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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1916)
TTSQYj "PTVW I CHINA GIVES US FASHIONS WHITE lMICHfaLlN-FOUNPED-IB32 IllP-' i'!i r ICHELIfif PREPAREDNESS AI SIEL INSTITUTE PLANS TO KILL rr XXlXZI J.JL-L4T -r-rrrru MTCDFOTCP AIATTJ TUTBrNR MTCDFOTCP. OKKCIOX. VRTD VY. MAY 20, IMG A ALKS RK MED M m MONEY . fc i v o NEW YOHK. Mav 2) - IleoIniitiK that tin1 I'niW'il Ktute wax rupnll becoming the lender miioiiif the tui tions of the world ami that it whs "high time i'or eery one to anilei alHHd tht n laiye majority of the poodle of tilt' 1'iiiti'tl Slate will in ftixt upon the utilisation of every fa cility to protect aiitl to honornhly f Hither the interest of their own country," Judge Elbert II. Gary ajjoke here today at tlie flnminl meet ing of the American Iron and St.-el m alitute on what lie considered "ino muntoiiB nnentioiw," involving lite, Uuert.y nml mpiinta. "It is likely opimrtunity will be given to tho voters to give oxpwnioii to their views in the near future u Inting to dome of llte&e queationa," he Mid. "The larjre majority have a friendly feeling toward husine auccena, large or anuill, mo long it it in decently and fairly eouduetcd. "We believe thoroughly in the or gaiiisalkm and tetiaint of l)iMiieiM, but in aiieh way a to piuwnt Iinnn Slid injury to the public inlet-oat. The government and the humiioe.H men nhould rk in harmony. "The market of the world are mul tiplying in number and inert-lining in importance. We are hoping for okh porta in eterv country. We have not heretofore had our proportionate alinrf) of llii trnde. One ivumui for the limited amount of our cxit Ima inoiH in the pat iM found in the lack of chip operated by AmerieunN. We are more or les subjected to domin ation of fiiieiglicl-. liimiig the nwiici nhip or control of ahips mid who aie interested lircitl or uiiliicetly lit Ijumiickh competing with u." STEAMER WISELY AFIRE BEACHED IN COCHIN CHINA HONG KONG. Mav 2(1. The Ihit iah steamer YVMey. from New York, IMmmry 21). via Port Natal, April IS, fur Vladivostok, i icported on fire and ueni'!il off Cape Varcla, Coehin China. AsHmtiinee hu been went to her. , HOUSTON A SPEAKER BEFORE WOMEN'S CLUBS NEW YORK, M.i 2ii. Da id H. UoiiHtou, stcntitiv f imncultur.', wan nnionir the pe.ilct on tiln' program of tin- biennial convention of tlie General Fedciutioii of Women'' Cliikft. ThU afternoon there will be u dineiiHMon ot clot hex. The W. ('. T. t'. held their ragular business nice 1 1 iik at the Public library Thursday afternoon. GARDEN VEIL LATEST OF FASHION WRINKLES PtaES grjCeasBairaasiffl W3r -t3 t&flisagan SaaBa l T ' ' t " m rmvm'ti Your 1 1 t lmk -- ii .iv lo thai tins in u u.i iiii -k will .ni) iu a e'oid nil--" ti 1 1 i 1 in j iii it I tilO new i.Mtilcii il. ulinli i- a part f Hie newt-t thin.' fii t!.rdi-u ouifit-.. There' a ! aiirmi .md p ,fcu,rt pdge bag" lull "1 tol. All fashion able (Dunlencrk will bit xttftuiK tJio 7J s ..nit lift before; lle iliteuMtr is a ce.-, it i oai,J. c imvmiL-miJi&matimk. i mm u iih.h Prepare for a Chlneta invaalun. The advance guard has arrived al ready. Tl'hough thecoat U something of a maiidurtn. tlie Hkirt rind Mouse are tut on good Auierlian lines, mid the lOhtunie i a whole. il iiiremiue as I OF VSUIT.TO, Ma 'i'' An attrcemcut " reached among Hona toiM lodn nndei which l lie nomina tion of Luula 1). HrandeU to the u lrem eourt will be ltoped ot uM week, probably without dlacuaclon In the senate. The Hierlfc date will be fled later. The areement waa H'.iclitMl liv republican membera of the Judiciary eommltiee who opMe onfiriimtloM and their democratic oileaiMios ho carried through the ruvoiald report for eonftrmatlou. Uepubllcan aenatora who have op. i.cM.'il Mr. HrandeU admitted that hla (Oiiliiniatlou waa aaauried. MORGAN ENTERS A SPIKE (Continued trom page owei an nftcr the -e.ilp of the ."00,000. oiin Auieneuu Ititt iiiittiouul eorpoia- tloll. Hut Ixbiuil Giwtou, William and Wijjmoie are oil ib' million- of the Morgan crowd, reenuti 1 b the Guai autv Trut eoii'i'iilM. U-t u the ItocLefeller million- biu-K the Interna tional corpora) ii'i ibrouttb the Na tional 'it bank. CluirlttM II. hiibiii. iie-ident o" tli (iu.iriiiitv Trnt. loi- roigifd tr tn i be board nf dueet"-- o' the luteii.a tioiiiil. Willi Sab'u.. it i- i. iioileH, John l Ii'mii. ami Albert M Wuuiii, lireetoi i ' tin- Guaraiitv. will ie-i!U. Kabm i ii'inaill ni the Imi.iI id Oil-toll, Willi, u - & Vn,'ii".ii the trading ifn. -iibx'liii 1 1 l the (!iiiti'alit 1 i i-t eoiiitan, wbo-e In i U into Hie lii.i!i bintinc'i and i'm Oriental und lit -i.ui fiebl- l . ii ti.eieigi elploitalinii ha -nlliiil iii.nle it the iiictiiiciiit in a I i the An eneun Intemutioual eonHiilioii. Tlnw there i again a definite Mn .. in Rockefeller breach in Wall trei t, linh hui been lor year a rt oi inned cump with the fort-, field vi.rk and pommunicnting trencbi-- ! ilu-e huge riiul jKer ulnm-l miii- kiin;. Win n the A merit a fl InliniMtifn i .r(M. ration, with Frank mp aiel Koekt teller' Niittoiml ( it li.'i ' b)uinl it, went into tlu1 oi i ui ri'ntl ami bought the l.if - -liolil.ny of -toi'k in the lntt inattoi I Ifeicantil Marine, the fir-t t-itrnn-h ol the preM-iit war tor world tradi "iipreiwnev hail been ftiugbt. Now the Itm Ute'ir iiteifi. w . t i i their liokbbg- m t ', lh u rf-t-.i1 fiCtpiii'xd oHi r.b.ji of li l'ain lail n .of). A'lij tbetr -iiiiti v k' miihv ty v.qj,,. 7-, quo .h,ii. - of tue I J J I...I tli'.u. , ait .(! U' CONHRMATU BRANDEIS ASSURED i i It it, it contervatlve enov.n to tic (worn on Beml-formal occhhIoiih j A lovely Imported pnttcrn in old blue allk embroldored In lighter blue 'Bnd In dull gold la uaed; the aanh 'it dark blue fringed In blue of lighter color. extend an influence over mote liip jpiiig than nny mngle couiern in the I Motld. ' The Morgan interetH woke up and n became evident that International Men-iintile Marine ia not to jwna uu- lutii-ted into the hunda of the Hock-ilellel. Miniiwhile there hii bet a a rich of ti t! ititr in th' -t k i I lie Atlantic, .nil .mil Wi -I Iniln - -ieiim-liii liiii-s. J VANCOI'VKH. U. C , May 20. AiraiiKiiuentu having been made by the provincial government for financ ing the operations, the Pacific Great Kaalern railroad plana to at once ru ntime construction on Ha line north of Clinton, the preeent rail head", 166 mllea from 8iuaniUh, the Howe Bound terminal. The railroad, which wax hejiun time jurt airo, will r in trom Vun eouver to I'ort deotKe ainl furnhli an ftmjsss tt, nxto-iuijitiaiKHtu . ,.. ... .. itmmtHftwmrimmmtnmmtmmvtmiiiunutKi' hi ' i i ,1 ii ' , S mi ,i a - J'' ' itk tflkttaw Sri t SraeOT I ! ',' ' ' "" Tin Dimple I'lotue h fleth color fleoiwette en lie and llu name niate rlut Is limert ni either mde of the skirl The MUlnr hat of dlHtlnctly Vmerti'MU (ontonr 1b In C'lilnee blue (icoruclte crcic banded with old gold rlblinu. I'OUTI.WI). tn , Mav :r, Four lumber caniiiK eitHeU to lie pro pelled bv motor power will be built at Vancouver. Waah , It w at announc ed here toda by the Motor ltoat Con Mtruction company, which waa Incor porated at Olympic, Watb., ) eater day. The coat of the four veaMla will be fl ,ooi. CoutlructloH will ho Kin tmmediateiy. Two will he littllt for an Oregon lumber uoniiauy and two for an eatteru concern. The ca. pacit) of the. Oregon owned motor boat a will bo 1,750.000 feet or lum ber each, while the othera will he able to carry 1,850,000 feet each. Important north and aoutb lluk with tho tranttcouttneolal ayatem of tho Grand Trunk Paciric railroad, open ing rich tr.utH of aarlruitural, mlii Iiir and timber IuiiiIm Kmploxneut will be emu to lltiio men, atatiou mi n i a iV' iitern, mi chniili'H uud tra k laborer 'a lllg letpilli'd mJMwiwwuAxuMWBm'aunjmjMritixri3 'The Natural Shortening' ims iiiiiiiiin ioi iBiiiumiiiMimiimiiiitniiliiiiiiiMiiiin ii iiiuiiii Make your next shortcake this way Into two cups of sifted pastry flour aift and mix one level teaspoon of salt and four level teaspoons liaking powder; chop in two b vel tuitapoons chilled Cottolene, and add one ogg. Wet to a atifl duugit with about three-fourtha cup of milk, or half water tind lialf milk. Tosh out on floured board, roll one-luilf inch thick, cut into rounds, and bake in hot oven, When baked, pull the bitcuitt atrt and spread with butter. Put maehttl and sweetened berne or othor fruit between cruatg and over th whole. Cottolee will improve the deliciotw qunlity of yourshortcuite, jtist as it improves tlie flavor, appearance aiul wholetomonoes of all other kinds of foods that are shortortad or fried in it. Use Cottolene for ull shortening, and for frying doughnuts, croquettes, chicken, fish, etc. Cottolone i put up in paila U different aiaea, to auit your convenience. Ita uae la aimple, and always grattfyuig. Aak your groct-r for a regular supply. Po it today. A copy of our real cook book, "HOMK HELPS," will be mailed to you uvv, if you will wr u our General Offices, Chicago. lH3JEFAlRBANK"t?7TI iarfiajiAWwaisiuiie1iiitfijsi)jiaw''a"awrwiiwii "Cotiolvne mkhp zd . . ...-...-.....l (Continued from pago ono) allenlat a hypothetical qttonton Bono word in leuKth, aumntlng up the tes timony that had tended to Indicate the prisoner bad Inherited or de veloped Inaanlty and concluding with tho Inquiry, whether, If the facta were aa Muted, he would conMder Walte Insane,. In reply Dr. Karpaa aald Walte wat auhject to dlaoatea known to the med ical profoaalon at "moral imbecility, moral idiocy ami moral Inaaulty " "Does bo know whether he la do lng wrong In committing a crime?" atked Mr. Deuel. "No." ropllod thoa llenltt, who added that during hla examination Dr Walte did not show nny sIkhh ot felKtilng or of an attempt to mislead him. Dr. Alrtbur Warren Wuito calmly recounted on tho wit tiest stand last night In an effort to save hlmtolf from conviction for the murder of bit father-in-law, John 1?. Peck, by nhowinx that be waa of unsound mind, how bo uttomptod to cause tho death of Mtaa Katherluo Peck, tho wealthy aunt of bis wife, and hit own benefactor, by feeding Iter disease gerniH. He also told of trlug to kill hla wife's paronta, Mr. unit Mr. John K. Peck, In tho tamo way before retorting to poison aa a more effective meant, lie testified, In addition, regarding hla relations with Mrs. MarKaret Morton, lib "Mudlo" companion. Walte. said he put ground glaaa In a can of marmtlado ami gave It to Mlta Katharine 1'ctk prior to hla marriage. He alto put dlaeaito nerniM In a eon of fish and gave that to Iter. Afterward ho frequently gavo bur various gonna, Including typhoid, while bo waa studying bacteriology. lie tried to produce tho germs him. seir he said, but his cultures failed, and ltu purchased thorn. He waa nblo to buy germs of diphtheria, pneumo nia, Influoutu, spinal meningitis uud other diseases. Walto told of stooping on tho couch on the nlKbt before bin ratliar-ln-law'a death so aa not to disturb hit wife. Ho not up an hour after returning, be said, and administered chloroform to Mr. Peck. Telling of his acquaintance with Mra. Morton. Walte aald he heard her slug at a theatre hero last full and went frequently Just to bear bar. Ho met her behind tho scmioa, be aald. and aaw her every day after that' becoming "very fond or bur." Walte then related It Is offortt to Induce Kugene Oliver Kane, the Hin balmer. to put areenlo In a aainple or embalming fluid which waa to be sent to the district attorneys office. Ho gave Kane $9,000 down, he aald, and agreed to give him H 0.000 mora later. "What wat your purpose In admin Interim norma to all thoso people?" "I wanted them to die." "Why?" "I wanted their money." "When dill you flrat get this Idaa?" "About the time I first met Mitt Clara Peck." Marly In hla examination tonight. Walte admitted that ho had deKenar ate traits since be was a boy. With Mwlford trade is Med ford nrnde iM ,1 I In I, III B I'l! poking bettqr f -n '" --.Li.i- an '""V' I pill lll'lllllll!' 'l . I ' i ' s i in i .B i '1 Mia .i R llii1 1 I I : I 1 B ' I a i a 1 AtlthllnniJ 7 I.A.1 A In A runv titauu nujj on it rHi tn f fit The Mlcnelln Univerial Treat! comblnrt all the adranlazes of non. ikicU of botli the rnlisc. tread and tuctlon-lread type. Michclin RedTuhri retain their veWety tortiicM indefinitely. Utrd in combination, Michclin eatings and tubes mako the moit (atitfactory tire equipment. Medford Vulcanizing Works, Medford, Or. ONE QUALITY Every Grocery Order Choice line of Home Grown Vegeta bles and Berries Order early today ARSH & QUALITY SERVICE A TEACHER'S COURSE KcvicwitiK Aiiicncnn Literature, Algebra, Compost lion, Arithmetic, liootfrnphy, Civil Government, (irunmiiir, llmtory, Ortliojfmpliy, Physiology, Head ing, chool I wtw, Theory and Practice and Writing, will begin Monday, May 22. Medford Commercial College Medford Choral Society Grand C PAGE THEATRE FRIDAY, JUNE 2 W i sis WW Ut i ,,sssMsimwMlssspsissstsssssMSatissMa ! ! I pi II llllHW. II I 1 . Chorus 50 Voices and Orchestra Admission 75 and 50c imCHELlN UNIVERSAL TREADS and RED TUBES are not Lien-priced! Just compare these prices wikb those yon have been paying. UMVIR3AL THUD CASINOS AD RED TUBES loth Sun Q.D. Sltitfht Q D. Cljathn 3iii', $tl zsts ztts 27 S24.M JJIJ ZSIS "K. "33.01 34.7S 3S70 3(M D.if 41.M i jIo 14 77 JS.79 "J.J0" 4I.N AIm ! I m(i k.J cliWr In 31 1 4, Vri 112.11. ONLY- THE PEST' ilollveroil tneatis just to much Krooory ktitlufuctlon. I'or It Is n riml tdtlsfaetlon to feci one Is KultltiK the vory boat things to ont with no oxtra price for oxtni quality. That you will en Joy this fooling wo aro sure Why nut commence tho pleas ure by alvltiK us a tilal order today? Phone 252 BENNETT SELECTION PRICE I'm- eveivthnur new and up-to-date tn the .h'Wi'lt'V mill Silwnvuro linei. Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER IIiiiim' .f Quality. YiHitor Always Wehnme. oncert o twttsjt" r?ryj. .-tnsrt