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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1916)
i IN DA HOLDING E IGHTEEN PERISH MTWfflrn mm yiqwrn jtwrnmn. mm"- ?muMiWll ft W- METS CLAIM . - Ml l ONG ! RSI PRIMARIES I HUGH EXPLOSION WAR BR AS DAMAGES FOR STATE TICKETS EL PASO I SAN FRANCI SCO TRIED IN PORTLAND i i rvniiVADiiMd M.r.l. 7 -tnill. I El. PAJKJ. Texas. MSrrn I .MHf ultl . JtalMfttJlt Ixi M h aaa It toda holding ItK first Mate- mor" " .-" -- wM( prcfcrrntial primary. The vol rf are showing their preference for , explosion which yesterday burned 1 1 SAN FRAMIiMO. ,arh T Won 1.0). sevenu-one mr old Bitev Ong man. wan shot In Hi- right rm to- " today. These additional deaths lh 7"na,,n! "' f0"r "?p ""W8??: ' ' s . Hweenr if'rr from (l'.rf limit J" The "tilt if the .1 (ont ruction (V lo onntr lh iiiii of appro- ffhl.OOO, eatrn allwnnrr. fr rMMt. TlM-prwMral. U. H. sena- brought the list of ca.nltlMi ''" ; " Z, 1, grading; the I'ncin muiiwn ow im to,, .overnor, members of con,. .. en. and . number jMJ. - j VlL V. MVX j .Tffti'UfiTSlS mi .r th.i. it.isi.tHr. .na - '" 7- ."jthe .,,. when a man who,,, 'Jr'l.raiM for wWHtr office.. Mid r .lectlng . ,,., ,nnnMlt ,, BB n.!named a. Oea Ole-lluey. . Hop Sing, p,,,,, wi ffoWi intrmtoiflff prelnct committeemen and delegate j vt-t,wl,on v ,.,ty official,, ordsrml I ,tr1 th tart rtoor "nrt UrA flv j te-timonv tmlnv. The oVfens wH! to, tho state conventions. I tor tort.y. Imil to do prlnnl1ly v i'l! 'Jw . " .i .... nut ' lro,M,,,,v irhfti a few dar H rwldont V.l.on ha. no oppo.ltlon ,,,','. v ,,, m, .rv,v0r.. " h" ! w"" p"m . f m whith lo r"rther P"""' '" iNtndtaim Ih hi race for r.nomlna-; tfml , explopn hwd when the " "t wht ,, (tlHlll( th iB(8rtm lhs COBrt mBy tNM on the -democratic ticket and i , h ho 0, took plac althmsh f '. m?" i make a trip t .l'Von ooaly to V8 ITMlilent Thomaa It. Martial! nmeh b of the priBOI10. 'iroppeu to uio nve snot, iireti. ino , ,he Ti, wj dojM,Mj awe Ua. no opponent in tne primary. , fc , of no mBtch , twI ,,, .n -.. oi w., ." . 0M wrBlht,r eotiditHin. Chariot W. Talrbank.. former vlre-, , froln ,he mx. I no mlw a beat, tho actors went on Thp tltmn ,,,. fnr inlrMjrfJ iirtsldrnt of tho United State.. I. the . . k1-wi. am, vine-1 w"" ,n"r "nPH BN ll "ol,""K won l. KETD aiEEUi iVe QUIT WOBftYINQ ABOUT WHAT 10 THf LATEST STYL& IH WATCH CHAINS Af0 COLLARS'. IF YOU WANT TO LET PEOPLE nmww infti v rtwt toe KBffiL iHinc now, vou ve ecrr to moKK fi oitjy jierwin aeckliiK tho ri'publlran din turo of Kiitollno. keroicne and vine jsnr. in which tho piiHonprn, inontly ah cliiefly licim that of uti(ini'or- ' nomination lor proaiiiimi in iniamaiu. .,,,. .,. ,..,., i,iilnli in ron. KoproRroMlvraiiillilatoa are named. jornlt. ;.Ul Kllllnry nion.uroa do Tho thrw republican candidate. igcd b c,ty wahU BlltllorllItw l0 fni unnatnr ure: llnrrv S. NeV for . .. . . .i. ' mfr raar. national committeeman i Vf?' " l"':."P.. "' ' ! I"- revolver Into a clnmp of biiatao. f roadway. , . ifiviniiii iirritiiin. .... .. . far Indiana: .lamen K. Walaon. form- sli()otH of f,UU, f ,nMi,ed ti,roRi, of mumlier of connrow. ami Arthur tw pn(re onit w,nB )f the vrpou It. Itobliiaon. a atate aenator. Kor md B,mot ,niniot)at.l- tho .treut aorernor. .lamra r uoounrn. pn-wiu f .., ,,, ...n wtt. rillcil with imppuiiiiia. ami im-n. uniuii uiiu , , ,...,..., ... ..i..,-,.,.,,, children .IttliiR near the dead and ,. , ! wounded men paid no attention lo ' ',ml 'K"" "n them or their aaanllant. The J. W. Sweeney enniwny had a Fonn Winn left tho thoator. throw oonlrnct to nmdc aome tlmtecn milus i The work wna eomplot mttlonal commltteman; Warien T. McCray, a farmer, and .Indue Qnlncy A.' Myora, formerly of the statu an irine court are veekluK tho nonil litlon. 0n the demormtle aide (he iiamo of frontliiK the Jull wa. , naked, .hrioklng men, enveloped In fire. I While tho Invoatluatlon was pro cpodlnn on thla aldo of tho boundary, civil and military authorities at Juiiroy. oppoalto here were proae- I In PortMinnuth aquaro and wnnt to tho store of Maw Foil and company, whore ho surrendered to the police. i Ho wiih, according to tho police, positively Identified by wounded Hop Sinus. ed in 11U-I. nnd according to llio fiuitl fitire of the Male hiuliway ongln- eer there wn due llic contractor IV I um of $:i.",000 approximately. TIiimo the four! final fiRurea were accept od bv llu (ontractor, who olaimcd that 1h .loim v. Kern was uio oniy one pwc- .,,. ,,... Br,.!, fnr 111io. . .. ....,. v.....B iw.,.. .. "- -. " eloil ine oaiiots lor too nmnmauun ,t(od Muxcun who ,l08r,mi K ,troct car nonr tho Junrox race track and ahot the motormnn. Charles Pholps, of United States soiialor. Kor KUhernatorial nomination Tho man killed was Oee Wonir. oiiulit to be allowed more. It in wil shot through the head. Two of the tho contractor made no formal pro- woundod. Chi Iluey and Mn Dun. are tdt at the time the final figures of reported to he In a sorloua condition. I the enatneera were accepted. Quoek und 1)1 Chang-Sinn woro ) o was given ft warrant for tint but allghtly Injured. U.I.'.OOO. which lie assigned to thu Three Hop Sing men. sold by tho I'nitwl Rlatei Xationnl bank of Port- police to be well known gunmen, .lohn M. Adair, congressman from tho U(Nt m Jimt Rf,r R ,pU),.t wn, , re nirestml eighth district, and I.oonaid 11. Clore. ,(( lmt lm MxnulM bad boon! A llaiunlii In (Jood ItcodhiK formei national champion com grow or, arv opponents. On the progressive ballot .lames II. y I lo n la unopposed for tho nomina tion for t'ulted Stutea smmtor and .1. I'rnuk llanlev has no opposition for t lie nomination for the office of governor to which ho was once eloct od a. n republican. thrown In Jull hero and deliberately The Youth's Companion has nmdo burned to death. Pholps may die. J an arrangement with McCall's Mag Car sorvice between HI Paso and ailiie through which you can gut Juarez, which was suspended Inst both publications Tor practically tho night, was rosumod today. , price of Tho Youth's Companion Twelve Amorleuna were among tho alone. Tho prlco of tho Companion Is Injured. O these, three, H. M. Cross $'-'.00 o year. The prlco of McCall's COST OF LIVING RAISES AT CONSTANTINOPLE of Davenport. In.: Alan It. Oditm, of Stanton. Texas, and Percy Woods of . Lafayette. Colorado, died lust night ' and early today. WASHINGTON'. Mmvh 7. -The, onsi of living in ('untnutiuoplc Iwih Micrent-ed 1 (!." ier cent since the be gilili'llj: nf the war, iiei-ori'inK to eon) id nl ml ul iff- lo the -late do iMirtint nt. &n3&t?tiLj& ATTHXTIO.V It. A. Jf. ' Ilegulnr convocation this evening at S o'clock. All Hojal Arch masons cor clliilh invited. A N IIII.DKIUtAN'D. Secretarv Is llfi cents a year. You can get tho two, b subscribing now, for $2.10 a yoar. The subscriptions will run for a full year, no mattor whon you subscribe; or. If you wish, tho sub scriptions will bo dated from tho first of tho J'oar. and wo will see that you Hot back copies. Till! YOCTII'8 COMPAN'ION. llOHton, Mass. New Sal. cilpilons received at this office land. lie afterwards enjoined Uie cash ing of (he win runt find brought suit for cNtriii in the Way of omsMficft tion, measurement and loss from de lay owing to tho fniltuv of the county to secure right of wav promptly. Claim .Makes (iiowtli llix claim for extras in the mean time had Brown from approximntelj $-10,000, the amount intimated nt ilia time of MMtlcmcnt, to $80,000, the nmouut sued for. In its defense the conntv will prob nblv stand on the figure of the stnto highway engineers and may nttnmpt to show a mismanagement of the work hv tho eontraolor. A peculiar feature ill connection with the suit is its trml in Multno mull count v. This was bmuuht nlmnl liv a heal licttiiii. Tlinmu'li s hold I -rs jflpn TlpQafc aM &F m ibfflWl CICAaETTE JSKiSslW JM$ OF QUALITY f lRSS& I MWz r a - Jm k &..u ir.K, ui . x" .m v 5:sS!f r ww m "m3 A .JS? 20 tor 10c Ji a 1 xcuvs. ,5.s-?r vSjaami. msSz 0" 4. &. If Jry2&0&' VALUABLE COUPON IN EACH Pf 'I i ii --!S .. "6 r - Attorn ejs inu of the $:i.t,UU0 warrant the baiu was made n co-defendant. Under tfi law, where there is more than one patty to the defense, suit may In brought in the county of any one ol them. Tho contractor did not wish tho enso to bo ti ii'd in Jnckfon county and took advantage of this provision of law. NOTICH Proctnct. Madfnrd North Main and West Medford jrogl.tor now nt tho MallTrlbuno office. Why SmoKO list Clpirs When La flondas are only I0o. "THE CAVE MAN" AT STAR THEATER TODAY Of the Ioiir list of plays adapted for tho screen, tho one best suited to tho ramora's require in cut., the one whoso varying situations lond thorn soivos to the lights and shade of ex ceptional photographic art. Is "The Cave Man," to bo presented at tho Star today with Hot-srt IWeson por traying the loading character. Ills familiarity with the loading charac ter's possibilities became apparent wIihii he began ork on the story for the screen, and when the limitations OEO W. CIIKnnT Notarr. Room 9, Jackson County Ilan"; IlulIdlnK. ontranso N. Con tral, Medford, Oro. FolllTrJIt J. NHIT -Attorney at law rooms S and 9, Medford National Hank HultdlBR. A. K. ItKAMBS. LAWYBIt Carnctt Corey bldg. Q. M. HOBKrtTS Lawyer. Medford National Bank Building, DciitUM ir. V?.".l. VAN BCOTOC ' DIt. O. C. VAN 8COYOC Dentists Oarnett-Coroy llldi?., olte 310 Modrbro, Oro. Phono 866. Collection and Ilcports scjuKnce of deity Iltted-ln situations Impwlblo to tho stage, that rounds out n story leaving no essential point to tho Imagination M.n TONIC IUOKSTIVK atlmHlntu. tho dlgeatlVQ organs to action so that ih. food that enter, tho stomach mi digested and assimilated. of the atage left wide divergencies In Sold only by us, $1.00. X"H'hHn JmvmJs -v w ? $ THE I MAY CO. V V V Y ? V I EXTRAORDINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OEj g LADIES' NEW SUITS and COATS; 75 NEW d MBittirr, inriffir r barmonr Composer Jlalght i no and arranger of muni' Ic Studio. 401 (iarmtt-Corer building. Oar bag OAHIUOK Get year pramlso cleaned up far tho summer. Cap on the city garbage wagons for good servleo Pltaoo 87-L K Y. Allen l'li)lelAn ami !iurgii PsO -fi. CAHLQW rR Jv V V y 2s i 125 NEW SUITS Buying as we do direct from big New York makers, and buy I ing often, enables us to show the new things almost as soon as 1 they are displayed in the big cities. Our Mr. Thompson has just returned from another buying trip and brought home with him just such garments as are shown in the big cities of the coast. And remem ber, we buy only one garment of a kind and you run no risk of us duplicating any suit or coat you may select. ! We have on display the new "Colony Club" suit, the "Rookie" I and many new sport suits in both cloth and silk. Many blue I shades in the line for both misses and ladies. I BUY YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW AND GET THE FULL SEASON'S WEAR EVERY SUIT A NEW SUIT AND ONLY ONE OF A KIND a t ? y y y y f f Y y y A. f f T y y y y A TiflE MAY CO. THE NATIONAL BABY WEEK Tho tfovprnniPiit at Washington is iho (liictin fivc of this niovcinciit Inp a natiou-wiuV aiiiiain liy wh'uh the attention of tho rnitpd RUig in to 1 I'tMitt-wd for wvon diiv- uiMiii the wcli'aic tr' the habv and his importaiK to tin foiimiiuiity. Its jmriioscs arc. lottfi- ImiIuck, lKtttr uiotlipw ad better i-ouutrv is lnmnd to follow. The purpose of Bhy Week is to jfive the parents of a foiumiiiiity the opportunity to U'urn how to ear for their b;ll'i.sliytlie,esi ml si-ieiitirie methods ninl tol.rintfhonieto.ver.voiieintlie.iiniuiiity the faets relating to Ike babies of that eROtN-uil couh )umnt .tin 1 tin- lui 1 )' I'll in.iiiiiit iok t'i.r tie ir Ifarc. . 1$) PROGRAM FOR WEDNESDAY-LECTURES BY DOCTORS AT MEDFORD LIBRARY, 2:30 P. M. THE MAY CO. t y y t y y y y x v.