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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1916)
WPhFWfT) Afrf 'flUl'-I NT, Vl TirfiTtll ,... M H I f I J I Tn'i rrtrF o OLD HILL NUGGETS ! Master Vnel Holing i flrtirAtl In tilth btrfnitav iiv hvm psm fhmdar afternoon im Utile friend fWnttlden' to invitation, one litfln fftand wrmln tip the hill trudging titttr IN lftt of fit presairt, whitn ffM charming pan. Btff. M)WMM ipOSt ilM flNf nSft at ItM n M rrtnt m Ortt JfFg. LatHU Owaws' pttffrtin in tiw ttHftas Mondav evening 1 both In IfgtMHf and InstnMtrvntbe iIMm f CnHtorrta wIM flawart twin ea jnjvtnfr? valuable 10 tk school ehll tlfii. Professor Xltani tu alto very tHarlfttntng wRJi hia Joshes and JeHeu Mr.' and Mrs. Luke Jennings left afsWiagr on No. 18 for Oatman, Arl iatw whera that aspect to make tnair fttlorn herna. Tnay will be greatly mlnsad by a hotl of frlenda. Ante are becoming very popular In (fold Mill, new anas being added esntlniiHlly. Thli week It la W. K. Walker burin a Ford and W. W. 'Truax an Overland. Mr. Ivan Simon loft Sunday eve fbr a visit with lior parents at Ilftlav lioro. Mom Hall loft Monday for Ari zona, Luwronco Cnrdwoll went to north ern California tho flrat of the weak, accompanying lit frlonds, Mr. and Mrs. Jonnlnga, that far. Ha re turned on train No. IB that night. Mlaa Mnrguorlto Wharton roturtied Tuesdny morning from Ashland, whuro she had been to visit Mlaa Mnry Young, tho latter part of last weok, nnd to assist In a recital Riven by that popular music teacher tho previous evening. Messrs. A. E. Kellogg, Rert Kel logg, H. II. Mooro and Italpli Darl ing motored to Med ford anil Jark fonvlllo Monday on legal business. Mrs. Ada Illakely returned to her homo In Medford, after spending a fnw days with her paronta, Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo McClollon, at this placo. 'Mrs. Isora llodgoa returned to Ash hind Sunday afternoon, also Mlaa Rornlce Myors, who had boon visit ing with relatlvos and frlonds In thl city. Mnrtln D. Rowers wont to Med- ford TuiMHlay to meet 'his father Denton Ilowurs. at that place and trananct logol buslnoss. Tho Junior League had an apple Idoasom party In the M. K. churoh Saturday evening, which waa a bril liant affair. (Iiunea were tho order of the evening, followed by a dainty lunch. Mr. Wettleador of (flendale. was In Cold Hill Tuoaday on buslnoes. W. W. Truax waa a business visi tor at tho county seat Monday. Monday overling the third count on tho piano contest was made. It. II. Mbore and C. 11. Price aeted as the judges. The result waa: Pearl Shanks. 13.402 H; Margaret Lyman. J 1.800; Tyyna Lyman, 18.225: Letay I lodges, 10,760; Dolores Kelsey, S.Stft: Agnes Fllppen. 7.325; Hasel Knolls, fl.t50; Mrs. Esther Heed, 0,090; Oladya Haymond. 4.UU0. Tho piano, which la the flrat prise. Is now on display at the llowers Phar maey. A. 15. Ilamber, a former resident of this city and district, was In town the lattor part of last week for sev eral days renewing old acquaintance and attending to mining business. .1. F. 11 oss and J. F. Faear, civil engineer for tho Southern Pacific ware In town last Friday. Mr. Hos was accompanied by his wife. Interest was manifested the latUr, part of last week and the first t, this In the taking of wild animal, movies near Gold Hill. Jim McTlm i m Ins Is putting en the films (for thr benefit of tenderfwt ) . Future of climbing a tree to a spitting 1M oat, a growling boar and the like, where he throws a rope around the' ' animal and It la lowered out of t x tree to the ground, several mop--ropes are put on it to hold it and then "hog tied." Pictures aluo of ooons, foxes and other wild animal were taken In their natural Mir I rounding. John II. Hammer-1 - i and his famous "bar" dogs fiurr' in nearly all f the hunting and chatting scenes, which appear befort the trying and tlelng picture. &iaiaiia Brown and Allen of ' Grants Pass, visited In Gold Hill Monday, coming by auto. The Junior-senior play laat FrMa waning in the opera bouse wsb wn mnch of a aueoeaa In all as. Thr attondauee waa good bat the at tint: was excellent, everyone can Mm; tholr part throagk perfectly Alo tho music nd reading between the acts was of the bU. The pUy . thro-ct comedy entitled, "lhe -sonic Rio, or th AdTestur.s of o Collage Bride." The ball .-am with the Mrdoid team resulted In o ttoit t,i 4 to 2, the game being called io the elil Inning n account of rain a.-1 wlr.rt TbU Is .the local lioy' weooJ gam this season, the previous week having trimmed Bagle Point, 6-1, on Katie. Iolnl'a grounda. They ftre 3 expoeting roturn gamo at Medford next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman, of the Ta SJt Ick district. re In GolHIll I'll r , I. , . . HeYrMl rtlfo(i n flo'd Hllllle I II S -nt i,, Z-, ,rf rnnnia.T Tf- l.U II n io iftf Mftlean MXlHm f trt.m Mmiaak. ak. ki nmi ill roMtaffttf servleiHi 0 fllnf pmt fff Ifca fhrtglfan rhtmh. b. O. Walker spent fhtnelay Witt fflW4a M thta tiM. tHtm" M la mpmt tn Ofirt nmand rJt tp haw otwaatvfiatTy tWmtmft. ftglph Narllnt waa In tturfktM flaturrfav nti baslMM. A. .1. Manor, fSftifftfflte for MnMf Nhaol siipwiMMdem a taa ftptb Item ticket waa la MM Wtt- Mat Saiaraar. Masxtay the Oeld ftffl aolMwta ra. eelved the besuttfal trapay aap which they won In tae eotMty pafl lag contest. J. Percy Walla, eonaty school saperlatendwnt, praatttlad H and highly eomptlnxtatad aad oaw gratnlated the local acboal la winning so flat a prise. W. L. Van Houten wm a Oranta Pasa daalnass visitor Tnaaday. The manager of the Com we theater Is being complimented dally on the gratt of pictures now being ahown. Last Saturday night a goodly crowd turned out for "Fantaama," and he says that nest Saturday he will hav "Tho Count of Monte Crlsto," n photoplay taken from the famous book by that namu. The members of the Odd Follows lodge and frlenda of this district held their annual picnic in a grove south of town last Saturday. A Inrge num ber turned out and everybody en joyed themselves in I. .i Vaaoe .-ff i .... i in . .. i c. v n i. rwrf' wwftS A, TwUfrf awtif, fftlttoll far aaTsaBTafratar, orawr aavawisniaa gmMiatfalot. ertftf aafalttfwt an- i, , i ' i, , . Hf i , pn - t ' flu'i'Iirrtl I' l ' '"" ihnlf million a ' M . fplv wii ' ' cdlKl'il ite If II fttlfftr t. Ifaram awtats, Mtwtla M gjLidaUklliaikaM sfffv www' iviiivh i xofini At a nwatlag at Oraajm Cagap St. . W. O W a vata of faaaks was exiaadod ta all who, by potronai ar atharwiaa eontrlbotod to ilia do nation snpar anrf daaca glvwn by Oregon camp far taa baaaflt af Neighbor R B. Foneth. la making It a financial success. Phoenix. Oregon, April 15. 11. F. B. FURRT. .n . i if I ' i I rnl i.' MH . i'i I K o i foitntr .. t "n.i Ann ! i I mil I ''... nm 'rrf acti''r.i1lt tin .1 I ' I n nr'li '' i-erform " dune n, m'nrr nil 1t Ml.. I. till, , ' ' - "r '.' ' , ..f 'I. Iirt-.l a.p. '.itn.1'nf nf Ir.K oi (iiinlr, "nlijefl M th pfl ninrles of M l If nnmtnaterl and aferfaff piedga i i .-if i.. an ,..n'i ImpirMn' e4 crniKinilr a InilliNf 'Sllun and M1 rrt rtrtf m p iwrntai i in' if M ir MeitMeil l li . -i 'tin i m , , , , . , f i n ' '"ill lt"if Alrt lintM fof tll t nm i cutiillilii'o fur Hie nofilnfi ilrM nd the rnr eonld he made Hon "f hrlff on tho republican ji,r"in" nparvle our achooW Without aaa-t'filiig unrclsl nMIatlon ticket to he voted for nt the prltnarle t hoM an Orrann Ufa eofllfleai, to any paftlcnlur individual, faction, Mav l. I1IH If non'lnated and and hsvlng rerenMr font meallt v ar Interoiif alerted t will enforce the inw andalon on preparatory wnrk, hoia In TharofofSk after conotittlna naraon-' alva the public an honest. Impartial ftttv ar at kmer several hundred man ;MM fflctwat administration. of all orenpatiana la ST years m .racnaon etmnir. ff fMrfff 0i tli rountv helleflBg Adt, laerw la a fal d"ire for mv candi dacy, I win be a iitndldafa for (ha Baminatlon af nistrlct Attoraay on tM rwfraalltnn ticket. AdT. JOHN W CARJUM. Medford IWioitoia Smoko The Medford and Mt. Pitt Cigars. Xotlw to Ointrnctora Saalad proposals, addressed to the undersigned at .lacksouvllle. Oregon, and endorsed "Healed Hide for Re pairing Hoad " for repairing a county roal etwen Meutora nnu jacKaon vllle, Oregon, in accordance with the plana and specifications on file hrthe county surveyor's offlco, over the Medford National bank building, M ml ford. Oregon, will bo recolved and (lied until 10 a. in.. May 12. mo, and at that time tho county court will publicly open and read all bids. Kach bidder shall bo required lo iletioslt with hla bid flvo per cent of Old and young the amount or ins mil, wnicn nnau joined In the various sporte gamea and COURTHOUSENEWS Reiiortod by Jackeou County Ab tract Co.. Sixth and Fir 8U. ltoMl Ketnli Tiiuiafers. Jasper N. Miller to Pine Melt Hanking Co., land In 27-31-215 $1,100 Hirmuu Doubleday ot ux to Lucaa Ilaaaett, lot 2, blk 23, North Illuff Add llutte Falls W. A. Ilarrell to C. M. Sand- linrg, mining property . .. II. O. McGee et ux to 15. L. Gllea. land In 35-XW 1 t.A rnHr,.liAit it ihn nnitifv In rniio tho award Is made to him, nnd If he falls, neglects or refuses, for a per iod of 10 days nftor such nwnrd Is made, to enter Into a contract ami rile bis bond In the manner required by and to tho satisfaction of the county court. A corporate surety bond win uo re quired for the faithful performance of the contract In a sum equal to one-half of the total amount of the sum bid. The county court reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to ac cept the proposal deemed best for Jackson county. Dated this lSth day of April. 1910. (I. A. (JAUDNIilt. County Clerk, Jacksonville, Ore. 250 10 10 Circuit Court. D. Hodgson vs. A. F. Ilorkloy, action to recover money. Mrs.o L. 11. Parker vs. S. T. How ard ot'al, suit to declare a dead, h mortgage and to foreclose. I). 1). Hall vs. Patrick II. Keegan ot al, certificate of attachment. V. I). Hodgson et al vs. A..F. Ilerkley. certificate of attachment. J. C. IlrooRs vs. William lSlllsoh ot ux, satisfaction of Judgment. ISmeot F. Guthrie va. T. S. Hutch Ings Jt al, answer of defendant. 'Nettle Wllllama r. F. . Wllllama. answer. Itoy Mlllott vs. Haael Klllott, de cree. Big Pines Lumber Co. va. P. C. Donovan, order of publication. I am a eaadldate for tha office or district attorney on the democrat ticket. If nominated aad elected, 1 hall serve the oonnty aa I have aarrad tha City ot Medford daring the past three ears. during which time I have been Its city attorney. Adv. B. R. M'CABH. COUNTY CT.KIUC. O. A. flnrdner l ltepiilitlcnn Cnndl lnto for County Clerk I hereby announce my candidacy for tho offlco of rounty clerk nnd If nominated and elected will continue to give my entire time and attention to tho duties thereof, conduct tho office according to law nnd glvo an efficient, economical nnd business like administration. Adv. G. A. GAItDNBR. 1 herehr anmmnie mv candidacy far the repiiMlran nomlnntloa for Sheriff, to be voted on at the coming primaries. May 19th, ltlfl. I feel that I need no Introduction lo the pnblls. having bean a resident of Jackson county for l years. 1 pledge myself. If elected, to give an Impartial, economical and con servative administration of this Im portant office. T have endeavored to serve the public faithfully in the past and agree, If elected, to strictly and Impartially enforce all laws. Having a very large atperience In tho mat ters of taxation and knowing Jack son county thoroughly, I pledge my self to conduct the tax collection branch of the office In such a manner aa to serve the taxpayers honestly, promptly and efficiently. Adv. w. T. UIUICVK. I hereby announco that I hnvo filed my declaration of Intention to bocomo n candidate tor tho republi can nomination for tho office of coun ty clork, for Jackson county, aubjoct to tho decision of the ropubllcnn par ty, at tho primary election to bo bold Mny 19, 1910. Adv. A. N. HILDRDRAND. COUNTY ARSKKSOR I hereby announce my cnndldncy for tho offlco of county nssessor ot Jackson county on tho republican ticket, Biihjcct to tho primary on May 19. I plodge myself to nn honest, efflolent, Impartial nnd econ omical dlschnrge or tho duties of the offlco nnd propose to makn all assess monta upon the basis of the true actual value ot the property nnd not upon any Inflated valuation. Adv. GKOIUIE LAIJNSPAOH. the University of Oregon and Iff tha University of California la the study af modem education and aatarW slon. and having ervi1 the connfv as rural prhool iiprvt'or for two venrs, I feel eomnetnnt to fill the of fice In a thorongtilr satisfactory man ner and herehv solicit the support af vary true friend of edncallan. Adv. a. w. AQBR. v-t,TP!l-PK'rt . rf" stT3 WAVTF.n W-k f,-av pin hiarhsfnlth hop 5(CWllfr t) UJAil saiiayijs j POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS VOl UKPRRSICNTATIVK I hereby announce that I havo filed my doelnrntlon or Intention to become n onndldato for tho republican nom ination for tha offlco ot roprosentn tlvo subject to tho decision of tho re publican party at tho coming primary oluotlon. Adv. C. M. THOMAS. I am a candidate for the republican nomination for Joint representative from tho district comprising iJoiig las and Jackson counties subject to the primary In May. If nomlnatod and oloctod 1 will serve the people of the district to the best of my ability. Adv. W. H. OOHK. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for representa tive from Jackson county on tho re publican ticket, subject to tho pri mary on May 19. I pledge myself for economy and a aquare deal for all. Adv. UKNTON ROWICRS. I herewith announco my candidacy for county assessor, aubjoct to tho decision of the republican partv nt the primary election to be hold Mny 19, 1910. If elected I pledge tnysolf to mnke a Just and oqultnble asioss mont nnd administer tho affairs ot the offlco In n buslnou-llke mnnnor. Adv. J. II. COLEMAN. T am a candidate for tho republi can nomination of sheriff of Jackson county, subject to the primary, May 19. 1910. I havo lived In Jackson county twelve years, nmde the race for the nomination for sheriff two yonrs ago and received n splendid vote deaplto tho unusunl conditions 1 had to op pose and would npproclnto your sup port this time. If olocted I will onforce nil laws nnd pledge myself to an economical, Impartial nnd conservative adminis tration. Adv. A. W. WALKI3R. i i I hereby announce my candidacy for tho nomination for shorlff on tho democratic ticket, subject tn tlm will of tho voters nt the primary to bo held Mav 10. 1910. I mn n native son of Jackson county nnd my en tire past llfo Is subject to your Inves tigation. KAi.l'li u. jie.N.-Ninua. Adv. I am a enatflOate for the rapnbll can nomination for County School SnparlntandaMt. I stand fer: A eon tlnnanee of progressive policies la education, aeonomv consistent with efficiency, equal educational advan tages for tho boys nnd girts on tho farms with those In the cltlea and towns. If nominated and elected I will In the future, aa In the nasi, glvo ray full time nnd best efforts tn the supervision of the schools nnd tho ad ministration, of tho duties of tho of fice. During mv Incumbency I havo not confined mvself strlctlv to tho routlno duties of tho office but have taken a broader view of the mission of the County School Superintendent. In addition to my efforts w rnlso tho standard of teaching mid improve tho physical conditions nt school I nave labored to promote tho welfnro of tho boys nnd girls through Industrial clubs, school fnlrs. school crodtts for homo work, parcnt-tenchers circles, spelling nnd nrlthmetlc contests, nnd other activities, 1 fenl that my work has boen regarded with favor and In order to contlnuo this work, I nm nuking for ro-olectlnn. Adv. J. IMJRCY WELLS. FOR IM3NT TTOCBKS mm'.m- FOR RKNT 5-room modem bunga low, garden, lawn shade, flue wa ter. S20 W. 12th. 30 Monf.T TO LOAM - On Improvatl city mercantile prapertr MrfaHjr Insuranra Agency TolOAM--$lMc" an Improved ranch Hainan the lnearasce Man. - -s rrrl fotwd FOUND Thars has bam returned to this effiaa an heir-loam brae let. which waa advartiaasl far. Owner Plaasa call for same. 25 LOST- LOST One right hand tan kid glove. Flndar plaaaa leave at Mall Tri bune. 26 BUSINESS IHRKCTOllY Auto HuppTIes I hereby nnnounco my candidacy for tho democratic nomination for tho offlco of assessor of Jackson county, nt the prlmnry to he held Mny 19th, 1910. Havo had thruo yonrs' oxperlonre ah deputy nssossor. Adv. CLINT GALLATIN. I hereby announce my candidacy for tho democratic nomlnntlon for sheriff to be voted on ai tun coming primaries, May 19. 1910. I havo served the city ot Medford as chief or police for over five years and during that time served under four different mayors. I pledge myself, If nomi nated and elected, to servo tho publlo nnd do my duty ns sheriff at all tlmos, and give the public nil honest nnd Impartlnl administration. Adv. J. F. H1TTSON. 1 hereby announce that I nm n candidate for county assessor for Jackson county, Oregon, on the ro publlcnn ticket, subject to tha pri maries to he held May 19, 1 9 1 . My platferm: ICconomy, oquallty and efficiency. J. C. HI6IIRING. Adv. FOR RKNT FURNISHKD AITS. FOR RUNT Apartment for root. The llorbon, 10 Qulno 8L FOK rMTirv-wMVlcvniGK WM'b'N FOR 8 A LIS -One light orchard toam, harness and wagon. Jersey cow, A-l Milwaukee mower, self dump McCormurk rake, slngln horse cul tivator, light two-seated spring wagon, canopy top buggy. Mrs. D. M. McNaaser, Contral Point, Phone. 3S LAIIKR AUTO BPRINO CO. Wo are operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plnnt In tho Pa cific northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee 20 North Flftoonth St., Portland, Oro. J. ' I I u. ST. LI 'II ' SS3 Attorneys QUO. W. CHERRY Attorney nnd. Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jnckson Coun ty Hank Hultdlng, ontmnco N. Contral, Medford, Oro. PORTER J. NEFF Attornoy at law. rooms 3 and 9, Medford National Hank Dultdlng. A. E. RUAMES, LAWTER anrnett Coroy bids. G. M. R0HBRT8 Lawyer. Medford Rational Dank Building. j 0 3 I'TaiTnT'wiii ' rfbil h JL,aJLmi -?WnwllP ftewNrtuaeERJ nil Al. i 9 Gasnot m gMg a mixture m Jaf?lWjrj55i Utnleii e"ry- HK! fBjHwK' whcie snd st wwa BxnfiP'JBu SfiviteSutlom fWt K Staeaard Oil n KSroySJI (ol-.4) iffiR iiKTflK saSs csfsl -IjaPPBPvS wfwSltf-' "77Ma UISTRICT ATTORNKY The records of the county clerk at this time show a saving of $4560.00 In the administration of this office as compared with the previous term. This has been accomplished by trans acting the same amount ot business before grand Juries In one day that has formerly required five or six days, aud by eliminating many petty matters, and without any sacrifice to law enforcement in the county. I feel that this saving and my exper ience entitles me to n second term. 1 am therefore a candidate for re election to the office of district attor ney. H. K. KELLY. Adv. w ANT V.e sti'ial in'tiCi8 for fur nished hou'-m If Mm li'' one that oj would unt caU t up. we ' rcrt it for ou Bennett Investment (,o. Hear XitMP. Joni, ftonraty, iouur-flnco. I hereby announce that I have filed my declaration ot intention to become a candidate for the repub lican nomination for the offlco of District Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon, subject to tha decision of the republican party, at the primary olee tln to be held May 19, 1918 Adv. O. M. ROUHRTS. I hereby announce that I have filed my declaration of Intentions, and that l am a candldara for thvi democratic nomination for the office of district attorney, subject to the May primar ies If I am nominated and elected to this office. I promise not lo forget the fact that I am a public servant, and that 1 will to the beat or my ntUlty administer the affairs of the office, Impartially, benestly and without fear or favor. Adv. NEWTON W. BORDEN Thf first of the year a number of rr-Hiiiii.Hiis, Including many who ap tred of my efforts tn the interest r the taxpayers as state representa tive four years ago. requested me to i .tome a candidate tor the office of In-trjct Attorney, Inasmuch as there no-iid be, in addition to the regular dutlis or the criminal and Juvenile ourts. neiv duties and coudltlons rdnfiontlnK the office. Among these ere n.antloned the enforcement ot tH urolitMtlon art. aad tbs llkell- h i i i i mi ! 'J Candidate for countv assessor at republican primary election, May 19, 1910. Three years experience cleri cal work making up assessment rolls and extending tax rolls, township 29 aud SO North, Range -i West, state of Michigan. Three years assessor and member or county board of su pervisors, olsego county, Michigan, Six years dt-puty assessor In Jackson county, Oregon. If elected, practical experience, common sense and busi ness Judgment will be exercised In making aiteaaments. Fictitious, boom valuations will not be permit ted. The groatest possible accuracy and eoonomv In Held and office work will be rigidly enforced. The most efficient administration that exper ience, education aud capability can exact, In every department of this Important office, will bo effected. Fair and courteous treatment extend-, ed to all taxpayers. Integrity of purpose the governing factor. Your support solicited! W. W. TRUAX. Adv. i . t SHERIFF. I have heretofore formally an nounced mv candidacy for the nomi nation for tiherlff on the republican ticket to be voted upor at the cum in urtmarv election. Mar lit. 1916. I have b Id the position or deputy sheriff during the past four years. It Is unanlmouHly conceded that a mark ed Improvement has ueen made In all departments ot tne snenri s or flea during the Incumbency of the present sheriff, tha records lu the of fice at the tieglnnlng at the present administration were considered the worst In the state they are now considered equal to any and better than most The work ot tax collection has been systematized so that quicker and bat ter service is now being rendered, and taxes collected at a much less coat than heretofore. I am fully couversant with the du. ties and net-rig ot the office for which I aspire. If I am nominated and elected I pledge mjHtlt: 1st To maintain the office In Its present effiiint condition 2nd - To endeavor to further 1m- COUNTV TREASURER. Deputy County Treasurer Myrtle W. nlakolov nnnolinces her candidacy for the ofrice of county treasurer. I horeby announce m candidacy on tho republican ticket for the of flco ot county treasurer, to be votod on at the coming prlmnrlon. I have held the position aa deputy In this offlco for tlm past yoar aud nm con fident that I can fulfill inn mums connected therewith. I sorvod two years as deputy coun ty recorder before taking tho posi tion ns deputy county treasurer; I have nlso bad experience as account ant for several corporations, such as the Medford Concrete Construction oompany and Medford Ice and Stor age Company, before taking up coun ty work, and will say that my past record la open for Inspection to tho voters of Jackson county. If nominated and elected I will run the office without the expense of a deputy and continue to serve the pub lic Just aa efficient lu tho futuru m I have In the past. Adv. MYRTLE W. OLAKELEY. FOR SALE 7(1 hand of high grade Angoras and this spring's crop of kids, does and buck from the fa mous HIilriHll band. Prlco S275. Phone Prospect, Cluudo Monro, Persist, Oro. tl I hereby announce that I havo filed my declaration of Intention tn bo- come a candidate tor tne repuunoan nomination for the office or county treasurer, to be voted on In the com Ihk primaries. It I am nominated and olocted will conduct tha office In an efficient and businesslike manner. Adv. ROY L. MAULK. FOR SALE Four or 5 Jorsoy oowa. three Jersey calves, one Jersey bull will sell or exchange for second hand Ford car. M. Marshall, Con tra! Point. 2,0 FOR SALE Fresh milk goats at re duced rates, Mrs. L. Dusenbury. Climax, Oro. FOR BALK JIMUIMjIjAIYKOUH Collections. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Wo collected soiuo accounts 14 yoara old. Wo know how to got the money. Tho Uuiiock Morcantllo Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Hat kins' llldg., 218 E. Main st. Dentists Dr. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. O. O. VAN SCOYOO Dentists v Gnrnott-Coroy llldg., til to Medford, Oro. Phono 8CC. Collections nnd Reports 110 FOR 8 ALIO Twin cylinder Morkel motorcycle In good condition, at a bargain. Walker's Oarage. 27 FOR SALE Waetern corn In bulk, $.18 per ton. Bring your aacka with you. Central Point Packing Co. 30 FOR SALE Good refrigerator cheap. Phone 393-11. 27 FOR SALE -Hays' l-horse spray rig, complete, good as new; cheap for cash. Also Iron frame ball bearing Davenport wagon. Box T. E. Mall Tribune. . 17 FOR SALE Bell your 8. A H. Green Trading stamps. 1 100 N. W. Bank llldg, Portland. -17 NEW TODAY To.Vn it i ' cia with extra u(! uiiil.lliii.-o, i.nd a pumping plant. :;:, acre floe alfalfa, nralu or tardea laud, '. acres dandy younc pdar, dose to school and town. A real snap, t roo. ' A 10-acre tract, very sightly, close to Medford; buildings for raising joijii chhkeuj Priced way down. Ifoon-Ca&carf Cq; WHY ? CASH WANTED 80 ocre Bear Croek bottom, 70 of res in cultivation, alfalfa, fruit aad grain, easily irrigated. Leas than I mtiea from Medford. ;6iUv cash, o Ona of tha beat bays In Jackaon eouaty. Say whan aad I will show yon. Jl C. BARNES 102 Weet Mala St. Phone 799 I hereby announce that 1 nm a can didate for the nomination of pounty treasurer for Jsekson county, Oregon, on the republican ticket tn he voted for at the primary election to be hold May 19, 1916. I formerly held the office of oonnty treasurer and believe 1 gave genoral satisfaction to the public. During the time I was eounty treas urer the eounty employed expert ac countants to expert the county offi cers' books aud said experts compli mented my work very highly aa a public official. If nominated and elected I shall endeavor to conduct the affairs of the office in an honest, efficient and business-like manner. Adv. JA8. M. CRONEMILLRR. FOR SALE Grain or Phone 310. alfalfa hay. 27 FOR SALkV Piano, mahogany eaae, bargain, cash or terms. SIC N. Grape. 26 FOR SALE Oood range cheap, and some furniture. 208 North Roose velt. 28 DR. FRANIC ROBERTS- Dentlnt. M. F. A 11. llldg. Office Knurs S:30to Vi;J to 5. Phone C07-R. Engineer nnd Contractor FRED NTcUMiHNGSBnsinocT'and contractor, 404 M. F. & 11. Bldg. Surveys,, cotlmatos, irrigation drnlnngo, orchard and land Improvement. Insurance. EARL S. TUMY Genoral Insurance office, Flro, Automobllo, Accident, Liability, Plate Glass, .Contract, nnd Surety Bonds. Excollont com panies, good local sorvlco. No. 210 Garuett-Corey Bldg. Instruction In Mimic PRKD""Al7rbN TlAIGHt, teacher ot piano and hnrraony. Composer uud itrrangor of music. Ilalght Muslo Studio, 401 Gamctt-Coroy building. iTlTsS HEINE Teacher of Vlolltiu 7111810 furnished for all occasions. Prices reasonable. Studio 1121 E, Main St., Phone 303-J2. FOR SALE Saed corn aad grain hay; also pasture. Phone 591-JS. c. W. Isaacs. FOR 8ALU- Fhone 68H-J1. corn. U. B. Hall. 37 FOR SALE Seat cevers: one man tops at A. D. Little Top Works, 100 N. Front at., naar 8. P. station. 31 COUNTV Sri'lCRINTENDENT. I hereby announce my candidacy on the republican ticket for the of fice of County School Superintend ent for Jackson county, Oregon, sub ject to the will of tha republican party at the primary election May II. I stand for practical school ef ficiency, persom1 supervision of the schools aad elimination of eounty eosaol supervisors. Adt. FRANOIS C. SMITH. Tn the veteri: I am republican candidate for county aeheol super intendent at tho primary election, May It, 1916. I am for auirlaIea of tha schools by the superintendent -and for econ omy In the county puperlntendeat'a office and 6wry piece where It doae not retaYd tha efficiency af tha schools. I am In favor of progressiva educa tion, that Is, education that preparea the boy or girl for life. I am for all having a square deal and aa equal ehanea for an education. If nominated aad elected I will do evenr thing In my power to make tha schools of Jaakaon oonnty tho boat in the stata. Adr. A. J. UANHY. I hereby aaaonaao that I have filed my declaration of Intention, and that I am a candidate for tha re- FOR SALE Overland roadatnr. Sea E. A. I licks, Manager, Oregon Granite Co. FOR SALIC POULTRY AND IU3G8 iibh a, i atiBS FOR SALE - Thoroughbred Mam moth ltronzo turkey eggs, fimt iitii, 2 .'.c: Necond, 20v each. Winn, Wellen. Ore 30 FOR SALE -Prise winning light Brahma birds and eggs. Phoue or write C. Carey, Taleut, Ore. HELP WANTED MALE VwsaanBaaaaaawaaa' WANTED- -Agenta, ineu and women. For particulars call at 32: S. lv st , Medford, Ore., 10 a. m. to a P. m. 29 HELP WANTED -Man and wife for aiu'h work, wife to do cooking Phonojeft-J-I. HELP WANTED 1'IUI ALU Gar tin go eswiew l GARBAGE Get your premises cleanod up for the summer. Call on the city garbage wngona tor good service. Phono 274-L. F. Y. Allen. Physicians nnd tturgeons OR? F. G. CARLOW, DR, HVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 416-417 Oarnott-Corey bldg., phone 102-L. Rcsldcnco 26 South Laurel st. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician, 303 Oarnott-Corey building. Phone 130. DR. J. J. KM.MBN8 Physician and surgeon. Practice Ilmltod to eyo, ear, nose aad throat. Eyes uclen titlcally tested and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. H. R. Co. Offlco M. F. & II. Co. bldg., opposite P. O. Phone CG7. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon Phones, offlco 36, resi dence 724-J. Office hours, 10 ta 12, S to B. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physl elan and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours 10 to 13, 1 to 4. Phono U0-J. WANTED-Young girl to take cure of children and assist la hounc work. Apply Box E, Mail Tri bune. 26 WA NTED Woman 30 for dlstrlbut Ing freo skelus Wear-Proof darn lug eoitoa with hosiery, your sec tion. Exporianca uaaaaaaaary. la ter national Mills, dapt 700, Nor Iratewn, Pa. 42 WANTED First class femala cook for ranch work. Apply by latter Bos 40, Stall Trlbuna. 20 Printurs und Publishers M jiuVoRD PR1NTINO 00., haa the boat equipped panting otilse In southern Oregou; book binding, loose loaf ledgers, hilling systems, ate. Portland prices. 27 North Fir jt ra- Transfers i .- itii 'ijn "i ------ .---- BADS TRANSFER & BTORAGJn CO. Office 41 North Frunt at. Phone 310. Pricee right. Sarvlse guar aatead Sewing Machine SINOER SMW1NO MACHINES FOU SALS OK 1UBNT Some used ma chines also (or sale. Cleaning and repairing. Baldwin Piano for sale trow facta to ottatnmer. Real reuoe 240 So, Control. Phono 390.