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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1916)
wiwntm vsrr, mrnrvfl, Afrwwin, cmacrt. vnxuw. rrw. if. iot. rtnr, fiyr ft Y? il llir- INI HI I - IMMMMMnM News From Our Neighbors - - - - ii - - l mi " i m "''Mi h aw m i.nuihui rniNi nn un u wiiiimiii i M""W"IM, " W, ""," ! WMMAMMHMMMMM bin ln iiwt rrlntncd frmn nn Ffnrtririt. where he h h-m attend' iflu I" ilrtail-. a fr tlH- hdte-r eijllti tnrnf. The iii-iilltiin f the Wef- rrn I nffin triehrftlerf i-lnea Hi the MoMrr fh- inttinl fcrnnl fr the re- fiiTniptf eirnt. In the meant tfM M. the timn Kmrltf mifltnf) inhifh rrejrtn hen- iim eer n t&r teniftv t ftttwl r'ruliit. .Ifirtl '21. Jhimermi enmmHtee. hare nii en tire ttetn f afrMnjieaiefils well Mi ller w,, A nttathwr af rhiingr in passenger . neelilr nr- -;-' li " r, ! . ! ' i i ,, , ,. , , I; of the tiwftlwrn tenntnel". Tw fHnh I eejwfWitte fur wpawfcteitf, , tif a mIHmi eiirw if krrrk- will Inker j HttHr't- pety will tweet fit-. the mttfrtit of a nar fniiof aneJ the there tt jne hi im rrtrhwfa .dK.A ill ! ff .a. - -- - i l LBlla f ' rirnm Frntin-i limn urirrm nrnn i ilnirt rnwi. V atee hate been take here n , chm..i i. (rninir m fr the khj an- train, mewtl nhvr on, oetw here' yet fr nwmhsatirMjr an Ahtaml fun 'Sir-. I. I- I.rwii ni lit t lo (ifttlith- ' Tin Im-ul Anuiitu ini.hnir nuiI ti ler are i,nilinr n fen ln with .v ..i it- luin, ,,, h .iihIkhi fnt OoM Hill rHutivr. iinln. AImmi) s(t tun- i.t thr .n- Mn. V. 1). llnhy of I1ionit wan !'" " wttl' ib l. tin t ureil tlif wwk-end gufM of nltifi hire. y J- N'. Irnni f I hi.- i-ity, rrf- Lanlrr lHvw, Jtr. Imvm and Mm. ""ok ThK tlrrnhrim Co. of K. F. I Mm win- amonc ibt Willow Portland. Th bid wm HM mt rli,a- lii4K'r in town Kntnrdnv. ! ht pound, a rrcord prif. 0hr ..,...... ,, ..... l.:.l.ljk i...: .i. THlclit Htul .MfMliml Wooumeii A lnntP ilclttKHtlon of Awhlnml, Tal ent and Medford Woodman attenlpd tin itiitiation of the IochI (Hidmtn lodKi' lioro Friday I'veninjr. Tito voter Iiiih licfctm to ft'ol lii im portmicp now, -for ho is n poimlnr Mron with the many cHndidatm nui ninr tt wnnty offit'" who havo bi'i'ii MJuriiiir into our uity tlu pat '. v days. Klilm SHIIb left Friday momimr for Derby whore he will upend the ftroat er m 1 1 of tlii' Miinmor on liifTrNiicli. .Mtur Wultor Apor wk luwt to n number of his little friends Satur il .n't. That was Mnntur ... i .Ml biriutiuv and a iimt d--IJKlitfnl time wax hud by I'tteh and t'ey tiny jcut'Kt present. "It ia h pity,'' Miiid one diminutive ninid, 'thnt Wultor's birthday don't uomo oftenor. ., Henton llbwixK nnd moii of Ashland wi-r" biiHitiuti viitorw here Satur day. The revival ineotiiiffB now in projr ro at the Christian ehureh arc well attended and are stirring up great lintoroxt, Tli HWeet nlo by the "Ivy Siiifror" and the owpot, sln oere, touehinif utrnioiiH by tho evnu p(ili.t are much enjo'ed and appn--ciated. Wwliwwlav eveniiiif n larse tiuinber of Grout' l'a i-itizen1 head ed by their pator, Kev. Harmon, wen amonif the nudieaeo. The peo ple also had an opportunity InM wok to linten to Will I,on(f, the bril liant hoy pntor of Montana who wax on hi way home from California where ho had won the debatu between the universities of California anil Montana. Mi Mabel Jon da departed for her home in Corning, California, Sunday, morning after a two montlm' viiit vith Central Point relative. Mrs. Anna obinoii eame down from Ashland tlio last of the week to vi-it with her friendn, Mix. W. For KUSou. The nTfirora und ttehorn of tho Methodift ltuft.'h Slvo iinTo lliein Heei a baiuptet Friday evening in the C. V. A. C. liHimuet hall. About twenty nervuntn of the eliuieh wore Ihere and enjoyed the evening im menxely. The luneheon which wa both dainty and uhtnntial, wax well apprecinttNl and was palatable and dolieimiK to the moxt faxtidioua W. K. Kaliler ns tonstniasier and his droll wit was the eluef ntlriietion of the eveiin.g. baldot-H wvrr l.oui-. WHli of Ah-- land, in Im-IiuIi' ..r Norton A Co., of Port In ml. and William & Co.. of Jarksom ill. Med ford buyer?. dM not put in an aiiiwaranrc until tbo nr ! the noi, C. A. RliaM of Ihi ettT Imh re recently received otd of the aVath nf bis brother. If. J. WiaiMtii. whiek cenrred at FniiWonlli, Weil Virgin ia. The deceased wae at an advanc ed age aad was a pkxtrer fcaioVnt of thnt Bcetfcm. Mm. M. Reed of Ashland wn re eetitlr Heeied preldt of the Wo miiu's Hmnc MetwiotMiiy society of the MeihcxIiM church for thr Klamath Knl d'stiicl. at the late meeting at Medford. Mr. II. J. Van Fosxcn, A PafeKtiRe pageant, eonrefhti; sightseers ftgnraflrelv "IM af Aah ton ho tha Orilai w 4tte place at ChanfamfWi hall Arll 17. 1 nnd It, mm a chaaae of program daily. f K. R. BmHh, brother of K. F. (were Smith, local lirervraan, accompanied April 'Jl. J?o. ); will arrire at Jl a. .dktat far aen of the Portland j.. hwtaai af II !'"'. and wW hmra at I Kow frtWal, as ortnt whteh in tak 1I:J.V No. 1A, at IM p. m., m- ing place la ataat towna thrmighont Mead of 4iA0, leaxing at 4:1.1. Xo. j the Mate. Him Wairt Uao4n ham by hU, i. L. Williama, M nt 0:tO p. at., leaving; at i. The, been rhonen to fe pre went Klamath Falla in tba qaeanly eonteat. The hvrifr aale in forreloaort " !! iii. I I. i'.l. r. i Wthlf . i' i. !' M c i hi. I iiiolher, lui.ii It im. I. -' ii , on In-, whv to (...mi.. l'., A I'i'ti'.el.riicf! .if too TjnlHr- e !iinrinir In lie I . s. ingmear ronin, m'" he'iiih here the laat of the ."i'x '"' .'n "i " harrncks to Hna eS.'rii-ii ii. i i.Hmt points. ThcT I-1 i. 'mi,. ii, i of Lieut 1. Kl- latter la northboBiid. The awet im potlaat ehange effects Xo. 55, eottthbottad, whieh forawriy arrived here about 3 a. m. Its new time will , Mineral Hprinf Natatorium haa been ' Red Muff were joined bv th mother ! burl), liOlt aihl Kim !.' Pun ml i left recently for the cent ml weat, -Cox, who dtto afUr a that with reUthen here since , am of 82 vn . laat November. Tbey drove a Htudt- day. Tba body of Thotaaa fl. r recently at tha i- held on Satar- taken to hi for proeeediafpi against tha Ashland . baiter 4 over the mottntniiM, and timer home at On -co, Wisconsin, for be 1 1 n. m., leaving at 1 1 :1.V The HtrnirtteTr riiecwfi, ntn ning an eecottd 10. now haa three re frigerators as equipment. Theae will he increased to ten cars when the set for Saturday, April 22, at Jack- of the Rmith brothers and Mrs. Wil- Trinity OaUd il! !n''l n bacnar at aoHvill. jlinma. The porty a vWting rfln- ' the iwrish hmae Ainu .'.., fmni 2 to Talent will hold its annual field tivea at Kseondido nnd other portions II p. m. meet April 28. Uoy nnd girls am, of California, after which Mr. Smith i Iast liday t ; nf ?m em- eligible m the eonMaw. Jrhere will and nw mother will lettvo fur their'atoRt Bmaa Ireat tli-.. hcic bonnd sale was over. C. W. Itantn & Sons, ' Mis. W. I). llodgnn ami other dele- ' shipment are at tlu-ir height. Fnch i le over n score of events. The chief homeat Wankon. It.wn, bv train, ami for Ban rr.i Mrs. Haltie Dinet'f has ivlurntHl from lied Hlul'f, Cal., wliore hv Iimh been ponding tlio past few months with hur xixtor. Mrs. Clint Gallatin of Medford was th gut'xt of Jaokaottville friends Thurxdny." Jamos Ituekley of Hueh, xiieoess fully undorweut an oiwintkm at tho Sacred Heart hospital laat Sunday for appendicitis. Mrs. Arthur l.ewia returneil to Grants l'axx Mondoy after a visit with relativex jiving in ttil viciuily. Mrs. Jtiha iiunningtioi aoennHtn i.4l Mr- nd .Mrs. Fred O'Kcll.v to their home on Williams creek tat Sunday Mixs Dorlaud INdiinaon left for San Francisco, tho first of the week for a lew weeks' visit wt the metru poli and to iow the art exhibit be fore its removal. Mrs. Minnie Kclley and Mrs. Hob crt Finney were Ashluiid viitnr Tuexdnv. A. l(oe nf Metlford was a bui-1 nexs cuKcr nt the county seat last Tuesday. W. II. Johuson went lo Portland Thursday on buxinc. Mr. II. II. Sargent sjHnt a few hours in Medford Thursday. l'rof. aud Mrs. F. C. Smith spnt Saturday uul Suudny uilh Ashlund J'ricnds. Mr-. Hurry Young of Central Point un the guest of Mr. Anno litoad on Thuixduy. W. I. Webber, ex-marshal of Jiu-Kouville, hux moved to Stcrhog where he will farm this summer. Viruiin Can I rail re to rued frnni Xc br.ixj.a TtmrHdttv utter an nbunce of M'uil ca. Sam Holt, Davis A: Sns, Dan Wil linm and others coustitutel the km1, which was made np of stock raiser- of this vicinity and the (Ireen Mountain springs district. Couiuii in.Mi Charley Hntita officiated as auctioneer, and the sale was held c the local freight depot. Km ten Sons have about IfiOO head of Anj; -ras. Mrs. K'irnbcth Hender o'" C ntrnl Point inn recently birn i;i. "'(' f federal jH'nsinn of $12 per tuo-th dating from Aug. lit), 11. In resHiuse to an imitation Uv the Springs comtniasion, iuite n num ber of local reaidonta visited the Dodge xadn well on Sunday, noting the scom of work done on that prop-; cri in the untiring efmrts f the! commission to develop the sida m. to botli .quantity and qnality. This, ef fort was eirinnlly almndnnail bv pre vious contractors in faor of new en- ' gineer: who ore "onto the job." mid tneklcd tho problem us exporta, i securing flattering result. The flow I is ample aud tho waters posse. the , Mimlitios of the res genuine oda in stead of being diluted to excess with i common everyday drinks, Thexu springs arc nbont si.x inilea out, tho conduits from which are nlrendv i laid iiwaiting a f'onuccting up of the entire syxtein. Another prospective of tho Hotel Oregon annex when completed, is the Wolls-Fnrgo offices which, re jMirls have it, may locate anunuvntly 'in the new structure. Frank J. Shinn bus sold out his in terest in the shoo store of Hrigga& Shinn to II. T. Fhnore of Augimtn, Maine. Mr. Kliuore bus been visit ing relatives in Southern Oregon for several months near Talent,' where a brother-in-law reside. -He xuccood1 'Sldjin hh jxIitiTer AitlCMonle Hiiggs in a business which ix the only exelu xixc shoe store in town. Walter Heviugton, ynrdmnster nt the local railroad tenninal, is out again, couvnhWing from a minor surgical operation, after having boon detained at home for n few day. Sanford Wilcox of I.o Angelea, nephew of Fcstiia Butts, is viaiting his unelc'x family residing on Moun tain avenue. Dr. Albert Denrsdorf of Oakland, Cal., is i-iting relatives here. Ha it a brother of Mrs. A. F. Hunt of Port land, a former resident, aud undo of Mrs. Will Dodge of this city, Medford partieK are puroluiniitg various linos of business here. W. S. Weaver has hold his xhooshop to a recent rosideut of that city. It i lo ented in the Allen block cm North Main street. In the Cunningham room, coruur of Main and Oranito streets, hairdressuig and manicuring parlor are being installed also by Medford professionals in thoe Htioa. Such an establishment is somohting new for this city. The Hotel Oregon ix about ready lo fiiterluiu guextx. ' Hooius will he available on Monday, April 17, and the a i ill ill be i.M'ii in a week. The Iioiim will le ic-i!i.ilciit with new I'uriii-liiiiux uud a multiplicity of other improvement-.. Landlord Dob gale- weie in ulteni'iincc at tlic jj"lli crini'. 'l'tep.iu-dii -. ' . V , -I. n ad,.ilid ill all. iti. n, h'i 0 t.i il' i-iiv 1'iintuitis 1 Jlln , lute-, l.'i cups to troph will be a --ilver cup. The thi ciale. WhcU'thc lit i Mi' are vi ' 'd will iiiciuc m Wcirinr i'imr in.; ti'irlb at tin- r ! tiii r d.ulv Q i'tc . nuiplnr ' 1- . i nMiil' I t 1 t' it i ..II. .. lOti ' r t I "!, I'. I.t . ! M ! Mr. nnd Mr-. William (lie nutomobib I t '.i ' Joe, Me out i. i 1 1 , , - t''i i ,, i ill cow t'll. im.l 'ill, i . I. .li.. pi n o. .'I -H in c tara of - lulled to Vallcjo, cone ti-oiii nnrtlieru . ic r,.r jnnxi'inl t .Vt More Strength for Feeble Old People Cicrmait OeiMntl Killed AUHTKHKAM, April la Th raokfurtcr Zeiiuo statet that t.Ieu- tcnoot tieneral y.x voa Srbon- Lu Ao AralffltMh, lifts ea kitted rat be rroaf. If km a tirotner vt t'J i oc ioiifljftdt or n licrwwi tmit!t' tAiuxlE, to amy will; it : " ' str nsaspmccc ilt ' i '" offt&ePag jfj ,' ,i, i I If all ilic old K-o; l- in Medford realtzcit wliut Vlnol ili do tor thorn. ie would not be able to get enough of it to uiK the demand. We quote from a recent letter received from Mrs. A. K Carson of Kingston, N. Y. She says: "I am G9 years of ago, and bad been ailing for a loag time wlta indigestion. I got run-down, wai weak. dis and could aot sleep at nlcht. t eoaaulted two doctors who uld I had hardening ( the arteries nnd at my am- could nat expect lo be ! strong uBaln. My daughter tiouM give me no imce until I tried Vlnol. as It had done so much tor her. I have taken five bottles and my health and strength have roiue bsik, so I am able to do all the housework fur my family of four, and I am rec ommending Vlnol to all my friends." The rtawm Vlnol Is ?o beneficial to old iK'Oido U boause It contains tee un t'lomSoU needed to replace decilsin iUngth Uh renewed vtg- (VU. the medlcioal elements of Ii od livers without oil. iton- l( ltlH I t'l 1 1 ' lit ullll .1 Illllll V , ,M. ! U' I i" t 7T-z z-y-A!...,-' i-"": A - .. -,.--. '. .. rt, .:.;vv. 4S"-Jkua5-53E- O i, , v ' ' " ', ' 'USb mm Ji'.V ?y .Xi'.' .ri-C' ;M-:i. Next Sunda Will Be E v Off aster And everybody will want to "dress up." At this store you will see at their best Women's Newest Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skjjrts, Blouses, Etc. It would plwisc us most IT wo wore nhlf to sim you all and ask you to eoiiio hero set' and try on these beautiful gnriuouts. prices are moderate In ovovy instance. "Women's Suits $10.50 to $22 Women's Coats $ 5.00 to $1 Women's Dresses $ 5.00 to $20 Woiuoii'g.Skii-18 .' $ 1.48 to Women's Waists ,.. 08c to ICnyser white short Silk Glovoi, black or 50c Kayser short Silk Gloves, black' or white 1 $1,00 12-lmtton length Mouiqueliuro gloves, black or while 38c 10-lmiton length Aionsquetaii'g 0 loves, black or white 50c . Men will want lo fix up loo. Probably you'll bo needing a few fixing! shirts, eolliin, stx-ks, 1ml or new suit. 'I'll eylllielp you to got in the njiiru of I Foiip-lu-HancI Tit's Our Blue Sorgo is a lender at $16.60 Puro worsted Suits, special values $15 Montgomery all wool Suils, sp'l $11.50 Yomig ftieu' nil wool Suits.'. $10.00 1 Jr(fijb I llllS MHMMMMKIHIM f' K. & W. Dress Shirts , 05c Arrow Collars 2 for 25c GOLDEN MEDFORD, OREGON a l&.. ': v SHi .t i ii j l-. Lk J -uk l mii . r K ..,.. . Iu-i .A .vifi v. .cavyiM;. ' i r vi "w-A'Minj. - 9 lv' ii..T-.'t-,y !- uji.kv.'j m . H.,. IA . .', , 1- I . M v "ilB'. ; r tJ.Wak tJ i,"?iSM I ' -tKrZJKaawafMX v '. I: i"'V J ,vivT "f:Yit .f.5f'.riPVi .L'lBBli '.WryBW!Isfl . I If T 1 I-' 'i v.lo yviJA :,.' Wfrt. " . r ''Barn r i 11 , y is i ursae-v ?, waiajti .-A .?X':.. iJttf-uayi -.Aiii?: : z.:m:rEm t i ' , wiuf :. j. ... 'A i.dessn rsva i ravvrr: i ; .j k.-.m uibpu: 'Mi.''..;o' i ' lir. t. 4. t'saiBBM rr.?..Js.-j , nii-n - ' v- '.,'. vaanb: vJisWW! T I S9z3Tj2JBr sr QrJr tta7 BmSfrZ !!: ;3zAs bJLffi rSfeia, PW Mnp.. w( MSB ifcl-ffliW znm 00 SmmWWmm:'- nn mt'mfJM iii yww&'iMma ...v aVfJWyJlLiaYM .m.-A 14Oaam '.-.., $ 4.50 TOStwfAOfv3K '"? II1PWM.V1 75c mfffw vyirJVM :?' i $1.00 to $3.50 w ;mlteia8gk. , ; ttaBWaebjfeMavsi v svor iVWlL-JW' V r B ' g 85c to $1.25 HHHH VVHM -"' $i.5o BHofwyilf ,; 1A (VI BHKai.4. irtm AIL -U -4 ntrr I IftQafeWA . v"1'--4 'm BBffiPl-Il rFl! lP , 1 iSKljfe ' . aawHf SLMatm u. I ix I lrvr9r ( i. KmHbsM TO U till I n i Jaw VtWrV . KlialPSI !P5dSPilv, Tiafcr , . ? . ; aBHSPi U--Jai -'eABwc:-' Meto95e . ; Maa :L-lL-3 Wmlti&Mj $ to (mjo - ;. n 4 fKHJlrl mm Soled Qxfdrds ' .-... jIJ ':, h fbW $lo5 ', .: ; SSn'i 'IrSwRw! m ftOn iwl 03e '-'. .v-ir-.iW&Sif'.' .if Af aW w ..... -,-- , ,- Tjtii-;-' a i -"saje-HBiMLj- ijai'.u 11 i jcis. ULE iMi CoF&:r rsimbm Phoenix Silk Hoio Aniorlcan Lady Corsets. Middira in all the new sly While Canva Low Shoes Pair low eut Dress Shoos, many $2.26 to $3.26, Kid Laeo lioot, new Sjort Shirts Dress Shoes Wliltu CftHYtti .'rtubboi 1 1(11 1 ee I'niuii Suits 59c, A I i K i