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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1916)
o MDFORD a'tAIE TRJBUOT, aUSPflQllD, ORipQQy, SATtifljXAY, j;QLY 29L ipiG , . MOT TTTVR SquirreFFoocI ' "J y Ahern IIUSIN'KSK lll'rtnOTOUT Auto HnppIlM --. ft 3 v. V i pr AHSS iMflRV VVAS-T.IC ll) 5llte.yu,P MSALOrAfiRflftJ IflP I1IMIUII flUr- Cl'rruir.lnr y"1 ; . in 'imum'i- i SEEKS LIFE OF CHILD BEATER PARK CITY, llali, Julv 21). -The prompt action of tin- slu-nff and hi lupiitiu last nijjlit probulily wtvtil from lynrhinu Abriilmm SIhuIiIm, h)m 1td yeMonlnv of Ijontiug liin lluve-yofU'-old tuyxoii nonrlv to ik'ntli. . Syiioltl lmil Itni (HHivjffloil yewtonlny mrtfitftiir n1 nenletipcd o crvc three month in jail mid pnv h fino if $?(). ITu wuh given until tl ninlit in itiixt) h bond of $2.1 1) jwiKliiiK npplicntiiin for h new trial, nml hnvinir fnilfil to mine the money, wns Itoinjc tnkon to the county jnil liv Shi-riff l. J. Itytm mid DeHitv .lomipli (Mrk wlien a inol) of JO!) ntun ilcmainlfil his lire. , Unpiity Clnik i'iijrn(f(l the IohiIcp of the mot) in oomrrwilion wlillo lht. uliorilT i'tiipod donn n h'hi mIiuiU to tile jnil. Shields liad ninrricd tlic l)o.v' mothor junt a month after tho doalh of hi foinlur wifo. TcHtimony Iirn huon itivon thut liutJi he Mini Iiim wifo freipnmtly liwit the fluid evore ly. Three week Ago the boy hum ho milreale that liin mm wit liroken and lim little ln wnt. a veritnble iihihk of bruii-. tmiii Hie ellecU of the uhippiiin with n hcaw strap. v GROWING IRE SEVERE WASHINGTON, July 2U. Infr HmUou that Turkisli ntronitiPH umn Aiweiiinnit nrc more xeverp (Iihii ever Iiiin IimI the -late department to eoniflVr malonu' new nireMMitatiotiM to the Htrte. No reply ha been re eolvwl to rcpr.eiitalioii fur the mm urHu inndc b the TnitMl Stale more than a month ago. 'ITjero U to be another iee cream aortal and free daiu-e at the Seia)it hall Saturday nifht. July 'ill, ho hn't forget to eome and have a good (two. Steve Maseru of Holland i work ing at the Vaile Pride creamery In learn Ihe trade. Mr. Mu-ter intende to aujtennteiid a creamery ut Holland when h fjiuHUCK work here. il. &, Koaa jh eainpiiig ut bachelor square for a few week. vl-hC' Sti t -'Jwk-'"' ?- u.-i'? wUh her muUwr' Wl A"uw The com i Juvkitig ven ohI in thi neijrMtorhootl. Kred Offenbueher Md J. A. O'Urfcn both have xeierul eoM uf rrouiikiiur earn. Mu-t of the rurtuerM ore binding their grain, while other are cuttitia huv Tiie ovis ARies', f WOOL- J ll BCNRIMG AND RUMirJATlMG "N WlUKUffcW ' , IB APPLEGATE George llerriotte wcut to Coo county Tue-day. ilr. Stewart uauie out from Steum hunt the firt of lui week. Tho ttma eie who motored to Uedford to Ihe bull guuie Sunday were ilr. uud JIw. Cluster K'nbli, Uladye , lloae, lilmo Throikmorten uud John and IWjatriee O'Brien. Pld Offenbucher went to llodfonl Thursday to meet Ucurge K'ohlhagen of Rotteliurg. who i comiug out ou the Aptegate for a nhort time. Leland Cautrall of Ituch returned fWit) CorvglUe Kuturduy, wheiv he ((flew attetuling ounimer xrhool. Jlr. aaxl ilr. E. J. Ilroan look for theM- son Roy home Saturday, who ia lakh lefcherV Voart at Mou- 4ne and Katheruje Kiee and Den ai aad Jeseie Qarrett motored down MppiegaU MuMUy. Ur. Riee. who at tended high HvhooJ here la.t winter with hi brother Vtadiion, own a new eUudebafcer runabout. Vamh Haldwin bought fifty. one he4 oSiilti from llrb-h Duaoiag. to, r we L null .1 ir I -t I. hi. I iintoii I ' 'k .lllll ' till! Nil M.H li llal.lwn I I . II' M, tv-ll'llMIJI I'.l! MIc-lHV y.l - - . . . . ,-.., v,.M VMIW !1J -ftlClR COLLECfWt? CArwcilV lt$ tifCWRfU. OWfcRCOVtetv IN&, PKCSCNfCP TO -mc vision - ( lurk i- the Kiiardian of the Wnllnla Camplire (lii'l and nlu said that the :irls had sucli a nice time before Unit they wanted to eome out Hftitin. So it we planned Hint on Snudny, .Inly ;t(l, the Grunt I'lms poole .wmild meet the Apptetcntu people at the ple nie kiimiikIh for a bitr hwiih. Hery body invited from the nohjrhbnrniit lUxtrielH ami tluwo who r t'htnklntr of a motor pienie that dny iloTi't for Kut thai the pienie ground rreftr (lie bridge nro open to you, unit before leaving try nwimmnig in a real old- inNumueu "Awqninin noie. Viwit with your neighbor. At the neighborhood dnnee tonight, nml re member thut the ilaneo in free for all. Mle Dal) 1. Mimn returned homo WoritioMlm evening from Medford, having; been the guort of Mr. J a m en KoliltiHon Hluce Haturday pruvloiiti. Mr. J. D. Poffly and clilldron of Ashlnml, retJirnml to tliulf home on Thurwilay after havlui; been tjio xuoHt of lior on, Lloyd I'offly tyid wife. Tobo ilroim, of Medfonl, but well known In (lold HID, wHi a imaiongor on tho north bound train .VfldnojKlny morning euroute to Halom, where ho ban a position awnltiug htm. ill, llroimo will follow lujer. :Mnrti. A. IC. Cnlr of anta Itom Cnlir., and It. Itoyl, of in Kran uUco, two Stanford Uulvarsltjr Kind enu, who aie working tlielr way through college were In town Tkurn day soliciting aubaerliitlaiai. Mtaa 01le Turner Ipft Thurwlay ovenlng for quite a trip to oHlliern Xebraeka. ' Her ticket la good for three month and enroute ahe will vlilt at 8okane, also In Wyoming. She will return by the tout hern route. Air. and Mm. C. A. i'eteraon re tnrno4l Welnealay from an auto trip ua far louth at Caatle Cralga. They were gone for flvo days and report tho time most delightfully spent. 5"!w GOLD HI NUGGETS Jobu ChanAlor was a business rljltrtkelr trip to Crater like Tueaday or at the county seat Thursday iirn. 0. IC. McUne and children, returnotl after a short lslt with her sister, Mrs-, liber iacla at their home In ('rants Pass. .1. M. IImUoii (the man who wears the star in Uold HUD waa a buslneas vUltor at Seven Oaks rrhy. Mrs. Lynn Smith, Mrs. ij. I). Heed. Miss Clarie Tucker and Miss Dorothy Smith attended the matinee of "The Mrth of a Nation" at Med ford Fri day afternoon. After the show Ml h Smith made a trip to PhoeuJx where she wM the guest of Mis M.ble "rn for theweek-end. Mra. Isora Hodges and daughters, Millie, Hattle and l.etsy, arrive! at their hojne Friday morning after month's camping in the Llthia park at Asklaad. Mrs. Prank Schmidt, of PartlaNd, anlved a few days ago with her twin sons. Den and Uou for a visit her father J. W. Hays, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Uraut Alder, f Med- frd were transact lug Uuluesa la (lety Hill Friday. M.'l). Bower and family and Lynn W. Smith attended the "Ulrth of a Nation" at Medford FrUay evening. Mr. and Mrs. Court Hill. Mr Wil son. Judge Prim and Pw Jasper Hall were In town Friday. Mr. HgJJ wa looking for meu for Wfrklng en the Crater Lake road. Johnnie Ybark returned to his homo at Lovelock, Nevada, Friday, after an extended visit' with his cousin Johnnie MeCleaden of this rity. Willie Francher was here tor a "Jay trip" the hitter part of last week. from Medford. Mrs. W. II. Kdmunds returned to her home here FrldAy. after a rbdt with Ashland friend:. A crew of engineers, headed by Frnk Rhodes, arrived Monday morn ing for a surveying expedition to establish various points above the Bradeo mine south of Oeld Hill. soother rid"., uf Mi ixhiimI-. of ijuLk rllltr tlOlu hi l Ihi- Hi I i l..i, ;h l 'rfstfcl'ACft RIVALLING u IMMACuLiVTCNESS Trie LUST ROUS MANTf.C orcKVslALDtCP VAPOR -lUAf C0MM0NLV OlARACtlSRUes Tile WlMTtR LANDSCAPE J below nranU Paen Mr. and Mr. Uroute remained until the next arter noon, tho gtiestfl or .Mr. and Mr. D. II. .Miller. Mrs. Itltor Davlg viiltod with her alitor, Mr. O. 1$. MoLnno, at (J rant Past Sunday and Monday. 0. K. ninckington, of Gnlli Crook, wa h. .Medford visitor for few hours 'Monday nftor'nbou. It. IS. Kellogg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ogdon Snydor, .Mr. ami Mrs. Filch Snydor, .Mr. Laura Hnm menllby and son, Vemlo, nml Mth. Howard ltetta enjoywl a picnic nonr tho rlvor about a mile north of town on tho public service property. W. L. van Ilouton madu a busl- uosa trip to Mcdford Monday Mrs. H. L. Ilottoms and daughter, of Oakland, Cnl., arrlvod for a vlnlt on Monday with Iter slster-lu-law, Mr. It. Ii. Cook on Kool croek. Word Iihh been ruculml from K. V. Kellogg that he Is now at Walla Wnlla, investigating various IntorestH In thai vicinity. Mrs. William M. ltlchard U tho Riioat of hor won, John L. Chandler and family. Slio arrlvod .Monday from (llondale. l,tMtor Adaiiin, roproHoutlug the Hearst pnbllwtlong and A. S. Ilrown, with tho Mall-Trlbiiuo, wore In Cold Hill Tuosdny. Thby romalnod In town that evening ho as to louvo for So ins valley oarly tho next morning. Ilomlo Dufur is homo fioni Copoo, Cul.. for n vielt with his family In this clt). He arrlvod on train No. 1(5 Tues day exBiilng. ifiold Hill and vlolnlly movie fans will have a chanro to se Helen Hollvie and J. 1', MeUowan, In "The Mettle of Jorry Mod ill re," next Fri day ovenlng. Marlvor ltertdy arrived Tuewlny afternoon from tSugene, whenee ho lately came from Huston, where he has been attending school. He will be the guest at the KosnHs ranch for the remainder of the summer. ,1'rof. Warren I). Smith, or Ihe Geological deimitmout of tho U. of 0., and Q. Wl Milam, suporlutondenl fiif the local tchoola, returned from night. The trip going and return ing as far as Prosport was made by wagon and team. Near this place the outfit was disputed uf and the Journey continued la atage. Ktiur days vere taken up In going, the entlreA,trlp using about eight days. Mr. rtftb resumed the trip to bis home eW Bugene Wedneeday morning. W. T, Ward, of the Meadows dis trict, was In tow n securing necessary provisions Wednesday. The c'lu 1-tun I. u-davor Society of the Prebt -un iiurch hold a busi ness meeting unl oc lal at the or Mr. and Mrs Frank Denser last Friday evening. Refreshments wero served and all reported a very Umu ant meeting. Fred and Arthur Furry are spool ing ten days in the Dead Indian coun try attending to their cattle. Miss Marian Towne spent Thurs day In Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. li. C. Stanwood of Lane couuty are visiting their son. O. C. Stanwood of Kast Phoenix. .Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pratt and raw lllr are spending the week with Mrs. M. Calhoun of Tolo. Arthur Anderson aud wife and sou son of Orland. Csllf-. are visiting rel atives in this vicinity. Thomas Barr of Medferd died and denly last Sunday ani was. burled Tuesday is the Phoenix cemetery. A short service was held at the grave, Rev. Harr Tucker officiating. The Phoenix Mercantile eompaar is having a new front put in their store building, which will add very much to lt- appearance. Ml Kh,i i;.o(!im.ih, g student nt Corr-iii'- - 1. 1 in-, u. f summer v- catl"i Mt in r i mil imi uncle, Mr. aVi -I l V r.L Mr ami i. Ill' I ! I ' i r Mix I i ' 'on n r and 1- il all li ivi i w i into 5 a PHOENIX PARAGRAPHS Ao COftliSUOUS OK KGMOTtS, WlllftiCR NARY& V7RfN I" FANCY. "HID CALL OP.UOTV; f OR PCKOlANCE -me PAKCNTAU NlNNUATfc IMPdLLOP HtfK-WHCM fJ0TOTf)tRWl3 CNAOCP- -4i It) WllAfSOCVCK LOCALITY tfV "TOW ., y rSS -ft Yii to her home to remind her that it wai her birthday. The evening wns snout very ploiiBiuitlj and tho guoste were servod with Ire cream and cake be fore rotiinilns; homo. Mrs. Castor re colved ninny luofnl and bountiful 80iivonirt as a reinembranco of tho day. Mrs. Husjgiim or Los Augeloe, Cul., who hag been visiting hor parouts, Mr. and Mr. Oeorgo Ittgors, left for her homo yocterdny. Tho iiiombers of the Christina Un-1 doovor Sodety will tnko thslr usual summer trip again, this year and plan to visit the Oregon Caves In Joio phltio collnty. They wilt take the train as far as possible and walk the rost of tho way. All autlelpnle a de llKhtrul trip. Itoportod by Jackson County Ab stract Co., Sixth nud Kir Sts. Man-lago Urease Don la Coy nml Dorm Arena. I.o-dor Uliner McDonald and .leneiu Candine. Olson. Circuit Jnokson Co. Honk vs. J. II. Atwoll, to recnver-'inoney. ttmiiuol 'MacCllntock vs. Pearloy 0. Packard et al, affliluvll. and order for publication of summon. Samuel MnoCllutoek v. A. IlllKor ot al, Affidavit and order for pub. of summon. Jackson Co. Ilank vs. J. F. Hale, order granting motion. Peter J. Hunt vm. J. K. Hunter ol al, foreclosure. Kffie Gigdon v. UolH-rt IC. I?lg don, divorce. alary !'. (leith vm. Kverutl 'X. CleYth, divorce. OrunU Piim Hardware Co. vs. W. funic el al., to recover money. Pacific Umii & Investment Y'o. v-. William M. llolmeH et al.. tot bill. .1. i. Kilgoro vh. II. T. I'imllay et al., Niiinniotm. Tom A. .Mnndiull vu. Ida .1. Thorpe ei al., xiininioiia. John CiirUou et al v. Gait Creek Mining St DaveJofHiutut Co.. roeeiv. er'a it-port. tlwiruc K. Undley vh. A. M. Hart st ol.. co-t lull. Felix A. Wilfred vm. Uidtert llnrt et al., older auatuiiiiug demurrer, or der overruling demurrer. PiolMito Court Parmcliu A. Shaver estate, receipt of legatee. Kill .1. Veil estate, proof of publi cation of notloe to creditors. ,Ktutc ..C Jry J. WlkinMin, ad mitted to probate. K-tutc ni Ua A. Thoruton, bond of itdmiuUlrator. htutc of W. W. McDonald, irtven torv nud i ppraiaenienl. KmIuIi of Ciirtb W. ThoMui, Tiuui order du barging guurdian. ICiatc of Jeremiuh Nunun, inven tory and appraisement. lll IKnte i'mmfucH Wellborn Heeson et ux to Km- luelt Beetsos, pi S-iO-lW 10.00 aee. W. Duun H ux to WHllsm Johnson ptS-ll-lK' 100. OB A. P. Donahue to Mary J. Wing assign of lease 0- & yw IGOO.eO Albert Clifton Taylor et ux to Mansel Urooke. lot IS Mnce ub dlv 150.0 Kmmett liuesen: et ux lo Karl D. Boeson, pt -t0-lW i.oo Battle Bellts to Jane Kolloth. lot in Phoeaif Tl.Of 0. II. Johnon et ux lo James R. Fuller et ax, lot in blook a, Athlimd . . . . . $ George V. Uweja et nx to 0. A. lienrv et nx, Lend in see. ia-;iii-2K. .. Karah A. (unntagham et vir to Pearl I. Neil, land In hoc. ll-:iV.'!W. ... II. K. Kye et ux U. iiwhsdh K. tirnvnrte, tot 7. uiocx n, Id'-- .l.l , Mult. .i.l I i ' I !! I i I n in, 1 1 ie fctlOJ COURT HOUS ENEWS 11. - - rtfw ner?sct.f, -tins .A . A . . . . .. . ... .' RflPKaSUNTAllVO OP IMG GCWA '0lS AUHlSj COULD m court fco UPON wrni AOSOLUfC AMP HMTWC IP- CCRTrMNHV TO ACCOtVWANY ICR $$ Xotlco or HIicrirr'H Sale or Itenl I'roiKMty Vnder Kveciidon, S. J. Myors. plaintiff, vs. vTohn White nml Julia V. Whlto, dofondnnts. My vlrluo of an ovoeullon and ordor of nlo duly Issued out of and undor tho seal of tho Circuit Court of thu Stotq of Oregon, In 'and for the County of Jackson, to mo di rected, dated tho 3rd drty of July In a certain suit thoroln, vvliorolu tho plaintiff, S. J. Myers, on tho 27th day of Juno 1010, rooovurod a Judg ment ngaliiHt the defendants, John Whlto and Julia F. White and each of them for tho sum of three hundred twenty-five (f.12o) dollar with In terest thereon from the tilth day of February, 1015, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum and fifty ($50) dollars attorney's fee. I'unllo notice Is hereby given that hi compliance with the rompinndti or said execution and ordor of aalo, 1 will on Monday, tho 7th day of Au gust, 191(5, at the hour of 10 o'clook a m , at the front door of the rotirt houxe In Jacksonville, Jackon Couu tv. Oregon, offer for salu and will sell, MiibjHct to redemption as by law provided, all of the right, title and Interest that tho defotidauta nbovo named had on tli6 dale of tho mort gHKe heroin foreclosed, or have ac quired or now have In and to the following doscrlhod Veal property, to wit: Lots four (I) and flvo (ft) In block four (I) or (loorKo Halls Ad dition to Woodvlllo, (now Hokuo lllvor) in Jackson County. Orogon. Tho above IoIh will bo Hold nt mid tlmo nud place In tho mniiuor pro vided by law for the snlo or real properly under execution to siitlsy tho Jiidgmont, cost, attornoy'ti fuo nud accruing costa of this hhIo. Dated this 7th day or July, l'.Ufi. W. II. SINOLMIt, Shorlff. My I. W. Wilson, Dopulv. Notice of .piolutii,oiit of Kvcctitor. In the County Court or the Mtatg of Oregon, In ami for thu County or Jackson. In the matter of the estate of W. W. McDonald, deceaseil. Notice fs ' hereby given that the underHlgned has been appointed by tho Hon. F. L. TouVollo, County Judge, a exwutor of tho oetnto of W. W. McDonald, deceased, and bus duly iUHlirie as such executor, ac oordlng to law. All iiersoim having claim against said estate are hereby notified and rei ii I red to present them, with proper vouchers ami duly verified according lo law, to Ihe undersigned at the of fice or thu Jackson County llauk In the city or Modioid, Oregon, within six month from the dato hereof, which said office the undersigned se. tacts as hi place or business In all inaltors pertaining to snld estate or W. W. McDonald, deceased. Dated at Medford, Oregon this Nth day or July. A 1).. 11. ' Dato of first publication July S, 116. c. w. Mcdonald, Kxeculnr of the estate of W. W. McDonald, deceased. HOIt ItifNI I1UUMKH H -I .HWMI. ! ,111, IM..I. FOR HUNT - Furnished S-room house lor fsmlly of two. Tlw Ben iiett ave. Phone t3-lt. 110 FOR RENT 6-room fnrHtehed house cheap. Phone 031-W FOR IlkINT s room house ; close in; gas; batb; $10 month; part fixed to sublet. 110 FOR UKNT -Furnished house seven rooms, modern garage; fruit groundx Phono S27-K, or call No. 35 Roosevelt. 1 1 FOR ItlC.VIU-MlSOICI.LANIl NltOUS - sni ejsjsnsi ss.sgWsas, FOR RKNT -Ihave a choice alfalfa pasture, fnone r,a-j t FOR RENT - Orriro room at .16 N. iFront street Apply to Ou. tho Tailor for Inforinatlou. T; ii r irap j.- ran HALn-wirtvjwniutt ssessssiisseeasjs"sfcwiwsjesssis iss l FOR BALK--Choice Htler of thor oughbred Duroc Jersey pigs with registration psper. Price very reaaouaole. Apply to A. If. Onae, Phone 571-IU. 1H FOR 8ALK Forty hoga tt weighing about 100 pounds, 20 welgbiug ahout 00 to 75 pounds, balagoe weighing 15 to 40 pounds. Four wlleh rows, ail first class milkers. Phone 814-L in HHIiP WANTICD AdliVITi SALKSMsIN -Capable specialty man for Orgon Staple Hue an new and eMfiptlonal terms. Wum v no. i tractive roirmi-1 i.m n tract $ weekly im . i i -. (Miles 1 Mlxlor Co . i, ;B!J , i leveland. O MIHCKMiWKOUH, i iwCVjl'VC' i Jife? SS2 YOU BIG LUKt.' i OUO t?CA LOrilCALlTllCR YOU HAD MARYS UNfAB POLLOWIM& YOU tM5-rtAD Of MO rOIl 8 A L1C atMCniiLiAnKOUH KOU SA US Lalios'" blcyclo with good tiro. Han not boon mod vory much. Prlco reasonable. Phone 103-J 1. Ill FOR SALHJ Furnlturo nud ruga at IB s. Central avo. Ilr. FOU SALIji-Plauo two library tables, davenport, two shotguns. Phono S27-U. 11 FOR SAI.U J.ndlo' bloclo with good tiros, line not boon uml very much. Prlco roasonnble. Phone 103-It. 110. FOR SALlfi Columbia bicycle, piano . Ludweg; sowing machine Do- , uioetlc; large rug; nn electric stove; some household article. W. F. Shield, It S Holly, or address box W. F. S. Mall Tribune 110 FOR SALIC lleee. Twenty evvarms, hlvos and supers mostly flllod with section houoy. 2.00 per swanu, quick sale. Ill FOR SALIC 101-1 Maxwoll. Just ov orhnuled and In flue shape; good tiros, llox (13, Mull Tribune. 110 FOR SALIC MimrdlosH harloy utrnvv by Mtuck or load, AIko Hploudld hog pasturo for rant. Call 732.12 1.11 FOR SALIC Somo furnlturo. Phono 379-J. 12-4 l'Olt HAliF ACItKAflK FOR SALIC lmprovod -10-acro ranch alfalfa, oto., Addroas IC. V. M., Jlouto 3, box i, Medford, 111 TTT . 'JJ-fT 1 WANTED ffXTOATIONH WANTICD Lady wants hour or day worlPhono 311-V. 129 HKLP WANTKIK MAliK WCNTICD Man nud wife on ranrh. Man for general ranch work, wifo as cook. W. J. llartzell. tOK-.l 1. 110 WANTICD-Man and wifo on ranrh. Man for general ranch work, wifo aa cook. W. J. IlarUoll, I OS-J 1. 100 WANTHD .MIHCICMjANKOUH WANITCD iieMhVMmUoVd'rranik for Co., do your moving- Phone 95. Traufolhur and Marsh pro prietors. 113 WANTICD Two or thro0 lmssongors for trip by auto to Now port, Oro., about Aug. litli. Return In about two weeks. Phone UI5-.I evening after 7 110 WANTICD 1000 lbs. of poultry weekly ; top prices. Warner, Wort mnu A Uorr. If. WANTICD Feathers lo renovate, old mattresses and feather beds iniulo Into sanitary folding forms. For sample, Phone 19G-J, 322 ICast 11th st. 121 WANTICD-Fixtures for store, have youT O. A. DeVoo. What iron ICXOIIANOIC FOR KXCHANUH Fine rattle ranch; over 300 acres. U'. acre Irrigated airalfa aud clover. Ample water and range. $25,000 clear on good acreage here. Clark Realty Co , too Phtpp Bldg MONKY TO LOAN MONY TO LOAN Itava money to loau upon city and country prop erty, uutek service. Money on hand. Karl 8. Tumy, 310 Uarnett Oorey Utd. tf TOLOAN - $5001 or portion on good noreago. Want to buy good ?tooo. mortgage. Clark Renlt Co., Phlpps Bldg. MW sesssa1vi LOST Jeweled hUUerfly bresst lln. Return to 115 Central ave., north, nod receive reward. lib LOUT Thursday July 20, on or near Fir street, ladles' purse, con tatnlng V eents, locket and chain, engraved M. M 11. Rvward Mr II u Eastman, Ashlund. Ore tt.'. LOST luiiy4 red sweater. Return to I'uul electric Store. FOUND e"1 "sn"' POI'iND Ladv's Jaikci on Paclfie Hlghwav. Owner tan have same by phvIiik ioi ail ('all Cht-rrv titovr I'll ii 1. 1 x 1 ie S'lYM.ICV I m ,.. isi m -TOLKN -mnj tent night of July 21. Liberal reward for informa tion leading to location or recov er) W F Middle, R F. D. 3 111 I1UHINKSH DIltCCroilT H LAHKIt AUTO rtt'RINO CO. We are oporatlnK the Urgent, oldest and bcpt equipped plant in tho Pa cific north woit IVo our oprlnRt when otliorii fait. Sold under guar irntco. 2C North Flftnehtb St., Portland, Oto. Attorney ORO. W. CHBRRT Attorney nnfl Notary, Rooms 0-10, Jncknon Coun ty Mank Mulldlne, ontranco n Central, Medford, Oro. PORTER J. NICFF Attornor st law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Ilnnk UiilldlnK. A. B. RKAMK8. LAWTEP Coroy bldfT. (laractt- Q M. RO HERTS Lavryor. Uodford National Dank Building. t-vr szr : jrr- --r --r -a zs-r Oollcrtlon. COLLECTIONS AND RI5PORTS We collected somo accounts 14 years old. Wo know how to got the money. Tho Muiiock Mercantile Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has kins' MldR., 210 lMaln st Dentist Dr. W. M. VAN SCO TOO DR. O. O. VAN BCOTOO Dentists Onrnott-Oorey Bldg., lte 811 Medford, Oro. Phono 3G6. Collection-! nml llcporU DR. FRANK ROBERTS -Dentist. M. F. & H. MldK. Otrica Houre 8:30 to 12;1 to 5. Phono C07 It. Engineer nml Contractor FRED N. OUMMiNOS SnRlnnor and contractor, 40t II. F. & II Bldg, Surveys,, estlinatON, irrlgatioa dralnneo, orchard and land lm provomnnt. Garbnge OAItnAniC Oet your prguilsea cleaned up for tho nuuimer Call on the Plly garbnge wagons for good service. Phone 274-1 J Y. Allon. Ilouso Mover MEDFORD HOUSE MOVERS Wo Movo Houses, Mams, Garaar-H, Ma chinery, IClo. Phono -IRs M. or 488-X. 012 8. Newtown, Ml Da kota. Instruction In Mo tie FRIS 1 I)"a LTO N H A I (H IT--Tc7chr r of piano and harmony. Halcbt Mimlo Studio, 401 (Jnrnott-Corcy llldg.. Phono 72. - , j: Inxursnctt. rH EARL S. TUMY Oonernl Insurance offlco, I'lro. Automobllo, Accident, Liability, Pinto ainsa. Contract, nml Surety Monds. Excollcnt com. panleu, Reed local norvlcs. Mo, 2J.0 narnott-Coroy llldg. Physician nml tnrgrons DR? i O. " C iXu?.0 wTDIli JGVA MAINS CARLO W Osteopathia physlolnns, 410-417 Harnett Corey bldg., phone 103C-L. Residence 26 South Laurel at DR. W. W. HOWARD Ontoc, xtbis physician, 303 aarnett-Corey building. Phone 130. DR. J. J. EMMICN8 Physlclnn and surgoon. Practice limited to eye, car. nonA and throat. Eyen scien tifically touted and glasaen huih plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S P. R. It, Co. Offices M. V & II Co. bldg., opposlto P. O. Phone 607. DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon Phones, office 36, rest donee 780. OfNco hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physi cian ami surgeon, utiico raira block, opposlto Nash hotel Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J Printers and rnbllMiers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO., has the boBt oqutppod printing of'lco In southern Oregon; book blndlnti looso leaf ledgers, billing Bye terns, etc Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. ? NOWTIMlCTOTHARi:, I bare a 160-acre stock niah, good location; 100 acres In grulu4 some alfalfa. Tbla place recently sold for $1 1,000; no Incumbrance. Will trade for good orehutd, prefer pears, or would take city property. Would trade even or assume Rome In cumbrance en orebard proposition. J. C. BARNES 102 Wct Main Street. NEW TODAY Why not buy a home now while buying Is good? For Instance. W .M- . . VV.H M.W. ... ... P ..Uf. three Mieeping rooms, pavement ISiul. $1700 ou or tbU othei onu rttf mtm In, pMveii.i-ut aiiout li-ilf paid, samo iniiiiiicr or iooiiii. jitiiO.OO or an- nii.i'i im. almo-t u attractive at WHY $) o i no V nihil ii good times will iloii iU tin Mce of n one ot them, vUu.- We have some fine bu- la irgo aud small run. 'it-H and wai.t i j t' 'I vou a'votiT im in ,il n ii i c ". Hoon-Cathcart Co, v( -i Si . $i : :-..iii i , ,i all 1 i ).. 'i i I i i I ( I'M) v Traustera Al l,i ar-t - i a V. I I BADS TrtANBFrR & BTORAQE CO n Office 4 ' Nc rtn Front st Pbom Hitrvii in . t i'