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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1920)
RHSTTWyRIT tfTKWj TTTFRTTNIT!, WTTDFORD, OREGON". fiATTTftDAY, FEBRUARY .7, 1020 MEDFORD MAlJL laiBUNEi AN INIr;i'KNIl-;NT NKWSI'.M'KIt Piriil.I.S'lIKIi l-:vi;i:Y A I- YJ.ltM.t'N KXt'KI'T St'.NJJAV Ft Y Till-; -MiCDKOJMJ IVNTIXvi ..) Orflt:c. Miitl Trlhiiti.' Jititl.liiiK'. 2T.-J7 North Kir utivot. 1'Imhh; A con unlit); it inn rf ho I i-nuri :i t it TltncR. Tin M.-ilff-nl Mall. Thf ..-.lf..rr1 Tritnin.?, tin SuiHlKTii OiiKuiiiaii. Tin AhIiIiui'I Trlltuiu'. Thn Mf'lfonl Sunday Sun m fitnilKhf ! suhHcrthet-H iJc-siriiiK a H'Mii-il.iy tlaiiy liOHKliT i:fIM.. IMit.r .N. K SMITH. .Miui:i-,-T. SUBSCRIPTION TEUMS: BV MAII, IN AKVA.Vl-;; Dully, wllh Huinlav Sun, T;(r .. t i I n 1 1 Willi Sinulay Sun. ntunlli - J lially, wlllnnit Sntnlay Sun. vi-jii-. ,V' Iiatly, without Kuiumv Sun, iimhlli VVtkly Mall Ti ll. un . 'mix y.;.i i: Siimlav Sun. mi'' v.;u 1 : UY TA IMilKIt -In 'M ill mi. Ahliin .iHcksunvili.-. Cfiitral I'uinl. 1 M . r j 7 'ally, Willi Sun. lav Sun, year fT.: ljaily, with Snn.lav Sun, iiiunlli . .( lally. wllliuut Sun. I. iv Sun, . .i r C JJaily. without Sun-lay Sun. ni-n:li Offirinl papi-r of tin Official paprr nf .la uf .M..lfur.l. i 'til Mil y. KiitiTi-fl iin Hr-t'uiiil-claits nialt.T at Mdirnn, OiVKon, uml.-r Hi.- act !' March 8, 187!). Bworn daily uvr-ai;.- t-i n-tiia i m r,,r Bx nioiiIliH imkIInk April !U! 3.071 AIKMJJKK OK Tl IK ASHi iCJATKli I'ltKSS. Full Learnt Wire Scrvici. The Amjo cliitcil l'r-KH Ik i-xrliu! vt-ly -nl It led to tho iimi for I'-piihlicjilliui uf all iu wh illHpiili'hH iM'lit.') to It or not ollu-r-wine IH". I In iliiM prip.-r. an. I also tin local iu'wh piihliHlu-il h. p-lii. All ritfhlH of ivpuhl leal inn of si.ohil llHpatrha linrrhi aio also r-mrv-ii. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Vvrrj If Iho wnrat conies to worst, and It again hccomcH nocoBsury lo iraur iniiHlm, euro Khnuld lie taken Hint they mo net worn too high. "Seen Wire, Flint Time 1 Years Drops Deuil" ( lldllno KK Chronicle i This method (Ioch away willi tin muss and fuss of u murder trial, and tho sanio results are gained. On and nfter this dato them will ho no Ihsiio of this cel. Chief lliltson says ho will hrealt tho liaek of the writer If his nainu is ever used. G-o-o-d b-y-o! ! ! ! Candidates urn getting Ihicker than 2nd lules woro in the late fra cas, and most .f them nro aliout as well qualified for tho Job. "Aro Iho Kites of Hell Hot?" was tho topic of a recent sermon. A sin ner rises to limiiiro how fire can be otherwise. Tho sprhiR stylos for tho women have u "hnrem effect. " Tho advance allowing Indicates that there will be loss of I lie hide showing than lu Hie cannibal effect shirt waists worn last 3'onr. I.IIXIIOX. Kel,. 7.-- Kndand is nii- tuThrlf-ive let the i icji lilllll ries of her voiith liee-itne currunted tltriinun iliur-ion-; ol' American slaii'T. rri-Mn--Atlimtie teirisl in Kie.r lalul teile with interest the freiinencv with wbicli report i made to ''un Uee ti lk" bv r,rilit-h -.en'.' and nlnv writers sei'liiiiL' In enlicn Iheir iu'h duetiiin. -llanils ami orchestras ! Ii loiieliont the eimatrv. when plav i iir IMiimhir music, plav American se ll et inns aluiiiM cclu--ivclv. Ameri--all s.uejs I! ; if -T pI t'.4 the l-'nu lisli niu-ic hall and musical i-nmeilv staee. It the sitli-tillc el' the Americar. rnovirihr iiictitre 1'ilia which, it is fear ed, constitutes the most mcnuciui? threat tu vutinlctl' Kmjish tnirilv oi siieccll. ''The child al the pictures is ii'cl,. imr an a new lamruaue ffuu llie slanu'v American lilms,'' savs a critic in a cuntriliutiiiii to the ihm Dailv N'cws headcil "The Val uer TmiL'iav' "I visited Iwu iiicture theaters In (lav fur the e'ires niiriuisc uf cnl- lectini.'' slaiej' lilirascs ami of noticing the effect of the new lanuual.'e (in tile child as well as on the ailull. What Hie villain said In Hie hero when I he laller started to areue with him was Cut nut thai dupe,' ami a hundred pipintr voices repented tile, iniunc tinll. The comic man iinununced his marriime In llie llelle of Lumber Inwn hv savin1-', 'I'm liilchcil.' "(H'cnurse. the American child can comprehend these lliinus much better than the I'.ritisli child, who i. iiuile unfamiliar uith such phrases. Imaciue a child eoinur liiimc tn innlli- er mid askim.' llie nienuiiiu' nf 'II v cnti.' We mav ailmire lh terseness of the phrase Toruct it.' hill dues the sub-title 'The linn's mine dnflV enn- vev anvHiiuir tn a lliealer full of cockneys? "In auutlier picliire a man Iraf licked secrcllv with Indians chaninu: hnlllcs of 'lire water beaver skins was sub-titled Koiiile,.!-.' " AT THE LIBERTY. TONIGHT LAST TIME s VIVIAN MARTIN ..'His Off.aal Fiancee? -ftCParariouritjsJffcrafl Cfiiclure TABLE ROCK TABLETS .Mr. inn .Mr-. Ii'inuii, uiici returiH-i ri'rcntlv Inim ;i Irin lu simlhrni i i (i rn iu , lire !MiininLr In niakt' llii'ir I'ultire I nunc sinin'wlicrc nil I lie I 'n cit'ic consl, .Mr. Hiiit;t i- now ivk in Minncsfita when lie will nr diiihlv sfttlt! liis lniiiics br run.' ret urn- ex - "I'll OR WE STRIKE IS R.R. Tho Baptists have adopted a reso lution to "pray for peace In Mexico" und this Is about Iho only way they will got it. Tho latest word from llerlin hull catoB that Iho Cerinans will ulve up llio Kaiser et al, if Ihey havo la, but not otherwlso. okuo of UuKenc and I.. V. mix, . Clausseii, Arthur Hramwell, C. C KvaiiB, Itussell 11. lleckor and I.. T. llodson of 't'ortland. Growora may now net their llinci nml milnhur sunnlv lw Hu .1 , It Is cetiinK so another rise or I X In tho price of arub cauiais no mnri I'.xciionieiu tllnn atu.-lher nolo to .Mex ico. When a prince or Ci e man an American heiress, thin wei;k. not better and quicker rinancial turns than pullinn over a lean. Got tho paperB to build flrufl, tier bundle, this office. ItlC u ONLY D. S. C HEROINE tt r Hi IlKTIidlT. Mich.. I'Vb. (. K.iriii.-.l insistanee that, favorable action he taken iitioti dcuiumls nf llie inaiuten anee nf way emiilnvcs and rnilwav linti latiorers Inr wai:e increases was ileciilcd upnn hv L'runil nfficers of the wnrker's brnlherhiiiu! in eonfer ence hero. The uninti nfficers nilnplcil a res iilutinn this uinriiiier iiistractin'j- their ciiminitlce iu W'ashinutun In iufnria llircclnr (IciK'ral Mines Ihat seven davs will be allnwed fur acliiiu on their ilemaails. Ailoptintl of lilt' resolulinll fnllnw e.l receipt nf a telegram fniiu 'icc I'residenl ,1. I). Mallnv. acliiiu' fur the brol hcrhuiiil iu WashiiiL'tiui. slalim: Ibal II ufercnecs with Mr. I lines mice little promise nf favorable ac tion. While nfficers nf Hie linillicrhimii made it plain that failure nf the Washington ucunlialiiius unuhl mean an immediate order for cessation of work bv 01111,01111 members. i was in timated ail appeal luiuhl he taken In I'li'sidi'iil Wilson as a last resurl. The ctinl'crcnce here expects 'icc I resilient Mutiny lo make a pcrsonnl repnrt within the next few davs or the inceliiius with the direclnr uen- il. NEW YOrtK As a Iteil Cross worker In Krauco. Mlu Andreos was tho only woman to win a l 8. C. and Croix do Ouerro. She la going DRck to Tints to care Tor 800,000 rofugoes Iu western E SCHOOL A FINE INSTITUTION WASHIXCTON', Keli. ".- Opcniim wide the doors of educatinnal oipor t unity to every marine seat tn the l)ilalil In.-. Va tialaiai; base the t'nit- (1 States .Marine Corps Institute has lieea eslabllsheil there with an enroll.. incut now of more than two-thirds ol the tlee men at Hie station. Marine coi is head who are spi.iisorlat: the new school plan to develop it unlil it takes rank with the best Institutions ot pr.ict leal learning iu Hie country, tt is to be a practical applicuth a, ihey say, of the firiuclple tliat "the more a man knows the better soldier lie makes." This week's copy of t he- Weekly News Letter J'roia the atrricnltiire de partment states that Hie lH'JII wheat crop east nf Hie liockv moiintaiiis is seriously threatened by the Hessian II v. Dwiinr lo the failure of llie liccsc chililren to redeem the ranch prnii- erlv in tins dislrii-l that was Inn cioseii one year ai:ii, tins has mm-i b me the properly of Mrs. Amies I), liccsc. Willie Uviiuin has reliiriicil home from his stay al the hospital and is fast reuainimr his health. Horn .lanuarv 'J7, al the How hos pital iu Meilford, u baby uirl In .Mr. and .l'.rs. ,1. I.. Nealon. (Icnnro M'vers, who I'onnerlv re sided here, bul is now in the employ of the I'oriland l.inhi ami I'ower Co. was visiliim- old friends here Tllcs iiav afleraooi:. Ml II. Chase, who spenl the winter in Califiirnia is nuain at home ami eniiivinir i;ou, lieallli. so much s( that he is able lo on I his nun cnok imr. iliirinu' his wife's absence iu Kloriila. The office of road supervisor for ullr I is-1 lit-1 seems In be much siillchl after, two petitions having went the loiinils of nar neiyliborhooil seeking Inr simiers iluriiej- the lasl titm! i. and there arc several wiilniut peti tions wliii.liave aiinunnced that thev will lake Hie ioli if no one else will. A covotc will a laree Iran mi il fool is lemlinir the sheen do-s a merry cha-e over llie miner Table l.'nck. rrecaiilions are hcim; taken to prevent a flu epidemic iu t),,. T.,1,1,- Jock school hv Hie lonelier and board uf ihreeliirs and parents arc ked to lead their aid in this hv I'ile thai niir cbiblrea aie dros-od nana ami regular in lliclr habits. Sec that Ihcv have a clean lain, I kerchief each day ami ilis'riiel fboio lo Use It when Ihev I ollull nr sneeze md mil scatter L'erais llinnejli ll,e lir thai i . hoim,- lire.i I lied by other Itililrca. I he sprinc- sec.liii"' i, bc-jan in tlii- ilisti-ict tin week. Hie soil iu many in excellent eoielilioa. The uianv Iricmls ,, Lester uelc c-"al!v unmesiiav nioiaimr at bis death l Im nielli before ' rod Ileal! hospital after nc-s. -,-e, a . h. hi- I'rii-nls. 1 .1 1-1 II ; the his; h trict w liet-e be a scielllioiis end SAMS VALLEY All opirli-jiiic uf cnlils is 'join If tlll'H (he scliciiN which slnn'tuns tho nt tfinhiiifo i:iticc:tl)lv. Tlie (lentil nf Frc.l LoMor n Table line!; citine ns h smlilon shock lo hi Iricmls iiihI iietiiKiiiititnces hore. A)r. I.tler was ;i vdiinir nniu ol Iruc worlli nikl jji-oatlv ailrtiireil I'm lie nohle 1 rails of character llial so conslitiiicil hint. lie was a mctnher of tho Haptist church ince cliihl!i(iu( and altlimuli Hint a t'onstnnt iitlcndiuit possossel the Irue reliuioiis si-irit of a 'od Samai-itaii, juM us readv with frirnil sliip and aid for ilie lowliest ns the J hitihest. It seonied his nrelVronci' to (lie underestimated of his true worth j Ilien ever the conirnrv. Tho ab sence of his sunnv disposilion leaves a ilnoin In be present loiiir in tin circle nf hi aciiuainlances. M's Marv Ilinion kindly subsli tilted al sclmnl duriiiL" Iho absemrt of Miss N.-alnn. " I he literary is postponed until the eohl epuleiuic stijwides. Dick Si rain lyft Sundav ovenin with a Airload of eatlh for lit Portland market. II. I. I'clton's Fordson tractor in rived I'Yidnv and has beei; plowin: pretty steady ever since. hey. hossman delivered an inter- estin- sermon after Siimlav selioo' Sunday. COMMITS: SUICIDE IN LIE GENEVA tiliNKVA. Feb. 7. Countess Do Ilenrirhcn, a member of the Russian colony at .Moutrcux and formerly maid of honor to llie IJowaiior Kin press of Hussia. lias committed sui cide by dro-wiiing in Lake Geneva. 1 lor body, ijliil weened in valuable jewels, was fntuid floating in tho lake off tho town of Villenouvo, near the upper end of the lake. I'crgLUs who wore acquainted with tho countess say she walked directly to tho lake and throw herself In. Driven from llusBia when the im perlul rcKlme was overthrown, the countess camo to Switzerland. The assassination of tho former czur was keenly felt by hoy and sho was often heard to cc-mplain of the barbarities practiced in Kussia by the hols.'jpvikl-. She loft no letters or papers. '.Many Swiss hotel keepers havo ex tended credit lo impoverished mem bers of, tho Russian aristocracy and hove In numerous cases proved bene factors of the 1'uKitlves. ll'i There is n nnui who kTOi I enms siirh ;i siiuill inn. .nut I jyW (h;i( he caniK't .siivf any pint Igl !t AV(i pi,y 4 i"m' vnt ("ni" J!teol E S7ABLI SHE Diiaao" ! Life is a burden when the body is racked with pain. Kverylhing worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take 1 twin in HVii irr. s. The nationnl remedy of Holland for over 100 year3; tt la an onemy of all pains re eul::nf7 from kidney, liver and uric acirt troubles. All druR;ist9, threo sizes. Lock for iSo ncrnn Gold Me4it1 on ever bos na accept no iini:tuu Drugstores SeB3 It, Five million peopl use it to KILL COLDS I' r.'i-ain wa- first nf tin lilaees beiie; f l-'re, lericl, ie.clied la-l licai-iiiLr nf al the Sli er a l.r.ct' ill u a-- K mom n aiiuin M'cn! lliklrh lieic car in Hii ili- Knew n iis a cpii . t.iithl'el winker, -i ll iiiulal.-.. ei-ellci;t leal-. We oM-iel natlli.- tn tlnie lie Icl'l . hcliiud l,i lie ileini-e. WILL'S CASCARAbf Sih Mi U 11 VJUK I . Itn nil QUININE ji-:- S'.iriflard cnU reripd' for 20 years m iai:ct iorm aaie, sure, no breaks hj a coM in 24 V nfs nourf relieves ;ri tn 3 d.ivs. v Woiiev Kick if it fatls. The Vii A?k. At All Drut Star; Liusrtv Bond M'W VdliK. I-'cb. 7. ot l.ibertv biiiid-. I.niav MT IHI ; tll-t r nllil 1'-. I0. Oil; t'tr-t I 1 , mill I' i'. IHI.JS; llliid Inurth I1 i' lin.Hii; i !'7.sii; 'ietnr. r:i'. i; Prires. final iiricc were: !lt.!IH ; iee--. 1U.I0: -cell ,'s, ii.' lnr, :':'-i'-, .SO. Bank Rcservn NI-:V VOb'K. I',-!.. eonililiou ot' clcaria and tru-t couiiianie -hows Ihat thev hold -ervc in cxi-e-- id It--.' Tbi- i- an iiierca JiiMU la-t ccl, Inrreases 7. The ai tua! Ilnil-e b:ml. - tor tin- wccIn t-j,:;i..:so re al I . -. 1 1 1 1 r.ll n-li t e l.t'OI'vlJu i'Ull-' man .,1 , lialals an. I iii-Ii nr llcarl leli - lined pat--, tin niniirn ncr Tbe line.'" pt-i and tic- i- ,.pa-i I, -red ri-ppn-ib llie cnidcane ,n , and tbrnat- emu..- iiv, r the country. t'. K. llainlin. the Meill'iild li-il ha- I,-:;.- t , .,,. . lately t..r c.itllc. AV. ,1. Mcaiihcii ,,l' tlie Apple-i-ite illhi- ,ii-t,-i,-i .., M,,,.IV" mid hi- brother have bnii-.-lii a : -l"cl, ri b in lb,. Ainilci.-ale .li-li ilhc, I'm -cli 1 -ail. -a f5i ..-J-..A jri-'f&ivM''ut 3 Licensed City Scavenger. All refuse immediately removed o; short notice. Weekly visit in resl donee districts. Daily business dif trict. Phones t.'77-.l. Thi mnt rcm.irkMc ririMly r.iiui the stoni.ii-ti loact n.itu rally it kcris thcbowclnoiii Is (Hirrly veKetaWe, priKtncing only hirtlity result. MRS-WINSLOVTS SYRUP Atrliitl h.n tortli-r? for mula on w-eiv UHUf-t.tiU very best lnitrrln-nt uwl. At aU drugfittt. Yivv Slab and Fir Wood Mill Blocks and Coal Valley Fuel Co. 0ffic8 Phone 70 Residence 739-J Cafe Holland Special Club Breakfast GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1IOUSK lU'lLIMXC; ltoAl) CONSTRUCTION CUMBXT WOltlv Manufacturers and Ilcalera in Wlied SoikI, (iravel and Crushed ISock, IrriKiitlun I'lpo nnd Drain Tile, Cement. ('. J. Medford Concrete Construction Co. ' SEMOX, .Manager. A. I. Iii.MIt, Construction Supt. Xo. 1 .13c Xo. a 35c (1) Egg ..Breakfast Steak.. Ham T0ast Hot Cakes Coffee Coffee No. 3 85c No. 0 !Wc (1) Efe'g (1) Pork Chop Hacon (2) Corn Cakes Hot Cakes Corfoo Coffeo No. .1 ar,c No- 7 (3) Wheat Cakes Country Sausage Stripped Bacon orlltickwhcat Cakes Ham Cofi'eo Coffeo Xo. 4 35c No- 1 35c Fried Mush with I'lnin Omelette Bacon AVhcat Cakes Coffee Coffeo ortnrcu itv xrsruKrt W e are closing our orders for Nitrate of Soda Saturday, February 7 Have you ordered yours? , You know the value of Nitrate as a fertilizer. Here is an opportunity to get yours at a low price. $75 per Ton in ton lots $76 per Ton in less than ton lots Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange Oregon Medford Phone 106 Do You Cook? Dodne Car. stand corner Main an Bartlett. Plione 900. I IV DELANFV MEDFORD IRON WORKS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP Aliso airent for Fairbanks anl Mora. Knirini'H. I !7 South niyfirslde- IF you don't cook you at least eat cooked foods and so you can't help but be interested in the fact that we have ordered another car load of Hot Point Electric Ranges You'll be time and money ahead by purchasing one of these fine ranges for your kitchen. Better place your order for one of them now. Time payments if desired. California -Oregon Power Company Phone 168. 216 West Main Street, , Medford, Ore - J