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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1916)
UnVrJtvolOrcnon Library Medford Mail Tribune m m FORECAST LIGHT KltOST TONIGHT. I'AIIt TODAY AND SUNDAY WEATHER Maximum, Yodci-day, 08; Minimum, Today, ill. V rortjfBlxth Tear. Dally Klrvmth Tr. MEDFORD 01UW0X, SATrRDAY. MAY 13. 1916 NO. 15 U.S.AI IV TH HAN DM CONSIST OF Regular Army Capable of Expansion to 254,000 in Time of War-National Guard to Be Federalized as Reserve Totals 425,000 Senate System of Organization Retained Vocational Training for Enlisted Men Mobilization of Industries Authorized. WASHINGTON, May 13. A regit lur nrniy of 1200,000 moil nt ponce fdrongth, capable of expansion to 'J51,000 men in time of. war, was agreed upon today by bouse and sen nto conferees on the iinny reorgnn inition bill, first of the liijc national dcfciiNc measure1. Tbo report will bo htibmitted to both branches of con gro.s for ratification next week. The volunteer reserve army of 1201,000 men provided in tbo senate bill noos out, leaving the reserve army to tbo national guard, whieh will be federalized, according to provisions of the house bill. All officers and men of tbo guard must take oath o allegiance to the I'm ted States as well as to the respective Mates. The national guard at maximum strength would lie recruited on the basis of 800 men to each congression al district, whieh would aggregate a total of J'J.j.OUO men. The roservo force, togutber with the regular army Of 125 1,000 war strength, would pro duoo a combined defence force of 070,000 inon. ' Scnnlo I'lim Adopted. Ill the agreumont on the rogulni army tbu senate bill system of organ iration was retained uk a substitute for tbo house system, which would nave provided a maximum army of MO.000 mon. The regular line of Hie anny. tho bill now provide, chii never go below 100,000 mon and its mximuui strength in timon of peace would bo 17."i,000 officers and men. In (hi; calculation, however, there are e. eluded .rj":t Philippine seouts. filOii in the qunrtominstorV corps. 7200 in the medical department, Xt87 in Hia kignal corps and 87,'i0 unuseignod ic criiits, n total of .'H.uTiO. Thco added to the regular line of 175,000 moA give a total regular annv pcacd strength of 200,050. The president i authorized to increase the regulai army division to maximum strength without congrossional action. CoiiissltJon of Anny. Under tbo eonforonco ngioomeut the regular army would consul ot Q5 regiments of infantry, 25 rogi incuts of cavalry, 21 regiment ot liold artillery, k voast artillery eorp of IIO.OOU offieor and men, a ignal ' corp of .'11187 mon, including the aw Ntiuu section, and nevcii regiment nt engineers. In the aviation section tbo number of otficer i increaed from a total of 00 to 118. including one colonol, ono lioutenaiit colonel ami 111 first Nontenant... The organisation (dan contem plate carrying the full pU4 strength within five yoars m pro jKiked in the original projMirodnosd plan. General officers of tho lino would bo increased by four major general, and 19 brigadier generals. The gen oral staff of tho anny would bo in created from 3 1 officers to 52. The provision of tho senate hill, which would have placed five officer ot the national guard in the general sUff, wa stricken out, hut provision was made for oftieen. of the national guard to be assigned to volunteer f Continue an pag two.) COOL AND FAIR FOR GOING WEEK W SHINGTON, Mav 1.; Weather prediction for the week beginning Hunds made b) the wiyher burgu todav say (icnerallv fair and cool weather will prevail during the wegk ocopoff Rok mountain and pUtttu r.siLO inl fcr Pa. iflc state? 206,000 IN i i -VtKUUN KON T Douaumont Region Again Scene of Heavy Bombardment, Followed by infantry Attacks Which Are Re pelled With Heavy Losses to At tackersFrench Repulsed. LONDON, May 13. The Douatl inont region on tho Verdun front, where the Germans for moro than two months past hnvo boon fairly clone to the lino of tholr original ad vance In tho February drive, Is again the scone of dcBUcrnto fighting. Violent bombardmont of French po sitions In that sector yesterday was followed by strong attacks In which, according to tho afternoon bullotln from Paris, the Germans suffered heavy lossos and failed to gain any ground. " ' Tho roglsnutlon of Dr. Clomens Dclbrucck, Gorman vlro chancellor and mlnlBtor of tho Interior, is an nounced from Dorllu. HI health is given as the reason. Dissatisfaction has boon wldoly oxprossed In Ger many recontly with tho mlnlstorlul handling of tho food situation, as an outgrowth of which riots havo been reported and thoro havo been hints recently that tho resignation of Dr. Dclbrucck was Immlnont. v - French Statement. PAHIS, Mny 13. Tho French trenches southwest of Fort Douau mont and positions to the north of the Thlaumont form wore violently bom barded yesterday, occordlng to an of ficial roport of tho French war office today. Tho roport says that oil of tho German attucks were repulsed, tho enemy sustaining sovoro lossos. On tho left bank of tho Mouse artil lery combats continue uninterrupted. Tho trfxt of tho stiitcinont says: "On tho loft bank of the Mouse tho artillery combat continued without intnrriintloii In the sector of tho woods of Avorpurt and lllll SOt. Dur ing tho night w roallzod furthor progros In the vicinity of Hill 287, "On tho right bank tho Germans ronowod yesterday their attacks on our tronchoB southeast of Fort Dou aumont. In splto of tho violence of the bombardment which procodod tho onomy assaults, our lino did not wav er. All attacks woro ropulsod with sorlous lossos for tho onomy. Othor attempts during tbo night upon our positions north of Thlaumont farm woro llkowlso arrested by our cur tain of flro and machine guns. 'At Kpargos a strong Gorman ro connolterlny party, which aftor a bombardmont attomptor to roach our linos, was unablo to dobouch. "In tho rorest of Parroy and at Dan do Sapt thoro was quite a lively cannonado." Gi'i'inan Statement. HKItLlN, May 18. The repulse of a nlieht attack by the French south west of Dead Man hill on the Verdun front Is reported 1 today's official statements by the war office. At tempts of tho French to advance In the Avocourt and Malanoourt woods also woro fruitless. The text of the official statement by German army headquarters today says: ' "Western theater: Iletween the Argonne and the Mouse thore havo boen lively hand grenade engage ments at Isolatod points. Knemy at tempts to gain torraln In tho Avocourt and Malancourt woods were frustrat ed. At enemy attack during the night southwest of Dead Man hill, was stopped by the fire ot the German Infantry. "The French suffered considerable losses on the east bank of the Meuse lu fruitless attack on the quarry west of the Abluln wood. DE FOR EVERY STAIE NKW YORK, Ma 1 : -A move meat to form organization similar to the local Young Mn s Ittr.oi rtlc league in vr state for the rowing presidential rsmpaigtt tigs ifeo i proved t. William V .Mei'niu'ut ot !' tleutMifclfe est(9Ql ("UOiiUtee, ME STEAMER ROANOKE WHICH IiiM'i'at top, left to light, FJi-Mt Officer Hinrlcs CJrcviic and Chief Kiiglncci' DlckM)ii. SEEK SURPRISE OF GLYNN SPRINGS MARATHON. Tex., Mav lX Ma jor George T. I.anghorne ami his fly ing Mpiudron ut' the Kighth cavalry are dashing over the whito Minded hills in Mexico today in a supremo of foil to surprise the Mexican raid ers of Glenn Spring and Hoquillas. They seek to rescue alive, if jmw ihle, .lesao Dcomer and two other Americans, John Woodson and V. Halthworth, acconling to infoimatiou that reached here today. Crohxing va made yesterday and military men here helievo that hy to night Major l.Hiighoriic xhould have covered fifty mile in the ehaxe aftor the bandits who were lat reported at a point Kcventv miles south of tho border from Iloquilliin in an abandon ed cave. Chute behind .Major Laughorne is Colonel A. C. McComlt and n detach ment of the fourteenth cavalry, whoso hiisiucKh it will he to expedite sup plies and forage i Laiiglmruc and to fight off snipei. AT T NKWPOUT NKVVS. Va., Ma 1:1. -The yacht .lnt lower, with the pres ident and Mrs. Wilxon ahoard for a week-end cruixe, auehorHl off the shipyanl here this moruing fiom Washington. The naval yacht Slyph wa waiting off NewHtrt New ami moii alter the president's arrivul he and Mrs. Wil kon left the Ma flower and went aboard. The Sylph started immedi ately for a triii up the J a mm, river, i ami it h e.(tvi-ifii iiih ireiieiH would visit the ruins of .lauitown. No salutes were fired as the May flower pasted Fortress Monroe, nud ! the lmttlehii anchoivd in llamptou Itoads, and the president' flag was not flown. L THREATENS CLOTHIERS f'lllfAliO, Mav U Cl.i.Hgo was threatened today tilth a general walkout of clothing workers In sym pathy with about 5000 cutters and tailors wbo have been out a -seek de manding maintenance of & closed shop policy. tfldney, iroidont of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers or Amoriia, ftt a union meeting last night 01 lei upon the meniorrs of BAND RAIDERS Die union to leave work and today bejAiltued .hi, ,tl taid to evo rlutiUCK wurKfiH rtt (te- - 1 um - i, , TURNED TURTLE AE 5EA FEDERAL PROBE OF OVERL IE SAN FHANCISl'O. May l.. - l'cd onil investigation of the loss of (he steamer J(o4t whieh turned tur tle mid wont down TueHilay Kill miles south of San Kruncisoo with a loss of forty-six lives, whs to he slatted horo today by I tilted States Inspec tors of liullx and Itoilcrs .lames (luthtio and .lo-eph Dolaii. The of ficials planned to determine the truth of the reHrts that the vessel was overloaded, bv questioning the steve dores who stowed away the cargo and officials of the California South Seas Navigation comiwtny, the charterers. Mrs. .lolin Dennis, wife of tho Ro anoke's second offices, whoe bisly was picked no at Mca yextetdav hv (the Pacific JMfiil steamer City of Para, wmk exM-eed to he one of (ho witniMMOf at the inquiry. Mr. Den nis jn htalcmetiU made public here today, said her Hiixlmnd told her be fore the vexKel's dcMrlute that ear' penters were -awing away beams, braces ami certhing in the way, to make room for the hirgtml eaigo the boat ever cainel. She declared her huxband lieliexcd the Roanoke would get no farther than Kan Pedro on its Irip to South Americu. Manuel Im.. Joxeph Klh and Chaiich Unpin, ilic the dinter. Imi Port Sun I. mi in he quizzed d lln next Hcik three iirnorv of Honied iilioie at a lit'ebont, iii'i- to ledeial lli-ie lot-. I WAMIlNtiK'N. M..v If Hi jMitch of don i .irianz.n tioii-. north ward towaiij the border i it the Dig Mend diotiiet oi Coubuilit, i'eMirted ill border aihue., was regarded hy officiuls here todnv as M.iMy iudi eatiug that the Mexieun de facto government in making renewed effort to eaplure bandits who have raided American border towns. Heort that ,thc exjMidition might have a hostile I .nrp. were not regarded 'b adininintiation offieiaU. They intimated that the movement tended to xtr nulhen the belief that the Auiet'icaii and Mexican iiulitsrv authonties hud reached an unwritten agreement on eo-opcratioii uhmg the border to pit-vent fmtlior buudit raids. DAVIO CAPLAfJ CASE NOV IN JURY'S HANDS UtS AM'H.KS. C'nl. M..v H Tile vafO of );,vid Cflplun, ihalL'i-d Willi nmrdt i in gouni'i tmn illi Hie OADIN STEAM R ROANOKE RAZA FORCES SEN BANDITS MIL' "I til. ... , lili.'. ,i fK i I, t,,,' i i r ... ,', WITH LOSS OF 46 LIVES! David Mclnnli. Helow Ciiptnln M.MtSPFIKI.D, Ore, May 13. C. It. Hmlth, multimillionaire, owner of tho Alenasha Woodenwaru coiiMHtny and having a controlling lutorost lu .iiiuuy other southern OreHon outor- lirlsos, dlml today In New York, ac i cording to a tolegcam received here by lleriierl Armstrong, bis loeal man ager, i Death was due to a blood slot on the brain which result ml from an lu- 1 Jury which Mr. Smith received In a Pullman car near Spokane while on his way here from the oast tlireo months ago. Mr. Smith was a classmate and a close friend of Piesldeut Wilson, and, though a republican, cniitt United heavily to his campaign. Ho grad uated from Princeton university when 'it, anil shortly afterward ho helped his father pull the Meuasha company from a receiver's bauds and built up an Immense fortune. Ills wealth was Invested princlMlly lu timber. It was slatod here that his affairs were In such shape that his death will have an offset on the conduct of his business. Two weeks ago his company here sold JMMJ.OUO worth of timber Is lid to .Minnesota Inter- exti. ' OF '45 DEAD, LA FAYETTE roUKST UIJOVK, Or.. May IX -. Caroline i;ii.abeth Watts, who lame to (ireuoii in lHI.'i, died lato last night at her home in (.afayette, aged h1l. She wuk one of Oregon's ohlent piouiH-rx. Mr. Watt was horn at Hpruig field, ()., on March ".'. 1 8J7. and came here with her parent', nettling in Chehaleiii valley. On Im-tina-day, 1 H 17. he wu married lo Felix (I. Don i of Tillamook. Iler second iiiarnaire wa- to Dr. J. W. Walts, who wa. r iverol'the I lilted Slates land oi tiri' at Oregon City during Prexldent Hum-' .iliillllllratloll. FARM LOAN BILL WASIIIMJTiiN Mav II. Tiie bill etuhlinhing a r.h.nn of twelve tederal bankn for loaning money on agricul tural credit at low uiiereat entered on it- last xtage in the hoiiM today, with prosi.i t l a-.age bv niifhl SIT HER N OF MARSHFIELD A m YORK DiMrieiiei - uilli iln- ( i, ..i lull I i - - il l Pi -Clllltf VVoili( lie ml i -t. . lu Min in . J 1 51 .000 PARADE IN GOTHAM FOR PREPAREDNESS Twenty - Mile Procession Marches Throufjh Flarj-Bcdecked Streets of New York as Demonstration of Be lief in Preparedness Mayor Mitclicl and General Wood Review. NKW YORK, May IX The grout osl civic particle in tho history of Huh country was witnesed hero this nf tornoou when l." 1,000 cuthmdiistiu men nud women marched through flug-hedocked streets as u ilomon strutiou of their belief in national preparedness. The liim of niurchors was estimated ut twenty inilos in length. It seemed as if nil Now York wits in thotrcets and (hero wns hard ly a person who did not wear or wnvo the Slurs and Stripes. The pa ruder, headed by Mayor Mitehel, (funeral Leonard Wood and Hear Admiral Nathaniel It. Usher, wore greeted with roars of applause Tho weather was perfect. With tin uoropliino circling over the lower part of the city whore the pantile slutted, tho first division swung into line promptly nt UtfO o'clock. Tho pro cession was not to end until nearly midnight. The mnyor's earringe was guarded by mounted police. So ulosoly uid they guard the mayor that ho was scarcely visible to the spectators. Itcvlcvv 1'anolo. At 10::l() o'clock the iicud of the column reached the reviewing stand ut Madison Sipnuo park, whom tho mayor, (leuerul Wood and Admiral Culler took place among other digui- tiuios to review the remainder of the parade. The marchers from that point proceeded up Fifth avenue. The IMirsilc moved with precision and up to mid-afternoon there were no un toward incidents. Twenty ahrenal, filling the street from nub to curb, keeping in step tn the patriotio tunes of 200 bands, the iwrade that began this morning will last twelve hour or longer. Il is cHtimatcd that at least one million pcivon aw the demonstration. Twenty Ihoiinaud women are in the pageant. Worker. in J(( oeciim tions, lawyers and other professional men, cilv officials and city employes, and 10,(100 member of the national guard in uniform and tliouMauda of veteran of the SN4iih.h war compose the long column. The lawyers arc led hy twenty justices of the supreme 141111 1. DciiihiiiU for a place in I he itarade mi greatly exceeded the time ami hmch I list Hie pitMMolcrs were com pelled to reject (10,1100 applications; Major (literal Leonard Wood, Iteur Admiral Nathaniel It. Cher, com mnndant of the New York navv vard. and Mayor Mitehel reviewed the pa rade. Auti-prepnrednehh Uodic ueh a the Woman'ii Peace arty aitd the o ciulits endeavored to offset the nre- parednehB npirit hv eiienlation among the Kjwetators of circular. Across Fifth avenue fnHM the reviewing stand the woiuau's rty hung out a banner with the incnptien: f 'There are only 100,000 o( you. You are not the only patriot. Two million, five hundred thou-siul mine workers mid organised labor of Amer ica are opM.M.,J to what mmi ami Wall street are innlrliiiii tor. Are ou -ore von arc iiuht '" IS I lilds wore opened S4turds hv the county court for the nur facing of the Medford-Jacksouvllle road with buckshot gravel. The following bids were received: C. K. Hade, asphaltlc surface, U'IU'.66 per mile. C. K. llsde. per spet'irieatlons, JXII2.16 per aiU; Chris Xstwlek, llo ur mil; Ms, ford Concrete Construction eoui-May, JUs') per mJU; W. T. Schoulta. 11571.13. The contract was awarded to Vchoults, formerly with tha Clark Hsuery company, as the lowest bid der The specification provide six inebett of lnjckhot sravel rolled. with oneimh finwhiiiK ulfacv of yrunite iblp i I SCHOOL AWARD RAD CONTRAG OOIET ffliS ALONG M AN BORDER EINE Carranza Gives No Imllcatlons pf Hcncwinij Sii((jcstion That Ameri can Troops Depart Villa Report ed Seen Near Corrizo, in Western Chihuahua Lopez Not Executed. WASHINGTON, Mny IS. Gonoral Carranza has given no Indication, Spe cial Agent Itodfiors at Moxlco City reported today, of renewing Imme diately throuKh diplomatic ohannola his Riiggostlon that American troops bo withdrawn from Moxlco. Ellsco Arrodondo, his ambnssador hero, tolo graiihnd yostorday for Instructions to gttldo him lu Informal conversations ho oxpoeta to havo with Secretary LtinBlng. ' Major General Scott, cltlof of staff, will roach horo Monday from Kl Paso and confer with Socntary Lansing on tho proposals by Gonoral Obrogon. Ti-oop .Movement. Consular dispatches todny said tho only Moxloan troop movoments of Im portance on tho border region woro tho dispatch of forcos from Sonora Into tho Ynipil valley, whoro Indians nro throntoulug now outhronku, nnd tho movomonts of parts ot tho Saltlllu garrison Into tho Illg Ilond vicinity to chock bandit raids. An order Issuod today by tho war department permitting Gonoral Per shing tn appoint gonoral courtiunrtlal to try cusc-s arising among tho troopu without tho nocosslty of sending thoiti back to tho border Is takon ns fur thor Indication ot tho administration Intent to maintain tho army In Iln present status Indoflnltoly, . . Wlicjp It Villa; KL PASO, Tex., .May 13. -With the conference over, American troop disposition in Mexico ended and with inactivity of (louoral Pershing's col umns promised for the time hoing, tho border today began inquiring as to tho whereabouts of rVauciseo Villa, tho caiHte of all the trouble. lteKiits readied lil Paso todav that the bandit leader had been seen near Corriio, in western Chihuahua. This is iu loach with the American columns, hut so far as is known no detachment have been sent to in vestigate the reimrt. From Chihuahua City Information was received that Pablo Lopez, Villa lieutenant, caught near Sautu Yxahcl, where lt February he murdered eighteen Americans, has not been ex ecuted, lie is being allowed lo re cover from hi wounds before being put to death. F M M Ahrenx, the well known mer chant and hla wife have been dis franchised b County Clerk Gurdnor at tha last minute too late to straighten matters out He registered before registration closed, April SO, sud hoard nothing from It until May 10, when he received a formal no tice from Mr. Gardner that his regis tration had been refused. Mr. Ahrens cam to the United Stales when a baba of 18 months, and his father was naturallsml during his ho)hood. His citliOMihlp has boon recognised by Uncle Sam for homo fteadlng, and he has voted without incMtioii during hi six years' resi lience lu Medford. Prosecutor Kelly says that h Is on titled to vote, under tha law. Clerk tiarduer says ho hi not. Mr. Ahruuti , "1 havo voted without tiuasttou alt of my life since attaining my ma jority. If my registration had bsett acted promptly upon It would not have been so bad. Hut action wan delayed by the county clerk, who boasts of his promptness and effi ciency, until too late for me to sand for my father's registration papers." STATE FIELD MEET ' HELD AT EUGENE KKIKXK. Or., May IX- The best track nud field athlete of Oregon high xchools particiated here today in the annual alalc inlereholahtio track meet. There were H7 entrants, representing twenty-mx eftooK iu tho. v.iiiiin- event-.. The pielimmuriet wire in Id this nrumg und the law al- wire to be run oti this afternoon ELEVENTH HOUR RANCHISEMENT