Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 02, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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A ronforonro will i,0 held at Yroka
Kebruyy ". for the pnrpooe ef far
ttiorlnR the Movement to soeuro the
pniwaKo by conftrow of a bill to au
thorize nsalstanco of the United Stnto
forostry dojHirttnont In tho (lovelon
mont of this action by the construc
tion of highways nlontt lines suggested
by Chief Forester arnvea when
hero a yonr ago. This plan
contemplated tho formation of
national forost units, and the ad
vance by tho national government or
liionoy by bonding or othorwlso for
development, to be repaid lator from
sale of timbor. The Southorn-Ore-Bon-N'orthorn
California unit, con
taining blllloiiH of feet of morchant
nblo tlm'dor, would bo entitled to n
considerable cash advance alent:
linos suggested, which with local nnd
state co-operation, would onablo tho
construction of n system of highways.
connecting Kuroka, Yroka and Mod-
At tho Yroka conforoncc, tho sub
ject of a rnllroad to run from tcd
ford across tho Applegate and Illuc
Lcdgo districts nnd down th Klain
nth river will bo illncimscil. Co-opor-ntlon
of tho forostry bureau by tho
sale of timbor contingent upon such
railroad construction, tho cost to bo
deducted from the soiling prico of
tho stumpago, will also bo sought nnd
a plan workod out for promoting
such n railroad.
Kiitlmslasni Aloni; tho I.lno
Kvory Intorcstod community Is
greatly enthused over the prospect of
securing federal nld as well as as
sistance for n railroad. Tho Hum
boldt Stnndard of January 2C, an
nounces the progress of tho scheme
In Joyous phrasos. A part of Its ar
ticle follews:
"L. V. Putor, who has always been
promlnont In railroad development
work In this county, mnde n stirring
appeal last evening for n full recog
nition of tho big projoct now being
fostered In southern Oregon. Ho
stated that ho had scon copies of n
government proposal for lildn for tho
sale of govornmont timbor along tho
Klamath rlvor, tho salo being Incum
bent upon tho construction of n rail
road down tho river from Klamath
Kails. - r
"Kasy money, h period of Improved
rnllroad credit nnd n gouernl tenden
cy toward expansion, Mr. Putor ex
plained monnt that the ttino Is ripe
for encouraging sdeh a projoct.
"I expect to see dirt flying In the
extension of tho Northwoetoru Into
Oregon within tho noxt few months.
That this roml Is going on to Port
land there can bo no qnoatlon."
ItoMiurct's Along llno
Practically an easy grade Is ob
tainable along tho outlro lino to Hum
boldt bay, a dlstanco of Iots than
200 mllos. In addition to tho vast re
sources of tho Koguo rlyor valloy
nnd contiguous country, this propos
ed lino will )ass directly through
probably tho richest undovelnpod
mining region on the continent tho
Mug Ledge district. "With tho Im
mense tonnage of coppor oro roady
for shipment from that district may
be mentioned the stupendous timber
losourros on all sides now awaiting
development, for the products of
which there Is already an onger de
mand rapidly growing to stupendous
proportions. Aside from those re
sources, tho output or which will be
almost beyond computation, may bo
added tho vast expense or grazing
lands and, In many sections of. tho
country through which this line will
pass, largo areas of farm lands.
Tho Interest for tho Hosburg gstnc
on Thursda) nlghUls stirred up to a
lilyh pitch in the looal high school
and so intense Is tho rivalry over the
tlckot selllnR campaign, that eoveral
'usod to be frloncs" hardly nod as
' they I'.ss.
Tho merchants nnd basketball fans
r coning out stroeg for tho local
tcm and a great crowd will aseomulo
to soo tho gamo. 0
The Junior class Is uhead n the
ticlyit carooilgn with tho sttiiors a
gol second. sophomore and
frotmnion aro trailing bohlnd.
Tho Junior have sold f 17.65. the
nior US. 50. sonhomow ?,
freiBmon 55 cents.
In starting tho contest the Juniors
proved the beet strategUU. They sta
tioned throe of their prettiest girls
on Main stroet and when the tickets
were glvon oifPat the school they et
boy runner wjjs tickets to the girls
tend gained a 10 minute start over
their other rivals 0
The game will ta a hunger. MU
for intends to beat0Roeburg and
cloeh the championship. tQirfii UP
for last ear's defeat. Th(eH)l U
loyally backing the team and a great
crowd of rooters il) be on band.
MtHlfoiil Iloostcrs Smoked
M. .' M . ii"l Mt ! n i"
News From
Mr and Mrs. Frank Hammond and
Karl Hammond were Medford shop
pors Monday.
Miss Hlnnrho McKee spent Satur
day afternoon at tke heme ef Mies
Ilossle Davis.
Tho Paronl-Tcachors' olub will bo
entertained nt flreen Acres, the home
of Mrs. J. Kldon, Saturday after
noon! Mrs. Kldon will be assisted by
Miss lloso Jonos.
Mrs. Koy Davidson who has neon
vory ill for some time, Is now con
valescing. Mlw Winnie Mason of Central
Point Is attending nurse or Mrs.
Sarah McKay who Is qulto 111.
Frank McKco was dinner guest nt
Scenic Heights orchard Saturday.
Tho children or the school liavo
been having much enjoyment const
Wig down Iho hill Just back or tho
school houso.
Mrs. D. M. Carter nnd sister-in-law,
Mrs. Chris. Casper, or Monroe, Ore
gon, wcro guests of Mrs. Fitch Sny
der of Gold Hill Thursday.
Miss Leah 'Parker Is again attend
ing high school In Central Point after
a severe attack of la grippe. Miss
Parker has not missed ono day of
school In five years until this sick
ness. Mr. and .Mrs. .loo llongland are con
fined to their home on nccount of
tho Illness of tholr daughter, Vcnltn.
Mr. and Mrs. John Slsty wer din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Tlccbo Saturday. Tho dinner was giv
en In honor of Mr. Slsty's birthday.
Mrs. Chris Casper of Monroe, re
turned to her homo Tuesday morn
ing. Mrs. Cnspcr romaiucd several
weoks with her aunt, Mrs. Sarah Mc
Kay, who has boon very 111, but Is Im
proving nt present.
J. C. Mill or this district has had
a very successful catch of throo largo
hob-cats In Lane crook canyon, Mr.
Lull owns four very flno hounds who
helped In tho hnnt.
All persons In the Willow Springs
district must register nt tho homo of
Mrs. I). M. McXnsscr beforo tho ISth
or April.
Friday. Fob. I, 101C, there will bo
given a throo net play entitled, "Tho
Doctor's Triple Klopenicnt" at tho
opera houso In Ccntrnl Point. Tweu-
ty-flvo cents Is tho small Hum to bo
charged and tho proceeds will bo plac
ed In a lonn fund for graduates cngor
to secure a higher education. It be
hooves all persons Interested (o at-
Dr. W, It. Stokos, who roturnod
from a two months with friends
In Illinois last week. Is suffering from
an attack of grippe.
John W. Klrkpatriuk and family, of
tho llllnl orchard, aro now residing
on ICnst Jackson street, Medford.
Peter Young nnd family, who re
cently returned from n visit to tholr
old homo In .N'aporsvllle, Ilinols, state
that they am perfectly willing to ro
maln In the Itogue river valloy horo
after. Illinois winters don't appeal
to them.
I). B. Phlpps nnd family hnvo for
saken ranch llfo and for some time
hnvo beon rosldontn of Medford. Mr.
Cowgill has charge of tho ranoh for
the present. Mr. Phlpps will be miss
ed by nil his old neighbors, but wo
suppose Medford has gained another
solid citizen.
Prof. C. Knglohirt Is making some
oxtoimlvo oxperlmonts routing to troo
spsclng In the fiuthrlo orchard. From
one to two" blocks or Spltzonborgs
and Hen D.ivls, ho removed altoronte
Iteos, making the dlstanco botweon
troo forty-eight foot nnd expocts this
te result In an InmMied crop. Ilia
work will bo watched with Interest
by the orchardlsts of the valloy
Tho mall earrlor on route three Is
still able to gut ovor his route, but
reports tho road near Hoxy Ann
orchard In vory bad shape Consid
erable work was done hero last mini-
or In cutting grades, and It
will be at loast a year before the road
will bocomo thoroughly sottled. And
speaking of roads, the Crater Lake
highway near the C. W.'Isaacs ranch
w ncod a lot of work this spring
It may be news to mnny rosldents
of tho district that a new road has
boon opcCbd across tho Vilas and Jo
ranchoe, which affords direct com
munication with tho school house
This road connects Qlth the old Bagle
Point road at the Cowlos cornor and
is now fenced and roady ror throad
officials to do tholr part. For some
nknown reason this school house was
locatod on a plot In the centor of the and one half mile from a pub
. . ex.. ,.. ....a T...-H.
lie rose in any oirecuim. ri
were &mp1?d to pass over urlvite
property In order t reach the build
lag and this OJU been a matter &f
considerable annoyance for several
ears The right of way for this road
wan 1f donate i adjoining iroiKrt
mmonr) matt, 'rnrntrNK.
Our Neighbors
H'gh ehool nolo in loeel new
columns deplore the prwnce of o
iimny "rook" in prevniluiK In-"
of Hint iiistitutiuii. The nnsertiuu
made tnnt the Mswikn" are dpM
in the ranks im to ntliletie mtiteriul
where the robust clemunt ii in gient
Fehnmry 1, l'ntor IMneknlone of
(lie Itnptirt chnreh inaugurated a
twolvp-lwimn eotirso in the ntudy of
l'aul'x KpiHtle to the HplicsintiH. I.hhI
Sundy Mr. lllnckHtonc liegnn n Kerien
of evnngelUlic inectinpt l ho con
tinued indefinitely. A tititure of this
Hcrk is that nil tnleut outHide of
town will he barred. Patronize home
The report Hint nil Medford enr
running '" nnd niter rcurunry 1
without the 101(1 numhei' would be
penalized forthwith is an action that
Ashland would do well to follow.
Jinl Ager of the wefl-known Aer
family hns bceiiclecled elininunn ol
the Siskiyou county bonrd of Hiiper
vinors. Advance sIiewtH of Southern I'u
eifie reports indicate Hint tho nys
toiu't opemtinK revenue for the nix
ihontlis ending Ilet'enibcr 3J1, 1015,
unh !r80,007,:U 1. Kxpense, .fl8,
8(12,011). Hspociullv did Hie month of
December witness n big increase over
tho rorriwpondin monlh of 1011.
No hooner doe the army of letter
writers to eastern friomlH uot sctHed
down to dating their iuismvch from
Hie "Cnrlfbnd of Aniericn" tbnn the
dcMiyiiution of AhIiIuihI i shunted to
"Orcgon'H Famous Spa." This is
done becnuso Professor Anthony,
wlio recently lectured here, once vis
ited KuruiK and ran acrosn n "spa"
in his travels. Hence the change in
order to be in the nwiin. Thoso who
claim to know nay that the "sop"
pronunciation should conform to
"raw." The chnnce so arbitrarily
Hindu Iiiih caused some feeling nnd
discussion bore.
"Kev." Leon V. Stiles-, erstwhile
preacher, iiiHiirnnco ngent nnd chuti
tauqun worker, who bails from up in
Washington, nnd who wns sought by
local police last week on information
from Portland that be was lenviug u
trail of worthloxH checks in bis wuke,
was arresled nt Yrcka on Suturdny.
For u time he was in the employ of
the KllUou-WhUo 'cluilutnuipiii cir
cuit, which concern parted company
with the "reverend" gvniteman owing
to disclosures as to bis methods.
Klanuitli Falls is building n taber
nacle (10x100 feet as to size, and of
abundant seating napneity, prepara
tory lo the holding of n series of
union evangelistic mcctingx which will
continue from Murch 17 to April 10.
The dais for inspection by fedornl
army officer of First company,
Ashland contingent of Hie const ar
tillery corps, lias been set for Mon
day, Ma rob ().
Parties from Yrokii uiiuoiinco the
conviction of Tom Walton for the
murder of George Hill nt Hray, in
Siskiyou county, last Thanksgiving
day. lie wns sentenced to life im
prisonment. Mr. nuil Mr. W. A. Turner are
awaiting the uliHtement of storm con
ditions before making their custom
ary winter's outing to floppy south
ern California.
The state synod of the Fresh tor
inn church will be hnld again nt Ku-
goiio the coming summer. Here is
another gnthoring which purlin p
m:lit hnvo been induced to coinu to
Ashland. It is evident that the
standing committees of the Commer
cial club ought to bo pMhK'd by tho
addition of u convention (toinmittuo
specifically, the duties of which
should be to eneoiimao Uie convention
habit in this city, iniismuch aw "Oro-J
u'i Famous Spa" is in readiness
for this sort of business,
Ncls Krickson, rancher and mining
prospector, has gone to Spokuuu. on
a trip mingling business with pleas
ure. In common with othor big life in
surance companies, tho Metropolitan
fins entered the universal welfare
work by circulating booklet on por
titient health topics. During tho past
year II. O. Piinkcr, its local agent,
lias circulated nearly 1000 copies of
Mirious booklets in rouneetion with
This question is asked every day.
A cold is really a fever, not always
caused by the weather but often due to
disordered blood or Jack of important
food-elements. ,-Jn changing seasons
fat-foods are essential because they
distribute heat by enriching the blood
and so render the system better
able to withstand the vary ing elements.
This is the important reason why
Scott's Tmulsion should always be
taken for colds, and it does more
builds strength to prevent sickness.
Scott's KmuUion contains Nature's
rare strength building fats, so skillfully
iMctiucu nidi i in: iMooii proms irom
ever)' drop. It is free from harmful
drugs or ale ohol. Sold atilrug stores
alway get the genuine.
bcl&lt"Wic liloum-.MJ - i 5 .i
Bedford, ojikhon. wkdnksday, mutiwuv
the eoiHmtiy effort in Ihhi direc
tion. Sfwie of Ike tmbHcntiefi
found dare in HiO fmblir Mrhnnla as
wrli-otno lext bonk, while even rt
grraler miwhIiot Wrp utMtsed b l
ral pbysirinns nnit elher pmfrswkmnl
M: Until WNHjHly hmn from
her slndlon nt Wnetiinylon Htnte ret
leae, loenled nl I'NtlnVin. Iiax mg com
pleted the course nnd grnduate fnwi
Hint institution.
I'mler the lumililiK of "PntmiueHt
Portlandcrs Who Motor." L L MoHt,
fonwer enntiier of the First Xnltaiml
of Ashlniid, nnd now n viee-primidetit
nud director of Hie Northwestern
Nntionnl of Puitlauil, is depicted
"almo-t life size" In In-t SiiHilay'
Orcgonlnn nt tho hebn of hi now
11110 Iluiek enr.
A favorite pnstlmo here during tho
snowy season Is for n number of
sleds loaded with constor lo be
drugged nruund tho lev pnved streela
by n husky motorcycle. These slyls
glide along in tnmlcm order, w
spoudiitg to tho speeily jhico set by
tho motor.
Days after the Hotel Oregon bus
wus innrooned in the vicinity of the
city ball it transpired that the ve
hicle was boing fitted with rubber
neck tires, tliu belter to accommodate
the publicity eommiUco of the council
in showing distinguished visitors
about town. Such ti rumor is nt least
being nllogcd.
The grand master of Odd Fellows
is scheduled to mnko an official visit
here some time this month between
Hie dates of tho 10th nnd intb.
Local poultry fiinoior nre prepar
ing exhibits for the annual show of
the Southern Oregon Poulry nssoein
Hon, to be held nt Medford Febru
ary D lo 1'J. Kxbibitu from JuekHon,
Josephine ami Kluinnlb counties nro
eligible. Utiles of tho Portland Poul
try show will govern. A loving cup
is offered for the best bird shown, in
addition to mnny other awards. Spe
cial prizes for pigeons, hares nnd
Local residents interested in
Montnguo property iopoit four now
hiingnlowH now being built in the Dig
Springs addition to that town. Also
Hint Dr. Dwinnell, brother-in-lnw of
W. W. Caldwell of this eily, is get
ting in roadinosH to irrigate double
Hie .amount of Ii!h proseut honvy land
holdings in that vicinity.
In connection with the govern
ment's npportioniiient of .M,I7-I.1'J to
Juokson eoilnty tin its share of rev
enue from nntionnl forest rosenn
tions for the past year, it transpires
Hint Hie totul acreage of this county
is 1,815,010 ncrcf, of which 30:1,188
ucres are included in the forest do
main. Area of Oregon, (11,188,180
acres, of which 1.'I,'J."1,0!I2 acres aro
within forest domain.
Says (he Girl on the Film
The nbsonco of Jack often mnkos
hor heart grow fonder for Jim.
Whon your back achos, and your
blnddor and kldnes sooin to be dis
ordered, roiuoinber It Is noodloss to
sutfor go to your noarost drug store
nud gut a bottlo of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Iloot. It is n physlolnir pro
scription for diseases of tho kidneys
nnd bladder.
It has stood tho tost or years and
hns n reputation for qulokly and or
fcotUoly giving tesults In thousands
or cnsoH,
This proscription was usod by Dr.
Kllmor In his private prnctleo and
was so vory otfuotlvo that It has boon
placed on salo evorywhore. Got a
bottlo 50c, and 11.00, at )our noar
ost druggist.
Howovor, If you wish first to tost
this great preparation send ton eonts
to Dr. KUmor & Co., Illnghamploii.
N". V., for a sample bottlo. When
writing bo sure nnd mention tho Med
ford, Oro., Mall Tribune.
I.cllcfto Dr. Kilmer X Co.,
Illngluiiiipton, ,, V,
hPiiivo What .Sunmo-ltoot Will Do For
fitud ton cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.
Illnghampton, N. v., for a sample
slzo bottlo. It will convince anjono.
You -will also rocolvo a book lot of vnl-
liable Information, telling about tho
iddnoys and bladdor. When writing
bo suro and montlon tho Medford,
Oro., Mall Trlbuno. Itogular Hfty
cont and ono-dollar slzo bottlos for
salo at all drun stores.
San Francisfto
Orcgonlans Head
quarters while in
San Francitco
"Meet me at
the Manx"
moderate rates
nminfnj! dlitlllcd "V
ice water in tvery i
room. Special atten
ol Clictirr
W. Kelley
tion given to Uidlet
I ru i vJuiii inieKor
ted, A la carte
dimng room,
. v v-1 j
v y
.. V .
(Producer of "Birth of a Nation")
Supreme Achievement '
With All Stars of "Birth of a Nation"
Children 15
Don't Miss This! ffilSS
: T
i oii
"Oi 3
5 .1
iiiih ii -iii-' mHii' 0. 0t
j, mm
.i:j I.J.1.
:: AA A.A 444U 4s44
- -
Matinee and NigM
Most Costly Photo
play ever in
Balcony 15 Cents
Ask your
C. M. Kidd & Co.
That arrangements have heen made with an eminent
Foot Specialist of Chicago to be in atlondanco at this
February 4 and 5
to give export advieo Free of Charge on Foot Ail
ments of any dosuriptipn.
The public is requested to take advantage of this
unique opportunity of having their feet examined by
'an expert.
The complete raritfe of Scholl's Foot Corrections
will be demonstrated and appliances ordorcd will bo
scientifically fitted to each individual's requiromonts
at the usual advertised pricos. Positively no chargo
for professional services.
The Specialist has been carrying on this impor
tant work through shoe stores in largo cities and wo
point with pride to the fact that wo aro tho first to
offer "FOOT COM.FOKT SISHVJCE" in this dis
trict. It cannot bo impressed too strongly on those who
experience some foot discomfort to consult the ox
port during hi3 stay.
Ask for "Treatment and Care of the Feet" Booklot
PAflfi rutiFM
a. ""
friends who saw
nArirr i
.iii.i .
, (