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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1916)
University of Orca.on Ltlirarv Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER .Maximum Yesterday Hi; Minimum Today 13. FORECAST l-'. I It TONIGHT M TOMOIMtOW 9 vV , Forty-Hlxth Yr. TlnMv- Hrvonlh Tcnr. SLAVS BREAK GERMANLINE NEAR LUTSK Broily Captured by Russians, Who Take 20,000 Prisoners, Maklnn. a Total of Prisoners Summer Cam painn 350,000 Berlin Admits Re tirement From Stokhod River Posi tions Lctchitzky Wins Important Victory Near Stanlslau. 4- H 4 IM3TKOGKA1), July 38. A semi-official oatiumto of the nuinbor of prisoner taken ly tlio IiiiHuintiM during tlio first 4 half (if Hid summer eiuiipNigM f 4 f f just olnsing places tlio total at njsti .null LONDON,! July 'itr. Whilo tlio llritiah mill Fioiil'Ii in the wont nro making thrueta hero ami thoro against tlia Oomiuti ftont in tlio somino re gion, tlio Russians aiu pressing thuir (hi vim against Leniborg. Tlio inugui tmlo tr tint Russian victory is indi cated by I'olrogrnd's olnim tn tlio cupturo yostonlny of .". guns mid 120,000 prisoner. Iterlin lodny admit penetration of tlio Toutonic lines liy tlio Hiissmns northwest of Lutsk, in tlio Tristyn ro jliou, bat declare that west of Lutsk tlio (iai minis by u ootiulcrnttnok have toppod (lit Russian advance. On tlio Somino front in Franco tlio British liflvo ndrnuced in tlio vicinity of Poaiero hiiiI 1 Iijcli wood hiuOiuvc repulsed German of for In to recapture Delvillo wood. Take io,oo(i I'rtainers x PKTROORAl). Julv ail. Tin- caii- lurr by Russian tmos in the fight ing yiterday on tlio western front included -100 officer mid 20,000 men, it wo officially announced today. Fifty-five 'IVuloa gun wore taken. Tlio Aiistro-Oonrtan wero driven linck along the whole front from the Kovel-Rujitche railway to Brody. General Leteliitxky, tlio statement said, won nn impoilsut victory south of the Dniester, in the direction of Stniiislau. The statement aaye: "Wetern front : On July 28 one of our air quudroiis, coiiaisting of ten aeroplanes, mad a successful raid iiMn Uuroooviehi, throwiiut bomls. on the railway station building and roll iiiir xtiM-k. A few firea ware ob nerMil. Caj'taui of Brody "The nnien of General B.uiloff, having reuuied the offensive, have tin own back the enemy on the whole fnnt from the Kovel-Rojitche rail road to the region of itrody, and have .apt a red this lnt -named 4ace. "TriMiia of General LetrhiUky by an uudactou thraat have thrown li.n-1' tlif uiaiiv ia the direction uf Sianiolau to the outh of the river Daii-ter. A number of irioiierH and ntlici booty were eaitured. l''iKUi'e aiid .It ihiIh are not yet available. "An heroic Coaaaek diviaion, by n (uali attack, aur)riaed the native and took Ixeraauy, ftftaan iuilu (iutliua-t of Stauialau. "Aecordiiui to autlematary iu iiuatiou, the total number of pris oner taken up to tba 'iSth of July aiiutuiitx to 1(J officers ud 'JO.(M) ot the rank oud fiVr. Thf nuuil'r of captured iriiuit i V. In iidditwn, man iiMehii) t-uoH ma lar.-e ou.'.n tit of Ixioty vUieli lu- not yrt In luiiiited u eajurM. (CoRtlsv4d oa (Ago loar) MOMS BAKED bk wmm mm sl'KIMiFIKl.D, Mo, Jul Jit. Tin re l.inb- exploded beneath the tlmir "I lh' MsJ'si" j' iMi-liiBg ilaut hi Aurora, Uu., -; .Yi u loek thi in ertniiL: -lichtl daniagel the pub-i-h.uu i iiiupuii plant and et tile to r, ii,,-- .. . i..ii'- nt Tin- Mrii.tee. an ,.nl l..ltihi piildn .limn. ii-1 olt the el. -- ii In i nc m n- -I.. in llll ZEPPELINS DROP 32 BOMBS UPON E First Airship Raid In Twelve Weeks Hampered by Misty Weather No Casualties Result Anti-Aircraft Guns Succeed In Drivlnn Zeppelins From Their Objective. I.ON'DOK, July 21). Thruo Zuppu liu diriKible balloons piuticipnted in a raid early this morning on tlio oast eoaot of KiiKlmid, it was officially niiriMinued tbia nftornoon. Tburu wore no unniinltio". Tlio officiitl otutumont regnrdlng tliu ZopiKjlin raid ways: Official Statement ''Three, airship raided tlio oaat ooiiNt between midnight and l&O. Thirty-two IioihIhi were dropped in l.iueoliiMliIre ami Norfolk. Tboru wan no matorinl damago and tboru wuro no cnmtaltioi. Mnny other lioiub are reported to luivo fallen into tliu sea. "At ono place nnti-niri'rnft guna were in notion and aueruuded in driv ing off tlio ni rem ft from llioir objuu tivo. Tlio raidorn uppoared to luivo boon groaUy Itampurwl by fog." Dulails of the Zeppolin raid on tho uaat count of Knglaud ourly thia morning are ntill lacking.' An un official dixpatch, however, any tluil a (lerman airnhip pnicoeded inland for a xliort diatauce and dropped two bomliK at tho aide of a railway. Ilomlfe for Villages 1 The Zeppelin than proceeded to an adjoining village whore eight homlm .wuro dioppod. The inimtilc fell m field ami roada where no diimuxc wax dune. The Zeppelin cruiHcd about for twenty minute and then flew in a northerly direction toward the const. HeiiterV eorreiM)iulent at Amster dam report that a Zeppelin flew over SluiHkil, on the Dutch-Belgian binder, going in a northeaterly direc tion. It wa fired uhiii Iiv Dutch liiianU. Tin- i- the tirt (iennaii anliip raid on Km.'laiid in twelve week. Mi-t wcatber tiiMired the Zeppelin. ARRIVE IN HOLLAND LONDON, Jul) 29. Telegraphing from The Hague, the correapondeut of the Exchange Telegraph company saya be baa received tho following maaaaga rrom Maeatrlcbt, a Dutch town 56 mllea oaat of Hruaaela: "KUtean German daaertera, Includ ing a non-commlealon&d officer, ar rived here oraatrlcht) yeaterdny. They alt came from the Soiiimo re gion. They aald it waa liiiKalhle to live through the Anglo-French ar tillery fire without going mad ami they preferred deaertlon to tuaunlty." LINER REPELS SUBMARINE ATTACK llOMK. Jul lit) The He dltalla, H 6237 ton eakel of the Italian Lloyd Sabaudo line, waa attacked by a Teutonic aubiuarlne at nine o'oic-ck on the morning of July S3 while the httamer vaa on a voyage from Genoa tn Net' York. The defenalve guna vita whleu the voaaol la wiulpped vr brought into ulay and the aub- M?rilb!e was driven way. The II n r than proceed! on her way to tmerlr. m A w Mf' rmtttKT . E9HKs ' MEDFORD OHEHOX. SATlMiOAY, .U'hY 20. 1916 HE'5 TWO YEARS OLD 1 t,K i 8IKfaAKrT3c : . :iinRStte.!aa&r -rAxs&ktsrA . , X. ' 'fc r . - ..n ..- .-i.iiii,iJ-?ii,,W("iin -,:zz3'. v.- v a - . 'mi j VILLA ESCAPES CARRANZA NET BY CIIIIIUAIU'A CITY, McnIco. July 20. A (totalled report received by Oonernl Jacinto Trevlno today from Uenorul Matlaa Itamoa at ICacnlou covorlug oporatloiiM In the Clilhuahua Durango bandit campaign of tho luat month aald that tho Inability of tho govornniont mounts to ataud tho strain of the long dUtiiiuoa covored In tho ohaao onablod Villa auvoral tlinos to occttpo the net of Cnrranza troops. Tho roport aeaerted that there la practically no food or forugo In tho region; that tho condition of tho Inbnbltanta la pitiable and that for this roaaon he had been unalto to obtain Buppllea quickly enough to en able him to keep up with the more lightly equipped outlnwe. 'Itamoa aald that Villa loat much preatlge at the Cerro Gordo, Chihua hua ougagomont, when with fffty men of hie pereoual bod) guard, he doaorted the remainder of hla com mand and fled toward the lull for Hftfaty. A Carranilata detartinient aout In purault. he aald, killed 3J Vlliataa, but baoauao or the brokrn country wero unable to ctteh up with the bandit chlefUIn or inwm bora of hla atatf, who r.ere moiiuted on blooded anlmala.''The dlapatehoa pointed out with obvloua aatlafac tion the death of I'tblo S.llm. for mer VI1IUU lV-r In taa l.aiuuo diatrlct. who early lu !y waa charged with attt(.kln a Torraoa train benriiv) sereral Aaurlran low on refngeea. OSKININO, N. Y Julv 20. -A Cbarle P. Ktielow waa alout to algrt for the electric chair at the aiate lrion tbi ujoniiii" the prison au thoritie reeeived word by telephone that Supreme Court Junta e (harle .. Ouv had if run ted a tuv of execu tion until 11 oVIiu-k tiiinlit SPEEDIER MOUNTS SHOW INCREASE. IN MMUNIA i i iii ' AN EVEN DOZEN GENERALS MADE ,MKr.m '; m . mzmic" i .. jmnmz mzattt-ws. ' Wf rv& ?f ' wtL, -it ZMIbf I iT A . K Vr "mrm , rZJteskfr wti2mmftto I r HA j i a l'ft to Hlgbt lUnduibiirg, Halg, i rHjKfc-j.. MEjtukr mwrnmyh W Jf DEATH OF BK BULBARS REPULSE FROM EPIDEMIC SERBIAN ATTACKS Ni:V YOKK. Jul J". The epi demic of infantile paialyi el M new mortality record tlay, tort-l'uur children dying r the dieae during )ho twenty-four hour (H'riod ending at .10 o'clock thia morning. Tho incroamed number of death, .greater than thoe during any eorro- ...,... . , .: ii :.l :.. Nponillllg penou uirr run upiutnuiu began more than a month ago, waa iinnviieele.1 Iiv IihiiIiIi exnorta who had rholicvod that the drop in tempera lure would check the plague. . During the lat twenty-four hour 101 new eaao wcto reported in I he five borough of .Now York City, dtl of thia number in 'Manhattan, alo a hiali record for thia Iwrough. OTTAWA, Ont., July ail. The ('Hiiadimi guteniiiient loday placed a, quarantine on children under 1(1 yea I old coming trom New York City and vifiiuts ii a piei-uutii'ii again! the intp'diM-tioii ni' inlimtile aralyai urto the iluiiiiiiiiiii PUTER PLEADS NOT GUILTY TO FRAUDS SAN KUANClsfd l,il -'u s. A I). I'uter and hi- mui, . S. I'utr. ol ' IJrkeIe, Cal.. indnttd -evrinl dut ago by the fedeinl ;i.unl n aitbj ix other iu the n ailed Onumi Cttlifoniw land liaml ni, Jeadril not guilty to the iiidx tment id the UuiUxl State ditiut i4rt Ijcrc to day. They are chiiry. d with llctrtlly uaing the iumiIp in the Inentioi. of t- Hera ujhhi Southern I'aeifid lands jtc's'iHrilcd by the citixeu ami were later California and Orcum herded onto a noithlaiuiid train. A All the defendant- .n flt tihcttfi (JDj hall doaen ot the leader upon whom $1000 Imil each. Tie iMhcte Will ere fouud I. W. W. literature aud pleud later. rr?3?: -j jsas ! ... kG ts. .ftta?v e m r. k r a fc A I l'w, IVtiUn, I lUnlm u, I ihIi . Kuivaitkiii MacKviiMii, IIiti'loff, hn.-iiiianck, HtfT'lA. Ilulaarla. Jul 20. -Tho repulse of attackM on the HulKiirlan linen along the Mucedonlan front on July 25 waa announced today by the war office, which atatea that counter attneka roaulted In tho rapture by the Ilulgnrlana of hoatllo trcnoliM. Thu atutoment aaya that on July t thoro wna weak oannonndliiK along the entire Marodoulan front and that there were patrol oiiRngo mente whloh roaultod favorubly to tho HulKarlane. Tho Rtiitameut follew: "On tho Both an onouiy battalion provided with machine Kunij and Hup ported by a battery of mountain ar tillery and a battery or bowltzera, at tacked our advanced treucuoe on tlio Itabovo-Hlinrako front. All tho at tack woro ropulaed with enemy loan oa. Our trooiw aubaequanily earrliiJ nut counter alUrk ami captured en emy trenchea. "From the 2&th to the 27th Ser bian dlvlalou triad to occupy the heights north of th lll-te or I'ojar, but they were thrown bac.k to the pUIn auf faring considerable loaaea." i ORDER 1. 1 1 MVAY MIT IIKI.f.. n l. Julv 211. The Mitehell cimmiitec oi Mgilaute re HinilOd to the not cull again early todav to meet a traiuload of (11)0 har vvt hand. said to be I. W. W. mem ltO and diarm them. The iliuer autM were then marched into town, iiiciiiIhoIii, inrd-, were placed in jail ' - PROMINENT t J0 1-.x.,;.li s CAPTURED LINER APPAM GIVEN B Federal Court Rentiers Decision Against German Prize Crew, Who Are Held to Have Lost All Claim to Prize When They Interned Vessel In Neutral Waters. NOHKOI.K, Va., July 20. Federal Juilgo Wnddlll today tlocldod tho llbol proccodliiRB for possession of the cap turod HrlllBh liner Appam In favor of tlio KngllBh owners and against tho Gormnn prize crow which brought hor horo. Tho court hold that tho Gorman government lost all logal claim to tho Appam nnd hor cargo as prUo of war when Moulonnnt Itorg nnd IiIb prUo crow on Kobruary 1 brought them Into tho noutrnl wntora of Hampton lloads with tho Intention of "laying up" tho voshoI Indefinitely. Tho court held furthor tliat tlio Prusfllnn-Amorlcan tronty of 1700 ro- nowod In 1SJ8, dooH not apply or con trol In tho case bo na to guaraniuo tho prUo crow uayltim In Unltud Statoa wntora. lrl Court Action Invalid That tho notion of tlio Gormnn prUo crow In declaring tho Appam n prlzo wlilln tho case was In litigation In tho United SIiUoh courts hns no effort on tho Jurisdiction of tho courta. That tho Jurisdiction of tho United Statoa courta In tho enso Ib OHtnbllsli od by n long lino of precedents In cluding Bovoral by tho iuprumo court. "The courtV onnelnHhiJi,'' the do cilon rend, "la that the uuinuor of bringing tlio Appam into the water of the 1'nited Stnto, a well n her presence in thoc water, eonwtitiite a violaliou of the ueutrulity of the Tuitcd Statu; that aim eaino in with out bidding or ponniHion; that alio i here iu violation of the law; that rIic in unable to leave for lack of a eiew, which alio cannot provide or augment without further violation of neutiality: that in her pnatenl condi tion be i without a lawful right to be and remain iu the water; that alio, ii between her captor and owner, to Mil practical purpoe inut be treat ed it abandoned and a atraniled upon our aliure; and that her owner lire tilitlad to retitutiou of their property, which Ihia court hould award, irreHctie of the priae court pnicecdiugM of the court of the im perial o eminent of the (lerman um pire; and it will he o oi derail." Action In Illegal The court decided that u priae ve- ael cannot legally he brought IHto uouLriii water without u coavoy. The Appam we brought in under War own xtcnin after capture by the (termuM raider .Moewe lat Jauuur 17. The court diHted ol The llaga treat.v briefly, holding that it a aot ap)4ieable, uiaHMH'h a- (heat lrit ain never accepted it, but iniintwl aut (hut the attitude of the AmcrwaM del egatct in the i oiiM'iitiim titf fchown (Continued oa paw eta) WASHINGTON, July 2a.--Reaolu-tlona requesting clameney for air Itoger CaaemeHt were reported unfa orably today by a majority of tee aetiMtu forelga relallmw eaiuiiillte, but Chairman Stone a nit Seaetora O'Gormau and I'lttman united lu a minority report recommending aome exureloa of humanitarian Intereat b the aeuate RITISH OWNERS BY TWO YEARS' WAR !Hk mwmmM Wltok Mat ' 1Sv 4T-TV. nJ && x Ltr - . v . "Th. . afng aa m m s ..v.' ,vt W !.54 V Jk Jbtirjr Joffii- (amid Dult Nulolas NO. 110 FRANCE IS SURE Third Year of War Sees Offensive Shifted From Central Powers to Entente Allies Crisis of Exhaus tion Fast Arising for Teutons-Allies' Preparations Now Complete. 1'AHIS, July 120. "Tho second year of Hie war end with anxiety shifting from tlio group of. tho en tente power to that or our adversar ies wlio nro now obliged to meet n gonoml combined offensive on every front," aaid Marquis de Ciiambrun, u meinour of tho foreign uffnirs com mittee of tho chamber of deputies, in aiimmurixing the military situation for tho Aaeouiatod l'ros at tho ulogo of tho wnr'a aeeond your. Alllea Now Ireml "While Freneli, Hritisli nnd 11 uh aian prepttrutioiiH licoomo more com plete, a eriai or oxiiauHtion In fnst nriaing for tlio Auatrians nnd Ocr innna. Our udvoranrios tliouglit. it would bo impoaaiblo for us to pre pare, nnd coratinly during tho first year of the war there were diffioul tiua that had to ho overcome. Wo arc proud to ny Hint thia was nncom pHalied even whilo our valiant sol dier wero resisting tho Gormnn in vuaion. Tlmnk to tlio patriotism tC the country and tho nbnogntion shown by nil classo in Franco and Utifilmid'. thiiuha nlo to tlio uain- ninTgiWn 1ioth eoiffifrles ' for more cannon nnd more ammunition, indtik t Hnl action waa every where multi plied nnd (lenoml Joffro waa nblo to any iu un order of the dny to tho army nl Verdun, 'Wo huvo munitions iu ubumlauce.' "The Auatrian and Germans ro hinted to submarine warfare which I will not attempt to qualify. It may continue to work harm in a piratioal form, but it will not open port nor further the commercial (time nnd need of tho central euipirea now ef fectively blockaded, nor will it re to re to Germany hor loat colonies. Hiisslans Hiicctoiful "The Itiieeiune nro aontiniiiug their work aiiueuMfully on tho eastern front. 'J'lmy lnvo ngnin invaded Hu kewina and nro piiahing forward in the region of l.utak and into tho CariMtliiaua, while Grand Duku Nioli ola ia advancing vietorioualy iu the Caiieaaua. "Tim eloaer one o.xaminua tho situ ation Ike imoio Hiaaiftait liouomos tlio aHtieiWtad awewlsHcv of tliu allien, iiierewainar a lUtae aataa on boonuiu of their MitrH'td rairca and uu- kaktt rtMifidcae m vwtry." COMING YEAR ONE OF VICTORY BULL MOOSE TO MEET AUGUST 3 . IMAXAPOJ8, fa4 July 2ff. IV.HiroiTr SiuW (a4rwan UdvV'iu M. a kail kril ttwiav fros a nam- U of prugreo Uniiwr. m QfXV' cot fiurU of the Huiitry uitymu: then intention ot uttondiugf n ettviin; of iacmlH-T of tlvi- party W b hvld here Aucut I. Aiaes tbwv H'kn have notitod Mr. .c tkiy will bo present ore Johji JJ. r'aivwr of Kj Orlcaiir, iee-aeulvakiid onwWate; Muttke Hal of faitiai, iaitb na tioiiKl chairoiaa, od ItriaU eija CoVif of New York. Mr. Lee aid tlei (MllfaiUBlMi ib. ablv vdl determine tho futiin of tW) ji.m in national affairs. tumm m A2mitM f 4KS W?