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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1920)
MTTDF0RT1 MA IF TKJKUNK. JTTCDFO'RT). OREGON. "MONDAY. TTTBRF.VRY Ifi. 10Lf) 1919- INCOME TAX thetree, vas loaded. He hastened over to the weapon to remove the shells, and while so doing, with his back to the boys, in some way the rifle was discharged and the bullet struck young Cardoza. who had come around :md was passing in front, in tho body. ASK FOfv ami GET Horlick's The Original Malted Milk For Infant and Invalida Atoid lmillmo uil Sub.tiliiKt Scene in Bird of Paradise, Page Tonight IRISH EVANGELIST SPEAKS ON NEED iT BE PAID T n i vivi 2 J TT' w, Pi'. 1 3 YR. OLD BOY Income tax roturnH must he filed on or before March 15, and every citizen subject to this tax who bus not yet made ready his returns and needs authoritative het m ho doing and any who have run against puz lint; tingtoH in making up their l turns, will welcome the news that ( V. WJmberly of ItosehurK, deputy col lectcr of internal revenue is at the eity council chamber to givo this as- fiiHtunce and will )u I In; re to and in eluding Wednesday, February 25. Ho was assisted today by tl. Jt Harper, deputy collector from Port land, who happened to come hero on other internal revenue business, hut will be here alone the rest of the time unless the business should grow so' heavy as to require the Her- virus of two deputies in Hiving ad vice. All citizens who need Jielp In making out tlusir returns and espee lally any who have encountered com plicated angles, are advised and urged by Messrs. Wimberly and 'Harper u come in early. Any persons delin Muent in filing returns by tho end of 'M arch 15, will be su b ject t o t he heavy penalties imposed by tho law. AH over Oregon fewer people need help this year in making out their income tax returns than last year. This Is because of the campaign of education conducted by tin; internal revenue department last year and wince. Kach Incomo tax payer must pre pare a statement cvf his entiro re culpts from all sources during the year 191fl, and also of tho amounts to ho claimed as allowable deductions arising through the colnet of his business, or otherwise, and bo ready to submit thorium to the said deputy at the lime and place designated. All possible assistance and instruction will bo afforded the taxpayer in ar riving at tho amount of his tax, but his co-cperatlon In having available tho necessary figures and data will greatly facilitate tho taking of ro- turns. It tho taxpayer has received a blank from this office for tho purpose of making his return, it is requested that the samo ho presented to tho deputy for use in tho connection men tioned. OBITUARY. JMVIDSOX Diwl nt his (iodic. Wi'St Tivi'lf'tli street. I'Vlinnli-v J'l Hnleimi On viilsnii. ,nl' IiiIiciviiIi hIh'. -J (o was iiiri'd :t:i vi'iirs, mid had Ilium a resilient of Mi'ill'iinl HI nionlhs Ho k'nves his wife Nellie, and sun. Kiehnril. . ; Tho rcr.uiiiiH will lie' fnrn-nrded Portland lor interment Tuesday tnoriumr. KIRKHIiFK Marie Kirltruff. wife ofWilmm It. Kiihruff of Mvi'llc Point, Ore., died at Jacksonville, I'Vli- j'liurv 1 Itli, of lulierenlosis, iiu-eil 1"i Vuiirs, II month" mid Hi tin vs. She IiikI been a resident of the. statu nine voarH, mid leaves her husband and two emiiiren. wrtlin, iiirod 1 veins mid Nova. nireil 2 veins; also her imr- imtn; Sir. and Mrs. Daniel Klater of .Tneksouvile, mill ouo lirotlier, John ''luter of llorris, f'ul. ' J ho remains wil he forwarded to Myrtle. 'Point, Ore., for interment. IIUIX Oeeil Lawrence Hull, the Votiiteest son of Mrs. Nnnie Hull. died at the home, corner of Palm and Kenwood, of diahetis, unci! veins, Jli iluvs. Jin was linru at Perry, (Ikhi.. wim n iiiinil of the sixlli L'liule of lacksou Kcliool. He leaves his moth er anil ono hrolher, Harold II. The funeral services will lie held at Per! X chapel I'licsdav at !iW, wilh lii'V. IJJIard officinlintr. The inter luent will, ho in the I. (I. 0. ceinc terv. MRS. THOMAS' WORD TO WOMEN Telli of the Great Good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable - Compound Did For Her. Morrice, Mich. " About a year after my second baby was born 1 aultored witn mzzmess every morning so that I could hardly 'ct around. 1 bad heard from other women about your medicine and bod read letters about it 6o my hus band Rot roe Lydia E. Piiikliam's ege table Compound which I took accord ing to directions and in a short lime 1 wus entirely relieved. I also took the Vege table Compound before my last baby came and am thankful to say that it re- ucvea my suuurmits very niueti and I shall never be witliout it at such times. 1 have told others of its crcat worth find shall keepon telling it.'1 Mrs. Ed. Thomas, Box 184, Morrice, Mich. Women should not continue to suffer dny in and day out and drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, missing three fourths of the joy of living, wh-jn they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoiuiu. If you would like free confidential ad vice uitdress Lydia E. Piiikham ilvdicine p., Lynn, Mai. hi 'l 'I '-' -nlVn i'' if it' - Tf"t ? v V A Lhr-.-JS4HZAWl aii Hons oi jiinys come and go, i navo survived the avoniKo run may soinu HiiKer a wlillo unit meet wilh I "(! ciiiinted by I lie fiiiKerii of a slnKlo popular ciicuuiaKeiiieiil, whilo others make hut a short slay and scarcely leave hut a faint memory. The greatest successes, so far as modern playwrltiiiK Is concerned, are few and fur between, even aiming those tho nuinher of dramatic offerings which 1 eight seasons. hand. Hence (here must he a reason why Itichaid Wallia Tally's "The Mini of I'arad' ie," which will be seen here again at tho Page Theatro to night, can confidently anticipate us hearty a welcome as lias been dc servedly accorded during the past E IE E Definite, assurance that there would be no change in the policies of liodgo ltrothers, Detroit automobile mini u- iieturnrs, as a result of the recent death of John F. Dodgo, president, was givon to dealers at a meeting in tho Itlackstone Hotel, in Chicago, during tho automobile show there January 28. Tho assurance came in the form of a letter addressod to the dealers by lloraco IS. Dodge, now at tho head of the business, and read at the meeting by (ieorgo C. Jlubbs, assistant general sales inunnger. The letter follows: "I regret exceedingly that. J cannot be wilh you this nflcrnocn to per sonally express my own and my brother's appreciation of your wfcrk during the past year, but on account of my recent illness, I am obliged to forego that pleasure. I do wish, however, to us strongly is possibly Impress upon each of you 1-t my hrolher and I have thorough ly appreciated tho loyal support you have given Dodgo' Druthers during the past year. "The passing of my dear brother Mr. John l Dodge, Is t..' nee mally, a loss so great that I hesi tate to look forward 10 Hie years wl'hont his companionship, our lives having been, as you all know, practi cally inseparable since our childhood. "I liavo the sumo prid'i i.i tile tic- cc'inpllshiuents of Dodge Mrothurs that Inspired him, and I feel Hint we an pay no greater Irihiilo to his memory than to carry forward the pla is and aspirations which be and myself hud for Hio future or ilic business. "The iilisiness will he conditcled In the falin-3 txa tlv as it has been ii. tho 'insi lh. lame princip'ei of honor, hi.iiesly ami Integiilv domlu.i eil hi: Pi'o will conMuM' lo dominate tho business of Hodi:.' Ill-others. There will bo no change. and you can safv'ly make vour iilans for the fin lire ill reliance upon Die same whole-lleurted support of Dodgi Tinners that lias been given vou in the lias'." Cnlverslty of Ireland, the headquar ters of which was in Dublin, lie studied Tor thy ministry at the Pres byterian Assembly College in IM I'ast, and also along the lines out lined by the Baptist I'nlon examiners of Croat Itritain." from tho Winni peg free Press. U. S. SPLITS WITH ALLIES (Continued from I'ngo One) No reply lo the president's note has been received, it wus suid nt t lie state liepartiiient. Disnutclics from abroad said Hie reply had been dispatched and that ill it the premiers adhered lo their ultimatum to .Jiiiro-Sluviii that it must accept the compromise on the Finnic ouestion or suffer Hie enrrvimr out of the terms of the original treaty of London, Ruddy Cheeks SparklingEyes ivtosc women can Have Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known Ohio Physician T.F.M.Edwards for 17 years trcntcd tonics oi women lor nver and bowel ail ments. During these years he gave to IllS mttcntS :i r.rc,.,.,,-,i;., f lew well-known vegetable ingredients iiiAcu Kim oiive on, naming them Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. Vou will KllOW litem h.r llinip nll..A tn. 1 hese tablets are wonder-workers on uie uver ana Dowels, winch ex:;", a normal action, carrying oft the waste and poisonous matter in one's system. If you have a pale face, sallow look dull eyes, pimples, coated toncuc, head aches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, inactive bowels, you take one of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for a tunc and note the pleasing results. 1 housands of women and men take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tabletsthe suc cessful substitute for calomel now and then just to keep them lit. ltfc and I AT FIRST BAPTIST Med ford has had the advantage of hearing some distinguished ministers and evangelists. She now has the porlunlly of hearing auolhcr. The 'inning i f Dr. S. .1. Held is a manor importance lo the whole commu nity. Let tiie community give him a generous bearing. H will not be a case of "once over" if you do. Dr. Iteid is our own slate evanue lisl and comes with the commenda tion of the denomination upon him. lie Is no cpiai k evangelist, bill a man of refinement and power, as the fol lowing word will testify: An artist by profession, an author of considerable note and a preacher of oiitsianding ability Is Hie Itev. S. J. Iteid. 1 1. I ., of neifast, Ireland. Our city has no more zealous worker, than the genial Irishman, and none has a loftier conception of what re mains to bo done In (lie way of ex tension activity. Dr. licid has had more land slashed and ready for cut Some Real Realty Bargains $25,000 for $16,500 III health and war losses causes the following unparallellcd offer. A wonderfully ijne rnlit am jlall.j. lianeh, lit! acres, free water, small amount In pasture and timber. eimuKii no- lamiiy use. nut range nn- nuiuoer oi cows. Land lays al most level. 2 miles from Ashland i.ood buildings. Beautiful simile iiees. scenic outlook. Water sstem tor bouse, lawn ami burn, under grav ity pressure, l .' acres llartletts and ii xnjou, extra fine full bearing, r, acres extra good Hart lutt pears and H'iiwii apples, run bearing. 1! acres old apple orchard, varieties, bear from 211 to 10 boxes. 1 acre young hlbella peaches, produced 41111 mixes. 1 ti 1 St. llalance ill extra fin stand of aliuv "ml grain. Splendid cow brood sows tools ami inn cniliery goes Willi the place. This is prize winner place and should he seen lo be fully appreciated. Price $16,500 With Terms A VERY EXCEPTIONAL STOCK RANCH ""0 acres on the paved highway. ISmi elevation. 1 miles from tirains Pass, on pretty trout stream, private ditches, school house on the ranch. good house anil bam ample macliinery unu tools ami scales, picturesinie sur roundings, land niosily level, hut some sloping hill side with goi.d tim ber, saw mill near by, a'eoiit Ilio acres very best soil in alfalfa unit grain, produces !0 bu. harVy and extra liemy yield of tirst-class corn. Some an interesting career In the uilniiiv and though the fact is known to few Wlnnlpegeis. he at one lime served as president of the Ilaptist t nioii oi 'Ireland. Horn In Itelfust, Ireland, he received host of his o.liic.ittmi it, ,,, lister .Metropolis, lie took lllllversilx 'T-. I. STAI'Ll' S. Kpilltv Renter work in connection with $w lioynl Ashland, Viv, l'hoiic Uo' inn ion, large aim good out range. .Team and machinery, all good, goes I with place, or will sell ls:i acres with Lhldgs., or i:,il wliluat. TIMiMS. 1 have a large list of lieiilly ISur- gains. Dr. S. J. Trih, pv:i iiLrt'Ii.-f, irfaflic(l (wire yesterday. At llir moniiiiir ser vice lie srmkc on "('anmut'lit!:!.'' Mini in thfi (fVcniiiir service hi-; t ii wjis "Slci'tiiiLr in Die ('nin-Ii." Tnkiiitr Ms tin-nip. from IIm. in-ilcnt recunlfil n the liOlh i-hin-h-r i,l the Apostles he toll) miuiV stimccs nf people "inir clnireh nml Irnm i-:i-1i messaue or ,)iiin(,l ;i immv licoplo lire inenlullv AHs of tilt: iiniiMiiir in tu sleeit ill lie drew .': montl. So oi spiritual ly asleep. 'J'liev iH'Vi-r re;illv waken) up Ji'id pat their whole energies into; nnv plan or project. With them it i.- j always let the olhi-r frieml lo if. Thev ua to cluiri-h hut will not i.ri-"e it ai1eiiinte f'inaiiriat support, vet le-I ire to he called church ii.ciuheix. They often urn iihhum' the irreunlnr allcnilers. and vet are surprised! when criticised. M;inv people walk in their sleep, ! others tnlk in their sleep, and others i he in their sleep. i( would take spir itual dvnainite to awaken such to the lorious realitv of a splendid Chris tian life. Two lartre audiences welcomed tie- evnnirclUt to the city. IM. lieid's friends suv he inner ahuses any one, nor inlnli:os in cheap, na-lv vul L'arilies. Tuiii-ht Dr. V. II. Ileiisuii, the renlest preacdier on the Pacific coast will preach :it this church. e here for one nii:ht only, 'fnnior- row niiilit Dr. licid' will preach ou ( 'onsI.ienet.', Through tho accidental discharge at 11 a. tn. Sunday of a Kenilngton pump 12 gauge .shot gun in the hands (if Chaa. O. Keliy, an emphve of a hox factory of Hilt, Calif., iS-year-old Card(a, sou of Mr. and Mxh. Krank C'arduza, who lives on Hie Coggins ranch, was instiintly killed at the ranch, which is situated one and three-quarter miles northwest of Hilt on tlrta Jackson county line and 42 miles from Med ford. Coroner John Perl, who Investlgat- I ed the tragedy yesterday afternoon and took down Kelly's sworn state-1 uient, will conduct an inquest in the; ease at Ashland at 1U:3D a. m. Wednesday. Kelly, who Is badly j broken up over Ihe sad happening, is :'." years old and has a wife and two young children. - He visited the ranch Sunday fore-1 noon to fall; over some husiuess with I Mr. Cordoa, taking along his gun lo shoot squirrels and rabbits en i rente. Wlitle talking with Mr. Car doza, he saw some hoys ahofiT a tree and happened to think that the gun, which he had left .standing against .SINCE OOTOkw" Shiloh 30t8?ICOUGHS Some Cast. Some Picture was the verdict of yesterday's Crowd. RIALTO Anita Stewart Tullv Marshall Thos. Jefferson Kathivn WMIiams Anna Q. Nilsson Ralph Graves Spottiswood Aitken Edwin Stevens Rolt't McKim Mahlon Hamilton Thomas Santschi Thomas Holtlina Weslev Barry The remarkable array of talent to he seen in this unrivalled Photoplay was assembled for one purpose To make as nearly as humanly possible, A Perfect Photoplay. "Her Kingdom of Dreams COMING OWEN MOORE 'PICCADILLY JIM" iHini is Watch for them wait for thorn you'll go crazy over them they're beauty personified. BUtACGI MQtDElS APPFARlMG IN PERSON In tlicif ii iniitlui'e Winter Garden Hung and Dance Kevnc of 1920 RIALTO Two Davs Onlv PR I DAY SATURDAY Matinee and Night nmni aii.M,iiui)iuu PAGE TONIGHT Seats Now Selling Box Office Open 12 to 45 to 7 . dUVERMOROSCO Richard Walton tullys j WITH FLORENCE ROCKWELL, AND THB' 'HWWM 'SNGERS mo PLAYERS I'rici'K Snnifi ns nil cities Lower floor, First 14 rows 1(12.00; last ty.r.t). Iiiiliony, First .4 rows $1.50; next 4, $1.00.' Buliinco 50c. 1'ltHi 10 per cent War Tax. ftam penalized if ever one comes back" For Miller Tires Go To Brown Motor Co. 36-40 North Front St. Medford, Oregon Selected by Us to Give You Quick Service SO i Umrorm lires Mean Long-Distance Millers They Look Alike and Wear Alike MILLER TIRES are built by men who are trained to a championship standard. Only by uniform workmanship, can tires ever be uniform in mileage like the Miller. To train men to our perfection takes much time. We cannot supply all dealers with Miller Tires. So our policy is to concentrate, as a rule, on the dealer in each locality who will give Miller Tire users exceptional attention. That governed our choice in this city. We chose a concern that knows that to give real service it must first of all carry a full stock of sizes, s that when you want a Miller Tire in a hurry, you can get it without waiting. We are impressed especially with their ability to give motorists an expert repair service, and by their reasonable charges. Before making this selection we canvassed the local field thoroughly. ' And the Miller agents here are making good by making good with you. Aro you getting the benefit of what they have to offer? The Miller Rubber Company Akron, Ohio Uuktr of Milltr Rtdand Cray Inner Tufr iht Tmam'Mattt of Uniform Tin HllTlll ill ITT gllll - ' I