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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1918)
PAGE TWO MEDFORT) MATTi TOTBTJNE, MEDFORT). ORKfiOX, FRIDAY. SFPTKMHER (i. j9t8 I0CAL AND PERSONAL The lecture which was scheduled to bo given tonight at 1 ho I'uge the- ater on war labor policies by Hugh Held of the secretary of lubor'B de partment, has been canceled, as have all the other speaking dates In Ore- Bon of Mr. Rold, who has been sum moned to another Htate. A telegram containing the above Information was received this morning by M. S. Janes, superintendent of tho local federal employment office. Every Saturday night there will be a danco and good music at Moose hall. H2 : Dr. E. H. Plckel Is tho now health officer of Modford, having been ap pointed to that position lust nlnht by Mayor Gates, tho council unanimous ly confirming tho nppolntmcnt. Me succeeds Dr. Clara Dunn who resign ed the offlco somo time ago. Dr. Plchcl only consented to tuke tho po sition with tho provision that tho sal ary be raised fromt$2" to $"0 a month. Tho council voted the in crease When buying tiros got tho best United States or Goodyear. Trcich-ler-Pelrson Inc. .'!(! Mr. and Mrs. Karl Knnpp have re , turned homo' from a week's motor trip to Crescont City and vicinity. One and thrce-colo stock poor labels for sale. Modford Printing Co. tf Quite a number of Medford people will attend the big dance In tho new pavilion at Prospect Saturday even ' Inn, given by Mr. and Mrs. James Grieve. They will- havo Medford music and a royal good time is prom ised. Dr. Heine, Garnett-Corey Dldg, Dr. and Mrs. A. Long nnd .MIhs Lucy Long are motor tourlstB who arrived at tho Nash hotel last night from a visit to Crater Lako. For the best Insurance see Holmes, the Insurance Man. Mary J. Hurd. 79 years old, of Brownsboro, has Just finished her final homestead proof before the county clerk. Sho has lived tho re quired time on the homesteud near Brownsboro, most of tho time nlono, having about 20 of the 100 acres In cultivation producing crops of Budan grass and grain. One and three-color stock pear labels for sale. Modford Printing Co. tf Colonol William II. C. llowen who gave an address on military mailers at the high school building last night left this morning for San Francisco to mako arrangements for tho remov al of his family to Kiigeno. Daily's Taxi. Phone 13. Harry Glolm and ICverelt liallcy of Talent, who six weoks ago enlisted in the navy, have received their call to duty and left this week for tho Bremerton navy yard to begin their service Jackson and Klamath county peo plo will meet Sept. 7 at the new dance pavilion- In Prospect for a royal time. Music by Medford or chestra. Ill" Among Portlnnd visitors registered at the hotels Thursday ami today were G. E. Stowcll, .1. II, MncGwyn, C. A. Storkwell, Clare M. Clark, A. L. Horton. John Tarrlon, 11. C. Zehr ung. E. 11. Stone, Jacob A. llaack. E. Stevens and 0. C. Craner. Klrst showing of fall millinery Friday and Saturday at tho Vanity Hat Shop. Court Hull and his uncle, John Hall of Iakcvlcw, arrived homo last night from Klamath Falls, to which city they wcro nccompaulcd by Court's sister, Miss l'e.irl Halt, who was en route to l.akrview to resuinr her teaching In the public schools or that city. Special for schools, book of 11 : songs of tho United States and her allies, 25c, at Palmer's. (!. 11. llowniau of ..Niagara Falls, aud It. Uownian of Itramtnrd. (int., are motor tourists who arc i;ueats at tho Nash hotel. They havo Just re turned from a trip to Crater Lake. Mrs. Paul Hanson, local agent for Nuhone Corsets. Phono r. s ." -1 1 . i;,o Mr. nnd Mrs. !. I'abcr of Chim and L. Ilalley and P. llnllcy of ltc.1 dlng aro motor tourists stopping at tho Nash hotel. They are en route north. Furnlturo packing, crating. Doug las, 201 S. Riverside, phone ItlS-J. County visitors registered at the Nash Hotel today Include J. P. Cal lings, Hay (iarrctt nnd lVun Whit marsh of Watkins, K. It. Harris ol Ashland and David Doru of Apple gate Arrange to spent your week end at Prospect. Dancing In the new p.ilill lon Saturday, Sept. . (loed inuU proper management. Malice Ihkets 1 1. SO. Ii:' Hoy. II. T. Cl.lhliolni of Alli.iml.rR, Calif., former pastor of Hie I'rcshy torlan church at Ashland, e'.pecls to soon go to Franco hs army chaplain How better could you enjoy the week end outing than at Prospect Nice scenery, good fishing, goo. I eats and A big dance on Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Burgess have Just received word from their son William, aged 40 jears, whose home Is at Chicago and who Is a member of the 20th it. S. Infantry now sta tioned at Camp Funston, Okla., hav- jfng enlisted Immediately after war with Germany was declared, that he has lost the sight of his loft eye. About six woeks ago somo dust got Into the eye and it became Inflamed, and since then the member has stead ily grown worBe until the sight was dostroyed. William Burgess Is much distressed over this misfortune as he was ono oC tho crack shots of the army and a fine athlete. Nolo removal of shoo to Grape iitroct, opposlto Liberty (Garnott Corey) building. Trelchlcr-Pelrron Inc. 136' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ncwbegln ICllyn and Wado iN'ewhegln and James Fisher ol Portland nro a motor tour kt party at the Hotel Modford. During the month of September I am going to give the public n chance to buy shoes, first-class goods, at ID por cent discount below the regular prices. This is nn opportunity you won't got again soon. L. F, Stroud, No. 10 South Ctntrnl avenue. ' tf L. A. Williams, former night po liceman of Ashland, and his family recently removed to llutte Falls. Fruit Driers for home use. Pacific Fnrn. & Fix. Factory. 140 A largo attendance from Medford is expected at Iho danco which will bo hold in tho new hall of tho Grieve hotel at Prospect tomorrow night. First showing of fall millinery Friday and Saturday at the Vanity Hat Shop. ' C. W. McDonald and family are expected home tho last of the week from a motor trip to Crescent City and vicinity. Mattress making and furniture up holstering. Douglas, 201 S. River side. Phone 1G11-J. -Next -Monday the September term of circuit court will open nt Grants Pass for Josephine county, with Judgo F. M. Calkins on tho bench. It will probably bo a short Bcssion. Pocket book of songs tho soldiers sing, only loc, at Palmor's, 28 South Main. A motor tourist party from Pasa dena,. Calif., consisting of MIks Mur ray, J. V. Buckingham. Fred Looinls and Otis and Master Jack Bucking-! ham roturned to tho Hotel Medford lust night from a trip to Crater Lako, First showing of fall millinery Friday nnd Saturday at the Vanity Hat Shop. County Agricultural Agent Cate warns those threshonnen who have not jot forwarded to him .their ro- ports of tho amount of grain they threshed last month to nt once rush in their reports olso they will ho sub- je. t to penalty for disobeying the law which provides that nil threshers must forward their reports tho first day of the month or tho following day. Most of tho big threshers have complied, but n number of the small threshers have not yet reported their August threshings. Feather mattresses and renovat ing. Douglas, 201 S. Riverside. 1U2-.I. Francis Fretior of Klamath Falls who had been the guest of his broth er, F. C. Freuer, for tho past week, lo.'t for home today. New millinery Including lingo, Ly man, and Gold Medal models, wilt lie on display every week nt this store. The May company. John Dubois, the well known irri gation engineer, nnd Mrs. Dubois are visitors lu the city from Grants Pass and guests at the Hotel Mcdtiird. Wauled (Experienced lady sten ographer. One with some bookkeep ing experience preferred but not nec essary. Good salary to right party. Ill:; pint s Lumber company. Tlio forest fire situation in the pi. g,ite district Is becoming worse. The b!,; fires which started within the past week in tho middle fork or tho Applega'.e ami Cougar Creek re gions, futeen miles apart, now have spread until word was received at the federal forestry office here Thursday that they were about to Join. The bis Brush creek fire has spread to the Kinney creek, Pnlmer creek and Star Gulch sections. Tho Reese Cleek school this year will be taught by .Miss Marguerite Hammond of Ashland, who leave. this week to begin her duties. Among visitors registered at the hotels today were K. C. Rowu of New York, and John 11. lteaborn of -New York, It. Cnnimiiigs nnd N. K. Wliilon of Seattle. Morris Kati ol l.i Angeles. W. M. l.edyard. It. I. Mil ".ing. and Graver It. Nell of Snn rruneis.o and ('has. E. t.illis and J. ('. Reynolds of Yreks. Cuitav Westell, retired sergeant of the I'. S. army who was called from r.-tn i i:ien when the war broke out to rone as recruiting officer In Med ford, ua.l later was transiorred to recruiting duty at the Portland office has Im en relieved ftoni further dai;. because of all iinnv recruiting ntflces having been e!osd up. am is e pecie.! to soon return to Medford where lie owns property. Mrs. Jane 10. (iuerp'.'y returned We.lntvday from a two weeks' visit with lelsiives and friends in I'.in land. RED CROSS MUST FILLREQUIREMENTS ' Next MomiImv Yiuniinf M.:tlfort. unit ol' tho Au'cricitn lfed Cros ' hcjiin it drive in Iho eity to raise iimnvy hit t. usury to pay its niutitlil.v (.xpen-is in currying uu its iillutmont of wur work and submits to the peo ple oi tlie'city t he specific, figures on (htv.-ur supplier it is shinpinir to the front monthly, on what thec sup plies cost, and what the average cost ikt n'onth will he to maintain Mrd t'ord's share of this work. Of course all of us realize that this is our per sonal contribution to the cause of the allies and humanity, and acknowledge our personiil responsibility in keeping im the work. The balance in the treasury nf .Medford unit on Auuust 1st was .;H .(i.". Medford must have a minimum of 871 monthly.' Of this sum, only $78 ;;oes for ndminidni tive expenses, every dollar of the bal ance of $800 oii:j for the purchase of supplies that are made up into hos-; pital pnru'enN, surgical dressings, ; etc.; by (lie workers of the local unit,! and shipped to the front. j The monthly allotment of Jackson! enmity follows. Medford and its auxiliary units contribute about half of the county's total: Tost of Material 1 1 -10 articles surgical dress ings $ !iiO pairs sox, 50 sweaters.... 001 hospital e;nrments lloxes and p:per for pnek inj;; freight and draya'je 1 J!I8.8I 818.S0 121 .00 Total cost of materials, etc .$1,020.12 Of the foregoing amount, Medford must furnish not less than $87.1 monthly, rciirrsentin!; n proportion ate amount of the totnl work turned out in the county. The people of the city will he nsked to provide this sum monthly in the forthcoming drive for tund.s. BiG VAUDEVILLE AT. RfALTO TONIGHT ONLY , Tlie (llmlsone-Chnmller vaudeville rond show, a coiii)iiny of hili class entertainers from the Orphcuui and I'mitnves circuit arrived in Iho city litis .ilteruoon in Uiroe liijr tourinu' ears on their w:iy lo Crater Luke for the summer'ii vacation, they were so fascinnlcd with llcdl'ord mid its sur roimilitifis Hint they decided lo spend a few days lion- nnd will appear nt the Kiulto tonight oniv in a series of tin most successful nets linvinir ju-.t clo-cd outMi-eiiienN on tlie Orpheum and l'mitticcs circuits. .Medford is forttuinle indeed to hi! n'de lo have Ihese artists a). pear here nt this lime. Col. William II. C. Iioiven.'U. S. A., who last niwlit nt Iho liih school ns senibly room delivered tho opening lecture to the Medford class in the extension work of the department of military science of the University of Oregon, wits on tlio retired list of the army ut the beinnin of the war. He was recalled to active ditty, and has since been eiis.'iia,od continuously important posts eone-tcd with the work of orijnnizin- ami training offi cers and men for army service. He will be at the head of the new students army training corns at the'l jiiveritv when it opens for the fall term, hav ing timler him n lurye corps of in structors nnd n thoie-und students, the number nllotcd to the tuiiversiU' at this time under the Koverimicnt's plan. Col. Bowen's lecture was devoted lo an explanation of the work undertak en at the university in its intensive trainintr courses, diirin..' the ri'itulnr school year and which were iiituiur attd this sunmicr as vacation period work, Iieuinnini: in June. Col. llowen. whose connection with the miivcrsitv liepnn durintr the past collegiate year, held the cliuir of militan' science nnd tactics in the department of military science, co-oneratinc with the com mniiAmt of the dejinrlment, Lieut. -("ol. John Leader of the Iiritish nrmy, iir the work of instruction. The colonel, who has taken n keen interest in the proposed extension work, and will continue to he inter ested in it in his new position tit the head of tlie S. A. T. C, presented the dcteils of tlie university's plan insofar us they have been workid out.' The text hooks to he used were presented and methods of study and instruction sketched out briefly, ami some inter esting details of the student's trninin j;iven. in connection with which the speaker replied to 'various questions asked by members of his nudience. In his conference with the iMcil for executive committee, mid with the university's slate representatives, ( M. Thomas anil Alan Itraekinrccd. precedine and following' the lecture, Col. Howen's personal interest in the GREATEST OF ITS KIND WASHINGTON. Sept. .--The war revenue hill, created measure of its kind ever brought before t,be hvilu live branch i'l any government, pass ed into tlie second .-lap of its pro gress through eonLiros when it came up today in I he house. In fact there was imt even a ipio ri'in 'm'M'iit when Ileiuncratie Leader Kit' Uiu called up the hill, which -ro-vides the Wans nt ruiinu' $-1,000.. 000.000 to opv A'.uerif.i's -hare for tlie war for the eotnin-j vcar. The tr hilt 1 ir-;t is considered witli the hou-e sitting as a cmnunttee of il-.e whole. The plan i.- to have the hu usure re:uty or the senate l .lhotit 111 e;lys. Tlie bill is considered by both par-Me- n a wiu-tlie-war nu-asure. H-JU'Jcnco uyon Vho Future Im'ont Dcorc tlie nrrival of bnby tnmvmir wcrac; for ikit li.'lf u tenmry h.-.iM v. a; r.-irnlant tl.e Uue-Louorc j prcparaliuit M.ittor's Frieml. Hen is a mo t vnrtorful oaiHcnt!on fe 1' ei jiM:-i5;cn ft::'! l:icuftj. It iioi.i-iratc fin imiscli'o. I!i:ci:!' nr.ll tibia's ren.Iei in? them pMar.t to reucllly ylcM tj naluro'; kmni.d f.r cpiHijIlIJ. Ilf its U30 tl.o nnttflta wrcl:s nf tirc:rnaiic .iru im:lo conortntlv. TI:o vrt'iiirl: In? strain, l'.'iirir:y-liu n and f (ii;U'!;I:k 'iir. .iro f'ninter.ieteU. Tt-c pyslom i. prop ire. f-ir t!io rnuiiiifT e A, n:icl iti to brir.gj, n-peso oixl hupp niifi-'tp.-itlon. Ilw I! n r,Wir it., 1 t'.-'u Vrl.MiJ .Inr Inu (ho porim! tlie r.niM'los expajnl easier whe: h.Ay nrriw.i, op. I n. ;i:r:iily tlio psin urn. daiiTcr nl tho crlt-li is law. Mtithor'ji I'rtend lt prcpirod oftor tlio for ItinU nf n nolit family ilocter liy t!io (li-M i'j., l.nmur BUr- A' hnitn, (in. It is frr rxlcrnat Ufii o ly; i n'nnhil'My avit cnlirtly s.ito mul vfilcr fully c:T'oUvo. V.'rito then; Vnr their if-tiuc tiv.i c: d i:ilerct!ii ". Iillicrli;K;i II k. Tli to is n Mo.;lth vt In.-tnu-tirn uiul n f: fiirt to ho derived ii rcidii; V-y.-i hii'. hY. It i pliinly wr.ltrn just ever Aiminn vant ti ktiuv and will bo a plcr did );ttlo Uxt book of jniidiinee, !i"t on'. Tor yourwlf Imt will mike yon l)rl;rnt t etlicrs. nnd In Hip nionnlini ctlitnln .1 lwin. of Mntlior's Frlord frtim tlio dntjjEi'-t. nn thus fnrtlfv youidclf aajmt ptiiu uiid dn comfort. Wtth Medford trnnn m MlMrd mudft TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ANTKlv Al once, man to work, woman to couk. Vila Ranch. V.XTKl Ten Hcrea Hear creek bottom, near Medford. county or city property tn exehanRO. ("an pay cash dlfferenep. Hnx 11, Mail Tilbuno. 1 A yon SAl.K --wdoelhnrrow. ealttva tor and parden toot?. Ir. .1. I.. Hill. 7! West Kleventh Mreet. 1 i? Kt!t SAI.I-: --Seventy head, rattle.'!in.. twn ;ir,d old eeri, h i : It t i t nn ! ker. t h roe j wat;or,s. two mih h.traeng. sun y. bimiiv, farmlnu tonN. wheal, bar-; ley. winter outs, and four head hoises for fale or eac for feed.: and fir. vmir.s saddle horse, f urnt-j tare, rto, (Ireenleaf ranch, two! tnllcs tiMMh Cold (lilt. Khiip.J rteek. Ton Olfen, t 1 CASH and Carry Visit the new Grocery and Haekot Store, just opened at o27 Kaat Main, and snvo money on the neees.ariea of life dur ing the war period. Look Over Our Stock The Trusx Co. I'Xton.siun wurk whs e')ri'sscd ill ft ! inorl i.ii.oiinij;in.!r iiiiuiiht, cotiplrd; villi a hn.nil view (if llu valut' til' llu tniiniiiir fit-Id opi'iR-d tip by llie moe- UK'llt. . An tuulu'iirc of nearly ;I00 uipii, in I'ludini' (lie state triiuril riiinpaiiv un der dipt. Caniuliiy's I'liiniiuinil, pres ent in iinifuini liy im itatiiin nf the eninmittcc, an.! the inemher.-i nf the Medford extension class, with repre- seni'.iti'.ves of l!v Ashland and LONDON, Sept. 0. The old man has come back, not only In work bo hind the lines, but In tho front lines placed as captains and commanders In charge ot armed yachtB to hunt U-boats. ' The work of these men has won . praise and honors from tho govern ment. They have combed tho sea for mines, have sunk tho sneaking U boats. and have kept clear the laaos of commerce. One of the exploits of these old men that is going tho rounds of the naval clubs tells of how one captain Grants' Pass orpmi.ations. L-ree-cl ! against tho Hun submarines. Age j brought his yacht over the spot where Col. Hoven'-i upper ranee on the plat form, and responded with cvurv ex pression of keen and delighted inter est to his remarks. T. W. Miles rhainnan of the Med i'oid executive euinn.ittoe, presided at the meetiier. . I E CONTRIVANCE OF FOREST FIRE FIEND ''While ('. A. Milrr, superintendent of the I'. I,. S. Cattle company in easleni Oregon, was here recently nn a visit to his umther, Mrs. M. K. J-'nir zier, living on 1! street, lie ran across ii devilish c.iiitrivance in his timber tract jusi smith of the city limits." says tlie Aslilaml Heciird. "A lan tern bil:e had been attached hv a wire to a Inn;; sack filled with dry pine cones and suspended from n iniinzanila hush in an opening where the sun's rays would fall wilh full force, with the evident intention of starting a forest fire when the sun became hot cnmvjli to set fire lo a paper cone in llie globe and cummuni eate with the dry cones in the sack by means of a cutlon string hat led to the bottom. It was an ingenious contrivance and would have done its work well had conditions been right, as there is a 'dense carpet of drv bu-.h underneath and all around the bu-di on which it was suspended. Some unhang villian figured on tlio de.itraelion of the timber in that sce :ii:n, bat a land providence Unvaried bis ulans." has ho limits when it comes ing the U-boats. in ctniic- a ti-bont had disappeared. Jlo ex- I ploded a depth charge and the water ... ih ml- became covered Klin JiiacK ana mlralty was besieged by retired ad-1 greasy matter. The enemy's peri- mlrals, 'Vleo-admirals and rcar-ad- rcope sudden oppenred about 300 mirals for service against tho Huns, yards away, but a. well-placed i-liot They were too' old to be placed In I finished the join their former commanding ranks, but i - many were- only too; happy to .he i With Medford Trade Is Medford msdo Lift Off Corns! "Freezone" is Magic! Lift any Corn or Callus right off with fingers No pain! ft Vf Drop little Freezone on sn aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurt ing, then yon lift it right out. I; doesn't hurt one bit. Yes, msgic! Why wait? Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of Freezone for few cents, sufficient to rid your feet of every laird corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and calluses, without sore ness or irritation. Try It! Mo huajbur-l if iBffil asm s A si t t II t I A.' ; X in it luSED.CARS Our Boys Are ''Over There' "VE had Democrncy nnd Freedoni to work for In for mer Liberty Ijonn drives. Hut XOW our boys nro "over thern'' depending upon us to back them up. Put over the comiiis 1th l.llvriy Loan yi'irii nnd lllti. Tho 'Prlvo for 1ollars' Stnrt-s Saturday, JSept. UKtll. UK ItKAIiY TO FIltK, Wm. G. Tait, President ; it national! K Mil Ji At Reasonable Prices. Including One Chevrolet, 1917, - One 1917 Overland - - One 1917 Dodge Roadster - One Ford at - -, - - Also a Couple of Trucks at Low Prices. - Treicliler-Peirson, Inc. $550 $500 $900 $275 Very t f t t t f t t t t t t f t f f t t t T t .AAA. A AAA See us H you have Barley. Oats iind Hay lor sale. ,Vc Buy Sacks Monarch Seed & Feed Co. Largest collection of Second-Hand Organs over in Moilfurd, rnnging in i price from fUJl) to oO.OO. Sumo choice cliapcl orcans I'nr schools ;iiitl churches. ! Palmer's Piano ! Place i 23 South Centrnl, i TAN LAC The celebrated stonmch and system purifier which has been accom plishing remarkable rosults in tho 1'nlted States nnd Canada, will now he sold In -Medford. Remarkable sales record ot nine million bottles phenomenal and unprecedented. West Side Pharmacy Painting, Paper Hanging, Decorating and Tinting Now Is the time to have your houso painted In protect the emtio for llie winter. We guarantee every Inch of our work to bo first class; tho material wo use Is tho very best. ' , Trice Are Moderate. R. J. Miller Decorating Co. I'hone :;iii-I. KMlinntivt Fiw of ITinrjre GATESTilRES TOST ONK-ll.VI.P AS MICH And wer twice is long as tha average Fabric Tire. Guaranteed 3,500 miles. ri'XCTl KE PItOOF Our Service Station Is now equipped with the latest mechanical Tire Changer, Up-to-Dnte Vulcanizing Equipment, Curtis Air Free From Oil. Try our Tire Service Iff Different F.'R. Roberts 1 32 S. Riverside