Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 10, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Miappfflro mm mr&tm. mnvbnv, owiax. womvr, mi? 10, igis
It. T. I.ynz, Mrs. Frances Lynz and
.Miss Paula Lynz are an auto party
from Portland en route to San Fran
cisco who are guests at the Hatdl
The BrunswlcK, all phonographs In
one. Waters Paint Store. t(
)r. W. W. Howard returned home
today from his 10 dayB absence in
. One of tho most successful Hod
Cross benefits hold In this county
was that Klven Saturday nlKht by the attending the ostooiiaths' convention
ladles of tho Sums Vulley auxiliary,
under the energetic leadership of
at Flakcr City and n visit at Portland.
Use rollners and cut your tire bills.
C. E. Gates Auto Co. 8C
The Medford Liberty liand gave a
short concert at the park Sundajr
afternuon under tho direction of Kd-
by a very Interesting lecture by Rev.
M. U. l'apazian on the tragedy of Ar
menia. Mitchell sharpens lawn mowers.
36 So. Riverside.
Dr. J. Lawrence 1 1 1 1 1 will speak to
tho pupils and patrons of the Jack
sonville school Tuesday afternoon at
Ralph Mil I ford In a super-six holds
all speed records and uses Veedol.
C. E. Gates Auto Co. 86
Market Master Runyard will have
tho public market open three days a
week, insteud of two as for some time
past, as soon as, there is enough pro
duco at the market for the spring
and summer season. 6aturday over
110 crates of strawberries and many
pounds of green peas, along with oth
or edibles, were sold during the first
hour. Tho first cherries of the sea
son woro on sale.
Jackson County 'Blacksmiths asso
ciation will go on a cush basis on
and ufter July 1st.
Mrs. Horace I'elton, at the Uurford
ranch. A barn dance, in a real barn,
with a floor that compares favorably
with the best of dance halls coupled
with a lunch that "Just hit the spot,"
made tho affnlr thoroughly enjoy
able. Tho ladles netted between
IUju and ?200 for their patriotic
Dr Heine. Ga'rnett-Corey Eidu.
Water glaBB egg preserver at Mon
arch Seed and Feed Co. 82'
Two weeks ago Saturday night,
a customer unknowingly left a Bum
of money at Heath's drug store which
can be obtained on proper identifi
cation. Canteens aro best for carrying
water. C. E. Gates Auto Co. 89
Mrs. M. Llebman, of Los Angeles,
and Mrs. J. M. Riggens, of Sun Fran
cisco, aro visitors in the city and arc
guests at the Holland Hoto.
Storage battery eiiarglng. Power
Auto Co. 42 So. Fir St. 73
Miss Catherine Miller roturned to
Grants Pass this morning after a
week's visit in tho city.
Watch tho window at No. 10 South
Central avenue for prices on Bhoos.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carton of Sea
ttle who have spent tho past two
weeks visiting Mrs. Carton's parents
Mr. and Mrs A. J. Stanley, of Mcd-
Hn. and friends of this city, left for
home today. Mrs. Carton before her
marriage was Miss Myrtle Stanley
of Mcdford and a member of last
year's graduating class from the high
Get Conner's prices pear and apple
boxes. First to offer $10.00 for Uart
letts. Phono 04. G.iy W. Conner. 71
Miss Jonnio Snedlcor roturned
homo Sunday from ICugene whero she
taught in tho public schools.
Windshield glasses for all cars) C,
B. Gates Auto Co. 80
Mrs. C. H. Corey has been taken
to the homo of her dnughtor, Mrs.
. rt. muunm. .ins. l.oruy uus uoen j pt on oat c0VerS- C
in ui mo snniionum ior tno past six fjo
Smoked goggles for viewing the
Eclipse. C. E. Gates Auto Co. 05
Mrs. C. Losmeister of Crescent City
who had been visiting Mrs. F. J.
Newman, left for homo this morning.
Dr. Hartley fills and extracts tooth
without pnin. M. F. H. Bldg
Scores of girls and womon In over
alls left early this morning to work
in the orchards, including many high
achool girls, and tho number will in
crease dully. The orchards at which
U -I. ,..1. . . . . ... I
wo.n mrii.Mi iiiiiuwiauon ami the Insurance Man.
moot the feminine workers early at! j. w. Hlinors loft tll,3 morning
central down town points. ! tor a hatilnBm vl8,t t0 Wou(1.
Use Valvolluo oil In your motor; It Soe Dave Wood about that fire In
makos a difference. Power Auto Co. ' mirnnco policy. Office, Room 404
42 So. Fir St. 73 M F ft II Building
Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Stearns and
children left Sunday for Salem where
they will visit relatives and .friends
until Dr. Stearns Is called Into active
service In the army reserve medical
corps. Mrs. Stearns and the children
will go east to vlst relatives until fall
when they will return to reside In
Mcdford until after the war.
Mrs. Benson and baby are guests
at the Hotel Medford from Klamath,
Ore. j
Corporal Mark Leonard arrived
home Sunday from Fort Columbia on
a ten days furlough to visit his par
ents and friends. . He is disappointed
ward Chas. Root. This was followed i at not havl"B en selected with oth
er mom ii ers or the Seventh company
for transfer to the 69th artillery bat
talion now walling at Fort Stevens to
start very soon for France. Four cor
porals had to draw lots to see which
ones would be transferred and Murk
lost out in the drawing.
Columbia, storage batteries. Pow
er Auto Co. 42 So. Fir St. 73"
Mrs. C B. Stout returned borne to
day from Portland where she has
been at her Injured husband's bed
side In a hospltul for several weeks.
She will romaw In the city a few days
and return to Portland. The condi
tion of Mr. Stout, the well known Pa
title & Eastern railroad foreman, is
steadily Improving but' it will be sev
oral months yet before he can leave
the hospital and return home.
Why not eat your noonday lunch
at Holland Cafe?
Chas. D. Garrett of Rogue River
and Ernest Buck of the Applegate
enlisted Saturday with Postmaster
Mima In the marine corps and will
leave tonight . for Portland to take
Rufus Edwards left Sunday for
Austin, in eastern Oregon near Baker their final examination. Otis Buck
City, to remain Indefinitely for the a brother of Ernest also tried to en-
! benefit or his health. He will make list with the marines but was reject
his home with his sister, Mrs. Austin, ed because of a slight goiter.
I Springs for all can. c. K. Gates ' "When Better Automobiles Are
Auto Co. 8 Built. BUICK W1U Build Them." 73
Frank Owen Is expected home the j An auto party at the Hotel Holland
forepart of the week from a business ' consists of Mrs. E. A. Herron, E. A.
visit at San Francisco. I Herron Jr., and W. I). Herron of Oak-
N'ow location. Power Auto Co. 42
So. Fir St. 73
All car owners In the city today
were making sarcastic remarks about
John U. Rockefeller and similar big
guns In the oil buslnoBs, because of a
raise of two cents a gallon In tho
prlco of gasoline.
If your upholstering Is wearing,
E. Gates Auto
Sunday wnfl an unusually hot day
for this tlmo of tho year, tho maxl-i
mum tompcrature mounting to 98 de-
grees on tho government Instruments
on top of tho Garuott-Corey building.
This meant a still higher tompcrature
down on the streets. The presontj
heated spell Is unusunl for early I
Juno. Saturday tho maximum was
93 degrees and tho minimum 53 do- j
grees. This morning s minimum was
5 Hi degrees.
For the best Insurance, see Holmes,
land, Calif., and Miss Pauline Dill-
man of Berkeley. They were here
two weeks ago and are en route home
from a visit at Portland and Seattle.
Mrs. Haney for hemstitching and
pecoting. Gernett-Corey Bldg.
Three young men who enlisted In
the naval reserve with Postmaster
Minis last Saturday leave tonight for
Portland to take the physical exam
ination. They are Elder Conser, son
of Mr. and Mrs., D. E. Conser, and
Laurence Fee and Leo Lyburger.
Miss Naomi Wilson left this morn
ing for Eugene to attend commence
ment week at the University of Ore
gon. Her sister, Miss Ruth Anne
Wilson is one of the graduates. Their
mother, Mrs. S. I. Wilson, and Joe
Wilson will drive to Eugene the lat
ter part of tho week to attond the
E. O. Gait of San Francisco, Paci
fic coast superintendent of agencies
of tho Metropolitan Life Insurance
company, en route from Portland to
H Mi t. 4
."s I ,Ms J
' f i
if AM
if M j 1
This is llrs. Philip Snowden, wife
of the eminent British statesman
who, according to Loudon dispatches,
will be a candidate for one of the
North Knfrlnnd seats in the house of
1 :
LONDON', June 10 Tho man put
ashore on the west coast of Ireland
from a German submarine some time
ago, who is now a' prisoner in th
tower of London, Is Lnnce Corporal
J. Dowllng of tho Connaught rangors,
it was announced in the house of
commons today by James I. MacPher-
son, parliamentary secretary to the
war office.
Mr. McPherson said he believed
the corporul had been a prisoner in
Germany. He will he tried by a court
martial, charged with voluntarily
aiding tho enemy, tho parliamentary
secretary added.
The Elks lodge is making elaborate
arrangements for the celebration of
Flag day next Friday afternoon. The
Elks annually appropriately observe
the nnlversary of the birth of the na
tion's flag, but this year plan an un
usual celebration.
The exercises will' be held beneath
the shade trees in the city parkTbe
ginning at 3:30 o'clock, and seats
will bo nrovlded to accommodate a
large crowd. The chief orator of the
day will be Robert G. Morrow of
Portland, judge of the circuit court
A. C. Bevans, the well known Cana
dian war veteran, will also deliver an
address. In addition to the musical
features the Elks flag ritual will be
The exerciseB are held In the after
noon out doors so as not to conflict
with the "Awaken America" Illus
trated war lecture to be given Friday
evening at the Page theater.
TACOMA, June 10. Leaving a
note in which he explained that he
died for love, Sandy Ward, a colored
HnlfHpr mptiilinr nf thn Mth hnttnllnn
San Francisco, was met at the train 4cih companjr.j0Bth (lepot .bl.iKa(le
horn thto Inrannnn hr la,l Qli-tn I ... c a
...... lv'.Cnmp Lewis, committed
me agont or tnis district, and taken
to Ashland by Auto.
Introducing Our New
Reducing Premium gg &g'
g 5 k" ' i i
Pf f .. . Ow, ViVfrW (tfrn i J
j) .j'i.J th. t.i.u..,l, .,.J . ,r...r ,4 MloU.inn Iff V
VF J . ,t .4... I p.o.J m 9 J
j - - ii
t tl One 'drffars . i
-,i...ti..,..iiv.,iiHil1is-,,),n.,(. ti
ft . kt i
if 5 . 'f. , . . In
.., ::;::::: p
l5 ,i.,m.jiiur,..i u.4 S
iS I"- "" . 8 J
1 ,V-v . A'' U
ill '""S3
?5i sa
UanI KepruJucllon of Fift Puge vl Polu-y
Reasons Why
You will want
This Policy
1 Guaranteed extreme low net
2 Early values about SO per
cent higher than most 20 pay
life policies.
3 Fully paid-up for seventy per
cent of its face at end of tenth
4 Or, if taken at iiRe 30 we will
continue your policy paid up for
its face for 30 years additional
if you are unable to continue
deposits after tenth year.
5 Cash values at maturity guar
anteed greater than your de
posits - at most apes.
6 Your deposits stop alter 20
years. Policy is fully paid
up forever. Cash values
continue to increase after
7 All fiRures guaranteed. No
agents estimates.
EJSTServe YOUR own and YOUR Family's
Interest by Insuring TODAY in
A. L. MILLS, Prr
Home Ollice: Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore.
SAMUKL, Ota. Mir. B. N. 9TKONO. At. Mr.
A. 13. CORNELL, District Manager
mp Lewis, committed suicide by
taking poison here early this morn
ing. Ho was found unconscious when
tho polico ambulance responded to
call, and died shortly after being
taken to the county hospital. Ward
was drafted from Dlythe City, Cal.
Ills homo was 1:107 Anna avenue,
Pueblo, Colo.
TERS, Sunday, June 9. I By the As-
coiatcd Press.) Railroads behind
the Austrians' lines in northern Italy
are being rushed to their capacity
night and day In bringing troops and
munitions to tho front. A special
system of drills to prepare the Aus
trian soldiers for assaulting positions
has also been put into effect.
WALLA WALLA, Wash:, June 10.
Three hundred citizens of Walla
Walla gathered at the county Jail
this morning and with the aid of the
fire department and two lines of hose
quelled a disturbance that had been
In progress Intermittently since tho
15 I. W. W. federal prisoners were
incarcerated here several weeks ago.
Members of the posse served notice
on tho prisoners that ropes would be
used on the next provocation inster.d
of tho fire hose.
(Continued From Page One.)
WASHINGTON', Juno 10. Solici
tor deneral Davis today asked the su
premo court for permission to file
petitions for rehenrlngs of the gov
ernment dissolution suit against the
I'nited Shoo lachlnery company, re
cently decided in favor of the latter
and the suit in which the child lnbor
law was declared unconstitutional.
The court took tho motions under
A quiet homo wedding was that
Sunday night of Miss Isnbelle Phlpps
and Chas. Hanson, at tho home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. A. It. Phlpps, on
Crater l.nke road. ltev. Mr. Huffman
of tho Christian church performed
Iho ceremony, and the young couple
loft Immediately after for Los An
gelas. The wedding was planned to
take place at a biter time, but Mr.
Hanson, who is a bacteriologist in
government service, received orders
to report at once for duty In the orch
ards around Los Angeles, llccause
of ltcv. Huffman having been detain
ed at Central Point where ho gave
the Inu'calauroato sermon to tho
graduates of (ho high school, the
wedding dinner was held before tho
ceremony, but even then tho newly
weds reached th,. depot Just In tlmo
to catch the train. i
(.omimrutivelv slow progress, at
tended by losses described us enor
nutw, is hcint; made by the (ioniums
in their latest effort to break the al
lied front in France. The advance
ntiniust the line from Xoyon to enst
ern suburbs of Montdidier, cominir
after the force of the offensive oi
the Aisne had been spent, has en
(ountered stern resistance. Tin
depest penetration reported so fur is
nimruxiniulely two and three-l'uurlh;
miles on a short section.
(jcnerul Koch is believed lo have'
the greater bulk of his reserves in
or near the area. Xaturul obstacles
also militate against the success of
the Gcrmtm nssault. The high hills
which now are the scene of heavy
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Druseists
refund money if it fails.25c
FOR SALE One medium sio refrig
erator, 1 rug SlxU'. , Phono S23-1I.
l'Oll SALE 230 head of sheep.
J 10.0(1 per head. L. I). Tucker.
Itrownsboro, Ore. 72
A navy recruiting detail will ho In
A Dark Horse
Wo wish to thank our friend, Mr.
Lydiard for the advertisement ho has
favored us wi,th. Of course the most
of the farmers that have boen selling
us poultry and eggs lu the past throe
years have found that our prices
were belter but with cream It has
been hard to Impress upon them this
fact. Hut now that It oomes direct
from a farmer it will do much good.
And we trust that he w ill again favor
us with this kind of advertising In
the near future. Our test shows the
amount of butter fat in the cream
no more, no less and we Invite the
fnrmors and dairymen to bring us
fighlinj; are outposts prepared ulong
the Oise river.
The present assault on the line cast
of Montdidier may be considered as
a complement of the offensive ulon
the Aisne, i und when the map is
studied it will be seen that I lie "pin
cer" system i'ololwcd. by Mu"kensen
in Russia , Serbia and Ifunmniit' is
ngiiin nt work. Jf the lliru-t just
west of Noyon succeeds in gaiuinu'
extensive ground it will approach the
line from Woissons to Chateau Thier
ry, and positions taken up by Hie
allies there will be forced.
(In the other hand if the drive gains
frroiiud i'ntlier west it will nut flunk
the positions held by the French anil
Americans it t .Muiildidier with the re
sulting uncovcriii',' of Amiens. The
'im:s, however, seem to bo holding
firmly. -
The preliminary bombardment of
hid: oph)fives and fras shells in the
attio lt, covered not only the 22 miles
under attack bill also the American
-rf-etor west of Montdidier mid the
British I'rojil north and south of the
Sommi! directly east of Amiens to u
depth id', six miles.
L' .Men Vsed
Acconlinir lo inlviees the Germans
arc usin more than 200.000 men in
the attack covering n liltle over 20
miles.' This dues not eipial the num
bers used in recent drives. ;,
American and Flench troops op-erntiu'-r
nortliwesl of Chateau Thierry
rtjiiilsed German attacks iast niulit
a! il made new prntrress.
1 y
t ,s, " 4
W fir - f
Tonight and Tomorrow
mm Jm' m
o a Man's Mind
There is a crisp, imperative, pene
trating clearness to the telegraphed
message that brings instant con
sideration to your business.
More than ever time is money.
. Telegrams Djy Letters Night Letters
Cablegrams Honey Transferred by Wire
M l-i."
Vest Pocket Seneca
Here Is a little camera will slip Into your
pocket, yet has a ba.-k that comes off for loading
and a front that snaps out automatically Into exact
focus, supply film lo fit. ciL-ht exposures to the
roll. This "Little Indian" costs $s, others un to
$m. no.
l'holie X
tioods Delivered.
Medford tomorrow nnd Wednesday to i their cream and see It weighed, sani
enlist young nun In the navy. The pled and tested. Let them be tho
headquarters will bo In Iho former Judge.
army ruitlns office In tho post JOHNSON' PRODUCE CO.
office building. .. I67H Central Point, Ore.
we use. we iil'c lm
Owinir (
liiisincss ;unl liiccl i
sun oil ;uiil iiHci' lln
will 1n sf l'ii-ily cash.
clinii.u't' in our nu tliod
our customers will set'
think it will prove to In
enormous ndviinei
prices of cverv
l''ntcr ;il.!e to lo a credit
iii"iis, ;uitl Tor that rea-
"i-Iiily, ims, all work
iitc to make this radical
,r luisiiiess hut fiimo llmf
l .....V
the lieressity t,f it, a.S WC
the lies) f,. t,Pln ,S W(,j ,1S
ir olili
I'irst da
We hesi