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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1916)
f w r f v 'f TfMI'l ' I . 'Tl hfOfffi n , i. u i l.h I'm'II I- : I I ! i fe Uadw :.A!.::j in ' ifCME at i TIM f MB ,tW BflAPufis n t K IN HI9 P0SI8 Mnr. iiMm, If. inn fmnilKrnnf urn I'fit Ixi urn and wtf wit', t oik' of i i" most coMBfri i r 'ii In (iii'iilr Ufa, Will M"flli at l ,n Tin rtlay. frll V at i' m Th It-tin or ihnifiin'lH wlm I i fml hr fnmotin bonk, Th" pi mm i Land. nrd no tittr itlii'tlon (n 'Inn Antln To MiOrfP not II ik fiiwirnl II i i I i' nut 'I, Hllll, roii 1? In Ihli- i mini r from KiikmIm with i r iuiphIm I t , rs h'o. it rhll ' of iiiiiifii ii tin word or KnKiinii wnl " , i ltnrt or llf ollt l' In I he li'ui li i ,ili, WIMiln nlxtwn VlNin oil" .rinlin pit of' or the two great luiui ui tlio tlllH' Thu IromlM1 Land In n human dor ii mint of extraordinary vlvliln-is ami powfr. It aiiiioiirrd aerially in a li'ftdliiK maKaclrtn and In booh form nttNlnii an enornioti circulation. It tleti'rilift th life of th Antln famll In Rttaala, their 1 in ml a rut Ion to thin country and th Intiiri'witotiK mado iiv thla land or the frci on I lie author whllfl they wont utrtigicllitK with ad vorto rlrsHmatanreii In Honlmi. Analhw work lully lnHtl and nt IrartlHR wMt ni Imil Inn la nl It It'll, They Who Knock at Our (lalt. Thla doaia with Immigration from tho MlaiulimlHt nf una who know. Maty Antln. who In private life. Ik Mm. Amadou W (Irnluiu, wlfn or ii Columbia iinlwaltv irnfeiur, wim fortunate In having her iililllii r-nrh reeoinlMd bv Imr funillv who tnudo nvery Mcrlflrv lo keep her In Hrhool. and by liar (narbera who nve her all Itoaalblo oncouragement and help. lr. Kdward KrcrHl Halo aim) lie cama murh Inlenwtetl In her devel opment and Joneplilne Iiiarua In aplrml her with her Idealn. MHi rharacterUtlc ra lul peiil- h i , i lli (in i ' Hlii ' iiim f inn in thai ri sfn "rfer tknti i i " (Tn i ii ' i In 1 1 i' I ..nil m I, III Ml . Mm. Ill t If I .1 ii Th 'ile If nek frieii' i ' I illOsf. The n--eei, lli - .li-lnet .1 , l,i ' Tlini"ilnv ii . i ii i i liimK Pfoni ii iin . ill imi. mi I ol (he ( ' i' in i m v in- illef unit eiij'i"l .m HI l ptenn . A "iM'tlttyf mule mi'- ilnelcd li MiiK'nnlcii(l i" U.l. Tlm-e lnkinst rrt were p"i'i'- fr-m i'iu-Ii ilntrii't, who In ireii"i- -in- li-t-i Imil prfiveil to In Mil- lititirion I iJforrI -ieiu i - iii ineir owii.i-N. We iilnler, tntul ( li.i the NiiIumIi i Imiil ,i the Winner l the niile-t. M' I' ('(minium nl Hint liiml In Hi ' (lie lift oil (lie Hmir. K.iiinei- I'lnitn thui tin reii-mi the in ' ' ii il piituieti in tin- ili-tnef l.ul 'III' ' VA ll"l I .in ln , i 'Pteatlon Con a person ho hm lafefKf a a democrat of" In the tr n JKav ror n lepttbllcan iioie naiM ta ott tn republican eKit To iiiiminii ff A haa nui-iereil , h ii rm. mt and he nu to vote ror one of the reint ' " i'ii -ii Mei ror nherrff, n Wll- jcoooooeooo-ooior'xonocoyxooo,.vv rWicvOonOOOOOOOtlOl ''"' for lntame. fan lie hi in nnie on the repuM!- iH - i in it lie leual There mi. I i.i Here who are rend- is of tin m.i.i irthiine who would , lie tlHil to Iihm- nn opinion ly Jirdiie Kth nr .hulife CnlHn mi tlmi we enn vote IntelllftenlU j J. II. Fettlnmll and Frank P. An I demon, v.lio are HHHocUted with the Oregon I tali riimar company or were nut hen. Thursday ror dinner. A V miderhrand and i tun U,ttaiai lu., h ik.. ..JI.Ui... H "v" " t"ii, i f wi mi' vMiiiiiursira .for cotintv chrut mul J li. CoUnmii, M I on" of th1 iiptfifjji-1 (or iHM-HHor, h ! Uatrt nL I.. . ., t tl . KU.... !... m-i- iiienfp M IV III 11,1" wninr II HIP, i I llic nu tit w i.inir to hh ovi r th ' phone TiifM!n - artrrnooii utinntinr 1 THE SHASTA i I m. w f Cordially invitr-? you to m allend th"ir S 0 W m 1 Anniversary Opening I Sftturdav, Aoril 22. 1916 1 0 8 Afternoon and Evening i v '...... - . . ... A ! Excellent Music Favors lor tne Laaies 1 30OOOG0CXeOCK ill tn '!! miitiitn ttUk .in iKi..Miiiii .r i "i i i... ri ! "" l'li rf Mar Ann Winkle, ! -.l i - Omi'l'l... ,.,Mk,. h!""' W,,t-"' '' """ ' nnv iii nt iroill M'Tf 10 IH' I ft I II 1 1.. I ill 111 til .!! Iltil I'llltlltlll f .H. t. Fleet ,,h.t,.,l ,, ihei8!"0'1 ,,IMrl. hllul on rU,, uith hnni I 'lv n II, News From Our Neighbors GOLD HILL NUGGETS JACKSONVILLE HEMS Mm (' II 1'ilie .i- ,1 Miiliunl IiiimIiii km ii.lni 'I'm il.iv 0111 iminllir Supi I vImii I.' It Pi lei on In hlx ar lo el anil i -l utiilim Oil No. lli evenliiK. Mr .mil tein v on mil i ii ti Si iwi ' W( i 1 1 . lxi Ml I III Ui lei in i In- fur of ndvendtv and i ii", I he moid dlneOIII''lKlnir ' iHm . kIio i ,i iiu her flud- . i 'lu from i1 i (Mil- T.atlu ..I li. i ion n I i i iim iiur In Xi M ii Ai ' i touri ! .... rat i. in .il I I . . col i r. ' I I"' no ml. I m arilint Id the heal i i ii I it, .die ,n iui .ill i.r -. I Iff! 'l' II IT i .'I inn pro ' Ml ' I I I' Hi. Mil lit .Ml mill in -lil.nnl. llic hui'mIh ol i ne Imter'h --u ii'i , .Mi . I'ljdu .Ma- lmir Mi. and Alrn. .1 Miiian um e- (leorge K. Handera, of 1'IiIuIn of tin Pulilli Sinilie Cnrpor.itloii, lioin (riinlit 1'ir.H. were In town Weilne.. dav. and A. A. i iw'tel I nun Han l.randro, Cut., next ItoKiie Itlver ' w,',t nt"l w"l yM t the homo of lull Min, Oi.irli'H ximan. X llllili lirand wu over from Mr. limit Motiilnv Interviewing I he in" I Hue lv fanner' li i- Iiimo iroiIiiciil ii fine Mnml. 'Iin -ilmhl elliltltfli were llimiilict ii iii Miilniioii to nml I mm I lie pie nn li John Ciimeron nml Hurry N'i'l b" ircnewiii'.lv CuniWieil lln-ir e;ir for Hint pnrpuse. Tin A i row IIi'IiiJh will jrieiin en- lilliiini it mill IlDX -ii'llil Siilnl'ililV IiIkIiI. Mhv (I. All PVeeiliiitillll unnil pl-OKtiim is lieiiipiiMireil, wliieli will iiielmle miiiiv new fentnie-. not seen here before, nml II Imi-t ell joMilile eeniiif; i irmnieil In Hium- who nl li'lnl A iimll uiiinill inn- fee will lie liiitSffil thoe Hot III ni'.'llip liiiXi-.. Th.- lie will lie ie milled to Ihm I'IIIi Illlilli4 llOM'-.. W. 1.. Vim lloilleii niiiile ;i ludf l II at Weilm -diiv j AllfcN lie l.iiiio of PlimiiK. i eiil ' Snturdn mid .Siiml.n In lini.l mil with her frloinlit. .MIn,. nihil H.ivW. Mm. J. li. Moore !- I Tlini.min ci vlxtt with frli'iulH in Mirlln Tor h Imil linn I ' pi ople of .Iin Khoiiu. Mi-k Minnie Kelle) waa a Medford l-ilLm- ell Tuexdii.v. it M cotiitiM l,a returned from Itu'.e.uiti.', where ho waa selling life liiiliriiliie m Mr vtiel Mrh. It. K, Ooldan en- i.'ii.ilii'il U: ami Mrn. Chartea Xu- EAGLE POINf EAGLETS Hy A. C. Howlelt aftrruooti unit mfler un operation P ! waa dl.srotered ihat a blood veMcl wan niplurtil and Inn little hope waa ontertalnod for Imr recover) . Sho tiaaaed awny Vediinidfi, April! in. She whh a native of thla net-j tlon, the dntiKhter of the late .Mr. j Maj ham. She lea von tlKht chlldron, ; one of whom I married to Verna Matthewa, and aeveral brothera .nut i dittera. The remiilnx were InterriMl In tha Central Point cemetery April 21 and were followed to their luot reHtlny plaro by a number of her ' sorrowing frlenda. The a input li of' the entire comniunltv neema to ito ' out for tho bereaved htihlmnd and iliililreu. Hbe wua about I- eai'H of iie. I' i i II' 'Inhl'l'il for u l. 1 1 l lim iliu iiiiiiiiini: on In ' I" ' . 'I li,! i. Hlti '.I Hi Mill. . .Hi V. i ii i'i wllh him a imiple ol i,ils i 1 1 i k Uin Mm I., tltl.i oaena left Tli'irMlny llii.ll.llltt (HI ll.lill o. f! (),,(. iiml 'lie, in 1k for n wn'K nii i li n ui. Mis lilller, .11 I hid p! km ''"' I" bad vl'iited with whiti mi In i lour ot tile i oh M tu fill v, ii. ' " .ln will lie Kroallt ml ii il 'i i'ii iriiinuiiiiltv at larite, a. .i eM li in eil h the troud in m liiml .ml dreli lm h.ld lieen ei .1-1 . Hnni Hiiioul to be at the M it lull m1i.ii Iui liahl iiill.'t out. Minn .Vina Slurp, a (ciiiliir in t in- I'lii'll. School an a Teat of ' "'""' "booK nrrd TIuiimIhv n P.ilili The liiiinlurant III 'riillm lo 1 1..( itt. ii-r nuilM --" "' "I i.'iin iii.i d.uiKliiir ii nd Mr. and Mrs. ni'i of lit i i ill. ' nr.- nr i in ut them in i i. mi mid lli 'I II Ki sIOI i' llltv uf tlli i M " n 1 1 i i A . mil riniK ii i ' i' H ui Hie I'll, lie Pnl ii l ii Tent fil li ,iu l''ltll' on I. I'i'l III III. !" I. "ill .lll'l II ' v I ' iitel Wo ' lean till Sri i' th I lo M Ki tin. Mom i'f Hun. Nwl i l.lfi in iin Cite- A I i mi for nn i Icnin- Un rtuiff lliii l tool. are Mnt'e qf, llln tilled " I 'i" I'lmiilned J.aii'1' Vi'i'Tlm in Hi I.i,1 In ot the Kiilni'i in ii r Wlnilni him " ' on III.' He- ioii-il'Hii of Amtii'.in ill. i ii-hlp or i'i A up Stan jn mil in l.lfe, III II" I' I' il the reah i 'i In h.i- In en liblenlm; to a .Ud Lu llln ill ib tiiiirim i an. I human rlisht linlei Mi niin I lieraelf II pel Iii I lUiil inniilie HIllH lull of tier li l nn.- .. I Ui ot Hi.. I'm Hi.i i. m i i in lii'hi n It. CALIFORNIA EASILY OAKI.ASI', l ..I . iul -ford won Hie arll r.m Ciili i' llIM 'I III IO il IlK'li , fill Ik Hell HIlil He I urn w an rill-- I In i Ulil thai C.iliu nn, i tin thu .ii. im. .I iiKtitt, i i in n Uil' mm uinn, ii ii ,ii I .. ilnlil In iui' h nuilii .' I i I'luii 'I lie St II II In 1 .1 li I linn the hlUlt K"li" 1 1 li. Ill lib I. Un i lllllll Un V I I' i' I lilt; Hiiee-liillii mark i ii w win iiciirh .iiiiieil i low i liui-l P1LMI0 ITOiY OF THE CASTUSS BILLED AT PAGE A dlnillM pllinm, l.i ni'ti' I proniiHetl In the iiinn. i -. ri i Mr, unu Mia. m -U w aunomu'cit i ii i m iin or IcwIhIi l.lfe no "in in le iiinl .pent In r Kuvler i lid (be bean r ',H"" '"' ""' Mle- lmlt i no i i i .urn iii (i'iiiii ), !'!" ' Tint! -Im iliinii'iin lo t an III I llllMIll - III III, i Kit, i 1'ii'iln Imil Im ,i It ii il.n Mir loliii lliill-, or I he i li el. illt li lei I ,,in ii i n mil, m Itoiu tii i , t i, tmiipiii , Hill I Inn- dm, ii im mn mi the auie imiiIiu'. Mr- II.iimmiii H'liiin. i on Weiliie ilm .iliiiii. nii fimii Uii-i liiirK ulii'it' hlii. nine to ,n compaii. S.iif ll.iiiiMin. Ier l.illui in law, wlio mx cone lo n lile lit Hie ul.iii-' home. W ot I I i"nni " ilia out new in, ui, S. i nn Intve, on I IIP! millli o' town li nillni ii iih -i .i i mimliiu i;.i!i i iin 'ui. ii nml foi kuuii ni iii i em - Iti lu' iiit. i .jiH'U I' V Mai Iin ol lli, i Hm lim. (llii;iil I'tit.ii inn. ..nn i i l.i-t ill Mill TlHirsilin wh'i hi f tin. I 1, ii VV ..I', i i n; ieilun I Im Ilie .'jiiiiii i t lu ilf I I ' u.mI.h I im iwis rirleii ut u i oXoik dinner . niii.ii I ii' HelihiiiR, lundldate for aa ih. mi waa oar from Cuiitral Point fin flrxi of the week. Mm Kif.-eiie TIlOlllpHOH Mad !r. i ini were Central I'olnt i- urn . on 'I'liniHilai . Mm II II. riarKoul ami Mra. F. C. .;'niili tallied in Meilloul u few houm 'i i i f -' I a uioriiliiK. Mih .luliu Huiinliialon haa ro- imiil I irnii a three weekn' vlalt with nl. 'i . -. Iivlnu at tlraniK I'aiiii and mi t m - i rook. i Mi I', M. i'oIIIiih wax hoKleaa to i' l'.'iuil,liily Ilililm dull hint Kil- 'i. v imiiIiik the ixeitliiK a straw Mill i-a. 1. 1 1. ell oil the plcMidenflul', wild Un ii miIi Hull Wil li, i,ii im l more Hi. in ItntiltcM anil i' i i ii II i The next meet III' ivlll lie In til .il 11,(1 t 'iiw, tho iiiiiiiih home ol it r. and Mrn, I h .1 ,. Vtin.ltl I nn II iniii relnriii'l from San I i. i.i rn u eeiiltj , w In re ho Iihh '. li ,.i 1'ilnil' t II" tt Intel ii,' . i ir'lmr r.ileiii, was a iM'i .it Hie iniiii i ,i( mi Tlmrh .1 . ' Mali iialii't II the - bill lew 1 I .Hi' 'tl.t-t ll Ulti.i 11 I. el I TABLE ROCK TABLETS 4. I I .1. n i.i i Hi t Like ,, I li i ii !'le .ii 'il. It. I i "I I I. ..II I in I i it Hi l"li ,il il w . I I, I . . .1.1 lll'l. -.ui'" lli. 'I w.i- - In .lull il u e dele liil N, il.t In Im .tl li'iitil i'l.ii I in .I.i' K in iin! imi e ,ili ii ii . iw 'Im!; In i ni li I i' I mil i li. I I in 1 1, -i il .I'ii i i h mi . v I i nil mm. ix . I I I in i I v U the nun I I'.ilK- 'llK, who iniiie in h,.i' I, ni lull, hi, ut id lor Itosehiirri tin UiM of the week. .1 O. Kerth, a traeiiK ali'iinan for Plaher'a riourln uiIIIm of Sll ei(on, t)re., waa with iih Tticttdny. Mra. Chauncey Ne of Propct, who haa hoen vIbUIiih her relativt-a and frloiida In RoKeliui'K und wan taken wick while there, haa recovered ami returned to tb home or her d.i uiclitcr. Mra. Ktta, 1'lorey, of thin iluio. Alra. V. O. Wheeler. wife ot the principal or our wbool. inotortid to Waanei creek Weditpxda. tukitiu with her Theo Flora). Adln Hnel ton, Minn Ka Perry and Ml Helm Holt lo Hltueaa a upelllnii niaiih le tween HOIllo or the boat H.ellirs In I the valley. The art ooiikIiIiici i anionic tho beat iellora In our hcIiooI ' har and take pride In their worl. Iui that lino. T. Miller. Pete Hoyden and Pun Wlllaon wero here for dinner on i U'ediiesday on thajr wa up im creek to aurve and locate home Hhoit liilBntlon dltchea. Mr. M ill r j im the vhler eiiKlnocr. .Iiiniea Kiriilniw of Climax, cum mil Wcdui-Hdiiv and tirouahl his nun1 and K M W Iiiic'k mohair Tin i I Mild it lo a nun lu Jaekhoimlli but I did not ki tbf name Tbei had about I.Mmi imiiuda and ualiiil '.' I'oiiia a pound. And Mr Km I ellow, .lohn Cooper nnd Co hi.. AiitOin. the mail lontnulor on tin I Kuule I'oini (lliiiiv route, hrmiuiu j lu tlioii inoh.Ui am void it to i.,n Hrown and ion.- tealixliiK mrn ihi. j and a half ceiitt. I nndt iMaml tii.i ihev are iniiiK a hialur .rin i.. ' mohair ihtt. i.itiiu than hu n i paid before fm ihe iaM liiim -in MeKMrii c, c .ite, i uutn v I'.ith loultd, .1. C. An i, n, fruil iii,'i, i, and ,1. C Aim. weather ou.'ini were all wltii ii UVdunMl.iv Ainliew Meur Mr. Itan .unl hlx ilaiiulitet. M K. 1 1 unl i i i out rum .Mi. I'm, i Wciliii.-.! i liT I'. Mi hoi n, i.,ike Ciei k miii Nollco to ICIecttlc Herilet I'nlifitiH 'I ue power will he orr from V to !i..:u a. m. Sunday, April 3 .'I. on ac lount of neieaxao rapalra. :i; CAI.IF -OHKliOX I'OVVKK CO.1 THE FINEST GAS RANGE EVER PRODUCED INDKSTKUCTIBLK. HANDSOMK. KCONOMICAh TO OPKKATK. KASY TO IJ1IY l'hom 526 Now on Display at the OREGON GAS & ELECTRIC CO. 27 N. (ir.iiu r ' Fcna cious Tires of black " Barefoot ?? Rubber MWllMWWWifi. I I I :n I ' 'till I'll Mi- iiiii t .ilnii ,!' unl Hill I en' I '! nei i ii " it I'.lilll April ;. Iareh i. i l.i'i i ,, I i ni Mi . ml Mi- i .i 'III. -(I'll lul t ' ' Il . I.I' I inlit m'llji i kill -on c-i i i i 1,., in Vli In to Alcdiorit mi ilio iame i nee thai m prr. ha- , , i fil hi ninlf.i.i .i.aiu, Miwmn u ., lot of wood fm n ir railroii .i n, 1' i .Newpoit. Menara li I. Mlltn, At S'uii and .laillPfc Mat I lie. t, the time imn who liuve been . leased ie. it e u,t and n.ilklU'- a n .111 of the I't.i , & KuKiiTn r.tiltu.iil, were with TueMla niiehi ,i-,,i edu'ii.n mi illimer and tun u I their Jii .mil m the time thin I- tit print will e mi iili.'ir win Imiii'i' ii, port lam! I Wilneitlti m-,? Mil.o i tit 'm ! i a .ii ., hi two ii' i. licit ii em the nn. at -mi, "i w.iv i me fiom Alcillnr.. ' !.. ' ii Iven lioin hoii . tlii" r He .iv - Im Mil iii. mohair i't .i- b une n I lin t, . , w till, il - till . i i ir't''5yy i 'IKE a Pup to n Root," do they hung on to the iwiui! wjicii ,riu Liiiurv in inu uiuii;ii, ui throw on tho limktw. rut, ir.stoad of merely minding against said Enrthv f'r 'jlatmn. tiiey CLING to it, much as jour larc foot clinprs tc t.Hpix'ry surfaces. Hup now and wonderful Goodrich "Barefoot Kubljrr." is &d stretchy almost as a pure Hubberland, Lifiht-urifjht as RuoIkt in its native amber color, but ttronrjt r, tuuaher, Itwytr-weariuy (in Tires) than pure Iiubbor could ever le. That Lishtncum Stretch, and CLING-quality is due. in part, to tho abserce of the heavy and inert ;;i.uc substances which, in other Tires, rovide the j-Tit " textura deio:ned to mve effective but grinding 'inu tii i, wftn Clufli orlirakes do their work. 'I i provido its muximum Traction with minimum !'' a (which me-ina minimum I lent, minimum Yv : 'v'oa', end .- imi Strain on tho rubber adhes io in'tv.-ccn fabric layer-5.) - That' tho Ali"lo: ui the new Goodrieli "Rare j'., .' n,:blei-." I low ufll V d.irfl thisa work. how much more II.-j)!i-nre, Comfnt t-in-ridinr. and Mileage, it gives, :i.,iy be nolLetl oniy by teiit. f " ARF.F( 1 J t'vi-i.' ,FO(iT Rf TI.BER" can lai hail in GtL isitcty-J rrail Iiiim. ,. Mntor- I "W, Itio'fi'fi i!uc!c 'J'jrt'S, Ttir-, - t,nlrui lublicr i'.uot.s, .4 ,i H i U, and in uo uthcr make but ;... i. : Tru'k ( ' i"lll)(M, Solt" '. .. !" li. t -la - .-I' f i, itthcnui'v i ik jilrich Branch Mrt'rh it i.ou.s;;i ! if limes, but trar its fibres n'l Ci!l' it' :': tlii .."iibw rvo thut tv . J Fabric Tires i, An. n-M- - i .lo uf v. s TKKA 101 A "Barefoot" Rubber, ''- .di n, n ro(and ii.un!1'. '.w than or- i .i i merit 1 1. No ' T. i i., ). X y'Yhllt J.. .'TiM ?l v l tV.f tht- (nalt .-., ;: '-!.: " u.M.l ho iu3 at. leuM 'i.-.i .. -Rnvt jf Rubbci'Gobdrii-h '! i ' . re.4pnnii. n unuiacturtrs. " 'h t ((jilvea Si?H fur Size and ;..-i.' than Giadrkh Biack-Tn ud ff5 OODRICH- i. " Man pay y-re l'n , for an j Tire, i Mir iif these now SViii '. '. C 'ODRICU CO. Ak.ju, Ohio. DwtuwunaiacirarwuMMftwgii3wnigwMeigj, ";:. A3HEF00TW Tires i vm as atvx, Antntnuuxisai bh-w&u ff Goodrich Tires Sold Exclusively by A iii i liiml ' th. ... , . ' I b v 8. at't In Sr n "Til" Ulli A ii ' O I .iki i .. ,-, ' ti'j) iHt ,iu ) .atn ThiuMLf nll tin to Itltlle I'.ilU' ii W ii une tv cn "'' S ' 1'hurwlav inoriur-, T Ca. ti ' ii (l A 4lf IKOu ft' C. E. GATI o . BEST IN THE LONG RUN' VV i C3S- .1 .., . .,,) J 'V O ) o ll id i '1 ' Wll w IS