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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1916)
I i ( i I M u i ni.h m rip AN EASTER "BUNNY" 1918 STYLE IL CALLS Ifi S Come im ; ,'' ' ,l''H . ' 'JM ' I A mmp H V COUNC INS WN Ifi 8010 ELECTION RASKA von aavaeE , ., Wl " , 'm mm BRYAN DEFEATED V i" f i v, il (0itla4 tram sa oat i plaMatloM In good temper and chc MiidfMM applaud! hki frankness. IlIevftoH Offl VofiMteer. la mir Is complete the resolution tor lmmdlato action It ii necessary 16 two I herein Ilia idectlon officers for Mtrrlre on May 23. Councilman Harxrara proposed that thfi publlc apfritsd imn ho hph anxious to se eura tan railroad proposed an cheaply i.Htt M oarly m possible ahould rol ttMtaor to art without compensation tt that dar. II. I. Walthfr. P. K Oat ami P. 1). I loon with naked to wtrvn In the rapacity of Jtttlae and olorKa In the, I'lrat ward. They Inline dlstalr consontod to do so. A. I. JIM, Dick Ilratlley and K. N. Pamp boll aa quickly ala;nlfled their will liiKtinaa to servo In tlm Second ward, and Honor Hetiiivtt, H. A. Thleroir and fitwrao T. Collliia had no objec Men 'to oxtnndliiR that sorvlce. In the Third ward. .1. W. Dressier, T. I "Winks and .!. A. Andrews consented to assist Auditor Miner T. Koaa with registration on election day at the city hall. "Thua JT waa saved to the rlt In fit ntlniitaa," aald Dr. lIarravo lIcMiIullmi ami dinner .inciidiiicnt. H It roaolvad by the city council nt the city of .Medford, Oregon, iitu mayor apprnvliiR, that thoro b and is harobv adopted, approval and pro. jhmhmI tho fallowing art or ituinlrlpnl lORlalatlen: Ita It furthar rasnlrad, that anl! promoted art ha submitted to tlm vol ira of aald city for their apprnvul or rajMlloti at a siwclal election to be liald In aald rlly piirauant to resolu tion of the romirll calling- tha same on the twanty-thlrd day of May, 1610 A proposed rharter amendment of tha charter of the city or Medrord, Oregon, to enable uiitl empower tlm city council of aald rlty. for and on btthalf. and for tho benefit and use ol th Inhabltanla or aald rlly. and for proMt, io build, equip, acquire, leaae, own and wparale ruHways, operated by ateam, ulerlrte or other power, wjthlii und without the boundaries of the aald city and running from n IKiltit within the city of .Medford to iHhr towna, rltlea and polnla with out I he boundaries of the aald rlty, and to that end may acquire rlKhle of way, aaaemenls, real property with in and without ita boundarloa for any of aurh purpoaea, and to create a railway conatriuiloji. malntcnanre atMt radamptlon fund, and to au thor ite wlllaie tax to proUde the aame; to authoriae the iuunr' of isrneral obligation bond, not to rxrwd :tort.- 000 In addition lo the warranta and bend authorised in ileriiona 1'i and 7ta of aald charter; and to provide that the buiida author! il herein ahull lw rttdaemed b a aperial and lim ited tax lav in addition to the limi tation of ludebtedueKH protded by th city charter. The people of the rii of Med ford do ordain aa follews: action 1. That the charter of the rlly of Wedford be and the name here by la amended by addtnK thereto the following sectien: action 1.11. The city or Med ford, under the powers vested In II by Hir General Iawa of Oregon enacted i the legislature of the eeaolon of lt:t. chapter 2K3, aa amended' b rhapier 106 9t the Oeneral of Oregon of tho session for the ear tttl, and tlw i council, under the pow- r voatod in It b the rlty charter, ami particularly section 2U of aald i. uter, and lu addition to Its i" n i virtue of ari'tion ' ot itd iiiuiiir. niiiy lev a upt'clal ruiu.M 1 iiIIiIIiil- cijui;tiiiK .mil oper4tllu; ta un tin- i.ivui'li iroperty within Hie irptir.iti Ilmlix Hie citt :it 'lie tlnii- ol mil k t II - mil ill.' anivual 'Mid jji'l us irnviiti 'I l or li llli i halter and an pail oi iIh1 lolal clt l Haiil l" le t le xpCviiil ami In aildiitoii iu i H un tHo null t limitation con 1. 1 1 hi. I in nvtion ' of this chaitcr, aiH1 the moiu"' fiuni kuIiI speciul li i liall he kept In u separate fund mid ti ued tor r demption purpoM'h of the ioudi herein autluuwed, unit for in oilur purpose, lu mliliiliiii to all .iir.nih and bonds auiliotued to i--i..i by Hrrtlons 7:' i.iul TJa of t u ter, the diy couui 11 of tin .i ui .t ed (otd In hereli lurtlier autnuiiuru aud i ih pott ei I'd in in row iiuuii'N on the faiili .ml iii ii' "i -Mud iit, .nut ioi that i "ii ii i !' ' s' ' "t i- ""' warrauts in i'h " '"": iiuvoii i i serllon 72 ot tin - purpose of obi .11 hi i . to build, eiiuii', i .... . leae. OMII und opeiale i.uluti, umruliil In kliMlii. iliitlli 01 ni hi I Ml B'' ",'f'iV ii li 'Hlllfflijj1 f ifvP W'iw ffl ((I HlTaSill'1 , iMiV ''''v'!'(OTv') ' ft i W. Mm iImII ill I tl!iiM'"' '' ( )'i '(' 'I 4c HW fIAlhn I ft ffllH f ,!' - v A Mnm'v ' liV '.' wm m) Ik' Wm Bringing Home and School Together In l'i III- rliie-. I,el ill their elnlilieii. It Mill -live illlHi-t' of Ki'ipllic ellildlVU III The Work of I lit' inlent-ti'U'liel of- tnkt iriniiiiliiiii. ttn iiudertiiken Willi mi ""' den .. Iinnmiiir the Imnie nod the l"ie. ot uiiuifi lliem no opportunity m-ImioI eloper toother for the - oWIp Hir .....iiiiiit.on. origin- .. .,,, ..,. ,i'i.. I iititv ni i,iiliviiiik. lu'ruiM irniiii. Ill - iuMi hi milium ueiiiiiiiui'. 1 1' junior expoxilioii n unother tep in .it ! . I. .1 l'i i lellirili il lieliill' -clii'ii cmm v to I her mill mother nMi in the deielopment ol' their children by llelpllii; thrill to till putt ill till- ex hibit net September. the "lime direction. It i nUu ciilled 'i "hiiek-to-the-lioini " inuieliient. So ninny pnreiit- n o"ii n- u child beeonil's of xcliool atte, -hilt the whole rt'Mmiiilnht l' it-, ilevi lop nieiit iimiii the HfhiMil. Out hi -i Iniiil hour the time i. pini in pa or nllfliesi, jhhI iIiiMiii.' or m-. ihl niiMcliiel'. iihifh nmv tutu into po-i diitr ami lli'll. 1'nreiit-. nut-Ill ! reulie whut tin iiiipiirlmil I'uelor tlii' iniuht become ill the iiluriilloii til their eltildreli. Whlil i" iilticiilioii .' Are I lie elniiiji rMiH eiliuatni'.' xmir eliihlrcn .' Ate inn ,i- parent- dniiit: oiir purt in the nlm Mlii'ii ol' vonr ehildreii ,' Tin- i educillmn the tiiifolilin' mill pci'lcchim of the imliv iilinil lm- (' .1. Ware of Weiiiilchee, Wimb , if ii lsltor In ltoyiii liver vulle lor n'vcrtil d.iv- (MAIIA. Neb., Aunl .'-'. Heniit'.r . Albert H. CiMnanitts of luSn i bad- I injr Henry Ford of tjetmit for the re- publico n preinlenfml nomination l the NchrnkH preferential prima r. ! held Tiiextliiv. (imiidete return from I llhirty-een eountie. reiirc-entinv' , IfKtO precinct h out of the IHIMI in the, i tete, hnve reerxerf the po-itnm- "i Cummin nrol Ford und given the ii i mer the ljfht lend of 'JtMl vote-. Sup i potter of the lownn in thi -tute pie diet hi lend will be appreciably m ercaid hv returni frm the renin in- j iir.' precinct. The I'ord tieiitftli ' lui- i'iirip chicflv from the i-Hich ami iniini and in the count ly preemct-' yiven henvicHt votei to (' miir,iii with t'hnrle V.. HuitIiph n low thud. The nnme of .lipdire Iluuhe- v. . iiitui on the Imllot hv the inti i lie hn ivceiveil onlv hall' n- M.te-i n CiiniminM. It in now considered prni-t.e.ilh ' tt. 'in that Willintn J. lirxmi. tunnVi -' 1'ictnrv of itnte, luii been defeated lot delcyutc-iit-InrgP at the demo i r.itic iintinnnl convention, lie -inntiiliu sixth on n hit I lot of -ecn. ..iir of-whom nrc lo ln Heeled. The . ii' t . i -. Sn (ltia enntot will be iitull 'Imiled lifltween xupportcio ol Mi. Hi.vmi nml those who mtpxrt the ad- ' ii ini-trution'H prepiircclne-- poliev. "hull Mr. Bryan opwp. j Senator (iilhcrl M. lliteheoek hn- ( in i'n rcnoiiiinnteil for rniteil State- n.itor on the democratic ticket. He' . i- ninii'(l bv T. J. Iitinii. Mr.' ItiMin in a Mctisntioiial lour of the, -tale uracil ilefetit of Senator Ilil-h- em k, with whom he Wu I'ormcrlv a-- , -ueiiitcil in politic ami new -paper I work. Mn.ior C. V. Itrynn of l.inei.ln. ' brother of the former -ceret.nv -tate, wa-deci-ivclv (Ict'cated l"i 'In ' ileliioeiatie tininliuitliiu lur yuMii.i't Ii Keith Neville nf N'i'ltli Pl.itfi Mr I'rvan vv.i- -iipi'oiied liv In- In. ii'ii ' .Hid in. mi iliililliltluli tin i-- ' i .in i.h 'i Join tiif Iniyf jnn r.ipidly Krowinj( trihe i Savajj Tif j iiiicfa owners of hiitf ana mall, indiriduals and fh Wg ff,et corporations. You are "eligible" if you win more miUrje, more safety and aatisfaction, more qirnKty for our ntone) . ttsay "Savajje" lo ourEnt phytd Distributor ! i R&l Sai rA.Jii C. E. GATES Med ford yrw 7-uH Xi ii t J r i m !l .am e-JW'; "SBfe yriafaTirfr "It's a Cinch" Gocd lighting and startien needn worry you .: u let us u :e care ot yc"..r itoi.ifcc battery. We'll do tt rijht. THE ELECTRIC SHOP 103-105 S. Ctiil-al. Phone 22-J Free inspection of any battery at any time ittikjpvisr'hThr.ttJj $i$M.l -.-rg.,jzj?- ) live evil. I hi- 'hihil '- lliteiile.l to Xi -pint. I he idea ol the m u edit be the Woik of the, cnil.'leii done uieatlnn i- lo unfold. When a i hihl'- I their lei-lire tune. I llllere t ii. eliu lueil hi- liilllil I- ''etlile Il i- not to he done in -I'limil ir III I iriniiml. (live ill 1 1 In- opiioitni it to do what he VAiilil-, lii do when 1 1 want- to do. il, (hat i iiiiiMi-j tin I BAKING POWDER the iiltotled plav tune which I- u enMiirv to every child. The exhibit ninv be the re-ntt ! vvolk done -lin'Mi ill a -a vines aeioiint oi ii iii.i v he an Murk done with the hand-, either aie eliaiiieal or iirti-tic. Or it nniv be petM, hhowiUK they have been well cured for. Thii will be primarilv an exhibit of (he iuleie-t the parenH rights of wa, easeiuent, real prop ertji, or leaae. within and without its boundaries for any of ruch puriioses, That the aald city council la here by authorised and empowered to re ceive proposals for the construction of an audi railway or rnllwavs for and on behalf of aald clt and to Hilupt the same; provided, however, that no such proposal or contract sliull be IdndliiK uimju the lt until the same shall have beta hulniilited at ii special or general election to the qualified voters of nuld ll.v and duly aiir.vod b a in.iloilt) vote of tile (U.illfied electors of Mild (lIV The follnvMiiK ! the (ui iu in which the fureoliiit measure will uppcar upon the i allot Spei lul M'lion In the i 1 1 ol Med lord. Mm -' I, IV It!. Murk tutrtoeii ii u in tier and .inwei voted fm ' Submit t I i'V resolution and order ol the i n v i ' iiiell v'hui'ti i in ' uduieiit vote e-" or no ' llullot Title. n ii.i i amend tin ih.iriei of ill, iiiv vcdfiird bv .iilitiiiK theie to miiiu' i'.i. iiuthoi iiim and cm powerlm i lie council to I'onow $ inn, nun iu lnilbl, eiiuiii .in 1 oiu i.ite luiluavn wiilini or wli'mii ihe i I . mil in Hull ml t.i u in ii n Ins of in withiii ii nil i . iml. in l M , I .1-1 In III' Willi. Mil Hi 'l i HI 1 ' in i" tne reiienipMOil oi tiu lew a t.i on ihi I'l'i'l i 1 Olllllt II Ii - el -.ll'l I II in ,i ,i il lie 'i i Veal- of clillifuood win u he I- Inllii uiir hi- hnhil. Help hlii: li I'm in the hnliils which Mill iiiake Inm m -iieec--A well-known edueiMor who h.i- h.ol iinii'li exiH'ricnee Willi hov - -.iv- in hi- opinion the ipuilitic- wloeh boy of l-t hlmilhl mi--i--. are tin -Imagination, initiative, -imentv, It'lltllllllne-K, colieelltlatli'li, linn oinjhuci.-, courage, rcvcreine. .i In.'i kciihC of honor, habitual -civnm .m.l above till, n complete liu-k ot -ill eon-ciou.ije-i. Ai n social unit he ought po-hc- wnmi at feel mu, uoml in.iiuiei -. helptnlne--, iiuclfi-hnc-- and a V-,i M'li-e of ,ii-liee. lie -n al-n- "In older to communicate tlle-e iiialilie reudilv Ihe teacher should pu--.--them." How Clin a teuihil' :;ive to a Inul what he iIock not iwi--e,. It he renieinhereil (hut clllhlieli ale iii.i taluc-. A imift (ihiioxiou- t xaiuple i ili the li-e of our mother tln;iu . I 'hi cducatM- niitot at lea-t lie ,ilil in -peak ImiuIi-I eorreetlv. Manual Iraininu mean- imi ilv 'oiitrui'tive work, but it hum i- pe iiptive woik a- well. It I- ii nil' lie Hiilaut that tt boy -lumlil have pi i ceptive liainl- than that he -h !'i kiti.w ihe eoliteiil- ol m.inv i vl bonk- . .Hid the lime to yivi Inn. " I 'epiive hand- i- while he i- -ti un iter iiuirtccn. 'I hi iiUjcclkW ie-'ilt i- in it -e'l nl -trail UlipnltlMU'C. hill It link. - ,i lot ol ihl lereiu'e whelher ihe piui'nit cxpiv--C' Inni-elt aud whei'iii, i the wurk plotf'ee. It yive- i nil in i hi un ii .i-mu pnwer and ein'i'1. I'lii.ulc ihe linllC the ivoil'. the in, ,, ; I'll un i i-, the material-, tin imin ds (in ' 'l'" 'mil- ami allow the hov a ili.une I" u, i -ter In- uu'di un .iiul to i iti - inn, ill in l, ".' '1,'h o' tli - Wi i k I- Ii -- v i' ami n n iii ' h, . . . n i o lirii . i .1 i u'i . -i i . i mil l'i i -, ,n e .1 n i ii l, . ,1 ' Absolutely Pure No Alum No Phosphate aangrwaarai, 'naswn m is ainn.T tu T ISr- BANK SERVICE Tin n ! it ii ..I 1 ii , .i i . , hi. i i. nir i. r i .t of n prlva'i lin-iiH -- (: . nfi r, ri . hi .i -m ' 1 1 1- ln-il tutlon Wi helii-vi fi. '.inki r act a-itlm r nr if t ,e people, and In oi ill i i. tnlfill (niii'e, I III- liii'T b niu-f be ill .i I", rum tn ofn r .i in.i num ui -tT-Mie, a ii'tU'O to ii i il. ri ,jnin 'neii'- i t all. OVER 22 VtAR UNDER ONf MANAGEMENT ZZlllZW$WW"Z : (? t y ? T ? ? V T T f JL J , i mi iid for! Mine aiiit lu i M Mil l,ll III! ' In - ,1 I 11 I ' l I I I'.l'nrit i . t '. ' i i i ol, I' I . I ' i mme I i I of ila Hn . ,iv - III! hi ,11 III I I, I n . an ti ii i ,, I I 'Mil, 1. k t t t '? T V v ;t T T t y y Eledric Pumping and Irrigation KlfrtlirilV JillcliK till- llllilrl alltl IIH'1 iiillWIlirlll ihi p fur lunijiiiiy; I'm- iniy;ii imi. antl jiliiiits jiiojicrlv iiu-iiilli'd an lu- run inoiv (voimuiirjilly, till things roiKsidrrcd. than in jtnv otht'i wny. I'lio tiiumlity tf wntfi' ivquiwcl varu with tlic soil, ami fm- im'hj.h iu this loi-jtlity, from oiip nTt ftot (12 a,i'iiuhi,K,i to one and one-half iww rVi-i (ISiu'iv inches) in Hit' wasn l 'ouiiiUrHl .iif- fiiMtMlt. Ki'ouoiuienl iuxtallalion ami oration tf jiimipinjj jilanU aiv Iw'st jwmvd hy ftinall units, ojM'iatinSJ horn's icr tlay, pumping into suitaMo ri'M'rvuiis. w as tu irrigate niuhr htrgo luatl S to V2 hutir per day. Wq will lo vflad to supply ostiiiiati-s of hv and cost of pumping complete. California -Oregon Power Company 2lfiYi't .Arain Street Phone 1CS AIEDFORD, OIIEGOX i a A' A f y y t y t y y V t y V f t X y y t y f t v I II v I M I I . power, wiiiiin oi in oi t dart of the "'i ' '" fit ajsd use of tu III. I ,1 i ztr I CHICHESR S,PILLS ,t M4if0rd, Oregon, for , i' ii' N- l Aii. bm . r - iismsm J Ti i A. T nlog from a point vinau tne u II l l , I .l I I v i H, if ,ur V lt if -.- tllll-fi -Tilt" Medrord to other ton n-. cm. - .vy Ort II-. Xlt hi imi. iWi nnliiti without I In I ,.l IT IT,. o Vc V Ml I I leuld ll ami tu (hat i ioi " J 4 ' U - J J