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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1916)
MET)FORD MATT; TRTBl'XR TEDFOTiT), OTiKC'ONT. WF,T)'F.KT)AY, .TTNT. 23. 1!)1R POTT! THTtTOT! h fr WARDENS SIOP " FENCINGl ROGUE BY Chief Dwiiity Oiuno i rlcn J. II Drincoll lias relumed trom a trip to tlio mouth of Hogue river, where lie iiei'iiiupnnivd Stnte (lame Win don Carl U. Slioeniiiker nnd Henutv War den H. L. Jewell of Oregon City, who will heionfter have chnrxo of law en foreenii'iit upon the lower Kogue, as sisted by two di'putio. The trip helped solve some of the piohlenw why there has been poor i'i-diing in the upper Hogue and rem edied abue of the fitdi laws prae- tieed by commercial fishermen, which wore sanctioned lait vear bv fonner Jlaxtcr ih Warden Kolly. Strict ctrdcix wcie Nued for a correction of abuses which havo grown up dur ing the cannerymen's war at the mouth of the river. Investigation showed that fisher men helling to both canneries were swinging gillnets in the jaws of the river s mouth from onch bank and nnchoriii" the free end of the. nets to hontft in tlio center, thus effect ually fencing tho river by set nets. While the nuts caught no stcclhcads, the wall of struggling salmon scan's the incoming Hteolhend bnck into tho Hea, where they fall prey to the nti meioiiH sealions infesting the surf in that vicinity. The anchoring of drift nets wok hold illegal by .Mr. Shoe maker and warning given lor netters to keep nwny from tho mouth of the Htronm by establishing a dead line. Set nets miint have one end free, under the law, yd all along the river the net have been anchored to boats at the loixo end and ukciI as a Mine in the holt. These abuses by the i'ishouiu'ii were oidcred shipped and onfoiceiuent of the statutes ordered. Abuses practiced by the cannciy meii during the seining season, such as douhliii" nets, sanctioned last year, will not bo tolerated during the coming season, and both canneries veto notified to respect each other's ijghls and live within tho law. Inspection wim made of the Muc leay hatchery at Indian creek and the millions of fry being fed were found in excellent condition. .Mr. Driscull ntuto that public sentiment at tho river'n moiilh sueins to be in favor of tho diminution of seining, Ihf nholitioivof set iiutsnuiil the establishing of dead lines re st tiding the fishing ami and n thirty-six limn weekly closed period, as a remedy tor existing abuses, and as lair to bmli lower and iipxr rm-rs. At the Churches - Pitobyiciian Patriotic service will lie held at th l'reshytcrlan church Sunday morning at 11 a. in. sharp. Tho Itov. Alfred A. .1. Hogg will dellvor Ills sermon lecture on "What l I.lliorty?" Dr. Hogg y he whs always an AmorlcHii. lint just liapponad to lio horn on tho wrong tide of tho At lnntlr. He Is a cltlsen or the V. S. by hit own free will and choice, not by an accident of birth. The G. A. It. and W. It. C. will attond this sor vice in a body. Seats will be reserved for them at tho front of tho church. The chinch will be beautifully dec orated for the occasion. The public la cordially Invited. All wolconie. SPECIAL PROGRAM AT PAGE THEATER TODAY Tlio iiiaualement of tho Pane the atre announce tho apodal engage ment of tho "Doaiie'a Manikin Co." This clever vaudeville act la well known to the metroMilltan theatre goer having appeared in every first class hoiiao 1 America and In tho world. They have Just recently com pleted their third tour around tho world and aro now on their way to Portland to begin a aeaaon on the Hippodrome olrcult. Those people, who appear to the Page today and tomorrow, carry a very olaborate stage,, setting repre senting tho Interior of a theatro com plete down to the siuallest detail. The porforiiiauce Is ghen by 45 me chanical figures, mado by the .-wn-tors to go through an entire program Including singers, dancers, acrobat-, olowns, comedians, sketches, and In fact ever thing one would see in any big vaudeville house in the city. While their program is liberally provided H.ith comedy the artistic his aot beta overlooVed. Their fea ture numbrr Is a Uautlful tcenic pro duction rntltlrd th "Untoni of thf f-" hih hs ! ad i pled from ul Vein' fauiwus notd. As Clinia to this scene is intro.1ued the 'Grand Bullet of 12 dancers. In conjunction with the "Man X.lklns" will be shown the apodal photopla) comedy drama of tin? p ol den west. Blue Blood and Rod. Intro duclng I-orts Pawn and Ceo Walsh Why Kniokp nit Clears O FISHERMEN When La Gonuas are only He. GOVERNMENT SELLING ER The following bulletin bahieen Is sued by the Producers Krult Co., of Medferd: The agricultural department of the United States governmont has awak ened to the Importance of assisting the farmer Rnd fruit grower In every way poitslble. The Fruit Growors Agency, inc., recently established by govornmont representatives Is strict ly In favor of the grow or, and every move, proposed is for Ills intercut and protection, without a particle of cost to him. The govornmont has set aside $35, 000, to bo used In promoting this movement, and export market men nro now on tho ground and will re main through tho entire season. A great army of farmers are now co operating with this governmont help, and aiding tho department by fur nishing Information, demonstrating tho local usefulness of new methods, testing out theories, experimenting and reporting on conditions In their districts, In short by helping in every concdvnblo way to Incroaso tho kuowledgo of tho department and to plnco that knowledge at tho service of tho people. Tho office of markets at Washing ton Inaugurated only last year this service, to aid producers in marketing their crops of strawberries, canta loupos, peaches, early onions, etc. Railroads, cotton and wheat ex changes, and Individual firms furnish dully reports. Four hundred cold storage plants, five hundred millers and twelve hundred crenmorlos re port each weok thdr total output, wbllo over cloven hundred station agents nro Instructed by tliolr rail road officials to report the movement of porlshnbles each day. This season tho government Is putting Into oper ation tho uniform contract betweon tho grower and his marketing agent, In ordor to bettor regulate tho hand ling of fruits from the northwest. Wo wore tho first shipping organ ization In woster'n Oregon to Join and co-operate with the government in tills movoment. The entire bonefit is with tho grower and the profit and advantage Is all for him. Tho re quirements and restrictions placed upon tho marketing Wont are such that few of those soliciting business from tho grower nro ollglblo for ac tive membership. It is by all means desirable that no consignments of fruit go oast unless they come under tho uniform contract recommended by the Depaitment of Commerce at Washington. If tho growor's support la withheld and is not general, wo aro advised it will be withdrawn and discontinued. Wo bollovo tho movement Is tho forerunner of a gonoral dealing house for tho marketing of all north western products of the soil, If only tho grower glvos It oneouragemont by his co-oporatlon and support. If ou are Interested in supporting such a movo, soe to It that your con tract Is mado on the Government Uni form Contract blank. Wo aro charter members, and can supply you with necessary documents. pitomvicits fruit co ok ouk II U Young, Pros, and C M 10 COL. SARGENT The (Ireater Medford dub will g"e a public reception in honor of Colo nel iind Mis. 11. II. Sargent tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at the armor. Members of the Commercial club, the city council, the .luckson CoiiiiU MerchnuU' association, the Itar its-stM-iatioii, Colony club, WimIhhhIuv Study club, (Ireater Medford club. Seventh Company C, A. C 0. X. fl., and the general public are esM'ially imited to attend without further no tice. Colonel Sament leaves Saturday morning for Sun l'ruiH'i-i'o, where he will lake up his sts( as aihtant to the chief iunrtcnnaster. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Sargent. Although uoiuiually statiuiwd at the Picmidio, Colonel and Mrs. Snr gent will take up downtown quarters, mo that Cidomd Sargent may be near his duties at the various stations a the troop move forwuid. In the event that Colonel Sargent rt-eeitfs a command, a- he htiM, Mis. Suryenl will n iiimiii v him to the border and lake up liit;l work. CALL ISSUED FOR LICENSED AVIATORS GROW PUBLIC RECEPTION CHIf.UJO, Juiie 2S. -A call to h ceiwl a tutor throughout the coun try to toluutegr for aonire with '" nriux in uiitu-iuitioii tif a federel cnl! tin their -ellie- W.i- -('lit nut to !.i . tin I idi, il .II' I- .' t! . . I , I 1 1 .. 'I HOPE YOU'RE RE-ELECTED," S ' IgMiSjHK'' 1 SSsBF lalkK ffiS? YTiitf NPfr iOTA FARMERS AT STAR TONIGHT Fredeiick Wnrde, tlio noted lisli uetor, star in the Mutual Master picture I)c Luxe Kdition, "Silii Mar ncr," which will be shown at the Stur theater today onlv. U one of tho greatest of living actors and i n rccogniJied authoiilv on Slutke spcure iind bin drniimi. lie i well known tlirouabout the continent and in the United State h a lecturer on Shakespeare and as u Mar in Shakc Hpcareiin productions. His career on the legitimate stage has been a long and brillinut one uiid his name is familiar to nil followers of the best in the drama. It was no easy tusk to pcrmuudo him to act in front of tho onincni. hut when he saw the sooinmV' lor "SiM - Muruer." which he declares is his favorite novel, he succumbed to the lure oi the scii'on. Those who remember Mr. Wnrde on the stiiL'e will welcome him to tho screen, a- be ha- i,cer acai'cd to Mich excellent nth outage a ill the title nde in "Siln- M.irner." sH ifl HsUbi H Jr Jl jwPHi CP m i w mBT eTimB Sr U pi I f v But among the five United Stntes "rV j v 'Balanced Tirea you will find at least one 2Mj . type which is built exactly for your needs. xSSik VWV Atk the neareil Unlttd Slte Tiro Dealer for Wia !l( your copy of tba Itooklet, "Judging Tire," which )$ rV fA tell bow to ecuro the exact tiro to tuit your needt. ,Sr$ IllM Ml v United StatesTire Cr..ipany Smn S. 'Nobby' CliaJc' U-' v M OX "LNDIVJOUJJZED TIRO" ffltW Wuk MmJe by the Larscit Rubier , JiJ B Company in tit WorlJ v !& A Complete Stock of UNITED STATES TIRES Carried AYS MARSHALL'S NAMESAKE Thomnn Mnrdinll Sutherhind, son of n Columbus City (Ind.) minister, wns bom on tho day Tom Marshall was elected governor of Indiana. The boy's father is pastor of Marshall's church and here is tdiown with the muu just nominated for the second tune as democratic ice-presidential candidate. INTER PRIMARIES FA KCIO, X. Dak., June 28. The strength of tho ncwlv organized Farmers' Xon-l'arlisan U-oguo will be tested in u statewide primnry to dii. The league has a eompleto ticket headed by Lynn l'rnzior, can didate for governor. The intercut of the voters is cen tered in tlie three-cornered fight for nomination for United Slate sena tor on tho republican ticket, in which (lovernor I. It. Hiinnn, Sena tor 1. J. McCnmhcr and )(. A. Xeatos are engaged. submaieIlts iMADItll), Juno 2S -Tho owners of the Hpauish steamer Comorolo, which rqcently nrnved t Alicante from ('otto, reported to the forolgu office today that the steamer had been stoppod at sea by a submarine fl.Mng tho Austrian colors. Tho cap tain of the Comerilo was compelled to give full partlmlars of all tho shlpH which were in the harbor at (Vtte ut the time he sailed. i& Select tlie Tire Built Exactly for Your, Needs There are five types of United Stntes 'Balanced ' Tires Urea for every need of price and use tirea for heavy cars tirea for light cars tires for city pavements tires for rough toad work tires for speed tires for heavy service No one type of tire will suit all cars or ull uses. -...,.4. -v But among the five United Stntes 'Balanced Tirea you will find at least one type which is built exactly for your needs. PARENTS STARR IRK R E Tho Parent's Kducationnt Hurcau of Southern Oregon opened Its head quarters In the public library Tues dsy p. m. with a large number of mothers In attendance. Mrs. K. H. Soely occuulod tho chair, opening tho program with a short addroes explaining the object of this work. To glvo to paronts holp In caring for infants, In roaring thdr children ami to establish In this section of Oregon a child wel fare station, such as are conducted In many of tho cittos and tow m of tho country, i Mrs. Seoly's talk was followed by a reading, beautifully conducted by Mrs.-IIovIiir. Professor Henri Hea dlamps followed with a most helpful address, full of suggestions to mothers as to tho host ways to meet tho problems presented by boya and girls reaching tho porlod of adoles cence Following this address a discus sion of the Junior Thrift movement wan taken up. All them seemed agreed that this, put into effect In Medford, would holp greatly In fill ing tho vacation period with useful occupation for tho littlo ones nud young hoys and girls. They bespeak tho lntorest and co operation of all the parents In tho city In making their exhibit, to bo given in tho fall, a groat success. Mrs, Ilullls then gavo an Informal talk, describing tho work of a child welfare station, In which alio Is In terested In Now York. Tho child welfare room Is In the basement of tho public library and will bo open on Saturday afternoon. A conference will bo hold at that time, concerning plans for tho future of tho bureau. All persons inter ested in this work or wishing to meet thono engaged In It, will bo cordially welcome next Saturday afternoon from 2 p. m. ROUND-UP JUDGE AT ASHLAND CELEBRATION Tho Ashland llogun Hlvor Hound Up association today locelved word from Mr. Win. II. DaiiRhtroy, presi dent of tho Portland Stock Yards company that ho would aocept the Invitation to net as one of the Judges of ovouts during tho Hound-Up. This news Is very pleasing to the commit tee and should bo to all contestants. For fairness and ability, It will be hard to beat Mr. Frank Adams of Klamath county and Mr. Daiightrey of Portland. by BERNARD MOTOR 0,' D WELFAR rf9 11 The Delight of Children Tho Rplf-(lpvclopp(l, jnncr-flavor of Now Post Toasties hoar a tmiquo attraction for the kiddies -they even like (hem dry from the package for their lunches. A hox of Toast ies provides "eats" that will delight the children. Now Post Toasties are usually served with cream and sugar, in which form the flavor is more pronounced and the flakes more delicious. Those Now Toasties do not "chaff" or crumble in the package and they don't mush down in cream both common defects of old-fashioned "corn flakes." Then, too, notice the tiny bubbles on the flakes, produced by the quick, intense heat of a new pat ented process of making which imparts delightful crispness and a substantial body to the flakes. Now Post Toasties are a vast improvement over am old-stvle "corn flakes." .For tomorrow's breakfast New Post Toasties Sold bv (Inn-el's evervwhere. RandMcNally&Co. CHICAGO PRINTERS OF B00KLKTS CATALOGS HOUSF-MAgAZINIJj COMMERCIAL ART WORK COLOR DESIGNING AND ENGRAVING ri i . r r, PIMIMPIAII V Akin I'lAUU 1' fti.w MECHANICALLY FOR IMIOMC1 I IANDLING of LARGE LDITIOV. INTKHL'KHAN AUTOOAH CO, TIMK CARD. Loave Medford lor Asnlana, Talent snd I'hoenii dally, except Sundny, at 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:16 p. m. Sundays loavo nt 8:00 and 10:30 a. m, and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 nnd 0:30 p. m, Loavo Ashland for Medford daily, oxcopt Sunday, at 0:00 a. m 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday nights at 0:30 and 2:20, Sundays loavo Asblnnd at 9:00 a. m, and 1:00, 4:30. C:30 and 10:30 u. m. Medford House Move rs WE MOVE HOUSES, BARNS, GARAGES, MACHINERY, ETC. Phone 488-M Bl? S Nnwtnwn. 737 W 14th Rt Auto Drivers, Attention Autos for Hiro Wanted at Ashland for the Springs Dedication Colobration July 4, 5 and 6 FOUR SHORT HAULS City to Round up Grounds (afternoon), City to Baseball Grounds (morning). Lithia Park to Natatorium Dance (night). City to Helman's Natatorium (day and night). Kcquiivnu'iits: Special city license of 50 eonts pov seat for all cars which run for hire to above points up to capacity of 20 seats. Cars of moro than 20 seaiiiiK capacity flat rate of $10. A seven-passenger car pays $J0 license'aud a five-passenger Ford pays $2.50, etc. (Stnte. chauffeur's liitwi v&wr&ry, $1 for the balance of T&tO). Here is a chance to iwifcc nvniwy. iWing a load from your homo town and aUv ovf Apply to (Ml. (HLlJKTTH:, City Recorder, Ash-laud. mw y dtciss j ee9i A'li rtSSiiift (fifth TO ORDER S25.00 UP Also Cleaning, Pressing and Altering 12R E. MAIN. UPSTAIRS WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 East Main Street, Medford Tho Only Exclusivo Commercial Photographer! in Southern Oregon Negatives Mado any time or placo by appointment. Phono 147-J We'll do tho rest T.. D WESTON, Ptotj. 4 t U