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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1916)
9 MTFOTlDMAn, TRTT5TTNR OTJJFOTCT). OttEflOX. WKDNERriTT, XTLT 12, 101G '"n .PXC1T3 TORRE I V:X-m.mX X l JULY 8 TO 16 . ASHLAND'S Y t Y Y Y Y JULY 8 TO 16 ft Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v OFFICIAL CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM Spend every day possible in Ashland's beautiful Chautauqua Park and hear some of the best talent in the United States S. JT & rfv i- A 0' Ifr I I St. Mary's Academy rf Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V J? Y ? Y f if f if f if f f f. if X v Conducted for Girls by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Refined, Moral, Intellectual niul Praetical Training in All "Womanly Accomplishments. Complete Olrado and Academic. Courses. Commercial Department, and Conservatory of Music. Art Department. ' Resident and Day Students. Write for announcement. Address Sister Superior, St. Mary's Academy, Mod ford, Oregon. Our 18th Semi-Annual Clearance Sale ALL SEASONABLE GOODS CUT TO THE QUICK, WITH WHOLESALE COST A MINOR ISSUE. Men's $5 Special Panama Hats . $3.95 -Men's f0c Shirlev President Suspenders for '. 35 Ladies' .'?() Suits, clearance price $16.45 O AK 'AU Ladies' 20 Suits, clearance price $1 Men s Oxfords, clearance price now $3.75 Ladies' I John Kelly Pumps nov..$2.45 BULLETIN NO. 2 To Car Owners jj Don't pass up this opportunity if I ft' Lt: Y Y f f f f i I Pennants at 5 Price Thursday and Friday I Model Clothing Co. ri f f i a Dodge Brothers MOTOR. CAR ! f Has stood the test. Nearly one hun- 1 A-A nnur r npo 1 r Tie trrifrv nnn you will not find any of them in the vannir- rUs-to AoL 1t1r Fln-lfff nWnPf 1UUUU dllUIJa. KOIV "Y i-'WVJtw. wiw. BERNARD MOTOR CO. Medford, Oregon Branches Grants Pass: Ashland V United States tires are now standard X equipment on many makes of cars. We carry a complete line of all sizes. it .f f f f f f f f f Y Y f f I ASHLAND ENDERS CasH Dept. vStore OREGON Always glad to meet you at the corner of Fir and Main Medford Cigar Store Medford, Oregon f: Chautauqua, Ashland TiirnsDAV, .lriiY isitii KANSAS DAY ProKinm lionlns nt 10:30 In t ho flinti- taiuimi building. Dinner nt 12 M. MomliiR boIiooIh 8:00 to 11:00, nine different clnnscm. 11:00 Lecture-recital, Francis I.nb- nillo, 2:30 Proluilo. Krnncln I.almdlo. :i:00 lCiitorluliiincnt. Tlio Kllto Trio. i S:.'t0 Moving pictures of tlin Maw sou Antnrtlu Kxppilltlon. Dr. W. A. HuiiHliorKur, liioturar. Tlio Hoston Trnnxcrlpt says tlio Mawdon Auturtlc pictures mo tlio niOBt woudorful travel pictures over taken. Sylvester A. Long, one of Ainurlcn's foienioBt lecturers, who wuh Immenite ly popular In 1909 wwonilily, Wood llrlKRH, the Southern Story Teller, So tiuolti Male Quartet, all on Friday; llonert l'arker MlW, a widely trav eler newspaper man and lecturer, and tlio Kaffir Hoy Choir on Satur day. Fred Kmorsou Urooki, tlio Kroat Wontorn I'oet and Ituador, Mon day and Tmwday. Something fine every day up to and InrludiiiK the final nuinbor. tlio bin "Clrotm," (I.ur linoro'u) on TuihmIhv iilfcht. July IS. llenr the X. V. City .Murine Hand, Wednesday evening, the most popular hand on the eastern roast, their first t ii pto the Paeil'ie. A SHLAND RT-SHOP Opposite Chautauqua Entrance Main St. We carry at all times an attractive line of Pictures Books Stationery and Pleasing Novelties of all kinds Visitors arc cordially invited to inspect our stock We Have the Goods FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY, SERVICE THE WILLYS-KNIGHT HAS NO EQUAL F. O. B. Medford $1250 Let this fact be impressed on your mind: There i not no,w and never has been, any other ear emboih iiitf all tlie advantages of this Wills-KniKlit, These advantages are definite indisputable. And most important among them are the distinetie adantages of ihe Knight tvpe motor. OVERLAND AUTO AGENCY Cor. Bartlett & 8th (Geo. L. Trcichler C. R. Wilson) Telephone 61 ANOTHER BIG IDEA MODERN FORESTERS PREPAREDNESS RESERVE CORPS for MEN AND WOMEN The MODERN FORESTERS are now organizing preparedness reserve corps for men and women Men will be given the best military drill and training, and women will be given the given the work of the Women's National Honor Corps, State affiliation a big step in the national preparedness movement MODERN FORESTER Join it now. It will help you, The Order That Does Things your State and your Nation brown csl singcetary NusH Hotel, Medford On this Prodium Process Rubber Tire Wandttful nu) rubbtr that tvtari down of tvnly at fin it ft The illustration above is a section from a Prodium Process Tire that ran 9,467 miles on a heavy car. Note the thickness of tread still remaining. ( I'rndiuin Process Rubber (the new tire tread itock used exclusively n Republic tires) is practically chip proof and cut proof. Thousands of miles of service leave'its surface in perfect condition. Rotting of fabric and resultant blow-outs are reduced to a minimum. Think of what this means in tire bills. Get a sample strip of Prodium Process Rubber. Try to break it. Its wonderful tensile strcneth is but one of the rea sons why Prodium Process t:res give such excellent service. YOUNG & HALL ' Distributors, Medford If you want the right goods at the right time McBRIDE'S Reputation that Counts We specialize in making all our candies OUR MOTTO: Courtesy and Service Phone 211 We have Threshing Machines from $236 up These small machines are just the thing for farmers to do their own work or for the neighborhood threshing Call and see them HUBBARD BROS. MEDFORD, OREGON V-PLEX PISTON RING T1IK U1NC1 THAT Puth tin- kn-lv in the mnlor, l-'liitti-iis nut tin- lulls, Savi'8 oil and gas hills, KoppB vou awav from dirty spark plugs Price $1.25 and $1.50. WHITEMAN & GREGG 1 ? T f ? T t I :c f ? Y Y t ? ? Y f T Y ? y Y ? Y ? Y ? T T Y f Y r Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 'Y Y Y Y Y Y v 5 t v4 Xt ! " VT TT TT TT T. A A A. A. 0MX--- w w ir