex ' perimenting, for this fine old remedy ! has been in constant use for more I than fifty years, during which timo ! it has been giving splendid results, j So you owe it to yourself to take S. S. S. without delay, and discard the use of local remedies that can do you no good. If your case requires any special advice, it can be obtained without cost together with valuable literature : if you will write today to Chief Med ; ical Adviser, 13S Swift Laboratory, j Atlanta, Ca. .1- mi b Mfcar KMitrv nnd Bladder watcne remit fmtn nrifl ncid, nays a noted authority. ' Tho kidneys filter Ihii mid from t lio Mood and ia it on to t.lin bladder, whfm it ofen rcTiuiina to irriuto and iulkuiui, musing a burning. Braiding" Rendition, or trotting up an irritation at. tho nvck of tho bladder, obliging you to ncok relief two or three time daring tho night. The sufferer ia in oonativnt dread, tlm water passes sometimes with a sctildtug nensation and is very profuse: ag.uu, there is difticulty ia avoiding tt. Uladder weaku, moat folk co.ll it, Ixvause they can't control urination. While it fa cxtreiwly annoying and some times Tery painful, tins is really one of tho meet simple ailments to overcame. , Got abou t f ou r o 11 n ccs of Ja d S i 1 1 a from your phnrmitrtut and lake a table spoonful in ft ghws of water before break font, continue this for two or threo j drtys. This will neutralize tho acids i it . iho urine so it no longer is a source of j irritation to the bladder and urinary or gans which then not normally again. Jail Salts is inexpensive, harmless, and is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with litliia, and is used by thousands of folks who am subject to urinary disorder caused by urio acid irritation. Tud Salta is splen did for kidneys and cauaca no bod effects whatever. More you have a ploa.iunt, t'fervc.-went IttMa-w&ter driiUt, wukU ijukUy rulioen (didder trvuMo, THE UNIVERSAL CAR. The Closed Car Drivers Are the Comfortable Drivers in Oregon IN COIjDKST WKATllKU Yen ami .mr family, even the liny lols. rule as coinl'iii'taMy warm as ill at limnc ly the fireplace. Overcoats iunl gloves are unnecessary. With all ihitc-ulass windows shul, you are protected from cold and warmed ly the mo tor. Any window can he instantly opened for just the amount of fresh air and ventilation yon want. IN WINDY WKATIIKU You feel no wind. No drafts are possible. TIIKOrtill I.WIN OK' Sl.KK'IV-Ym, are dry .'uid comfortable wherever you u'o. You drive safely in the heav iest rain or thickest fojj, because you have an unobstructed view in all directions through clear plat e s;'lass. IN sr.M.MKK' Nl'NSllINK-On the few extrem ely hot days., with windows open, the ventilating windshield and freely circulating air keep you cool while the tup .shades you from tlm sun. W1II1.H TOl'KINti On dusty roads, you step out of thecar clean and dust less. The l-'ord Sedan and Ford CnupclH brill;;-closed-car luxury and comfort w ithin the reach of everyone who drives a car. Ford factory efficiency methods produce these fine enclosed cars at a lower price than any other open car. The coiipelet 7"U and Se dan S7" f. o. b. Detroit. ( let a Ford Sedan or 'otipelet for your ow n ''com fort car.'' All the sturdy strength. 'power, eiierv and economy of the 'Ford, with all the comfort and luxury of the enclosed type body and the new Fori electric startet'. Warning To insure delivery when wanted, you should place your order now C. E. Gates Auto Co. nil! J Mcdford, Oregon i WHY A ' NATIONALIZED ' BANK ACCOUNT Til KKI' are two answers to that question winch have relative importance. First, be cause one's deposits are under the .supervis ing' regulations of the. Government. Second, because the customer is in a position to enjoy the facilities which (he Federal Rc SsorVe'sysf em automatically affords all na tional banks. . The FIRST Kational measures up in every way' toymir Lankiug i-.euurginents. Mddford Oregon mm?, V MN?"" 111 mimidilE IlllJ iIEi39Ef!E!i!!SfSSIigaiSI518l!Slli It's A Fact That It Is Well To Think About Mori' Invalidism is ijtusrd I tin fliMiwinds of liousewoi'k than by njiytliiiu" vlsv Why not niako housework easy hy the use of Gas for Cook ing, Washing and Ironing? it is nioro fi:on(.'inical In tho Ions run than any othnr Hnd and vuvl-s all tho dust und dirt of wood and coal. Think it over. ; j Oregon Gas and Electric Co. Moilforil, Ore. rtlmo F lour sells for .")()( to Sic per sack cheaper than other flour and is guaranteed to L.rive entire satisfaction. It is made in Mcdford from Uogue River Yallcv "Wheat. We also have all kinds of Poultry Feed. Our prices are right. Ours is a Home Industrv. Rogue Valley Milling Co.