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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1916)
nrriiffi'.-ri mwt. 7i;rn. r vr Tiror;?) . T",l f k ! 5 r ft 1 &' i , i ? I P ' - i .. ., . 'mmeapowT" lively rarttrmersy Im arisen over mining location known a "('Inaabar Halm No - in section 17. Tha min In claimed by Petri A fore of Central Point, and another patty landed ay f. W. Carattaaa. 0om rich are hi been unftverasl on the elaltn and both tfalmaat eeem to be determined to hotd an to It. Mr. Carnahaa went to Matffarrf and Jacksonville today Wedaeo4ay) and Mr. Peart la expected In The Maadowa tomorrow to get nia mh again at work. This claim, which formerly produced very high grade ore, haa laid Mia for a number of yearn but waa recently relocated by each of the claimants, both of whom have don some work resulting In the discovery of rich ore. Meem. Stewart, Coltrell and Wy Inttd art rounding np a big buHeh or cnltto for driving to the valley for shipment today. Dr. Chlsholm of Gold Hill visited the "Little Jean", his cinnabar mine. He carried away a buttle of quicksil ver retorted from a small bunch of ore. M'1'lgr; Fred Moore branded a bunch of young stock Tuesday afternoon. Ills mark la M. 0. It. 15. Mr. Kowen ia operating a quicksil ver retort on the Mrs. Dewey claim to tout the rallies of the ores. The showing marie lunkM like some very rich recoveries are bulng madu. Ho toiling warns h very simple opera tion, although there scorns danger from escaping fumes. Ed Anderson and Ills hoy aro work ing in the shaft of tht Carnahan claim. Keportod liy Jsckcon Coucly At- I tract Co., Blxth and Fir fits I Clieiilt Don F. Wilson vs. C. 11. Natwlek, action for money. Pearl It. Colvlg va. Frank L. Col vis, recolpt. M. C. Findloy vs. F. L. Camps, et vlr, stipulation. State of Oregon vs. F. A. H) tie, ot al, order, motion. Jackson County vs. T. H. Tanner, Claim of Men. Jackson County vs. C. I. Howard, claim of Hen. I.otice ft Co., vs. Winnie Steelman, et Hi. transcript of Judgment. ltiiil Ifrdutf Tnuixftirs John J. Brown to W. K. Uray- ton. pt. 37 and 30, 2V $ James I. Fredeuburg to John J. Drown, same as above .... 1.00 1.00 J. It. Andrews et ux to W. II. Waltermire, lot In blk 2 Cottage add. Med ford .. .. BOO. 00 C. I Miller et ux to Itausome C. Morris et ux, lot In Me- Calls add Ashland Albert' Morlne to Meta M. Pel ton, pt. 18-33-1 IS 10.00 1.00 Mollla Songer to Xellle Alay Conner et vlr. lota In Min or's add Ashland 100.00 8. A. Coleman to J. T. Zlmmer- lee, pt 10 and 15-3I-1W . ..ISO. 00 I0WANS OF VALLEY ORGANIZE CUMMINS CLUB A f'uiiiiiilnw cltii) ah formed last night 'iv Iom.uih of tills ilt. with a Tried Various Kidney Remedies But Only One Proved Reliable It In with pleasure thai I writo theue llnt-s of prime for jour wonder ful kidney and bladder remedy. I had kidney trouble so bad I became vary much alarmed. I had tried va rioua kidney remedies I heard of but without relief. I wna about discour aged of ever being helped, when, one day I picked up a book containing testimonials or people who had bean helped and cured of their kidney trouble by the use of Dr. Kilmer's 8wamp-Root, so I decided to try It aad 1 know I owe my present good health to the wonderful curative power of Swamp-Root. I sincerely hope my words will be the means of restoring many other sufferers of kidney and bladder troubles to good health. Vwy truly yours, U. J. neXSTKRMAKBR, H Bl Roycroft Ave. Lakewood. Ohio. Personally appeared before me this 18th day of October. 1915, H. J. Fen stermaber, nho fubscrlbed the alune statement and made oath that tlir same g true in substance and in fac Wm J Klotzbush, Notary pul-lli tl.ttvr 1o Dr. Kilmer & Co, lllng baiupton, X. V.) l'iX)o Wlwt hwamii-Koot Will Do 1'or i'u gend ten ccntu to Ir Kilmer & Co nngIia.'iipton. ' Y . for a sample (s&M bottlo Tl will cnncc anyone Vou 5'I!I also retolva a beohiot of i valuable Information, tollinu a!'Out (tpokidaaami madder when wm. ing. be mitd inJ )'tnuia the Medford Ore . I5ftlii Mijll TrAuna Regului f i rt v tent axd ,0 dollar ! (ia)tVi l(j,-4if at all Wig orff. COURT HOUSE NEWS SQUIRREL FOOD WjUT VtL )a00 - ( Y mt uoNfr Wife, l rpvg 'T,kU teot-oBovs woul-1? W 'tt. Y r 2aS8 rU-L. BE CHAtdNO. FClL V xv3T ifflWW bpvcls so -nmv cuulo Ftor J -o w!fluv S0M M8LSj) VjSL jMLWtySC j l( NVAi-iD w,,- .ls2j!S!Risfr. MftS'WCml ) M qlMK? TO HANS ,BdEi5fcJ''r9Jffi SOMEBODY OUGU-T TO TIP OFP OLD T- " JSSPfewcS MlSDlRfcTteDENER&YTKYlNSTO good nttendnnco. IS. V. Coffin was named president, and Dr. W. W. Howard secretary. Speeches were hih(Ih by I.. II. lnkln of Ashland, foniifr member of the Iowa legisla ture, nml C M. Thomas or this city. Muttons bearing the plctnttj of Die tuiidlclate were distributed. Eczema Is Conquered Orenwy MltPH mid ouiiinoniii oliould not wmiimn mm I'lmitmr. it itvu.-ii-aia. cleanws and noolliox. Zmo U ilciHMidulile I iiiki iiH-iiM-iiif. iry it. itrt we Ivllcve nolhliig you have ctr imwI is as effwetlvo und witufying. Keum, CIepaad. Xotlro to t'ont ractors Soaled proposuls, addressed to the iw.1 to the o, Oregon, la for Re! g a county undersigned at JacksonvlU and endorsed ".Sealed Bids pairing Koad." for repairing road between Med ford and Jackson- vine, uregon, in accordance with the plaus and speclflcatlond on flic in the county surveyor s office, over the VlurffnvJ Vallnnal lunb h..ll.ll uHfi n,., win i ,mi' j,!,!,, fl..i. i.uj.. .u-ii .. i ... depoauwlth his I.Td five 7r 7n of ih mnoiiiit f hi. i.w i.Uh .h.u the amount of his bid, which shall he forfeited to tho county In case the award is made to him, and if he falls, neglocts or refuses, for a per iod of 10 days after such award Is madp. to enter into a contract ami fill. I.I. hnil In th h..h ru...,l.u.l by and to the aatlafaotlaB of tho county court Bll,fctlon of " il',,.,,!. k-j win k . A corporato surety bond will be re Huirnd for the faithful turrni-naniw ttuireo ror me taiintui perrorman c of the contract In a sum equal to one-half of the total amount of the sum bid The count v court reserves the right ! to reject any or all bids, or to nc- rept the proposul deemed best for Jai'kson county. Dated thin ith day of prll. 191C. I! A OAltliN'KK. County Clerk, Jacksonville, Ore. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR RKPRKSK.VT.VriVM I hereb announce that I have filed my declaration of Intention to become ' a candidate for the republican nom- Batlon for th offk.. 0( Ptt.,resenta. tlve aubject to the decision of tho re publican party at the coming primary election. Adr. 0. JJ. THOMAS. I am a candidate for the republican nomination for Joint representative from the district comprising Doug-1 las and Jackson coaatlaa subject toi the primary in May. II 'nominated and elected I will serve the people of I the district to the best of mv ability, j Adv. W. H. GORE. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for repreuenta- tlve from Jackson county on the re- puoiican uckci. fcuujuci 10 ine pri-, wary on Mu lit. I pledge msef for economy and. a buuare deal for all. Adv. BENTON BOWKRi. DISTRICT ATTOItXKY Th record of the county clerk at j this time show a '-nlug of $1500 00 j in the administration of this office as ouimrcl with the previous term ' This hat been ui lomplls-hed by traiia-' nctiiu: the ii.iii ui'KKint o' biihinet.!- ' WAHD . haw m r al iiij iiirit s tor f.:r If von h.iw oiu- l.lll .1- II,'. l Mil! ni--riO'l houn nou wool. I ma 'tnt H for vo.i n . t!t invcslment lo. Ileal l,M(it IOrtiiS I',cntnN1 IiLsur uiu y. 1W W 5IOI4U lVr,iu 70IA. rv.'.n. i i . V"",.,.Kk", "ted. i District Attorney for Jackson county, 7r larV Z" Jl'fLfllyLl0' Oregon, subject to tho doclslon of th. Wl,i applh-d a1. fi;re.,,HHt,l!,teelrS ! ropubllcnn party at the primary olec rt'inovc wseiuii, qui.klv Kt.-) iMilnr. ' "ou t0 " ll1'1 A,ay 19, 1Hl'5' Hint ll.'rtln okln trniililix. alui um I.,,.-.,- Adv. Q. M. ROlllOltTS. .nil filed ..ntn in . m m.v i Pru ai m efforts in the mm h .t .I,-. m. m,m ... J i " taxpayers as state rep -iirt win ....t.ii-iv . ,.,i ,..i ii ?lv Utu 'r Ko. requestod JOMEBODY OUGHT TO TIP MAN TIME THfYT ITS A LOT OF MISDIRECTED liNGRGY TRV1N& TO PlNctl VOKUS WA&ME.B WHO HS BEEN PLfsSINC PROFESIOrVAL BALL. FOR -IrlE LAST TWfEMTY-ONE. tAR "QUIT PlCKlrJ' ON TH' KlD? P TlfvAE before grand juries in one day that has formerly required five or sl dnys and hv eliminating many petty matters, and without any sacrifice to Jaw enforcement in the county. 1 feel that thin saving and my exper ience entitles me to a wcronri term. 1 am therefore a candidate for re election to the office of dlrtrlrt nttor noy. K. K. KKLLY. Adv. I hereby annnunre that I liavo filed my declaration ot intention to become a candidate for the rcnub- , llcnn nomination offlco I herobv announce that 1 hnve filed my declaration of tutontlnns, and that I am a canrilrinre for the democratic nomination tor tho offlrn of district nttornoy, subject to the Mny prlmar m nominated and olotod io. 1 promlao not to forget tos. ir i a to this office rnr Jlio tho fact that I nm a public servant. , "' ,? . "iSr.t.r ha , -fr.i J and that 1 will to the best of my ,,,," , ,?, a,f8,M of ability administer tho affairs of tlml V',,0 ff,0 ,n ,,'V,,T"rnk,VM,lner' . offlee, Impartially, honestly nnd1' v j. . miukmaw. I without fear or favor. lAdv NBWTO.V W I BORDKN e IIISl Ol IflP ye The first of the year a number of republicans, including many who np Interest resenta- ine to H-.iiuti m iitiKiiuKi" ior mo oiuce oi District Attorney, limsniucli as there 11. oT h X?J2? r,mURr ' the criminal and Juvenile courts, new duties and conditions confronting the office. Among these were mentioned the enforcement of tho prohibition act. and the llkell hood of hnvluic to foreclose many tax """" l'"i viiinriy uiu- KHII1(. WIH 1 ?"lher 'ele " urant of nearly half million acres In Jackson county. amounting to about Jl'00.000 ' , .i ., u,. r ,,. i.i i. . I ",y reply was that I would IIBCOUIO H rilU(iJllta If ., WMr ,.,, iv ... sired and the rac could be made without (turning saeclal obligation ",'!LP"rt!.,,,i" !nrt,VlduttI' faoUon- Ti.-Sfr . ....ui Therefore, after ronaultlnic nersnn ally or bv letter several hundred men und women of all occupations In all parts of th county, believing there Is a real desire for my candi dacy, i will be a randldate for the nomination ot District Attorney on the republican ticket. Adv. JOH.V H. CAKKIN. d strict tornevo; ,U Z ?,Xct t0T.."., "S. d,!2r t . ..-.11.1.... - II... ...- shall serve the county aa I have served the City of Med ford during the pant three years, during which time have been Its city attorney. Adv. B. R. M'CAUR. cot'XTY ri.icitir. 0. A. fhtrdiier In Itepulillnui Condi, dote for County ciurK. j hereby announce my candidacy f0r the office of county clerk and if nominated and elected will continue to give mv t-utlre time and attention to the duties thereof, conduct the office according to law and give an Uitflcient economical and business- like administration Adv. (i a , GARDNER. I hereby announce that I have WHY? CASH WAXTKI) 80 acrca Bear Creti bottom, 70 .acren in cultivation, alfjlfa, fralt and , grain, easily lrrl?ate1 litfii tfcao 3 miles from Medford. nioH One of the lout buys In Jackson i j county. Say when nod i will show you, , J. C. BARNES 102 'West Main 8t. I'iipoe 7J By Al icrn OPPOLD flled my declaration of Intention to tioooino a candidate tor the republi can nomination for the office of coun ty clork, for Jackson county, subloct to tho doclslon of the republican par ty, at the primary election to bo held May 19. ItilC. Adv. A. N HII.DRIJRAND. rOl'XTV ASSIXSSOIt I hereby announce my candldncy for tho offloe of county awossor of Jnckson county on tho republican tlckot, subject to the primary on May 19. I plodge mynelf to an honest, offlclont, Impartial and econ omical ril'diaruo of the duties of tho j offlco nnri propoao to makn all nssoss. moms upon tho basts of the true actual valuo of tho property and not upon any inflated valuation. Adv. OKOItaK I.AUNSPACH. I horowlth announre my candidacy for county assessor, subject to the decision of the republican party nt "n0 jrVX'.no 1, ?i?!?t ! " j1 Jl' 1? " ' I horoby nnnounco my oandldncy for the democratic nomination for tho offlco of assessor of Jackson county, at tho primary to bo held May 10th, 1916. Ilavo had three years' experience as deputy nsaessor. Adv. CUNT OAMjATI.V. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for county assessor for Jackson countv, Oregon, on the re publican ticket, subject to the pri maries to be hold May 19, 191C. My platferm: ICconomv, equality nnd efficiency. J. C. HURItlNO. Adv. Candidate for county assessor at republican primarv election, May 19, 191fi. Three nars experience cleri cal work makliiK up assessment rolls and extending tax rolls, township 29 and 30 North. Range I West, state of Michigan. Three yeara aaaensor and member of county board of su pervisors, Olsego county. Michigan, Six years depot) nssessor III Jackson county, Oregon, ir elected, practical experience, common sense and IiuhI- noHH Judgment will be exercised In making aMseHsmeuta. Fictitious, boom valuations will not be permit ted. The greatem poeelbl accuracy and economy In ri-Iu anil office work will be rigidly enforced. The most efficient administration that exper ience, education and capability can exact, In everv department of this Important office, will be effected Fair and couiteonn treatment extend ed to all axpiiMTB. Integrity of purpose the kon truing factor Your HupKrt Mlli-lied W. W. TRL'AX. Adv. SIIICRIFF. I have heretofore formally an nounced my camll'tacy for the nomi nation for sheriff on the republican ticket to be vol"-! upot, at tho com ing primary election, May 19, 1916. I have held Hie position of deputy sheriff during the past four veara. It Is unanimously conceded that a mark et' Improvement bus ueen made In all departments of the sheriff's of fice during the Incumbency of the (treat nt sheriff, the records In the of fice at the beglunlug of the preaent adminlstiatlon were considered the worst in the state they are now considered equal to any and better than most The work of tax collection has been systematized ko that quicker and bet ter service is now being rendered, and taxes colic t t at a much less cont than heretofore NEW TODAY Today it In T,u acres Mlfi extra Kood hiiildinitH, ntnl a pumpltw; I'Ijii. !i at res fine alfalfa, grain or garden I.... .1 ...... J.... J.F ...... MS ..A...... AlnUI. I iiftliu J oim uaiiu; rvwua WHin, - to whool and town. A real snap, io.'.oo. A 10-atre tiwtt, very algbtly, close to Mtdford, buildings for raining 'i ooo (hliki'iu Priced way down. Hoon-Cathcart Co. I'iiout- 1(17 i t iii ib.. i.i ' ilif nf li- tnt Hi. h I Mfidre If I a nrnnlmtad ti elavtaf ledae mraeif 1 -T ntciirtaftl ft trfflM HI Ma MMM efflttent fOiMHttew. i4to mlvf to fwffttr fm prmm tk to tatiMfOYi ad to gtftlgitao tlM tar thtrmf. Ird- To Impartially parfgfin all dutfoa and enforra all lava K. W rfnfrl Wtt.llfW 1 M i randldate rot the sjomlna Hoti of HHerlff on tHe ravubllrafi ttefcot (it he voted tnr at tb arl marie Mar 1. 114 tf nominated and laeiad t wilt enforea th law and gtva the public an honest. Impartial aaM efficient administration. tT yuara I" Tneltafn eimtv Adv. HABRT .M. LOri?n. I herehv announce sir eandldary fir the republican nomination for sheriff, to be voted on at the coming primaries, Mav ltth, 11 . 1 feel tnat t need no Introduction Uo lh nubile, havlna been a resident mf Jackson coiintv for t vaars. I nled mrnelf tf electwl. to give an IwHirtlal. economical and con servative administration of this Im portant office I have endeavored to serve, the public falthfullv In the nast anil agre. If elected, to strlctlv and Impartially enforce all laws Having a vory lsrse experience in the mat ters of taxation and knowing Jack son county thoroughly, I pledge my self to conduct tho tar collection branch of the office In such a manner as to serve the laxnavera hnnostly, promptly and offlclentlv. Adv. W. T. OIIUCVK. I nm n cnndlrtalo for tho republi can nomination of sheriff of Jackson nountv. subject to the primary, Mny 10. 1010. I have lived In Jackson county twelve year, mode the race for the nomlnntlon for sheriff two vesrs nao and received n anlendld vote deeplto tho unusual conditions I hsd to op pose and would approclato your sup port this time. If elected I will enforce all laws and nledge myself to an economical. Impartial and conservative adminis tration. Adv. A. W. WAMCKR. I hereby announce mv candidacy for the nomination for sheriff on tho democratic ticket, sublcct to tho will of the voters at the nrlmarv to bo held Mav ill, lOlfi. I nm n native son of Jackson county and mv en tire nest life Is sublect to vonr Inves tigation. RALPH a. JICXNI.VnS. Adv. I herebv announce my candidacy for tho democratic nomination for sheriff to be voted on al tho coming primaries. May 10. 1010. I have served the city of Medford na chief of police for over five veara and during that time served under ronr different mavors. 1 pledge mvself. If nomi nated and elected, to servo the public ami do my ilutv as sheriff nt all times, and give the nubile an honest and Impartial administration. Adv. J. F. HITTSON. COt'XTV TUKASniKll. Deputy County Treasurer Myrtlo W. lllakelnv announces her oaudldaoy for the office of county treasurer. I herebv announce m candidacy on the republican ticket for tho of fice of county treasurer, to be voted on at the coming primaries. I have held the position as deputy In this offlco for the paat year and am con fident that I can fulfill the duties connected therewith. I served two ynar as deputy ooitn. tv recorder before taking the posi tion as deputy county treasurer; I have also had experience as account ant for several corporations, such as the Medford Concrete Construction company and Medford Ice and Stor age Company, before taking up coun ty woik, ami win say that my past record Is open for Inspection to tho voters of Jackson county. If nominated and elected I will run the office without the expense of a deputy and continue to serve the pub lic Just as efficient In the future as I have In the past. Adv. MYRTI.K W BLAKKMJY. I hereby announce that I have filed my declaration of Intention to bo- come a candidate for the republican nomination for the office ot county treasurer, to be voted on In the com ing primaries. If I am nnmliiatod and elected will conduct the office lu an efficient and businesslike wanner. Adv. HOY U. MAUI.K. I hereby aunouoce that 1 am a can didate for the nomination of county treasurer for Jackson county, Oregon, on the republicNii ticket to be voted for at the primary election to be held Mny 19, 19l. I formerly held the office of county treasurer and helUve 1 gave general satisfaction to the public During the time I was county treas urer tho county employed expett ac countants to expert the county off! rera books and, said experts compli mented my work ery highly aa a public official. H nom I tinted and elected I shall endearor to conduct the affairs or the offlee In an honest, efficient and business-like manner Adv. JAS. M. CRONKMILMCK. COUNTY SrPURI.NTKXDKXT. I hereby announce my eandldaey on the republican ticket for the of fice ot County School Superintend ent for Jackson county, Oregon, sub ject to tee will of the republican party at the primary election May 19. I stand for practical school ef ficiency, personal supervision of the schools and elimination of county sci.iol supervisors. Adv. FRANCIS C. SMITH. To the veters: I am republican eanaiaate ror county school super m."1, oVa tl" vrluxr ec"". . ' - I am for supervision of the aphonia by the superintendent and for econ omy In the county superintendent's office and every place where It doo. not retard tho efficiency of th schools. I am in favor of progressive educa tion, that Is, education that prepares, the boy or girl for life. I am for all having a id US re deal and an mnml R'banrtt Mr an edmutloti If iiGuiltiau-d auii elected I will i i i '.i i , I., ryf.' 'm tft O1 r "fil"' 'he rnrnt of fawftenn en mlv the best la Ike si ate. M4t. . J. rMffff. f WlrlWV sMIfNVffWtfNf linn I Hd i filed m declaration of tntotftoxe. ; and fn f am a rendMafa far ft re nhlleaa aomfaattaa far tne flae mi fttnmr ffMl faiiartateadafH tt Jaekaaw conatv, snnjeei to lha 0 martaa f Mar ! If natrntfod and alaetan I atedge mvaatf to an ho neat , impartial and economic administration aad will personally supervise oar schools ' hold an Oregon life certificate, i and having recently spent fonr sea- stons on preparatory work both In the' ratveraltv of nrawtn and In the University of PaMfnrnla In the study of modern education and supervi sion, and having served the county as rnral school supervisor for two veara, I feel competent to fill the of fice In a thoronghlv satisfactory man ner and hereby solicit the support of evry true friend of education. Adv. Q. W. AOKK. I am a candidate for the rnpnbll can nomination for County School Superintendent. I stand fer: A con tinuance of progressive policies In education, economy consistent with efficiency, equal educational adran tsees for the boys and girls on the farms with those In the cities and towns. It nominated and elected I wltl In the future, as In tho nasi, elvo my full time and bcrt efforts to tho supervision of the schools nnd the ad ministration of tho duties of the of fice. During mv Incumbency I have not confined imsolf strlctlv to the routine duties of the offlre but linvo taken n broader view of tho mission of the County School Superintendent. In addition to my offorta vo rnlso tho standard of teaching tnd lmprovo tho physical conditions at school I hnvo labored to promote tho welfare of tho tioyn and girls through Industrial clubs, school fnlm, school credits for homo work, parent-teachers circle, spelling and arithmetic contests, and other activities. I feel that my work haa been regarded with favor nnd in order to continue thla work, I nm asking for ro-olertlon. Adv. J. PICRCY WHUA FOR RKXTnOOHEfl for"rhnt"a" em bungalow. Call -ISS X. Holly. 31 FOR ItKXT S-room modern bunga low, garden, lawn shade, fine wa ter. S20 W. 12th. 30 FOR HUNT IMJltNISHKI) AITS. FO iFr KNT A part lit tint for'Tont. The llerben, 10 Qulno 8U roit HAt.rv-Trtvrca'nCH; FOR 8AM Ni."rymiirgrfreali7ilol. teln-Jersey cow, with heifer calf, IT.'i.DO. ICIIu Ilroomfleld, outh Peach. z FOR SAM -Thoroughbred wlre hnlred ICngllsh terrier dog 3 nioe. eld: owner going away; must soil. Call I'nlon I,lery Stables. 38 FOR 8AI.B Ouo light orchard team, harness and wagon, Jersey cow, A-l Milwaukee mower, self dump McCormack rake single horse cul tivator, light two-seated spring wagon, canopy top buggy. Mrs. D. M. McNasser, Central Point, Phone. 38 FOR SALIC 75 head or high grade Angoraa and this spring's crop ot kids, does and buck from the fa mous Rlddell bund. Price U 7 r . Phone Prospect, Claude Moore, Persist, Ore. 31 FOR SALE Four or 5 Jersey cows, throe Jersey calvea. one Jersey bull will sell or exchange for second hand Font ear. M. Marshall, Cen tral Point. 26 FOR SALE Fresh milk goats at re duced rates. Mrs. L. Dusenbury, Clliuax, Ore. FOR HA MG CMI.Ht;ftlf13Vlr)UH KOR HA l -Twin 'eyllnd"e7Merkel motorot'le In good condition, nt a bargain. Walker's Oarage. 27 FOR SALE -Eastern corn in bulk :itl per ton. Bring your seeks with you. Central Point Packing Co. 30 FOR SALE -flood refrigerator cheap Phone 393-11. 27 FOR SALE -Hays' Ahorse spray rig, romplete, good as new; cheap for cash. Alao iron frame ball bearing Davenport wagon. Box T. E. Mull Tribune. 27 FOR SALBSell'your B. II. (Ireeii Trading etanipa. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg., Portland. 17 FOR SALE drain or Phone S10. alfalfa hay. 27 FOR SALE- Piano, mahogany case, bargain, cash or terms, t lb N. Grape. xe FOR SALE Good range cheap, and some furniture. 200 North Itooxe velt. 20 FOR SALE Seed corn and grain hay: also pasture. Phone B91-J2. C. w. Isaacs. FOR SALE Seed corn. Phoue 689-J1. K. B. Hall. 37 FOR SALE Seat cevers: one mau tops at A. D. Little Top Worka, 100 N. Front at., near 8. P. station Si FOR SALE Overland roadster. See E. A. Hloka, Manager, Oregon Granite Co. FOR SALIC POULTRY AND ICGOS FOR SALi:" Thoroughbreil Matii- inolh Urouie tuikey egKH, tlrat pea, 25c, second, 30c each Wluii, Wellea, Ore. :ut F(JR SALE PrUe"HlnnlnK light Hrabma llr U nnd ' Phoue or write C Cuie, Tuleiit, Ore. - - uri,p w I'VTcr uim; ya -,"s--'e'-"- - -- -wa--ee SVivMt' i Wc-nta. nt'C am women Jj'r i tfftiiiiar call af j & X?v 4K ateirotd iira Iv He w.. I 3 I- 111 23r MM r w nrrM rrmir v w rKt - - of e1Mrw a. ' word otl i hnne WSSSeaiffl Slaa t n t m .il.H.i I . . 1wrr"' '"r 'li.irr.iii. ing rrew seem wear rtxn darn ing cotton with nrnnrv, your sea tlon Jfrneftanew omeeMrv. fa laraattnnal Mllfe. dapi. fag. Nag. iraafwn. a. if SaWBSa-SgattaW TtSSS "-aibMbW ssaW?S4gW van Hrffrrn mrm.i,imen FOft RlMlT :. tc ta rrm Irrlgatad garden or beet tend: halMMma: near Medford. Al -o home for ante. Phone 144-K evenings. iw mm aaseBwajwpsajsBsaggaagg - rTiT WAXTen farte. Uara a Tar pln's blacksmith sbo. 1 Moxirr to iAn -- -- . . , . iaa ,mttm ,. siwtaaassag)sagsaa MONRT TO LOAN On laprOTl city mercantile property MeCorAf Insurance Agency. TO LOA.V Jisoo on Improve ranch Holmes the Insurance Man. nUSIXR-SS DlItfiCTOitY Auto Huppltp LAIIHR AUTO SPRING CO. We nro operating the largoet, eldest nnd best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwoflt. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 26 North Fifteenth at., Portland, Ore. Attorneys GEO. W. CHERRY Attorney and o;nry, ltooms y-10, Jackson Coun ty Rank llulldlui;, ontrnnco N. Contrat, Medford, Ore. PORTER J. NKFF Attornoy nt law, rooms 8 and 0, Medford National Dank Building. A. K. RBAMRS, LAWYER Qarnott Coroy bldg. 0. M. ROBERT3 Lawyor. Medford National Bank Building. Collections. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS We collected somo accounts 11 years old. Wo know how' to got the money. Tho Buttock Mercantile Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, 11 m klua' Bldg.. 216 B. Mnlu et. Dentist Dr. W. M. VAN BCOYOO DR. O. O. VAN BCOYOO Dentists Qarnctt-Corey Bid;., ulte lit Mcdforti, Ore. Phono 850. Collections nnd ltt'iorta DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. M. F. & II. Bldg. Office Hours 8:30 to 12; 1 to 5. Phone G07-R. Engineer and Contractor FRIti) N." CUMMINGS Snglneor and contractor, 401 M. F. & If. Bldg. Surveys,, estimates), Irrigation drainage, orchard and land Im provement. Insurance. MARL 8. TCMY General Inauranee office, Fire, Automobile, Aoeident, Liability, Plate Ola, Contract, anil Surety Bonds. Excellent com panies, good local servlee. No. 210 GarnettCorey Bldg. Instruction In aiusta FRED ALTON HAIOHT, teneher of piano ami harmony. Composer and arranger of music. Halght Musle Studio, 101 Carnett-Corey building. MJwThEINB Teacher of Violin. 'Muslo fiirnlahetl for all occasions. Prices reasonable. Studio 1121 K. Main St., Phone 30S-J2. Garbage OARHAGlll Get your premise! cleaned up for the summer. Call on the city garbage wagons for y1: oeo: servlee. Phone 274-L. F. . Allen. Pli)tilcbiiiM und fturgcons DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 418-117 Garnett-Coray bldg., phone 10JS-L. Residence 26 South Uurel st. Msaaiaa mmmmf DR. W. W. HOWARD Oeteopathle physician, SOS Garnett-Coray building- Phono 130, DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician nnd surgeon. Practice limited to eyo, oar, aoe and throat. Eyea scien tifically tested and glaasen sup plied. Oculist aud Aurlat for 8. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co bldg., opposite P. O. Phone S67. DR. It. W. CLANCY Phyalolaa and aurgeon Phones, offlco S, resi dence 721-J. Offlee bourn, 10 ta 12, 2 to t. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Paysl olan and surgeon. Office Paint block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 1. Phono 110-J. Printers nnd Ptihlbdiori - -- i. j i...s a. li - lsjaj MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing offlco in southern Oregou; book bludlng, loose leaf ledger, billing aystetfs, ate. Portland prloee. 27 North Fir at. TmBafere ADS TRANSFER ft STORAOB 0. Offlee it North Front at. Paa a 15. Prlca right. aVsrviee gtur aataiMl Honing Mai ntn singe r1wTTnci " vi achTn esTp 55; 3.M.B OR REXr-Ronm utart to. cliiniM alto for sato cicaniua sad' roiafntit?" Daidwlo "Pioci tor sjiie froro factory to customer OcwS reaee 2t5 So, Ctnttat, ruoo 390, . J nai .'' HOT? J w1 ' r V