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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1918)
P8E TWO IOC ALAND ' PERSONAL Contrary to the belief of several orchardlsts of the valley ut the begin ning of the pear season the many women and girls at work In the orchards are making good at pear picking, according to a statement mado by M. S. Janes, the federal employment bureau agent this morn ing. Ninety per cent of tho pears are being picked by women and girls, 100 of whom are at work In the orch ards this week. Mr. Janes says that he has a long waiting list of other women and girls anxious to get orch ard work. Furniture packing and crating. Douglas, 201 Riverside, phone 1C2-J. Miss Iva Whltcomh who has clerk ed in Mann's store for several years past, left this morning for Moscow, Idaho, to make her homo there with her parents, who are former resi dents of Mcdford, her father having at one time been a well known brick contractor here. Mattress making and furniture up holstering. Douglas, 201 S. River side. Phone 1C2-J. The regular meeting of the school hoard will bo held tonight and many matters relating to the opening of Ihe schools next month will be up for discussion. Iloy Scouts Intending to go on tho annual hike will report with full equipment for inspection and final Instructions to Scoutmaster Janney at Abstract office, Thursday, at p. m., August 15th. James Grieve of the Prospect hotel spent Tuesday In Medford making arrangements for tho oiienlng "of his now dance hall Saturday evening. "Week end dances promise to be a fa- ivorlte diversion for people of the valley. One and three-color stock pear labels for sale. Medford Printing Co. tf Mayor C. E. Gates leaves tomor row night for Portland to attond tho state convention there Thursday of representatives from all parts of Ore gon to 'discuss matters relnting to the coming Liberty loan campaign. Dr. Heine, Garnott-Coroy Bids. Tho committee In charge of ar rangements for the Dixie society pic nic which will bo held nt Anlilund on Thursday again calls attontlon to tho fact that all former southerners In tho valloy and descendants of south erners are invited to attend the picnic with well filled lunch baskets. The (1 In nor will start between 12 and 1 o'clock and all diners will be seat od at one largo horse shoe tuble. Daily's Taxi. Pbone 15. ' Mr. anil Mrs. II. L. Stephenson of Portland who have been bore looking over the valloy for a week leavo for home tonight. Mr. Stephenson is a grain dealer of tho state metropolis. For the best Instiranco.soe Holmes, tho Insurance Man. Tho Misses I). Klescl of Scnppoose, Oro., J. Hutto of Aluska. N, Kaufmun of Portland and M. Kaufman of The Dulles, n ro a party of young ladles who arrlvod In tho city Inst night nnil departed from tho Hotel Holland this forenoon on tho Crater I.ako singe for a visit at that groat scenic won dor. uno aim tnree-color stock pear labels fon salo. Modford Printing Co. tf K. C, Jeronio arrived homo today from a two weeks vacation spent In visiting Mrs. .Icrnino at Sun Jose anil Santa Cruz, Calif, llo also paid a visit to Camp Fremont wbllo away. Fruit Driers for homo uso. Purine Furn. & Fix. Factory. mi Mrs. Itodney Schiller departed Hits morning for a visit with her husband, tho Sevenlli company norporul, it I Fort Columbia. She plans to reside nt Astoria so as to he near to her husband until ho Is sent to some other location for duly. Hev. J. W. Shnrpc has marketed $s: worth of Himalaya blackberries from a small garden patch and has is many more to pick. Ho has sold tl." crates and some of tho clusters contain 100 berries. If you would like to step into an established paying cash business, one that lias been carried on In tho same location and under (ho same manage ment for years, on one of the best nnsiness corners In .Medrord, you eh on hi be Interested In replying to this advertisement. The owner's only reason for selling Is that be wants to enlist. Although over the present drnft age, he feels that It Is bis duly to dispose of bis business ami enter tho army, where men with his partic ular qualifications are needed In ever increasing numbers. He has Ihree brothers In the service, and he wants to make tho family record for volun- Hoer enlistments one hundred per cont. The business Is for i-ale nt a reasonnblo price, on a basis which will cnnblo the buyer to earn a good rot urn on his Investment. A live jnnn can mako a good profit out or this deal. Would prefer cash, but will consider all or part trade. Ad dress Uox 0.1, Mail Tribune. 12 1 The state militia companies of! Medford and Ashland, tired or months of waiting for the uniforms they ordered from aiXew York cloth ing concern, have cancelled the order there and ordered uniforms from a Sun Francisco establishment which are expected to arrive In about two weeks. State Fulr, Salem, Oregon, Sep tember 23-28. Splendid exhibits, excellent music, high class entertain ments and a superb racing card. For particulars write A. II. Lea, Salem, Oregon. Mrs. G. K. Chase and duughter and George L. Chase of Vreka, left the Hotel Holland this morning for a short sojourn at Crater Lake. One and throe-color stock pear labels for sale. Medford Printing Co. tf There was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Swinson nt Hremertoii, Wash., on Monday, August 12, un eight- 'pound duughlcr. Prior to her mar riage Mrs. Swlnson was Mario Elfert. Mr. Swinsnn has been In naval re serve service at Ilremerton for over a year. ' Twenty-seven young men who have just completed a two months military mechanical course of instruction at the Denson Polytechnic school at ortland and were transferred to the army quartermaster's depart' ment, passed thru the city this morn ing en route to Florida military posts. Hen Sheldon was arrested Monday for giving his Premier cor an airing at the speedy gait of ol miles an hour on the Pacific highway near Phoenix, and wus to have uppcared in Justice Taylor's court today to re ceive the usual fine of 1 13.60 for speeding. The arrest was made by Motorcycle Cop McDonald. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ilutchlns of "Needles, Neb., wore visitors at the Commercial club today. They i liore looking over the valloy with tho Idea of possibly locating hero. A proud girl Is Lela .Mabel Vander- mark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II L. Vandcrmurk, who gave to the Red Cross her pet baby goat which wus raffled off at the Page theater last Saturday night and brought the Red Cross nonrly $.10. Mr. and Mrs. Dartgos of Long Heach, Cullf., arrived In the city last night from a visit at Crater Lake. Thero has been a big increase In the salo of hunting licenses tho past few days In anticipation of tho open ing of the lcgnl deer hunting season Thursday. There will bo quite nn exodus of iilmrods from the city and valley to tho hlllR between now and Thursday so as to he on the ground ready for an ourly stnrt. Tho deer aro reported unusually plentiful this year and great sport Is anticipated. In J list Ice Taylor's court yeslorday the case of Asa Martin who Is charg ed with non-support was continued for bearing until 10 a. ni. Wednes day. Dan lleluirntli Is seriously 111 at tho Sacred Heart hospital with what Is thought to bo typhoid fever, llo was taken to that Institution lust Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Van Ilostwick loft this morning for a week's visit al Portland and vicinity. The murine corps recruiting office of Medford llko all other marlno corps, army and navy recruiting of fices turnout the I'nlted States Is utiablo to enlist men until the hill before congress fixing tho drnft limit ages is passed. Only those men who applied for enlistment prior to Aug. Sth, when tho order to stop further enlisting was received, can bo enlist ed. Arthur Leo Qulsenberry, who has been employed ul the Southern Pacific freight house and who np pllcd beforo August sth, was enlisted In tho marlno corps hero yeslorday. Four others who applied at tho local nfflco before August Sth expect to be enlisted before next Monday. Dr. John O. Itockstoce, well known uentist or Pittsburg, Pa., and who formerly owned tho ('nicer Unite orchard and practiced dentistry in Medford for about a year, died re cently at Plllsburg. lie Is survived by bis wire and one sun. It. M. Sullivan who was arrested ny Aioioreycle Cop McDonald fur speeding his car on the Pacific high way last night was fined flit. tin In Justice Taylor's court today. Ches ter Fitch who wus arrested by Mc Iinnald on Ihe sumo charge was given a similar fine. Wesley McDonald who was recent ly called In the draft and was releas ed by Hie draft board in order that he might enlist and take tho military mechaiileal course at the llenson I'olUolinlr school nt Portland leaves tonight for Portland to take his Course. Mrs, MeDonuld will join him In Portland In about a week and will reside there until ho is called away to active service. ' r- t.liorniley, who for three years was night operator and ticket ierx nt the S. P. depot prior to his enlistment In the navy last fall, was visiting friends In the city today while en route to Portland from Mare Island where ho Just finished Inking the navy radio course. He expects assignment to active duty within a very short time. MEDFORD MAlTi TRTOUNE. 5f: i 1 Tho news has Just leaked out that J. W. Lawton, chief of Medford's fire department, was arrested In Ashland and fined i'i early In July for not having a state license on the depart ment runabout car he uses In his duties. And ever since, the Medford city officials have been wondering If a big fire broke out in Ashland and the department of this city was called on ror aid whether the Medford fire apparatus would be permitted to en ter Ashlund without having a state license for each pieco of apparatus. The unnelghborly act of the Ash land police officials has aroused much unfavorable comment In offic ial circles ill Medford. It was on a Sunday afternoon that the arrest was made, Chief Lawton having driven over to that city to enjoy an hour or two Jn the park. It had never oc curred to the chief or any other city official that the fire department ap paratus should have state auto licenses. In fact the question prob ably never came up anywhere in the state until this Ashland episode. When an Ashland policeman sought out Chief Lawton and asked If he was the driver of the car, the chief explained who he was, where the car belonged, etc., and stated that con sidering the friendly relations be tween Ihe two neighboring. cities it hardly seemed proper to him that he should be arrested for not having a license for the piece of apparatus. Tbo policeman then called up the Ashland chief of police at the latter's home and put the matter up to him. The polico chief refused to come down town hut told the policeman the matter was purely up to the po lice judge. The matter finally ended by tho Ashland police judge fining Chief Lawton five dollars. The chief frank ly admitted that ho was off duty for a few hours, made a simple explana tion and paid the fine. For some time nfterwards it was supposed that the fine might be remitted, but up to date Ashland still has the $5. Chief of Polico Timothy, who Is (10 yenrs old, contemplated spending a few hours In tho Ashland park In the near future, but now fears he may be pinched there for not having a draft card. , ; 4 I 10 IV1ARNE FIGHT 1'AlflK, An. (IIhvmm Ajri'wv.) Thi' furious counter attacks which the (Icrinans continued to launch yes tenlny are nttrilmtcil here to their imperative need of holding the Chaul-ncs-Koye-Noyott line, the loss of which would amount to disaster to them. The (ieriuau resistance nlotig this line is compared t that offered by the enemy in his retirement from the M'arne when he dashed his interme diate defense upon Ouchy iimi Kere- Kn-Fardenois. When these two count eis of resistance were lirokcn the- entire front fell in. The same ef feet is looked for here when t'huulnes and Novon fall. The (lermaus then will have to retreat across the upper Somme. WITH TIIK ItlilTISlI AliMY IN r'KANCK, Au. l;t.-(ty the Asso ciated Tress.) Allied forces holding their new lines gained in the second battle of the Somme, improved their positions, heat off a few fechle coun ter attacks and increased the number of their prisoners last nihl and this uii-nttiiiu. In the meantime the eneinv appears to he moving in a considerable num tier ot troops, tjinte 'heavy move ments westward are reported by ae rial observers, hut no really !reat force is available without calling on the (icrman crown prince for assist ance. I'rovart remains finnlv in the hand of the Hriti-li this moruiii: having been tinallv taken hv them Nestcrdav. WASHINGTON. A us. 1 3. German and Austrian former prisoners oper ating with the ItoUhevlkl In Siberia are commanded by the rene,;ade Rus sian general, von Tallin?, who nt the bonliininn of the war was removed from his Russian command on ac count of his pro-German proclivities. This Information was mado public todny by Captain Vladimir 8. Hiir ban. tho ('.echo-Slovak officer In Washington to report to Professor T. (!. Masaryk. the Czecho-Slovak com mander in chief. MEDFORD. OREGON. TUESDAY, AUOT7RT 13. ,1918 AT THE RIALT0 TOMORROW AND WEDNESDAY -KW ' t- - ! r $- t i iniu a v r MtS k.S.f CECUM OrTHE ' - (. J;r;.,;v:-r : 4 SELECT NViPlCTURC 1 I 10 LABOR MEET WASHINGTON', Aug. 13. Amer ica's mission to the Dritish trades union congress, which meets in Lon don September 17, IS and 19, will be headed by Samuel Oompers, presi dent of the American Federation of Labor, and will tour England, France and Italy to confer with labor lead ers. v Mr. Oompers left Washington to day for New York for a series of con ferences there before sailing. He will be accompanied abroad by Wil liam J. Bowen, president of the inter- I national bricklayers and plasterers union; John T. Frey, president of the International moulders union; Edgar Wallace, editor of Ihe United Mine Workers Journal, and C. L. Paine, president of the International Boot and Shoe Workers linlon. Mr. Gompers conferred yesterday with President Wilson. He declined today to Hscuss questions to be con sidered liy the congress, or the pur pose In visiting Frunce and Italy. Socialism, he declared, would occupy no part In deliberations of the Amer ican delegates. Ho added thero would be no socialist representation. EVERETT MILLER Mrs. Kinnin Miller of Joseph, Ore, who is spending the summer with her diiuuhtcr-in-lMW, .Mrs, Clu'ster Kuhli, in the Api'lt'.uaie district, Iuib received an ofliriiil irnveriunent telegram trnm Krauce, "living ihe in forma turn that her son, Private Kvorett Miller, was amon Hie nii.-Mni: in action durinir the recent fiuhtinjf. Private Miller enlisted in Med ford, April 'J:trd, 1 J1 7. in the field artillery at the asjo of 18 years, lie was well known in the Applegate section. SOLDIER SHOOTS TO SAVE "YOUNG WIFE" LONDON, Ann. X Si.lnev C. Ry der, a soldier, is nn trial for shootiut: anil eriou.-dy wounding Kii'lmil Or pen, a bank clerk. Mis defen.-e that he tried to save his yoiimr wife ''from the clutches of a man old onouuh to he her father, who has taken a mean and contemptible advantage of my absence in Kranee.' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I'OIt SALK Set waRon hows, hay ruck, Haclno hack, hay knife, pruning shears, two-Inch augur, one 8iiuare, scales with weights, riding bridle, sledge, wedges, shov el and spades, wagon tonsue, chain, set til chains, two dozen alass fruit Jars, 1 quarts. IH'S apple street. 1-2 l-'OK SALK IS acres of corn, two miles southwest of Medford. it. O. 122 FOU SALK Oil TliAOl-: vyinchester rifle. u:.-;ir carbine and L. C. Smith hamnierless shotgun. Phone 19-KI3. 122 WAXTI'D-Psed Kuick Six for cash. Mint be bargain or donl answer. Mnll proposition to P. O. Mo 1KU. far must bo in pood coudllion. 122 PDIt KKNT bunRalow. Kie-room furnished II 2 South King street. 12B FOU SM.K Clieap. .IVa-lnch wagon In excellent condition. Snfi West Fourth street. 12;t WANTKl) At once, a messenger boy for the Western t'nlon. Apply at office. Ftt'Xl) Pure. Owner can have same by identifying and paying for ad. 1'ho.ic ito-L,. - 122 Vi r It . r- V, V .il' --.i A S A. -.V f tfltrf, Tt .'Yi J ONLY 10 COVER L PARIS, Aug. 13. Whether the allied forces, reinforced bv the troops which have been and are pouring toward the front, resume their drive or not. the fact remains thut the Ger. mans have been completely out maneuvered and a victory has been won. As the result of the continuous pressure exerted by General Humbert on the line of the hills .' .'.illicit and Roulogne-La-Grasse, the fall or Las slgny is Imminent, and It may even have occurred already. The enemy defense is now being offered by mo bile groups of machine gunners. At the came time the Germans arc bom barding the Trench rear with their field guns. , Prisoners taken yesterday, most of them quite young, said that rein forcements for von 1 In tier jvore not expected and that tho troojfs on the enemy line were only thero to cover a withdrawal. Speculation is rife as to Marshal Koch's next move whether be will continue to press his advantage on the Somme and the Oise or strike elsewhere along the front. Speaking of tho war and nearly every day we hear somebody mention it, Gencraf Reed and Goneral Wright are corps commanders in France, while General Winn is a division commander. A DAGGER IN THE BACK That's the woman's dread when she gets up in the morning to start tho day's work. "Oh! how my back aches." GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules taken today case the back ache of tomorrow taken every day ends the backache for all time. Don't delay. What's the uso of suffering? Begin taking GOLD MKDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules today and be relieved to morrow. Take three or four every day and be permanently free from wrenching, distressing back pain. Hut be sure to get GOLD MEDAL. Since 1096 GOLD MKDAL Haarlem Oil has been the National Remedy of Holland, tho Government of th Netherlands having granted a special charter authorizing Its preparation and sale. The housewife of Holland would almost as soon be without bread as siie would without her "Real Dutch Drops," as sho quaintly calls GOLD MKDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This Is the one reason why you will find tho women and children of Hol land so sturdy and robust. GOLD MKDAL are the pure. 'orig inal Haarlem Oil Capsules Imported direct from the laboratories in llaar- lorn. Holland. Bat be sure to get j GOLD MKDAL. Look for the name' on every box. Sold by reliable drug-1 gists In sealed packages, three sizes. .Money refunded if they do not belpj.SJ you. Accept only tho GOLD MKDAL. 0 All others are Imitations. Adv. a DR. RICKERT ! kvis sni:xTii ic.i,i,Y tustei), AM) (;l.hsi:s PROPERLYiFITTED Suite 1.2 otpt May Co. M IHIOIN I SF.I) WEEKS & McGOWAN CO I'XDF.kTAKKU lay riione: rariric U'J". Muht I'Iiouch; -, v. Weeks, lnwj, Ijuly As;.i.s(aiit, NOW STATIONED Al . i Vrivi.te T.eo Williams mii-.' m the li'itli artillery bund mid wh tduvs lead comet ill the l'"U'! i letter received tliis week hv :i- i!vli!-. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. William-:, telli- , where the ti'illi was Mnl'miicd ul ll.e time he wvute and j-ivos the twines and oilier interestin-.' inlormution about Ihe former Sevenlli -oiii -aiiy boys in Ihe ruminam!. The Idler in pari rends us follows: "We are hilletr-d in a u::ir. ina-jej by Ihe name of Pierre I iui lien iihout , lL miles Miutheast of Liirlcce-. The latler is n lure eily, Ihe one 1 Ii:i't relVrri'd to in my Idler so olt -n. II is in the south cent nil part ol IVunee, neiniv due south ul' I'ui-is. 'Itulnli llalroiu arrived here yesl.-r- liny mid joined us us a member oi I the bund. Hurry lirvant bus been; iriinferreil ) us. but Iiii-n t un ivel vet. There are now -- Oreann hoy - in the band and there will be I!uf-oin and lirvant. Six of - ' 'V 'M from Ihe old Sevenlli company, mere are lour Medford boy in Hie bun i, Corporal K'ollie A. Tody, Irwin F. Koeniu. Uicliard O. Morelock nud my self. The rest of tlieni are in Ilnt terv '"I"' with the exc-eption of Hen I'lyiuale who is in lialterv "C." Merrill l!el.. Clark Walker. Morris Leonard and (ieorye McDonald are in the supplv cnmpaiiv. Thor-e in Hat- terv 'H arc: Serjeant 1 neve, Serjeant (ieorpre Gate. Serjeant I.eland Noe. Corporal Wm. licveridae, "Cap" Marlin, Joseph Holme;. John Mot'i'iit, Iicwev Punlin, Krnl Yorl.. Kloyd lion, .Merrill Kindle. Corporal Frank Coleman, Corporal Kvcrcil Jle Kee and Llovd lioblo. There are six of Ihe boys of the ones Iransl'errcd to Hie (i"illi who ore not Willi us any more, nud Iwo I can't think of." William E. Lawrence, of the O. A. C, Is a business visitor In tho city to day from Corvallls. FREE. BIG COW BOOK. Aitdre l)r A. ('. Ojiik-Is' tlmion. M.k BUY DR 'DANIELS' COW (NVIGORATOR FROM YOUR DEALER. iii 1 -THE COW HEEDS MtU. B B (-iN THE SPRINGVj 1 Let Us Fill Your Next Prescription We ask for It for the reason that we give skill, service, and quality. Wo do nil in our power to help the doctor help the sick. Heath's Drug Store PIIOXIC 884. GATESiSilRES cost om:.ii.i.i as much And wear twice as long as the average Fabric Tire. . Guaranteed 3,500 miles. I'l Xt Tl T.K IMtOOP Our Service Station Is now equipped wilh the latest mcch'anlcal Tire Changer, Up-to-Dalo Vulcanizing Equipment, Curtis Air Free From Oil. Try our Tire Service It's Different. F. R. Roberts 1 32 S. Riverside DENNEY&CO. FRUIT MARKETING AGENTS ' Specializing in the dis tribution of Northwest ern boxed fruits. M. E. ROOT, Representative Wiu'flu.iisi! on S. 1 Track. Block South of Jlain St. MEDFORD, fllOE 294 Main Office Chicaso, III. Western Office Payette, Idalio F. II. Hogue, Western Manager. L E WASHINGTON'. Auir. 13. A com niittee represent in;: iniernntional la bor unions called ut the White House today and left a memorial asking Pre-ident Wilson lo intervene njinin in hehalf of Thomas J. Mooncv, under -enlence of death in California for i-ii.iiiei-liiiii with the preparedness day parade bomb explosion ill Sun Fran cisco in July. 1H1II. The memorial nrj;- iic' Ihe (:rautiiit' ut a new trial Kays: Tin1 !;ivinor can obtain from Tl-.oi-.uis .1. Muilney and hift flltorneys a wrilteii slipulalion Hint he will not plead bis present conviction on Hie bur. The oi-eruor with that stipu lation in his possession can pardon Muiiiiey and direct that lie be prosed ,.,.t,.,l ir eiliulelv on one of the eight iir nine oilier indictments which i cliar"c him with responsibility for I deaths caused by the same explosion, .,.! lb. w i.ivi. Moonev a new duv with nn opportunity to prove his innocence." In Ihe event of n refusal Hie presi dent is uncoil In compel Moone.v's re lease as a war measure, under au thority of his power as commander in chief. Mooncy's execution, the memorial declares, would be a serious blacle to fulfillment of the presi dent's plans for aiding Hie Kussian people. LLOYD GEORGE WRONG SAYS GERMAN PAPERS AMSTKKDAM. Auij. 13. Willi reference lo the recent Ktulement bv Premier Lloyd George "hi the Hrilish house of commons that IfiO German submarines had been sunk, the Iius seMort's Naclirichten Berlin corres pondent says : "We are air1? to stale definitely Hint I'ac enemy's nnii-T'-hont war ean nol slfW a:iv such success. HEATH'S DRUG STORE Can Serve You With Dr. Daniels' Horse and Cattle Medicine. Come in and See Us andjGet a Book THE SAX TOX ST015E ABOR REQUESIS