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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1916)
srrnyFonTi mttr TTtTBTOF, nrnFonn, nrju.ov, vovpw. my i. i'i.j VAav.rvtr, T59 mm AND UNITY 1 The rrtlvnl ti ectlng grow stesdlv In Interest and awakening. On Sun day a big throng was present at the various hourly services. Evangelist Matlili took particular opportunity at the morning service to score nominal church members who, a affiliates of religion under various denominations nevertheless nogleet to prosont let ters entitling them to communion ml fellowship in the groat work of the church universal, but Instead criticise the work of those who ro maln faithful. Especially did the In dividual kicker against his pastor come in for condemnation for con duct unbecoming either a christian or a gentleman. Sunday afternoon wan devoted to a meeting for women. Monday la rest day preparatory to the arduous labor of the remainder of tho weok. On this week's calendar a special opportunity will ho afforded the schools In the way of at tendance at the meetings and one day Is re sorvod for Medford co-workera nt which the representation is certain to he generous. The house-to-houso cunvass and cottago prayer meetings are bearing fruit In tho way of cir culating the moesngo which nwnlts all comers. Devoid of any sensations the revival movomont is holng con ducted along the linos of prayerful moral suasion. On Saturday afternoon a nuinhor of candidate for office mot nt the Hotel Oregon to talk over and com imro notes regarding the political sit uation. The gathering convened pursuant to a call from Messrs. Owens , Floroy and Gore, committee representing tho Jackson county re publican central organization. Though the meeting was liberally at tended, not. all tho candidates by any means were prosent. Tho object was to discus the outlook in gonornl and harmonize any discordant elements. If necessary, which might be found looming on the political horizon. Miss Maude Harnes. formerly as sistant librarian In Ashland, and now at tho head of tho Grants Pass Insti tution in the capacity of librarian, was an attendant upon tho Women's Federation convention hero Inst week and at tho samo time renewing the acquaintance of many friends. Joseph Poloy Is making substantial additions to his residence property nt the corner of 11 nud Third streets. Mr. and Mrs. Rbon Martz, new comers from Ohio and friends of tho Hoavor families hero, havo gono to tin) vicinity of Knglo Point whoro (hey will engage In ranching and orchard work. Among polltclnl candldutos visit--Jug here-ths, last of the week were Charles H. Mooros, of Portland, for noorolaary or state, who was being Introduced around town by Joe Hunt. Also J. C. Herring, rancher of Cen tral Point, who is running for as sessor of Jackson county, and Mrs. Myrtle W. Itlakeley of Medford. can dltiate for county treasurer all on the republican ticket. Hodgson Heed, real estate agents, will move tholr office on or about May I to rooms In the Hotel Oregon, making one more line of business represented among the num erous tenants of the hotel establish ment. About a doien men are employed on preliminary work collected with reopening or the Ashland mine un der direction of A. W. Hartlett. the Hew proprietor, representing a Texas syndicate with headquarters at San Antonio. Water will he piped in from a sprint close at hand.reaehlng the mine by a gravity system. The main shaft Is 825 feet deep on an in line. Dave Good has been hauling a lot of additional equipment to the property of late. He li an old-timer on the original development work, having been employed In various ca pacities, and will be employed as foreman on the Job by the new man agement. The equipment is being completely overheauled, including stamps and a lot of extensive ma chinery. Kveobody welcomes the promise of a speedy resumption of operstlsus due to the new enterprise in mining elrcles. Roc. A. It. Illaekstone, pastor of the Uaptlst ohurch, attended the 3Sth annual convention or tho itogue Riv er Baptist association, held at Grants Paw. whleh ended esterday. Homer Hillings will begin remod eling his residence this week on the property located at 743 North Main street. When the metamorphosis is complete the house will assume the proportions or a commodious bunga low with all modern Improvements. WoedwaH & MeParland will super vise construction, details. Mrs. Geo B Mc.Math, of Portland, has been the guest of Mrs. C. B. Lam kta, tnctueMug And following the fed eration convention week as a dele gste to the third' annual convention here. She is president of the Oregon Congress of Mothers and is also prominently identified with the Pnr-ent-Teauher association of the me tropolis. Schucrraan of this city has hfttome aitioclated with H, T. Sim on , of Gold Hill. In a general (are iiouse and commission business, and ft'lH g& to t.iaf1 town this week to en- I ' r upon thf iMM" or Hi" i i i vl Hhiii lln fatuih Hill niiLiin 'i"m inasmuch as RHIIng is attending high school. Fred went to MgCloud t'al , on Saturday, to work for thr lumbor company. August hag leased a small bungalow at Gold Hilt and will set up housekeeping on a scale commensurate with tho requirement of bachelor's apartment. Miss Joeelo Roso, Muter of the Hose flros.. returned on Friday to her ranch near Crystal, in the Fort Klam ath neighborhood, after a visit with numerous relative and friends In this city. 11. L. White left for Calexleo. Cal. Saturday, to visit his sen Harry, who has a truck farm and ranch In that section. Mr. Whlto will also negotiate some Important business while In the south. Harry will raise cotton this season as a "by-produrt," the cultivation of this staple being steadily on the Increase throughout the Imporial valley. N'ato Yates, Harry Huttorfleld and Jim Yeo are the new triumvirate op erating tho Hotel Oregon harbor shop, which has taken on all the Im provements In keeping with the ox tenslvo remodollng features of the ontlro properly. It follows that the throe chairs are kept busy, and walt Ing on tho part of patrons Is at a minimum. Tho establishment is one of the most complete In its appoint ments of any in southern Oregon. Miss Nelllo Denver, returned from a special course in pedagogy and other accomplishments at Willam ette university, began touching in tho Gregory district, south of Ash land, on Monday or this week. She was accompanied home by hor sister, Mrs. Wilt or Horndon, or Springfield, also Hubble Horndon, who with hla mother will visit at the parontnl homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Heaver Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Klnnoy return ed on Krlday from a two months' vis it with relatives In southern and central California.. "Win. Groonrield, milcldo. and who figured horo several months ago In the attempt on tho llfo or Postmas ter Kaiser, loft a small estate, most ly personal, which Is now being ad ministered upon. On and after May G, Attorney McAllister of this city, will offer for salo n fine motorcycle which formerly belonged to the do censed. A. L. Lnmb, who hns been super intending the oxtonslvo work on tho Hotel Oregon, hns secured' tho con tract for tho ntuiox to that houso now under way. Tho coBt will ho $10,000. After much discussion irtul the writing of sovornl notes, diplomatic and othorwlio, It has been decided that Mosdames Caroline Schuerman and Hollo Sohwoln did not violate Ashland's noutrullty on tho occasion of serving n Gorman lunch at tho Inst mooting or tho Wodnosday After noon club, notwithstanding the fact that tho genial hostesses openly served pretzels and welnerwursts as the mainstay amorig the edibles dish ed up at that Ideal repast. Horace Goble, garduer, died April 20. Funeral services wore held last Thursday at tho family residence on Walker avo. Durlal was In Mountain View cemetery, Tho doconsed was 1 years of ago. He loaves n wire and daughter. IMrs. Louis Dodge and young son lert Saturday afternoon ror an ox tended trip to tho central west, their destination being St. Louis, Mo. A business men's lunch Is being planned as a weekly event at the Ho tol Oregon, at least 30 pledges be ing uoeded In order that the function assume numerical requirement. In addition to the social features of such a gathering It would afford substan tial encouragement to the now man agement in the business way of con ducting a first-class house Implied by all the improvements recently inade. J. W. Dobbins, a hotel man of wide experience, conducts the management of the house. Safecrackers oarly Sunday morn ing blew the safe In the Fruit and Produce company's office to smith ereens, also broke lute the Swift headquarters The work looked like efforts of proresslonals. The clock near the Fruit compan's safe wa stopped at 'i a. m. When Itching Stops There Is ono safe, dependable treat men! tbat rt-iiow ltdiiuic torture in fcUutly and tbat clean- and koolb the bkiu. Auk any druggikt for a Sir Itottlo of zemo and aii.h it a dirmted. Soon you will fin 'I l lm t pimple. Mark beads, orzeina, riK"rm und tiimlur skin trou ble will duait'ur. A liltl zi'iiio, tin' penetrating, satis fying liquid, i nil i bat w miJ, for It bunUheii all 'kill i million und utukes tbe skin kutt. kmooii. and lieaiuty, Zetuo, Cleveland. i STOCK RANCH Trade for City Property "Will trade ii' aired Htok ranch full) equipped, with I'iO acres In cultivation located near Kagle Point. Total price only $ia,ooo. Mortgage, J5,0uu, not due fur four years. K(tuit 7.oon, to trade for acreage near Medford and t-ltjr resi dence. i:. S. Tl'MV JW (iarmlt-t'olf) Jtliltf. 3 Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists. Notice to Contiiictors Scaled proposals, addressed to the undersigned at Jacksonville. Oregon, and endorsed "Sealed Dlds for He- pairing Road." for repairing a couutv road between Medford and Jackson ville. Oregon, In accordance with the Plans and specifications on file in the county surveyor's efflce, over the Medford National bang building, Medford, Oretton, will be received and filed until 10 a. m.. May 12, 1916. and nt that time tho county court will publicly open and road all bids. Kach bidder shall be required to deposit with his bid five per cent of the amount of his bid, which shnll be forfeited to the county In case tho award Is made to htm, and If he falls, neglects or refuses, for a per iod of 10 doys after such a.wanl Is made, to enter Into a contract and file his bond In the manner required bv and to tho satisfaction of the county court. A corporate surcW bond will he re quired for the faithful performance pf the contract In n sum equal to one-half of the total amount or tho sum hid. The countv court reserves the right to reloet any or all bids, or to ac cept the proposal deemed best ror Jackson county. Dated this 18th day or April. 19 1G. G. A. OAHD.N'UH. County Clerk. Jacksonville, Ore. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEM EUTS FOR HICPHHSKNTATIVK I horcby annonnco that I havo fllod my dorlarntlon or Inteutlon to bocomo a enndidnto tor the republican nom ination ror tho orflco of representa tive subject to tho decision or tho re publican party at tho comlnn primary election. Adv. C. M. THOMAS. 1 am a candidate tor tho ropuhllcan nomination for Joint representative from tho district comprising Doug las and Jackson counties subject to the primary In May. H nominated and elected I will servo tho people or the district to tho best or my ability. Adv. W. II. GOItK. I horoby annonnco my candidacy ror tho nomination ror reprosontn tlvo rrom Jackson county on tho ro puhllrnn ticket, subject to tho pri mary on May 19. I piodgo mysoU ror economy and a snunro deal ror all. Adv. ' IJKXTON nOWKHS. I nm a republican enndidnto ror representative In the stnto legisla ture. HIC.SM. C. SHHLDON. DISTRICT ATTOHXKV Tho records or the county cleric nt this time show a saving or $1500.00 In tho administration or this office as compared with the previous torm. This lias been ncconiplished-hy trans uding tho samo amount ot business borore grand Juries In ono day that has formerly required flvo or six days, nnd by eliminating many potty matters, and without any sacrlflco to law enforcement In tho county. I reel that this saving and my oxpor lenco entitles mo to n second torm. 1 am therororo a candidate ror re election to tho offlco of district attor ney. K. B. KKLLY. Adv. 1 hereby annonnco that I have riled my declaration ot tntontlon to bocomo n candidate ror the repub lican nomination tor the orflco of District Attorney for Jackson county, Orogon, subject to tho dnolslon of tho ropuhllcan party, at tho primary elec tion to bo hold May 19, 1910. Adv. O. M. HOUEltTS. I hereby annonnco that 1 havo fllod my declaration of Intentions, and that I am a enndidnto for tho democratic nomination ror tho orrico or district attorney, subject to the May primar ies. If I am nominated nnd elected to this office. I j) nun I no not to forget tho fact that I am a public servant, and that 1 will to tho best of my ability admlnlstor tho affairs of the offlco, Impartially, hunoetly and without fear or favor. Adv. NISWTON W. BOHDEN The first of the year n number of republicans, Including many who ap proved of my efforts In tho interest of the taxpayers aa state representa tive four years ago, requested me to becomu a candidate ror the offlco of District Attorney, Inasmuch as thorn would be, In addition to the regular duties of the criminal and juvenile courts, new dutlnH and conditions WANTED We have several Inquiries for fur nished houses If you have one tlut you would reut call us up, we will rent It for you. Bennett Investment Co. Heal llitt Loans, ItcutaN, Insur ance. 102 W. Main. I'liouo 7011. WHY? CASH WAXTICD 80 acres Hear Creek bottom, 70 aeres lu cultivation, alfalfa, fruit and grain, oaslly Irrigated. Less than 3 miles from Medford, JS80 cash. One or the best buys in Jaokson county. Say when and I mil show you. J. C. BARNES 102 West Mslu BL, Phone in confronting ttu ffrC mong these' wen !iirnlln.M th enforcement of tli.i ti-nbihitlon 1. ntil the "lk"ll hood of having to foreclose many tsx Urns, particularly those against the flout hern PoeKte land grant of noarly half million acres in Isoxson county, amounting to about $100,000 My reply was that 1 would beoomo a candidate ir it were generally de sired nnd tho race could be made without asflun'ln snerlal obligation to any particular Individual, faction, localltv or Interest. Therefore, after consulting person ally or by loiter several hundred men and womon of all occupations in all parts of the county, believing thore Is a real desire for my candi dacy, I will be a candidate for tho nomination of District Attorney on tho republican ticket. Adv. JOHN H. CARKIN. I am a candidate for tho orflco or district attorney on tho domocrat ticket. U nominated and elected, I shall servo the countv as I have sorvod tho City of Medford during tho past three vears, during which time I havo been Its clfv attorney. Adv. D. It. M'CADB. COITXTY CLRH1C fl. A. Onrdiier l Republican Candi date for County Clerk I horobv nnnounco my candidacy ror the orrico or county olork nnd ir nominated nnd elected will contlnuo to glvo my entire time nnd nttcntlon to tho duties thereof, conduct tho oVr.n according to law nnd glvo nn nfflclont. economical nnd business like ndmiulstrntlon. dv. G. A. GARDNER. I horobv nnnounco thnt I hnvo filed my declaration of Intention to become a candidate lor tho republi can nomination for tho of flro of coun ty clerk, for Jackson cdnntv. siibloct to tho decision of the republican pnr tv, ot tho primary election to bo hold May 19, 1910. Adv. A. X. HILDRHRAND. COUXTY ARH1WSOR I horobv announce my candldncy for tho orrico or county nssossor or Jackson county on tho ropuhllcan ticket, subject to tho prlmnry on May 19. I pledge mvseir to nn honest, erriclent. Impartial nnd econ omical dlsehnrgo or tho duties or tho orrico nnd proposo to mnko all nssess. ments upon tho basis or the true actual value or the property nnd not upon any Inflated valuation. Adv. GEORGE LAUNSPACH. I herewith annonnco mv candldncy for county nssossor. snbjoct to the decision of the republican pnrty nt the primary election to bo held Mnv 19. 191C. If elected I piodgo myself to miilco n Just and eqiiltnbln assess ment nnd ndmlnlster tho nffnlrs or tho orrico In a buslnoss-llko mnnnor. Adv. J. 11. COLEMAN. I horoby nnnounro my candidacy ror tho domocratlc nomination ror tho orrico or assessor or Jackson county, nt tho primary to ho held May 19th, 1910. Havo had three years' exporlonrn ns deputy assessor. Adv. CLINT GALLATIN. 1 norony announce thnt I am a candldato ror county nssossor ror Jackson countv, Orogon, on tho re publican ticket, subject to tho pri maries to bo bold May 19. 1910. My platferm: Economy, equnlltv and ofriclenoy. J. C. HERRING. Adv. Candidate ror county assessor at republican primary election. May 19, 1910. Three yoars experience cleri cal work making up assessment rolls and extending tax rolls, township 39 and 30 North, Range t West, state or Michigan Three years assessor mid member or county board or an pervlsors. Otsego county. Michigan, Six years deputy assessor In Jaeksou county. Orpgon. ir olected, practical experience, common sense and busi ness Judgment will bo exercised in making assessments. Fictitious, boom valuations will not lie permit ted. The greatest possible accuracy and economv lu Held and offlco work will be rlgldlv enforced. The most erriclent administration that exper ience, education and capability can exact. In every department of this Important office, will be effected Fair and courteous treatment extend ed to all taxpayers. Integrity of purpose the governing raetor Your support solicited. W. W. TRUAX Adv. i i SHERIFF. I have heretofore formally an nounced my candidacy for the noml nation for sheriff on the republican ticket to be voted upor at the com Ing primary election. May 19. 1910. I have held the position of deputy sherirr during the past four vears. It la unanimously conceded that a mark w' Improvement has ueen made In all departments or the sheriff's of flee during the Incumbency of the present sheriff, tho records In tho or fine at the beginning of the present administration wore considered the worst in the state they are now considered oqual to any and bettor than moat. The work or tax collection has beon systematlied so that quicker and bet ter service Is now being rendered, and taxes collected at a muoh less cost than heretofore. I am fully conversant with the du ties and needs of the office for wmen I asnlre. If I am nominated and elected I nledae myself 1st To maintain the office In Ita present efficient condition. Stud. To endeavor to further lm prove the service to taxpayers and to minimize the cos uiereor NEW TODAY A buyer i- in town looking fpr a good little ti u acre place not too far out, on whlcli the house need not be so very good, but wants a good little cow pasture, and some family orch ard. What have you for 12500 210 acres with Urge part of It lu crop, nearly all can be farmed, good buildings and fencing, Joins outrange. Will exchange for a 10-acre dairy place, close In. Hooo-Cathcart Co. I'houo 107 in Pi (iwarl'a'fv perform all duties and enforce nil laws K. W. Cir'v WIMKW I am a eendldate ror the nomina tion of Sheriff on the republican ticket to he voted for at the erlmaries May 19, 101. If nominated and elected t will enforce the lne nnd give tho public an honest. IipirHi1 nnd efficient administration. 7 years In Jackson county. Adv. HAltltY N. I.OPLAND. I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for sheriff, to he voted on at the coming primaries. May 19th, 191R. I feel that I need no Introduction to the public, having been a resident of Jackson county ror 20 years. I pledge myseir. u elected, to glvn an Impartial, economical and eon servatlve administration ot this Im portant offlco. I liavo ondonvoreu to sorvo mo public faithfully In tho pnst nnd agree, ir elected, to strictly onu imnartlallv enforco nil laws. Having n very largo oxporlonco In tho mnt- torB or tnxatlon and Knowing jbck son county thoroughly, I plcdgo my soU to conduct tho tax collection branch ot tho offlco In such a manner aB to servo tho taxpayers honestly, promptly and efficiently. AdV. W. T. UIUUVK. I nm n enndidnto for tho ropubll can nomination of Hhorlff of Jackson county, subject to tho primary, May 19. 191C. I havo lived In Jackson county twelve years, mndo the raco ror tho nomination ror shorirr two yoars ngo and received n aplendld voto dcsplto tho unusual conditions I nnd to op poso and would npproclato your sup port this tltno. ir olected I will enforce nil laws and pledgo myself to nn economical, Impartial nnd consorvativo nununis- tra'Ion. Adv. A. W. WALKER. I hereby announce my cnndldary for tho nomination ror Bhorirf on tho domocratlc ticket, aubject to tho will of tho votora nt tho prlmnry to bo hold Mav 19. 1U10. I am a nntivo son of Jackson county nnd my on tlro past llfo Ir subject to your Inves tigation. RALPH 0. JENNINGS. Adv. I hereby nnnounco my candldncy ror tho domocrntlo nomination ror shorirr to he voted on at tho coming primaries. May 19, 1910. I havo sorvod the city ot Mod ford na chief or pollco ror over rivo yonra and during that tlmo served uiidor four dlfforont mnyors. I pledgo mysoir, if nomi nated and elected, to sorvo tho public nnd do my duty na sheriff at all times, and glvo tho public nn honost nnd Impnrtlal administration. Adv. J. F. IHTTSON. COUNTY TREASURER. nonutv County TroaBiirnr Myrtle W. Hlnkoloy announcos hor candldncy for tho otflco of county tronsuror. I horoby onnouiKo m candidacy on tho republlcnn (Ickot for tho or rico or county tronsuror, to bo votod on nt tho coming prlmnrlon. I havo hold tho position' ns deputy in this orrico ror tho pnst year nud am con- rident thnt I can fulfill tno dutlos connncted therowlth. I served two yoars as doputy coun ty recorder hoforo taking tho posl Hon as doputy county tronsurer: I havo also had oxporlonco as account ant lor sevornl corporations, auch ns tho Medford Concretn Construction company and Medford lea and Stor age Company, before taking up coun ty work, and will say that my past record Is open for inspection to tho voters of Jaekson county. If nominated and elected I will run tho offlco without the expenso of a doputy and continue to servo tho pub lie Just as erriclent In tho future as I hnvo In tno past. Adv. MYRTLE W. HLAKELUY. I hereby announce that I havo tiled my declaration of Intention to bo como a candldato lor tno ropunuenn nomination for tho office ot county treasurer, to ho votod on In tho coni ng primaries. H I am nominated and nloctod will conduct the office In nn efficient nnd businesslike manner. Adv. ROY L. MAULE. I hereby announce that 1 am n can dldato for the nomination of county treasurer for Jaekson county, Oregon, an the republican ticket to bo voted for at tho primary election to bo hold May 19, 1916. I formerly held the offlco of county treasurer and believe I gnvo general satisfaction to the public. During the time I ae county trean- urer the county employed expert ac countants to expert the county offi cers' hooks and said experts eompll mentad my work very highly as u public official. It nominated ami elected I shall endoavor to conduct the affairs of the office in an honest, efficient and busi ness-like manner. Adv. JAB. M. CHONKMILLKR. COUNTY Ht'PKRIXTKXnK.VT. I hereby announce my candidacy on the republican ticket ror tho of fice of County School Superintend ent for Jaekson county, Oregon, sub ject to the will of the republican party at the primary election May 19 I stand for practical school or flclenoy, persons! supervision or tho schools and elimination of county sckool supervisors Adv. FRANCIS C. SMITH. To the veters: I am repuhltoan oandldate ror county school super intendent at the primary election, May 19. 1916. I am for supervision ot the schools by the superintendent and for ocou omy In tho county superintendent's office and every place where It does not retard the efficiency ot the schools. 1 am in favor of progressive educa tion, tbat Is. education that prepares the boy or girl tor life. I am for all having a square deal aud an equal chance for an education. If 'nominated aud elected I will do every thing lu my power to make the schools of Jaekson county the best lu the stats, Adv. A. J, HANI1Y. ! hereby announce that I have filed my declaration of intentions. and that I am a candidal" for the re puhlWri f)"iluatlou for the office of County School Buptrlutendiut ot fn-kon en'tnty, ..'iMeet f iho prl marie of Mav 19 If nominated and ei"-li I pledge mvseir lo an honest Impartial nnd economic administrating and will personally supervise our schools. I amid nn Oreitee life oertmrste. nn having recently spent fntir ses sions ne preparatory work, lolh In the University of Oroivin and In the University of California In the stndr of modern education nnd supervi sion, nnd having serve J tho county ns rural school supervisor for two vears, I feet competent to fill tho of fice In n thoroughly satlsfactoiy man ner and hereby solicit tho support of every true friend of odiieation. Adv. G. W. AGER. 1 nm a enndidnto for tho republi can nomination ror County School 8uperintondent. I stand rer: A oon tlnunnco or progressive policies in education, economy consistent with atflclency, oqunl ediirntlonal advan taged for tho bovs and girls on tho farms with those In the cities and towns. It nomlnntod and olected I will In the future, as In tho nasi, glvo my full tlmo nnd best efforts to the supervision of the schoole and tho ad ministration of tho dutlos of tho of- rico. During my Incumboncy I hnvo not confined mvsclf strlctlv to the routlno duties or tho orrico but havo taken n brondor view or tho mission of the Countv School Suporlntendont. In addition to mv efforts w ralso tho stntidnrd of tenoning nnd improvo tho physical conditions nt school I hnvo labored to promote tho wnlfaro or the hoys and girls through Industrial clubs, school fairs, school credits for homo work, paront-tennhers circles, spelling and nrlthmottc eontcstn, nnd other nctlvltlos. I feel that my work baa been regarded with fnvor and In ordor to contlnuo this work, I nm nsklng for re-olcctlon. Adv. J. PERCY WELLS. FOR RENT FURNISHED AITS. FOR RENTApnrtmont for rent. Tho Horben, 10 Qulno QU FOR IlENT HOUSES FOR RENT- Furnished 2-story bun galow, garage, flue lawn, rosos, fruit and berries, sleeping porches; everything modern. fitG W. Juok sou st. 31 FOR RENT ItncnKlCKKI'INO ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished ing rooms; close In. Main. Phono 378-R. housokeop ft 2 8 East t FOR RENT Furnished housokecp tooiiib. 311 N. Hartlett. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. Call between 2 and 4. 322 South Central. 3ft FOR RENT Three furnished house keeping rooms, ground floor. Tol ophono 738-X. 220 S. Grnpo. 30 FOR RENT Cosy furnished houso keeping rooms, close In, $ft month. Lights, wntor, gas, bath. Phono 820-X. FOR RUNT MIHCICI.lANEOUH FOR RENTER "talO acroa Irrigated garden or hoot land; buildings; near Medford. Also horso ror sale. Phono 84 l-R ovouliigs. FOR haliv TtyremjoX FOR SALE Ono team grey horses, weigh about 14uo lbs., one grey horse, weighs about 10(10 lbs. Dig Pines Lumber Company. 3I FOR 8ALK -Pure-bred Poland China pigs. Phone 201 -J. t 3!i FO I t8ALESows with pigs. G. L. Scheriui'rliorii, Phone 819-M, 34 FOR SALE Froeh milk goats at ro duoed rates. Mrs. L. Dusenhury, Climax, Ore. FOR HALI5 POULTRY AND HOGS FO It "a ! ALK Oiie " hi ood od y oo rl lug Uarred Rock cock. Won blue rib bon at the lute show. Will be sold with ribbon for l.00. Paul.M. Jannoy, route 2, Medford. 3 1 FOR SALW Wooded Hnrred Rock pullets and yearling hens, ft each. 1'. M. Jannoy, route 2, Medford. 31 VOR HALE MlHURliliAMCOUH I'OK SALE- Fuller-Johnson gnsollnu engine, pump Jack attached, lieeu UMd but little und good as new Will sell cheap. 1). W. Stone, Cen tral Point. 3 FOR SALIC Five ptuMHMiger touring car, must be sold at once. lUro bargain. PaeiMc Highway Garage. 34 FOR HA Lie One good two-seated hack with top. J. M. Stevens, Tolu, Ore. 38 FOR MALU or trade, two-seated hack for light farm wsgon. Fritsche, Medford, Route 2. 37 FOR SALK --Or trade, good No, & Oliver typewriter, would consider good violin. K 1. Hox 101. or Phone U1U-J2. i FOR SALE- Sell your S. & II. Green Trading stamps. 1 100 N. W. Hank Hldg., Portland. 47 FOR SALIC Seed corn ami grain hay, also pasture. Phone S91-J2, C. W. Isaacs. FOR SALE Seat covers; one man tops at A. I). Little Top Works, loti N. Front it., near S. P. station. 34 rOR SAI.K RKAU KSTATM FOR SALE - lUncb. 2ft acres, on Wood river. 1 1-2 miles north of Fort Klamath. Ilattie Kiug, Fort Klamath, Oiegon. 37 WA.NTKr AH OATION8 WANTKLN-8ewlng st home er by the day. Phoue I7-M, 14 1 8. Central. It WANTHD MlfivoithnSKOVa assaiasssaasskjgsssisssSisssasa esiassassfcsressiseaiaei WANTRD Second-band buggy with top. Phone 7t-W, 33 III'M' WiNTFti W.StU.M WA.VKH uirl fer aerl house work, no SBlne nmsil family; aood wages Mrs. f C, Kestly Tel. 6H-J-2. tt WANTKD ielkllor, larff of JUJhI mam. Add roes V. O. flox IS I, Ash land, Ore. id WANTBDWoman $30 fordlstrltnlt Ing free skeins Wear-Proof darn ing cotton wits hosiery, your sec tion. Kxperienoe unnecessary. In ternational Mills, dept. 700, Nor Irstown. Ps 2 MO.VKY TO TOAX MONEY TO LOAN -On Improved city moroantlle property. McCurdy Insurance Agoney. rx3 LOST Tuesday, April 2t, on Crater Lake highway between naglo Point and Kelly's Island, leather ense marked "A. V, McC," containing Thermos bottle. Finder will re ceive suitable reward upon com munication with Mall Tribune or rico at Medford. 38 LOST -Lady's long groen coat. Potio 6-F-2, Modfonl. 39 IIUBLVKSS DIRECTORY Auto Bupplles LAHER AUTO SPRINO CO. We nro operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Uso our springs when othcrn rail. Sold under guar antee 26 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Ore. Attorneys GEO. W. CHERRY Attorney nnd Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun ty Hank Uulldlng, ontranco N. Central, Medford, Ore. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney nt law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Hank Hulldlng. A. K. REAMES, LAWYER aarnett Coroy bids. Q. M. ROBERTS Lawyer. Medford National Dank Dulldlng. Collections. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Wo (collected somo accounts 14 years old. Wo know how to got the money. The Ihmock Mercantile Agoney. Inc., Rooms 1, 2. 3, His- kinv mag., 210 is. Main st. Dentists Dr. W. M. VAN 8COTOO D1L C. C. VAN BCOTOO 1 Dentists Garnett-Corey nidg., ulte Medfoni, Ore. Phono 8S6. Collections nnd Reports lit DR. FRANK IIOHERT3 -Dentist. M. F. ft II. Hldg. Ofrice Hours 8:30 to 12; 1 to C. Phono 007-R. Engineer and Contractor FlUiDVuMSHNG contractor, 404 M. F. & H. nidg. Surveys,, estimates, lrrlgatloa drnlnngo, orchard and land Im provement. Insurance. EARL 8. TUMY General Insurance otflco, Flro, Automobllo, Accident, Liability, Plate Glass, Contract, nnd Surety Honda, Excollont com panlos, good local sorvlco. No. 210 Garnott-Coroy DldR. Instruction In Music FUKDAlraIIAliT77nahor piano and harmony. Composor nnd nrrangor ot music. Hnlght Music Studio, 401 Gnrnutt-Coroy building. IILISS HEINE Teacher or Violin. 'Music furnlshod for nil occasions. Prices roasonnhlo. Studio 1121 E. Mntn St., Phone 303-J2. (larlMge QAROAGE Get your premises cleaned up for the summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good sorvlco. Phone 274-L. F, Y. Allen. Physicians nnd Burgeons DH? F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostoopathlo physicians, 410-417 Garnett-Corey bldg., phone 1036-L. Roaldonce 2G South Laurel st. DR. W. W. HOWARD OBteopithls physician, 303 Garnott-Corey building. Phone 130. DR. J, J, EMMENB Phyalclan and surgeon. Practlco llmltod to eyo, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glassos sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. It. R, Co. Ortlcea M. F. & II. Co. hldg., opposlto P. O. Phone 007. DR. R. W. CLANCY Phyalclan ana surgeon Phoned, otflco 36, resi dence 724-J. Office hours, 10 te 12, 2 to 6, DR. MARTIN O. DARHHR Phyal dan and surgeon. Offlco Pala block, opposlto Nash hotol. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. Printers ana Publishers MlsDKORDli'm host equipped printing offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, looso loaf ledgers, billing systems, ete. Portland prlcos. 27 North Fir st. Yritkvrfcrs BADS TRANSFER & STORAOH CO. Office 42 North Front st. Phone 3 IB. Prieoa right. Service guar anteed. flowing Machines . SINORR SEWING MAOIIINKS FOH BALK OR RENT Some used m ohlues also for sale. Cleaning and repairing. Baldwin Piano for salo from factory to customer. Real nmce 245 So. Central. Fhouo 390, i' ? i"np"insHflni